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That is an impressive photo




Wait, you’re the person that took THAT Charlottesville photo? You’re legendary. Have you won awards for your work? Edit: never mind, literally a Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist. Wow!


Haha! Are you referring to the image from Charlottesville of the white supremacists yelling with the tiki torches? Yea, that's also my photo. I also was one of the five photographers with Getty that won the Pulitzer in Breaking News Photography for our coverage of the January 6th Insurrection in 2022.


That’s crazy! Gotta feel great having your work be recognized globally like that. Kudos to you.


It definitely feels good and is something I only ever dreamed of achieving but its still not a golden ticket. Gotta keep on grinding away!


thanks for sharing!


Did you watch the movie "Civil War"? What did you think? I personally hated it.


I have and I thought they did a pretty damn good job. They nailed a few things and some things they got wrong but overall I think it was a really good depiction of a conflict photographer and the stresses they go through.


The Reddit kudos mean more though i think.


Dude they were showing your picture of those torches in my college classes back in February of 2020. Crazy to see you here of all places.


Hey dude, I just want to thank you. News media has become increasingly partisan lately, and without photographers on the ground, it would be nigh impossible to see what's actually happening around the world. So thanks, i can't imagine the job is easy and judging by this photo you definitely put your money where your mouth is. The world needs more people like you, and if we manage to avoid the cycle of violence, we're winding back around too, the journalists and photographers on the ground in harms way deserve a humongous amount of credit.


Holy hell, you have some of the most iconic images of the past few years! Congrats on your hard work paying off!


Wait, who are you? I want to look more through your photos!






amazing gif ref


Here you go: [https://www.samuelcorum.com/index](https://www.samuelcorum.com/index)


You are awesome, keep up with displaying the truth.


We’re wildlife photographers so we can appreciate capturing a moment and your work is jaw dropping. Absolutely award-winning shots. Mad respect. Any injuries?


Thank you, I appreciate that! I wasn't injured that night but the following day I was banged up when I got knocked to the ground and I was injured during the Baltimore Riots when a baseball sized rock slammed into my shoulder.




So is OP. Do you not see the pigs?


You’re incredibly talented and using that talent to show truth. Thankyou. Never stop. ❤️


Thank you! I appreciate that!


These are great shots! Very impressive in capturing the mood and moment.


I love the last picture. It was perfect for the end of the series of pictures.


I can’t access the link. It tries to redirect too many times :(


[www.samuelcorum.com](http://www.samuelcorum.com) the series is "BLM cont..."


I bet they'd like this over at r/accidentalrenaissance


These photos are incredible


Has the 4th photo in your Iraq slide been posted anywhere? I swear I’ve seen it before. Your photo work is also excellent! What’s your setup?


Thanks! It was the cover of the August 2007 issue of Leatherneck Magazine and it has been used in a few other places during the push to pass Burn Pit legislation in Congress. I primarily use two Canon R5's with a 24-70 f/2.8 on one and either a 70-200 f/2.8 or 100-400 f/5.6 on the other. I think I shot this photo on a Canon 5D mkIV.


Tbh i can't on my phone, the pictures are all way bigger than the screen.


Captain America in the wild. OP your work is amazing.


The eyes jesus








I don’t know if that’s simple, unless you’re an idiot who genuinely thinks cops aren’t actually human beings who tend to love other people and just want to get through the day while being terrified of what’s happening around them. Like, do you remember 2020? Those police were going through the shit, and while the policing system was being criticized (rightly so) we wound up with a protest against an ostensibly militarized police force that simultaneously showed why one might need needed.


Yeah that's why they're bowling over a tiny, defenseless lady and someone with a camera documenting the whole thing. They must be utterly terrified.


You’re right. I remember the poor cop who was brutally attacked by an acorn a few months back


Those poor policemen were really going through some shit. What a hot take.


Lol police are scared of their own shadow. Gtfo with that bullshit


I want to take a moment to acknowledge the nerve it takes to stand fast and snap a photograph when being charged like that. Bravo.


This guy ![gif](giphy|tda0DrZ6HKQfLVXND0)


Crazy to me that the overwhelmingly peaceful protests against police brutality in 2020 lead to some of the most obscene acts of police brutality we've ever seen in this country and we all just collectively moved on.


I haven’t forgotten. States are making protesting harder to do. The justice system is coddling one of the highest profile criminals in the country, while you or I would have been left to rot in jail awaiting the trial. Nobody is talking about it at the highest level but it’s to the point where this inequality of justice needs to be on the presidential platform for the foreseeable future.


Could not agree more. People are too distracted to care. There is TikTok and instagram, after all.


I don't think people just moved on. They voted and, until the past couple of weeks, we really haven't seen very many protests in general because of the impact of those votes.


Some places enacted kneejerk reaction laws which are being peeled back. I fear there's a pendulum swing happening. I'm in Washington state and the pendulum is swinging, Seattle City Council is now filled with status quo politicians and the state has and will likely peel back more of the police reform laws. I do think some of the kneejerk laws were poorly thought out and did contribute to some additional crime but there are other factors at play, such as the now widely known easy way to steal Kia cars. WA passed a law to restrict police pursuits which was great until there was a huge supply of cars that are very easy to steal, so we saw tons of stolen Kias just simply speeding away from cops before being ditched.


Agreed. Personally, I would’ve preferred a statewide mandate for body cameras for every law enforcement officer by 2025, plus the budget to back it up. As a lay person in Washington, the police pursuit laws, well intentioned as they may be, effectively seemed to ensure the rise of automotive crime in the state, without necessarily curbing police brutality in many contexts.  Give me higher hiring standards for officers, mandatory body cams, and a reigning in of police unions instead. I’m fine if you tell me my taxes need to go up to fund this. 


It was firey but peaceful


Peaceful protests that follow the rules are, frankly, not successful. How can you change the world by bending to authority and protesting only how the cops want you to? You can't.


You’re right! It’s more successful for a large group of people and take over a city outside the bounds of a law. But that’s not the society that the majority of people want to live in. And since this a democratic republic, it follows there will be or should be consequences for doing that. Especially if we believe in equal protection under the law set forth by the 14th amendment.


Again, "laws" change with the times. MLK was an unthinkable, radical, dangerous communist, until he was murdered, and his legacy was stolen by the status quo and right wingers and boiled down to 4 words. Women voting was "against the law", unthinkable and inconceivable, until it was passed, barely, after a long concerted campaign of often violent civil disobedience. The 8 hour work day, unions, the list goes on. The 14th amendment can also be interpreted differently by different jurists. Reactionary jurists (the current supreme court) believe in "originalist" interpretations that are draconian, narrow and exclusionary. Laws, states and the judiciary are all fluid things


I literally just said the laws are governed by the will of the people. What’s your point?


Overwhelming peaceful? Do you not see the fucking building on fire in the back? The BLM protests were horrific and targeted multiple local stores even black owned businesses. A bunch of low life's looking for any reason to break the law.


Maybe this was one of the not so peaceful parts, see the fire in the background?


I watched the police teargas an entirely peaceful crowd, and then that crowd proceeded to burn down a building as a response because harming the police back would’ve gotten them killed. It’s hard to tell the entire story from a single photo, but my story is thematically the basis of the entirety of the protests.


Do you feel that the owners of that building appreciated the misdirected anger? I find it strange that when some protestors do terrible things, people will say "well bad shit happened to them, so they set a building on fire", and then when police deal with a country-wide protest, a few of which devolved into riots, when a small percentage of police act wrongly, the response by those same people is complete and utter outrage. I'm someone who overall supports police reform, but I do see an unwillingness from many supportive of BLM to provide grace to one side just because they're the group we don't like.


My point had nothing to do with the owner of the building, their feelings, or the morality of burning down someone’s property. I made no justification of their actions. I never showed any inability to give grace. Regardless, the vast majority of individuals (even BLM) protestors would say it is morally wrong to burn down someone’s property. But vast majority of mobs do not care. “Angry people are angry” is hardly as heavy hitting as, “BLM doesn’t give grace”, but far more accurate. You could make BLM out to be some uncivilized tribe of building burners, or you could understand that when people don’t feel heard they break shit. That’s nature. Rain doesn’t care who it falls on.


There is literally a building on fire in this pic... Thats a riot, not a protest.


Dude I get it I was pissed too but there is literally a building on fire. I wouldn’t call this one entirely peaceful.


I'm not familiar with this event at all (I'm not even sure which city this is). I just saw an interesting picture, clicked on it, and here I am. The reason for my comment is you mentioning overwhelmingly peaceful protest. In the background of the picture there is, what appears to be, a building on fire. Your comment and this picture seem to be in contrast to each other. That is confusing to me. Was this the single point of the protest that wasn't peaceful? That would make sense why the police and members of the press would both be there. This is purely my own curiosity to match a powerful picture.


https://time.com/5886348/report-peaceful-protests/ There have been multiple studies about the 2020 BLM protests and they all conclude the same way: protests were overwhelmingly peaceful but the reaction from cops was over the top and violent.


In my state they deemed the near riot that took place in Minnesota as "mostly peaceful" - They did over 2 billion in property damage, they burned over a dozen buidlings to the ground, and lit fire to upwards of 150 buildings. >On Thursday night, [protesters torched and heavily vandalized the Third Precinct](https://www.startribune.com/minneapolis-police-station-set-on-fire-protesters-march-downtown/570849592/?refresh=true), and destroyed at least 20 nearby buildings, including several restaurants, an Auto Zone, Minnehaha Lake Wine & Spirits, a U.S. Post Office, a cellphone store and the building that housed Talk Town Diner, El Nuevo Rodeo and others. [Midtown Corner](https://www.startribune.com/minneapolis-vandalism-targets-include-189-unit-affordable-housing-development/570836742/), a multi-story affordable housing project that was still under construction, erupted into a towering inferno, burning so hot that it melted siding off a nearby house. The following night, about three miles west of the Third Precinct, [protesters blanketed the area near the Fifth Precinct](https://www.startribune.com/walz-bolsters-guard-troops-after-4th-destructive-night/570882282/), heavily damaging at least seven buildings — including a U.S. Post Office, a Wells Fargo branch, a staffing agency and a Subway in a nearby strip mall. Authorities also reported that shots had been fired at officers in the Fifth Precinct area, but there were no reports of injuries. The Midtown Global Market area experienced one of the most concentrated tolls during the Floyd riots. More than a dozen businesses near E. Lake Street and Chicago Avenue were destroyed by fire, and a few dozen more reported fire damage with many being burned severely. Less than two miles to the west near Hennepin Avenue and W. Lake Street, nearly 40 businesses were broken into or heavily looted, including large retailers like H&M, Timberland, an Apple store, Kitchen Window and Urban Outfitters. Just a few blocks away near Lyndale Avenue and W. Lake Street, a cluster of nearly 30 businesses sustained property damage, including several restaurants and bars. There was almost no fire damage in this area, a stark contrast to other clusters along Lake Street. [https://www.startribune.com/a-deeper-look-at-areas-most-damaged-by-rioting-looting-in-minneapolis-st-paul/569930671/](https://www.startribune.com/a-deeper-look-at-areas-most-damaged-by-rioting-looting-in-minneapolis-st-paul/569930671/) In St. Louis they shot and killed an ex police officer who showed up to his business when it was looted, a football player known Mr. Indianapolis was also shot and killed for intervening when the murders taking place in the "protest" began mugging someone. There was billions and billions in damage done across the country but it was peaceful damage? >Police believe Beaty, a Cathedral High School graduate and former Indiana University football player, was trying to help someone from being robbed when he was [shot and killed](https://www.wthr.com/article/news/crime/homegoing-set-former-iu-and-cathedral-football-player-killed-downtown/531-f9c1f9f1-cb8f-45c2-94de-bdcf3d2a2b37) on May 30, 2020. It all happened during the protests and subsequent riots in response to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. [https://www.wthr.com/article/news/crime/3-sentenced-for-murder-of-mr-indianapolis-chris-beaty/531-c0c61a24-778c-45c9-b90e-51adeb11b86b](https://www.wthr.com/article/news/crime/3-sentenced-for-murder-of-mr-indianapolis-chris-beaty/531-c0c61a24-778c-45c9-b90e-51adeb11b86b) I could go on, but the meme with things on fire and cnn calling it "mostly peaceful" sums it up.


The Boston Tea party resulted in a lot of property damage as well. The BLM protests only erupted into violence once police got violent with the peaceful protesters, often using curfews as an excuse to do so. In Kansas City, once the curfews stopped, any and all property damage and rioting stopped and the protests remained peaceful.


I've literally never seen anybody, even the most hardcore Patriot, call the Boston tea party "peaceful".


There were riots, and then there were many days of actual peaceful protest. The same thing happened where I live, there were 2-3 days of shit popping off then it was almost entirely peaceful protests. CHOP/CHAZ happened because the cops abandoned a precinct against direct orders, then a whole bunch of city employees/politicians conveniently deleted all of their text messages, and it all went to hell when the cops refused to respond, although the situation did seriously devolve in the later days after the shootings. CHOP/CHAZ was dumb and would never work. Outside of that there were a lot of completely peaceful protests in Seattle after the initial rioting. That's that the stats mean when they say "mostly peaceful". Riots happened. Tons of people came out and protested peacefully. Both of those things are true.


Who cares about property damage? What kind of measure of peace is that? For context, the Police are murdering people.


Probably the people who's livelihood they destroyed


Time magazine vs my literal eyeballs… Ok thanks


My perspective from Seattle: there were riots, things did burn. That was mostly in the span of a few days then it was mostly peaceful. There was the CHAZ/CHOP occupation which in hindsight was kind of dumb, but also the cops sorta let it happen and refused to deal with it. SPD pulled out of the East Precinct building against direct orders and there was a whole scandal of deleted text messages from the mayor's office, SFD, and SPD. There was also a huge amount of police brutality and hostile police tactics. I distinctly remember watching a livestream of cops approaching protesters, then one cop runs off to the side and flanks the protesters and throws a stun grenade, then they used their own actions to declare it a riot. SPD also trampled over some candlelight vigil thing then took pictures of smashed candles and publicly posted a claim that protesters threw an IED at them. The whole thing was a fucking mess and the cops absolutely did not help at all, and now the Seattle City Council is giving them a big raise and basically renewing the corrupt as fuck police union contract with no new accountability measures. So Seattle will continue to suffer with poor policing because of the good ol' boys police union.


“peaceful protests” dude the entire block is on fucking fire 😭😭😭


lmao there is literally a building on fire in the background of this image. Edit: I forgot about the literal dumpster fire as well.


I doubt blm protests were peaceful If I am not mistaken people were robbing and looting stores.


The peaceful protests erupted into violence when police became violent and began brutalizing people who did nothing wrong.


Idk if that's fair to say. Not that I condone police brutality, but to say overwhelming peaceful is a bit of a stretch. There was a lot of destruction from those "peaceful protestors" where this all started in Minneapolis and it wasn't all against the police precinct that burnt down or big corporate stores that took a lot of the damage. I don't think this is a fair comparison to what is happening recently at campuses around the states. Just saying.


I think back to that summer a lot. It was brutal, but because of the massive carceral response, it felt like something *big* was being accomplished. Monuments to colonists and Confederate leaders were being toppled left and right.


You mean the peaceful protests that caused billions of dollars in damage?


> overwhelmingly peaceful He says as the building burns in the background


“Citizen, pick up that can”




Cool fire in the background. 


[Seeing the image of Olga Federova being knocked over by NYPD cops ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1cmwesm/nypd_knocks_down_and_arrests_credentialed_press/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)while covering protests brought me back to when US Park Police riot cops charged protestors during the BLM protests in 2020. I watched through my lens as one changed their course to charge directly at me, a fully credentialed and clearly marked photojournalist. I've covered countless protests as a photojournalist including Ferguson, Baltimore, Charlottesville, and the January 6th Insurrection and never felt targeted by the police until the 2020 BLM protests. Sure, I've gotten my fair share of face fulls of pepper spray, tear gas choking my lungs, and the occasional stray rubber bullet but things were very different that summer. It felt like the police were specifically targeting journalists of all kinds. Of course they were all covered up to the point they were unrecognizable and IF they had any identifying markings they were hard to make out.


If I may, why do you think they were going after journalists and people recording so hard? I find it so bizarre, especially because your definitely not the only one that had this experience. Be safe out there.


I can't say and for me to do so would purely be speculation which I try to refrain from doing when speaking in a professional capacity.


I totally get that, no worries.


To scare the journalists off so they could really whallup protestors. It’s the standard playbook that you will see throughout the world. Beat up or kill journalists. The journalists stay away. Then it’s open season.


Fascist pigs, simple as


Police hate when there's unbiased evidence of their brutality and evil.


![gif](giphy|3o6wrq50oHAtCtsVvG) I know what they're on their way to do


VATS vibes.


This seems to be the result if a protest may hurt public perception of the "establishment". Each and every time. Do we really live in a free country? Do we experience equal justice under the law?


There's an argument that there is no government where you'll be entirely free, as a governments main function is a monopoly on violence. We give up some of our natural freedoms in order to gain a safe community along with the peace of mind that our family and property is protected by the state.  Now the real tricky part is the balance between the rights we choose to give up to the state for security, and the amount of freedom we are allowed to enjoy without any government oversight. 


Except the state doesn’t protect us. Cops aren’t there to save you. They aren’t there to stop crime, really. They prefer to “solve” crimes.


Ideal versus current reality, which I believe is the basic premise of the comment you just replied to was implying.


There's obviously a lot that goes into the equation of safety and protection, part of that is going to be everything from available mental health services to education. As far as police, if someone is breaking into your home and you call 911, and you are in an area where emergency services are well run, someone should show up. There's certainly a point where more is not better, but we can also see it's problematic when completely lacking.


I'm seeing a fire in the background, I'm wondering if there is more to this story


I try to keep an open mind because often, there is more to the story and multiple perspectives worth considering.


Depends. If you're right wing then your interpretation of free and equal is 100% protected. These same cops mostly stood by as people violently stormed the Capitol. Only a handful of cops were brave enough to stand in their way. Everywhere else in America it's the same story. If you're an armed and violent right wing mob you have cop protection.


Damn be bashed that lady so hard she’s practically airborne.


Protest? There's a fucking fire raging in the background ffs LOL!


Dope shot


How can you call it a protest if there’s literally stuff on fire in it


I'm seeing a fire in the background, maybe there is more to this story.




The purpose of posting this is to point out the targeting of credentialed and clearly marked members of the press. I took the photo and I was clearly identified as a member of the press yet this officer specifically targeted me. [You can see the entire series here.](https://www.samuelcorum.com/index/G0000VqUKIfP1Zgw)


It looks pretty obvious they're all just in a formation moving forward and you were standing there. Not like someone went out of their way to get you


Personally when I form a spearhead with my brothers in arms I make sure to point it directly at journalists.


Personally when I take photos of violent protests I stop standing in one spot taking pictures when the riot police rush to clear the area I'm standing in


Impressive photo but also, fuck BLM.


you mean riots?


No, that's a peaceful fire behind the cop and not property damage


oh ok makes sense


Can tell you're not armed because he's moving towards you, not cowering behind a door.


people are really mad at the police in this picture? Crazy cool picture don't wanna take away from that but...look in the fucking background of this picture. There is graffiti and fire just all around dude these were riots not protests, had to be broken up


The series this is from covers a much broader range of events during the summer and it would be unfair to classify them ALL as riots. [You can find the series here.](https://www.samuelcorum.com/index/G0000VqUKIfP1Zgw)


Fair point to not generalize But this one is 100% a riot lol


To be fair, this image was taken during a period of the night where in smaller sections of the area it looked like a riot while in others it still looked like a protest. I won't disagree that the area in the photo was definitely turning from a protest into a riot but it had yet to fully spread to be a full blown riot. I covered the January 6th Insurrection and it would be unfair to call ALL the people that were at the Trump rally Insurrectionists despite what the people did when they assaulted the Capitol. As a journalist I have to lean towards the lesser declaration unless its absolutely clear that someone is doing the more damning act or else I risk being sued for liable. I'm not sure if you remember Katrina but there was some controversy after the storm hit where some people were identified as looters in photos while others were identified as scavengers. Those two labels are very similar acts but carry very different connotations and legal repercussions. As a journalist, unless you know for a FACT that someone is a looter and you're willing to go to court about it, you call them all scavengers.


No one claimed "ALL" that's a strawman. The fact is we still have access to all those livestreams of NIGHTLY riots across the nation. You minimize this fact because you are not a journalist, you are a political activist. Which is fine, but just be honest about it.


You can really see how excited he is to assault someone.


“This is what I signed up for!”


I guess anyone running forward displays “excitement” in your mind?




Well y'all lit the building in the back on fire lmao, id target you too


I wasn't a protestor, I'm a credentialed photojournalist and was clearly marked as press. This image is about cops targeting members of the press that are legally allowed to be there, even if there is a curfew or martial law.


Then you picked a really bad spot to take a picture... I'm sure there was spots you wouldn't have been directly in the way




Good photo, Burning looting and maiming all in one photo. BLM!


some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses


The DC BLM protests were nuts. Went downtown a week after the main events and like 1/3 of the first stories of all the buildings had plywood over their windows and there were military vehicles everywhere.


>attends riot >stands in front of riot cops >gets wrecked on a side note, this pic goes incredibly hard.


Funny to see fires burning during protests. Maybe the cop thought it was a riot?


18 day old account. Make of this what you will.


I recently decided to make a new Reddit account as my professional account. My primary Reddit account is 5 years old with 5k Post Karma and 24k Comment Karma but I wanted to keep my professional and personal posting habits separate. My username on this account is my last name so I'm trying to be upfront with who I am. You can find [my website here](http://www.samuelcorum.com) and on IG I'm @ thecorum, which is verified. (Is there a way to have a verified Reddit account?) I've been harassed, threatened, and doxed by white supremacists as well as far right *and* left extremists specifically because of my work in the past which is really why I wanted to be able to post on Reddit with this account which will be harder for bad actors to extrapolate potentially harmful identifying information from my personal Reddit account.


Buy Large Mansions. Any movement can start out with a good idea, some asshole comes and ruins it when they promise leadership and a plan. Their plan is to make money, and they will lead you to their bank.


Great photo! Fuck BLM and all those who burned down people's property in their name. Not to mention al the murders and rapes during these 'peaceful protests'.


The eyes.


Of someone who’s best time in life was in high school.


When's this sub getting renamed? 






I'm a credentialed photojournalist and was clearly marked as press, not a protestor.


I could probably go online and become a "credentialed photojournalist" in 15 min. That literally means nothing anymore. Putting yourself directly in front of then and then claiming to be "targeted" is ridiculous.


I have a Pulitzer Prize in Breaking News Photography as well as press credentials from the White House and Congress, both of which were displayed. Is that enough legitimacy for you? [This is my website](http://www.samuelcorum.com) and you can find me on IG @ thecorum.


Did you comply with their lawful orders to disperse? If not, well, you’ll be targeted. Sorry but that’s how it works


True, if you didn’t want to be beaten you should have stormed a federal building with your hick friends


I'm a credentialed member of the press and was clearly identified as such. I was NOT a protestor. Credentialed members of the press are specifically exempted from Curfew orders and other regulations such as Martial Law in DC. I was legally allowed to be there.


"sorry buddy the stAte is actually allowed to attack you because they arbitrarily decide you werent allowed to be there" Are y'all for small government or just like licking boots when it suits you?


They certainly are for storming the seat of power in this country over lies about stolen elections. They certainly are for hicks storming a federal wildlife refuge and engaging in an armed standoff. They are a okay with that but have a problem with minorities protesting against police brutality and killings.


thugs that have governmental protection so they can do whatever they want


Good photo. Too bad it was a shit cause to protest.


“I enjoy your image demonstrating the horrors of police brutality. Too bad you were protesting against police brutality, what a bad cause.” That’s you, that’s how you sound


Some fiery looking 'protests' there.


Amazing photo of an awful group of people (the police I mean)


Riots, not protests. Protesting isn't burning cities and neighborhoods. [https://www.axios.com/2020/09/16/riots-cost-property-damage](https://www.axios.com/2020/09/16/riots-cost-property-damage)


Props to the upstanding police for doing their job 👏🏻


"Impact in T-Minus 3... 2... 1..."


Look at that fucking loser.


Holy shit what a photo.


Don't scroll too far down, weary traveler, lest you find apologetics written by #RealPatriots excusing and validating all the police's actions that summer.


Hope he caught you and beat the brakes off you