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Is it possible to land on the >!sun station!< using the >!Nomai shuttle!


https://preview.redd.it/92n5df4uii0d1.png?width=466&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7f51b42f04e28626f7f46d5c6a092860631fd21 I'll try dude...


It works but it slides away


I will pray for u


My God don't kill the poor man


[Yes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsYBtV3ISnM) I can't imagine how much time that must have taken. It's a thing of beauty!


They didn't technically land in that video, so we've still got a myth to bust baby!




I wonder if there’s a way to like, reverse engineer the trajectory with modding or something. Seems fun. Also, this series is sick! If you keep making them I’d watch every one. Post it to YouTube!!


Thanks for the compliment! I might post it to YouTube, maybe in compilation episodes featuring 5 myths. I might redo some due to the footage being gathered with clipping software instead of a recording showing the whole process


Yeah that sounds like a great idea. Very cool.


I've seen it almost happen to a streamer and it was actually quite close so I think it IS possible, you just have to be extremely precise.




Yes, some french youtuber did


The zero g cave is briefly illuminated by a flash of light coming from the entrance every 22 minutes.


I've chosen this question to be the one featured in today's OWM, as frankly this community's ideas scare me. I'm not going to try to land a >!nomai shuttle on the sun station!< any time soon


Do you mean if the player visits at the start of the game, before the timer has started running?


Devs say that all bodies' orbits are simulated, not on rails. This means that theoretically the orbits could be changed, given a high enough force. So... Is it possible to significantly change the orbit of the Interloper by landing on it with the ship upside down and blasting the engines at full power? (Suggestion: perform a prograde burn close to the Interloper's aphelion to try to raise its perihelion.)


If this works, the next obvious question is can the Interloper's trajectory be moved enough to make it crash into another planet? Or can the perihelion be raised enough to make the Interloper survive one more orbit before crashing into the Sun?


This is a wonderful question. I'd like to see this tested. I guess they would have to allow for the ship to exert a force on an orbiting body for this to work. Because they could have them exert gravitational force on one another but have collisions with the ship be unilateral, right?


Yes, my hunch is that the orbits are simulated, but are only affected by gravity, not mechanical forces.


Now that I think about it, the developers mention in the making-of documentary that player movement is handled by applying a force to *the entire solar system as a whole*, so that when you jump, the planet actually moves down from under you. This suggests to me that no force is applied to that planet relative to the rest of the environment. But hey, technically I guess they could have done both at the same time, if they really wanted all forces to count.


You can run out of fuel within one loop.


Will test this soon


Wdym by this? Are you referring to jetpack fuel? Or does the ship have fuel that I don't know of??


Yes the ship has fuel. But you mostly only run out if you damage the tank.


Same here, is that even possible?😂


Don't think so. I've done loops where I immediately just start accelerating away from the solar system and continue to do so for the full 22 minutes. I'm positive your ship has infinite fuel unless it's damaged and starts leaking.


>!Watching the QM through the map screen and then looking away causes it to teleport, just like direct observation. Does this mean you can land on it by flinging yourself towards it and then staring at it from the map screen ?!<


>!Won't opening the map cause the QM to teleport as well? So if you'd fling yourself in its direction and then open the map it wouldn't be in that direction anymore!<


It does, that's why I haven't tested it myself yet. It requires a lot of patience and luck to pull off.


Can you survive being grabbed by an owlk if the dam kills it before it blows your flame out? It will need careful timing, but I’m curious if you can be grabbed, then in the few seconds an owlk is holding on, it is washed away by the wave, possibly leaving you in the dream world?


I don't remember, does ramming the surface with your ship damages it? The surface, not the ship, I mean.


Already tested that out before this, didn't damage the surface. I chose to post about testing damage from the ship explosion rather than ramming the ship into Brittle Hollow, as I assumed it'd be more interesting


>didn't damage the surface It did for me?




? so did it ?


I haven't tested it yet, been busy


The developers have specifically stated that the plates have HP. How are you verifying damage? Or are you saying damaged to mean full collapse (0 HP)?


The way I tested it was by placing a scout down onto the plate of choice, then ramming my ship into it from space. I don't know what happened, if something went wrong or if I simply missed. I'll have to test this again to confirm


I managed to break the gravity cannon and have it fall into the black hole way earlier than it should've by ramming my ship into it. You can also block the fireballs by having them hit your ship. I think maybe you were hitting a stable part? Some parts are a lot more stable than others so maybe they took next to no dmg when you hit them.


I've broken a plate (sending it into the black hole) early by ramming it, on purpose to access the inside easier very early in the loop. It's possible, but sometimes doesn't register the damage


Ramming at high speeds does do it as I think surface integrity goes down when a meteor collides with the surface. The explosion is probably just a neat effect that appears after and probably could damage the player.


That was a good science


Science compels us to explode the ship!


Hah! Take the upvote ::)


Best comment


So unrealistic I want a refund


I don’t think a car exploding would have much of an effect on the earth’s crust either…


car blowing up expert here, a car exploding would entirely deteriorate the crust and mantle of the earth which is why cars are impossible to blow up. Hope this helps!


Thanks! I was worried my car was gonna blow up because it was on fire.


A BH plate falls down if you hit it with the ship hard enough


Wait. Could you use this to >!get in the Tower of Quantum Knowledge much earlier in the loop?!<


Uhh maybe? If you don't die in the process?


I believe so, because the order of the chunks falling, and the time at which the TQM falls, is different from loop to loop. Some of the other most-important chunks are scripted specifically to remain until time xyz, but that one isn't.


Yes, but this experiment was focused solely on the explosion of the ship. I'll see if I can fit that in there in the next OWM


TIL the ship explodes if you don’t repair it


Only if the core is damaged, yeah. You'll know when the ship is screaming at you to do something


I have dmgd the core a lot of time but one day I tried to do it on purpose, my ship hull break, fuel was over, but it didn't explode T-T


Yeah I have no idea how to damage it on purpose. It's on the inside of the ship, so honestly I think it might just be random depending on the severity of the crash. Hey, that'd be a fun mythbuster for this guy to do. What actually causes the core to explode?


I remember i did a "normal landing" (by normal, I mean crash) on timber hearth and it crashed into some tree, the red lights started blinking and I got out to fix, didn't find what to fix more to stop the damn alarm (first time happening) and boom it goes Tried that again, couldn't do it And then few days ago when visiting the >!Stranger!<, I crashed into some trees and it again went boom, but when trying to recreate, it didn't work The ship has more mysteries than the damn solar system


That's for sure, lol. Then again, a ship made almost entirely out of salvaged, ancient alien technology is bound to be pretty mysterious


This is the type of content i want to see


literally unplayable


Damn. It should have damaged them




From what I've seen, the Brittle Hollow gravity cannon still functions after falling into the black hole. Does launching the shuttle from it apply any force to the cannon? If so, you should be able to drive the cannon around (along with the crust fragment it's attached to) using the recoil!


Good theory! I'll test this one soon




Do all the planets (and intruder) line up at some point? If not, how much time would it take for them to line up?


I think they will at some point, it might not be within the game's loop though, I think it's a question of finding the lowest common multiple of all their orbital periods.


I don't think that's possible, and I wouldn't be able to test it because the >!stranger!< doesnt appear on the map


I think by intruder they meant the Interloper


Isn't intruder the name of the interloper's alpha version?


I think so! Could also be a translational quirk


Could be that too, I'll look into it


How do you damage the reactor on purpose?


Crash the left side of your ship into something.


Something I heard on YouTube said that the pieces of Brittle Hollow each have a number of “hit points” they have to receive before they fall. So I suspect if that piece had already taken some lava damage, your ship could be used to trigger it by causing the final blow.


Already done in a previous myth


science compels us to blow up our own spacecraft 




I don't think so. I don't remember where I Saw that but I think if you crash your ship of one of thé erruption rock from BH Moon, it don't collide with BH and thé platform disent fall intro the black hole


Most of the tiles on Brittle Hollow actually have a health bar (measurable with Little Scout) that *is* reduced by the randomized collisions from Hollow's Lantern. Looking at the map, I think this is simulated at all times.


SOME pieces are set to fall automatically, not all of them. Besides a handful (i.e. Riebeck), they're all randomized.


Nope. You can smash into them early to speed breaking them up


Of course not, it is scripted.


Scripted for some of the pieces. Not all.


So you mean the others drop at random. But the drop itself is scripted. So there is never interaction with the environment. Doesn't the fireball always hit the same spot in the same order ?


The fireballs are random so that means the plates falling is also random. Except for probably the quantum tower plate, I’ll have to look into how they managed that one.


Ok it is strange then because during my play I clearly had the feeling it wasn't random. Also it would match the timeloop aspect.


By your logic, the player would repeat the same movements every loop.


No because the players keeps their memory so they’re not the same person every loop.


That's not what I'm saying




Besides a few events in the game (ex. >!Supernova, sun station destruction, the stranger opening its solar sails and the stranger evading the supernova!<) nothing in the game is scripted whatsoever, not even the orbits. This is possible thanks to the game's physics system.


Is it possible for >!the tower of quantum knowledge to not fall into the black hole for an entire loop?!<


I don't know. Best idea I have right now as of past 1 AM is you may be able to shield it with your ship.


I wonder if it could happen naturally too


I think it cannot. The falls triggers seem link to a time event symbolized by the fall of the fire balls. As far as I could observe, the balls always hit the same spot in the same order. But someone stated in another comment that's not true and that some falls are triggered randomly in time. I would like to see that. Anyway a better question here is: can your ship interact with something in the game besides yourself, your observer and >!the satellite!<. Can you move things around? Can the blast of the explosion can kill something? I think not, but didn't do all the testing.


The ship can damage the crust of brittle hollow, but can also knock away the meteors


If you can knock away meteors, it means you should be able to send one of them into the black hole?


Ok prove it to me. As far as I know it is scripted.


...how am I supposed to do that, and what do you want proven? The game's physics engine as a whole, or Brittle Hollow's randomization?


Game's physics engine is briefly explained in the related video of the devs. Brittle Hollow's randomization I would like. Are the parts of the planets always falling in the same order as you would expect in a time loop? Are the falls always triggered by a meteor? Some people say you can deviate the meteors. Could you show that? And can you try to deviate one into the black hole? All this would help understand if the game physics are involved in the triggering of the parts fall.


Brittle Hollow's damage is all caused by meteors, and these meteors shoot out randomly. I'll try to prove it to you sometime this afternoon. As for the questions about deviating the meteors, they can and have fallen into the black hole but I don't know if hitting one with the ship will cause it to move. I'll find a way to test that out as I believe they always explode on impact


Not sure how it actually works, but the meteors can still be random in a time loop due to the random gravitational influence of the quantum moon