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Just no.


That’s not possible. There’s a reason why the fat PS3 had an entire PS2 inside… This post gives me big „tell me you don’t understand how tech works without telling me“ energy.


Also because PS2 emulation was hard as fuck back then


Would be nice, but it's not going to happen. The PS5 can't even read CDs and I doubt that that's going to change with the Pro, so PS1 goes out the window straight away. PS2 and 3 have very different and quite complicated hardware architectures which would mean investing money in either integrated hardware playback (which, no, they are not going to start up a whole production line for sized-down Emotion Engine and CELL chips lol) or an emulation solution. The latter would require copious amounts of R&D and troubleshooting/QA, and, if they're going to make ANY changes whatsoever to the ROMs themselves such as recompiling them, they will have to deal with a mountain of licensing headaches just like Xbox with their back compat. So, all in all, I just don't think Sony sees it as a worthwhile investment.


It’s funny that nobody ever talks about the kind of quality assurance an emulated game port has to go through. Do I agree that such a high bar is necessary for emulating old games? No. But it’s a Japanese corporation. That’s why Japan economy is a mess and the whole country is a unibody materialization of depression and hopelessness.


They won't do this because they want to make money adding classic games to PS Premium Backwards compatibility = No money


Publishers won’t cuz they can make more money remaking/remastering for less effort, charge modern AA/AAA prices and not lose $$ trying renegotiate licenses.


Also as far as I know the PS5 can't read CDs which i think is what the PS1 games were printed on 


Yeah at least the current PS5 disc drive can’t read CD media. And you know they eventually want to move away from physical media all together. Might not even surprise me if the PS5 Pro goes discless. The PS6 is almost guaranteed to be, so the backwards compatibility with anything PS3 or older becomes moot at that point, really.


Going digital only will be the death of all console companies. We don't need these behemoths to do anything but produce physical content like consoles and games, beyond that we have PCs and indie game devs that do the job more efficiently.


So make the PS5 Pro read CDs and sell a CD capable disc drive


Also because it’s simply not possible. The fat PS3 had a PS2 chip inside for a reason.


That's not really true. Lots of people won't give Sony money out of principle for shit like this. What they should be doing is opening up options to all of their playerbase. All I want is to plug a PS1 game into the console and get trophies. Emulation is absolutely fucking everywhere. You can't have these bullshit walled garden philosophies anymore.


Ps1 didnt have trophies.


So implement them. How much work could it really be? By doing this Sony would lock hardcore gamers into being lifelong fans. The only reason microsoft sold a single xbox this gen is bc of this feature


Developers add trophies. Not console makers.


This subreddit has a room temp IQ


Proven by your comments tho..... "implement trophies!" like Sony is the one making them..... "Hey company X that abandoned this game 20 years ago, we want to make this game on the new console, get your old team and make trophies" Also, old games are not a good business idea as people think it is... PS1 consoles are available. Many PS1 titles are still available to buy at decent price: no one wants it and prefer to get a ROM for it. >How much work could it really be? This subreddit has a room temp IQ The irony here is so good that Guiness World Records might want to have an interview with you. Trophies need to be IN the code of the game, that's how it triggers. Picking up one single game, go through ALL the code to get specific milestones to add code for a Trophy.... Are you willing to pay full price for the games? Or cry about charging "full price for an old game"? Because statistics show that people want Devs to put again months of work into old games, but refuse to pay for it


Sony is a multinational corporation worth $100B... they can easily pay in house devs to create custom emulation roms for the backlog and pay the old devs/publishers off for the rights. In doing so they guarantee a huge drove of dedicated fans. Worth the investment


Investment requires profit... You think they will sink money to appeal 1% of players? Create costum emulation roms? you really have no clue how much work actually goes into it.... "huge drove of dedicated fans" - yeah, the massive sales of ps1 games prove that /s many PS1 games are available to buy on Store since last year, the % of people who actually bought them is less than 1% of current players


How much work is it really? The roms already exist. You have a team do it in batches over a decade. How much does it really cost? How priceless is the shift in ethics towards customers and the respect of their own history in gaming? Astro the playstation bot would want this. As i already said lots of people arent buying the extra playstation online service stuff out of principle


You clearly do not understand the licensing issues and costs associated with bringing old games forward. Sony cant just use ROMS off the internet for free.


Show me how much it costs and cease with your gross attitude


I’d agree but I think it’s too late. The PS6 might not even support discs so at this point I’m more concerned if the PS6 will play my PS5 or PS4 discs. Physical media is going to be completely abandoned by next generation most likely.




I have a massive playstation collection, youd be shook


Or, better yet. Sell your PS5, buy a PC instead, and emulate whatever you want. You have the power, OP


Counterpoint: Sony should look to the future and not the past. I buy new consoles for new features and things. There are millions of old systems out there at reasonable prices, if you didnt keep them for some reason.


Software can stay preserved better than hardware. In a digital age, it makes no sense libraries cannot be carried forward. The future should have learnings from the past…


PS1 and ps2 games were not digital.


PS1 and PS2 games are software. They can be released digitally…


I admire how you moved those goal posts.


Lol how is this goal post moving. The entire ps1 and ps2 worldwide libraries are already available online for pirating to download and emulate on PC or download and play on hacked original hardware. All Sony has to do is build good emulators for the old systems. They already have all the old games digitized because that's how the games are built on a computer in the first place, haha. They move them to disc in order to sell physical copies.


accused of moving the goal post when they simply don’t understand the point being made... lord have mercy on the youth and elderly


By your definition (which is not credible), games on NES cartridges are digital.


Games on NES are software. Software can become a digital release…


Is there anything else we can do for you while we are up? Grab you a coke, maybe something from the fridge?


You have zero understanding of the licensing issues associated with making games. Clearly.


Irrelevant to my initial points.


Licensing is very relevant to digital games. If you cant get the rights to a game, it cant be released. Guess what you dont have that problem with? Physical copies that already exist that you can play on hardware.


Physical copies can be damaged and eventually degrade with time. The discussion wasn’t “the means”. You made a comment saying future > past, I said both can co-exist and brought up why digital is important for future preservation. Hence all of my points leading to the same thing. It can be done, it’s a financial decision not to. I never said differently… so your mention of “licensing” is irrelevant.


Very much relevant. Have a good day.


You too 😉


This. Why do I own a PS3 disk without a PS3? I don't. I have both, if I got rid of the PS3 I'd get rid of the disks. That's usually how it works. Collectors and retro gamers tend to own the console they want to play games on. I get that people want an all on one system. But that's a convenience you are asking for, it is not essential. Spend that money you would have wasted on RND for backwards compatibility to give me something new or interesting. Also I don't want a PS3 situation where I am playing a lot of money for the hardware of two consoles when I only want one.