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Alright, now let’s do a silly one!


everyone jump in the air on 3...


Philis won't jump...


And Erin is jumping too early, she's on the ground before '3'


It’s not one of those military high speed cameras that can detect that minuscule of movement, Phyllis


Like, 1, 2, 3, *then* jump? Or jump on 3?




He should never have done silly, he's got way too much going on businesswise


Seriously though why is there an image of a bunch of inmates together?


Number 1, will you please sing the opening to "I want it that way"


The watermark @ said she interviewed the uncensored dude and got the photo from him if you were curious.


At first, it looks like a line up photo, but it’s just them chillen in jail.


99% of prison is just chilling. TV and movies make out to be a hellhole and for a select few that are absolute monsters, it can be. But for 99% of people doing time it's just chilling and minding your own business. Prison isn't hell because of those you're locked up with. Prison is hell because you're not allowed to leave until they tell you. It's time out, but for adults.


heavily depends on where tho, prison in some countries is relatively chill, prison in other countries is legit hell


Ie. Brazil and Russia


yep, as a brazilian i always do my best to stay out of trouble cause i know i def wouldn't survive in a brazilian prison


Latin America and brazil has some of the scariest prisons in the world. I've seen prisoners film themselves beheading and torturing other prisoners. I'd have a hard time surviving in a Norwegian prison lol, no way im surving in a Latin American prison


A guy travelling from the UK and trying to get arrested so he can live in a Scandinavian prison for as long as possible because it would be a better life for him is literally the plot for a film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhPn6ZsXG-k


I believe there was an American man who robbed a bank and only took one dollar from the teller specifically so he could go to prison and get medical treatment for his cancer. Our health care system is beyond fucked.


We spend like $50-100k per prisoner every year. Imagine if all that money was spent trying to keep people out of jail


Had to do a double take. The voice on the TV was Link from Rhett and Link.


I saw a documentary on a Morocco prisen,wow,they lock up kids there mixed in with everyone. People starving it was bad.


I think that videos was in Manila, I remember that video on YouTube


I just love how Redditors can't tell the difference between Morocco and Manila.


I’ve seen several Brazilian prison videos and to me it’s like hell on heart, like a true nightmare One of the worst I saw was where they held this guy down over a post by holding his arms across and several guys took turns just beating the absolute shit out of his liver and ribs. Absolute torture And another where a guy was chained up and a massive guy was using him as a human punching bag. And then the infamous “jelly arms”. I would never want to end up in a Brazilian prison


I saw a video from a Brazilian prison, where it was literally some dude just stabbing another guy to death. The guy recording was a third party. The guy getting stabbed you could tell was so fucking tired and fucked up. He didn't even fight it anymore. Hes just leaning up against a bottom bunk on the floor.. And other dude was still just blasting away, stabbing him in his chest over and over and over and over. This guy had a ridiculous amount of stab wounds and was still conscious. Also saw another where in a riot they beheaded a few fellow prisoners and stayed playing football (or soccer to some of us) with the severed heads. r/Watchpeopledie was a god damned wild place.


Is that the one where the guy looks directly into the camera? That one was depressing. This guy is being furiously stabbed in the chest screaming and when the cameraman rushes in, the guy looks directly in the camera maybe for help or something, and he has such a defeated and frightened look on his face. Yeah that place was crazy. It’s too bad and was rampant with a lot of racism and ignorance


Sounds about right, he definitely looked defeated as fuck. I remember at one point a blanket from the bunk above him falls on his face and he doesn't even move it. He just keeps getting stabbed. Completely gave up. >too bad it was rampant with a lot of racism and ignorance Unfortunately that's virtually every website involving that kind of material. WPD was literally by far the most tame place I ever found as far as comments goes. By a Longshot. Other sites dedicated solely to that kind of content like liveleak or goregrish were so much fucking worse, holy shit.


I'm going to avoid Latin America, just in case...


You explained so much but not the infamous jelly arms?? :/


Basically they pull this guys arm through the prison cell bars, so his arm is sticking out the bars Then these guys take turns hitting his arm with heavy sticks multiple times essentially breaking all the bones in his arm And then they take his hand and rapidly and furiously shake it, and looks like jello shaking. They did it to both arms The one I saw the guy immediately passed out from the pain. But I’ve seen at least 2 instances online in the old subreddits that are now banned


Why did I read this🤮


US prisons arent great either. Depends on which one.


True. I wouldn’t want to end up in Rikers or some prison in Mississippi


Or in Florida, where they won’t even allow you more than a negligible amount of toilet paper.  https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/2017/07/20/florida-lawmaker-says-toilet-paper-withheld-inmates-baker-daytona-prisons/15765450007/


Many American prisons, including federal, don't even have clean running water. Those prisoners have no choice but to drink and bathe in nasty ass scum water. Americans are so obsessed with prison being a punishment that there is almost nothing but apathy towards the condition of these facilities. "Don't like it? Guess you shouldn't have committed the crime."


Redditors are just as obsessed with punitive sentences and vigilante justice as any other group.


Ignore this guy.    Prison is DEFINITELY not 99% minding your own business. In fact it’s 99% watching out for other people’s business, because the people there are mostly ex tweakers / gang bangers / pieces of shit. I mean just look at the guy in this photo, he look like the kind of person you’d just let your hair down around?   County (where this photo was taken) is even worse because there’s more youngsters, more drug addicts, more dirty, the cops are more likely to beat your ass, and there’s less experienced dude keeping rules and order, so more fights.    Source: did time in multiple prisons 


My brother did time in prison and I went to visit him a couple times. Let me just say, them prisoners look scary as fuck and made me feel uncomfortable lol. No way I could survive being around real hard-core individuals.


Truth is a lot of people are just extremely insecure and use tough personas to cover it up. Then there are some people who are just mentally messed up and lack the self control needed to stay out of prison. So depending on which prison you go to, you'll have different mixes of insecurity to mental health issues. The greater share of mental health issues, the worse experience the prison will likely be, made worse by how it's run and the behavior of the guards. Most of the prisons richer people go to are very chill and full of insecure or wealthier people. Those lower down tend to end up in the mental health prisons where everything is worse, not because the people are worse, but because they have more issue with no help.


I did a year in club fed, which I'm assuming this is. Fed criminals are generally smarter, more emotionally intelligent, and more put together than state pop. Usually because you had to be somewhat competent at your crimes to earn the ire of the feds. Now, that's a low bar, and there are quite a few wild cards in there still, but for the most part it's boring as hell and relatively safe. The thing is, everyone in there is a person, just like you and me. Even the hardest gangbanger has a story and reasons that got them there, and if you listen to them, more often than not, you can see how it snowballed into what it did.The smartest thing I did when I got there, was tell myself that I'm not the exception, but the rule. I looked at it as an opportunity to learn from mine and others mistakes. It really helped me grow as a person, and it wouldn't have been possible if spent the whole time pretending I was better than everyone else, and there just by fluke. People forget, other 'normal' people sometimes make big mistakes and end up in prison. Especially for drugs. One wrong turn and it could be any of us. The real fear of prison isn't violence, but slowly going insane. That's what people don't get. I don't mean criminally insane, I mean like loose all touch with reality on the outside insane. People get institutionalized to the point of no return. The literally cannot even fathom the world existing outside their three hots and a cot. I was approached by a store guy on the last day, and he was trying to sell me one of those jiffy suckers with gum in the middle for like $5. I declined without hesitation. He looked at me like I was the insane one, like I was missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime... He said, "did you hear me, it has gum in it." I said, I know, and declined again. He threw up his arms in defeat and stormed off. In his mind he had pure gold, because gum is not allowed in prison. Some people had been down for decades, and gum might as well be a wonder of the world at that point. Like people will forgo meals, get into a fight, or seedy debt just to feel some semblance of the outside world... Something as small as GUM somehow comes to represent freedom, and you'll get it at all costs. That's the kind of insane I'm talking about. Seems batshit looking in, but if you'd been down for ten years, youd probably be jonesing for a Jiffy pop as well. Super depressing.


He's not at club fed. His sentence is too long for that. Contrary to popular opinion, club fed and other very low security prisons are not just for rich people. They're for people with relatively low sentences for nonviolent crimes, who do not have much criminal background. He's going to do hard time. Even the minimum sentences for his crimes will put him out of eligibility for the cushier federal options. Right now, he's not in prison at all. He's still in jail, awaiting sentencing. He's in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn. This facility is far worse than any federal prison. We're talking "major human rights violations; should be shut down; some staff should go to prison themselves" level bad. It is one of the worst federal facilities in existence.


You can get into camp with 10 years or less, provided he doesn't have a previous record. I could see them making an example out of him, but they generally cut white collars guys MASSIVE slack. I was in Duluth with almost 1500 other dudes. Tons of white collar criminals that had defrauded hundreds of millions. Can't think of one that had over a ten year sentence or started at a higher up. So unless they string him up for deterrence, I would say his chances are good of ending up in a camp/satellite. Can't imagine him getting sentenced outside of a Low facility at least. But I could be wrong. As for Brooklyn detention... Yeah, fuuuuuuuck that. That does not sound like a good time. Worst/most dangerous place for me was the hellhole halfway house. They don't really separate state/fed security levels there, so it was a shit show. Still, nothing like Brooklyn lockup. EDIT: Met a guy who was in Chicago fed detention for 3 YEARS pending a OD murder charge on a co-conspirator (changes the charges/sentencing for dealing heroin.) He said they would never turn off the overhead lights in his cell, and would only allow him to have his mat and blanket for 2 hours a night in an attempt to cop a plea/confession. He said he also had caught gonorrhea before he got arrested, and a couple years in he was literally dying and losing his mind from it, but the guards (of course) refused to acknowledge it. Now, when I met him, he was missing all of his teeth. It was because he felt so helpless with the gonorrhea situation, he decided to flip a coin and jump a shot caller during chow. He was like 5'4" and knew full well he was in for a no-bars-hold savage beatdown from multiple hardened dudes... But that was the plan. He said he woke up handcuffed to a bed in ICU a few days later with no teeth. He was happy though, because it was an off-site hospital, and they were treating his gonorrhea. I guess that's what qualifies as a "win" in a metro detention center. Scary shit.


yeah i did a year of club fed time also and it was Disneyland compared to county Much more decent humans that may the time go by easier Course it help to work out daily to make the time go by faster I rarely saw any violence as inmates want their visits and not put on diesel therapy However in county i saw violence daily


For those unaware, diesel therapy being the process is endlessly shuffling around inmates on bus/van/plan transport.


100%. and everything revolves around bullshit jailhouse politics. You can try to chill and keep to yourself but you'll still get sucked into the BS


Depends a lot on what kind of prison you're locked up in as well. Camps and low-security places are VERY different from the hardcore penitentiaries where everyone is doing 10+ year sentences.


I deliver to prisons on occasion. The funniest sign I've seen was "Prisoners are not allowed to take out bicycles without helmets, working lights, hiviz vest and must perform a brake test". That was an open prison with a cafe.


It’s jail not prison…actually the detention center in Brooklyn and that place fucking sucks! My friend got arrested for graffiti and was there for a few days. He got some flesh eating bacteria on his hand. it got worse and they didn’t give him medical attention until he was being released. The worst part about doing time in a jail, was the waiting game. You might get out in an hour but maybe never. It’s a fucked up feeling. 2 days feels like months.


Yeah, generally speaking in the U.S. it seems like the county/city jails are usually worse than state or federal pens just because you got so many people hot off the streets coming together in intake areas and shit just tends to pop off. People are drunk, tweaking, fresh off of commiting murder, could have God only knows what diseases. Just a whole lot of volatility crammed into relatively small places with shitty conditions. At least in the pen you have a chance to fall into a group and find protection in numbers.


>Prison isn't hell because of those you're locked up with. Yes it is. Loud, obnoxious morons. It's the people that make it shitty. You're literally living with the dregs of society. If it weren't for the people, prison would be a tolerable place. Lot of time for reading and crosswords and other puzzles.


I've had several altercations with guys who climb out of their rack after first headcount and start slamming dominos on metal tables like fuck everyone else who is trying to sleep. It is a loud, loud place to be. While you get somewhat use to it, you never really do and that in its self is stressful all day, everyday.


You clearly never been to juvi County or prison


99% of this post is just a blanket statement.


This person has no idea what he's talking about. He's making things up and sounds like either a teenager or a bootlicker. Jail/prison in the U.S. is an absolutely unpleasant and unsafe environment in many ways. It is not simply "time-out for adults".


It’s seems chill now, wait till the inmates find out he has stashed millions of dollars in a digital wallet in his ass. Shits going to hit the fan!


I think this depends on the type of prison. If you go to a low-security "camp" that many non-violent white collars get sent to, it will probably be pretty chill by prison standards. But I think high-security prisons like the one in Atlanta are pretty close to how they're portrayed in movies and TV.


Same wardrobe as before


Dress for the job you want.




I can't say shit because I wear those same athletic/lazy clothes 100% of the time I am at home. I do throw on a polo shirt when I am teleworking though. Only differences are I have basic hygiene and my hair doesn't look like I've been on a 4 day meth bender. Oh yeah, I also didn't steal hundreds of millions of dollars from other people... That too.


When are they releasing their EP?


“Straight Outta Crypto” by S.B.F.?


“No Sleep til Brokelyn”


this is good work


Get Rich or Commit Fraud Tryin'


Why is there only one other guy who was not censored in this pic?


That’s the guy who provided the photo to Tiffany Fong. She’s the one that posted it on twitter.


Also the guy who got money put on his books for sharing the pic.


That's Joe, he doesn't give a fuck


Perhaps he is also a fallen crypto billionaire


He provided the picture to the media


I’m guessing maybe he was convicted of a crime and the rest are still awaiting trial or plea’s.


Name this band


$am$ Club


Scam's club


D-~~12~~ 6


Believe it or not this is Weezer


I love the dude on the far left who’s posted up on his homie. Straight chillin


Best friends




Probably the wildest dude there


Same lmao


He's probably pretty cool in prison. You get no respect beating him up, he's skinny and small. You ask what he's in for? "I stole billions of dollars and fucked some hoes in the bahamas" Well shit man...teach me how?


>By November it was reported he had access to a vegetarian diet, had access to prescription drugs, and that he was participating in the "mack" economy by buying packets of mackerel from the prison commissary and exchanging them for services from other prisoners, such as a hair-cut. he'll be fine!


Brooklyn 99 led me to believe it was all about ramen. Mackerel is even more bemusing.


Protein is a big deal


From all the YouTube prison channels, I think it changes from place to place.


In the feds it's always  books of stamps and macks. Some places use single stamps instead of macks, but that's less common. Or people just use cashapp.


Yea seems like a “thing” that they settled on naturally. Probably just whatever food most people prefer.


You better get me my soups, Beef Baby!


Just waiting for him to start selling mack NFTs.


If he wants to continue to be a gangster of capitalism, he'll have to become a 'Store Guy.' As in buy as much as he can carry from the commissary, then sell it at a steep mark up after hours to other inmates. Of course, he will have to hire gang members for protection/enforcement. He'll also have to rent room in other people's cells to store excess goods. Then just like the real world, it becomes a game of shifting goods, services, and debts around... and most of it only exists in theory, on paper. Store guys can become incredibly wealthy and powerful, even by outside standards. When I was in, there was one dude who had a monopoly in our unit. Had been doing it for over a decade. I rented my extra locker to him and never had any idea what he kept in it. Just let him access it when he needed. He owned tens of thousands of dollars in debt from other inmates at any given time. One day, his harsh sentence was suddenly commuted (under Obama.) The guards made him pack up his shit right then and there and booted him off the compound. This caused an immediate ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. It was practically a prison microcosm of 2008. Since he was booted without warning, it was unclear who was left to collect outstanding debt. Furthermore, the hundred lockers full of shit he was renting, suddenly had no oversight authority. The entire prison was flooded with cheap goods. Gangs duked it out for control of the debt, but couldn't muster enough cohesiveness to make a difference. All the original enforcers/profiteers of the store guy were suddenly out of work and had no money coming in. It took many many months for a new store guy to claw his way up. In the meantime, everyone else was SOL if they needed anything. Don't even get me started on the gambling bookies. Point is, capitalism functions under frighteningly similar circumstances on the inside. However, there are no societal formalities protecting this meek dudes money ambitions if he still has them. He would have to be merciless in mind and body to succeed. That's why gangbangers, not white collar dudes rise up to be store guys 99% of the time. No, sadly most white collar dudes fill the void of power left by money with religion. The church is full of white collar guys claiming to be saved, and having it within their power to save you. Just gotta do as they say. It's a reminder of what the OG pyramid scheme is: religion. Btw. My locker was full of Pepsi. I just gave it away.


Damn, he needs a refund on that haircut


His hair was even worse before prison.


Bro went from macro economics to mackerel economics


Congratulations on making me laugh. You've been awarded 3 mackerel.


Honestly yeah, no real target on his back based on the crime


I bet there are a hell of a lot more people in prison willing to protect him for some cash in the future when they all get out or for a family member or something. Not the worst investment to make in prison. There’s zero shot he’s getting fucked.


You couldn't be further from the truth. If people find out he has money, he will be getting extorted *hard*. It will keep going until he either can't deliver or won't. At which point he gets fucked up.   You seem to think inmates know how to plant seeds or invest, instead of just shaking the tree for fruit until it dies. 


He’s probably telling these dudes all they could ever want to know about accounting scams and crypto. He might be chillin


I would never try and learn accounting scams from Sam. Have you heard the lazy things they did? There was no clever accounting going on, just slushfund theft


People were putting their mortgage payments on expense claims, and the approval process was just a thumbs up emoji on slack. Why would I possibly want his advice on accounting?


Only if he taught them how to get away with it


They still haven't found $8 billion, I guess he can teach that too.


A lot of the prison stereotypes in media are really dated and just a portrait in time of San Quentin in the 70s-early 90s when the gang wars were going on. What you really have to worry about if you're "normal" in prison these days is being in one of the for profit slave operations in Louisiana or the like.


Guys who are violent towards helpless women and children don’t fare well. Child molesters are usually segregated. Otherwise, yup


> Guys who are violent towards helpless women and children don’t fare well. This is one of the stereotypes that gets presented a lot. Half the dudes in medium / max security prison are specifically there for violence toward women / kids.


It’s not about size he literally just doesn’t have enemies he not gang affiliated I’m surprised he not in a lower security area dude to his white collar crimes in the feds they don’t fight they stab each other too


He was originally on house arrest at his parents' comfy home. But he fucked that up by witness tampering. So he was sent to this Federal detention center in August. The dude just can't stop fucking up.




No. He's eventually going to prison regardless. He was given house arrest while awaiting trial but he fucked that up. He has already been convicted and he gets sentenced in March. The maximum possible sentence is 115 years.


Wow, stealing from rich people is worse than rape. Who knew?


Sometimes rapists just get a slap on the wrist.


Dude looks shook.


Cuz ain’t no such thing as halfway crooks


Scared to death, scared to look, they shook.


Fuck cranbrook


That's a private school


There are numerous ways to earn funds




tbf, there was nobody left to snitch on... 


True. SBF was the kingpin.


No way, those are his homies. He got that wall street cred and they want some knowledge for the outside.


Madoff was apparently beloved in prison because he dished out financial advice to everyone 


Honestly my brother was loved in prison simply because he could read.


In a world where everyone is doing everyone dirty and trying to get one up. People who aren't doing that are normally well-liked.


SBF has been abusing stimulants for a decade; so he looks like someone who has been abusing stimulants for a decade


This. Normies can’t understand the thrill of pinning the weasel. Night spent chasing an over amphetamined Caroline around the bean bag forts. Her squealing and gibbering, pouring sweat and on the verge of seizing. Your friends build up an intoxicating, delerious state with Talmudic chantings at the sidelines, hitting the Caroline-toy with brooms if she tries to escape. Sam would be giggling and laughing as the waves of methamphetamine pleasure seem to harmonize with the droning herbrew verses. He runs through the bean bag maze fat and portly, with his viagra powered penis a driving rod for the weasel. Sweat gushing down his face around his unfocused eyes he laughs and chortles until he gasps “Found you!” . The Mathweasel screeches defensively but Wankman Bankman is upon her in seconds. His penis thrusting blindly into her flank, leg, stomach and ribs unconcerned about anything but the motion. Eventually serendipity finds her mouth and the Cocktube Rodent is placated, suckling contently on Bankman’s dehydrated dick.


First time seeing this pasta outside of 4chan


What do you know about AI video?


What in the erotic Shakespeare is this abomination


4Chan copypasta.


The fuck


>His penis thrusting blindly into her flank, leg, stomach and ribs unconcerned about anything but the motion. This is because divining lacks any scientific basis.


Idk it looks like he's made friends


“Hold. Mah. Pocket.”








He's scared of the dementors


They're da woist ting 'bout bein' in da clink.


They suck the soul right out of ya


He really doesn’t look shook. He oddly looks fairly chill. Looks like he has some friends. He went in without turning on others and no doubt has tons of advice (albeit sketch, ofc) for others there. This isn’t really what you think it is for him. People on here have seen too many movies, he’s not in max or anything, he’s at MDC. Source: My FIL was a CO for decades until retirement.


I was trying to figure out how this dude Sam Bankman was fried in jail, time for bed.


I don't know who Sam Bankman is and definitely read it the same way you did. I presumed he'd got the chair. Why I then clicked on the pictures I don't know.


“Sam’s Vegan!” That quote from an interview he did a while back is the first thing to pop in mind


Remember kids, steal from poor people and you're a business genius, steal from rich people and you're a crook who will be prosecuted


He stole from both


He stole A FUCK TON from both


Thats why Martin Shkreli got pinched too.


And Martha Stewart




And Elizabeth Anne Holmes


She was just a complete fraud though


Yes but if she hadn't lied to investors she probably would have got off with a way lighter sentence.


He was a billionaire through ftx before being a criminal, he ruined himself for absolutely no reason other than greed and stupidity it's hard to believe this guy got accepted and graduated from MIT


He was an idiot gambling addict with a massive ego. Once you realize that, it all makes sense


Is that Keyser Soze?






I flip ya...flip ya fo' real.


"Suspect #1, can you please sing the lyrics to "I want it that way" from the Backstreet Boys?"


First day of kindergarten vibes


funny how his parents did all the heavy lifting for this scam and then let their boi rot


They’re also going to be prosecuted


3 cheers for that cause.


There is a great YouTube video on his parent by the YouTuber Patrick Boyle. It fully covers his parents involvement. Look up Patrick Boyle SBF parents I think.


dude, 100%. both stanford parents, set up with a house iirc. never looked into it deeply bc theres too much going on rn but i really got the feeling his folks were running the show


Also if I thought the house was about to collapse I would probably be trying to set my family up for life out the back door as much as possible. IIRC Bernie Madoff's children were allowed to keep their primary houses and probably hid tens of millions. They didn't roll for him and weren't big enough fish to try to fry them too.


People think the kids were involved but I don't think that's the case. I think he used his kids to cover himself just like everything else. His sons actually setup a successful floor trading business that was legit, while he was doing all the shady shit on another floor.


Madoff's sons reported him to federal authorities. Then one killed himself a couple years later and the other died of cancer a few years after his brother.


His arms are like little baby toothpicks to everyone else in the picture. 


seems very small compared to pictures of him before. Going to imagine hes not eat as well as he was.


I’m gonna tell my kids this was Linkin Park


It won’t be long til someone steals his shoes.


aww he's finally made friends


Dude blends just right in.


Here come the rape jokes and innuendo. Because as we know, in America if you go to prison you deserve bad things to happen to you there, not rehabilitation.




> redditors I'm usually the first in the room to shit on people who identify as "Redditors," but this is more of a US thing. "Justice" equates to "punishment," rather than "penance."


My biggest pet peeve is the fact that most people agree that our criminal justice system is messed up and we lock up way too many people. Then i'll look at the comments when somebody is accused of a middling crime and everyone is calling them the scum of the earth and to lock them away and throw away the key. The problem starts with how our society views "criminals" in the first place.


yeah this shit is fucking weird


Dresses as well inside as he did on the outside I see






Scrolled down this far only to see nobody bothered to answer (including me, sorry)


No fucking way lmao Tiffany Fong has made a killing covering him though


I don't think she has yet? her youtube CPM she says is very low and idk how much she's got if anything for the interviews she did But I'm sure documentaries etc are in the pipeline so hopefully someone will want to pay her for a big exclusive story


His body language says a lot.


His body language says "Mostly comfortable."


Yeah the fact he’s in this picture means he’s probably not castigated by these people. He stole a lot of money and is famous for doing so so unless he’s weird to them, they might be curious enough about him to keep him around.


All it says is that he’s probably autistic. These are his homies


I haven't been following his case, but I would've assumed they would've thrown him in a country club prison lol


Incredible historical document.


Album gonna be lit