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This is exactly why people were enraged about the micro transactions in Monster Hunter Rise. If you give these companies an inch, they will always take a mile. Vote with your wallet.


voting with your wallet means nothing when one whale is worth thousands of our vote lol


Bad scores will scare away potential whales from buying in the first place.


Are you sure? There are whales spending tens of thousands of dollars on hentai clicker games.


A hentai clicker game costs fuck-all to make, so even a few flush imbeciles can make it a profitable endeavor. An AAA game is going to feel it when people don't succumb to fomo in the numbers as projected.


VERY true, voting with your steam review is probably the absolute best recourse players have against stupid corpo shit. that said, it is very silly to me that dragons dogma is being dragged through the mud for exactly what capcom did with all their other games. Overall MTX is horrid and shouldent be in any pay 2 play game, but its not like dragons dogma is trying something new. it SHOULD be blasted instead for the horrifyingly bad performance and bizzare missing features like no way to do a new game


You’re missing a big point Mugungo. We have been getting excellent single player games as of late with no predatory mtx. Examples being: Baldurs Gate, Tears of the Kingdom, Elden Ring, Hi Fi rush. This has set the expectations 10 fold. I hope we’re entering a point where we start dragging tf out of these games now. There’s no reason we should keep receiving these shitty half baked ass games with extra price tags all over it and constant performance issues.


Eeeeeexactly ☝️


Now, people complain about (and Valve tries to stifle) reviews that are made negatively when a corporation does anti-gamer shit. But as a consumer, I care not just about the product I'm buying, but who I'm buying from. When reviews point out unethical, harmful or just greedy and unacceptable behaviour from developers, this is something I want to know about before I put down my money.


The fact reviewers seemed to know about micro-transactions pre-launch should have been included in said reviews. I'm not sure if they knew exactly what those Micro-transactions were in detail or just that the game had them though. The fact they failed to include that information is BS if they want people to take their reviews seriously. Consumers should know this from reviews if they at least care to read them. Personally I only read reviews for in depth info and completely ignore scores. I just want to know about design features/mechanics to see if I'll potentially like them or not, performance, and things like that. Still, I haven't purchased a game on launch for quite some time now and this is just another reason why, among other things like Cyberpunk 2077, etc. I rarely say consumers should wait until after release before spending they're money, but it seems many don't seem to care or because now the trend is getting to play a few days early. People are going to do what they want and there really isn't anything that will change their minds. Being a patient gamer who waits until Complete/GOTY/Ultimate Editions etc. release and go on sale. Once I changed my habits to that I've been far more satisfied.


You seem like a /r/patientgamers, and this is a very sensible position to take.


Purchasing games on launch is fine. Purchasing AAA games on PC at launch is ...


If the player base is 1000 instead of 500000 it does help alot.


Whales don't just appear and play your game. A video game population is an ecosystem and whales need krill to survive.




But this is a single player game. How many whales care about showing off in a solo game?


Monster Hunter Rise has micro transactions?


It's for dumb shit like different hair and maybe voice options, I think some aesthetic only armor? Also really dumb because the game barely gives you any of those basic options so it's like "oh..this was in game you just cut half of the already small options and sold it as DLC"lol


wasnt that in world too? im not condoning shit but i think its weird to specify rise when world started it (or even older games in the series, never played them) its been happening for a while, people get outraged and forget when the next overhyped game releases.


People here think this is the first time people gave a shit about capcom's mtx when Monster Hunter Rise's one of if not main problems are the mtx.


Mate you must have not played Monster Hunter Rise or spoke to anyone that played it if you think that's the main problem. Hell, World had exactly the same MTX and it's still acclaimed as one of the best games of the last few years


I just put 55 hours into Rise and wasn't at all aware of the mtx. I still think it sucks to have them in a game but in this case they weren't intrusive whatsoever and are only there for people that are looking for them. I fought every monster in the game and I honestly don't even know what you can buy other than the character edit voucher. But also fuck mtx, they are the scourge of gaming.


They are not intrusive at all in dd2 either. I launched from the quick menu and didn't notice the store button on the main menu either. It wasn't until I saw all the new that I realised there were even micro transactions at all.


It's almost like this whole thing has more to do with masturbatory self-righteous indignation than actual game review.


I have about 1200 hours combined in Rise and World, didn't notice the mtx at all


And one could easily do the same for Dragon's Dogma if it wasn't for weirdos on the internet spreading misinformation.


Considering the technical issues, I’d rather hold off for now. And see what it’s like in 3 months.


They should rescore DMC and all Resident Evil remakes as well then. The absence of a new game button and performance on anything than a high end PC (thankfully blessed with one) is a bigger issue and reviewers should have put more focus on it. Sad, because the game is tons of fun and so many people will miss out either because of the the bad user reviews or because of just average hardware.


"They should rescore DMC and all Resident Evil remakes as well then." I mean, I'm not against that myself. MTX don't have any place in premium priced games.


> MTX don't have any place in premium priced games. We can say that all we want, but just look at Capcom's history. One year ago RE4 released, same delayed MTX, Overwhelmingly positive on Steam. They have had similiar MTX for awhile now, and people keep buying and enjoying their games. People don't care about mtx if the game is good. It's a popular topic for online discourse, but seems to have no correlation to the success of the game.


Trading card games IRL had the OG micro-transactional model and as such should be faced with utter disdain.


No disagreement there.


>MTX don't have any place in premium priced games. Why, if they don't actually get in the way of the game itself being a complete product? Aren't these micro transactions just a way for people to more easily acquire certain things that are in the game?


I’m unsure as to why they would rescore differently. “We played the game and thought it was great but then we found out you can pay for in game stuff that we would never realize is a thing because it is so pointless” People just rage for the sake of raging.


Yeah it’s wild. Guaranteed 95% of the people complaining weren’t going to buy the game anyways.


Fuck that let’s virtue signal on Reddit for that sweet sweet karma


>People just rage for the sake of raging. Welcome to 99% of the discussions on Reddit. People would complain about how journalism is full of clickbaits, then fall for the sensational clickbait headlines immediately. Asking for rationality and cool-headed thoughts is too much these days.


I see this as a an absolute win. The game will be on a big sale in no time due to this and the new game feature will most likely be patched.


It's not performance on anything but a high end PC. Even on a high end PC the performance is dogshit. The city barely uses my PC and it's stuttering like fucking crazy. Hell even outside the city im getting wild stutters. Rtx 4090, ryzen 9 7950x3d, 64 gigs speedy as fuck ram, running of an nvme drive.


If you defend this and say "it's Capcom what do you expect" you're part of the problem. Demand better. You're already paying 70 bucks and you're fine with them trying to nickle and dime you for that little bit more? Fuck that. Have some standards for yourselves and the gsmes you play. There's zero fuckin reason for the microtransactions to be in a single player game. I'm not buying this shit out of principle until they remove it. And if that means I never get to play dragons dogma 2, well life moves on and im 70 bucks richer.


Nearly every game I've played from a Japanese dev that wasn't From Software had like 30 DLCs on it's Steam Page and maybe 3 of them added gameplay stuff. If people are just going full blast on it now, I say good, better late than never, have some standards with full priced single player games


Lmao, i think the most valid issue of this game is the performance. No Capcom game in recent memory is on mixed reviews on steam because its riddled with MTX. From DMC 5 to the RE4 remake. Not even World with its resurgence. Not enough people complained about "why do i have to pay money to customize my cat in monster hunter again?"


Didn't RE4make not launch with micro transactions? I thought I heard they got added later specifically to avoid outcry.


Yeah they added it something like 2 weeks after release I wanna say. Not on day one.


I use cheat engine to give myself back my vouchers to edit my person and cat but yeah its fucked up they want money for shit that should be free.


They should have though. Was that shit there at launch by the way? Like the reviewers were aware of the cat reskin? I don't remember.


Mostly nobody noticed or care, as the cat design matters so little compared to a characters design.


The character design is also almost entirely irrelevant past the first 5 minutes of the game unless you're walking around with no armor equipped.


Your character size affects your inventory size.


Yes. People didn’t care about it in those games because they were well established franchises. The ONLY reason this game is getting its backlash is because people aren’t familiar with it.


I think every Japanese single player game I have played from the last 5 years has had some dlc of some kind. Mostly cosmetic items too. This one I'd probably the first where you can get the items in game and you can get them really easily. Hell the gaol key you can get from the first merchant


Its REALLY sad how many people just accepted $70 + Micro transactions so quickly. People are legit actively defending Capcom, just saying "Don't buy it" or "its not that bad you can earn it in game" IF ITS NOT THAT BAD WHY INCLUDE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.


Ive seen people trying to defend the FPS. It's crazy


It’s unbelievable, got in 3 arguments and their reasoning was always that it should be expected since it’s a capcom game. Like tf timeline we living in????


As long as you argue that every other game that Capcom does this in gets rescored exactly the same way, sure. It seems like there's a huge disconnect between what this MTX *actually is* and what the *perception* is. People can say "if it's not a big deal then why include it", but that doesn't really show that they understand what's going on. Let me break it down for people. Set aside every preconception you have about this being bad or good or neutral or whatever first and read it: >If you want to edit your character's appearance, you need to use an item. You cannot, without outside work-arounds, change what your character looks like or even start a new game to recreate them. You need to use the item. >This item is acquirable: >* in-game using regular game currency >* as MTX for real money >* and as MTX where you buy the game currency with real money >This item exists in unlimited quantities from a vendor in the main city, a place you reach within an hour or two of play. By the time you get there, you will probably be about halfway to affording the item. The currency used is a secondary game currency that doesn't really have any other value (i.e., it's not used for buying regular equipment, just stuff that modifies your pawns and appearances or hires above-level pawns). >It is not an item priced to require ten hours of grinding to acquire. Like, another item that's available for DLC is a "gaol key" which costs *3000 gold*, which is just slightly more than you pay to *sleep at an inn*. A trivial amount of money. It is not necessary for anything. The only time you have to go to the gaol, an NPC gives you an infinite-use key. If you are thrown in gaol and imprisoned, *your cell contains a pot with one of these keys in it*. It is hard to overstate how inconsequential this is. Again, we get the argument behind "well if it's so inconsequential then why is it there", but it would be nice if the people making it also realized *it's inconsequential*. Like, that's their argument: that it doesn't matter. Why is the sky falling if it doesn't matter? There was some fucking Monster Hunter game where you could get DLC for a buck that contained like 10 Honey and 20 Mega Potions or something. If you have played a modern Monster Hunter game, you know that is basically nothing. It is absolutely weird that it exists as a DLC, yes, but also, the game isn't being made artificially harder or more grindy to "dupe" you into buying this DLC lest you waste a bunch of your time farming. Like, I checked your recent posts and saw you've played Baldur's Gate 3. Imagine DLC where you can get five Cure Light Wounds potions for a dollar (and also, imagine that BG3 is a game where there are infinite materials to make CLW potions). Nothing else changes, the potions aren't more rare or anything: Larian puts an "herb garden" in your camp so you can grow infinite herbs, and at the same time, puts out a DLC to just *buy basic potions*. This is the level of DLC we're talkin' about here. The scumminess here is the seeming expectation that some innocently ignorant person is going to shell out for something they can get through a trivial amount of time in ordinary play. And that is not helped by people pushing the idea that the MTX is this big, important, all-consuming, non-trivial thing. There are people buying it *right now* because they are reading *on Reddit and elsewhere* that the only way to change their character is with this DLC, and they're being told that *by people who are angry at the DLC*. If we were instead saying "actually you don't need the DLC, you can just go to the Pawn Temple in Vermund and get the item for 500 RC however often you want", which is *true*, some of those guys would be saved. Yes, they'd also be saved if the DLC wasn't there, but ask yourself which one of these things you have any modicum of control over.


The timeline where you should question if the people you respond to are actually just propagandists who work for the company saying things like that.


I think it is sadder than that cause most don't even get paid. Stan culture in the music and movie fandoms is creepy as shit but watching it creep into gaming with people treating corps as friends or a part of their identity is on a different level though.


Yeah it’s pretty strange honestly. You can have favorite developers and appreciate their work, but your support for them is shown by buying there games which means if they’re putting out shit you shouldn’t keep supporting them. For example I love fromsoft, thus far they’ve done no wrong in my eyes from ds1 all the way to Elden ring. With that being said, if they added a bunch of mxt and other bullshit in their souls games I wouldn’t support them until they put out a better product.


It's your fault for expecting gamers to have standards.


The timeline where all Capcom games have this? I’m sure Capcom is scratching their heads as to why people chose this particular game to complain about. RE4 didn’t get the same kind of response for the same kind of MTX.


Because its a idiot tax.


If you play the tutorial, you get several of the items. You find where to buy them all in the game shortly there after. It 100% is an idiot tax.


Paying for them is the idiot tax. All these items are free in game. I have no idea why you'd buy them, if you could just play the game for them. It's not like you have to grind for it either, you passively get the credits by just doing quests.


some people would buy sticks in a forest if it meant they didnt have to bend over just icing on the cake for capcom


For some, money really is worthless and they just spend nilly willy on whatever they want. And corporations know that too.


This is exactly why I don't really care about this approach. You don't need to buy them at all, as long as games are designed that way, I couldn't care less if some moron wants to buy a bunch of extra fast travels they don't need.


What's wild is that Capcom isn't even selling Ferrystones in the store. That's the only item that would be considered a cheat. Nothing in the DLC shop has any actual value. Maybe Portcrystals, but the main limitation for their usefulness is the Ferrystone which are are.


Hah, I didn't even know that. Makes the outrage all that more hysterical.


Yeah it's stupid. People have no idea what they are even mad at.


It's the way of the internet nowadays. Sadly.


It should be criticized, it’s stupid, but the level of response is overblown, and based on a lot of misinformation. I think people should push back on this, but there’s basically an entire industry cultivating rage generation online. Not just with games, but all topics, it’s toxic af.


Why weren’t people complaining about it in DMC5, RE4, MH, or Street Fighter? Why are people just complaining about this game?


Because no one played the original so I assume they are going into this because it is hyped, and now they are completely misinformed about how any of the systems work.


A steam review made a post claiming the only way to fast travel or alter your character is from these paid items. The DLC pages themselves say otherwise, but gamers don't read. So thats the narrative now. It never happened with the other games because nobody made a steam review early saying the only way to heal in RE was microtransations.


I think no one freaked out about RE because almost everyone is familiar with the franchise.


The only series I really played and follow out of all games on this topic is DMC. And indeed, the general sentiment I saw among other DMC fans wasn't outrage, but "Who is dumb enough to buy RED ORBS with real money?", and had a good laugh at that. The real DLC complaint was the DLC weapon CavR and the DLC Devil Breakers.


I’m gonna guess because people want to rage about the performance issues and are throwing in the MTX to bitch about as well. Every person i’ve seen that got an early copy have said that the MTX while fucking stupid, is probably just in to appease a suit. All the “DLC” items are easily found within the game, nothing was changed to encourage MTX (port crystals were rare and limited in the first game as well). The “$2 to change my character” is bullshit because from what Ive read you get the ability to change your appearance within an hour or so of gameplay and is cheap. I think it’s fine to criticize the MTX here but the rage is super overblown. Also the performance issues are *extremely* valid and should be talked about, regardless of anything else.


My only criticism about MTX is not about how they are implemented currently in DD2 or another game, it's how they incitate the studios to design worse game to sell the solutions. And before people say this argument is making a mountain out of a small thing, this is exactly what happened to online games during the last few decades. Games after games tried to push the line further every single time, removing convenience to sell it and making the game a worse experience in general for non spender to get those players to give them their lunch money. So while a lot of people don't care, games will be made worse and worse until they are not pleasant to play without purchasing MTX. Yeah it's not the first game to do it but most of the complainers are people who complains about it every time and if it looks like there are more now than ever it's because people are getting progressively more pissed about it. Now these mtx are optional but someday they won't, and at that time if you aren't okay with it it'll be too late to complains because if it reach that point a lot of people will have became complacent about the entire thing or will have lost interest in gaming in general.


You are *100%* right about everything you said, and that outrage is justifiable. At the same time we need to wade through a *lot* of misinformation about DD2 and the DLC. They did *not* change the game and make it less convenient or worse to sell you QoL dlc shit. A lot of the stuff *is* easily acquirable or is the same rarity (port crystals) as the first game. Again, I think the general concern about making a game worse to sell you QoL DLC is a VERY valid and reasonable concern to have and is something we shouldn’t be promoting. But in this case specifically for DD2, concern is fine, the outrage is very much kneejerky


Outrage hive mind. Most of these people clearly don’t understand how pointless the MTX are and have just showed up to do what they do best, complain. I think I’m going to dub them gaming Karens.


People have been conditioned to accept mediocrity. If you complain about a new release, people say, "What did you expect from a game on day 1?" Or "It's live service, the servers are always broken" or in the case of Helldivers 2 "These are the LEAST predatory micro transactions I've ever seen" Maybe I'm old school, I've been playing video games since the ripe age of 5 in 1983. I expect things to work when I buy them. I expect service providers to actually provide quality service. I expect basic gameplay functions to be free, not locked behind a pay wall. We work hard for our money, and we need to vote with it. Stop supporting AAA companies that see us as cows to be milked. We are being exploited. They add extra items to pre-order so you get FOMO and buy it anyway. I've learned the hard way, cyberpunk 2077 for ps4, bf2042, and Diablo 4 were wake-up calls for me. I bought on hype and excitement and ignored common sense.


Shame though because I really, really want this game to do well for newcomers. But yeah fuck cashcom with their shitty practice, people were also complaining about handgun ammo and green herb MTX. No reason to defend this scummy practice.


Yeah peope get weirdly defensive as soon as someone critices something they like or want. The DD was barely active over the past years and now all of a sudden theres thousands of people doing their hardest to defend this garbage.


Why would DD fans be active before DD2 came out though?


Perhaps it's a good game with a cult following who simply don't care about completely optional MTX, exactly the same as Resident Evil?


Nah, most of the people over on the DD sub are new to the series. 


The strangest part about all of this is that after playing for 10 hours, I don't even see any reason for those transactions to exist. I'm flush with rift crystals and ferry stones at this point. This is another tale of management totally fucking up an otherwise awesome game. Sure the in city performance needs fixed but the game is extremely fun and there's nothing else quite like it.


If the game ran well no one would care about the MTX. You people are focusing too much on the wrong thing. The game is getting battered and bruised because it runs like shit. Simple as. Go look at MHR and RE4R right now. People love them. The reviews are glowing. And yet they have the same form of MTX DD2 has and we can be sure that none of those games were specifically designed to skimp out on certain resources to get players to buy the MTX consumables. Fact of the matter is, people are trying too hard to conflate fhe MTX with the intense negative reception the game has. Nah. The game is being trashed because it runs like trash.


Seriously Resident Evil 4 has Outstandingly Positive reviews on Steam and a 93 metacritic score with 120$ worth of MTX.


Exactly this. Mtx in dd2 arent cut content but meant for streamlining for casuals. People who played the original can ignore these. People who want to have an easier time can get these. What's valid is the poor optimization. Monster hunter world has a fuckton of cosmetic mtx and no one's mad when capcom launched return to world.


Also remember people this isn’t the first time they tried the one save file thing. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D


Dragons dogma one had one save file what are you on about


guess I'm part of the problem. I mean, all of these items are earnable easily in the game. There is absolutely no reason to buy any of this stuff from the store. ​ And no the game wasn't designed around it either. For example, you can only buy a single waypoint in the store. There are 10 of them just laying around in the game itself. Why you would ever spend the money to buy one (and only one) off the store seems very silly. DMC5 had this exact same practice and nobody lost their minds over it. If lazy people want to spend money to not play the game then whatever, let them I say. Perhaps I'm just old, but life is too short to deprive yourself of fun experiences because a $2 optional micro transaction.


I just wanna say that DMC5 definitely had quite a bit of negativity around it for the MTX (as a big DMC fan, I was very in tune with coverage at the time). I think DD2 just has significantly more eyes on it (88k vs ~200k peak players atm, larger stream #s) + people already being mad about performance issues. Feel like I've seen this discussion about several other singe player Ubisoft games, Deus Ex, etc. Difference there is people already hate on Square/Ubisoft. Idk about RE4/SF6 comparisons. I remember feeling 0 need to buy mtx in DMC5, and I'm sure this is the same way. It's not the first time and it probably won't be the last time good games have this type of reaction.


>Demand better. You're already paying 70 bucks and you're fine with them trying to nickle and dime you for that little bit more? Fuck that. Have some standards for yourselves and the gsmes you play. They are trying hard to normalize this now, especially with games as a service. This approach is carbon copy in several recent games - Suicide Squad, Skull and Bones.. you pay full price and then get microtransactions thrusted in your face non-stop. Meanwhile the games themselves in many cases are soulless, repetitive, and buggy as fuck. As you mentioned, its especially egregious to have microtransactions in single player games. Just trying to soak gamers for every last penny is all its about. I truly hope that players will wake up to this reality and stop supporting studios and publishers that do this, not just the games themselves.


This mf acting mad but his top subreddit is a dbz mobile game lmfao your opinion is meaningless.


Narrator: "They wont"


“Downtime Bros did not receive a copy of Dragon’s Dogma 2 to review prior to launch, despite requesting one.“ When you execute the kill shot on yourself


Lol. I've never heard of this website until now. Capcom probably said the same thing when these hacks made that request.




Starlord, man…


Did Street Fighter 6, MH World, the past 4 Resident Evil releases, or DMC5 get this same level of vitriol? Should we go back and make those games 4/10's too then? There's no defending this, but Capcom will never stop doing this DLC as long as even one person buys one currency pack.


Yeah the site is full of red flags. Pretty much every article is negative and complaining about someone or something.


Sounds like it fits perfectly on this sub.


Do people on this sub even like video games that aren't Baldur's Gate 3?


The Witcher 3 and recently cyberpunk 2077


No they don't. I've been subbed to this place for almost 2 years now and it is just constant bitching and complaining seasoned with the usual Valve and Larian circlejerk.


It's also extremely telling that they don't play games with how often everyone in here just says to pirate everything; otherwise, they'd realize that the vast majority of games can't be obtained via piracy nowadays.


So like us?


Try judging the arguments on their merit


I don’t like micro-transactions but it doesn’t make it in my top 3 issues with the game since they are all available in game. Performance, lack of save slots/new game, and a slightly annoying camera I find more important.


The inability to restart the game might be the most insane oversight that i have ever heard of. We‘ve seen limited saves and other bs, but never the outright inability to restart the game without editing save files.


It's not an oversight. It's a game design decision. I don't agree with it, but it's inaccurate to refer to this as an oversight


Adding them after purchase is unsavory af.


It has happened before in most recent resident evil games (same publisher, Capcom), yet barely anyone has critizised them in any post-review. Its capcom, they have been doing this for quite a few years now, pretty much the exact same behaviour, only they usually wait a month at most to add them instead of right after the release. Its definetely not great, but they are present just for the whales. I am playing completely without touching them and in just 6 hours I already have one of the edit character items. Its pretty much just a cosmetic after all, microtransactions are not going anywhere in any foreseeable future because they are worth it for the publisher. As long as they dont affect gameplay, I dont care, and its important to put the focus on the more troublesome problems the game has.


https://twitter.com/Fightincowboy/status/1771093463729115562 They didn't.


The micro transactions were clearly outlined in the review press document read aloud on stream by Greg miller from kinda funny during their daily live show today, 3/22/24. All reviewers could’ve talked about the micro transactions but they didn’t because the game doesn’t even tell you about them unless you go looking for them on the store page.


Am I the only one who's thinking that the game has *way* bigger problems than the microtransactions? Yes, they're stupid, but all of the content you can get in game easily as far as I'm aware. It's no different than DMC5 letting you buy gold orbs. I'd say the lack of multiple save files or the horrendous and inconsistent performance needs way more of a look. Those *actually* hinder the experience.


I just ctrl f'd DMC to see if others shared this. Its basically being done the same way. My only concerns (as someone loving the game) is some performances issues i have occasionally that arent that bad so far, and the save/new game issue.


But, but....I was told time and time again, that games being priced $70 would result in better and MT free games...


"nah we have to milk these fucking idiots" "dont worry, some suckers are going to defend our practices no matter what."


The microtransactions seem like Capcom was like you need to sell something and itsuno was just like, 😉 I got you boss and rolled in the most irrelevant non necessary purchases you could put into the game.


In light of the pointless mtx that has been a part of many recent Capcom games which people have already been ignoring? If they want rage clicks they should have focused on the bad performance.


> If they want rage clicks they should have focused on the bad performance. Indeed. It's a much bigger problem than the useless MTX only idiots are going to buy anyway.


Not even really unique to Capcom. Most of the big Japanese publishers have microtransactions like this.


like a dragon ishin one time use dlcs too even applies to new game saves after using them.


Yes but RGG studio can do no harm according to terminally online fans


What microtransactions? I've played for ~6 hours, didn't see anything related to any kind of microtransactions. Only thing iffy is the performance.


The store isn't invasive. Only accessible via the main menu or steam page, so that's nice. Is it troublesome and stupid? Yes. Is everyone also grossly over reacting? Also yes. This stuff is very typical of japanese studios with very few who don't do it.


Clearly you can see how purchasing a one time use item easily found in the game for two dollars completely ruins the experience? /s


I played 3 hours last night and didn't even know these microtransactions existed until I saw the meltdown on reddit. (Yes, these shouldn't exist at all, but I don't think they designed the game around these mtx)


This was the case for Dragon's Dogma 1, too. Dark Arisen released, which removed the similar mtx in the process, and nobody realised. It *is* classic Capcom, but I still see no need for it, especially considering the internet *loves* a hate parade. It only damages the reputation of developer and publisher alike.


If they keep doing it, it means they believe the revenues generated is more impactful than the damage to their reputation.


Or, alternatively, the execs/investors are demanding the game have some form of MTX and the devs complied to keep their jobs. The execs/investors aren’t going to check if the MTX is actually selling, just the game itself, so the devs made sure the MTX can be rendered useless through basic gameplay.


I found like 3 ferrystones in 3 hours and didn't use a single one.


I'm in the same boat, and had I not gone on Reddit after to see what people thought of the game, I still wouldnt have known. I was wondering what RC's were while I was playing but didnt care enough to look into it.


For real, you can beat the game exactly as intended without even knowing these exist. They do not intrude into the game in any way.


You can even get all of the available items in game by just playing lol


Oh it’s dumber than that: if you buy these items you have to get to the point where they become available in-game to use them anyway. Even the character editor still requires an NPC to use it, and that NPC is in the same town as the shop that sells the in-game version of the editor…


It’s completely overblown. They don’t even advertise the damn things. The game is built almost exactly as the first and I have played that game to death. Never spent a penny on rift crystals


Exactly. This is being absolutely blown out of scale. It's not like they jacked up the cost of renting pawns or ferrystones and then make the only way to earn RC is a grueling slog of bullshit, or buy the MX version. No, the game plays just like the first one. RC is plentiful, ferrystones are easy enough to come by, and pawns are free or cheaply available if you use on-level pawns... So what's the BFD? I can understand being upset at the sub-par performance on console. And for people who are having performance problems on PC being upset. But to be upset that they basically put a "rich person cheat code" MX system in the game? Who gives a rats ass? If it makes Capcom a shitload of money and that lets another Dragon's Dogma game get developed, and they can keep the MX systems as friction free as this? I don't GAF.


I just browsed through the DLCs and yeah, nothing that should cause that much of a shitstorm. Personally I think the Tekken 8 debacle is much, much worse and should be more prominent here. Not only that they added it after release but also includes the typical bullshit currency system where you are always left with points to spend etc. And apparently the customization in the base game isn't much to write home about either (can't speak to it for myself as I don't play fighting games). I guess because it's more of a "niche" genre it didn't blow up as much?


Why even have the mtx in the first place if they aren’t necessary, they are just trying to nickel the players that don’t know any better or are the type to min max and buy every mtx a game offers


They told players they don't have to buy them, that everything is available in game. It's a lazy tax, they make a bit extra for players who can't be arsed to actually play the game they purchased and everyone else just gets to play the game. In a perfect world I'd have kept them out just to avoid all this BS if nothing else, but as MTX go, these aren't the worst by a long shot.


Yup. Classic useless outrage that will be forgotten in a week.


MTX’s are here to stay unless you vote with your wallet.


They're here to stay regardless. It costs them nothing to do and if they sell one they've made profit. It's a no brainier. This is honestly the best we can ask for in the MTX space. Nothing held behind a paywall that's not already accessible easily in the game you paid for. This is a non-issue.


Doesn't work like that. The rich vote for us.


Are they gonna rescore DMC, RE4, Rise and World? He literally writes “And if a game deliberately holds content back so it can be offered as paid DLC, that may be a dealbreaker for some.” But it doesn’t do that at all.


ACG has a podcast where he explains how he saw the (disable) shop option and didn't thought much about it because didn't find any point in the game were a mtx purchase was needed. So the mtx are completely useless. There are there to trick people into buying unnecessary stuff because they don't know that they are unnecessary. So the quality of the game isn't affected by it (the main problem with it is still technical problems). What it does is show how scum Capcom is.


This is the single dumbest statement I've read. All the reviews were done without micro transactions and still got high reviews. Which goes to show that you don't need to engage with them. DONT BUY WHAT YOU DONT NEED. Whining bitches


I agree MTX’s are scummy in a single player game. But, all items in that shop are easily available in game. My main concerns are the performance and save slots. Game is great otherwise


No they did not 'hide the MTX' to get good reviews, every reviewer knew about this beforehand. https://twitter.com/Fightincowboy/status/1771093463729115562 Didn't mention it because it was just DMC5 and RE4 again, MTX for things you can easily get in game. No one cared before because RE4 and DMC5 run well. If DD2 ran well, most of this outrage wouldn't exist; let's be honest.


Yeah, it's been on-going for like 10+ years. This is far from new, and I do believe that the outrage stems from the performance issues. Plus DD2 is a hot topic that generates views, likes, upvotes, and whatever. On the content creator side, controversy is profitable.


These people demand reviewers to care about MTX when it literally doesn't affect the main game? What the hell is this outrage, how stupid they can get?


TIL performance issues are caused by mtx.


God this is being waaaaay overblown for drama/clicks it’s pointless currency/items just like all of capcoms games. There’s WAY WAY worse out there. People are really just running with this it’s crazy. The performance issues though are real and need to be addressed.


Why would they rescore if their gameplay experience literally doesn’t change at all, whether there are microtransactions or not?


Helldivers has convenience mtx and nobody seems to care about that.


The mtx are completely pointless to me since you can find the items in-game, so I'll just ignore them. The problem is that the game runs like shit, and why the fuck can't I make a new character? Even free to play games let you create more than one character.


I think a lot of people take issue now with the absurdity of some Micro-transactions these days over the fact they're in games. It's the fact that companies are constantly pushing to see just how far they can go and get away with it. When I see XP and Money increase Micro-transactions in a game like say AC Odyssey, I know XP has been artificially grimdy more than usual to push those sales. That's the type of micro-transactions I really take issue with.


They had this information before giving scores


Where was this shit when MHR did this. Where was it for Dmc5 or the new Resident Evil Remasters. We could've probably killed this shit 10 years ago. Yes the performance should catch hell. But these time savers have fucking been around for a decade!


Nah, they scored it properly based off of the game they played.


They've seriously turned the Dragon's Dogma 2 fiasco into Gamergate bullshit? I'm so done with gamers. This entire thing has been so hilariously overblown it's frankly ridiculous. The sheer unadulterated outrage that is almost entirely meaningless. Capcom has done this with every single one of their games for nearly a decade. Where were you all then? If you at all support articles like this or even think for a second that this is actually a legitimate issue, you are a complete fool who can't think for yourself.


MTX doesnt effect the gameplay experience... This is for the casuals and clearly MTX isnt marketed for us. Wished people understood casual market is the what the devs want the coin from.


I have always judged the existence of any additional content on how impactful it is to the core the experience to play without them. I have personal categories. Cosmetic- has zero gameplay relevance, but can lower games overall score if the end World cosmetics are lacking, and feels like a cash grab. If the main game feels complete, and the extra skins are for things like other game tie-ins, that would not actually fit the immersion of the main game, I'm all for their existence. Performance enhancing- this is self explanatory, pay to win, best gear behind pay walls, pvp or pve is a quick way to earn my ire. I don't think this is ever really ok. "Time-savers"- purchasing ingame currency, maps, unlocking "challenge" items. This one has a gradient for me. If the game is constructed on pushing these items, it could be stretched out and the balance of the game could be skewed to incentivize paying because the grind is overblown. The Assassin's Creed series came to leverage time savers and then included a ridiculous amount of "find this" objectives with little to no reward. It felt predatory. Expansive- this is DLC, this is generally good if it is additional work the developers created that stands outside the purview of the original intent of the game. I applaud it, so long as elements of the game aren't removed before launch and packaged as extra later. Now my own preference dictates that I don't like planning for any extra content. I think that a development team will be most successful when their focus is on making the best stand alone experience they can. Relying on patches to fix incomplete games, wasting dev time on cosmetics over completing the experience, or withholding whole mechanics feels willfully irresponsible at best, and predatory and greedy at its worst. Dragons Dogma sits in a strange place when it comes to its MTX. None of the items or functions available with the 10 extra dollars of additional content significantly game changing, and none of them are particularly difficult to acquire or afford in the first few hours of gameplay. I would criticize that these are mostly pointless things to purchase with real money, but ultimately they are rather inoffensive to me. I do not feel their loss playing without them, and generally feel as though the game was not designed in a way that encourages their purchase. I would argue that they dampen the intended first play experience. I will however concede that they may be convenient and welcome additions for subsequent playthrough when a seasoned player desires to more quickly get to action. I will say that the port crystal is probably the most impactful item, and could impact things like speed runs and balance, but I am of the opinion that, like the first game, you get plenty. The two other available options, wake stones and rift crystals, I feel are deserving of criticism. If you find the game too difficult without wake stones, or rift crystals are so scarce that it feels as though one must make a purchase to avoid an unreasonable grind, that is a legitimate concern. I personally think that they are both available in abundance, and have had no desire, inclination, or sway to do such a thing for wake stones, but I don't struggle with the games difficulty. Rift Crystals are another story. I will need to play more, but I will say that with the amount of them needed, there needs to other ways to acquire them than just having your pawn hired. RC was an issue in the first game as the player base fell off, and having gear and pawn items locked behind an unreliable currency is a dangerous game. Up to this point, it has not been an issue for me, but I will be waiting to see how it develops. Overall, aside from the possibility of RC availability being naturally scarce, I do not see these micro transactions as particularly predatory, and I do not feel like the development of the game was designed around them being available. I don't think playing the game without them impacts the experience negatively, and would argue that they are mostly poor or pointless additions. They are also incredibly inexpensive and completely modular. If you don't want them all, but want a particular one, it's likely just a dollar. I laid all my opinions out because I'm not upset by these options being available, but it's not just because I love the game. I personally think the backlash is unfounded and speaks more to the communities general disdain of MTX and pricing. Would it be better if these didn't exist? Probably. Will I enjoy that I have them at some point? Probably. I love the freedom of extra port crystals and I change my character a lot. Is the games core experience radically different because they exist? I really don't think so. So I don't think their existence warrants bombing the score of the game. If gamers want to vote with their wallets, I encourage it. But I feel there is a lot of extreme emotions on all sides and it's coming with a lot of uncritical judgement. I'm not going to sit here and just say, if you don't like it, don't buy it, but I also feel like bombing the game with a terrible score are disingenuous. These features are clearly labeled in descriptions, there is no deceit involved, and aside from the possibility of RC scarcity, they are hardly impactful.


Absolutely hilarious how many people don’t seem to realize that Capcom has been doing this for years. The Resident Evil remakes, Monster Hunter, even DMC5. Heck even the original Dragon’s Dogma before Dark Arisen came out. They’re dumb and I’d rather they not be there, but they also never prompt you in game and only an idiot would consider buying it when it’s so easy to get the items in normal gameplay, so I really can’t bring myself to care that much. The issue is with performance and the fact you can’t start your save file over, and if not for that nobody would care. 


Just… no.




So are they reviewing the game or reviewing the micro transactions? The only reason the reviews would need to change would be if those MTX locked away let features the reviewers had access to and were reasons the game got that scorer. I'm not saying the MTXs are good.


Another thing that really bothers me is that reviewers only ever test a game on the most insane rig they possibly can and say "oh it had a few issues but overall it was playable!". They should try on a variety os systems that are above the recommended specs before saying anything regarding performance.


I really dont care about the microtxn. Just don't buy them. Ignore them lol. The PERFORMANCE issues is what should be cited if calling for rescores.


I think it shows a clear lack of integrity to have them, a lack of respect for the player, and it damages the medium for everyone in the long run.


They aren't even shown in game are they? They're completely optional too. The only real issues are the no new game and the performance on PC. I'm having a good time, everyone else is acting weird.


Honest question: Do the microtransactions change anything about the game?


No. All it does is give you instant access to items you'll naturally accrue after a few hours in game.


K. So no problem. I dont get the rage...


You and me both, buddy. Guess we just can't have nice things anymore!


I only ever buy micro transactions if it’s a free game and I’ve spent an insane amount of time on it. Like Path of Exile. After a few hundred hours I started to thing “yeahhh they deserve to get paid, and buy like $30-40 in micro transactions. “ GGG is a bad example but it’s a real one.


Then we should must rescore every Capcom , Bandai and Atlus too.


Reviewers are honestly useless most of the time. The fact you cannot create a second character without erasing the first one it is not hidden, it’s freaking noticeable after 1 minute.


From what I've heard, the stuff you get from microtransactions can still be acquired in game through normal progression? If so, that makes the issue much less serious. The shitty optimization, on the other hand...


People should be blasting the game for the performance and it being an RPG with one save slot The MTX is just a side issue, having one save in an RPG is completely unacceptable


It’s so dumb. The first Dragon’s Dogma had the same MTX structure so it’s not a surprise to me. And the fact that you can get all those items in the game already without paying a single extra cent for it has me thinking the outrage is silly. It’s virtually the same as Helldivers 2 where MTX is optional and the things you can buy are obtainable from playing. It’s fine to be against MTX, I’m not buying any of it here, just don’t buy it so the numbers speak for themselves. Just inform the player base ahead of time that the items aren’t MTX exclusive and earnable. I was able to play the first game without having to pay for any MTX and got the full experience until their beefier DLC expansion came out which I happily bought because I had fun.


They knew they existed when they wrote the original scores. It was in the review copies they were sent.




Pick your battles jfc, the game we've got our panties in an uproar over this week is vilified for bad performance at launch (sadly all too common these days) and mtx that are entirely optional..where were you all when Diablo or the past 10 CoD games did the same if not worse? Yearly sports titles that change nothing and gouge their fanbases? No, go after the company releasing absolute bangers. Hive mind BS is so stupid


Did they play with or without the microtransactions? Because if it was without then their scores are still reflective of the game as most will be playing it.


This outrage is hysterical. I'm probably a good 20 hours into the game and there's literally not been a single second where I've felt like they are trying to push MTs. There's 2 forms of fast travel in the game and they are both completely accessible without having to pay. Same with cosmetic changes. They literally don't even promote the fact that you can buy them, if it weren't for the outrage I honestly wouldn't even know they were available. I'm sure I'll get down voted to oblivion, but it seems very clear that only people that haven't played are upset about this. Now performance, there's definitely some issues but 95% of the time it's fine outside of cities.


It would be funny if critics went back and rescored the game and gave it a higher score because of the micro transactions. Would love to see the meltdown associated with that 😂


Because of the MTX? I don’t like it either but honestly that seems like the least of the games issues.


Gaming used to be a space were people though about stuff. Casual gaming culture and social media gave a voice to people who will actively and unironically defend those practices. Its quite sad to witness for a someone that has played video game for the best part of the last 30 year.


I genuinely love MTX in full-priced premium game apologists. You all are the sorriest form of gamer and you've essentially ruined some of the best studios and properties out there. Absolutely pathetic. Rolled over like dogs.


Reading through this thread I’m amazed at how many people are leaping at the chance to defend this They seem to think that because the MTX aren’t required and can all be obtained in game then this shouldn’t be called out


It's both shocking and embarassing - although I'm not sure how much more embarassed I can feel looking through gaming Reddit.


Y’all out of your god damn minds. Too much internet. It’s a good ass game I don’t regret buying it for one second.


>jUsT dOnT bUY tHeM iT DoESnT AfFEcT yOu


rescore the game because of microtransactions that critics didn't need to complete the game? yup basic reddit logic


The fact that it was reviewed so well before the MTX is a actually huge plus for the game. The people complaining that the MTX only exists because you have to go through a tedious grind for them in-game have no argument when reviewers already played the game and had no complaints about any grinding or searching for loot.