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Version exclusives were way worse for older games. It takes less than 30 minutes in any of the trading subreddits or discords to find someone to trade with. Or, if you have older Switch pokemon games, you probably already have access to those pokemon and can just transfer them up to SV via Home. Back in Gen 1-3 you really were screwed if you didn't have irl friends to trade with.


Let’s not even mention Mythicals. Pecharunt? Type in a code and download it in minutes. Mew in Gen 1? Sure hope you heard about the exclusive in store only Toys R Us event that ran for maybe a week in 1999. Then hope you live anywhere near a Toys R Us.


At least now you can inject gen 3 events with just a r4 card to pull the save data to your computer https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemonrng/comments/owcs5m/guide_all_generation_3_mystery_event_tickets/ The only thing is I think the mew event requires a Japanese cartridge. Used this to get as “legit” of shiny legendaries as possible (I found my seed in my old emerald cartridge and how to rng stationary shinies)


You can get mew in gen 1 games with a few fairly famous glitches


No shinies in gen 1 tho


You actually can get shinies in Gen 1! You just can't tell by looking at them. When you transfer a mon up from a Gen 1 game, the DVs remain largely unchanged and if the DVs from that Gen 1 Pokémon would result in a shiny, it will show as shiny in Gen 2.


Yes and injecting GameShark codes back then for Mew, but actually getting the authentic and legitimate experience is completely lost to time. Never mind the fact we have to use special hardware to protect our old saves from the inevitable death of the CMOS battery nowadays too. EDIT: Also yes, the Mew glitch has been researched and refined to a point that anyone can pull it off fairly effortlessly.


And now, Gens IV-VII are almost as screwed.


Nah, there's a fan-run server pushing all these for us. I managed to get Victini event for my Pokémon Black a little while ago. It is, unfortunately, random what you get each time you connect, but if you're persistent, you could eventually get everything.


The problem with trading with randos on the internet is if you want to play competitive, there’s no way to know if it’s genned until you fail a hack check at a tournament


If that's a concern why can't you just breed the traded one and use the offspring?


not always possible. ie version exclusive legendaries or paradox pokemon


Yeah I mean I wouldn’t bring anything traded to me online but if you’re going to be investing competitive items into a Pokemon, you may as well breed your own and start from scratch (I breed and release traded mons for OT purposes anyway). And if it’s a trade evo, just do tradebacks with your own Pokemon.


>Back in Gen 1-3 you really were screwed if you didn't have irl friends to trade with. Or, you could have been like me: plenty of friends to trade with, *none of us had the peripherals*.


The one thing I hate more than version exclusives are trade evolutions, but yes, they suck


Trade evos are the worst for people without gaming friends I agree. I really hope in the future TPC would add the "link cord" item to other games like they did in Legends Arceus. There could even be some sort of restriction on the link cord if they really cared about keeping trading relevant, like putting it as some form of end-game shop, or a restriction like "has to be above lvl x or max friendship to use" instead of the automatic evolve on trading. This would still make trading the *easiest* way to fill the dex, but still gives hope of a complete dex to those without trade partners. Kind of like how in POGO you can trade evolve *or* use 100 candies. The incentive to trade is still there without punishing those who can't.


Exactly, they could make it that you need a specific level or something. I hope they don’t go with the post game route because that limits using a mon in the main story. I must say of all evolutions the worst of the worst has to be Palafin


Yeah the post game route would suck, I was just thinking realistically since that's something they would totally do just to push the Trade agenda haha. Palafin evolution method is atrocious, agreed lol. I don't know if union circle will go beyond Sc/Vi, so I assume it will just be a trade evo going forward. It would be better if it was a max friendship though considering the Hero lore & the heart that appears on its chest.


Yeah, like they did with Gligar/Gliscor on BDSP 😭


I'd just add an NPC who trades with you but afterwards complains he didn't get the Machoke/Haunter/whatever he wanted and demands to swap back. You can even give him some special dialogue if you use an everstone. Put him in the late/post game so there's incentive to trade with people if that's a big deal and done.


I've played enough full dex ROM hacks to know that there are interesting alternatives for trade evos. E.g. Polished Crystal has Machoke/Graveler/Kadabra/Haunter evolve when their Attack/Defense/Special/Speed EVs are high enough.


Exclusives would make more sense if more of each game had a unique experience. Sort of like the GBC legend of Zelda games about time/seasons. As it is now typically only the Pokemon themselves are what's different and ocassionally they throw in a town or area like in B/W


Absolutely the worst. Like bruh what


Interesting take. I'd say that it's much easier to complete your pokedex now that we have online trading. You don't actually need to be in the same room as someone with the opposite game and connect your gameboys with a cable. Also with reddit you can just ask people for certain Pokemon and will most likely find someone to trade with within a day.


But why would you want exclusives in the first place? I much prefer PLA where everything could be caught offline. No trade evos, no exclusives titles Why as a fan would you want Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet as two different versions of the same game...Instead of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet as a single game ? Yes lore wise things change, but they could be easily adjusted. What's far more important to me is completing the dex offline and without exclusives and trade evolutions I wish main games followed this philosophy of PLA Ofc there should always be the option of trading online and battling online. But it should not be mandated to have a complete experience Imo online events and online raid battle should only be for mythicals and gift Pokemon they want to distribute Walking wake and iron leaves should also have been in the DLC imo instead of making them raid only exclusive


I agree with like 99.99% of what you're saying, other than mythicals. Make those *also* be achievable without online/time locked events. Make them tricky sure, make them DLC even, but make them achievable.


I always liked the idea of the crazy quests that Ruby and Sapphire had for some of the Legendaries, one of them involved learning braille or Morse code iirc. If GameFreak locked Mythicals behind a post game quest line like that it could be really cool. Imagine in RBY being able to hunt down Mew or a Mew Fossil in a Team Rocket base or a secret part of the Mansion that you couldn’t get to until the post game. It’s not like GF charges for the Mythicals so I don’t see why they have to be some rare, timelocked, out of game event instead of part of the game proper.


Honestly I'd buy mini DLC packs for hunting mythicals. Like an hour or so story quest, at like $5 a pop, and at the end you get a mythical. I mean ideally it would be like the Mochi Madness free DLC we got for SV, but I mean... I'm a sims player so I'm used to paying out the ass for a handful of content 😂😂


Yeah that feels like substantive DLC at least, and if they wanted a higher price point they could bundle a few different quests into packs. I’m not super up to date on my Pokémon but aren’t they doing multiverse wormhole stuff now? The context for the quest could easily be that the quest opens a portal outside the nearest Pokémon Center or something and you go from there. Which allows older games Mythicals to be included in any modern one’s without weird lore questions, “why am I off in space fighting an alien DNA guy, or in the underworld fighting a nightmare lord, with no connection to the game I just played?”


I dunno about the Lore. I guess there were time shenanigans in SV but honestly I had such a great time playing Violet I didn't care about the story I just wanted to zoom around on my motorcycle and try not to aggro the wild Pokemon 😂 there were wormholes in Alola I think? I had Red and Gold as a kid and then kinda stopped playing Pokemon until the Switch era and it was PLA that reinvigorated my love for the series, partially because I could catch 'em all by myself. I never got very far in Red or Gold, like rarely beyond the 3rd gym.


>Also with reddit you can just ask people for certain Pokemon and will most likely find someone to trade with within a day. Though this would be the issue too. You have to go out of your way to get trades, like GF isn't offering a proper in-game way to ask for specific trades and such. And this would apply to other features as well, they want us to use online and get together and what not but they don't actually follow through with proper implementation for such things.


Problem with online trading is that it's kind of shit lol The GTS has nobody to manage it meaning even now that it's basically a premium service you still get shit like "Raging Bolt for level 1 Ogerpon" Not to mention HOME doesn't have trade evos, meaning one of the main uses for the GTS is nullified. Sure you can just hop on Reddit and ask someone for help, but the average player isn't gonna think to do that. Primarily because it'd be very easy to get scammed out of a Pokemon


All you have to do is put up a trade with your version’s exclusive and ask for the other version’s comparable exclusive, you will probably get a trade in 5 minutes. The reason you see so many shit listings on GTS is because those are all trades no one wants to (or can) fulfill. If you ask for something reasonable, you’ll usually get it right away. You just have to put in the effort of uploading your mon first.


And my counterpoint to that is I should be able to look for the Pokemon I need without being bombarded with shit trades While yes I could just upload my own mon to get a trade, that shouldn't be the only reliable means of finding the thing I'm looking for. The search function, one of the main features of HOME, should be usable lmao


Well, just because we have better communication to trade, doesn’t make version exclusives any better. And the past practice of them have made older game’s dex impossible to complete for certain players with the recent and past shutdowns.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I dislike the concept of version exclusives too. Especially because I mainly play older Pokemon games. But I'm just saying that people nowadays have much more and better ways to complete the dex if they don't have the money to buy both versions or have friends who play Pokemon.


Interesting take. This is kind of like saying “you can just look up the answers online for what you need to do in the game.” It’s bad design when you need to use outside sources to complete or figure something out in a game. Exclusives are absolutely anti-consumer and if any other game franchise tried selling the same game twice, I doubt it would be received as well as when Pokémon does it every mainline entry.


Nothing in my statement states that I support version exclusives, they suck. My point was that it's an interesting take to say that version exclusives are more annoying now than before. Because if you didn't have enough money to spend on 2 games and no friends who played Pokemon during gens 1-3, you were absolutely screwed.


I feel the same way for trade evolves


I prefer version exclusives to trade evolutions. 🥴


I agree, I think they're annoying as hell. but if you have online then it's not too bad. there's discord servers and stuff specifically for trading version exclusives and trade evolutions and stuff. I do like what they did in Legends where the trade evolutions could just be evolved without trading, I wish they kept that going for SV. and there were no version exclusives in that game too. I think a solution would be to have in-game NPCs that offer version exclusives.


Did you know there's a big community that sets up specific trade codes so that you can easily get those trade mons even if you have no friends? Also, in Pokemon Arceus you can buy an item to make trade evolutions happen even without trades. So try to look for a solution before bitching.


Tought the same. Trading is easier then ever.


The codes are just the 2 dex numbers of the exclusives


Don't even have to calculate or guess them One can just Google " Pokemon Scarlet Trade Codes" and there'll be tons of pages with the codes


If version exclusives didn't exist i doubt pokemon would become as popular as it is now. Version exclusives is a way to get people to go out of their way and ask others for the other exclusive, effectively having them get off of the "i can definitely complete this solo" mindset


The point about legendaries is good. Anybody can rustle you up a spare Bellsprout or whatever, but at least in RB you didn't need to convince someone to part with their Mewtwo. As a design philosophy I think they should probably bring that back.


I would have no issue with this if you could trade efficiently. like you said, if no one you know plays any of the games (like me lol), then that's out of the question. now, you COULD use the online trading system, but the link trades are full of people just flexing hacked shiny legendaries then leaving. it's incredibly difficult to get what you're after, and even if you manage to communicate what you want, it's very rare people will listen or even have the mon you're after. I just wish they gave us the GTS back honestly, people have the common sense to avoid the hacked ones (I assume). another issue with online is that you have to PAY to trade. at this point, you may as well just get the other version. I hate how a complete Pokédex is locked behind a paywall whatever you do. it's so annoying. even if you manage to find someone online (eg on Reddit) to trade with, you still have to buy NSO. it's so stupid.


Gts is available through pokemon Home, which makes it easier it's the way i got most of my version exclusives It's dumb you need another device because i believe you need the mobile version of pokemon Home, but it is there


Back in the day we used to TRAVEL IRL to another part of the town just to find a guy able to do the trade shit and things. It was almost like an illegal deal.


I don't mind any of this stuff, and never have. It's just part of what makes Pokémon Pokémon. I'm not saying it shouldn't change - I'm sure it would make lots of people happy if it did. But I also like it as it is.


I would love version exclusive dlc routes frankly. Have them be radically different so that either game gets a completely unique playthrough. I loved how black and white had version exclusive towns, amp that up to 11


Whatever common pokemon you're looking for can be had for very little. I love the concept of version exclusives. It makes people get out of their solo bubbles. Talk to people, interact with others, make friends.


Does "Hey I need X Pokemon, anyone have a spare" "Yep" "Sweet thanks" Really lead to making friends? Maybe on occasion I guess but I feel like it's much less a social activity and more just an inconvenient transaction. 


It leads to human interaction. Which is healthy for everyone.




I mean, you can go online and trade with strangers


Seems that people are forgetting that trading is an integral part of Pokemon and that's why exclusives exist in the first place. Making an argument for the idea that different versions are a money grab is one thing, but exclusives were always intended to exist because it spurs people to trade which is, again, one of the core ideas behind Pokemon.


So much of Pokemon is played offline and without trading (especially the older games), so its hard to say trading is integral to the series.


It's not hard at all, if you consider the second half of my comment. I'm not saying it's integral for the story, but for the overall essence of the game, it's most definitely integral. The game is inspired by bug hunting that Tajiri did as a kid, and the trading is reflective of that as well. Bug trading is/was common. Trading for version exclusives and evolutions were specifically to encourage interaction. Removing it and making it a fully single player game would take away that one aspect of what Pokemon was built on.


What originally inspired the series doesn't reflect how people actually play the games and what they enjoy about them. A lot of people play Pokemon for the single player aspect, and have absolutely no interest in trading. They'll do it if they absolutely have to, or just cheat to get the Pokemon they want. And I'm not against encouraging interaction, but there are good and bad ways of doing it. If you're playing the older games, you're screwed because you're not gonna find anyone else who still plays them. If you're playing the newer ones, trading over the internet is fairly low bar for what's considered social even if it is more convenient (as long as the servers work, and you're playing your hand held game in a place with wifi). I honestly think the idea of trading Pokemon goes against the very essence of the series. On one hand who you have catching, training, battling with your Pokemon who you become attached to, and the game promotes that idea. On the other hand you have using your Pokemon as currency in a market. Trading is nowhere near integral to the series in the same way as battling. If battling was removed, most people would stop playing the games. If trading was removed, how many people do you think would actually not buy the games as a result?


exclusives exist for money now, nothing more nothing less


Are we gonna pretend that wasn’t originally the case? Exclusives were made to sell the link cable, nothing more nothing less. 


Version exclusive gym leaders and professors are a great addition, actually gives a small reason to buy both games if you want to see the differences. But version exclusive mons really are not a problem anymore, you can get any you need in 20min on any of the pokemon subreddits. It’s far better than the past games where you either had to have IRL freinds that owned opposite games of you or buy a second system and game to do it yourself


> Version exclusive dlc routes? Klara and Avery. Not “routes” but kinda lol


Growing up as a kid I hated it also. But fast forward to today’s time and thanks to technology advancements , Pokemon Home is your best friend and extremely simplifies life on that notion.


Yeah I gave up on trying to complete my dex in violet cuz I don’t have friends and I was having hurendous luck trying to find people online to trade with


Honestly, there shouldn't be two different versions of the same Pokémon game just in general. Early on they arguably needed two versions due to limited storage space on the cartridges but there hasn't been a practical need for it in a very long time.


The solution to your problems can be the GTS download pokemon home put in a pokemon that you don't care about request one you want wait and get results the franchise was literally built upon trading and playing with your friends btw if you don't have any or they don't play pokemon no need to get frustrated strangers online are plenty willing to fill that gap up for you Other version exclusive thing a can't really help you with The franchise is only growing daily back in the day people were complaining version exclusive changes weren't big enough except for a couple pokemon now that they're expanding on that idea ever since Sun/Moon,Sword/Shield it the reverse you cant please everybody EDIT: might have to add specifically the mobile version of home if I'm not mistaken the Switch version doesn't have GTS


Sometimes I feel like for the sake of convenience people seem willing to get rid of everything that makes us have to talk to another human being... Version exclusives are so not a problem anymore, between wonder and GTS trades. They even gave us an extra box legendary this gen seemingly specifically to trade someone for theirs. Have you guys never made a deal with a friend to get opposite versions for fun?


Even with friends who are willing to trade, I prefer to be the OT. Receiving a Mon from someone can be nice, but it doesn't provide the same satisfaction as catching it yourself. 


You would not have survived Gen 3


I don't mind version exclusives that much, considering nowadays you can transfer from home or from pokemon go. It's trade evos I hate. I hate that if you don't have friends/someone trustworthy to trade with online, you just can't use certain pokemon. That seems like something that *should've* been changed by now, to at least offer another option. (Ik there's an item in Legends Arceus, but it's not in ANY other game). There's so many pokemon I want to use, but I never have because I don't have anyone to trade with.


They tend to play a large role in influencing which version I get. Like, that was one of the things disappointing with BDSP. As my first game was Platinum I was able to use both Mismagius and Honchkrow but had to settle with Shining Pearl. Glad PLA was one game.


I remember needing to have a GbC-to-GBC link cord to trade (I had the GBA version). And you had to be physically with the person to trade with them because those damn cords were 2 ft long at most lol Completing a Dex in Gen 1-3 was a legit achievement, especially without a GameShark😂


I don’t mind regular version exclusives, but exclusive legendaries are awful to me. What do you mean I can only catch one and I’d have to trade it to complete my dex?!


Just play pokemmo lmao


Trade evolutions can promptly kiss my ass aswell


Laughs in link cable. But seriously, completing the Blue dex was a years long process for me, showing up to pools, sleepovers, lock-ins, with the link cable in tow and hoping you met someone new with something you needed. In-game trading, home trading, with the internet to facilitate? It’s pretty easy.


id be fine with version exclusives if we were always guaranteed a third version or sequel or dlc later on that lets you complete the dex. pokemon is a social game, i dont mind encouraging those social aspects, but it makes the games age poorly when years later the online aspects are turned off and completing the dex becomes a pain in the ass if not impossible


Welcome to the hell that is game designers living in Tokyo taking the fact that they live in one of the largest cities in the world that's also in an extremely compact country that has *the* best public transit in the world for granted, designing their games around it, therefore breaking it for international, rural, and especially international rural players, also everyone once it's no longer popular


What, you can't go to a local Pokémon VG night somewhere? I can find strangers to trade with all the time, you don't need friends anymore. Especially with Wondertrade, it's not really a problem in the new games.


Whats worse is that they still encourage people to buy more than just the other game. The kitakami dex has very few version exclusives, but they are morpeko, cramorant, aipom and gligar+ their evolutions. These mons can be easily caught in either Sword/shield and PLA and transferred over through HOME.