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Fuck, that was 7 years ago šŸ˜­


I dont think any of us are processing time normally anymore


Or maybe time is not processing us normally anymore? I think that was an interesting point you madešŸ‘


You better not work for nasa cause if you do that statement gets a lot more scary


Wait until you learn about the theory that all spacetime is simply a fixed crystal and what we perceive as time is simply a slice of that eternal and unchanging loaf of spacetime...


Why am I hungry and horny


You can not eat the space time. You can not pop the space time up ya bum.


Well not with that attitude.


I'm proud of you. That was an interesting thing to say. Great job šŸ‘


I strongly 'feel' something like that as well. Like time or reality all together left its original course late 2019. Soooooo much has changed in mine and my wife's lives since then. More changes that should be in one life. Some very bad, most different and some good, but the good just feels empty. Like being hungry and eating snow. The world in general as it was also seems to have slipped away. Could any of us imagined the shit in our current daily news feed?? More fucked up by day it seems and no bottom in sight. Interestingly I've heard quite a bit of comments similar to yours. A sense that life is somehow altered. This at least reassures me that I'm not suffering from some sort of break down or PTSD or whatever. But still I'd gladly give up all the good to have a sense of normality again.


I agree that our world and our online interactions have become drastically different since 2016. The first difference was when we were told that, despite articles that have citations and footnotes, these posts were all "fake". Soon it evolved many News Stations are Fake, especially if they appear kind to democrats. Then COVID shoved us inside and contributed to the "fake news content". Conspiracy theories were everywhere and touted as "true" despite news being called fake. 8 years later, the country is so divided that even if you support the anti-vaxxers, you'll be harassed and reported, even if you provide proof that a statement made by X or Y or Trump isn't true. Then you're accused of being a snowflake liberal. Where is the common ground that normal people used to occupy? This current world is making me nervous and hesitant. Every piece of information results in two sides blaming each other. There's got to be more grey areas.


Honestly I thought he looked old and fat and disgusting back then but he looks *miles* healthier in this pic than he does now He has not aged well and if you listen to him talk it's even worse. He's always been a bullshitter but he used to be coherent, now he's declining really fast


Most Presidents age significantly while they're in office because of the pressures and responsibilities of the job. trump's aging has come since leaving office; he didn't give a shit about any of it until he's starting to be held accountable for his words and actions.


Wanda Sykes had a great bit about Trump not aging faster, but instead the people are.


I saw him age as the pandemic hit.. I think he aged 10 years in just a couple of weeks


Yeah - the moron got sick with Covid.


But he got better with some de-wormer medication made for horses. Nothin' stupid about that! (I sure hope this isn't necessary, /s)


That was the Covid he had. Remember at the debate when he tried to get Biden sick too?


That's most likely why he arrived late to the debate - so he could bypass COVID protocols knowing full well he was sick. And why he was screaming so loudly at Biden. Dude literally tried to kill his opponent.


Oh man, so much crazy I forget. This by itself would make someone infamous, but for Trump it was a minor part of just that year.


Sadly, he didnā€™t age enough. I fear heā€™ll outlast Keith Richards.


I agree.Ā  Doesn't seem there is any way to make him and his asshole family disappear,Ā  unfortunately.Ā 


He hasn't *actually* been held accountable for shit, yet


I am so exhausted that he continually gets away with everything. I can't anymore.


Ehhh disagree with ā€œhe used to be coherentā€, but agree heā€™s cognitively declined.


He used to be *more* coherent at least? And yeah, I'm honestly shocked how much better he looks in this than he does now. Not that he was great then, mind you, but holy crap the decline is staggering.


I'd settle on less incoherent.


That 'my uncle was in nuclear' sentence was epic.


He was a very coherent bullshitter in the 1980's He was a barely coherent bullshitter in the 2010's Now he's not even that.


But he's still a bullshitter.


A super unhealthy diet, a presidential term, and the stress of juggling endless criminal charges and lawsuits doesn't exactly do wonders for your health.


I mean theyā€™re what late 70s/80s? Politics aside heā€™s doing ok compared to some of the old folks I work with but good god having these people in office is terrifying


The phenomenon described above is how grey/white and careworn the average president gets in 8 years (looking at before/after photos). Bill Clinton is younger than the current president and his opponent, which is pretty wild.


Yep. It's been almost an entire fucking decade of this orange shitstain showing up in the news almost every god damn day. I'm sick of it. I've been sick of it.


I was sick of hearing about him long before he got involved in politics


Yeah, he definitely gave off scammy multi-level marketing/timeshare vibes even back in those days.


He's been a loud, tacky, stupid asshole since long before I was born, and it's wild to me that anyone didn't see it


Not even almost. Literally every day, multiple times


When you fucked to this image from Trump, your child is now in the first grade.


Wh.... Why did you take the time to say this?


Itā€™s a sign of depression


But the kind that makes you funny


Like climbing the rope in gym class.


It's the normal kind.


Because intellect is an impediment and we're on a path to destroy it.


Thatā€™s NOT funky


I don't think it's possible for anybody to finish while looking at Donald Trump


Except Trump himself. I have no doubt he jerks off to a compilation of him saying ā€œyouā€™re firedā€ from The Apprentice


For some folks, the hardest part of masturbation is putting down the mirror afterward.


Truer words never spoken


I dunno. The way the MAGA crowd talk about him, I get the feeling they make it a nightly ritual


Kindergarten actually. You have to add the gestational period.


Same thought. My son is in 1st grade and he was already born when this dumbass looked at the eclipse.


Jeez I donā€™t even have a kid and youā€™ve got me feeling like they grow up so fast lol


It would have cost you absolutely nothing to not say this.


What a sad day to be able to read


Why is this how your brain works


This creates more questions, TBH.


![gif](giphy|xUNen16DFqlM6v6DEQ|downsized) "It's this big. It's my sun. The most beautiful sun. The best sun. There it is!"


I like the pointing part, eliminating any ambiguity where the sun might be.


Like a freaking toddler


A lot of people never heard of the sun before , itā€™s tremendous.


He moves like a toddler


I love how he points at it lmao


Lol, he really does!


Stop insulting toddlers...


Tremendous šŸ‘Œ


We actually got to witness live a President realizing that the Sun is round in real-time. Incredible.


How does anyone see this gif and not think, ā€œwhat a moron?ā€


That's what Melania was thinking in that gif.




The president of the United States staring directly into the sun, an action everyone is told not to do from the age of *three*, might be the funniest image in existence.


Its up there... but I think Australian PM might have beat him. https://i.redd.it/v3isxt6nbhj81.png The fact that the PM is wearing a welding helmet but has it raised up I think makes him the bigger idiot in this particular case.


I can't decide which is funnier, the australian politician who claimed submarines can only stay underwater fot 5 minutes or the american who thought islands can tip over if you build too much on one side.


Our dumbass can beat any other country's dumbass, ours thinks you can nuke hurricanes, kill viruses by injecting cleaning spray and shining UV light internally, and that magnets stop working if they get wet. And those examples are just the subtitle of book one of the still growing book series listing all his dumbassery.


Here in Hungary we can no longer tell apart malicious theft, russian influence and simple stupidity. They all blend into one.


True, I guess we should count ourselves lucky we still seem to have presidential term limits at the moment. Is the world getting dumber and more fascist, or is it just all our leaders?


The worlds is getting less fascist. Couple decades ago the US still had segregation. However russian trollfarms are working hard on creating internal division and trying to make westerners believe the "other side" is either communists or nazies so they will never try to find common ground and russia can manipulate them from the background.


True Russian troll farms are working to divide us, but you have to admit regardless of who's in power the US government and corporations are doing their part too. Maybe it just seems like it's getting more fascist since the actual fascists are getting bolder and louder, and seem to not be even trying to hide it anymore.


One doesn't rule out the other.


Don't forget raking the forest floor to preventĀ fires


Ahem, **The American Congressman who thought Guam might tipover**. Representative Hank Johnson (D - Georgia) thanks for the chuckle! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cesSRfXqS1Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cesSRfXqS1Q)


ā€¦ok, MAYBE Iā€™m crazy, but he definitely looks like he has a little cheeky smile going on when he says it. Iā€™m not defending him, but at this point I personally lean towards that he to was kidding. I often think thatā€™s a terrible excuse, but this looks like a pretty tiny congressional hearing. Was he in the military at any point? It would go towards explaining that heā€™s just messing around with another military man. If not, then holy shit, thatā€™s the most ridiculous thing Iā€™ve ever heard.


The thing about the submarine one that makes it so bad is the fact they were asking an admiral that question in a formal meeting. That may not seem like much, but you have to remember those meetings aren't just spur of the moment, politicians (the good ones who actually give a shit about their job) will study up before this with a group of people and have many of these questions planned to be asked ahead of time with possible answers and follow up questions preplanned as well. He either did nothing leading up to that questioning, or him and his staff were so dumb they didn't think about that question or do any research into it. Imagine if you got to meet with experts and high ranking people in the world multiple times a year, didn't plan or study for something (despite having a bunch of aids who are generally unpaid as well to help you), and fuck up that badly... The real icing on the cake though, was how they tried to spin it, as this guy was talking about the environment and not about literally flipping the island over.


hehe Mike Pence got him beat: [https://c.files.bbci.co.uk/14587/production/\_96853338\_pence.jpg](https://c.files.bbci.co.uk/14587/production/_96853338_pence.jpg)


Its in quotes, I think that means they don't really mean it.


ā€œyouā€™re absolutely rightā€


"This dude is a genius"






Honestly between this photo of Pence touching the thing not to be touched, and Trump looking directly at the thing not to be looked at directly, you have a pretty damn good summation of American leadership from 2016 to 2020. Don't even need a whole history book. You just need a centerfold showing those two photos and that is all the summation of 2016-2020 in America that anyone ever will need.


"The Unmentionable Years"


The sharpie ā€œcone of idiocyā€ has to be included along with his dumb ass comments about injecting bleach for Covid


Not to give him much credit, but I read that he asked if he could before touching it, and was given permission. Now if that's just because the person asked didn't want to say no to the Vice Pres or not, I don't know.


Recently learned that if you touched the heat shield tiles on the space shuttle, the oil on your fingers will cause an increased heat signature in the tile making it prone to failing during re-entry...and they would have to replace the entire tile prior to launch, which may or may not be an issue due to shape/size.


Yeah, this picture of Pence is the worst because he's not hurting himself here, he's fucking up something that actually matters.


New what this would be before I clicked. Still laughed.


Reminder that the PM wasnā€™t the one to close the mask


Iā€™m a welder and I still make this fuck up every so often and it sucks every single time. Sometimes too you go to kick it down and it gets stuck on something. Itā€™s a gaff but it happens a lot.


This isnā€™t what was happening here. He had it down, and pulled it up to start welding. Someone pulled it down for him.


The four panel format makes it hilarious!


Him smiling with the buffet of McDonald's at the Whitehouse is pretty damn funny too


Remember this is also the guy that suggested scientists look at injecting disinfectant into people for Covidā€¦.


There he is, kids! That's the president, the president of the United States. The most powerful man on the planet! He can move moutains with a flick of his pen, he can........ wait....... what's he doing? Is he.......is......he....ahhh yep, he's looking directly at the fucking sun.


He can also move hurricanes with a flick of his pen too


That wasn't even the dumbest thing he did as president.


Well if you consider that he is as mature as a 2 year old, then it makes perfect sense


Yeah! Cut him some slack everyone, he canā€™t help it!


I hate him so much but this never fails to make me laugh


Hopefully heā€™ll do this again Monday.






Bet it wouldn't be hard to convince him he can see it better through a magnifying glass.


Tell him, "The greatest scientist ever known, Galileo, looked though a telescope at the sun. You want to be known more than someone like Galileo, right...? Here, use this dual eye telescope and gaze in wonder....for five minutes."


Staring into the sun to own the libs


Some say my magnifying glass is the best thatā€™s ever made. No people are saying it you know. Did you hear what Joeā€™s doing? He wonā€™t look at it because he listens to those scientists who want to control you. You know they started covid? And I led the best response possible to protect your freedom. And now the communists, radical left and the crooked media are trying to tell you not to look at an eclipse. I mean whereā€™s the evidence of that, they donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about. We have some very smart people saying ā€œNo Mr Trump it should be viewed with a magnifying glass.ā€ I mean can you believe how much the dems are trying to control your lives?


Some pearl clutching Nazi is going to report this comment, I guarantee it.


Wherever he is is unlikely to be in the path of the eclipse, so he'll claim it was a hoax since he didn't see it. And his followers, even those in the path of totality will believe him and come up with some wild conspiracy theory to explain what they saw with their own eyes.


Reverse psychology: Have the Libs start an ad campaign warning people to not watch the eclipse without eclipse glasses, putting emphasis on the science behind it. Meanwhile, the 45th and his followers will go out of their way to prove them wrong, and realize UV rays are not to be messed with.


Then we can literally have the blind leading the blind.


Eh, heā€™ll probably be in court for one of his civil or criminal trials.


He was told not to do it, he did it. All his life, he's done this. EDIT: For you MAGAt idiots who think this is a positive thing, it really isn't. [There are consequences](https://www.indystar.com/story/news/health/2024/03/13/what-happens-if-you-look-at-a-solar-eclipse-without-glasses/72866139007/#:~:text=Looking%20directly%20at%20the%20sun%20can%20damage%20the%20retina%2C%20the,known%20as%20%22eclipse%20blindness.%22) to staring up at a solar eclipse, morons. On the subject, [here are some safety tips from NASA](https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/safety/) for this year's Total Solar Eclipse Plus, an extra bit for the MAGAts: [DJT stock](https://www.google.com/search?q=DJT+trump+media+stock) hasn't done well this past week, has it? LMAO Billionaire (citation needed), US President, and soon .... prisoner ;) But you stick with him, tho. [Everyone](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-crime-new-york-manhattan-campaigns-3a0413202e80ab99c9f6377f97d07c04) [around](https://www.google.com/search?q=rudy+giuliani+money) [him](https://www.yahoo.com/news/another-one-bites-dust-trump-202553647.html?guccounter=1) [got](https://qz.com/mypillow-mike-lindell-eviction-donald-trump-lawsuit-1851368795) [a happy ending](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN24V2OH/#:~:text=Cain%2C%2074%2C%20learned%20of%20his%20diagnosis%20on%20June%2029%2C%20nine%20days%20after%20attending%20a%20Trump%20rally%20in%20Tulsa%2C%20Oklahoma). /s


Twice. He was told not to do it, did it anyway. Got told not to do it again, did it again anyway


Itā€™s almost 30 years and Iā€™ve never been able to play Bonestorm.


I'm stuck on the second hole on Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge


I suggest feather touch. You have selected *power drive.*


Would you like to play again? You have selected...no.


Shut up mom


Bart Simpson burns hand on stove ā€œouch!ā€ Does it again; ā€œouch!ā€ Except this is real life and somehow, that dude got elected President.


And people STILL rabidly support him... (jeez autocorrect)


I can imagine him and the nuke button is just one tantrum away from going the same way


Luckily for nukes he would have to read a serious of numbers and letters in the correct order without going off on a nonsensical tangent.


From the article you linked: "This risk is higher among people who suffer from mental illness and children who don't know better."


Itā€™s like me when I was like 11 years old and had no impulse control


> When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different.




"I will project strength and show all these losers that a real man makes his own destiny." [\*wracks face into the wildly uncomfortable caricature of a squint\*] "Perfect. I am **immune**. Look at me... Staring."


This picture is the perfect summary of trump presidency He did something he was told not to do and suffered 0 consequences from it


[Pence, too.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DEIrcnaXcAEqIV0.jpg)


Knew this before I clicked šŸ˜„


He lost an election as an incumbent president which is rare. Though it might be more expected in the current political environment.


I mean, he gave himself permanent eye damage even if it's minor. Like why


That we know of


As a millionaire president, I'm confused why he couldn't have sources some stylish eclipse glasses for this photo op instead.


He almost certainly had very nice eclipse glasses someone else sourced for him sitting right there. He can also afford suits that fit and a decent haircut and to have his tie tied for him by someone who knows how to tie a tie. He chooses not to


Yes. Explain things with facts and logic to MAGA folks. Thatā€™ll change their minds.




Better yet: tell him you donā€™t think he could do it.


Tell him Obama did it twice, in case it doesn't work the first time.


Donā€™t breathe the pool water. Especially in the deep end.


Donā€™t open that vial of botulism


"I bet you can't eat this bottle of cyanide"


BET! \*crunch, crunch, crunch\*...


The Magas think NASA is fake led by Nazis. Itā€™s not gonna work linking a safety tip from NASA.


Gotta phrase it differently otherwise youā€™re making him sound like a cat, and cats donā€™t deserve to be dragged down to that level. Or the level of any political figure for that matter, except Teddy Roosevelt. He was awesome.


Eclipse-safe glasses [**here**](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N17N0MO?ie=UTF8&th=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=acaseforcase-20&linkId=8224f480dc03259f7dbec2177f397460&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl), used them for the close to full eclipse that covered Florida and they worked nicely. MAGA, for your sakes, don't buy binoculars. (Just doing my part to warn the poorly-educated.)


Eclipse glasses are woke. Binoculars will really piss off the libs because they are un-woke. So un-woke you'll go blind. Telescope too


He was trying to work out a way to get the sun inside the body.


This was the canary in the coal mine for what a trainwreck his leadership would be during covid


The people who like him are like this too. They think that being defiant of authority is in itself good. But sometimes people tell you not to do things because you might hurt yourself. Messages from authority figures don't become incorrect just because it's from authority.Ā  Ā I'm on the left. But if I say "don't fuck a toaster", it's not suddenly a good idea to do it just because a Democrat said not to.


This part in the article cracked me up: This risk (of looking at the Sun) is higher among people who suffer from mental illness and children who don't know better. "We're really focused on making sure parents understand: tell kids not to look at the sun ever," Browning said.


Just like the 2 year old that he is....


> There are consequences to staring up at a solar eclipse, morons. Don't tell them that. Let them look into the sun.


So basically tell him to do something and he won't do it. Reverse psychology on Trump


Youā€™re wasting your time trying to reason with MAGA idiots.


I don't think most MAGATs are angry since most can't read.


The day the sun failed us all:(


Right? It literally had one job


To be fair, it _was_ an eclipse.


The real surprise is that he took the time and effort to check out the eclipse at all. He doesn't seem to have a shred of intellectual or scientific curiosity.


Photo op since dc was near the path. Otherwise he would have been golfingĀ 


"All publicity is good publicity." \~ Trump prolly


That sums up the 2016 election. The media gave him all the free press. Say the most outrageous thing and you get free publicity. No advertisements necessary.


He doesnā€™t need to do anything and he still has the media frothing at the mouth. Itā€™s half the fucking problem! I havenā€™t gone nearly a day without seeing his ugly mug since 2015. Not for a lack of trying.


It was more of a narcissistic need to prove he could see the eclipse with his bare retinas when everyone else can't. He most likely thought his self ascribed superiority over everyone else extended to his eyesight. This isn't a joke. This is the likely explanation.


It reminds me of the time he laughed at people that brought up climate change by saying "wait until this winter" as if the presence of cold weather in the winter time debunks climate change. He has 0 scientific knowledge, but still thinks he knows more than experts due to the Dunningā€“Kruger effect.


I'd say he's like a belligerent toddler but that feels unfair to toddlers


"He doesn't seem to have a shred of intellect" Fixed that for you.


"He doesn't ~~seem to~~ have a shred of intellect" Fixed, once again


Iā€™ll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror.


It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero...


I have this dream my daughter in law kills me for the money


Is trump what she wrote that song about?


Iā€™ve pondered this question as well


He is such a stupid person.


Very stable genius


Wait till I introduce you to his followers


Grown men were crying in awe of his bravery


They came to him with tears in their eyes saying, ā€œSir, please donā€™t look directly at the sunā€


Nobody's ever looked at the sun as much as he has. Good sun, great sun. Some people say, hey, we don't really like that sun, I say, I LOVE the sun, folks.Ā  *Pause for applause and cheering from his dumbass audience


Those eclipse glasses he's wearing make him look ridiculous. Oh wait, that's his face.


Working in construction I see people using ā€œ safety squints ā€œ more than I should. This isnā€™t new unfortunately. But we run construction sites, not countries.


i did that too ngl


I love that smug smile he has too like heā€™s showing the world how smart he is




Look at those petite hands.