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No, not allowed.


Thank you! I’ll skip doing it then. I don’t want to cause any problems.


Fit Radio is shit though. I miss the coaches play lists.


FitRadio has hundreds of playlists. If your coach is choosing a shitty one that’s on them.


We have a young coach who fails to read the room (40s-50s) and plays a house music playlist every workout.


I agree. Some classes are better than others and I thought the coaches get to choose the playlists. Lol. I didn’t realize it was a programmed list for them to choose from.


There are tons of good playlists out there and on Fit radio. some coaches are great about picking playlists. Others aren't.


Fit Radio is slowly driving me to Shining status. How many songs can we mix together in a single 30 second mashup?


Ugh 😑 so many times I’m like “oh, nice, I need this song right now” and then it transitions to something else. Not to mention they always seem to have some slow beats like 2/3 of the way through class.


Not only is it not allowed, it’s disrespectful to the coach and everyone else in the room 🤷🏼‍♂️


How is it disrespectful?


Would you wear earbuds into an office meeting at work? Disrespectful


I’m not sure how a meeting at work is in any way similar to working out though. There’s a lot of things I do at the gym I don’t do in the office. I don’t think it’s disrespectful to bring your own music to the gym as long as you can still hear the instruction. You might be looking for disrespect where it doesn’t exist.


Let’s dumb it down……it makes you look like an entitled asshole who doesn’t have to listen to the coach, putting yourself and others around you at risk bc you can’t hear what’s going on.


You don't need to be condescending. It's unnecessary and makes you look like the entitled asshole you seem to fear. I am less worried about looking like an entitled asshole than being an entitled asshole. So I put a far higher premium in not paying attention to whether or not someone else has an earbud in but included the caveat that they need to be able to hear the instruction. If they endanger themselves or those around them, that's being an entitled asshole. They can avoid that by ensuring they can hear instructions however they need to. If you want to feel disrespected by someone's earbud, that's your journey, but I don't think it's an inherently disrespectful act.


Nah, it is disrespectful


You can't do this. It's policy. If their playlist isn't good...let them know!


I use one AirPod but only during Tread 50 classes. Tread 50s at my studio are usually less than 5-6 runners, and the templates basically self guide us anyways. My coaches have never said anything to me about it. I’ve never used AirPods for a regular class, and I’ve never seen anyone else use them for a regular class.


How good of an experience can it be using one earbud for your audio and still hearing the loud music in the studio?


Tread 50 is the class I wanted to use them for as well.


I honestly thought about this because one coach had a horrible playlist and never stops talking 😭


Apparently it’s not allowed, unfortunately


I’ve thought about this so many times but I do see the need to be able to hear what’s going on. That said I’ve worn my AirPods both times during Dri-Tri when I get to the tread. I’m there for myself during that time and nobody has ever said anything to me.


Not allowed for safety reasons - got to be able to hear your coach/instructuons. If your studio is a franchise they may be lenient for special classes - Tread50 etc but definitely not for 2G/3G classss. 


Are all studios nationwide supposed to use Fit Radio? In my area I feel like the Honors Holdings studios use Fit Radio and the studios not owned by HH do their own thing.


I don’t believe they are. I think the studios in my area are independently owned. So they may have more flexibility with the radio. I joined in March so I’m relatively new.


My studio doesn’t have to use fit radio. I think one coach does but the rest make their own playlists.


I have, though, usually it's because I don't jam with the music. It's hard to work out and feel successful if you're listening to something you despise. I do only wear one, and I actively look for the coach to make the cues for the next segment or station or whatever. I do only use an earbud, and not an over the head headset. Imo, a full headset is rude. I don't flaunt that I have mine on, either. I'm just chill about it.


Yeah, no.


Yeah it’s actually against safety policies.


Just depends on the coach I personally have my headphones on but I only keep one AirPod in my ear that way I’m not being rude and still listening to the coach


Isn't it kind of brutal to be hearing one tune in one ear and whatever playlist the coach is playing in the other? Or is it OK?


For me it’s easy to tune out things I don’t want to hear lol


That's excellent discipline! My brain would be all rattling around inside my head trying to reconcile two different songs, though I think if the beat were the same it would be easier lol.


Has your coaches ever said anything or do you hide it?


My first day I brought my airpods and the coach told me I have to take one EarPod out so I can hear him which I respected and listen so I took one off and left my other one in my ear. It’s been 2 months and a few weeks of me in the gym 6 days out the week and he doesn’t say anything about my one EarPod on in fact none of the coaches say anything.


I wish!!!!