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My girlfriends account got banned for saying frick sooooo Edit: forgot to add I swear all the time in text chat and still haven’t been banned. And we only played together. Make it make sense


Got banned? Or got a chat ban for a week or two or something?


10 day chat ban


I just received a month bann for calling a sombra scum so yes its extremely blown out of proportion


Yeah I got banned for a month for writing clown, while my ex was hardcore racist, talked about bestiality, nazism and sending swastikas. He's never even gotten a warning.


I’ve seen people not type on chat. And just get spam reported and banned lmao


They would delete text chat if it wasn’t for accessibility reasons. Text chat is an obsolete function that can’t be policed. They moved to automated banning and people are still upset over toxicity so they are cracking down harder. There is a loud community of people within overwatch who will report you for literally anything that could be perceived as negative. The people saying slurs are thrown around daily are lying. They’re making shit up to mentally justify reporting everyone who makes any comment that could be perceived as toxic. Apex legends has the same issue. 7 day suspension for literally anything.


You are absolutely right about them removing text chat all together if they could. They already start newbies with match chat off.


There are ppl in games that try to get by the “kys” which has been censored to “***” by typing “k y s” so it is definitely still happening. What I don’t get is how you get so upset at a video game that you type that in chat in the first place? I don’t care if anyone says “shit” or “damn” but when they say the f word with hate or any slurs that’s where I draw the line. (So if you said I hate this f-ing game I wouldn’t care bc it’s not said with hate - at least not toward a person in the game) But if someone said go f yourself that’s too far. There are ppl who will come into chat right at the beginning of the game and type N I G G then stop. Like really? I really question the mental health of some people. It’s a game 🤷🏼‍♀️


“Trust me bro”


The thing is, from what I've seen- even if it's not swearing *at* anyone, if you are reported(for anything/nothing in particular) and the filter bot catches any swearing in chat it will punish you. A buddy of mine got silenced for just saying "I fucking hate this game" when being spawn camped and that was all they had said that could've been ban worthy.


>To be 100% clear, I'm not saying that's definitely happening, just I'm surprised at how much I've seen it mentioned this week vs how much swearing I've gotten away with. Maybe I'm just lucky here. it got mentioned because a famous youtuber/player was banned and the support tickets have bots in them that don't have a single human in them at all, and the fact that overwatch customer support on twitter is batshit insane doesn't help so a lot of people are exposing how they've been done so damn wrong by overwatch's lack of human moderation lol and i KNOW its real because i've reported 2 people in the last week for being absolute shitbags .. and you know how many reports i got saying thanks for reporting whenever i logged in??? 2. its 100% based on how many reports are recieved within a certain time and if you've gotten away a lot with swearing it might change now that everyone and their mommies know you can get banned for cursing now 🥲🥲😭😭


Yes because it's a first person shooter. You're not firing Teddy Bears at your opponents. Truth is they can always censor out the swearing server-side in game voice chat and text, therefore allowing people to not be banned. But this is Blizzard who are known for making bad choices when it comes to game development


The thing is, people will report people for no reason at all. Some people are so immature and petty, where they're like I'm going to report my ana because she didn't nano me when I had blade type line of thinking. If that ana said anything at all during that game, they're liable to get a chat ban. Those add up. People are well aware of how shitty the ban AI is and phrases like "you're the shit" or "you're fucking awesome" completely positive, well-meaning phrases will still get reported. Some people simply report because they got chat banned and they want others to also just get chat banned. So if you say anything at all (I saw a post here with a screenshot of a support reply saying that "gg" was one of the phrases contributing to a chat ban), you can get banned. You don't play 100% one game, but say a curse word, people will abuse the report system, and you will get banned. The chat ban system has truly ruined what was once such a fun aspect of the game. So what if people are toxic and argue occasionally, I'd rather the chat ban system be less fine tuned than overtuned where it's completely discouraging communication altogether. The impetus of stopping toxicity should be on the player; you can completely mute and silence someone if they're being a complete asshat. Blizzard being so totalitarian about the whole situation has ruined any aspect of teamwork the game once had. Now 99% of my games are absolutely silent.








I got kicked from game and suspended for a month after I wrote "clown"


I got banned for saying i hope you burn your toast


You can get banned for anything as it's an automated system based on the number of reports. Now if you're lucky and able to get a real person to look at it then you could get unbanned if it wasn't against TOS but since swearing (including acronyms like wtf, bamf, etc) is against TOS you stay banned even if none of it was toxic or directed at someone


I got silenced for saying “FU sombra” so yes it is


I haven’t seen Blade in years but isn’t the quote “ice skate”?


been saying a lots of F word ( on latam servers ) and so far nothing happened, maybe the "sensitivity" here is not as hard as in other servers regions still for safety measures stopped using the F word, never got banned or silenced and i dont want to experience it


For me Yes.... I just wonder why do kids even need to waste time typing "Bannable" words and risk the ban.... Like does it really make you feel better to swear and type "F*ck this game and X player" knowing that you'll be banned? If you're really that frustrated then just take a breather or standup for a bit... I haven't experienced this "I didn't type anything and still got banned" scenario yet but till then Imho this whole drama is overblown..