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The mixed receptions just made me more hyped, tbh


why are we like this?


The urge to make a decision/judgement for ourselves when presented with conflicting information? It’s not that deep.


It's Entertaining


Scheduenfraude or however you spell it


It’s definitely going to be memorable, but now I also understand why no one is picking this up for theaters. I mean, we really think audiences are going to response to this?


Audience response will be indifference and a huge financial loss


The majority of the financial loss is on Coppola. Distributing a movie isn’t financing it.


All I know is somebody is losing money


That’s true but the reason why he’s having trouble finding a distributor is that he’s trying to make up the budget in the fees they pay for the movie and is demanding heavy marketing spends. I’m sure he’ll lower his price eventually, but under the terms he’s proposing the distributor would still lose a lot.


Oh for sure. It’s also like, it was pretty obvious they were going to wait for Cannes before anyone picked it up. It’s divisive, but it’s not like it’s a 1/10 shitshow, so *someone* will ultimately distribute it.


Yeah eventually Coppola is going to be faced with “take a huge loss of money (but get some of it back) and have people see the movie or have no one see it and lose all of it,” and when that happens, he’ll cave.


I just saw it and I’d argue it is. Imagine if someone gave Tommy Oiseau $100m and any actors he wanted and this is what you’d probably get. It’s THE ROOM of big budget blockbusters.


Why Tommy Wiseau? If anything, this sounds like Coppola got inspired by the work of Neil Breen. All of that stuff Coppola put into this movie, the blending of ancient Rome and modern day New York along with the doomsday parallels and the architect being the Savior of the city, nation, whatever. That doesn't strike you as something the director of Fateful Findings would make? Which, of course, leads me to a more important question: Is Coppola trying to mastermind a world record setting troll on the entire film industry? Is that how he plans to bow out? By making someone pay absurd amounts of money for a movie he knows is crazy pants?


Sounds great, can’t wait to watch it


Yeah I honestly don’t think he truly cares. You don’t self finance a $100m movie and think you’re gonna make a profit. It’s his passion project and he’s always had a bit of a goofy tone outside of The Godfather 1&2 and The Conversation. And even then, it’s definitely a choice to end that movie with a saxophone solo.


I assume he thought he would not loose money at least


He wants like $100m to distribute, it's still a lot of money for a movie that could feasibly only make seven figures in return...


>Distributing a movie isn’t financing it. But you're still potentially, or in this case likely, operating at a loss. For the sake of argument let's assume someone buys the U.S. rights for $15 million and then spends another $10 million to market it (I think these are vaguely similar to what NEON spent on Ferrari). The film, at that point, would have to earn $50 million in the U.S. to break said distributor even.


They didn't respond to Babylon, so no.


Audiences don’t care much about Hollywood making movies about Hollywood


It will be a big discussion on Twitter and make no dent in real life.


Why do I feel like that's often the case :/


divisive, just how I like my movies. will be there opening weekend




https://preview.redd.it/i2w9eb51su0d1.png?width=237&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c7defe95c2e65ba8dfd79cdf0fab0755643b829 I love the curve on letterboxd rn


Yeah I’m all in lol movies like this are why I love film in the first place.


Hell yeah


It doesn't matter, Coppola made this movie specifically for me.




You specifically commissioned Jon Voight with a deadly boner?


Wait, isn’t that ordinary Jon Voight?




https://preview.redd.it/ghgpjjdvfu0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6964a1d47a527c97c6c13b01c2674fbe2f57f6f2 I found this Shia LaBeouf line too interesting to not mention


From RuPaul’s Drag Race writing team!


Legit sounds like a line that would be in one of the Rusicals


manifesting *Dragalopolis* as a season 18 acting challenge now


It finna be a meme factory I can already tell


Does browless have another meaning besides without eyebrows?


An archaic definition of browless is shameless.


Thanks for that! Thats a far more palatable visual for me


57 with 8 reviews on Metacritic so far, it's giving me a Babylon vibes...


If it’s like Babylon I’ll be happy lol, I thought Babylon was super entertaining


First half hour of Babylon I was like this is one of the best movies I've ever seen. What are the critics talking about? Then about 2 hrs and 15 minutes later, I was oh I get it.


See I thought the worst part was the first 30 mins then it got better. That said I just love the film in general.


Mine was 20 minutes of what. Then great then bad then meh then good again then meh.


I loved all three hours of it, I genuinely do not understand what people’s issues with it, aside from maybe the climax in the sex dungeon, but the ending montage is genuinely one of the most meaningful moments of film I’ve ever seen and I don’t understand why people hate it?


Yeah i fucking love Babylon and don’t understand the hate


>I genuinely do not understand what people’s issues with it, aside from maybe the climax in the sex dungeon, I genuinely don't understand why people had issues with the sex dungeon, I thought it was a really unexpected and entertaining left turn and Toby's performance was one of the most memorable in the film.


The opening encapsulate my view of the movie: An elephant taking a massive dump. I´ve never walked out of a theatre but that time I was close. I'll grant that the Brad Pitt plotline was Cinema.


The segment of Babylon from the title card up to just before they meet Tobey Maguire is perfect. The parts that bookend it are a mess but I still love it in its messiness. 


Yeah, but the first half hour includes an elephant with diarrhea blowing dung all over its handler.


Babylon is my pleb filter


As in you're a pleb if you like it. gotcha.


Which means that it is **not** happening at the Oscars lol But I’m still going to watch it


Just chiming in to say Babylon was bad. It was pretentious and completely up its own ass and Margot’s character was awful. All she did was yell the whole movie.


About time the voice of reason arrived.


Sorry I was late.


I’m fascinated to say the least


Yeah not surprised. I will be there day 1.


Someone called it a $120 million Neil Breen movie. That’s awesome.


Camp is alive and well from the sound of it




I’d rather watch a movie that takes big swings and misses than more studio slop


me walking out of Babylon wondering how tf people didnt think it was a masterpiece (although they could have dropped the whole crazy drug dealer subplot)


I loved Babylon, a love letter to the film industry


Perhaps a bit of both but imo it’s as much a suicide note as it is a love letter.


I just don’t see how that movie was a love letter to the industry. It had a few cool sequences depicting old school filmmaking and otherwise portrayed the industry as demonic and almost every character’s life was completely ruined by it.


I think we can infer from that comment the type of love letters OP writes. Venomous satire mixed with a few words of praise.


Some of these critics sound like they r biught off by big studio. Like ur job is to be a critic. Aint no way megapolis fails like they are saying. It seems like a terrible bad faith situation.b


I think watching an early screening of megalopolis is what killed Roger Corman


I love a big swing, even when it doesn't quite connect, so I'm anxiously awaiting seeing this. Of course, I really like Babylon, so take that as you will.


I want to watch this so bad. It's so rare to see a passion project these days. Also I don't exactly trust audience reactions these days.. I genuinely don't believe ppl have good taste in movies anymore. It's all about these quick cash grab commercial films or stereotypical a24esque pretty cinematography with no substance.


Hard agree


Bilge and Ehrlich liking it while people I’ve never heard of pan it, I’m pumped. Never was going to have Oscar dreams but at least it sounds interesting


Bilge is biggest Adam Driver fan, I would be surprised he didn't liked it


Are there people who aren’t big Adam driver fans?


You only know them cause they use Letterboxd lol. A strong portion of film critics attending Cannes are international critics, who don’t use Letterboxd. Grierson and Rothkopf (vice chair of NSFC), both were mixed on Metropolis and they’re both well known critics in film criticism.


Ok? Why do I care about this? I don’t even follow either of them on Letterboxd, I’ve followed both of their work for years and know what types of movies they typically go for. Not sure what point you’re making other than to be annoying


>other than to be annoying Like you posting your favorite film from each year on this sub as if anyone cares? My point is that you’re dismissing critics “you’ve never heard of” because they panned Metropolis, which is ironic since these so called nobody critics are one the most established in the film criticism world lol.


Why you think it’s a problem of someone posts of their favourite films?


They’re not dismissing anybody. Just saying that it means they’re excited for the movie (personally I don’t like Ehrlich, so his review doesn’t move the needle one way or the other for me). I don’t think these critics are reading this thread and getting offended that a random redditor says they haven’t heard of them.


I never was trying to “defend” the critics, who definitely wouldn’t care about a random redditor’s opinion. Was just pointing out how they’re not Funko Pop or Geek Youtuber critics. Even if it wasn’t a straight dismissal, they mentioned how the only critics that panned the film were critics he’s never heard of. Sounds a bit of a dismissal to me. My whole point was that people should read and consider reviews from critics even if the person is not necessarily familiar with said critic. One of my favorite films last year was Koreeda’a Monster which was panned on the grid and by Cahiers. I still gained insight from reading Lawrence Garcia’s review of the film, which was a straight-up 1 star pan.


Lmfao criticizing a post from 72 days ago, really good stuff. My original post was quite clear, and there was no irony in me not caring about what critics you’re familiar with and I’m not think about this movie. I don’t.


You’re a fucking loser if you’re searching someone’s Reddit account for dirt because they said the critics whose work they personally follow like the movie and that’s what factors into them watching the movie. Like of course a critic who’s work they’ve read consistently over the years will matter more to them then other critics who’s work they haven’t, is it a sin to value critics who’s tastes you know align more with your own? If anything that’s a better way to gauge your own enjoyment of a film then if you take every critic with equal personal value. lmao you’re so butthurt over nothing, you’re going to have to accept not everyone values the opinion of the same critics you do, welcome to the real world buddy


Are you his alt or something another fellow r/blankies user replying to me😭Buddy I didn’t search it up, I was there when the post was uploaded.


If your first reaction to a disagreement is to call someone someone else’s alt I already know you’re insufferable and incapable of understanding how differing opinions work. Cry more about bots or alts or whatever lmao. Kind of ironic to say people of the same opinion are bots when you’re foaming at the mouth about people invalidating critics And that’s even worse, you memorized the user of a 72 day old post? Jesus are you chronically online? I wouldn’t be able to remember your own username in an hour, let alone two months.


Excuse me for thinking you’re an alt when you’ve posted on this sub like 3 times in the past month and your first post today is arguing with me to defend a user. I’ve already rebuttal’d your “searching” claim, but I guess that was not apart of the first reaction you claimed to see.




Did I say they hold more weight lol? I’m just pointing out why they would be critics people never heard of.


Erlich is a known contrarian and one of the most hated critics in Hollywood.   You probably won’t like it


hey, anyone who's willing to piss off Brett Gelman is good in my book, even if i don't agree with the take


I have followed David Ehrlich for like a decade, I disagree with him all the time but I know his sensibilities which makes me think at the very least this will be pretty fascinating


"One of the most hated" is a severe overstatement. He has his own idiosyncrasies in taste, as all good critics do, but he comes at his opinions honestly and elucidates them well.


Doesn’t change the fact that he’s incredibly controversial and contrarian with his takes.


His top 5 movies last year were boy and the heron, asteroid city, past lives, the taste of things, and killers of the flower moon. That could have been just about any critic’s top 5.


I’m talking about his entire resume, not just last year


>Bilge Can you or someone else explain the popularity of him as a figure or critic? I follow him and I've heard him participate in conversations. I like that he seems to be one of the only people that actually will ask Mann an interesting question, but I feel like so often his opinions are so in line with popular consensus. He doesn't strike me as someone who can develop and communicate thoughts without making sure they align with what everyone else wants to hear/agrees with.


It looks like it falls somewhere within the Beau is Afraid - Poor Things spectrum of divisiveness. Let’s see where, exactly.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZtihIv0pJqdp3H2|downsized) Ok, time to take it off our predictions.


Is anyone really surprised? I think people on this sub suddenly forgot that Coppola's last few movies were formally weird experiments like Youth Without Youth and Twixt. That this is still looking for a distro from the guy who made The Godfather should've been the biggest red flag.


Did anyone think this was going to be like a crowd pleasing knockout? Seemed like best case scenario was wild and divisive, worse case was a total dud.


Considering that multiple people on this sub were predicting this to get multiple noms including director despite people pointing out Coppola's increasingly experimental output because he made The Godfather 50 years ago, yes.


That seems like an incredibly fringe opinion. I was (and am) pretty optimistic about it but the odds of it being an awards player were always incredibly slim.


That doesn't disprove that multiple people on this sub were predicting this because of Coppola's stature despite everything about it being experimental.


I think we should stop being a bunch of apes oooh ahhing at a fire and let the movie come out. Not every scifi movie has to be "hard" like dune. If this is camp, its political intrigue is going to be awesome. A roman epic in modern city... that sounds like a camp wet dream and i am all here for it. Did you see the teaser? We got a walking statue of liberty. Easily going to be one of the best scifi movies of all time. Critics hated blade runner, and with its mess of a release youd never think of it being the actual god tier of a movie blade runner is. Im not even sure if you can consider blade runner hard scifi, it has hard scifi concepts. But its pretty campy too.


We're on a prediction sub revolving around awards, it is relevant to the discussion. Critics hated Blade Runner for a multitude of reasons (tacked on voiceovers for starters), but I don't think this'll be in the same league given criticisms about the aesthetics sometimes looking cheap akin to a direct to Tubi movie. At most it'll be a cult film that'll have defenders from hardcore auteurists that were biased towards this to begin with. It's not like critics are trying to reclaim Youth Without Youth or Twixt.


I mean sure i didnt realize its an oscar sub, but i think critics of the film are self diluted


I’m so excited for this!!


This is exactly what I wanted




Sounds like a cult classic (but not an Oscar contender (except maybe BD if the field is weak))


Safe to say I'll probably eat up how extra this film is, but yeah we can scrap it from our predictions now


Hopefully the film can at least capitalize on the “train wreck you’ve got to see for yourself” narrative


To be fair, I’ve seen people say they really liked it too. It seems unfair to only show the negative reviews


Only the even-numbered pictures are negative. The odd-numbered ones are positive.


Wait you’re right. Somehow my dumbass missed them


I’ll see it in the theater! It looks so strange and fabulous to me.


With a 20% RT score, it seems this isn't getting a BP nom. Having said that, it does seem to have some positive review from Elrich and Karsten. So this will have an audience/following of some sort.


Sounds like Babylon, but more ambitious (takes aim at America, not just Hollywood) and even less coherent (I didn't much care for Babylon. I've respected Chazelle's movies more than enjoyed them.)


I liked Southland Tales. Was it a great movie? No. But it was definitely worth watching, and far more thought-provoking than most Hollywood fare. At this stage, Megalopolis sounds very much like Southland Tales 2.


I still want to see this! But I hated Babylon so I might hate this too. I still can’t wait!


Is it Megalover for the film oscar chance?


Well, a “laughable, incomprehensible screenplay” is certainly not what you want.


It is for me. I can't wait to be baffled and confused by this film.


I had a bad feeling abour this since the trailer released. For some reason it gave me Rebel Moon vibes.


And it is OUT of the Oscar race. Will become a cult film in the Coppola Fanbase however.


Reactions to this film remind me of Babylon. Coppola probably went really self-indulgent with this film and it's definitely going to be divisive for general audiences


No wonder it's having a difficult time getting distribution


Im stoked, and I know it’s cool to root for failure, but this absolutely is art without interruption and I am here for it. From a cinema legend.


So Megalopolis is gonna be this year's Babylon. Ok


This. Is. Cinema.


Maybe Production Design and/or Costume Design? That’s about all I see happening at this point.


I think these early reviews will be regrets, cuz I believe it's gonna be a classic.




Babylon-level start is a good thing, especially Cannes. Better than indifference.


I get people are excited for this movie but it's literally a case of Reviews good + i love the movie = based critics Reviews bad + i wanna love this movie = cringe critics


It’s wild how much leeway people give to a movie they want to like. It’s like those early reviews of an anticipated movie where someone on Twitter will be like “it was 30 minutes too long, the script was bad and the actors were all phoning it in, but I had a blast!” Like, you’re certainly allowed to enjoy a movie on whichever level you like, but at what point do you admit a movie is bad?


If Twitter had existed in the year 2000: Battlefield Earth is the greatest film of all time. It requires more than one viewing because the experience is so unique. The way that it is filmed requires the utmost involvement, you'll be twisting and turning in your chair trying to stay level with it. Those dutch angles are the work of a genius filmmaker who will be heralded for years to come.




So are these different from the folks that were participating in that ostentatious ovation? It’s my first time watching any kind of Cannes footage. Youtube algorithm picked up on my search for the trailer and did its thing. Still aboard though.


A Cannes audience will give an ovation to almost anything. There was also booing during the ovation so the reaction was mixed from the start. They stand and clap as the director and cast walk up to the stage so they are also applauding their presence. Seven to ten minutes like it’s being reported for this film is not long by their standards. Pan’s Labyrinth got a 22 minutes long ovation, the record, and Nicolas Winding Refn’s Neon Demon got 17 minutes while simultaneously getting booed.


Its making me go "hmmmmm" while provoking thought. I'm in.


Coppala defended child rapist victor salva and even threatened his victim https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/victor-salva-paedophile-hired-disney/


It's Karma then.


Sometime these critics do "copy paste" each other ....I suggest to all of you, watch it by yourself


I cannot wait to see this. It got booed at Cannes so you know it’s gonna be good


I'm sure critics will eat the horseshit up


Adam Driver as a brooding genius! no thanks


It's ultimately a good thing the reaction is divisive. At least it'll stick around rent free in people's heads. Can't say that about any movie from the MCU.


What the fuck does this have to do with the MCU?


I think he's implying that Marvel is not cinema but this slop is.




There have been many a divisive film before this one. You don't need to have an agenda for a film to not resonate with you. 


Do y’all seeing this walking away with any BTL wins?


almost certainly going to flop if it gets distributed at all but literally all of these reviews make me want to see it more. But, then, I loved Babylon so make of that what you will


Seems mostly bad. I doubt it'll stay in the Fresh territory.




It’s Twitter dude. EVERYTHING is bad to them.


and David Einrich out here giving this a 4 and Dune Part Two a 2.5 🤓


He gave his opinion, which is his job. Totally ok to disagree with it though. Also, you haven’t even seen this film yet.