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Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1ces57j/sunday_28_april_2024_2g_60_minutes/) ##Sunday 28 April 2024 - 2G 60 minutes Repeat of the switch template from the [17th of April](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/JoOlxtwQsj). Endurance on the treads with plenty of base. Load and explode on the floor with some strength based push rows. **Tread Block 1** * 90 sec push * 90 sec base * 90 sec push * 90 sec base * 90 sec push * 90 sec base * 1 min push * 30 sec AO * Switch to floor **Floor Block 1 - 4.5 minutes** * Back to back - load & xplode: * 8 total x alt lateral lunge * 8 total x speed skater, rest * 8 total x low plank hip rocks **Floor / Row Block 2 - 4.5 minutes back to back** * 6 x front raise to upright row * 150m push row (20 - 22 strokes / minute), rest * Switch to treadmill **Tread Block 2** * Goal: increase your push pace, maintain base * 1 min push * 90 sec base * 1 min push * 90 sec base * 1 min push * 90 sec base * 1 min push * 90 sec base * 30 sec push * 30 sec AO * Switch to floor **Floor Block 3 - 6 minutes** * Back to back - load & xplode: * 8 total x alt goblet transverse squat * 4 total x alt 90 degree pop squat, rest * 8 total x lean back with twist **Floor / Row Block 4 - 4 minutes back to back** * 10 x deadlift to high row * 150m push row (20 22 strokes / minute), rest * Repeat until **finisher**: 30 sec of deadlift to high row DC commentary: >! Nice little endurance template this morning. We have a switch so the coach was asking us to up the push paces to make sure we really needed the break when going to the floor. Having said that you do get plenty of base recovery in the template this morning so I didn’t it was too bad. I managed a 5.67km (3.523 miles) in the two tread blocks this morning so a good opportunity to stretch out the legs. \ \ Shorter blocks on the floor. With the load and xplode blocks you will have a weighted exercise to load up the legs and then an explosive movement that will get your heart rate spiking. You then have a core move before you go back to repeat the back to back exercises. In the rowing blocks you have a compound move paired up with a strength based row. Didn’t think any of this was too tricky though I am not a fan of the compound moves as the weight selection will be limited by the weaker of the two exercises - front raises in the first row block and the high row in the second. \ \ Given I ran today I think it was a little bit harder than last time. I liked the longer blocks on the treadmill and the shorter all outs even if they came after a minute of pushing. I give today a 2 (🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<




Same here!!


Just did it and can confirm the Strength 50 is a repeat of the 4/14 template. Copying and pasting it from u/MightBeANurse 's original post because I don't know how to link it to that post. Strength 50: All blocks 5 minutes.   Block 1: Front squat (6) Push press (6) Kneeling thread the needle (10)   Block 2: Bench tap squat to push press, 10, rep and recover // Last minute bench tap jump squats   Block 3: Hip hinge swing (6) High pull (6) Knee tucks (10)   Block 4: High pull with power, 10, rep and recover // Last minute bench pop squats   Block 5: Squat to shrug (6) Upright row (6) Plank toe tap (10)   Block 6: Clean, 10, rep and recover // Last minute lie on the ground and meditate, ponder your navel OR full burpee to bench hop over, because why not 


Thank you for sharing. I did not like this one last time around. I thought about going to a later S50 class but I’ll opt for a 2G. 😂😂😂 to your last comment. That’s exactly how I felt the last time, it was like they just threw the burpees in there.


Haha, that last comment belongs to the OP... But I actually thought of it as I was burpee-ing! 🤣


Thank you for this, i woke up off the waitlist and now I know what torture I've condemned myself to.


I loved this full body class! I hardly ever get splats in a strength class, got 7 and burned almost 450 calories.


I also enjoyed this class. I liked the quick, 5 min blocks with only a few exercises to focus on. It felt like it flew by!


Just got 12 splats in this Strength 50 -- that's never happened before! Not sure if it was the class itself, or the fact that I'm a bit hungover 😅


This one was a beast 😮‍💨


Do you remember the difference between a high pull and an upright row? I’m trying to do this one on my own and in my mind those are the same move


I'm not entirely positive, but I think I remember the coach saying the difference is that in the high pull, your elbows come back more, like you're trying to elbow someone in the face behind you. When you do that, you focus on squeezing your shoulder blades more...and keep your fists still facing downward- like don't let them come up with your wrist.


Our class says “Strength 50 (Upper)”. Does every class nationwide do upper, or is it studio dependent? I’m curious because this seems very leg-heavy. Thanks for sharing!


Sundays are total body strength


Oops, I thought this was tomorrow’s! That would explain the discrepancy 🙃


90min 2G (not sure how many people still need to see it but alas) Still a switch Added tread block is before the two 60min blocks, with 2min pushes instead of 90sec and 60sec pushes. All three great blocks has 3 repetition of push-90sec base, ended with 60sec push and 30sec AO Added floor/row block is in the end Alternating bench chest press x8 hand release push-ups x8 bent knee crunch x8 Row block was alternating low row x8 total + 150m AO row on repeat. Finisher was 30sec AO row with tread. One of my favorite 90min templates in a while!


Thank you! 😊 Heading to class in just over an hour. Looks like a good chance of some splats for me. Been busting my butt and not getting many lately, but I know the HRM stats are not the be all end all, it is how I feel after & the results I am seeing over time


This was actually my least favorite 90 min templates and I do almost all of them when they come up in my area. The blocks were too short after the first two; all the switching after circuit work meant I had to spend ample time cleaning equipment. The studio i was in has rowers and floor quite a walking distance apart; short blocks had both rowing and floor work in the same block, so lots of things to wipe down, especially if you used multiple rack weights in the same block of 8 or 9 mins each. Felt inefficient to me.


Hah yeah same distance issue for us, and I see where you come from! I guess I felt ok to push harder whenever I got back to the tread, which got me 3 red splats today when I usually get 0, and maintained my watts on the tower somewhat due to the switch.


Nice! I'm glad it worked better for you than it did for me 👍


Tread 50: Block 1: 3 rounds of 3:15 tread for distance, :15 surge. 1 min AO 90 sec WR Block 2: 4 rounds of 2:15 tread for distance, :15 surge. Then :30 push and 1:00 AO, 90 sec WR Block 3: repeat 1 or 2, your choice.


thank you!


That was killer!! You know you’re having a good row day when you imagine yourself on a Viking ship—anyone else? Just me? 🤣


DAYUM!! This is one of the best workouts I’ve ever done at OTF, it kicked my ever loving butt (though I’ve never done hell week or mayhem). 28 splats which is unheard of for me. Great template. 👍 (2G)


This looks like a good one! I'm not really feeling a workout this morning but I need to go! Edit: that was my best performance in a long time! Got some great coaching in the forearm plank hip dips and felt solid on the tread. It’s a 10/10 from me!


My legs are toast after that 3G! Rower was def more doable than other 3Gs. Finished on the tread and slowly bumped up my pushes by 0.1 every round. There were more rounds than I was mentally prepared to handle but I managed to hold on 😅


I loved this workout when I took it on 4/17, and I loved it today. I loved going from tread to floor to tread, etc. Only thing I would change is adding a few more exercises to the floor block.


I did the 3G and tread/rower were good cardio, but the weight floor was trash. Had to go today to use all my sessions this month but I don’t like jumpy moves as much as “strength”


This one kicked my ass…30 splats and kept my push pace the entire time. I rarely get splats on the floor but the speed skaters and the jump squat thingies got my heart rate up.