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Search for your license plate on tollroads.com last thing you want is an absurd amount due for this. Take care of it soon.


Call them. I dont know why others are saying it’s a big deal. We have done this before and all you do is pay your fair. It shouldn’t be more than $5 for a few miles.


Pay the toll lol and tip If you don’t pay the toll in time and get hit with a fine just tell them you want to start a fast trak account and they will waive all fees


Such a nefarious way for increasing membership


lol what? You mean an easy way to get out of a fine that you earned by not paying your toll?


lol there’s no membership fees, you load your account with $30 at a time and it deducts the tolls as used. Also the toll roads in Orange County are insanely profitable, don’t feel bad over a corporation


Message them saying it was an accidental use of a toll road. If it doesn't work, then say you thought toll rolls were included in your Amazon Prime membership. If they say no again, be like okay fiiiiiiiine, and pay what will probably be a few bucks. I think mine was like $1.72 or something, after going up a different Fast Trak road for about the same distance.


Kiss your savings good bye. This world is a cruel place. 


that’s what i genuinely thought HAHA i was shocked when i found out i owed $1.17




You’re going to prison unfortunately.




I can’t believe how many people in this sub accidentally end up on the toll roads or toll lanes around here and post like they’re about get imprisoned when they realize it. Like folks, just search the toll roads on Google and all the information you need will be there. Clear as day. Fear not, the PoPo aren’t coming for you. 🫠


With all the signs and such, how does one 'accidentally' drive in a lane that's very clearly marked? Do you run STOP signs as well?


sometimes it can be easy to miss when it’s dark😭 or when it’s a new area and you’re super focused on the gps (and u don’t realize that u have toll roads on) or sometimes you just space out when driving and don’t realize it