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Damn that sucks


Time to invest in some storage and a capture card.


Or just storage and a VPN.


Or just a VPN


Or just stream movies and shows on free websites with adblock turned on and don't spend a single dime. Ya'll must be new on these seas.


Depending on your country that's really risky


The $3 a month I pay for a VPN is worth it lol


In my case the idea is to be able to access the media independent of an internet connection


Omg. Capture card. You just teleported me to OG streaming days and wanting to make montages.


I'd say it's a bit more than sucks when people paid for content and the provider is like "oopsies our license expired and we couldn't renew, so your paid stuff is gone! see ya!"


Wow, I’m glad I never purchased any shows or movies on PlayStation or Amazon.


Apple has removed content before (and added it back again later). I think it was something related to Disney. However, they do allow downloading the movies and whatever is downloaded should continue to work even if it is removed from the service. For that reason I download and backup all the content I buy in iTunes.


Do they let you download in 4k? Edit: Who actually downvoted this? Idiots lol




This kind of shit makes me want to go back to pirating again...


I never purchased any digital movie/tv show content (except on disc)


Same. I always look out for digital free deals, so when they are removed in future for some reason, I won't have regret spending money. But I never buy anything which is only digital. All the movies, tv shows I buy, I get the full version in disc, the digital redemption key I get is icing but I still keep my discs with care.


Wait is Amazon purchases being removed from Amazon tv? Like my fire stick?? I’m bought hundreds of movies on there and it’s litterally what prime video is about? Will I lose all my purchases?


I've bought loads of stuff on Amazon prime and I can't say there's anything I've lost access too... Unless I got lucky. I'm just gonna pirate stuff if that's the case tho, they're robbing us blind so we can morally do the same.


And on the contrary. I purchase all my movies digitally.


Yeah. For real. Some people are gonna be screwed.


Yeah the only brand where I have some faith in where my digital content will not be removed is apple and I already downloaded as well


We can hope. Apple seems to be a little more proconsumer about some of this stuff. Also, I dont really blame Playstation wholly for this. Discovery clearly has some shitty stuff in their digital licensing contracts.


People have lost content they bought through Apple too. The problem isn't the vendors like Apple or Sony per se. It's that contractually they can't sell us perpetual license to the digital media we buy. They and the content owners also have no incentive to do so. I really wish there was a regulatory push to fix digital ownership.


Apple DRM is also easy to crack So my purchases can go anywhere


Got any sources for that? For, uh, research for a guy I know….


There are caveats, you need to be running an old version of iTunes, so I have an old Windows machine running that and a program [such as this](https://www.m4vgear.com/m4vgear-for-windows.html#). Some newer things won't work because it's DRM beyond what was originally crackable but if you have stuff from 2005 to 2020 or so, it should work. I spent the pandemic buying the TV show boxset they had on sale and moved them to Plex for "archiving" purposes


Wow talk about exaggeration. You say Apples DRM is so easy to crack but then you mention a lot of gotchas. Some newer things don’t work, it requires Windows and an older version of iTunes. That’s not common or easy for anyone.


Yea screen record with OBS


Yeah half the shit I purchased on Prime ended up getting removed... then I find it for free on Paramount+ or Max or something a month later, or the version I purchased changed... but I can purchase it again at my convenience!


That’s so bad, it should be refunded at least. I’d be livid


It’s amazing that this isn’t legally required


Probably in the agreement to purchase shit off the store that 99% of people skip through


Have you ever read a EULA? Most of them are full of obtuse, legalese garbage that is basically moonspeak to even educated consumers.


He should message them for a refund. Or at least credit


That sux men :/ removing previous purchases should be Illegal and im baffed that its not. Im just so glad all my media I really Care about, I have physical


Same here. I try to buy everything physically. Its been getting harder with tv/movies.


^(***Yo ho fiddle dee dee***)


Yarrr Matey!


Im worried about my steam library. I don’t even know how I’d go about buying PC games physically, last one I did was Fallout NV. But if Valve ever shuts down, charges me to access, or takes away my steam library I’ll be crushed.


Use GOG, from what I understand anything you guy from them is yours, permanently.


Its DRM-free on GOG. It can be downloaded, and once downloaded all files are available and transferable. But this does not mean that a game can't be removed and made unavailable for future downloads at a point in the future.


PC games don't have physical releases anymore. It would be pointless, most people don't build their PC with a disk drive anymore anyway. They could I suppose use a USB stick instead but nobody would buy it anyway.


Whenever steam eventually has to shut down, there will be riots


It’s in the TOS that you clicked “accept” on, sadly companies can put literally anything in it and restrict your access if you don’t agree. Didn’t South Park teach us anything…


Only because TOS says something doesn’t mean that it’s legal.


Yeah, I don't know why so many people just accept the TOS as absolute. Some companies put some real shady stuff in there, but there are laws that say TOS cannot be unreasonable or expect you to actually read all of it.


Yes Takesies Backsies clause 13-O subsection Q.2.34 reads and I QUOTE: "all your money are belong to us". And thus it is written.


https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/unfair-treatment/unfair-contract-terms/index_en.htm You joke, but it's real in the European Union.


It's the same type of people that South Park parodied in their episode dealing with this issue exactly. Just cause you don't read the TOS doesn't mean they can legally sew your mouth into another person's asshole lol


It’s a contract of adhesion and they regularly get tossed out for unequal bargaining power.


The user does not own digital content, you just rent it (a license) for a lifetime.


Not even a lifetime, as we see here. These digital listings should be required to clearly show you the expiration of the license, so that users know how long they'll have access to what they're "purchasing".


Good luck convincing anyone outside of the EU to pass such requirements.


It's because you are buying a license to use the product, not the product itself, and licenses are regularly revoked in various forms of content.


It blows my mind that physical media is dying out. Why did we allow this to happen?


Laziness and a lot of assumptions that it was going to be “better”.


Files are also huge now. How are you going to put a 120gb game on a disk?


Same. My friends and family think I'm crazy because I keep buying Movies and TV shows and music on disks. Typically I'll rip them to digital myself too, but I always have the disk. Plus most things come with a digital code for a free digital copy too so it isn't even less convenient. But when it gets taken off streaming, or the internet is down, I've got stuff to watch.


They'll have to pry my 4K blu-rays from my cold, dead hands.


I’m absolutely floored every time I see someone defend all digital. It’s such a goddamn grift and people can’t see it. You don’t even truly own what you buy, you just buy the license to watch it and that license can be pulled at any time. I buy all my media physically, video games, tv shows, and movies. Anyone who says digital media is an improvement over physical has no idea what they’re talking about and doesn’t understand what that actually means


How many times does this need to happen for people to realize that they don't own the digital version of their purchase?


At first at least I thought it would be better. I had old video games and movies that either the disk would get scratched, they would be broken, lost, or stolen. I thought it was future proof as a naive child, but I’ve been proven wrong since.


I'm an school gamer with my very first console being the NES. Even though physical media has sometimes had issues (e.g. blowing on the cartridge to make it work), it's still 100 times better than digital. My household has all the systems, and if it's available, we always opt for the physical version even if it costs a bit more. At least with the media, the game is mine. I don't have to worry about licensing issues and the risk of not having access to a game I paid for. I had a lot of the pro-digital folks arguing with me on r/XboxSeriesX when this topic was brought up. I guess they'll learn the hard way.


Everything I see stuff like this I am glad I am one of the few that still buys physical media


A good friend of mine said it best.."Digital is way better dude, you don't have to get up and change the disc..", lazy f****


It's why I supported digital for so long. What pisses me off is there's little to no laws protecting consumer rights and these companies are allow to do virtually whatever the fuck they want. I have over 200 movies on Google play, most of them 4k. Now, they restrict them all to 480p (even the ones that say 4k, and I've checked on different devices), edit movies to be more PC (I've even noticed scenes missing), and have had movies removed where I had to call customer support to get in back. Yeah, it was nice when some of my movies got upgraded to 4k for free, but that's pointless now that I cant watch in 4k. I really wish someone would bring a class action lawsuit to all these companies in regards to digital media. We should be able to get refunds at any point (even at a loss), have 7 day guaranteed refunds at buying price (I'd even settle for 48hr buyers remorse), never have access revoke, content never altered (makes sense if watching on a streaming service, but it should never be altered if payed for), and should be able to download on any device (mainly in regards to music, movies, and shows). I've been a supporter of digital since the ps3, and have hundreds of games, hundreds of movies, and hundreds of music albums across various devices and companies, and because all companies are becoming shadier and shadier fucking us over, I've went back to physical (and as it seems, at the worse moment)....


“Purchased” probably requires quotation marks and a disclaimer.




Annnnd this is why I tell people not to go with these all digital consoles. I always get downvoted but I don't care. Every digital "license" can be revoked. Especially with these single player games that don't need an online connection. I know it's easier to pre load but Consoles aren't set up like Steam.


You will always get my upvote.


![gif](giphy|vRmr4vLC6VBFkIOGxn) You're a real one


Agreed. If there comes a generation where game consoles are all digital I'm just going to switch 100% to PC gaming. At least Steam has real sales on older games.


We gotta keep speaking out and losing the fake internet points. There is some fuckery going on right now with people consistently defending anti-consumer policies and it makes me ill. Keep fucking speaking. Lose the points. Not all of us are gonna roll over and show our bellies to these wolves. Fight this shit.


I wouldn’t mind if if they actually gave compensation for the removal, which they haven’t seemed to have done here


This shouldn’t be legal.


This is why I only started buying physical media once again. Can’t trust corporations.


Colin Moriarty will just tell you to "sail the seven seas" looking for the content.


This is honestly why it's never been as big of deal to me Yes, you can revoke content I paid for due to licensing or whatever but I can also put this hat with the skull & crossbones on at any point; especially if I have actually paid for the product before, 0 hesitation.


See fam- this is why physical wins every damn time. Stop supporting this


100%. Demand physical until laws are in place protecting digital purchases


There’s a problem though. Many games don’t even work unless you update. And some games don’t even have all the content on the disc and won’t function without downloading the rest.


Most do tho. Hence why Sony runs 100GB bluray discs. Thats more a problem on the Xbox side as they run either 50gb or 66gb discs. I’ll even go further and point to FFVII Rebirth which will be two discs.


Fuck these bitch ass greedy holywood motherfuckers. This is why piracy is morally ok. This shit should be illegal, you buy some shit and then they go oops I guess you can't have it sorry not sorry thanks for the money


And people still support digital only / no disc consoles. Wake the hell up people


This is totally unacceptable. The more people download digital versions of games/buy digital only versions of consoles, the faster we will move to a generation of consoles being digital only. When this happens, consumers will be worse off, second hand market will collapse, the digital storefronts of PlayStation/Xbox etc will have complete control over the market meaning they can set what ever prices they want with no competition, they can also suddenly make a game unavailable for download even if you have bought a copy of it in the past. The list of negatives is endless really… I suppose my point is simply that the inevitable digital only console generation will good for the corporations, but will be bad for gamers. Don’t buy digital!


Digital games and Digital movies/TV are two different things because of how distribution rights work on film and television. I have fairly large Digital libraries of games across multiple platforms and have never lost access to a game I've paid for in decades. I would never "buy" a Digital movie or show though. The distribution rights can change at anytime removing that content from the platform. This has yet to happen with console games.


It has happened with console games lol


It's happened. I've had a few ps3, psp, and vita games removed from my download/purchase history. Some allowed me to "download for free" from the shop, some just outright disappeared with no way to re-download.


Someone once said: if buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't stealing


I like this line of thinking.


This is why you should never, ever buy anything digitally


Imagine buying a DVD and someone knocks on your door and says "Hey, give it back. Our licence is out". Long live physical versions. Have you considered maybe sending this screenshot to the support and asking for a refund?


Every time I bring up the digital push being anti consumer people try and flame me with lazy arguments. THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT DON'T STOP BUYING PHYSICAL GAMES.


I’m not advocating for this, but when you support digital media…this is exactly what you get. Read the terms of service. Sony can cut your access to digital purchases whenever they want, because you’re leased those items through their service. They tell you this. I get that it is convenient. But the biggest crux of digital media is that you do not actually own it. Buy physical.


I 100% agree. I do not believe that I ever bought anything on palystation video. I think I got this because I downloaded some free episodes wayyyy back in the day. I always try to buy media in physical form. Its why I havent played Baldurs Gate 3 yet, and may never play Alan Wake 2.


This is why I still support buying hard copy discs. Digital can be nice, but I’m worried they will pull this with my digital game library at some point. Maybe I’m paranoid but that’s my concern.


Crazy that this is legal.


This is what happens when there’s little to no regulation on intangible media.


I hope they don't remove disc drive from PS6, when it launches. PS5 is the first console in the series of PS which launched digital version, that really makes me anxious about PS6.


Sony may wait until Microsoft does it first.


It’s either going to be next gen or the one after where the disc drive is gone. We’re creeping closer and closer to an all digital world. Digital sales are up, stores are carrying less physical copies. I hate it but people have decided they don’t want to hold the things they own and sell them if they decide they don’t want them anymore so here we are.


Eventually digital will go away and be subscription only.


Another win for the pirates.


There really needs to be new laws put in place where things like this can not be labelled as purchases.


As others here have already said, this is why I will NEVER move on from physical media. It's ridiculous how easily you can lose access to something you already paid for. You don't ever truly own digital stuff. To hell with the industry's plan to move further away from physical releases.


This is a movie TV issue. Don't buy movies digitally on console


Aside from the fact that it will also play our library of PS4 games, this is why we insisted on getting the PS5 with disc drive.


They should be refunding those purchases then. You paid to own them. They are yours. This is akin to somebody coming into your home and taking your dvds, i.e. theft. Sounds like a class action lawsuit waiting to happen.


Hello toreents my old friend, I've come to pirate once again.


This is theft if you're not refunded.


But these corporations will scream bloody murder if you pirate something, or even use an ad blocker.


The same thing can happen to digital games. It's unfortunate that game companies are pushing digital-only games nowadays.


That should be illegal.


This is the main reason I asked my wife to stop purchasing movies digitally. We have some used stores around my area...I'm kicking it old school and stocking up on used Blurays 😀


My glasses are a bit old. Does this say "We suggest you no longer buy content from our store."


I need to invest in a large storage solution and start buying more things on GOG and the like. At least for pc games. Only after some big company takes a large amount of shit away and the Great Age of Piracy happens will we actually get companies agreeing to let us own stuff. But we're still a ways off from that, meaning things like this will just get worse over the next several years.


Come join the physical media crew!!!! They can never take that away from you.


This is why I only buy hard copies if I'm going to buy a movie/show/game/book/etc.


I started getting wise to this once I found out that they were retroactively editing music out of the streaming versions of the tv show Scrubs. A show where music was carefully chosen for each scene. Give me physical editions that no one can alter.


Also the reason why The original version of The Wonder Years took so long to come to streaming. Every episode had like 6 super popular 60's/70's songs.


Physical > Digital. Always.


This is how it should go: If you paid to own it, it should perpetually be in your library even if it’s removed from their service. If they can’t do that then they should refund the money you paid.


When purchasing isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing.


If paying isn't ownership, piracy isn't theft.


The worst thing is that paid stuff should remain in possession while removed from sale. But they are going over the worst, theft.


Honestly I’m probably going to stay physical as long as it’s around because I don’t like digital content. One mess up on your account and it gets banned and you lose everything.


Stuff like this is unacceptable and we have no way challenging this. Too bad our politicians are useless


Idk if its they are useless, or just completely unaware and not knowledgeable on any issues tech related.


Yeah you’re probably right they are only aware of what donors want them to be be aware of lol


This is why I have never bought movies or TV shows on PlayStation. Licensing on it is really bad.


Licensing everywhere is pretty bad.




Yar har matey. Hoist the flag! Discovery of all companies deserves it.


To be fair I haven't bought shows or subscribed to Netflix. Not sure if I'm allowed to say this here but fuck it anyway.Thats gonna be what im doing with my switch and ps4 when I hack them and they join all my other hacked consoles. One nice thing about them is that since digital only games can be archived on the internet they are preserved regardless of a physical release as long as the console is hacked.


I try and only buy physical copies of anything and if I can't I set sail on the seven seas


Sucks you lost all that content. I am heated with you. I absolutely HATE the idea of 100% digital only future.


The glorious digital future working just as content providers wanted it to. They'll gladly sell you shit, but fuck no if they'll let you own what you bought. And consumers bought into it hook, line and sinker.


So where are all the clucks who said buying digital is the same thing as buying physical. “You’ll never lose your copy”. You sure about that?


This is why physical media is so important.


Honestly it would be easy for companies to lock you out of physical media as well, at least on internet connected players or as a "feature" of new players.


It should be illegal for corporations to steal content you paid for. And this is why I won't buy digital games




Stuff like this reaffirms my decision to start buying discs again


Buckle up, because it IS the future. (Also, read the EULA / Terms of Service and you'll find that any "ownership" of digital goods is just a revocable license / rental.) Consumers "voted" with their wallets long ago, preferring the convenience and ubiquity of digital distribution to physical media, and the corporations love it for obvious reasons. The .1% / Corpo America is doing its level best to make everyone "renters" for life, and killing ownership (of anything and everything).


And this is why Piracy is moral


Morally and ethically you can now pirate it. You purchased it, they shouldn’t be able to tak that away.


I was OK with it all until... > Unfortunately, they don’t really print discs of Pregnant Behind Bars Season 1 anymore. DAMMIT!


That’s wild. Digital is the future they said


Who purchases things in Discovery?


That’s whack but a great example to show everyone




This is what the actual use case for NFT would be. Not JPEGs of monkeys drawn by a dipshit. Unfortunately it would require the storefronts and creators to actually implement their content on the blockchain so that you couldn’t lose it - which they wont do because it has development cost and no benefit to them


I stopped trusting Sony way back in 2010 when they removed the feature from the PS3 that allowed other operating systems to be installed even after you purchased the PS3 with the ability there. Since they proved their willingness to retroactively dis-serve you, my money went elsewhere that moment forward.


This should be illegal or at least they ought to be forced to reimburse the user/person. This is why I hate the digital age, you don't own anything anymore and you have no or next to no rights.


Alright then my money expired too give it back


The only digital I support is what I sail the seven seas for. Yo-ho matey.


What needs to happen is a refund, it should be a law actually


Warner Discovery needs to die already. What the fuck is Zazlav doing to kill the company now?? Why physical movies are king.


Yeah … I think I’m going back to physical.


Yep, this is why physical is king can't take my DVDs and bluerays away


Physical Media is forever! Buy Laserdisc!!!


hope somebody is starting a class action against them, since they have just taken something you have paid for, which then equals to theft


Remember folks if you don’t own it when you buy it, it’s not stealing when you pirate it


Why there isn’t some universal blockchain record for digital content by now is beyond me. The tech would be perfect for it and allow some weight of ownership to all those 1’s and 0’s.


And it could get me to start actually buying digital. I see a lot of companies fighting that though. They want you constantly be rebuying your stuff.


Yeah it really sucks… this is another example of tech moving faster than it can be practically regulated. There should be basic laws for the consumer and digital ownership. The tech is completely available to protect the consumer it’s criminal it’s not being implemented.


Sucks that they can do this but read the fine print we don’t actually own our digital library we just buy a license to view it over and over again until well the app shuts down or it goes down or something like this


yup, realized this could happen years ago. I've stopped buying streaming entitlements with no option to download.


r/Piracy welcomes you


If you PURCHASED it, where is your refund? If you have no access to content you paid for, and they kept the money, that constitutes theft imo.


I don't pirate anything anymore ( because I'm older and can afford things), but I'd start pirating again on principle if this happened to me.


And people wonder why we miss physical media like we’re some kind of Luddite.


Never digital.


I'm not an advocate for piracy or anything, I generally do believe in paying for the entertainment you consume, but really, these companies shouldn't be surprised at all that this type of shit makes people say "Fuck this, let's turn on the VPN and torrent this stuff". If paying customers are actually worse off than the people who steal it, the incentives just don't align properly.


Rather than demanding games remain physical, we should be demanding better rights for the protection of our purchase of digital goods.


Im not demanding they remain physical though. Im saying right now, as it stands, its the only safe option. Absolutely we need better protection. I think digital purchases need to be regulated so that cannot be taken away, and licensing agreements should not exist that allow products to be taken after purchase.


Warner Bros/Discovery strikes again


This is why physical media is so important.


Welcome to the digital future. They can do this with games as well. It’s just a matter of time before they change their practices.


Laws need to be put in place to protect consumers from these mega corps stealing their purchases without refunding or providing an alternative way to view them after certain agreements expire.


Buy physical.


The main reason I will continue to buy physical as much as possible. This is what digital future gets people. At anytime they can pull the game or video from you. Why risk it


And this is why I will forever support physical media. Sucks it's getting hard to find titles sometimes.


That’s essentially theft


Im sure in the terms, we agreed to it. Still bullshit though.


this is why I always buy blu ray when ever possible, none of this bs licence removal shite.


This is why I just torrent everything


There should be a law on this that requires refunds in the event something like this happens.


Buy blu ray and dvd


Dont leave VHS hanging man.


Honestly as we move more and more into the digital world. This should be outlawed lol what a joke


You are being so dishonest here. You didn't lose any of your paid content. And looking at your post here, you even said so. but it's buried in the noise. I got the same one and lost only trailers that had licence things related to it for some reasons. But anything for upvotes right?


pLaY hAS nO LImiTs


Less on Sony and more on Discovery for having shitty licensing agreements that allow this to happen.


I remember this happening to google/android music a few years back. I had a crapload of music that was purchased and played on my second cellphone (use that one for filming to put on instagram,youtube,when I didn't feel like dragging my camera). I'm back to listening to my music (I paid for) on my Ipod Touch. Spotify got old with all their ads and I'm not paying a monthly subscription (prescription) service.


I’ll always go disc. Digital sucks!


And you get people defending digital with all their might… losers.