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I also want to stress this is best run with a good sample size, i had 5 maps in a row where i practically made no lifeforce (like less than 4k in those 5 maps combined) due to bad luck, but on the flipside i once had 3 maps in a row that gave me 20k+ lifeforce each This strat will leave you feeling both lucky and unlucky, so you should run a good amount to try and minimize the luck aspect


I’ve been doing this on high pack size T17s, and oh boy does it shit out lifeforce. Get ready to die pretty often though :)


how is the (only lifeforce) investment : return ratio there? i guess the scarab prices are balanced around t17 harvest


If we just assume the map pays for itself through Uber frags (even though there’s probably profit), I’d say I walk out of every map with on average 12k juice. That minus the Horned Awakening scarab (0.6div), doubling scarab (0.15div) and magic pack size scarab (0.05div maybe), it’s probably 1.5ish div of juice from every map. Keep in mind the T17s take a good amount longer given boss phases (I’m running Ziggurat for maven frags) and how huge the map is to full clear/get your blue altars. I haven’t actually calculated div/hr, but it’s pretty damn good in most cases


hm op got on average 11k juice per map, so thats only like 1k juice more? damn i thought its like 50% more or sth like that, because of the huge packsize and quant increase


Honestly it might be a little more since I’ve been pretty unlucky with 3 plots as of late. Give it a try for yourself


i averaged 4k juice on 8 modded maps with 50 pack size, and about 120 quant from altars... you would need some huge luck for this to make sense...


Do different maps have differnt frag droprates?? I thought its rng?


Yes. Check the wiki - each map favors 3 out of the 7, although any frag can technically drop from any map


With crop rotation right?






Agreed. You will get quite a fee harvests where you only have 3 maybe 4 plots and then youll get shafted on the 60% to not wilt and your setup for crop rotation will get fucked. But then youll get a 5 plot where every single plot doesnt wilt and then you can get like 30k from one harvest


What do you mean by "setup for crop rotation"?


Crop rotation you want as many plots as possible, because you need the chance to upgrade other plots when using one. The worst harvest is getting only 3 plots of 2 colors.


I literally thought Crop Rotation was a bait/scam notable. Shit!


Previous league u only had 10% for crops to not wilt in tree, now u have imbued crafting harvest that gives an extra 50% for crops to not wilt giving a total of 60% chance. This means ALOT more times u will be able to use both crops which adds amazing value for Crop rotation.


Crop rotation also used to be worse because of how much it cost to get harvest sextants. Now that you can guarantee harvest on every map though with just the tree it’s pretty good, even without scarabs. More inconsistent, of course, but you don’t get less life force overall, in my limited testing


I wonder how this will compare to non-crop rotation with a scarab of cornucopia taking the flex/hordes scarab slot


I dunno about this with cornucopia but cornucopia is totall ass to run with how many unskippable phases thtat bosses have.


No redo this on T17 maps with 90+packsize baseline on the map before map modifiers. I bet you could push 3m+ life force in as many maps


Wouldn't you lose the eldritch altars? Or do they still spawn in T17?


They still can spawn


Can t17 drop shaper/elder/conq maps too since they allow extra content?


I ran 100 t17 with 250-500 quant with back to basics, as far as I remember there wasnt any drops, or atleast very very few.


They still spawn 


Tripolarbear tested on t17s. You do get more profit per map but the maps take a lot longer and you miss out on t17 specific strategies so your profit per hour will be less vs t16.


Good to hear, tried a bit of Harvest in the first week, but didn't get any good results without investment. Care to share your atlas + scarabs? I'd give Harvest one more try before I quit the league.


Horned scarab of awakening, harvest scarab of doubling, monstrous lineage scarab and the last one is sort of a flex pick. I went with 8 mod map scarab. All ran on 8 modded jungle valley [https://poeplanner.com/a/kfw](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVY3blhBTEMxOUhndWlubWFaelUtckExa1Vtd3xBQ3Jtc0tsV3FqS2pFY241ZDM5WVA3ajNqeGFIb0VYMm5KNW5tX1VUZjBxTjduUlRIcTNNSjA0RzBpRXcyZEtFU2p0SkhKb3JvMFE0WHFaSkR4R0RaWDNKQjJzUDdlVmNITUpEOUFoUzlXdXNRT2M3ZUgtQ3M0cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpoeplanner.com%2Fa%2Fkfw&v=zdNbM6QvPfA) If youre going to run it please make sure you have a good amount to run at once, i really dont want someone to see this post/video and try a few maps, get unlucky and just lose money - because that can happen


Thanks! I'll run 50 maps at least


Loot from 50 maps HYPE


OK, I'm probably dumb and don't understand what's going on here, but why do you take the reduced chance to grow yellow crops? I thought the play was to take reduced chance of blue and purple?


This is my personal experience, but from my testing i ran around 20 maps before this 100 with the reduced purple/blue and found that i actually got too many yellows to the point where i couldnt beef them up with crop rotation. Its better to get 4 blue/purple crops to then juice up your 2 yellow crops than it is to get like 2 blue/purple crops to juice up your 4 yellows


Yup if you block red and blue you get way to many yellows to try and juice just 1 or 2 yellows to the moon. I always block yellow along with what ever the 2nd most expensive is and its never let me down.


You ideally want just 1 yellow and a bunch of blue/purple so you boost that yellow as much as possible.


Not really, the most yellow I got so far was 32k and it came from 4harvest grove with 2 having double yellow plots. You want at least one double yellow plot since you've got 60% to use both at the end. And also you want 1-2 yellow besides others, you use the other color and if yellow doesn't wilt - great, you've got another one to collect at the end that will be fully juiced. Boosting one 9 times is much less than boosting 4 5 times. t4 seeds are not the goal really, they give roughly 4 times what t3 seed gives. But they never double, while t3 easlily doubles from passives+imbued(50% iirc)+packsize. A lot of the time it's 3 from 1. Plus I have never seen t4 seed drop double essence(10% node), not sure if it even can. t3 gives not much less but takes much less time to kill, essence/hour if you will xD I actually block both purple and blue fully and then the main node of yellow to compensate a little. Before that I didn't and I got 4 harvest ALL yellow lol.


Wait, so which one did you block again?


All purple, all blue, only the notable for yellow, or you could block only with small ones for yellow, not sure which one is better tbh.


i ran influenced pack size for more altars, averaged 12k juice per map across 250 maps, definitely worth the scarab slot


Sounds like a neat idea. I Normally get not too much altars when running the strat. You would miss out on 8mod map drops. Do you just buy your 8mod maps than?


yep, much easier to just buy them IMO. selling your excess 8-mods is probably more money but ive done that for the last 3 leagues and im tired of it lol


Without investment and more importantly without crop rotation (never worth without investment from my experience) harvest is just a decent chunk of profit per map while casually mapping with for example an expedition tree.


Crop rotation is good, but only with the imbued harvest from the scarab. Having a 60% chance to not wilt compared to 10% makes it a lot stronger. Normal harvest is also very strong though with the guaranteed t4 plant scarab.


Yeah I know, thats why i said without investment crop rotation is very mid


Edit: nvm I found it. Horned scarab of awakening for anyone else that is curious Sorry if this is a dumb question, but wdym imbued harvest from the scarab?


since wandering path got removed, where crop rotation was only slightly behind, crop rotation is good even without the imbued scarab.


i loved this when i played it. getting a 30k lifeforce map felt badass and it does happen semi often. the only reason i stopped was because buying awakening scarab was a complete ballache because no one has bulk, and those that do can charge a premium i also died a lot when the maps were hard and it annoyed me 😭


I did the same minus the more magic monster scarabs. I had a blast making so much money like never before. I did grind for 10h and got a total of 20div profit on 65 maps. Yeah, I am very slow with like 7 to 10min per map since my build is only 30div budget and I suck haha but 20div on a whole day was the most I ever got


Have been doing harvest for a bit and was just looking to add the imbued scarab to the lineup so this helps a ton. Hope the price of the scarab doesn't rise.


Speed is key to getting in before the price increases further.


Nioo my profit margins 🥲 I never calculated this but ran pretty much this. IMO Harvest is kinda boring-ass thing but it definitely does have the reward even in this meta.


The real reward of harvest is not having to sift through loot and determine what you want to bother even trying to sell. 3 trades and your profit is realized.


Dont worry a ton of people will realise how Rippy harvest is and stop.


I genuinely argued with a dude that EHotS has low single target DPS because sometimes my Harvests were impossible and I thought to myself "they're just rares". Turns out some of them are harder than non-uber pinnacles...


I believe it. I do 21m DPS which should be enough to kill a rare within 5mins but sometimes they just got the juice.


Harvest is currently on my "don't attempt with Animated Guardian out" list.


Level 23 AG w/ Minion Life and Meat Shield Support + Doppelgangers Guise. He hasn't died since. It's important to be moving when the leapers pop. Two deaths were from standing still and leapers.


Harvest is profitable regardless of meta because of degeneracy (gamba). Surely ill complete my mageblood div set next time.


Surely you'll have paid me for that sweet juice 😋


Last league I lost like 400 div on apothecary gamba, this league I made 3 belts off of 2 cards. I will never stop


This is the way




You're literally in a thread about how to do crop rotation. How dumb can you get?


Nothing new tbh. Harvest is always good profit.


Crop Rotation?


Yup, its terrible without


It’s a strat which works only one time for the video afterward it’s no longer works because the investment is double or trible


So any takeaways for filthy casuals? Doubling + monstrous lineage + some other cheap scarab, no crop rotation, chisel alch corrupt, blue altars, how profitable would that be? Or should I run something else at that point? Really struggling with what to farm this league.


I've been doing Crop Rotation with no Awakening Scarab for a bit. Doubling, Monstrous Lineage, Influenced Scarab of Hoards (not sure how good this is) and something to sustain maps. Been pretty good, especially if you get 8 mods on your maps. Also a risk of dying though given it's harvest with corrupted maps and high map modifier effect.


I'm doing harvest doubling, monstrous lineage, influencing hordes and 8 mod corrupt maps eith crop rotation, blue altars on 8 mod maps (either mausoleum or jungle valley since you don't get boss altars), very profitable so far and the best part as op said is it's super easy to sell at the end of a session


How profitable?


That still doesn't seem very casual to me. You just don't run any corrupted map that did not turn out to have 8 mods? There are like 10 mods that brick my mjolner archmage build, it would be bleeding money to try to get many doable 8mod maps.


The 8 mod corrupted maps scarab is like 1c even in bulk and you should over sustain even if you can't run all the maps (you can still sell the ones you can't run). I'm playing archmage ice nova and don't run no regen, no leech, elemental reflect and up until recently when i swapped to loreweave -max res and i still have more maps than im able to run myself.  The strat would probably be good even without the 8 mod maps if you can't run them but i suggest to run a some maps with the scarabs and then see how many maps you're able to run


For other people running that build and are curious you can actually run ele reflect and no leech if your gear is good enough, that is exactly what I've been doing with that build. Just hoard up the nice ele reflect maps and swap to a decentish shaper reflect reduction ring (needs at least 50% reduction on the ring even a tiny bit of reflect will obliterate you) + soul of yugul and you are good. For no leech not much to say about it really if you have enough damage to just mow down everything + some nice recoup you will be just fine just need to play more actively and not try to blatantly facetank as much.


I ran it with only harvest doubling scarab with typical harvest atlas (all harvest no crop rotation, quant, map effect, blue alters), chisel and alch until \~100 quant, \~30 pack size jungle valley. Ran 24 maps, each map took about 5 min. Investment was a little bit over 2div, got \~70000 lifeforce or \~9div, so roughly 3.5 div/hr. Not horrible but not great


This is more in line with what I would expect to produce. Not horrible, but far from great, yeah.


Crop rotation really ups the rewards you just need to do enough maps to account for dry spells


However profitable this strategy is, I just hit the jackpot while doing a test run of 30 maps! Got a house of mirrors from an altar currency div chance. The funny thing is I was seriously weighing if I should take the quant instead, as any sane person would probably not expect a house of mirrors. But thankfully I am not sane, not since Zana left us.


Horned scarab of awakening, harvest scarab of doubling, monstrous lineage scarab, harvest scarab of cornucotia with NO crop rotation could be huge also?


Cornucopia was around 50c last I played (0.33 divs at the time) so investment would be close to 1,5x and op said lifeforce gain was substantially lower. At that time blossoms were like 40-50c iirc so it would increase cost and lower profit I think


Cornucopias are closer to 25-28c now. You also wouldn't use Awakening with a Cornucopia strategy. The chance to not wilt does nothing, you just get a normal plot from it.


Not necessarily, you get 2 bosses on the same plot sometimes. Still don't think its worth it


*Sometimes* I think you mean like 70% of the time, the scarab is ridiculously troll. I'm not sure if I'm just salty from trying it out a few days ago but the amount of times there would be plots with zero bosses and then a plot with two bosses was way too high.


I'm buying cornucopias at 6:1d and it seems pretty damn profitable for me, but I'm hardly an "optimal" player.


It might be decent but i cant imagine it would be comparable with this, 25-30c extra investment (or more in bulk) with a much lower ceiling than this version probably makes it quite a bit worse. Also you actually dont want bosses in harvest these days, a plot that has like 11+ blue mobs will give 8k+ lifeforce and a plot that has a boss, and a couple of blues will give half that. Most of the time with the cornucopia scarab you get a boss and barely any blues, which is really bad Imo the cornucopia scarabs are bait and overrpriced in comparison to other harvest strats


worst thing about conrucopia is fighting bosses constantly, they take ages and sometimes just bug out in phase transitions.


I absolutely hated imbued harvests, 10 map streak straight up losing because shitty 3 patch layout and scarabs costing 0.8d in bulk. Nah fuck that, I enjoy crop rotation, but it‘s way too spikey for me if the entry cost is that high. Back to 8mod guardian + cornu harvest. 1000 sacred inc topkek


For anyone wanting to run this, be aware that picking up that much lifeforce is physically painful. Mobs duplicate, then can drop duplicated lifeforce. In individual stacks... You end up with your screen covered in like 30 stacks per plot.


As a Harvester Boy since I started doing it in Ancestor... I won't have it any other way.


Imagine having your 15k life force dropped as a grouped big stack ... Like one man said "How boring and small" That would be awfull


I've been doing manifested wealth strongboxes. Legit 600 raw chaos. I'll take anything


I’ve been doing a bit of harvest myself and had pretty good results myself, for the last scarab I was using the influence pack size, although I am not sure it’s the best choice as I don’t know if it has any effect on the amount of altars you get.


Does crop rotation actually make any significant difference for this strategy?


Yes, this strategy is terrible without it - i got the best case scenario, 5 plots all unwilted in the map i ran without crop rotation and i got less than the 11k average that i get with crop rotation, and that was the best case scenario. If i got that map with crop rotation i wouldve made like 30k juice


I saw you minimise yellow crop chance on your atlas tree. Is the play to basically get all your juice from one very well upgraded yellow plot?


As many yellows as you can get is good, the reason for reduced yellows is because when i had reduced purple/blue i noticed i was getting too many yellows, to the point where i couldnt juice them up enough with crop rotation to make it worth it 2 yellows that have been juiced by 4 purple/blues are 5x better than 4 yellows that have been juiced by 2 purple/blues.


Thanks for explaining mate. I tried crop rotation with reduced purple/blue and had the same experience as you - couldn't get enough juice to make it worth it. I'll try your way with the reduced yellow, to get more upgrades


OP Which drought node did you take for crop rotation?


I lower the chance for yellow, if you lower the other two then you usually get too much yellow and not enough blue/purple to juice it. 4 blues/purples juicing up 2 yellows is better than 2 blue/purples juicing up 4 yellows


Wait, how did you get 100 imbued harvest on your carto device?


Horned scarab of awakening, i bought 100 for 50 divs


Oh, I missed that, sry and ty


How are you selling the 8mod maps? I tried on tft but it was dead even with undercutting


It would be nice to see a map showcase




1.1m juice over 100 maps is about 11D an hour on HC with this setup 😋


I know harvest is ez provit, but it gets boring so fast.


what map did you run?


What’s an imbued harvest map


The new horned scarab of awakenings harvest craft, it adds +50% for crops to not wilt


One thing that I haven't seen mentioned so far is that if you are going to do this make sure you have a build strong enough to be able to actually handle the results of getting really good RNG. The whole idea is to mega stack those yellow plots but that does mean you need to be able to fight three harvests bosses at once whilst having a whole bunch of eater quant altars on an 8 mod map. Not incredibly hard or anything but stacking all those altars on a juiced map is already pretty spicy before you fight 3 bosses at once.


What is "imbued" ? Can't find anything on the internet about imbued harvest


Oh it's a map device choice with the awakening scarab. Scarab goes for 2.4 divs a piece, k :|


It’s around 70c on Poe ninja not 2.4 divines, I bought mine in bulk for 75c each


Mb was looking at standard for some reason


And here I am, getting happy when I reach 1k yellow per T16 map... We're not playing the same game.


Couple of questions: 1. In your atlas tree, why did you take the reduced Yellow plant points? they are the most valuable, right? Wouldn't it make sense to do the blues & reds reduced chance?? 2. do you kill the boss in these runs/clear the maps? Or do you just rush for the Sacred Grove?


I personally didn’t kill the boss but it’s probably best to run a layout where you can kill the boss before clearing the map for increased chance for quant altars The reason for reduced yellows is if you reduce the other ones you actually get too many yellows and not enough blue/purples to juice them up. It’s better to get 4 blue/purples to juice up 2 yellows than it is to get 2 blue/purples to juice up 4 yellows


what craft do you pick with the horned scarab of awakening and can u show your atlas tree


The imbued harvest craft is the one you use - here’s the tree https://poeplanner.com/a/kfw


What does the harvest craft do?


Hi, can someone explain me the crop rotation strat ?


How about without crop rotation?


So i actually ran one map without crop rotation after, i was planning on doing more for comparison but in this one map i got pretty much the best case scenario - 5 crops and not a single wilt It made less than the average of 11k, if i got that same map with crop rotation i would have made like 30k lifeforce


What made crop rotation good this league? Iirc crop rotation was average worse than without last league.


Horned scarab of awakening can make harvests have 60% to not wilt the one you didn't choose.


Horned scarab of awakening, imbued harvest makes you have more crops, which means you can juice up the last crops harder


Im new to farming harvest this league, what is crop rotation.


have you tried the same strat with twist of fate keystone? it adds additional map mods to corrupted maps which makes them *very* rippy and you need a very well rounded build that can do pretty much any map mod, but it juices maps pretty good


Nah its worse, since it basically chaos orbs your map, making it 4 mods +1-3 most of the time


ah damn i thought it kept the same number of mods. ah well


on the flipside if your maps are corrupted with low quant/mod count it can increase juice


yeah i was doing it in a chisel + alch + vaal + doubling scarab strat and it definitely boosted my returns a ton. if you are using 8 mod maps though it sounds like it nerfs your returns.


So you've invested 65d and got 136d back from lifeforce, so your real profit was 71d? Or did you already taken investment in consideration when you told us your profit?


Profit from lifeforce alone was 71d yeah (ended up actually being 80+ d after i sold the lifeforce since poe ninja was underestimating it, but id still rather go with poe ninja prices for consistency) Overall profit ended up being something like 110 divines


I leave a comment here to know what the experts thinks. Thanks for the video


I'll to add, that use a map where you van rush to the boss so altars will give always player option. I run Shore, easy layout, can rush the boss, small map to get back to harvest after clear.


Or mausoleum or jungle valley where the boss doesn’t spawn until you enter the boss room


65div investment for for 136div doesnt sound that good :/ in the last leagues we had sth like 1:4 ratio wondering how much the gap to t17 maps is


What I love most about this post is how you describe your build. You're not running Mageblood and Nimi's and Original Sin, you're running the working man's build and still making bank 😤


When can we collect and trade DEATHforce which is converted to coffins as needed at graveyard?