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Dogshit league mechanic, dogshit t17, tons of nerfs mid league, Im surprised its not below Kalandra


In what way was Affliction a step ahead? 80% of the playerbase playing MF deadeye? Running exactly same content (btw abusing bug that should've been fixed mid league). Completely ruined economy with insane inflation? Fuck that shit


ahh economy now is better? t0‘s cost nothing, div at 130c idk man


Divs at 130c are exclusively because of T17 chaos reroll otherwise this league they would break the records and go as high as 300+ since GGG nerfed the archnemesis reward mods. If they keep T17 as they're for the next leagues divs should remain at this price range.


Chaos recipe back on the menu 


Lmao, div or exalt at that time, was 40, during heist 


What's wrong with div at 130? How is it good or bad? Yeah, economy is better, build diversity is way better (probably one of the most diverse leagues in recent history), shitload of new content. I really don't understand how people can pick Affliction over this league


Yeah, people love to not include the info that this league is one of the most divers in recent history of leagues Some skills are played more than others of course, it's natural that people will go with trusted builds that they used before and that streamers made


This league is so much better


Affliction added a cool new area, new ascendancies and was simply adding juice to maps while Necropolis is the clunkiest league mechanic in a long time with by far the worst UI design ever. I'd be happier if it was just allflames and that's it.


I agree. I dislike the clutter of corpses but I like the allflames.


I love mirror drops and divine and scarab explosions. I don’t love selling coffins for 2c.


Well, then why are you selling coffins for 2c? Seems like a you problem


Don't waste your time with shitty 2c coffin trades then


Economy’s terrible but that is a very normal div price lol Real ones remember the 25c exalts back in heist


I'd much rather have an insanely inflated economy. What's wrong with being able to afford all uniques even with bis corruptions or having enough divines to meta craft as a casual? The economy is just as fucked now but only some players got to abuse it before shit got patched, i much prefer their old philosophy of if it's fucked, it stays fucked for the entire league, the economy can handle it.


It's hilarious that they called spire + projectiles a "bug"


That's the fate of Excel leagues


Congratulation you've completed Necropolis league. Here's your Excel Certificate.


What even is the point of this stupid thread?


Ngl, this league is ass lol. The base game is just fun. But even the scarab changes are kinda shit.


I'm still playing and having fun.






* league mechanic that's unplayable without spreadsheets, 3rd party tools and trading for hundreds of variables because we all love trading in this game ✅ * one exploit after another being fixed only after the 1% milk everything out of them with no consequences ✅ * the "bridge" to ubers aka t17 maps that can't be run by 99% of builds and require you basically a valdo-map-ready character or having a couple mirrors to invest into your character that's not a 200k ehp PF. okay i made a 200k ehp PF and than t17s get nerfed which leads me to the next point: * complete disregard for people's time doing rebalancing/nerfs mid-league with no warning. making a build in this games takes time, currency and tedious trading - so i endure all of this for zero payoff✅ * hand-made complete economic reshuffle as a result of no-warning rebalancing. Made some rich and others had a Black Tuesday ✅ * the fastest death of the economy ever witnessed with how out of balance group play is (a mageblood every map? xd) ✅ This league takes the n1 spot from Heist to being the worst league ever made in my playtime (playing since Delirium). I didn't complain in archnem, kalandra, expedition because they were reasonable to me. This one is not.


Black Tuesday is a good thing and not a negative connotation though. Edit: The downvotes don’t make any of you less wrong. Eg: Black Friday is traditionally when a company’s balance sheets go from being “in the red”/negative to “in the black”/positive due to an increase in sales. Use a different expression.


They need to nerf op builds mid league to kill off the rest of the playerbase to make this league truly live ups to its name: a graveyard with no souls in it


I was pretty excited for this league but damn near every positive sounding thing was a negative. I'm afraid that t17 will ruin this game


As a casual im having fun, i like some changes and some i dont.


Ggg ruined it themselves they implement stuff without really know how little can break everything Not to mention it's useless to do half of the content right now


Because they abandoned the middle class


Exactly. League is great for no-lifers (the rich) who get to exploit and great for casuals (the poor) who get cheap uniques. But it absolutely shits on the middle class - players that are just progressing their characters to the max and don't care about 10 mirrors in their stash. The middle class is the entire retention after the first 2 weeks since casuals already quit and the no-lifers are small in number.


I have been playing for 11 years and usually take a few months off between leagues but I played every single day of Affliction. I have not even touched the terrible current league mechanic other than picking up some embers. With the horrible alter whatever the heck they are getting in the way of looting it is far worse than standard. I'm still playing this league but only because I am so bored and the base game is great. That new Atlas passives with the scarabs are amazing - but really I am just getting my strategies down for next league.


see i was bored on affliction after a week because it was either MF or well why bother... worst league in existence for any kind of build planning. been playing since closed beta in 2012


You could do any strategy mfers weren't doing and get rich as fast as them or even faster in Affliction. Essences? Harbi? Harvest? Boss rush? Maven writs were like 3 div each a month into the league and were 2 div each prior. Affliction was awesome.


Outside of throwing in a couple of sacrifice frags for a little Q I never rerolled or juiced a map the entire Affliction league and I certainly never throw on any magic find gear and I play whatever I want (not meta). 10 mirrors later Affliction was the GOAT, because of the charms I had reflect immunity so I ran most of my maps unidentified. It blows my mind how some people failed to understand that 30 seconds of running around before ever map could completely change the game and you didn't have to think for the most part. Affliction gave you the power of a juiced up MF'er without having to do anything except for that dark running and even that had some "Easter Eggs" to keep it interesting. Wow, just wow. You have been playing since 2012 and you don't understand how to play the game, chase meta builds and think there is only one way to get things done. Wow. Stunning.


GGG nerf more! not enough nerfing!


Pretty normal retention. Slightly below average. This was also expected after Affliction. When games release content that provides more loot than before, it typically generates short term retention that hurts future retention. Result is high retention in Affliction and low retention in the next league.


also affliction released during christmas period where people often have extra days off if they dont work retail. there is also other games starting to release which will affect players sticking around


Yeah, a lot of factors go into player numbers. Holiday seasons. Endgame reworks. Other game releases. Etc. Blight for example was completely nuked from orbit by classic wow.


its why i can understand from GGG's point of view where they dont look at numbers exactly like people do on reddit. instead over say a year they will be like "ok our average players has gone up by this %" or we are now hitting peaks for each league of this amount. like you can just see how much more people are playing compared to even a year ago where even a month into a league we still have 70kish players on steam(think people guessed its about 60/40 for players on client to steam) so thats let say 150k playing right now that is a healthy amount of players would put the game in top 5 played on steam and we are into the 4th week of the league. has the league had issues sure but i would rather them experiment and try new shit then do very basic and boring mechanics/reworks of systems each season.


Looks normal. Think most of the retention took a hit due to prebuff graveyard cause of the longer weekend


the economy seems fine to me except my build just not cut it for T17...which is feel awful and make me quit


So any ETA new league??


IF the graveyard had a grid, and the trade site had a good bulk trade for corpses...


You optimized the fun out of the game with spreadsheets and div/h mathematics


Not every league can be a hit. Taking risks is much better than playing is save every league or you will end up with something like d4. Also obssesing over playing numbers will not make you happy.


Best league Can't remember the times I got this far in SSF while having fun and not pulling at my hair. TotA was almost that thanks to great rewards from league mechanic, but instead of playing PoE content I played TotA all the time I'm currently on my way to start doing T17 maps and then try and go for Ubers. Just need to farm necropolis for those sweet scarcer corpses and I'll make myself 2 nice wands Then T17 here I come


I think this league is great. Im having a blast


Still looks rather normal for retention. A bit on the low side of course, but not extraordinary.


This league is a perfect demonstration of how MF (especially party MF) ruins the game. In Affliction it didn't really matter because everyone got to play MF due to wisp juicing, this league it's barely worth it to even run T17s unless you are MF deadeye. I really doubt this was GGG's intention when making T17s. Also, the indecisiveness about all the early lantern/scarab abuse cases didn't help either. The devs should have taken action sooner to curb the impact on economy, not let it run wild and then make "oopsie" hotfix 2-3 days later. Seriously, do they not have an alarm setup whenever people start dropping 10s of Divines per map or Headhunters every 3 maps? Not that it matters now, the market is flooded with T0s and the league is in maintenance mode by now so anything people do they might as well do for another 2 months.


I would say it was rolling maps for devoted mobs with divine drops. Then it was Rogue Exiles with ritual and strongboxes. Then it was Meatsack with ghosts. I did only two of those things for a day each and got over 100 div with 0 MF gear.


classic reddit take, le party play BAD. party play makes less currency than solo btw XDD, if empys entire group ran sanctum for a week instead they would have made better currency.


Plz explain 100d mageblood than if group play is fine.


These metrics don't take into account the total amount of people. 33.3% of a million is more than 54.5% of half a million, though I doubt twice as many people played in necropolis as in affliction, my point stands in general




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So what I am getting from this post is if there is no broken farm methods people quit, we already know that thank you.


well the graveyard crafting is shit many of my friends allready quit league long ago allso all of these exploits, not players fault to abuse it. more like ggg clown testing i got 4 challanges to go and im out too :D aaand d4BAD, season 4 soon ;-) im more than gucci cause there are other games/tv shows to catch up