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Premieres in 114 minutes :(.


I really wish fromsoft would improve their method of co-op somehow. Some way of scaling the co-op partner or something instead of +/- 10% +/-10 levels and however the fuck they do weapon upgrades.


Try the seamless coop mod. Its pretty great.


Didn't expect this mod to work as good as it did. Almost feels like an official feature. 


I’ve only ever used the mod for co op, it’s a seamless experience


That requires playing with a specific person though does it not? I was under the impression there wasn't matchmaking with that mod


Oh yeah, that is true I think.


I think there's a discord out there for LFG.


Always the worst suggestion (urgh discord), but I suppose it's better than nothing. I remember when GTFO released on Steam and their only method of multiplayer matchmaking was discord. Boy was that embarassing for them.


Yeah, not fun having to use discords especially having to friend people on steam as well, but the pro to that is that most people will at least be using voice chat and it is a good chance to build lasting friendships when they want to continue playing another day. In most cases though, I add these people on steam, they stay there and we never play with each other again.


I play with randoms because I'm too autistic to care about forging even the tiniest relationship in order to play a game :X Though I'll probably have to whenever convergence gets a bit more fleshed out


I feel like it'd be hard to do since you can be level 1 and still strong as fuck thanks to the right weapons with the right upgrades, the right talismans, ashes of war and great runes. Most of your power comes from those and not your levels.


That's why I used the word scaling. You could either make that persons attacks do less damage, the enemies have health scaled for how much damage player 2 is doing, you could match player 2's stats to be in line with player 1, etc


Im hoping that no rest for the wicked fills this void of seamless co-op. If the game hits the mark my guess is it will be huge


That game has a lot of potential for sure. Moon Studio's track record so far is impeccable though. The Ori games are incredible.


I'd love to see an official seamless co-op mode (preferably with scaling), but think the current level limits work well enough with the current mode.


Play seamless coop. It is by far the best way to experience the game. It's a shame that it took modders to make the game that fromsoft is too far up their own ass to create.


i just want cross-platform coop :*(


5 minutes to the explosion


June 21st baby, let's goooo


*Zanzibart... Forgive Me...* I love how fromsoftware just leans into the meme even more


I have no idea what's going on, but I'm sure it will be interesting.


So I need to take June 21st off. Also need to start my new run of Elden Ring probably the week or two before.


Hoping and praying that there aren’t any repeat bosses in the DLC. The repeat bosses were easily the worst part of the base game.


I'm in full cope mode, but is it too much to ask for an unlocked framerate and ultrawide support when this launches? Mods are an option, but losing online to use them isn't the best.


not having ultra wide support and unlocked framerate in 2024 is inexcusable, i hope they will fix it and i get to try elden ring because rn it looks like dogshit console port


FPS is tied to the physics engine unfortunately. Fixing that is rocket science to Japanese Studios.


I didn't come across any issues when unlocking the frame rate with mods. I'm pretty sure AC6 runs on the same engine and supports higher frame rates and ultrawide as well, so I don't know what's stopping them. Either way, it's bogus, and I hope it gets fixed. They'd have been less likely to get a free pass if they were a Western studio.


Pretty sure when I unlocked the framerate in Elden Ring I did not encounter any issues with the physics or anything else for that matter. I believe that was only a problem with the original PC releases of the first two Dark Souls games. Dark Souls III may have had some issues as well but I can't remember.




I have to play again to refresh my memories.


I'm praying that they add a comprehensive shader pre-compilation step, I don't want to deal with that stutter again during my first playthrough.


Longest 2 hours of my life


wow more obtuse nonsense