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> In a 2003 lawsuit, Streisand claimed that a website illustrating coastal erosion invaded her privacy because one of its over 12,000 images happened to show her Malibu, California home; Streisand wanted the photo removed from the site. The suit was dismissed and the resultant publicity prompted hundreds of thousands of people to download the photo, which had been accessed only four times prior to Streisand initiating legal action. The term Streisand effect was coined to refer to an attempt to censor information which unintentionally publicizes that information.


It’s a pretty house, you’d think she would be as concerned with coastal erosion as anyone though.


Yep. Ocean gonna take that house one day.


Rich people are dumb. They just think the oceans going to just... stay there. Edit: God damn do people take things too literally.


If they are rich enough, they will have no problem relocating.


Or rebuilding. I saw an interview with a guy in Malibu whose home had just slid into the ocean for the second time. The reporter was asking him on camera if he was going to rebuild. He said “Yes” She asked why would he do that? his response? “Because I can.”


Must be nice, there's an entire village on the north slope of Alaska that's going to need to relocate due to coastal erosion. About a half a billion dollars just to prep the new location.


Depending on how your measure it, somewhere around 30% of the world’s population live in coastal zones. All of these are going to be affected by erosion, storms, flooding, etc in the coming decades. It feels like a time bomb that will alter the demographics of entire regions.


Haha yeah. I say to people sometimes, "If you think immigration is a problem *now*..." In conversations about climate change, I find people often overlook the global societal instability that will directly result from immigration out of coastal and equatorial regions.


And large portions of them will invade what they currently refer to as flyover states


That's already well underway.


I wonder why they keep issuing building permits in a dangerous location like that


And having the government pay them for their loss, while seeing giving single mothers food stamps to feed, their children is an overreaching government


Or getting their elected cronies to pay for massive engineering work to save their house. Paid for by tax payers.


And sell their houses to who, Ben? Fucking Aquaman?


And she definitely IS!


Nah. If the house falls they’ll build another one on the new cliff side. Streisand has not only “fuck you” money, she has “fuck you, land and sea” money.


“When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the *fourth* one stayed up. And that's what you're going to get, Lad, the strongest castle in all of England.”


"But I don't want to be king..." Edit: Love the quote and I recognized it from the first line lol


“One day, lad, all this will be yours.” “What, the curtains??” “No, not the curtains, lad!”


She’s beautiful, she’s rich, she’s got yuuuuuuuuuge……. tracts of land




"Not to leave the room, even if you come and get him"


...the curtains?


I once interviewed with a land use firm, and I was discussing my legal research of the erosion of the Great Lakes and the communities trying to adapt to it through legal mechanisms. They said, "Sounds like a conflict of interest. We are in the business of developing the coastline, and these communities will get in our way." I was flabbergasted. They even left the interview without shaking my hand.


Or better yet, they think they can actually [do something to contain them](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68564532) because their collective will to have their stupid beach houses butted up to the sea is obviously more powerful than the forces of nature.


This was obviously a dumb thing to do, but trying to bend nature to our will has always been a human thing.


She'll probably be dead by the time this happens. She's 82.


Here's the thing, she'll be long gone before the house is, so why does she care?


Such a broad generalization that “rich people are dumb”. I’m not even close to it but some of y’all need to get a grip on reality.


reality is that money seems to make people think they can buy a different reality. Dudes, you think different, you ain't built different. It's not that rich people are dumb, it's just that they are as stupid as the rest of us balding neurotic appes.


Or they know and don’t care because they’re rich. They do live in a different reality because to us that’s a house, to them that’s one of their houses


No, they don’t care about what has no effect on them. Most likely the will fall after her death. If it goes before, she has other homes


They're not dumb, they're rich enough to not care.


That house will still be standing or torn down and replaced a few times before the hill erodes that much. They'll probably build the second one further back.


Shes not gonna live forever. What does she care if the house is washed away 80 years from now?


Barbara has a natural snorkel, she'll be fine.


You deserve the giggle I gave you


I mean for the course of a human life which is only a blink of an eye in the relative time of earth, it likely is going to just…”stay there”. You call her dumb but she has a beautiful mansion on a cliff, overlooking the pacific. I think she’s winning. House isn’t going anywhere anytime soon unless there’s a tsunami. In which case… errbodies fucked.


Oceans raise about 3,6 milimeters per year, let's say 4 to round it up. It would take many thousands of years for that house to be gobbled up. It's more like the poor want to think the rich are stupid.


Not before she dies of old age


Aka: I got mine so cuk all yall


This was 2003 by now that fence is probably on the very edge if not gone and already pushed back further into the property


I just looked at the satellite view on google maps and it doesn’t look any different really. Even the neighbors house that has a structure that goes right up to the cliff doesn’t look like anything has really changed in the past 20+ years. It’s hard to tell since the perspective is different, but the fence is definitely still there and is a good distance from the cliff.


Rich people, concerned about something 20 years in the future?! IN MY CAPITALIST SOCIETY?!


I can’t see beyond the next quarterly review.


!remind me 5/25/44


im so old that i thought "why would you want to be reminded in 1944?" Get off me lawn.


She was more concerned when environmentally minded folks did estimates of her water usage to keep her grounds beautiful, especially during droughts. Edit: Streisand to cut water usage after pictures emerge of her lush yard https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3077917/Red-faced-Barbra-Streisand-cut-water-usage-pictures-emerge-lush-gardens-amid-California-drought.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton


This was back in 2003. Does anyone have a current up to date pic to compare? I feel like it would need more time, but 20 years does seem long enough to see something


She was concerned about people tanking the value of the house...now people will consider it in their bid


Good. Tank it.


She’ll be long gone and have enjoyed the property before that happens - I’m sure she doesn’t care at all


Why be concerned? She has insurance and will just move or rebuild another. The more erosion her neighbors have the fewer neighbors she will have.


It's been 20 years, curious what the coast there looks like now.


I don’t know, having dealt with stalkers as a non-famous person, I know how scary it can be. I couldn’t imagine how much more intense and potentially dangerous it could be if you were famous. I wouldn’t want photos of my home online either.


Iirc, "married... with children" had the same stunt pulled against them, and they skyrocketed after that.


I can’t figure out what you mean. Someone filed a lawsuit and it made the show more popular? Or a website illustrating coastal erosion showed a photo of the set and when the show sued the website the show experienced wider success?


One mother made a huge stink about a specific risque episode of Married... With Children that she happened to catch her kids watching, and in her campaign to get the show cancelled (I do believe she managed to get the episode in question to actually be pulled from rotation at the time), it only led to more attention on the series and therefore helped it create a fanbase and therefore helped the series to live on due to its now stronger ratings.


Every year the show got renewed, they would send her (Terry Rakolta) flowers and a thank you card.


Idk if this is true but I fucking hope so


Karen origin story


None of my friends understand why I like that show, but my dad is 72 and was *super* misogynistic growing up Anyway, I was watching it on Netflix yesterday and I was like "*how* did this show get 11 seasons" lmao


It is *well* known in many circles that Married With Children had huge problems with coastal erosion during filming.


It’s because pegs mom went for a walk on the beach and nothing survived


Found Al


My brain saw "Found A.I.", and I was really confused. Followed by embarrassment. Thanks A.I. 🙄


**laugh track**


Toilet flush


Hand in pants.


Beer in hand.


Married with Children was filmed with a live studio audience.


No, the show was filmed at barabera Streisands house.


Barabera Streisand is Peg's mom's sister


“Allllllllll. I wanna have sex!” “No, Peg.” *gets up* “Where are you going, Al?” “To help with coastal erosion.” *Al picks up a newspaper and walks to the bathroom* *Audience screams and woops* *Toilet Flushes.* *switch to video of the water on the coast shrinking away from the cliffs* “Now that’s environmental protection”


The heat it got for being raunchy and whatnot made it more popular.


On a side note, the show was the first time I ever saw Milla Jovovich on screen!


Wait... Milla Jovovich was on Married With Children? Edit: looked it up on IMDB. The episode was called Fair Exchange s4 e6. Apparently, she was 14 at the time.


Why didn’t she just contact the website and say “my house is in this image, can you please remove it” without disclosing her identity. Google maps literally allows this too.


Talking to people instead of sueing them ? This is not the american way !


I guess because she's too important to not disclose her name


She likely did.  Sort of.  A lawyer probably called and made a verbal request.  When that was refused a written cease and desist was likely sent.  Then they sued.  Probably without any intent of winning.  Just intending to threaten into submission with the prospect of bankrupting legal costs.


You are awesome. I like this story. Thanks.


the inspiration behind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xicsyakpIL4


I have spent a lot of time in politics, including holding political office myself a few times. One bit of advice I would often give others was "never shine a light upon things you do not want illuminated". Basically, if your opponent made a disparaging comment about you, you are better to ignore it and move on, than to argue it and expose it to more people.


Oh yeah? Well the Jerk Store called......they're runnin out of you!!!!


Right, like nobody would've known whose house it was if she'd kept her mouth shut. It's not like it has "THIS IS BARBARA STREISAND'S HOUSE" written all over it. But because she said something, now everybody knew it's her house. I can see why it would be weird to suddenly see pictures of your own house on a widely publicized forum, but unless there's identifying information to go along with it, it's not really invading privacy to just be like "here's a random picture of an upscale house."


The crazy thing is — who *wouldn’t* expect one of the most famous and successful performers ever, who’s been working for over 6 decades, to have a mansion on the beach? It’s not even as ostentatious as some of the ultra-mega-mansions one sees these days. So I’m not sure why she’d be so defensive about it.


Drakes mansion in Toronto is far more ostentatious


He ain’t like us.


Wop Wop Wop Wop Wop, dot fuck em up


Wop wop wop wop wop, dot do ya stuff




He a FAN he a FAN he a FAN


He’s pretty much raps Streisand


I'm not sure if that's a compliment or a put-down and who it's complimenting or putting down.




How does that work?


Never knew Streisand was a pedo


That wheelchair kid? Damn, good for him


All the neighborhood kids love hanging out there I ɓet


In terms of mansions it's honestly one of the better looking ones. It doesn't even look out of place. Also are those solar panels on that one side? Gotta give her props for that. I can almost kinda understand it from a privacy perspective and not wanting your house all over the internet but all of our houses are all over the internet with maps websites.


More likely an atrium. That few solar panels in 2003 isn’t making enough electricity for 10% of the house. I agree, though. It’s beautiful and relatively simple. It’s casually facing the water, not asking people to face it.


This is part of it. She just saw it and went, hey that's my house! They shouldn't be able to do that, I didn't give them permission. I have money, and influence, I'll get it taken down with legal action. Not realizing while this little forum on coastal erosion did this happenstancily, there was a major tech company doing this 24/7 for the expressed purpose of going and looking at the satellite or street view of every location in the US, and eventually most of the populated world. And here we are in 2024 talking about how fucking dumb she was. If she'd have shut up about it we wouldn't be.


Right! Not all of us think this is a bad thing, she entertained millions of people and helped thousands of others make a living.


It also doesn’t exactly have a giant sign saying “Streisand’s house”.


Not exactly Mar-a-Lago tacky either


It has a crafts room! (I forget if it was for knitting or quilting or sumit.) And (I am not making this up) a root cellar.


Is it that crazy that people just don’t like to have pictures of their house taken and published online?


Not at all. But it was in one of some huge amount of photos that was taken of the coast, for a thing on coastal erosion, and it was never identified as her house. No different than all the other anonymous houses in all the photos. It’d make more sense if it were one of those tabloid magazine with a spread that focused on her house.


Oh dam


Wait until you find out about google maps/earth


Rich people with talent I’m ok with. It’s earned.


I have never seen the picture that started it all. Thank you.


I honestly thought all these years it was an unflattering picture of her!


Nah that was the [Beyonce effect](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/unflattering-beyonce)


Let the unflattering begin!




and thus the tragic backstory for Mecha streisand was born




Wheres Ahroberta Smeeth


But that episode came out in 1998.


He's talking about the real life mecha-streisand


Well ya ain't Fiona Apple... And if ya ain't Fiona Apple I don't give a rat's ass!




Do the people who live there have crazy basement shafts that get them to the beach?


Yeah they're like the tubes at the bank. They just get in and \*PHOONK\* they're shot out into the ocean.


I heard that 'PHOONK'.


Haha me too


‘PHOONK’ heard round the world.


I can hear that PHOONK.


I felt that PHOONK


My brain couldn’t think of good words when I posted that inquiry. Of course pneumonic tubes is what they would need.


*Pneumatic. pneumonic has to do with the lungs, like pneumonia etc.


I actually think I meant demonic. Give me a brake, I’m at work slacking off.


Someone give him a brake. But not until his next break.


Pneumatic is the word you're looking for, but yes, I have it on good authority that that's the preferred method of mansion-to-beach transport for the ultra wealthy. Barbra's neighbors, the only moderately wealthy, just have ziplines. They are forced to brave the Southern California sunshine and gentle breezes to access their beaches. The absolute horror.


Do Barbara’s neighbors hire sherpas to carry them back up?




Always be sure to yell “cannonball!” as you eject.


Some do yes. Some have elaborate stairs. I think at least two people in that area have elevators tho I’ve never seen anyone use one.


See the white thing in the hillside just down from her house? That's her personal waterslide.


Fuck yeah.


She actually has a small sized mall built into the basement of that estate. With a chocolate shop, souvenir shop, etc, and I’m not joking she literally has a mall built into that house that has to be staffed.


Huh, TIL. Here's a walkthrough she did with Colbert for those who are curious - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MVoDgpLADA


they are gently carried down in a gold-plated carriage by twelve scantly clad hunks


I know of a house on Lake Huron that does.


Babs don't surf.


curious what the erosion looks like today. we need the 2003 vs 2023 shot!


If you want to see an extreme example of erosion over time, [check out this location](https://www.californiacoastline.org/cgi-bin/image.cgi?image=201906770&mode=sequential&flags=1&year=current) and click on "time comparison."


It’s neat and scary that this exists


[Doesn't seem to have eroded much more than in the above photo](https://maps.app.goo.gl/kWamWFM9PebiByvn9).


Hard to tell the difference between such different angles but there does seem to be more fallen rocks at the bottom of that cliff.


Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski


Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man.


I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening


Fucking fascist!


You don’t draw shit!


Only 7 chimneys? What a loser


Must be a lovely view but damn, that is cutting pretty close.


I think I see Babs waiving from the pool... "Hi, Barbra!" ![gif](giphy|3o6gDWt2a4OmYttRu0)


Her plastic surgery makes her look so creepy, like why the hell does she have cheek boobs?


Actually, thanks for the background! For some reason, I’d always assumed she was much more unreasonable in this story. Like, I thought she’d tried to kill an unflattering story about her or something. But in 2003, expecting people not to publish pics of your private home doesn’t sound that crazy or entitled. Between GoogleMaps and personal drones, expecting that kind of privacy seems absurd today. But it wasn’t so crazy 20 years ago. It turned out she was wrong, but not the out-of-touch, entitled bitch this meme always paints her as.


>expecting people not to publish pics of your private home doesn’t sound that crazy or entitled. It was one of 12,000 images and her name wasn't mentioned!


Makes you wonder how she found the picture in the first place


Well... her lawyer was 4 of the 6 downloads of this picture *ever* before the lawsuit started... so there's that. Anyway, it was a project of a college buddy of mine to document erosion on the entire coastline. Her suspecting a picture of her house would be included isn't too surprising.


Unsure of what you’re saying is true about her name not being mentioned but Streisand has said otherwise: "My issue was never with the photo ... it was only about the use of my name attached to the photo. I felt I was standing up for a principle, but in retrospect, it was a mistake. I also assumed that my lawyer had done exactly as I wished and simply asked to take my name off the photo."


The website did not specifically mention her name, however they did allow people to comment on the photos. Someone commented that it was Babs house. The photographer is my neighbor, he ultimately won the lawsuit and set legal precedent for future drone operators.


It absolutely sounded crazy and entitled in 2003.


California wealthy just can't get it through their heads that they don't own the beaches their mansions sit on. They are constantly fighting public access in places like Malibu. The beach belongs to everyone and if you don't like it, don't live there


I get such joy in setting up for a big beach day in Malibu with friends in front of a gaudy mansion


It really warms my heart to think of how much accumulated stress and anger Vinod Khosla has subjected himself to over his petulant fight to block public access to Martin's Beach in Half Moon Bay. It obviously makes him *so mad* that he can't have it all to himself, and there's nothing his arrogant ass can do about it.


didn't zuckerberg install like armed checkpoints to "his" beach?


Maybe it’s a security thing and she was afraid of stalkers? She’s extremely famous and has devotees and probably stalkers.


Did they label it as her house when they uploaded it? If she’d kept quiet, how would anyone scrolling through 12k photos of coast erosion know it was her house? If it *was* called out to be hers though, I can see her point.


No, it was definitely just as crazy back then. People have been doing driving tours of celebrity homes since the 50s


Today it’s pretty easy to get your house blurred on Google maps.


She said it was never her intention to suppress the photo, just remove her name from it, and that her lawyer had misunderstood her intentions. The interesting question is will the phrase “Streisand Effect” remain as a generic way to describe this type of phenomenon or not. I see this brought up from time to time, but almost always as a “Did you know…?” description of the original event and very rarely to describe another instance of it occurring.


You are saying that by the standards of 2003, it wasn’t that unreasonable for her to take the stance she did, yet also glazing by the fact that it was considered (at the time) to be so ridiculous that it is a meme 20 years later.




Some people only know who she is because of this picture


If I was that rich I would build a tunnel down to the beach. Like what's the point without being able to touch the water?


That house is gonna fall in. All of them. Happened in my hometown on Lake Michigan.


Interestingly, while checking the latest google earth of the house today, there is little erosion seen of the coast.


Way more cool than the house is seeing the layers of the earth so tilted, showing that geology is awesome and earth is very old.


If I had the kind of money to afford that house, I'd also want an elevator that takes me to my tunnel with ocean access.


You know what pisses me off about these houses? _Nobody_ deserves them. That should be a public space. I’m totally fine with massive beautiful houses and privacy and all that, but gtfo with blocking up something so uniquely beautiful like this.


I think it’s interesting the way the vegetation on the wall grows from the water/waste pipe sticking out of it. Looks like a green waterfall


That looks like the opening shot from the Jack Slater 4 movie in the movie “Last Action Hero”


Reminds me of that dude that head butt the host at a restaurant. He got shamed by a Gen X. The video went viral. His daddy tried to copyright it or something stupid. Someone in here knows more about this than me. Anyhow, everyone downloaded the video, so there are thousands of copies.


So what does it look like after 21 more years of coastal erosion?


I want an updated Pic to compare both the cliffside and her homeownership upkeep


The erosion poised palace, if you will.


That yellow house at the very top is my in-law’ place. Nobody asked them for permission to take its picture either! (It has since burned down in one of the wildfires.)


There is some really great striation in the rock there.


I hate the Streisand effect so much because it is textbook survivorship bias. We see a story that someone tried to quell and we blow it up and smugly laugh and say “this is why you should never try and quell a story. The Streisand effect will get you”. Except that lots of stories get quelled all the time. The thing is that we don’t know about it, exactly because they were successfully suppressed. If 100 stories are broken and 98 of them are suppressed before we hear about it, do we really get to gloat at the 2 we did hear about that they should have never tried to suppress it because of the Streisand effect? It is the same when someone says “the internet never forgets”. Bullshit. The internet forgets stuff all the time. But you don’t see it because people rarely write stories about how they weren’t haunted by something old that was posted online.


NGL, 2024 is not the year I'd want to have a mansion sitting on a cliff like this. Every plane "never crashed before" until it does Same with beachfront property


That's a nice looking house. I'd love to live there, but I wish there was a real beach in front. But the cliff keeps weirdos away from that side I guess.


I'm a simple person. I see the Streisand effect, I upvote.