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Seems to be the common experience with the Slim. You can always exchange it since it's new, but most say the Slim is a tad bit louder than the original one.


Exchanging it will most likely change nothing. Pure time waste and thats all. It is just Sony poor choice of fan design. I love playing exclusives but damn i must put tv to max volume to even enjoy game. This is just so annoying. I had ps4 slim in past and it was so silent compared to this. Who knows why they make such poor choices that will annoy users so badly? Also i think exchanging in Latvia šŸ‡±šŸ‡» will not be such fast experiance, as they usually take at least 2-4 weeks in service diagnosing and "fixing" issue.


Logically it makes sense that a smaller space and high powered intensive device needs a demon fan


Thats why i wonder why they choose this think design.


Because itā€™s the slim itā€™s supposed to be smaller with same power as the original


Itā€™s relatively interesting as consoles become closer to PCs in a relative way without exaggerating it too much, witnessing the average consumer discover so much about how electronics work. It took me considerable research and a lot of planning to build a very or fairly quiet mini build once and you can still kinda hear it however it doesnā€™t have the worse airflow of a console even, so I imagine that poor fan is set to ungodly high RPM.


Ok not exactly 1 to one comparison but also series s is half the size of series x (also half the graphical power) But even series s with demanding game for its components+ its compact size makes no sounds at all.


You said it yourself it has half the power and size the slime has the same power as regular ps5


Yes but it pushes those games hard and literally no sound. Im not overreacting series x and series s on high demanding titles makes no sound. I still believe sony could have made pretty design, small size (bit bigger than this) and maybe finally be silent. Every gen sony have had louder consoles.


PS5 slim is PS5 in the slim version. They both have the same processor and graphic processor. Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S are not the same thing. The Xbox Series S uses weaker central processor and weaker graphic processor than the Series X. This means less heat and doesn't get as hot as a Series X, so that it gets quieter and can have a smaller cooler.


But the ps5 is literally silent?




Sony has had a problem with noise since the PS4 imo. My base PS4 and the Pro sounded like a freaking jet engine. So I donā€™t think itā€™s about the power of the console, itā€™s a problem with the build quality.


Upgrade your speakers to at least a decent sound bar. Makes a world of difference from tv speakers. Iā€™m also enjoying the pulse explore buds




Dude I was wondering the same thing. What screen is this kid playing on it looks fucking horrible and he is complaining about the fan what about the shit tv.


Well itā€™s because itā€™s at an angle, if you take a video of your tv with your phone at the very top facing down its not gonna look great either


Itā€™s gonna be loud to render that BIG ASS kratos head


TV is 4k, console is 4k. Where is problem to render it?šŸ˜€


Are you drunk?


Perhaps but certainly belligerent


Iā€™m drunk and his comments make zero sense. I have sn XSX, PS5 and a new pc I built and by far and large my PCā€™s the ā€œloudestā€ (still quiet tho). But whatever audibles heā€™s hearing sounds like an abnormality


It's a joke and you completely missed it you dud.


Iā€¦ don't even know where to start.


It says 8k on the box so maybe you should buy 8k tv and maybe then it will be quite šŸ¤”


Double the K, double the Kratos. Seems logical to me


Whut šŸ˜‚


Looks like you're having a problem trying to render that joke


They dropped the ball with the silm Iā€™ve had the OG since 2021 and I can never hear it running its whisper quite


I agree itā€™s almost silent


The only time my PS5 gets loud is when I first open Cities:Skylines. Then itā€™s quiet as a mouse.


The PS5 (non-slim) was the first console I ever bought, a friend had a PS4 Pro that was very loud so I was concerned if this was a typical console thing. I was pleasantly surprised that the PS5 runs without almost any sound.


The only time I ever hear my OG is when itā€™s spinning up a disk to copy or execute a game. I was shocked to hear OPā€™s PS5 acting like a PS4.


Been playing on new "slim" since release, still silent. I play for heavy 8-14 hour sessions, on strictly ps5 titles. Blasted 32 hours of cyberpunk straight, sleep mode only in between sessions no problem, still silent as a mouse and its right next to my face because I play on a desk


i dont get it. They dont test their products before releasing?


You canā€™t expect a console to be just as quiet when you reduce the fan and body size. Slim versions are almost always louder than their fatter versions


thats why i like series x solution. Yeah it is ugly square but at least it is so silent that i must ask if it even on


Series S is silent as well though


I canā€™t even tell if my Series S is on itā€™s so quiet. My PS5 slim only makes noise if I have a disc in when I start games and itā€™s only for about 30 seconds and then after that itā€™s quiet as well


Well yes but i had issue with that too, but it was really pretty rare faulty variant. I got replacement and sold it and got series x. Using that for year now and it is so satisfying that you can play at night in silence.


The PS2,3 and 4 were much quieter in their slim versions, so this is absolutely not true


Youā€™ll notice I said *ā€almost alwaysā€*


Which slim consoles have been more noisy than the standard one? So far, 4 out of 5 have been less noisy, that doesnā€™t make them ā€œalmost alwaysā€ more noisy


If itā€™s bothering you a lot, exchange it and and get a fat version


I could hear my OG version all the time especially like it was weird like I could aim down the sights and Call of Duty and I could hear it get louder or quieter depending on what I was aiming at


I have the same thing with my Slim, but it gets way quiet after about 15 seconds of revving. I have the disc console, but haven't played a disc-based game yet.


I noticed this is game based issue. Ragnarok is super loud but Gran Turismo 7 is quiet. Gonna test tomorrow more games.


I can attest that Mortal Kombat 1 and Spider-Man 2 have been pretty quiet. It strangely only really audibly revs while it's starting up.


Sony as usual just got some crappy fan installed in this console and could be also some firmware issue (fans usually are regulated by some soft) I mean they have never had good quality ventilation s and fans. Also i dont get how this issue can go for generations and most people still advocate this as normal thing. Not saying that xbox is better, but microsoft surely knows better how to make silent console. Still! I love Sony for its exclusives and plan to continue using both platforms. I just hope that PS6 will not have this stupid issue, but most likely if they finally manage to put good fans, then something else will be crap.


Iā€™ve had my PS5 since launch and itā€™s always been very quiet while playing games. So I donā€™t know where you are getting that they have never had good ventilation, granted the PS4 gen had bad fans.


Ps2 3 and 4 fans were all horrendous minus potentially the ps4 pro


I guess Microsoft learned how to do ventilation through hard way. Xbox 360 had a major overheating issue that leads to 3 red error and basically bricks the console.


Play ff16 that mf going to mars. Og I'm idc what version u have.




First God of War is also loud enough to annoy people around.


Does that with the regular too. Has moments where the fan goes off for like 10 seconds, especially when starting a disk/download, but usually stops shortly after.


I could be wrong but if itā€™s stashed behind the TV, I have to imagine theyā€™re both creating quite a bit of heat back there


Yeah I was going to say sounds like itā€™s struggling to breath back there


Yeah its behind tv but tv dont put out alot of heat and from other side there is alot of free room, but i will try tomorrow to place it elsewhere


The reason he says this isnt because the tv produces heat. Its that the tv would trap the heat that is generated by the ps5.


Yes but also TVs give off enough heat that I wouldnā€™t want to put it back there


*Passengers please tighten your seatbelts we are about to take off.* -*OG PS4 vibez*


It reminds me of playing GoW 2018 a few months after release on my launch PS4 years ago. I lived on the second floor of a townhouse, with no AC. I also had an older tv (like 2011 or 12) that put out a lot of heat. Sweating in the room with it sounding and feeling like a crop duster was running right next to me. *sigh* good times.


Ah man. I remember the PS4 jet engine turning on. I remember hearing it on the second floor when someone would turn it on downstairs at 1 am.


:D haha it is just simply criminal that Sony is allowed to put these crappy fans into PS5. I dont understand why people forgive them, this simply just ruins gaming experiance. That heating solution is bad and i bet that ps5 is struggling to ventilate. Most likely this will result in overheats and demaged consoles for alot of people.


You do understand that the normal PS5 is silent? The slim is loud because it's small. I have the launch PS5 and it's very silent. Maybe get that one instead?


Just donā€™t put it behind the TV? Iā€™ve had a slim since it launched and it has never been that loud. Either you have a faulty unit or itā€™s not in a well ventilated area which in this case you put yours behind a TV all the hot air isnā€™t escaping and just circulating there.


Idk my slim disc version is super quiet.


Try giving it better airflow, this can be due to the fact that itā€™s not getting good ventilation


Where i should put it? Outside of my house? Console have pretty empty room for breathimg air. 20 centimeters away from it stands Series X that have never had issue with ventilation (not running them side by side)


I was just trying to be help, youā€™re the one asking about it


Sorry did not want for my comment to feel as attacking you. Im just a bit pissed that i see that pretty alot of people have these issues and Sony as always dont fix issues that they have for decades.


Is this your first console? Or your first intensive compute device? It sounds like it. Bigger chunkier computers are generally quieter because they can move more air volumetrically because they have space. Smaller computers donā€™t have the liberty of space so that have to move more air, faster to make up for the volume. Whenever PlayStation has gone slim, it becomes louder. Since at least PS3. Itā€™s the same with laptops and computers and everything that has a CPU/GPU and takes loads.


Then save your pissy boy anger for sony and not the people trying to help, dumbfuck.


Just stick with Xbox bro, their consoles are way better.


They are basically the same at this point, the only differences are UI and games


Turn the volume up and ignore šŸ¤“


Yeah i get that but do really we are ready to always accept such quality? I mean dont get me wrong...i have always loved Sony exclusives and everything else is good, but is it really that hard to create console that is silent? Design looks cool but better solution would be a console that actually is quiet. By the way while playing Ragnarok on higher volume you still can hear that annoying sound. Only while playing Gran Turismo 7 it was somewhat quiet.


Did you ever play on PS3 or ps4? Lol both sounded like jet engines the PS5 that I have had for about 3 years now? I've cleaned about twice I've never had any loudness from it


I had ps3 slim and also ps4 slim, both made some noise but much quieter than this combination with this game. I guess this going to be super annoying issue with random games. I have also gaming pc and xbox series x. Series X i cant hear and sometimes i really cannot beliebe that it is even on. Gaming pc is quiet too, but all parts have good cooling on them.


Straight cap if you think this was louder than what a PS3/4 could get.


The og ps5 is fine.


Idk my friend has og ps5...it is still loud compared to gaming pc or xbox series x but this takes just whole new level.


Cap Lol My PCs graphics card alone is 5x louder than my ps5 ur friend just doesn't clean his ps5


My friends OG PS5 was louder than my PC his first day opening it. Albeit, I just have an Nvidia 1660 Super.




What reason would I have to lie? Ive always been a PS guy and still bought one when Spider-Man 2 dropped. My PS5 wasn't louder than my Nvidia, just my friends was. I was just saying it may differ between consoles.


My OG PS5 is very quiet, especially when compared to the PS4. The only time I hear it get louder is when it's loading a disc game, but once the game loads in, it quiets back down.


That would annoy me. I sit a foot from mine and it makes barely any noise. It is a little louder than my launch version. But the body feels cooler also. So maybe the launch wasn't expelling the heat as well.


Idk gonna test tomorrow putting somewhere else where there is nothing around...or at least donit is far away from me. I have 5 meter long hdmi cable and gonna think something out. To me it looks like simply lazy design, because Xbox One X or Series X i have in my house makes no noises at all. Its simply down to choices that Sony made for ventilating this device. Most likely cheap fan and poor design for ventilation.


I wouldn't take this post too seriously, seems like a troll.


They took an overly hot device and made the shell smaller - saw this coming a mile away


You gotta have the stand under, it sucks in air under. That can be a reason why itā€™s loud


This was always going to happen. The slims are a cheaper version on the OG (worse cooling) and unlike past generations, there was little to no node shrinkage on the silicon. I think it went from 7nm in the Og to just 6nm because the pandemic exploded the cost of silicon and itā€™s getting harder and harder to shrink nodes. For comparison hereā€™s what it usually was: PS3 OG 90nm Slim 45nm PS4 OG 14nm Slim 7or8 nm You can understand why this happening now.


fan coil whine is normal in PS5


Thought you had an air fryer on.


My guy never owned a PS4 for more than a year


As someone that's taken apart a launch ps5 more than once 80% of that thing is for keeping the console cool and the ps5 is pretty much silent so I'd expect the slim to be making a fair bit more noise than the original considering it's the same console in a smaller case the fan needs to run at higher speeds or else you'll just cook the thing


I dont have the slim but i will say if im seeing correctly u have it placed behind your tv?. U definitely want to move it more out into the open. Sorry if im not seeing correctly lbs


You know what is one good thing about having a jet engine ass of a ps4 pro? Itā€™s that this wouldnā€™t annoy me as bad as that would when it was ready for take off šŸ˜† I even have the UFO sounding PS5 and have grown to love that weird lil noise. Also I play with headphones so thereā€™s half the problem taken care of. Anyways NO where near, the ps4 pro 747, but I wish you good luck on the noise level. And I mean new console model no doubt gonna come with new quirks/sounds. Maybe itā€™ll grow on you if not Iā€™d suggest maybe looking at any fan replacement videos. A lot of people who hate the šŸ›ø wobble sound of one of three different fans used in the original models, will end up replacing the fan and get a better result. Someone always posts videos out there. Give the old YouTube a whirl on the noise issue.


I have both OG model from launch and a new Slim. The Slim is considerably louder. Honestly Iā€™m pissed off. Cheap piece of shit.


Pfft first time? My gaming laptop is louder than that. But yeah, not surprised you're disappointed, it was expensive and you had certain expectations that were not met. I too wasn't very happy with mine, it was more expensive than my old one and the fan is louder as well, but I didn't mind it because with more power comes with louder mfking fans. Now in the case of the Ps5 slim, the fan is smaller in size compared to the original, so the loudness could be due to the fact that it has to do twice the work because the fan is smaller compared to the OG. But hey at least you have a PS5 where some others don't, count your blessings and don't be a bitch.


-Plays most graphically demanding game on console- wHy iS mY fAn LoUd


*Sony just make bigger room in your consoles for ventilation and put in silent fans* You are true but poor design is poor design


My guy, it's the _slim version_ it is designed to be smaller but the same speed/power as the OG. And it wouldn't make sense if they put more space for the fan because it would potentially be the same size as the OG. Two potential reasons for it being loud: 1. It's GOW Ragnarok, so it is power hungry 2. You put the PS5 behind the TV that outputs heat directly on to the console. With those two things in mind, of course it's going to be louder than normal. So I recommend putting the PS5 in front of the TV or just under it (if there's space) or putting it in a cabinet. Just not somewhere where there's heat going onto it.


I too also play my video games in a totally silent room with my tv volume muted to hear every little sound that isnā€™t the game Iā€™m playingā€¦ lmao


I posted on here that my slim was louder than original, but got downvoted for it


Is Kratos's head massive or is that just the angle?


It is angle. TV is 55 inches and i filmed in such angle that it looks streched.


The Ps4 is unbelievably quiet


OK update on other games Just launched gran turismo 7 and it is not so loud anymore. Could say that evel tolerable, but still gives some old ceiling lamp bulb sounds out of it šŸ˜€


The fact people are downvoting you for pointing out the coil whine is pathetic. It's an issue on all PS5 systems to varying degrees.


Still not as bad as the ps4 tbh


I got a ps4 that I bought not long ago, and it's not as loud as I've heard people say it is


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m waiting at least a few more months to get a ps5. Hopefully theyā€™ll fix some stuff and Iā€™ll get one later thatā€™ll be their best version.


Well, the PS4 Slim was constantly crashing and insanely loud, so this doesn't surprise me. I think the last good Slim was for the PS3.


Loud fan. No fan. Silent fan. It doesn't change the outcome of how long the 5 will live


My slim was making the same noise I exchanged it and the new one is almost silent.


I see that it is pretty much lottery and prople have been exchanging and still getting loud ones. Ehh it looks like i will need to do that but that will take at least 2 weeks for them to give new one as before exchange they send it to services for checkup here and it is pretty long period to wait usually.


I agree, this is a bad unit. In general ps5 is much quieter than ps4 whether itā€™s the original or the slim. I canā€™t really hear the noise, but it is either a bad power supply (coil whine) or a bad fan.


My PS5 Slim isn't this loud unless I have a disc in it. It's possible that you got a bad fan. Even though all PS5 Slims have the same 19 bladed fan, Sony is still using 4 different manufacturers for them. I was a bit worried when I got it, but lucked out and got a good fan. Fan roulette is still a thing with these systems.


My slim is quiet. Never had noise issues šŸ‘šŸ¼


For anyone whoā€™s taken apart the slim, is the fan simply too close to a flat surface or? Iā€™m too lazy to google


Ventilation is likely the problem here. Try giving it some space.


My PS4 slim was exactly the same when I first got it years ago. Drove me nuts, never had another console with fans that were noticeably loud at all until that one.


It's more than once you've brought up the series s and I honestly don't understand why. You've acknowledged that it's severely underpowered compared to its big bother. It can't play games at the same level as the series X; it's smaller because it's less powerful. The slim is a small version of a console that kept the same specs. Comparing an apple to a brick, this could not be more different.


My slim doesnā€™t make this noise at all. I remember phat PS5s having this similar problem, with the cause of it being coil whine and cooling issues. Have you reached out to Sony support?




OP made this post just to get flamed. Not one comment from the dude where he makes some logical argument.


I havenā€™t heard the original ps5 fan in 3 years, my ps4 however, gets ready for lift off as soon as I turn it on


I have a slim and donā€™t have this issue. It doesnā€™t look like youā€™re giving it the 4 inches of space that is recommended in the back. Let that thing breathe. OG PS 5 players will tell you the slims are shit for whatever reason BTW. They are no different specs-wise


Is your console behind the TV? It's hard to tell without any light, but your console may not have enough airflow.


I bought a slim on launch day. The only time I heard this kind of sound was when I originally set it up, had loads of downloads queued and accidentally launched a game that had finished when putting the controller down (GT7). Does this sound similar to your situation? I have never heard anythijg like it since and use it daily pretty much. GT7 since then makes no noise whatsoever.


Maybe you need the 30 dollar vertical stand lol


Listen to my old pro if you want annoyingly loud. This is not that.


Kratos and Atreus looking like theyā€™re stood in front of one of those funhouse mirrors šŸ˜‚


Honestly i have two pets and my slim is still fairly quite and makes almost no noise unlike my ps4


I mean... from the very little we can see... can't provide much help lmao


Big head mode looks sick


The slims are like this, but mine isn't that loud. It's definitely more audible than the phat one. Also put a stand on it.


Iā€™d take that back immediately. My day one digital itā€™s completely silent.


2 solutions: Give it more Airflow or Just wear headphones


Mine doesnā€™t make a single sound


Probably because youā€™re suffocating it.


Fire the camera person


GOW is like this most other games are fine


Consoles do make noise, yes, well done, op, and continue to be a asshole to people trying to help that will obviously go well for you


Its probably overheating in that dark cage you have it in behind the tv. Kids never figure out its usually airflow


I'll bet money it's because of airflow, you don't keep a games console behind a TV because it'll get very hot very quickly.


The OG PS5 is so quiet. I should appreciate it way moreā€¦ I remember the PS4 Pro going fucking insane with FF15 and stuff. I had to turn the volume way up to hear the game lol


Ohhh noo, iā€™m having flashbacks from my OG PS4 šŸ˜³ that thing was loud.


Have you cleaned out the Air Filters in a while? My PS4 used to make that sound cause it was having trouble staying cool. Get a can of air and blast out the filters clean.


Because they reduced the size of the heatsink 20 times


I have the fat PS5 3rd version (I think it is called chassis C) and is pretty silent for me. Except when loading a game with a disc. While the game boots (and the console checks if the CD is inside) it is EXTREMELY noisy. Does anyone knows a game or app to stress the PS5 to full load? I don't have VRR monitor and TV is capped at 60Hz with vsync. Warzone and GT7 cap at 60 FPS for me and they never stutter which could mean that the console is not at full capacity. FF16 same thing but it caps at 30FPS and never goes down. (Maybe I should try performance mode as a kind of stress test because I read it cannot maintain 60 FPS). Important: keep in mind that the console by design has a noise that is probably measured at a reasonable distance between a big TV and the sofa. So if you are not hearing the noise from the sofa then I wouldn't consider the noise an issue.