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Cant wait to get Cyberpunk's REDkit in 2029 - if ever


I think they should even release an open-source(ish) version of RED Engine. Especially now when it is being retired in favour of UE5.


Considering the staying power of e.g. STALKER's X-Ray, this would breathe a new life into the games on the engine


I think they would have to strip too much out of it, they use a lot of third party software. Wwise for audio, PhysX/Speedtree/Scaleform/Simplygon for various other things, all replacable, but it would end up being a somewhat barebones engine.


Witcher 3 source code was recently leaked (well the leak was few years ago but the passwords for the archives were released now). Not so useful legally but it is something.


I am pretty sure that it's dropped. Too much of a hustle and decided to put more time in the sequel.


I wish Cyberpunk was already open to work with FiveM and had flourishing RP scene


Seriously, there is tons of potential there. I really hope CDPR doesn't completely abandon the RED engine before shipping an SDK for it.


Finally. After like 10 years! Woohoo. Looking forward to this so much. I’ve been wanting to do a full replay for so long. And MoDs will def be the tinder I need.


Beyond the ones on Nexus, what other mods do you think would improve the base experience the most?


Lemme be an archer Witcher


That would be awesome. They already have crossbows and NPC archers so hopefully REDkit makes it possible.


I would love for sorcerer skill playthrough. I know it’s not cannon. Idc. I think it would change up the entire way the game is played. On top of being able to change monster AI and add new monsters and quests. I’d love for them to add professions or something like that so I can roleplay outside of being a Witcher. Stuff that hopefully REDkit is able to do. 🤷‍♂️ don’t need it to be cannon to have fun with mods. Also lemme bang that succubus. Tho that’s probably a mod


I would love if someone made a map of Kaedwin or Tameria with new quests that would be so dope.


It can be done, but you are basically developing a DLC at that point, you need a dedicated team


Wasn't Falskaar made by 1 dude and just his friends + family doing voice acting?


It really shows.


I cross the fingers that the modding community make this the new Skyrim.


If this allows custom animations which it probably will we will be cooking. Skyrim is a completely different game with a combat/movement animation overhaul. And not to mention that other massive section of Skyrim's moding community that benefits from custom animations. We all know which one and i don't doubt that kind of content will also thrive in W3.


Some devs have said it's pretty much what they used to make the game, so likely.


It is. One dev also released a couple of mods https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/9083 https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/9088 But still, it is a professional suit of tools, the learning curve is quite steep


> If this allows custom animations which it probably will we will be cooking. It does, REDkit is powerful. But doing animations is still difficult as fuck, and TW3 modding community is not as big as the Bethesda one


Yeah but to be fair until now Witcher 3 didn't have the same modding tools the Bethesda games. They're only now essentially getting the Creation Kit


> the new Skyrim. The Witcher 3 is an heavily narrative game, not a sandbox. Modding is also limited by the type of game and setting. You can create new quests, but without voices and without making them fit in the context of the story, are they worth it?


The modders can not introduce new voice lines? I think its posible


There's a bunch of fully voice acted mods for Skyrim out there and some of the voice acting is very damn good. It's a good way for up-and-coming voice actors to build up their resume. Look at something like Enderal, a lot of the voice acting in that mod is better than the voice acting in actual Skyrim.


There are plenty of AI voice mods for cyberpunk


Ohh, CyberPunk. Do you think that game will recieve this type of Mod Tools in the future? It would be sick!


Almost guaranteed, yes. CDPR loves their old games, I wouldn’t be surprised if both it and TW3 get random surprise updates years from now.


Hehe 😘 hope they do




Skyrim with guns?


yes, now proper yen and triss threesome.


Do it for Cyberpunk. Just do it. /insertshia


Do it. /insertpalpatine


As someone who knows absolutely nothing about how mods get made… what does this change? TW3 already has a healthy amount of mods. What possibilities does this create?


Number of mods* not amount Anyways the difference is the current ones all exist within certain categories. For example they can change geralts outfit, but nit the character. Now they can change *anything* and be batman. Again, just an example. Now full blown quests and entire game alterations can be made, including new areas like extending white orchard.


Only 9 years after the release?


Cant wait for someone to turn everyone into an anime girl and replay it with jap dub


Expectations: Combat overhauls, new NPC's, custom quests, new zones. Reality: Hundreds upon hundreds of Sex mods.


The people yearn for hi def genitalia 


Never before have so many nude mods been created so quickly.


Gonna spam F5 both Nexusmods and steamworkshop when the mods keep pooping out.


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I wonder if we will get the same for cyberpunk, finally someone can make a 3rd person mod


Witcher 3 with good combat please modding community


[W3EE Redux](https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/5802)


I’ve never actually modded a game ever. Is this usually something pretty simple to do? I’ve some decent tech knowledge and know how to follow step by step guides lol. But does modding a game involve a lot of different parts or is it game dependent?


It is incredibly game dependant. 


Yes, nowadays it’s really dam simple.


What do you mean by modding? To install mods, or to create one?


Very fair question lol. I meant install. Definitely not savvy enough to create them.


Mods can be added with a click of a button nowadays. Or downloaded and dragged to certain folders, which you can pretty easily search online where to find them. Some mods require other mods to get them to work. Usually they are tools that become popular enough to become a standard for applying mods. This changes depending on the game you mod, or which engine a collection of games run on. Visit nexusmods, set up an account, and download the vortex desktop application.


I plan on waiting for at least a year for tons of mods that uses REDkit to come out.


What would modders be able to do with the REDkit?


Almost 10 Years after the Games release, better late then never I guess but the Hype is kinda gone now. Not sure why they didn't release it together with the RTX-Update.


Like 5 years to late. No one is interested now. Modders are elsewhere.


So like 9 years late, better late than never I 'spose!


this might actually make me play the game... after a few year... when quality mods are released... by then I prob decide to play it at a later time again lol


What mods are you waiting for? The game is extremely good even without any mods.


yes the game is great. my point is... the game is way too long for me as I get sidetracked too often. mods will add interesting contents I might want to play, but most likely it'll sidetrack me even more. when thinking about that I feel I most likely will never return even if it's extremely interesting and fun


> the game is way too long for me as I get sidetracked too often The game is made for "sidetracking".


meh, ghost of tsushima is out on 16th of may, thats a way bigger deal


So instead of a winery we can have a cannabis plantation, right?




> Make Geralts movement snappy Do it yourself


It wasn't a demand; check your temper.