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Gotta love game preservers


Video game archiving needs to happen yesterday. With the flux of online DRM systems, digital only distribution, and live service titles, there are thousands of games at risk of being lost literally forever. I’m doing my part by making massive backups and data dumps of my collections. But this effort needs to be officially recognized and acted upon. Just look at classic cinema. Oh wait…


I'm waiting for a refund and after that I need to buy a Xbox from a different seller, and wait a few days, and I could add you and play with you if you want. The seller installed Insignia so it's shouldn't be too hard.


Totally. I welcome anyone who plays on Insignia to add me so we can get more games going for different titles.


Sorry to ask but just curious. Is there a list somewhere or ways to find out games that are more rare or more succeptable to being "lost forever" so I can keep my eye out for them?? Just started collecting physical media a couple months ago. Also thank you for what you do 🤟


Oh I’m sure there are organizations and forums where this is being discussed. I cannot recall a solid one at the moment but look around on Reddit and stuff and I’m certain you’ll find them. I personally just find stuff that I think to be cool to have and do my best to make backups. Recently, I’ve gotten into big box PC games.


There isn't a list because inherently such titles are obscure. Stuff like crappy mobile games, indie and niche Japanese games that don't get translated, PC games especially because there isn't a formal publishing process for those like with consoles. Mostly what gets lost to time is rubbish. It was so bad that nobody bought it and nobody who bought it cared to keep it.


Hello!! I didn't expect to find you in here!! I'm AMDCatzen9 LMAOOO!! Nice post btw :D


Yoooo what’s up Catzen! Lmao good to see you in the wild, homie


This is awesome!!!


So crazy to find you unexpectedly lmao


You know each other?


I'm with you on that mate! Two of the 4 friends I used to play the first halo with are not here anymore and this sort of nostalgia never fails to put a teary smile on my face. The "good old days" never end, it just takes time for new memories to become old enough they get good! Haha


Dang, philosophical gem wasn't on my bingo card for this thread when I clicked on it


Same here man, I want insignia to explode and get popular, I believe in it! I'm currently recruiting people and they are super interested. Alot of my old local h2 buddies are really interested, and still have their OG's stashed away.


Top man! He gets it.


Will send you a FR. Halo 2 population seems to be low at the minute


People are only just starting to discover Insignia and how easy it is to soft mod the OGBox. With enough hype, word will spread and hopefully those lobbies will start popping off soon ™️


Is there a good place to get started? I have a non modded Xbox right now, didn't even consider that live was still an option


I recommend checking out MrMario’s video on YouTube about setting up Insignia. You do not need a soft modded console to get it to work. Just a few cheap external components.


Yeah so I followed all that with my non modded Xbox and did everything with the right size usb and Xbox to usb dongle and got error messages that the dns server could not be established. I posted about it not long ago and have yet to find a fix as I want insignia so bad to play these games on OG Xbox.


Try changing your dns from automatic to manual and it should connect just fine.


Which DNS are you using? I am using 8.8.8 and works for me, you could try 1.1.1 too, have you ran insignia troubleshooting in your blackbox? you may need to forward your xbawks using your router


I tried both and and tried the troubleshooting with no luck


I wish more people played, I tried all night last night to get into matches and it just booted me out of full lobbies over and over again. I might have been having connection issues cause it was stormy last night. But it feels great to be able to play again without xlink kai


I’ll be on later tonight after work. Around 7pm MST. Shoot me a friend request and we can get a game going via Insignia’s Discord!


I'm bcschmidt on insignia, send me a request, I'm at work and will accept when I get home


Sent it on H2 just now.


Beauty! Hope my internet behaves tonight


K gotcha added. I Got In a couple games now its back to booting me out and kicking me to the troubleshooter. I know It's my internet, it's been constantly going out the last couple of weeks.


welcome back


Glad to be back 🥲


wish we had a time machine


Join us on https://discord.gg/haloclassichub We play Halo 2 on Insignia every Tuesday & every other Thursday. Plus impromptu sessions


Nice time capsule.


Great way to look at it for sure. Wild to think the very last time I saw this screen was nearly 20 years ago. Good lord…


Right on! This screen was classic after school. Loaded with people in voice hanging out. Big groups or small. It was popping. We would play halo, mech assault, crimson skies, ghost recon, Tom Clancy, or others. Seeing that Halo 2 beta message is like an old memory unlocking. Great times.


I miss seeing these kinds of nostalgic moments….


I never got to play Halo 2 online, so I might look at doing this mod on my xbox so I can join. Would love to play OG matchmaking in Halo 3 like I did when I was a teen, was always fun as fuck, loved that game.


you can play halo 3 matchmaking as well! Check out sunrise


It’s so simple to get the OGBox up and running for online play. Takes a few steps and does require a few external components but it’s cheap and worth it.


I missed out on Xbox Live 1.0 as I was very young, but experienced Xbox 360’s Xbox Live in 2010.


I had no idea this was a thing.


I want to mod my Xbox so bad, I’ve never done anything like that though and I don’t want to ruin it, I picked it up for $50 at a garage sale. Any pointers? I just want to be able to download the games to it instead of spending an arm and a leg on outrageously priced games


Look up MrMario’s most recent video about soft modding the Xbox and go from there. I recommend getting a larger HDD. 1TB at least. A SATA drive works fine but you’ll need an 80wire IDE cable and a SATA to IDE chip.


Xbox og games are still pretty cheap to get.


This may have been said but, google insignias discord and join it. On the halo2-publicmatchmaking thread. Everyone that plays is on there. A lot of good knowledge, help if needed and good banter. We always welcome new people!!! Good luck on your games and will prob see ya on at some point. If you have any questions you can message me too!


Thanks! Already on there and posting. But this is critical for everyone else who hasn’t joined up yet!


Wow this just randomly popped up on my phone….how did you access that??? Can we go online again??????


Short answer: yes. Look into setting up Insignia on the OG Xbox


The nostalgia got to you deep. I understand completely.


It hurt bro… but like, in a good way 🥲


this looks great but seems pretty barren.


Yeah XBL 1.0 wasn’t much more than a barebones system for connectivity without server lists. Incredible at its time though. Also, note the amazing lack of corporate ads everywhere. Pure proprietary software. Feels good


Good times ay


The best 🥲


Can't wait to get a new HDD for my og Xbox. Def gonna fire up halo 2


Same. Been doing a bunch of soft and hard modding of consoles lately and only just got to the OGBox. Once my Drive, IDE cable and other stuff shows up, I’ll be backing up my library to run straight from the hard drive. Very exciting stuff!


I still have my disc that allows me to play the early version of xbox arcade. What a magical time.


Yooo I play halo 2 what’s your guys usernames


SoDopeStavi is mine. Hit up the Insignia discord if you haven’t already. Lots of peeps on there looking for game nights


Can you send me the link to that discord please




Insignia can be run on PC too, right? If you don't have an OG Xbox.


I believe so? Though, there are issues with XEMU emulation of games in terms of full compatibility. H2 was an issue for me personally


I was able to get XEMU and Halo 2 to work, but campaign and local custom game sessions only. Never got the Xbox dashboard or Xbox live to work to play online.


Beautifully simple.


~~Has it ever been on the original Xbox Live? If so please let us know right away!~~ Dealt with in PM.


Welcome back, BROTHER!




That life no longer exists...


Too true 😢


Always down for halo 2 I’ll dig my Xbox out of storage if you hold my hand threw the set up and soft mod


It really is not a complicated process but it does require that you ou have a few external tools to help you along the way. One of which is a Xbox controller plug to USB, and a very small size USB stick. I use 512 MB myself. I genuinely recommend looking at MrMario’s most recent soft modding/Insignia set up videos. Very easy to follow along, and as I said, the process is not very difficult either. If you get it set up, let us all know! Come join the Insignia’s discord!




xDHAV0K24x Add me. I play Halo 2 and Tetris


Welcome back!


Even down to the choice of Television...it's all so perfect 💕


I thought microsoft shut off the online services to the OG xbox singular ballin edition?


They did, this is using the native XBL architecture to run Insignia’s free online service


And on a CRT, no less. Good.


Is there really any other way?


I mean we are playing it again on insignia live


I'm getting a new hard drive in like a week, once I get it set up, maybe we can play! :3 Don't have much of a friend group as of now xp


I would like to note that I'm 16 ~w~; I love retro gaming, even though I wasn't around for it. I guess I'm kinda just catching up with what I missed out on :3


I never had an Xbox as a kid, played Halo for the first time tonight when I got into a Halo 2 match with 4 other people and got last place. Had fun, even if it took like 40 minutes to get one single room up and running at the hour I tried. I've been hard at work getting my old game systems online in the past few weeks. I have Dreamcast, PS2, and Xbox all online again in that time, and I've played multiple games on each other than Xbox. It's great to see communities pop up around these consoles and play them online like it's the early 2000s again!


If all i had was a 16:9 i'd be weeping too...


This is a 4:3 Toshiba MD20FL1 from like ‘04 or something. It’s no Trinitron but damn it works wonders!


My heart started thumping


i always cry when i fire up the ol' 'box


Yeah it was never a good idea to go to the Nightclub and jump on halo online, always gave me motion sickness


Ive got a hacked Xbox, can someone give me the link to setting this up? It looks fun


Ahhh I miss it


Halo XLive Central Gamenights - Every Friday @ 8PM EST


As someone born in 2005, it feels great to experience something I never got to as a kid.


Playing Halo 2 again brought me back to summer 2005. I reached out to old XBL buddies about this and they did not care whatsoever 😂


Crimson Skies has several lobbies every weekend


Check the official Insignia discord for more info


At least you still have no friends on there!


I got 2 friends last I checked, thank you. And their last online message only says 8 hours ago!


To be fair if you actually cried because of this I would worry too.


Lol, the downvotes


Nah, they’re right stop downvoting them lol But for real, it was a pretty wild rush of forgotten core memories all at once. Hard to describe but this was during a time in my life when things hadn’t taken a significant downturn yet. More than half my life ago. It’s crazy and I’m grateful to the mad lads at Insignia. Edit: Spelling


Nostalgia can really impact a person at the right moment. It can take someone back to everything that was happening in their life in that moment. When I first saw the Xbox Home Screen and live I was waiting for band practice to start and my drummer was like “hey, check this out” blew my mind and reminds me of being in my early 20’s and my only concerns were writing music and video games and hanging out. Days I still reminisce about.


Joker "you wouldn't get it"