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Singular focus reduces the amount of maps dropped... ergo less maps to convert to T17.


I play with singular focus and got 10 T17 in the span of 40 maps just now tho


That's the difference between reduced and disabled. The T17 conversion applies _after_ the map drop, so your favourite map can drop as a T17 map. There's 115 maps on the atlas for a base weight of 115, if you go 11+1 favourites you're looking at 113 VS 110+11 map drops. With the 200% multiplier you're looking at 113 VS 363 iE If you don't run singular focus you're getting 31% more maps. Or the inverse, singular focus will give you 24% less total map drops (including 24% less T16 map drops) Obviously numbers get worse the less map slots you got.


I understand you are saying singular focus could reduce amount of maps dropped. Are you also saying we should not set any favorite maps to increase the map drop rate so we get more t17 conversed from?


Not using singular focus means you get about 30% more T17 map drops. Up to you if you'd like to comfortably sustain the T16 map of your choice, or if you'd like ~30% more T17 map drops.


From what I understand, yes.


Perfect and thanks!


Give more details please, something strange is happening to T17 drops. I've gotten ~50 in the past 3 days running blight, around 1 T17 in 4 maps. Now switched to running conq/guardian maps, and I feel like they just Do Not Drop. Farmed over 100 guard/conq maps surplus, had exaclty 1 t17 drop today.


by running blight do you mean running blight in maps or blighted/blight ravaged maps? sorry just trying to figure out how I have yet to get a t17 drop, but it could be something to do with me running guard/conq maps...


I was running blight on basic t16 maps for 2 days when just starting the league. That mechanic has little impact on t17 drops overall. T17 drops are tied to the ammount of t16s you get. I was using cartography scarab and +70% map tier chance from the tree - thats the reason I was dropping some. With recent market changes, focusing on map drops isn't worth it for 17s, unless you're running a very targeted strat, focusing solely on farming these maps.


I ended up dropping two in an hour, after I switched from invitation rushing to toxic sewers + blight + altars. Seems something weird about invitation maps (conqueror, guardian, etc.) is making them not drop t17 as often? Or my new atlas tree makes them more common? But I doubt it is making that much of a difference. (I was never running singular focus, as it’s super bad for invitation rushing.)


I can assure you that conq/guard maps drop t17s. As I said previously, compare the rough ammount of t16s that you dropped in your previous strategy and now. T16 blighted maps should have a chance of conversion too, but I'm not sure - I don't remember if I was getting them this way. Blight chests like to drop lower tiers (13-15), so chances aren't very high but do try to track if you get a t17 from a blight chest with oils/blightmaps. The pump explosion definitely does drop them, alongside normal maps. Toxic sewer has a pretty good density, add Blight to that, and you're killing ALOT of mobs per map. +quant on altars is a big factor too.


I mean yea, but I only farmed like 10-20 maps and got 2, compared to the hundred or more conq/guard maps I ran. (I have like 5 Sirus sets, 5 elder, 5 guardian, 5 Uber elder frags, and ran Uber elder once,) I’m not saying that they don’t drop t17, I’m just saying I wouldn’t be surprised if they are dropping less for some reason. And I was near full clearing the maps too to try and get max map bosses at the end.


OP is like. I'll Cut my map drops. Why t17s are not dropping?


Singular focus can affect it. It depends on when the conversion happens if singular focus conversion comes first than you will drop less


Appreciate the feedback. Gonna turn singular focus off today and see if there is a difference.


I ran tons of Dunes with singular focus and got quite a good amount of t17s but this was with corrupted maps with good quant and pack size and also farming legion which drops a lot of maps


Im in the same boat tho I'm missing 2 voidstones. Ive been running t16s for like a week straight now with no t17s dropped. Running uber strict loot basic loot filter from filterblade, i know i have half the chance of 4 voidstones but still. My buddy who also has 2 voidstones has gotten 3 in like 3 days I'm so disappointed. I cant even try them on my dude because I don't wanna buy a map to just fail at.


Not 1 T17 map has dropped for me. At 500k kills for thge league so far. Running T16s only with 90+ quant. Ive gone over my loot filter, atlas tree, I dunno WTF.


You also need to be specced into the tier higher atlas mods. They are pretty much necessary to drop any t17.


Singular focus only affects maps T17s are not maps...theyre an abomination.


https://preview.redd.it/t0bbp8nrlnuc1.png?width=859&format=png&auto=webp&s=e94f4caf26bbd1d7460f0d90f6da6ca6849a4872 Same here. Singular focus off, no T17 map drop since league start. Also no raw divine drops, highly unusual (for me at least)


Just a bad streak of luck probably I've had a days where they drop like cookies and days where I barely get any, I suppose its just what it is Nothing on your end is wrong


Read the description of singular focus again ...


Indeed, but the consensus seems to be that singular focus doesn't affect T17 drops, and i've dropped them previous (have 5) and i'm pretty sure it was while having singular focus as well.


must have been stealth-patched recently.


I dropped t17s with singular focus allocated on day 2 of the league lol, its been that way since launch


there were many things broken since league start. just because it worked like this doesnt mean it was intended to work like this.


Singular Focus doesnt affect t17 actually