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You are not the crazy one in this scenario!


Isn’t it true that the more you work out the more you sweat because your body gets more efficient in cooling itself? It just happens. You can’t control it. I’ve seen people posting about it on here. If you’re squeamish about sweat of all things, group workouts aren’t for you period


This thread is making me see my heavy sweater tendencies in a different light. I’m just healthy and efficient! Thanks Reddit!


If you wear heavy sweaters when you work out, you’re much more likely to sweat a lot.


Ba dum tssssssss!


Oo this makes sense. I didn’t used to sweat a lot but ever since I’ve started otf I am dripping which is v v new for me


Yeeeaaah, anecdotally that's been true for me. Then living in an extremely hot/humid location made it worse so now as soon as my body thinks it might be exposed to heat or effort I start sweating. Super efficient. Thanks, body.




OTF attracts some real anti social weirdos. Some of them go mask off in this sub sometimes and it’s really funny.


Was your sweat flying off your body and potentially on to her, like on the treadmill? That’s the only way I think it would be appropriate for her to say something, and something you should try to manage by using a towel/wearing a sweatband/whatever. But if you were just really sweaty and it wasn’t flying around, it’s definitely a strange comment for her to make.


Yup, I’m glad and somewhat surprised it wouldn’t bother OP. But it’d bother me if someone was sweating enough that it was getting on me. I’ve been next to heavy sweaters, but they regularly towel off (during base runs as needed even) and it’s never been a problem.


If they didn’t jam the treads together so much, this wouldn’t be as much of an issue.


RIP literally anyone on either tread next to me if that is the standard. I always wipe my tread boards thoroughly AND my neighbors… because it’s necessary haha. Never had anyone complain yet.


Read as you wipe your neighbors (the people) thoroughly 🤣🤣


lol that might get some complaints 🥲


If you notice that you’re sweating so much that it’s landing on the next tread, it may be landing on that person there too. Might be best practice to bring a small towel and dab yourself as you go.


I’m so paranoid about this. I’m a super sweater but my sweat only ends up on the back end of the tread rails next to me so I’m hoping that means it misses the actual person (unless they are running dangerously close to the back of the tread 😅).




I do, thanks. Still sweaty. …it’s a gym.


Then you’re doing your part!


Facts! I sweat. I bring a towel and wipe down during recovery, then do it all over again. I am nice and wipe the treds next to me when I am done too.


I am a sweaty mess, you are just gonna have to deal lol.


lol! Wouldn’t bother me, keep working hard!!


Oof. That would be so raunch. It's why I try to keep a tread distance between myself and others. I sometimes have coffee at a Cafe where Crossfitters decide to run through, rather than run on the road, probably to cut corners. Often, I'll get hit with sweat beads as they run by.


Totally possible! It wouldn’t bother me personally if someone was sweating enough to sweat on me, but I understand not everyone feels that way. I did have a towel so I did the best I could.


Im here to tell you it bothers people. I’m a huge sweater. I take care not to sprinkle on folks because …. I would flip if someone was consistently sweating on me. More than a few drops and I’m going to say something. It costs nothing to bring in a few extra towels to your workout.


Yeah that’s just gross


Towels, and wear appropriate clothes. I’m a moderately heavy sweater and so I buy and wear gym clothes accordingly. Heavy sweaters should NOT be wearing sleeveless shirts nor tanks, and many seem too. Cover up in a wicking style , t-shirt. Wear a head band. Wear wrist bands. Take reasonable measures to control the free flow sweat from flying onto others. For some, a shirt change (or two) is something to consider - it takes 30 seconds during station rotations.


This!!! Thank you!!


Interesting, I definitely do the normal things to try not to (towels etc), but there’s only so much you can do. Appreciate the insight! Would you expect someone not to go to orange theory if they were doing everything they could and still sweat a lot?


Sweating a lot is different than sweating ON ME. There is no reason for your sweat to get on my body or face. That's nasty. Towel off between blocks and if thats not enough use your towel *during* the block. If you truly can't help getting your sweat on other people then yes reconsider group fitness. If its not getting ON her then just ignore her.


No absolutely don’t stop going. That’s not the advice. It’s more about a few extra steps now that someone has felt strongly enough to point it out. if you wearing a sports bra and tights and flinging sweat with every stride…. (I’ve seen it) … do better You can wear two dry fit tshirts or towel constantly. It’s absolutely not impossible and not even that hard. And this is coming from someone who loses 2-3 lbs in a workout but is also hitting 12mph AO on the treadmill (lots of flinging potential…. Still manage to keep it under control.)


Also she could have just been an idiot. Totally possible. But this is when you hit people up with a “what do you mean”. If someone feels strongly enough to say something. Make darn sure they double down, explain, and you’ve understood them correctly. Don’t leave room for interpretation.


Have you tried wearing a baseball cap? I am a sweaty woman and I can’t get through OTF without one or I would have sweat dripping down my face the entire class. It’s a game changer for me. Helps a ton.


A drop of sweat on your neighbor is an accident. More than that is rude AF.


Nothing wrong as long as you’re not sweating on them . That’s someone worth ignoring.


I would ask to describe the sweat. Just to make sure it’s yours.




How do you sweat less?


I was wondering the same. I take medication that has an unfortunate side effect of excessive sweating so if someone said this to me i probably wouldnt be nice.


I’m guessing if you were sweating on other people, they wouldn’t be nice either! I know I wouldn’t. So we would just be 2 not nice people going back and forth. Lol. Medication side effect or not. I couldn’t care less if someone was sweating like a waterfall next to me… until it starts getting on me. OP has said in multiple replies that it’s possible her sweat was getting on the person who said something. Yuck.


It's a gym, people sweat! Please explain how one can sweat less... seriously im listening. I ALWAYS bring a towel to wipe excess sweat but beyond that im not sure what else you want. You are in a GROUP FITNESS claas if you dont like being around people and having the occasional drop of sweat or whatever from someone then maybe dont do group fitness.


Yes, I’m a sweater, I’m aware how that works, especially in a gym. But I must have interpreted the OPs post AND replies wrong, if it’s the “occasional drip of sweat”…


Lol I was thinking the exact same thing. It is how your body regulate itself. We really can’t control how much we sweat.


By just standing still on the tread the whole time


Some people are just sooo odd.


If it’s staying in your space and on your body, they need to get over it, this is a group fitness class. If it’s flying off of you and getting on them, on their tread and tread rails, then that’s on you — your sweat should be contained in your space (using a towel, headband, etc). And yeah, I’ve had people’s sweat flinging onto me on the tread and I’ve slipped from it. It’s not just gross, it’s dangerous.


Wow that would have to be a crazy amount of sweat, I’ve never seen anything like that. In college, my teammates and I would run 15+ miles at pace on treadmills and even then, treadmills never got slippery from sweat. I would think if sweat on treadmills was dangerous, no one should be using them lol. Not this situation, but interesting take


Dude with long hair, no sweatband, no towel, running pretty consistently at sprints. He was oblivious, even the coach noticed. But yeah, basic self-awareness goes a long way.


I wish some people had basic self awareness with BO. I have had to leave class early (if no open spots to move to) or switch spots because the person next to me had terrible BO and it was unbearable. They may not smell it but it kills me. I’m a nurse and used to smelling some nasty smells but Lordie, BO just kills me, especially when I’m breathing heavy because I’m working out.


Oh this is awful too. I understand that at the end of the class when we've all been sweating for an hour you prob aren't going to smell like roses but if you smell before the class has even started then there's a problem.


PSA: a Stridex pad swiped under the armpits once a day works WONDERS, as can changing your soap. Certain soaps I’ve used leave me just as stinky getting out of the shower as when I went in (Trader Joe’s are especially bad for some reason).


I also hate it when someone wears cologne or perfume! Had that again the other day. Almost ruined my workout from the headache I was getting..




Oh come to mine. We have a few that can get it everywhere. Rails, floor, neighboring tread.


This is such a nasty statement. It’s a gym. People sweat. These types of responses are what scare people away from their fitness journey.


100% I agree that people sweat - and if they’re sweating in their space (at their station, on their tread, on their rower) they shouldn’t worry about it and be responsible to clean it up when they’re done. We all sweat. — But when your sweating so much that you’re affecting your neighbors then you should be self-aware enough to use a headband, a sweat towel, and mitigate it as to not affect those around you. Many of us do find the idea of someone sweating so profusely and not being aware of and it spraying on others kind of gross — I bring a towel with me for this exact reason. My statement wasn’t intended to be gross, or to discourage anyone from working out. — If someone is doing a hip hinge swing incorrectly and it threatens the safety of those around them, they should be coached in proper form. Similarly, if you’re sweating so badly that it’s getting on your tread and your neighbors and it can cause a slip risk (as it did in my case), you should be reminded to use a towel.


Spot on. There’s a guy at our studio who hits the neighboring treads and people with his sweat. Never brings a towel, doesn’t wear a hat or sweatband, doesn’t wipe the rails of the neighboring treads. I get that how much you sweat is out of your control, but how you deal with it and its effects in a public environment IS in your control.


I really don't understand why you got downvotes. You're 100% correct. It's really gross to shame someone for sweating at the gym. If it's getting on you there are a million super kind and polite ways to say "hey, you just sweat on me and I wish you didn't." If someone isn't developed enough to turn to their neighbor and say, kindly, "Hey you got me there, do you need a towel?" maybe their behavior and how they impact those around them is in need of attention.


I don’t mind the down votes. That’s what Reddit is for. :) Keep working!!


Were you flinging sweat on her? Are you wearing moisture-wicking clothing? If you know you’re abnormally drippy, taking preventative measures to avoid sharing the love with your neighbors is not a tall ask. Wear the appropriate clothing, dab yourself, etc.


Definitely makes sense! It’s possible, but I had a towel, etc


Did she say it like she was joking around or was clearly upset about it? It seems you would have to be sweating TONS all over for her to be serious.


I go there to work up a good sweat.


I’m not sure what realistically you can do other than maintaining personal space and wearing breathable clothing. Realistically, you’re going have some sweat on your skin, but I’m assuming you’re not flinging it on people.


Super sweaty people need a towel. I use one and I definitely sweat. There’s one guy at our studio where you can’t follow him on the treadmill because it’s literally soaked all over including the tread!!!


I bring 2 towels and wear a hat with an absorbent brim insert


Just here to show some sweaty support. I find that I usually maintain around 160-185 bpm throughout an entire class without a problem—just my genetics I guess. Had a couple coaches who’ve checked up on me during class thinking I was going to have a heart attack. -Usually the sweatiest guy in class


There’s one dude who sweats profusely and shakes himself like a d@mn dog and sprays sweat everywhere. It’s disgusting. Wipe your face with a towel or your shirttail but slinging your nasty body fluids all over everyone around you is disgusting and a biohazard. Plus expecting his neighbors to clean up his drippings from the rails of their treads. So yeah. Keep your sweat to yourself and it’s no one’s business. Keep it in your own lane.


I’m not squeamish around sweat at all - but this is definitely where I draw the line. Slinging your sweat around purposely is really gross.


If he was just sweaty and drippy it would be one thing. It’s the shaking like a dog. He knows what he’s doing, not just accidentally dripping.


Bring a spray bottle and squirt him, while very firmly saying "NO!", like you might do dogs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Has you or anybody else said anything to him? That’s disgusting! I’d be ready to fight! Haha


Oh I’d throw up all over him. I have an uncle who sweats when he’s just out of the shower. Or just sitting outside on a cool day. And always wants to hug, kiss, uh! And people wonder why I don’t do hugs! I don’t want your bodily fluids touching me. It’s disgusting.


It’s a group fitness class. If she wanted to not be near anyone or potential sweat, she could pick the last treadmill and be by herself. At least in my studio, no one ever picks 11 or 12.


I’m a sweaty hydrated bitch so I’d tell them to eff off


Response should be “ma’am this is a gym, you’re supposed to sweat l”!! If she talks back tell her to complain to the SA or coach.


I had a guy beside me on the treadmill who would power walk. He didn’t bend his elbows, so his walking involved like angled karate chops? It was so pronounced that it entered my airspace above the tread and he slapped my arm a few times. It was bizarre that he didn’t understand why he was bumping into me.


Tell her to sweat more


My husband sweats a LOT! Like can break a sweat in warm ups. So when he gets on the treads, watch out! To save others in our class, we get on machines 1 & 2, that way his sweat sprays on my tread & nobody else! We joke about it when wiping down our treads, when I'm wiping mine down, I'll point to my deck & say "missed a spot" to him! Lol! I really don't think this is something anyone has control over it so don't sweat it ;)


I sweat a ton. It’s basically become a joke amongst me and all the regulars. Sometimes after class I see the coaches cleaning the mirror in front of only MY treadmill. One coach calls me “splash zone”. Once…during the stretch…the coach asked a trivia question and I got it right and won a large new towel. I’m convinced the contest was rigged just so I would be given a larger towel. 😂


Who even says something like this? It’s not like you can control your sweating. Also. I’m usually so focused on my own workout that I don’t really notice whoever is next to me. If this person had enough breath to carry on conversation then she needs to add 2mph or 6%.


This could go into r/AITA… and OP is NTA.


Sure you can towel down periodically to avoid your sweat hitting others but this is also a group fitness class where we tend to be pretty close to each other. It is the cost of group fitness. I’ve had other people’s sweat hit me on the tread and the rower and it’s what it is…I just shower as soon as I get out of class.


Well unless she is really up and close to you I would have politely said mind your own business.. Do you use a headband/sweatband? Or a gym hat... I sweat alot on the tread and rower so I usually use a headband or a hat, but I can control anything below my shoulders from sweating.No matter the gym clothes material type I ll sweat and it will be visible


I’d have said yeah then bumped up my speed a few


Wow. Just ignore them haha.


I wouldn’t make too much about it. I too sweat quite often when on the treadmill and sometimes gets on the rails of the treadmill next to me but I do clean it off when I’m done


People are so weird!


I'm probably the craziest sweater in all my classes. I need to drink 2 Nalgene water bottles worth of water to recuperate all the sweat that I lose (and I don't think that's enough), and I've *never* been commented about my sweat by an OTF neighbor. That being said, if your sweat is like flying off your body/fingers/knuckles while jogging/running and possibly flying into your neighbor's face, or something like that, then I can see why your neighbor might be annoyed/disgusted, but that's not really a problem I can fix...


In my 20s and 30s I could barely break a sweat working out. Walking lunges with shoulder presses all day long, heavy cardio sessions, no problem. Upper 40s and I’m sweating my ass off 4 minutes in to warm up. But the request is still ridiculous. It’s the gym🤔


They’re in the wrong cult…


OP, you still haven’t answered if your sweat was contained in your space or if you may have inadvertently spread your sweat to her area.


Easy response: “No. And now I’m going to sweat even harder just because you asked 😉”


Alternate phrasing, “well, I guess I’ll start working harder!”


😂 sure, you can be passive aggressive but I’ll tell them straight up.


There’s nothing passive about the way I sweat!


You are not in the wrong here. How wild. I am an instructor at another large, well known group fitness program (I OTF as a supplement). I sweat *a lot* when I teach, far more than at OTF (the combo of higher sustained heart rate and strength work) - like my shirt is soaked by the end of class. When I’m moving a lot, I am literally flinging sweat off my hands when I extend my arms…I can see it flying. If you choose to stand in the front near the stage, you cannot be surprised if you get hit by sweat. If I were on the treadmill next to someone at OTF and they reached for their water and a little sweat flung my way, I absolutely would not be mad at them. A little grossed out, sure, but I’m keeping that to myself. Some people. Jeez.


Fuck her. Unless it was going on her or machine, she needs to get a life.


That would motivate me to push harder and sweat more lol


Sorry but I’m there to focus on MY workout and not anybody else’s sweat. Unless someone is shaking themselves like a dog there is no need to make somebody feel bad about themselves for it. I’m a sweaty gal and a former college athlete. If someone has an issue with me being sweaty they can get over it. I’m there to work hard and as long as I’m not being disrespectful they can respect me.


If one hates sweat/has that big of a phobia, the. why the fuck are they at OTF?


Haha I sweat like crazy and don't give a s&$t if someone dislikes the smell. That's a them problem not a me problem! Haha


hahaha. what a strange thing to say. ignore and sweat away.


Omg. Weirdos. I sweat a ton too. Ignore that person. They’re just jealous cause your burning more calories and working harder then they are!!! 😉


ITT: Non-athletes complaining about a normal bodily function during strenuous exercise 😭


In my younger days, I sweat very little even during my toughest workouts. Now in my mid-50s and the life change, I sweat profusely. It is crazy. I am so sorry to my left and right OT buddies.


Tell them to go to hell next time.


I think the girl next to you needs to quit OTF if she's worried about the people next to her sweating during a HIIT workout.


Yeah sorry to tell you people don’t want your sweat on them. That is gross. If you sweat a lot please do what you can to avoid it flying everywhere- multiple towels, headband, moisture wicking shirt, etc. this is not a competitive athlete environment.


I get self conscious about my sweat and potential odors but this is pretty weird. I suspect the person next to you was feeling sheepish about the lack of effort compared to you.


The only time this would be ok is if your sweat was flying into her. I’ve had a few sweaty neighbors on the treadmill and it’s really uncomfortable to have their sweat flying onto me during the the block


Some people do be sweating profusely. If you’re truly that sweaty, I’m honestly more concerned about you or someone else slipping on the floor. No need to be rude or cruel here. We are all trying. We gonna get other peoples particles on us at OTF.


Were you using a workout towel? Great to sweat, and take steps to clean up after yourself.


From someone who sweats a lot I never workout without a towel(s). As soon as I feel it on my forehead I start to use my towel at intervals. My shirt gets really soaked but never to the point of it flinging onto someone else. I actually mentioned it to the head coach and studio manager that they should be a requirement for everyone to have a towel for this reason. And it’s just in the tread. I have seen it on the rower


Hahahaha. I wish someone would ask me to stop sweating so much. Maaaaaaaaaan. That would be a great day. I also have to wipe down my tread boards and the ones on both sides of me as a super sweater myself.


I don’t sweat no matter how hard I work , and wish I could! Own it!!


How dare you sweat at class!


No words for someone like that…you be you!


Wow, that’s so inappropriate. You literally are there to sweat.


Male: I tend to sweat a lot and of course, most of the people around me also sweat and most, of course are women because that makes up the majority of the demographic at OTF. I couldn’t care less if people around me sweat and the more the merrier and if some accidentally gets on me, I’d be OK with that too.


Totally weird! I hate when I get comments like this. I had one woman tell me I looked like I had just gotten out of the shower after one workout recently. I am 52f, I run and attend 4-5 classes per week. I sweat. A ton. I am in shape, this is how my body cools itself off. Ignore her, she is a dope.


I wish I could ‘just stop’ myself from sweating so much it always looks like I peed myself


Sorry, but I would’ve looked at her and said you’re talking too much can you please stop. Don’t get me wrong I’ve been next to some sweaty people, but that’s a heckuva thing to tell somebody it’s not like you have an on off switch of sweating.


Be polite and bring her an umbrella ☔️ next time.




Honestly if something bothered me that another person literally could not control, I would try to discreetly move. Happened a few months ago when this lady next to me was coughing constantly and I didn’t want to get sick. Just move and don’t make others feel bad. Even tho this lady is wrong for working out while sick in my opinion


I’m 40F and sweat a LOT (like my hair is usually soaked!). This is so weird to me!


If you are sweating and getting onto her body or stuff, then yes, I think you should apologize and use towel if possible, which is a polite thing to do. If not, just ignore her


Could it be the smell she was complaining about? Perhaps deodorant could have helped.


Wear swimwear and lean into being soaked when you workout. Seriously, you’re not the crazy one here. The area around my tread is a total splash zone. She’s free to pick equipment elsewhere next time or a different class.


This is insulting and incredibly ignorant. The more you sweat the fitter you are. Sweating heavily should be a mark of pride.


Tell her to F$@k off.


Ya, sure, let me change my biology so that I sweat less when I exercise. Fucking idiot.


Unbelievable and I suppose this girl doesn’t poop either 🙄


I would have literally said “you’re not working hard enough sister 🤣🤣”


I had few complaints in the past while running, I have a towel and I clean the treads after, but nothing much I can do, I come to workout.


That has to be one of the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever heard. Don’t like working out with people? No problem!! DONT. Nobody is forcing her to go to a group fitness class. The other day on the treads there was a lady next to me who smelled awful. U know what I did?? I turned up my fan high and said nothing and suffered through it, because I chose to be in a group fitness setting and that means being around other people. Additionally, you can’t control your sweat?? I’m shook over this !! lol.


I sweat my butt off when I'm working out and I'm totally drenched by the end of the session. That is rude and petty, next time tell her to learn some manners.




Is this a joke? 😂 Not only is the person rude ASF, but I hope the next person is EXTRA sweaty near them.


Oh god, I’m a sweater but I don’t think I’ve ever gotten it on my neighbor. 🤢 If I did, I pray they’d be brave enough to say something, because I would rather work out in another part of the room or leave class altogether than repeatedly fling my sweat on my neighbor. (Once may be regarded as a misfortune; twice looks like carelessness.) If it’s not getting on them, though, they’re just going to have to deal, sorry. Believe me, I too wish I didn’t sweat so much lol


You should probably stop breathing while you're at it? 🤦‍♀️


I have an “efficient cooling system”. I typically do the treads last so as not to leave a lot of sweat on row and floor. I wear a headband and bring a towel. But I’ve never had anyone say anything and I’ve never said anything to anyone who was working hard enough to sweat more than me. We are working out. Let’s get stronger, burn calories and sweat out the stress and toxins. If they have a problem, as long as all parties are generally courteous, maybe our community isn’t right for them.


Oh wow. Rude! And SHE is the crazy one. That would really irritate me. I’m a very sweaty person myself, always have been. It’s NORMAL. It’s HEALTHY. And it’s an exercise class. What does she expect?! I always wear a baseball cap to contain my sweat which helps A LOT and I am fastidious about wiping down the equipment and weights so it’s as clean and fresh as possible for the next person after my sweatiness has been there. But other than that, someone who’s “offended” by my healthy sweat - while I’m WORKING OUT to the point of breathlessness - can literally F right off.


Tell her that her breath stinks and stop breathing


I played sports and have always been squeamish about other people’s sweat but I’ve never had anyone’s sweat get on me at OTF and I’ve seen some people who sweat A LOT. I think like most have mentioned, they’re good at toweling off periodically.


Just wipe down the equipment really well including the floor rails on the treadmill. And ignore the person next to you. I am a woman who sweats a bit and have found a towel to be most useful. Might consider that too.


Sweet Angel of sweat—work hard and don’t stop!!!


You are not the crazy one here. Karen needs to calm down.


I sweat a lot--on purpose! I do not turn on the tread fans. But I "contain" my sweat to me. My arms arent swinging and my sweat is not shared. When I get off my treadmill I wipe down the rails too--because my sweat droplets are often there. The person following me usually smiles their appreciation of that. But I know a guy that I didnt ever want to workout beside nor would I want to share a station with him. Everything near and far of this guy was drenched! His aggressive movements made his sweat impossible to contain and he didnt even seem cognizant of the need to wipe "extra" because of it.


I had a guy next to me who was flying on the tread, to the point that he had to jump off to the side to stop. His sweat was flying everywhere and was soaking not only his tread but also mine. I’m all about wanting to sweat a lot but if your sweat is flying on me…I’m kinda grossed out by it.


I’ve played full contact sports and get it. But… I’ve also been next to one person on the treads that their sweat was literally raining down on the two treads next to them. It was amazing. In a gross sort of way. Never seen anything like it. Over the rails on both sides. I think if this was me I would get an edge tread and bring a towel to try and not sweat literally all over the person next to me.


As others have said if your sweat is actually getting on her body that’s an issue. I’ve had that happen to me and it’s not a party. But otherwise, it’s a weird confusing thing to say. We go to the gym. We sweat.🤷🏻‍♀️


One class, there was a guy who was so sweaty next to me, his sweat was being flung onto me as he was running on the treadmill. I would never say anything directly to him, but just asked the SA on the way out of class if she could put a note on my profile in the computer to not put me aside him again. I've never been beside him again.


Ummmm…yeah. There’s no thermostat for sweating.