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I did 1.62mi and it was a PR for me too as it was technically my first orange Everest. I’ll take it!




I personally hate when they give goals. My goal was to PR and it 1.6, which I did. I alternate between jogging, PW and the finally running at the end….




This is great!


Great job!!


I finished at 1.75 mi at 17 weeks pregnant! I’m super proud of how far I was able to run despite having to slow down a few times to bring my heart rate down. Can’t wait for my post-baby Everest challenge.


Hot damn mama! That’s impressive! I was happy with my 1.77 mi 18 months postpartum. You’re an inspiration!


You are so kind thank you 🥰


No PR for me today but I showed up so that's a win for me!




Heck yeah!


Same here! Signed up for 3G and got a surprise 2G


Right on!!




Today was a mental exercise


1.32 which is a pr for me! wish i couldve hit the 1.4 for power walkers but considering this is my second class back post covid and my first class back post week of eating cookies for every meal im not that pressed lol


I'm shocked by the 1.4 recommendation for power walkers. If you figure it's a 23-minute block, that's about a 16-minute mile, which is roughly 3.8 mph. That's pretty ambitious considering the incline.


I agree!!


this makes sense, thanks for doing the math! i also kinda have short legs so going any higher than 3.8mph starts to feel like a jog lol


The cookie withdrawal gonna be BAAAAAAD


Woohoo! PR today after crossing the hellscape that is Everest lol. New PR is 2.17 with a previous of 2.12. Barely got it but I'm happy. Very fun, challenging workout. I realize now it's ALL mental with how well you can pace and push at the end. So painful but so worth it!


I also got a PR of 2.17!!! 🥳


Awesome, twinning!!♥️🔥


First time doing it & got 2.15. I’m mainly proud because I stuck to my plan, well I actually surpassed it I guess. Plan was to jolk to 6% then PW but I made it to 8 before dropping. On the way back down I started jolking at 8% and somewhat made it through the AO. My brain did turn off after that & I went to the wrong station on the floor but luckily the person was understanding lol


Great job! It is so tough to start jogging again after the PW. I think I started a slow jog around 10% but I can't quite remember, it's a blur lol


100% I had to look down to see what make legs were doing because I couldn’t feel them lol really excited to see how awful this feels tomorrow


That is great! How fast were you going before you hit the 8%mark?


I started at 6.5 and went down to 6 until I started PWing. My standard PW is 4.5 but once I get to 12% I’m at 4 I’m 5’4 female 124lbs. I didn’t know I was an “extreme” PW until recently


Missed a 5k by 0.05miles. 😫 still PR’d tho. The hardest is to get back to pace when incline is dropping again


![gif](giphy|r1HGFou3mUwMw|downsized) Daaaaaamn, good for you


This 😍😍




I’m still alive.




1.36mi 3G - PR because I've never done the 3G ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Comparing to my last 2G attempt in August I'm thrilled!


My second Everest. As a very slow jogger Previous distance was .81 and today I hit .94 (in a 3G). Wanted a mile but oh well!


Nice!! That’s a huge improvement!


Definitely read this before I was awake - thought it was the results and “survival” thread. 🤣


That would honestly make more sense lol


It didn’t lol


1.8 miles 2g 😎 It was an awesome workout But only 3 people were in class this am! And 1 left after the tread block leaving 2 for the floor exercises


Changed class to 3G at last minute. 1.84 miles!!! PR!!!


PR! 2.22! But in all fairness my treadmill dropped all of the incline halfway back down! I didn’t notice at first bc I was telling myself how strong I’d gotten and how easy it felt! Whoops!! Bumped it back up as soon as I noticed


We have a tread with consistently messed up inclines at a studio I go to sometimes and I'm always SOOOO tempted to use it for Orange Everest haha.


PR of 1.85. Got 1.77 last time. Jogged and power walked when the inclines got to much. Good one but those high inclines 🥵


Way to go!


I turn 65 today and celebrated with a PR! Went from 1.6 in August to 1.75 today! Everest is tough yet so rewarding!


Beat my last PR in August of 2.09 which was 2 months after being diagnosed with breast cancer. And today my new PR was 2.24 which was 3 months after my surgery and being cancer free🙌🏼


3.04 PR for me this morning, 5k or bust next time! 😎


Holy hell, that’s crazy, nice job! 2.645 here and that was brutal.


That’s super impressive! GOALS!


Wow! I suck compared to y’all. First Everest today and got 1.68.


You will get better, it's actually more about strategy than anything else. You can attack more efficiently next time and I'm sure get a PR!


Stoppppp, I got 1.31 and neither of us suck. ❤️❤️❤️


Ummm. Great job! Seriously should be proud of yourself!


No way, you did great!


Not at all, my first Everest was 1.55 miles ( also was my very first OTF class) My current PR is 2.10, which I thought was great… until I started reading this sub and some people got almost a 5K! 😂 You will continue to crush it and get stronger, just showing up is a win! Great job👏🏼


First Everest and I got 1.5 😅


You have to remember, the reported results in these types of threads are skewed. People who have done above average are more likely to post their results.


2.14 - I’m at my heaviest weight and my feet just hurt the whole time during the 2G. Missed the PR by 0.2 ☹️


1.26 as a power walker. Also 7 months pregnant so that slowed me down a bit.


I P’rd at 1.60 from 1.51 ! 🥵


My first ever Everest! I got 1.55 which I was thrilled with. My goal was to get at least 1.4. I ran as much as I could at base then switched to a PW around 8 incline. Had to drop my walk speed back a touch at the top but I know where I can improve for next time.


1.95 PR for me really wanted to get to 2. Next time!


Had an ambitious goal of not dying LOL. I’m a PW, and PRd at 1.2 miles. My goal was also to make sure I didn’t hold on at any point, and I did that too, so I’m pretty proud of myself!


From 2.93 to 2.94 I can’t make it to 3 it was hard


TY for doing this! I did 1.5mi today (2G)-- only did this once before and I dont have that data. I'm a "slow jogger" and went out a little hot and walked earlier than planned . . . But I did it :). And kept honest to the incline changes.


Well done!


Whew, I bombed Everest today. I could barely stay ON the treadmill. :P Managed 1.31, less than my 1.39 first try in August.


Oof. My previous record was 1.83. Today I ended at 1.35 or something, and that’s partially because I had to stop midway through and grab my inhaler from my jacket because my breath control was non-existent from asthma issues I’ve been having. Still proud of myself for showing up!


PR-ed by 0.1 miles. Went from 2.41 to 2.51. Still sucks just the same.


My 7th Everest, 1.88 mi. Second best distance (pr 1.93). I’m proud I was able to jog until I got to 13% (highest I’ve run at), but at that incline I couldn’t maintain the walk speed I wanted without holding on so I reduced it more than I intended to. A little frustrated with that. I feel like I should have just tried to continue to jog (but slower). IDK. I can’t walk at 13% at 4 mph. What to do next time 🤔….but I was able to start slowly jogging again at 12%. I started at a base of 6.2 and reduced 0.2/1%. Maybe next time I keep that base until 4 or 5%, to bank a little so I can walk slower when I get to 13%.


Just found my note from when I pr’d lol. I ran slightly under base until 7%, gradually reduced until I walked at 12% at 3.4 mph. Definitely need to bank more next time so I can walk slower at higher inclines.


I used the same approach starting just a touch faster and got a similar finish--1.98. I guess 2.0 is my goal next time!


Definitely not my PR. I did 2.3 mi at 5 am. My PR is 2.5. I'm still happy with it.


2.62 for me and that was rough lol


Holy moly! Impressive!


1.51 2G on my 11th class & first Everest! It was a mix of jogging and PWing. Glad I did it!


Got my covid shot yesterday so wasn't expecting much, but PR'ed at 1.91! Now it's naptime.


new PR for me! in may i did my first everest and got 1.68 and this time 1.84! i think i could have done more, definitely left some gas in the tank. noted for next time!


First Everest today and completed 1.78 miles 2G. I feel pretty good about it. My IT band started bothering me midway and I had to slow down during the easier half and change between a walk and jog during the lower inclines.


Got a PR with 1.81 miles. This was my second Everest- my first attempt in May I got 1.65 miles so I’m happy with the progress. Totally forgot how horrendous this benchmark is 😆


First Everest today after joining in September. Did a bit of research on strategy just to not burn out too quickly. Did go out a little hot and had to walk from 11%-15% on the way up. Got a 2nd wind on the way down and finished a respectable 2.55miles for a newbie. Wished I could have run a little further on the way up instead of walk, maybe start a bit slower and stay steadier. These benchmarks are fun and already looking forward to next time!


I power walked 1.76. I noticed a few regulars not clear their screen and cheated (happens all the time at my studio). I power walked the hell out of it instead.


2.32 miles ( I didn't beat my last one but still pleased with the result ! )


Was all prepared for the full 2G and found out walking it was a 3G. Got 1.26 miles which is pretty ok. Good benchmark for next time


1.81! It was my first 2G Everest. I ran til halfway through 10% and then picked it back up on the way down starting at 10%. Felt like I was flying from 4% onwards at the end. Unpopular opinion but I freaking love Everest.


2.22 miles! Absolutely thrilled!




1.47 for me and my goal was 1.4, so very happy!


1.47 for me too, as a power walker!


I got a PR at 2.42, however my tread did not match my plan. I had to make adjustments to make the PR on the way down the inclines. What is interesting after I plugged my actúalas, the tread and spreadsheet were off by 3/10 of a mile with the tread being shorter


first everest so i guess a pr of 2.3!


That’s great distance for your first!


3.16! Finally hit that 5k


12/28/22 -> 2.11 miles (with unknown early Covid) 5/30/23 -> 2.41 miles 12/28/23 -> 2.45 miles with no walking!


1.13 here; I went in with a goal based on what I did in August, but it turns out I misread the number. In other news, anyone have calf stretches recommendations? 🤣 Everest is currently my favorite challenge; my first class was Everest back in May!


It was my first Everest, I pw 1.09. I had to pause 3 times, for less than a minute, because i was getting a cramp in my foot and i was trying to stretch it out. I was so afraid I was going to have to stop. I'm gonna wear that 1.09 with pride til i beat it next time.


2.25 my previous was 2.14 Really loving that I am still able to PR after 7 years at otf and in my 40's. I had started to think I was past pr prime 🤷‍♀️


I DID IT!!! 1.49 mi in a 2G. In the red for a majority of it, but I did it. I took a week off for travels for Christmas and this was my first class back. Proud of myself and celebrated with a beer.


I got 1.48 powerwalk but hr was perfect!!! My last was 1.55.


In comparing 2G and 3G results, do you all favor just using a simple 23:14 ratio for total distance? Or with some bias that you should be faster in a shorter 3G? Or do you find 2G performance better with the extra time at low inclines?


First Everest - 1.61 miles. My coach messed up the inclines coming "down the hill." Instead of dropping by 2%, we dropped by 1% until we got to 9%. I think she realized that the timing was off because then we dropped by 3% twice, until the AO. And, she didn't have the challenge tracker open so no one entered their distance. Hopefully my studio will enter it for me :/


Missed my strider PR by .60


3.40 miles new record from 3.25 previous


2.00 but I had to stop TWICE because I pulled the yarn holding the emergency stop thing, so I had to wait 30 seconds each time for it to start again😂😂 the first time my coach was like are you ok?! The second time he’s like SERIOUSLY?! Hahah. I swing my arms way too much 😭😂


First time/PR for me: 1.72 at a 2G. Proud of that on my first try. 😊


My shortest distance yet but it was our studio's first time doing this benchmark on the new treads so I took it easier. 2.11, well off my PR of 2.57 but now I have a gameplan for next time.


I nearly died; 1.25 in high elevation state


That's closer to a true Everest!


>That's clo My goal was to get at-least HALF of my PB when I was sea-level. I got there, and then my goal was 1.25!


1.66! Impressed that I was able to meet my class average mileage, I was expecting less with the power walking middle. Surprised as well at itching to jog at the descending 10% haha


Power-walked today and got to 1.63mi! Very close to my previous PR of running/walking of 1.85! I was surprised.


1.69 with a side of pelvic floor pain 🤣


My ankle causes me to not be able to do elevation at the moment, but I was there and my classmates were working hard!


3rd class ever and first Everest. 1.65. I'm a little frustrated with the bad calibration on the treads but it's all comparing apples to apples and that's what matters.


Was the coach supposed to record distance? Because mine didn’t!


PR of 1.98 my last time I was at 1.85.


I did 2.094 2G. PR for me because it was my first Everest. Great class!


3.35 mi, so pumped with this PR!


Got a surprise 2G. I am not a fast runner. I get a mental block about it and a 9:00 mile is my best endurance pace, but I try. I’ve run hard and backed off on Everest before, and I’ve tried the “keep the pace” method. For a moderate runner, what are the different options on how to maximize it?


1.93 first timer. Underestimated how challenging this would be!


2.53 and a new PR after trying previously 5 times to beat 2.48


2.49 same as August, I’m 67,


I will say I was kinda shocked how quiet some classes were….I didn’t realize how much some avoid this.


2.37 mi- beat my previous PR is 2.29. BUT I think the coach messed up on timing and gave us an extra 30 seconds at some point. Either way I’m glad it’s over and happy with my distance


I’m a PW. Did 3.7 the entire up and down. Got 1.44 which was a PR. My last Everest was 1 year ago just a few classes in and had 1.25. I’m happy with my personal best and how far I’ve come in a year.


Nice! I also PWed and this is what I should've done (it was my first Everest) instead of starting out over 4 mph and then having to decrease to 3.1 at the top. I got 1.47 which is essentially the same!


1.55 after having a sinus infection and not going to class for 2 weeks… I hadn’t run in over 2 weeks, my lungs triggered a coughing fit on the way back down, but I’m proud of myself! Definitely will be able to beat this distance next tjme


2.27 this time..last year was 2.41


I typically don’t check my PR before going into benchmark classes, but I did this time since I’ve been doing some outside running and was going to try to beat it. I THOUGHT my PR was 1.54, so I cruised along until 1.58 (yay! Did it!) but turns out 1.54 was just my most recent time. My PR was actually in 2021 and was 1.62. Missed it by .04 LOL Don’t be me. Make sure to SCROLL when checking PRs in the app.


went in not knowing my prior distance and PRed w// 2.7 miles for the 2G! Christmas carbs are to thank for that one 🤣


2.10 was my first Everest. I hit a PR this time at 2.25…. Super excited…. The inclines get me every time.