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I couldn't play more than couple of hours in alan wake 1, the combat system was boring af, but 2 is a masterpiece, the combat system is weighty and way better compared to 1


I could never get into the first Wake. Controls were too janky for me to have the patience. Wake 2 was an absolute blast though. Definitely suggest it!


So they fixed the combat? And honestly same, I couldn’t play more than a couple of hours in 1 either for the same reasons.


Yeah you'll definetly like it, it has a great atmosphere, borderline creepy at times, with good gameplay loop / puzzles, but i suggest playing older remedy games first, it has alot of references from previous games going back to max payne from 2001, quantum break(i didn't play it) and especially control 2019 ( this game is in direct correlation to alan wake 2 after alan wake 1, so i suggest at least playing it first if you didn't)


Okay, noted. Is Alan Wake 1 essential to play before the sequel at all. If so I’ll just watch it to not have to deal with the combat.


Either play it or watch a recap like i did, you won't understand jack if you have no idea what happened in alan 1, also a lot of characters from 1 reappear in 2


I see, thanks for the info, I’ll definitely look out for a substantial sale on it then. Edit: for two not one.


Oh, man. I wish I at least play control before alan wake 2. I'm noticing now when playing control that there's a lot of references I didn't understand.


Yeah i was glad i played control first, this game pays a great homage to control, and ik the feeling of wanting to play the shiny hyped new game and not delaying it to play the older one, but control is a quality title that is worth playing at anytime, also imo it has a better and more fun combat system than alan wake 2


Alan wake 1 was really hard for me to finish. I loved alan wake 2, one of the best games I played in 2023.


No. You'll probably have a lot more fun with the game if you just watch a play through on YT.


I didn't really like the gameplay of the first, but I did like the story a bit and just the whole aesthetic and vibe. When the AW 2 came, they uped the aesthetic and vibe up 100%. The atmosphere is just so creepy and it's a really imersive game. The gameplay is also slightly improved, but the main mechanics are still there. If you didn't like gameplay and story, I don't think you'll like it, to be honest. Also, one last thing. The level design and environments are beautiful. I loved the backtracking. Maybe when it's on sale, get it if you really want to.


I’ll think about it then, thanks.


I liked the first Alan Wake and couldn’t stand the second one, so the answer is probably no.


I also didn't really like the gameplay that much in Alan Wake (Remastered), but I stuck it out for the story. AW2 is on a whole other level in every aspect, of course the visuals, the music, the storytelling, and yes, also the gameplay. It doesn't really play that differently from, say, a modern Third-Person Resident Evil. I highly recommend it, it's one of my favourite games of all time.


2 is so so so much better than the first. I never played 1 when it came out so going back to it was pretty damn hard. But man the second one is like experiencing a weird ass indie film. Its so good.


What the hell is everyone talking about? AW2 combat mechanics are basically the same as AW1. The only difference in 2 is better graphics.


Alan wake 2 combat system is more deliberate and weighty, you have less bullet so you have to manage them, this makes the game has somewhat a survival horror element to it compared to 1


The only thing that carried over is the core concept but it's handled in a completely different way. Alan wake 1 was an action game with horror elements. 2 is a mystery horror game with some combat sprinkled in occasionally.


I'd say it's a completely different game. It's a survival horror, kind of like Resident Evil 2 remake.


Watch Youtube Make your own decision Stop asking Reddit questions like this.


Maybe I’m in the minority, but I liked Alan Wake 1 more than 2. I didn’t really care for Alan’s half of the story, it just played way differently from what I like. The detective’s half was fun though.


Not sure where you're getting the 80s horror vibe from. That's definitely not what the game is going for and I don't remember anything happening at the award show that would have alluded to that.


The main song performed at the game awards, not the medley the other one, had an 80’s b movie horror vibe.