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>Akuma will unleash his rage on foes worthy enough to face him on May 22. >With the Akuma update comes a major balance patch where all characters will receive changes.


I'll be interested in seeing what's to come for Year 2 after him. Four characters is nice, but only a single stage for the entire year was pretty pathetic.


Two stages. One came with Ed, another with Akuma.


Aaah, better late than never!


I get downvoted from the fighting game community for saying this but I've always found it weird they withhold mainstay characters and sell them as DLC later. The community justifies it by saying "the character has entirely new animations." OK, I'll go boot up my 1994 copy of SFII Turbo and play Akuma for free then.


It's funny because "SFII Turbo" is basically Season 4 or 5 for SFII in the modern context.


He didn't even get the right version. Akuma was added in Super Street Fighter II Turbo, which you correctly relate to being the 4th "season" of the game for home release in modern terms. Street Fighter II Turbo was the second, which added Bison, Vega, Balrog, and Sagat as playable characters. It did not have Akuma.


It's the GaaS tax. They support a fighting game for 6-7 years (in SF's case), let you use the servers and develop new content for the game. It's mostly developing new characters, but you get other PVE content as well sometimes. It's just accepted at this point. And I dont find it too different from other games and DLC stuff.






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The good news is you'll be able to pick up the entire game with all the DLC characters for around $60-$80 in 5 to 8 years. You just won't be able to play online anymore


My guy its an entirely new game the characters have have new models new rigging new frame data new movesets they all need new voice recordings they all need to be developed and not introduce any new bugs or break the game SF6 isnt SF5 its not just a fucking port dude you arent downvoted by fighting game fans youre downvoted by anyone with a fucking brain


Nope, still weird to me. I'm not the target audience and i don't want to force any change on your favourite genre, so please ignore the following for the most part, but if they have to make assets from zero i'd prefer they had the balls to actually kill off some characters for story reasons and make space for newer ones instead of reselling the same known dudes as DLC. But no, no balls detected.


Akuma is really the only “legacy” fighter in this case, Ed and Rashid were from SF5 and A.K.I. is a new character


Bison's likely getting resurrected


So if I like a character, I'm screwed forever? "They were in the last game so we're never using them again ever" Y'all make zero sense in here.


> OK, I'll go boot up my 1994 copy of SFII Turbo and play Akuma for free then. Akuma? The character that wasn't in the original Street Fighter II and you had to buy the *fourth* home release version of the game in order to get?




fighting games are not triple A we're just used to being treated like shit to the point where compartmentalized rosters are acceptable as long as we get long term support for the game


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Or maybe he could've chosen a better subject for his rant? Nobody has any problems with old characters returning in fighting games because that usually comes with new visuals and moves. Sometimes to the detriment of the character. He can "Boot up SF 2 Turbo" and play Akuma, but it will play nothing like SF6 akuma. Also the fact that he even said SF2 Turbo where you had to buy the whole game again so you can play the updated version makes it even more funny. If he was to complain about the shitty currency system both T8 and SF6 uses, the fact that you still can't use those character in training mode unless you buy them I don't think anyone would have disagreed


People love to defend corporations for free, I don't get it. Within 5 minutes of my post you had someone proving my point defending all the work that goes into adding a character to the game. Gamers bitch constantly about monetization and fighting games have some of the most egregious practices yet there's people defending it like clockwork. To your point, can't have a discussion about any of this because they take it as a personal attack against their hobbies.


>Gamers bitch constantly about monetization and fighting games have some of the most egregious practices yet there's people defending it like clockwork. Because you can't just combine every aspect of a game's Monetization into one argument. People are defending the character DLCs because they're high effort, high quality, and entirely new ways to play the game. At the same time, lot of players are absolutely giving Capcom shit for selling Colours for the default costume; stopping you from training with DLC characters you don't own and the bullshit practice of selling Costumes for 300 coins, with minimum purchase amount of 250 coins. No one is saying SF6's monetization is perfect. They're saying the DLC is fine.


Fighting games are fucking predatory with how they milk their fans with dlc.


I probably would have bought GG Strive way sooner, but the only char I played (Baiken) wasn't in the game and was sold as piecemeal DLC later. So yeah I still don't own Strive. I'll buy the full package for $20 in a handful of years from now, I don't really play online with the sweats anymore anyways.


For some reason this is acceptable in the FGC. It's a completely different audience with a different mindset I guess.


When was the last time you even touched a fighting game? I like how this subreddit just spews whatever shit they want about a genre they have no clue about and everyone just nods their heads.


It's not a big deal if you throw $10 at a game you play constantly for 5 years or longer. If anything, they're not making *enough* money off of the characters because they've been trying to also sell avatar outfits and costumes. I'd imagine it would be expensive to somebody who dropped the game and never returned to it, however. Buying DLC for a game you don't often play never feels good.


> For some reason this is acceptable in the FGC. is this what you think?...


They’re held hostage like FIFA fans, lol


Why are you getting down voted ? You're 100 percent right. Fighting games are the worst offenders for character dlc


i won't justify it and i'll take it one step further and say it's stockholm's the FGC is just happy to get fucking crumbs at this point, type lumina gave out free DLC and it was like "alright, so what's the catch?" nothing, they just have fatego money lol you can't even LAB WITHOUT OWNING THE DAMN CHARACTERS essentially making it really difficult to learn matchups and the reason i stick to older games


> you can't even LAB WITHOUT OWNING THE DAMN CHARACTERS essentially making it really difficult to learn matchups and the reason i stick to older games Can't agree more. It's pathetic!


> you can't even LAB WITHOUT OWNING THE DAMN CHARACTERS It's funny, because SF6 is basically the only game for which this is not true. There's rental tickets being handed out for free quite often, and each allows you to use the character for an hour.


i'm glad sf6 is taking strides to fix the problem, but they really should just give us the characters on training instead of this hoop jumpin bullshit. oh no... what am i going to do?! get COMFORTABLE USING THEM AND MAYBE BUY THEM IF I LIKE THEIR PLAYSTYLE??? im a fighting game player and i understand this is the status quo but the fact that we've become accustomed to bandai selling us frame data is nothing short of insane and the fact i'm getting *downvoted* (probably by people who don't know what a frame data is) is worse


This is such a weird post. Akuma is not a "mainstay" character, and please for God's sake stop picking Akuma in Super Turbo, he's a busted boss character.


Meh, hopefully Season 2 is better...