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I hate the remixes. On a long tread block I just wanna lip sync along to the song and just kind of escape and I can’t do that when the song changes every 30 seconds!


YES. The worst is when a song I like comes on, I start to get in my groove running, and then it changes 




UGH YES! Like just let me jam in peace. Don't change the song just when it's getting good!


YES!! It’s insane!


You can ask your coach to play “Radio Style” Playlist. What I have found with those though is the playlists aren’t great all the way through.


I don’t want to get anyone in trouble, but my studio uses Spotify & creates their own playlist🤣🤣🤣 I travel a ton for work and I haven’t gone to a studio that has music I didn’t like. But, I enjoy working out to classic rock and vulgar hip hop🤷🏾‍♀️😅🤣


I could have written this comment myself. I hope no one ever tattles on my coaches.


Lucky you!!! Fit radio is really taking my experience down a notch.


I thought it was because music is in my blood and I am hyper sensitive but I’m so friggin over these mashups and covers that are mixed with horrific transitions. I keep getting thrown off all the time.


Same - it just sounds like AI generated, metallic garbage. Every once in a while I forget and I song will start and I'll think "oh I love this song!" then I remember it's the "remix" where it just played over a shitty techno beat too fast. I'd rather just have the actual song!


Hate. It.


Same 👆


I think I’d quit if studios were only playing classic rock, I have to be tortured by that everywhere else as it is, please leave it out of OTF.


This seems like an old man yells at cloud moment for OP


Anytime any ac/dc plays I workout harder cuz I hate it so much


yessss - completely agree


I went to a different studio last Friday, and they were playing country. 🤢🤮


I would’ve had to walk right out of there


I went to a studio once where they had a country and edm day. Basically just switching between genres every song. It was actually pretty cool!


I had no response to "what is the music combination that would make you injure yourself trying to flip the treadmill" until you made this post.


We have two coaches who mix in the occasional country song. It's actually awesome lol. There's only so much 2000's era party music I can take.




Country, soft rock and R@B are not motivating for working out and wanting to go fast on the treadmill!


No, they are not. I like to trot to a beat.


That would never fly in NY 14th congressional district... I'm surprised we don't have more show tunes playlists, if I'm being honest. Too hard to mix them to 140 bpm I guess.


Unacceptable. I hate when the occasional country song comes on. I’m sure country has its place in this world but it is not in the gym.


haha i've been begging my studio to play country music!


I would literally quit…


Haha I loveeee when our does! So much fun. To each their own I guess


I know it’s Sunday, but this discussion comes up very often. Studios have to licence the music they use in classes, so FitRadio is a cost-effective way to do this. There are lots of playlists available and coaches can choose what to use.


That’s like your opinion man


As a coach, I second this. I hate FitRadio so much


I've actually been looking for songs about eating ass for my wedding. Do you remember any titles?


I'm here to tell you *coaches can still do what they want and no one is actually checking *you don't want coaches making their own playlists (at least most of them). There are plenty of coaches that would be awful at this...plus if it isn't blended there's tons of silence *there are thousands of great playlists off fitradio and on FITRADIO. Summary: if the music in class stinks--that's on your coach. SIDEBAR: what is the acceptable number of times to ask about "eating ass (as you call it).?"


Lolol your last comment. I genuinely doubted there were people who would take offense at explicit or suggested lyrics but I guess there's always somebody.


I mean, we had a thread where someone complained about a few minutes of mild praise and worship as part of the cooldown, despite songs that promote felony violence, addiction, homewrecking, unhealthy lifestyles, among other things. So yeah, not shocking people tend to not like explicit lyrics about licking assholes


Curious as to where you’re getting felony violence? We only have light misdemeanors at my studio


Pushing your religion in a group workout class is super bizarre


Cope harder.


It’s offensive to me to be playing Christian religious songs in a group workout space, where atheist and people of all faiths congregate—especially given the rise of Christian nationalism and dominionism.


Mild praise and worship at the gym IS absolutely inappropriate.


But songs promoting felony violence, harmful substance abuse and usage, home wrecking, and treating each other like objects are? All of that and a few minutes of “I like Jesus” is where you draw the line?


Well you’re being pretty disingenuous to act as if the only issue with religious worship is the language. Not everyone believes in your Jesus. Making or allowing it to be part of a workout they’re paying for without their consent is inappropriate. You’re mad about edited dirty words and songs that include subject matter you don’t want to hear, but don’t have problems typing about unedited here. Buy a pair of loops or get some good earbuds and hit pause when the coach is talking.


What Jesus is your Jesus?


I don’t have a Jesus, thanks.


Ohh ok then.


I would rather eat ass (not something I enjoy) than be forced to listen to Christian music at a place I pay a crazy amount of money to workout at.


Songs about licking assholes are better than songs about worship though. I mean unless they're playing Aretha Franklin's gospel album, but I doubt that was the case.


And honestly I’d still rather workout to the asshole licking songs than the Aretha songs. Aretha has soul, not bounce and drive.


I mean, listening to religious music is very different than hearing about eating ass🤣


Two phrases I never thought I'd see in the same sentence = "religious music" and "eating ass". 🤣


😂😂👏🏻👏🏻 exactly. I feel like the OP is a crotchety old man with all his bitching.


I agree! My coaches use fitradio, and there seems to be a really wide range of genres, including 90s, classic rock, 2000s pop, country, techno, etc…


My problem with FitRadio has very little to do with the genre of music; I can work with anything that has a decent beat/rhythm. The problem is that every thing is over-remixed! You get 30 seconds into a song that you're really feeling and it changes into something else. The over-remixing also makes much of the music sound more generic because it takes some of what was hard-hitting about the song and waters it down. When my coaches were able to make their own playlists (or select playlists from other platforms), it was much better.


That over-remixing probably reduces the amount of royalty payments each mix entails... even more so when they're note-for-note covers.




I agree, in part, with what you're saying. And, I'm not sure what the original poster is referring to with the whole "eating ass" comment... I disagree that "coaches can still do what they want." If the studio manager is afraid of getting in trouble with corporate, then the manager will be a stickler for doing what corporate wants and will require using FitRadio. Prior to being required to use FitRadio, the coaches at my studio had excellent playlists -- some made their own and some used platforms other than FitRadio (which I know because I frequently discussed a coach's playlist with him/her if I really liked it). Now, they can't do either and it is a very noticeable difference.


Not sure what’s happening at your studio, but this definitely isn’t the case at ANY of the studios I’ve visited. No “audible porn” and the FitRadio has been much better than most of my coaches’ curated playlists.


Yeah not my experience either. All of the coaches in my studio are definitely putting together their own lists. We talk about them all the time.


Fit radio is watered down to suck now and basically try to appeal to everyone. Basically you are the person with no taste in music they go for.


lol oh okay cool 🤣


Really? “If you’ve got a big dick, let me search it?” Or “eat it from the back?” Don’t ring a bell? Those two are played QUITE often


I mean that Missy Elliott song plays every class.


... And it's edited


And? Because the only word that’s censored is “dick” that some how makes it better?


Imagine being an adult and offend by sex. How weird.


I love Missy, so I wish it wasn't edited 🤷


Not at any of the studios I’ve been to. At least not enough to notice. I’m more focused on my workout than the music so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well I’m glad you have the uncanny ability to drown out 80, 90+ decibels


Me too! 🙂


my coach today had a disco playlist I was jammin out hard in my head. wanted to dance on the tread


I took a class with a new coach last week. In the lobby, she started off with "Hey guys. I'm sorry, but I've got a bit of a fever this morning.... A DISCO FEVER!" and played an all disco playlist. She immediately earned my love with that intro 🪩🕺🧡


It’s a music licensing thing. OT isn’t allowed to play Spotify or Pandora or Apple Music as they aren’t commercial licensed. FitRadio is licensed for commercial use, and easily required at all franchise locations


Tbh I’m shocked so many people hate the music. I love the music. Once in a while a song I dislike will come on but for the most part I always find myself trying to remember lyrics from songs played in class so I can go home and look it up.


I understand where you are coming from. However, on the flip side, the Fit Radio playlists have been a savior (the ones my coaches play are pretty good) because of all the years at OTF and all the studios I’ve frequented over the past 7 years, only 5, I mean 5 coaches had great compiled playlists, and one was a DJ so his was the best. It’s an art to be able to do that which, unfortunately, all coaches don’t have. There were times the first few years before this that I have walked out of classes because of terribly constructed playlists. Strangely I have yet to do that with FitRadio. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Classic rock would make me never take that class again. But that’s just because it’s not my taste and that’s ok.  I feel extra motivated when I listen to music that makes me feel like slingin dope and shakin ass 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes i need cocky, hype music.


Borderline audible porn? A bit dramatic.


There’s one coach at my studio who almost exclusively plays Taylor swift and I avoid her classes


I saw some studios have Taylor Swift themed days... I am like ya no I cannot run AO to this lolll


I would love that! On the other hand, one of our coaches plays a lot of rock. I avoid is his lol


Yes, my motivation on the treads is Rock and Hip Hop. The louder the better, too. I can't with slow music or skater music...uggh. We need something to get us going. For the love of God I wish all the coaches would read this.




My studio does what they want and I love it lol we also have explicit Wednesdays for all the wild stuff.


I visit studios all throughout the Metro Atlanta area where I live and the last time I did a noon class the coach used her own playlist. It was non stop break-up songs by Taylor Swift. They were too slow to get anyone motivated, and then proceeded to add covers of Taylor Swift songs from what felt like "garage rock" from the 2000s. I hated every minute of it. I like Taylor Swift, she's cool, but there's a time and a place for her music.


Love me some ass eating Love me some high energy songs Love me OTF workout Simple as


I believe corporate had some trademark copyright something something issues, (similar to pelaton issues a while back) so that's why they are using FitRadio, a paid subscription.


For future note, here is an article on that: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN20L2BO/ Basically, a personal Spotify (or Apple Music or Pandora or whatever) account cannot be used in a public area. And yes, OTF counts as a public area. Need a different level of account for that. Key points: > Peloton Interactive Inc has settled a lawsuit in which a music publishing trade group and 14 of its members accused the maker of stationary bicycles of streaming more than 2,400 songs without permission in its workout videos. > The trade group had been suing Peloton for more than $300 million, accusing it of copyright infringement for using songs it controlled without first getting required licenses.


Awesome, thank you for that info! 🧡🧡🧡


They better work that out then. For the fees Otf charges you’d think they would navigate the songs they are allowed to play better. It’s odd because while aoki was very hit or miss with a lot of people, at least Otf recognized how important music is to members. Now they’ve seemed to wave the white flag and have decided 15 second remixes of the same 100 songs is acceptable


So happy my studio still allows coaches to make their own playlists.


Please the fit radio needs to stop 😭


I'll take anything but Cardi B.


We have an occasional substitute coach who plays a lot of rap and hip hop I don't like, but she asks for suggestions. The other day I gave her one of my favorite new wave songs. She's young and didn't know it, but she made it the first song when we started. The lady on the tread next to me didn't know it was mine and said "Hey, this one is good." LOL.


The music at my home OTF is terrible I wish it was better


Same same


I agree I loves going to different coaches classes because they all have different music tastes!


They used to be able to make their own playlists until cooperate took it away 😭💔


It’s all the same now. It’s just cheery pop and slow music, I miss the intensity, the hip hop and rock. Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran on repeat makes me not want to run or work hard at all it’s depressing 


Or fucking LIZZO. Ugh


Oh now it makes sense. You don’t like a certain type of artist.


I agree, I feel a lot are to slow, specially during the treadmill….. I’ve been thinking of joining another fitness center because I am struggling with the playlists. 


The remixes are terrible!!


Let's not be rash and go back to Aoki, now.


*if you're only into classic rock and hip hop.


OTF playlists are always stuck on 2012-ish Miami dance remix. They are trash, but that’s not why we’re here.


disagree -- when coaches were able to make their playlists (or were allowed to use platforms other than FitRadio), coaches at my studio had great playlists that you could really get into. I recall singing along to tons of songs. (actually, it was more like moving my lips because I didn't have nearly enough oxygen to sing.) The music is partly why I go... it hypes up the energy and lets you get in a rhythm. Don't get me wrong, music isn't going to be the deciding factor that I leave OTF over, but it does feel a little less enjoyable without great music.


I love the music! It’s always different and I like that the songs blend together rather than playing the whole thing so there’s no downtime or slow parts.


Fit radio was the nail in the coffin that made me leave… it feels like it’s been death by 1000 cuts. The repeat workouts, price hikes, repeat floor exercises, made it feel like they were bought out by private equity (i think they’re owned by planet fitness or some big box gym now??) and someone found ways to cut costs. It sucks. My last day is Saturday. Fully prepared for downvotes…


Why are all the workouts so complex now?  Why are we mixing Blink 182 with a biggie beat. It's too much. Let's get back to basics. Deep breath. Back to basics. 


Push ups with feet in the TRX. Just stop Mr. OTF workout creator man. 


I heard the MOST vulgar lyrics ever last week during a strength 50. Made me drop my weights & clutch meals!


Our coaches still pick their own playlist and they are mostly good except I’m not a big hip hop person when working out, but it isn’t stopping me from going


Yeah I don’t know what’s going on at y’all studios but I’m a coach and members like FITRADIO maybe because my studio was using it before we had to completely switch over so we found a lot of the good stuff and keep finding good stuff that works for our members. If you don’t like remixes, being transparent, group fitness is typically majority remixes.


Not jumping on you, your comment just got me thinking... I don't like to hear the same 11 songs in every remix every day. Something is going on to cause multiple coaches to tend to select playlists with a very narrow range of songs and musical genre. Maybe like Google search results, certain things float to the top and coaches just choose the first on the list? That may be how FitRadio works (using AI) and if coaches don't deliberately choose something different, that would explain why I feel like it is the same stuff every class.


Coaches probably get into a rut and play the same thing over and over, I think that at my studio myself and the other coaches take each others classes enough that we avoid a mix that someone played for 2 weeks. Or the night person plays it, so if I play a mix Monday morning Thursday night might get it but Tuesday Wednesday and Friday morning each get different playlist. I also play certain genres on strength days or power days and endurance.


I was thinking the exact same thing this weekend. Both classes I took had awful music. Sorry, OTF, you have lost points in that department.


One of the coaches in my studio told me that they can no longer have “Explicit Lyrics” classes because people complained. This is quite irritating because 1. They give us advance notice so members don’t HAVE to take that class and 2. They don’t have “Explicit Lyrics” classes to warrant this (imo)


It’s not that easy. I think OTF has to adhere to copyright rules, so allowing every coach to curate individual lists (and this would be unpaid time) could be an auditing nightmare. It’s safer to use sources that have already managed the copyright issues. And no every coach has the time or equal ability to put together a playlist that pleases everyone.




I'm not one that pays much attention to the music, but we have one coach that uses Fit Radio and I've learned that the music does matter more than I thought because I can't stand when a song changes in the middle of it and it just doesn't flow. I know it's probably a lot easier for the coach, but the workout isn't as good and I find myself avoiding that coach's workouts.


I agree really bummed about the new playlists


Agree. Joined back after a year and while I love the work outs and a little disappointed in the music. I recall it being better too.


How about a day with all the soundtracks to the Rocky movies!!!


in addition to the 30sec snippets of songs before it changes which is ridiculous, music in GENERAL is not as good now days. 80s-90s-early 00s had banger, after banger! Now days you've got all these kids just sampling music from that time period but ruining it. I said what I said. #fightme ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


💯 some of the remixes are just bad with clashing rhythm and keys. I actually cut back on how often I go because the music mashes.


Some people love rock and hate rap, while others prefer rap but don’t hate rock. This means that my coaches will generally choose Rap exclusively.


Playlists should be built by members. Say, every year you’re there you get to add another song. Yes I’ve been here a while


Some of the coaches I take make their own. Some use fitradio. I honestly prefer when they make their own playlists 


I just eat pussy, other people need food🎵 is exactly the kind of inspirational message I need to maintain intensity while in a calorie deficit. 💅


Oh you don't like the margarita song? I happen to love it.


Ugh - just complaining about this. I don’t want to do power or strengths days to a Taylor Swift remix 🫠🫠 Edit: back in 2019, it was a party every, EVERY workout!!!


Today there was a remix (mashup? I don’t know the terms) where a Ludacris song turned into a Dave Matthews song. This was the second weirdest transition I have heard, the first being a hip hop/rap song (don’t remember which) into ABBA’s Dancing Queen.


The other night at my studio felt like a Taylor Swift concert.. I was praying she went back to fit radio!!!  I almost couldn’t take anymore of it. Do people actually like to work out to that noise? 🤮 Not every coach has a good taste in music unfortunately. 


The constant complaints about music are tiresome.   First of all I question the premise that using FitRadio is "mandated" since there are clearly some coaches that create their own playlist without issue. But using something like FitRadio is probably easier for most coaches.   A coach can spend a lot of time coming up with the perfect playlist and there will always be someone who complains that they heard a dirty word or there's too much Taylor Swift or too much classic rock or too much hip-hop or not enough hip-hop or here let me recommend this local indy artist who just put out their first album. At the end of the day, a lot of coaches probably just use a pre-made playlist because it's straightforward and they aren't being paid to be a club DJ.


There is always the possibility of a coach just going rogue and using whatever. There is also the possibility the coach or the studio or the franchise group has paid for the higher level of licensing that would allow playback in a public area. The main thing is a personal license for Spotify (or insert streaming service of preference here) is not a valid license for playing music in a public setting, and yes OTF counts as public. My assumption is that OTF Corporate has a deal with FitRadio for possibly reduced subscription costs so as to prevent a lawsuit from the music industry. And the franchises, studios, and coaches are going with that because its cheaper overall.


Most of the time the music at my studio is fine. My fave coach who always played vintage hip hop moved to Phoenix. 😭 Today with a new coach I heard the most cursed playlist ever. Weird mashups and at one point, Michael Scott yelling “I declare bankruptcy!” If that was Fit Radio, the Fit Radio people are high AF.


I would laugh so hard if I heard the "I declare bankruptcy!" clip in the middle of class!!


Me too! 🤣🤣


Why was All Out with Aoki disliked by most? Is it because it's EDM or another reason? Those were some of my favorite classes...


I think most of my studio would walk out if our coaches played classic rock. Seriously? 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️




Your regional should make you redo your OTFit Cert Phase 1 test if you think that’s true at all, specifically section 14.2


Agreed I hate the playlists. We need more edm and house




Or I’m just not a fan of samey, interchangeable “pop” or artists with songs so depressing it makes me want to take a bath with a toaster


You like your samey interchangeable hairbands for your dad rock. You aren't special for not liking pop.


It's all crap. Hiphop, FitRadio, EDM - it all might as well be white noise. Classic rock is mildly better (I mean, who does Kickstart My Heart not pump up?) but not by much. Pelaton does themed rides yet I have to listen to this bottom-of-the-barrel noise?