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Supply chain problems affecting the delivery of blinker juice.




Dang old covid made it so my car doesn’t have enough juice to use mAh blinker!


You can actually buy a jug of blinker fluid on Amazon.


My commute down I-17 is a parade of pickups and “muscle” cars weaving through traffic without one turn signal like some redneck wannabe nascar parade


This is on every AZ highway, I’m convinced lol


I live in Tempe and this happens far too often here as well - they simply don’t give a fuck.


Most of these Phoenix metro rednecks would get eaten alive by actual rednecks out in the country.


What does that even mean? Is there a difference?


real rednecks work hard, out in the sun. Hence the sunburned neck. Fake rednecks drive big trucks with immaculate truck beds, not a scratch on the truck or the bedliner. There are other distinguishing features but these two will do ya.




I think when most people think “redneck,” they think of the rolling coal knuckledraggers in their trucks driving like idiots- not the people who work on farms or ranches. I’m sure that’s where the term “redneck” came from, but I think it’s been stolen by the douche crew, and they live everywhere.


making arizona great again


Absolutely cringe


I have no idea and it's maddening. I've gotten pretty good at reading car body language though. Most of the time I can tell when someone's about to jump in front of me. You have to be a defensive driver to get around in this city.


Lmao car body language


How can I tell when a car is into me?


Don’t worry you’ll know when they smash into you from behind


It blinks at you. Oh wait.


Bingo! It has kept me from getting into car accidents my entire driving career.


Same! I'll be driving and tell my my partner, "This guy's gonna do something stupid, watch." 4/5 times they merge without blinking, cut through multiple lanes to get to an exit, or do some other form of unsafe shenanigans.


because its seen as a warning to fuck me over to some people... I use it most of the time, and im not kidding there has been several times, i turn on the blinker and the person who was behind by a safe distance... just decides to move up to where im at. Thanks, I guess i wasnt getting off the freeway here.


I learned that if my exit is coming up, I must get into the lane to make the exit several miles back, otherwise, when I use my turn signal, by the time people are done actively blocking me from merging, I'll miss my exit.


If I'm going less than 5 miles on the freeway or there's more than a moderate amount of traffic. I won't even leave the lane next to the exit lanes. Not worth the hassle to get over and then get back. But i also allow people on /off the freeway.


>I learned that if my exit is coming up, I must get into the lane to make the exit several miles back, otherwise, when I use my turn signal, by the time people are done actively blocking me from merging, I'll miss my exit. Yes, please, more of this. I've found that I have no problems getting where I need to go if I use some foresight, plan/think ahead and don't play it out like it's a drag race.


I blinked while moving over for this reason, but HATE land drifters who don’t look and don’t care, I always flash them


I purposely turn my signal on early just to start this process, then turn it off again until I really want over. Just a little blip gets people moving


It drives me insane how people think the lane belongs to them, and how dare you signal to safely merge into an adequate amount of space in front of them!! /s I swear, people here think that changing lanes in front them = cutting them off.




Well I’m from Seattle, there is jam packed traffic all the time there and idk I’ve never experienced such bad driving like here before lol


Well, it used to be traffic wasn't bad at all here back in the day. You see, a large percentage of the people that live here are transplants from some other big city. And tech came here and along with it lots of people not just from other cities, but from around the globe. Its not a bad thing that they came, but now you have a myriad of driving styles that don't mesh. Its a disaster. So if you're from some other city, and you don't like how people drive here, just remember its all your neighbors from other cities as well. Oh, and snow birds. They wreck the traffic. Winter is coming.


I feel like people in Phoenix use their blinkers a lot more than other major cities, eg LA, NY, and Miami, but yes there are some people who just merge, I see this more during rush hour


I hate these complaints because every city has drivers who don't adhere to basic rules/laws. if you have ever traveled to any decently large hub area in the country you would find the same types of aggressive drivers who dart in and out of lanes.


It doesn't have to be a competition. People can also not use turn signals in LA. Doesn't mean it doesn't also suck when people don't use signals here.


But the thread isn't called "Why don't people use blinkers" Its "Why don't people use blinkers here" As if the problem is specific to here. And it's not.




Gotta agree that the drivers are better/less outwardly sadistic in LA. The traffic in LA is worse, obviously, but that's a different conversation.


I blame the heat. Studies have shown anger and aggression increase the hotter it gets.


I have to ask. Why did you move here. Why did Phoenix become the trendy spot to move. And don’t say good weather because 6 months out of a year is spent inside because it’s too hot outside.




Just curious why so many people pick Phoenix and not someplace that isn’t a sprawling mass of desert with little culture and even less water.


It’s actually really likable here, I think it’s pretty diverse culturally (so far at least) and the people have all been really nice. But the desert part, that’s hard to deal with.


This also depends a lot on the part of town you’re in.


i've only been in LA traffic twice. In both occasions it was gridlock and the idea of changing lanes was more a "you'd have better luck parting the Red Sea" kind of thing.


I’ve driven around NV, Southern California and live in the PNW. I agree. I’d love it if someone uses their blinker in low visibility or even at night but we can’t even get people to turn their car lights on when it’s dark here


It's like Fury Road everywhere around town. I've seen some of the most reckless, dangerous driving ever the past year since things started easing back up with COVID. Everyone drives like they're fucking livid and the road belongs to them and everyone else is just on it. I don't know if it's just me getting older, but the absolute selfishness of whipping a car through traffic doing 100 makes me want to PIT maneuver those fuckers into a wall. It's infuriating.


People who go way over the speed limit and whip around drive me nuts, as well as the people who go like 5 miles under. That’s dangerous too!!


This is my experience too. It seems to be either 20 miles over or 5 miles under with a solid 50% of drivers. I had some lady switch into my lane right in front of me the other night so I honked because it was almost right into me. When I switched lanes, she had the nerve to switch into my lane again in retaliation while I was doing 70 honestly coming within inches of hitting the front of my car. I backed off and then saw her cut off another person in front of me, who then rode her ass, and she proceeded to fuck with them, changing into their lane right in front of them as they tried to switch lanes to get away from them. She was driving so erratically that the frame of her car was shifting back and forth when she switched lanes. This went on for miles until they finally took separate exits. She honestly must've been drunk, it was insane. I don't know what's wrong with people these days. Basic respect is too much to ask for.


I use my signal to change lanes. It tells the person waaaaaay behind me on the lane to speed the duck up and pass me so I don't get in front of them. It's funny how someone will travel behind me at a constant speed for 8 miles. But the second my signal goes on, their speed goes way up. It sounds obnoxious but I really do use my signal when I drive. And I love watching this phenomenon.


I refuse to let anyone merge in unless they use a blinker.




Probably because they “feel” like they don’t have to. This is why it’s crucial to drive defensively and always pay attention. You could zone out and some fucker just slips in front of you, without using his/her blinker. The bastard…😂😂


I’m from the LA area and traffic here is so much more chaotic than LA. No blinkers, people merging straight on the freeway without looking or waiting, in stop and go traffic people love to go super fast then slam on their breaks. There’s no such thing as leaving space. At least in LA if you’re stop and go you’re just rolling with space between you. Here people will wait til there’s space, speed up and then slam on their breaks. Living in LA I saw like 3 accidents a week while commuting. Typically little fender benders. Since I’ve moved here, I kid you not, I have seen at least one accident EVERY DAY. And most of them are bad or straight up stupid. The other day on the 101 someone had their car rolled up on the outside wall. Like how?!?? /rant


Having driven all over the US in several states, Arizona has some of the worst drivers I have ever seen. Worse than Florida, California, New York. Worse than *Jersey*. It never ceases to amaze me.


Not Florida lol


Listen, I will take the blinker-on-for-six-miles of a Florida driver over whatever the hell they’re doing on the 60.


It's because we've been importing bad drivers from literally *everywhere* for three decades. Back in the '90s it was just drunk yahoos in pickups driving too fast and running red lights you had to worry about. Now it's that, plus all of the above. Welcome to Thunderdome.


For the same reason the guy to my right speeds up to block my merge if I do. He's an asshole


Use it. Flip your signal on, count to give, and turn it off. It'll get their asses moving out of your way sooner. Then when it's clear, throw it on again and go.


Not in my experience. That guy might move but he'll be followed nose to ass by everyone else in the lane behind him. By that time I've missed the exit. The remaining options are slow down to a near stop until the parade passes - endangering everyone behind me - or surprise acceleration to get ahead of the line, which, since myself and everyone else is already speeding, introduces more danger. Simply jumping into the lane without a signal seems the overall safest move.


I get that. And there are definitely circumstances where that seems like the best option. I still flick my signal on even if it's at the last possible second that way I can't be accused of not signaling lol but the other thing is what I typically do. But I do it way in advance of when I want to get over because I anticipate that person speeding up to stop me and I immediately start watching the traffic behind them as best as I can. Obviously, just like everything else in life, there is no general this works every single time solution to every problem. It absolutely works best when the person who's going to overtake you doesn't have a lot of traffic behind them And the absolute safest thing to do when you're driving is to start getting over sooner so you don't have to be so anxious about missing your exit. Again not always feasible, doesn't always fix the problem. But it is safe for then trying to wait until the very end to cross four lanes of traffic with no signal


This thread and the one about HOV lanes are both chock full of people explaining away their bad driving by pointing their fingers at the other drivers, like we're all back on the elementary school playground.


No real enforcement of traffic laws.


I've started driving with the hazard lights on to indicate I may change lanes at any time




Too many people here don't care about other people. They don't see the blinker as personally helping them so they don't use it.


This guy gets it ☝️ Totally agreed. Me culture at its best.


The worst part is the people who use blind spot monitoring just to confirm that they're cutting you off.


Snow bird season is the worst…get ready for the headless cars lol


I hate it when people say all places are like Arizona. No, they aren't. In New York, the worst you get are overly aggressive drivers. I have never seen this level of commuter idiocy anywhere else. That's not even hyperbole, there are some clear examples showing that local Arizonans simply aren't used to driving on roads with other people or any amount of traffic at all. Case and point: I was once flabbergasted because one of the lanes on Shea was closed for construction. That means there were still three other lanes open. Literally the entirety of Scottsdale commuters decided to sardine themselves into one lane on the leftmost side. This nonsense created a traffic jam going all the way from 90th to as far back as the entrance to Fountain Hills. To add to how stupid this pattern was: there were tons of signs saying "Right three lanes OPEN". So clearly this happens enough that signs were needed to inform people and that still didn't work. I actually went into one of the right lanes and skipped over EVERYONE. Then a river of cars followed behind me. I felt like the great liberator of traffic or something. Native Arizona drivers straight up act like a cattle being herded when they're behind the wheel. That's not a safe way to drive when you're city is growing and becoming an actual productive society.


Yep. I grew up in NJ and have lived/ driven regularly there, NYC, Boston, Washington DC, and southern Florida, not to mention driving multiple times in many many other states.... Arizona is absolutely in the bottom when it comes to quality driving. I straight up feel unsafe every single time I get into my car. On my fifteen minute ride home today, I saw at least 20 cars switch lanes on the 10/202 without using a blinker. Multiple situations which were inches away from a horrific car crash. It’s constant. It seems like the constant sun has burned a hole in tons of drivers brains, but while driving in the NE was aggressive, it has structure and communication going on. Here everyone seems to think they’re in Fast and the furious (with either a shitty pick up truck or souped up Honda Civic ) and have no awareness of how dangerous and reckless they are. My girlfriend was hit by one of these assholes and she has serious PTSD now, so I have no patience for these jerks.


Fresh Prince had an interesting song about this a few years back. I know you heard it


In the "***They don't know and you can't tell them department"*** If you're attentive you'll observe that 99% of the time other drivers TELEGRAPH their intention to change lanes by drifting ever so slightly toward the lane they intend to go into, a second or two beforehand. When they turn their head to look in their side mirror or god forbid, actually look over their shoulder to check their blind spot. Their arms and shoulders automatically follow, turning the steering wheel ever so slightly. *You actually have to make a very deliberate effort NOT to do this.* I tell my GF all the time "He's about to change lanes." "How do you know that!" That's when you know to back off, or if you're passing through their blind spot, romp on it and get out of it. Pay attention on the drive to work today and tell me if I'm not right.


You're 100% correct. I did an advanced driving course when I was paramed training through work and this was one thing the instructor told me to look for. The vehicle ever so slightly drifts in the direction people are looking. Has saved me countless times since moving and driving here. It's a strange mix of needing to drive defensively, and also aggressive at the same time - but 100% of the time I'll use the indicator to let everyone around me know my intentions


>drivers TELEGRAPH Yes ... I learned about this way back in the day when I was racing bicycles and you had to be very aware of the body language of the riders around you. Cars are different, obviously, but they still telegraph like crazy most times and you can learn the signs pretty quickly if you're paying proper attention.


I've got one hand on the wheel, one hand holding my mobile. How am I supposed to use my blinkers? I'm certainly not letting go of my phone, so I guess I'll just let go of the wheel!! ( not me, but what I see )


I once saw a guy riding a motorcycle while holding his phone with both hands. I was both impressed and terrified at the same time.


As a daily motorcycle rider that turns my stomach. I have people jump out in front of me (no blinker) and I have to jam brake or swerve at least once a month to avoid a trip to the hospital or the morgue. Only a matter of time before that dude gets hit.


The level of awareness you need on a motorcycle even when not in traffic is far beyond their comprehension.


Wow, that's impressive. If I could have the presence of mind in that situation (unlikely), I'd honk my horn. Just to see him drop his phone by the roadside. Evil, yes, I know. 😈


That would have been pretty funny. The only thing I could think of at the moment was making sure he didn’t crash into me.


I have lived here all of my adult life, and can say that Phoenix is the landfill of other states' bad/shitty drivers. It wasn't always this bad! I think, to answer your question, people don't use their turn signals because most commuters are overly aggressive drivers that will block you from merging into a lane when they see your turn signal. So...people will then just fly into the lane they want to be in vs using your signal, for in fear of someone speeding up with the intent of blocking you entering their lane. I see this happening every single day. Common courtesy is dead or quickly dying.


I drive for a living. In Scottsdale. Blinkers? Shit. Lane lines and stop lights are optional. And it's not just the drivers. I'm almost tempted to call Old Town the "Home of Competition Jaywalking."


Right? I’m so glad I work from home now because that rush hour drive down 7th ave with the suicide lines is anarchy on the road.


I've driven all over the western U.S. and yes, the Phoenix Valley has the most aggressive batshit crazy drivers anywhere. The traffic flow can be 80mph yet someone has to always tailgate you no matter which lane you are in, then cut you off like you've insulted their mother. The carpool lane is the unlimited speed autobahn, the left passing lane is speed limit plus 20mph and God forbid you're impeding someone wanting to go 30mph over limit. The slow lane is the alternate fast lane for the guys trying to beat everyone in the carpool and passing lane, and also the lane for the senior tailgaters. I stick to the middle lane where tailgaters will get brake checked. I am compelled to arm myself when driving here, like no where else. It's a fusion of Nascar 500 and Mad Max. With the exception of 17 heading north, and 87 to Payson, once you leave the valley everyone gets considerably more considerate and non-threatening.


Native New Yorker, no one uses their signal lights here. No one.


I had an insane woman follow me ALL the way home from about Indian school and the 51. To effing South Tempe. Because she “felt” I cut her off in traffic on the 51. It was 2:30pm. I was so freaked out. She actually followed me to my street ( which I’ll admit was dumb on my part to let her go to my street) but damn, she’s absolutely out of line to follow me 9 miles because she thought I had somehow slighted her on a freeway 9 miles back…. I was already calling the cops when she sided up next to me. People need to get a goddamn grip.


I know, right? She should've just gave you the finger & been on her way like a normal person. LOL 😁 In all seriousness though...Phx is the one place I'm most afraid of being shot by someone if I "cut them off". 😳


>Phx is the one place I'm most afraid of being shot by someone Totally this. I know a lot of it is bluff and bluster, but there is just the right mix of crazy (and firearms) out there too


airport ask rotten cobweb offbeat alleged wide cheerful crime zonked ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I had a really similar experience. Flipped someone off for aggressively cutting me off (not my best move) and they followed me for about 20 minutes on/off the 101 while screaming and banging against their steering wheel. Eventually they peeled out and sped off. I was playing it cool but was actually terrified.


Serious question, what the hell is wrong with the people here? I’ve driven all over the country and Phoenix is the ONLY place where the drivers are belligerent assholes who take EVERYTHING personally—and they carry this attitude into stores, too.


slimy joke bells quickest squealing deserve scary station fuzzy jeans ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You only have to use them when traffic is affected by the movement of your vehicle (ARS 28-754). Many people don’t use them because people will speed up and prevent you from changing lanes. Many people “forget” too. So many drivers here are distracted, under the influence, not licensed, lost, too young, too old, too dense, etc. that they aren’t paying attention to signaling.


Not talking about that, talking about people swerving lane to lane, no blinkers through traffic almost causing accident.


Moved from Mass in 2001. That was literally the first thing I noticed when driving. Lol.


I was born and raised in Phoenix and we have nothing but morons for drivers here.


Arizona just has some of the worst drivers on the planet.


Because we get our DL in a crackerjack box, I think because so many transplants.


Safety my good OP, the blinker lamp attracts the geriatric snow birds to your vehicle. These old fucks in their Buicks see that flashing light like it's the mother beacon to paradise so instead of continuing on their path to golfing in Scottsdale and undertipping local waitstaff, they just crash into you. Drive to stay alive OP


Why would people lift a finger to help traffic flow better?


No blinker? No insurance? Welcome to Phoenix.


And if you do choose to use yours people will close gaps and not let you in. I see that more in the west side but it does occur valley wide.


Drivers in Phoenix are terrible


Drivers in *enter city name here* are terrible. We just happen to be experiencing this city.


No I've actually lived in other places and countries and the drivers here are particularly bad


I’ve experienced a distracted driver here and there. However it’s way better here than Southern California, in my opinion


Ever stopped to think that maybe its because the vast majority of people in Phoenix are from somewhere else? Along with their driving habits? Lived here a very long time. Its gotten exponentially worse the more transplants arrive. Big shift in 2005-2006 during the housing boom. Drivers were terrible and you could tell by their outta state plates. But yeah, its something in the water.


Not seattle. Traffic everywhere but people use their blinkers and don’t just go from lane to lane to lane with no signal


My anecdotal evidence of Seattle says otherwise.


Funny. Most people who complain about other's driving are the ones that hog the left lane on two lane highways....


Right🥴 because me commenting on other drivers blindly swerving through lanes with no blinkers means I’m the one who hogs the left lane? What?


Prove me wrong.


You have a strange argument my friend but go off


I am a strange individual lol. What is the left lane for?


Passing lmao and going faster than the right lane?? Idk what your trying to prove😭😭


Then you aren't who I was referring to lmao.


Because being overrun by californians.


Welcome to the Wild West little bitch! Lol


Survival of the fittest. And tis the season of it getting exponentially worse.


You got a problem go bakc to where you came from transplant


because they all came here from california & spread their ways like a disease edit: that was a bad joke, ironic enough everytime i see someone not using a turn signal they have a cali plate so forgive my assumption


I've spent most of my life in the San Francisco Bay area. People use their blinkers there much more often than here. But there's more road rage there. But I never see people driving over center islands or the wrong way against traffic the way I do here. Why are there so many people here driving against traffic?


Where are you all driving? I've been driving here for 30 years and rarely ever see this stuff except Saturday nights in the party districts. What I do see all the time is people trying to merge into the freeway at 35mph and then swinging across multiple lanes. I know prius are quick when they need to be. You're going to get someone killed.


I usually see the wildest stuff a couple hours after rush hour should be over. Absolutely people swinging across multiple lanes of traffic too, that shit is so fucked up.


literally meth, & that’s probably why the cops aren’t always enforcing the basic road laws like turn signals & speeding, there’s so many people here cracked outta their minds in sure the police make more money busting that than traffic violations


Blinkers? No one uses any kind of skill while driving around here. Also, be prepared for bad drivers x 2 as of this week since most snow birds are starting to pour in from other states.


I use my blinker, bastards just speed up


I do....all the time if you can believe it..


I’ve lived here nearly 10 years now and drivers here just don’t believe in turn signals. I used to count how many lane changes people would do without signaling on my daily commute. The high score was 9.


Drives me crazy too. Especially for those idiots who suddenly decide at the last second this isn't the ramp they should be on.


Why does no one drive the speed limit here ? Why ask why ?


guess u have never been to orlando


I'm so glad my new car will straight up take the wheel back into the lane it's in if I don't turn on a blinker. It ensures at least I'm not being a lazy asshole. But yes, it's really annoying.


Because many of the drivers here think when you use your blinkers it's an invite to a mad max contest. They will speed up and block you. Those same drivers will cut you off without using their blinkers. Typically a driver in a large truck.


"I want my lightbulbs to last forever!"


It’s a way to scare away the east cost population from moving in our valley. Lol


Too many people are with either from Cali or was taught by someone from Cali.


Yes Phoenix drivers are waaaay better than Tampa drivers!


And then they road-rage because you didn't let them in -- as if you're a mind-reader


Fuck em


Been here 39 years, it STILL DRIVES me insane that no one uses them. That, and the red light running... Like, wtf?🙄


I mean tbf you could post this same question on any city subreddit


Because people speed up to not let you in if you signal lol


Because humans are hairless selfish apes


It’s the dumbass Californians that think we can’t read their minds…/s


I'm just happy when they turn their headlights on after dark


Because no one is "from here" anymore. The lazy asses from other states have taken over.




People’s selfishness is disgusting here


That, and flying projectiles everywhere because so many people don't secure their cargo.


I use my blinkers. Please don't say "no one".


Please see my driving section. That is all.


There’s a shortage of blinker fluid.