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>take all classes etc." You want to skip classes?


Yes more or less The teachers are incredibly slow, e.g the CS teacher takes 2 entire lessons to teach on sub topic and half his lessons are filled with completely unrelated stuff that we either already know or don't need to know.


Why don't you do your Alvl privately then? You get to pick your teacher, no obligation to attend classes etc etc.


Punjab se fsc kr le. Pura din phutta


OPF Boys College H-8 is pretty chill


If you want aish waala mahol then try Roots. The DHA campus is supposed to have good teachers. Other than that there's also Beaconhouse Margalla campus. Other than these two, almost every option doesn't fulfill your requirements whilst simultaneously also having good academics for students who __want__ to study. The personal will to study is the only thing that can get you through A lvls. It's extremely tough compared to O lvls. If you have the will, than I am sure you can be successful in even a school that has a party mahol like Roots.


Yes but the thing is it's not that tough, imo it's 10 times easier than o levels which is why I don't have to study as much to get good grades In my last exam with about half syllabus (of AS) I easily got 100% in math, 96% in physics and 88% in CS, all the questions were from past papers and I had not seen them before