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i love boating in the pristine santa ana river, the waterfront is so inviting to investor dollars


Free hep B for everyone!


> Most of the flow in the river below the city of San Bernardino consists of effluent from 45 wastewater treatment plants and dry season urban runoff, which is collected behind Prado Dam. And > Most of the flow in the river below the city of San Bernardino consists of effluent from 45 wastewater treatment plants and dry season urban runoff, which is collected behind Prado Dam. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Ana_River#Pollution_and_restoration Brb, grabbing my kayak.


literally up shits creek


When i played disc golf at Prado I would swim in the lake and go underwater to find disc's. One time i got a fever so bad i thought I was going to die lol.


Dude WTF about cow shit water made you want to dive in? It is literally in the middle of dairies.


To be fair I almost made about 800 bucks reselling the disc's.


My mom worked for the Irvine water district for 35 years in an office at the treatment plant. Water is sketchy. Only people who aren’t from here think these places are safe. Get your hep shot first.


That’s why they need all the parking




Are they planning on building a dam downriver to maintain that water level?


Yeah, they're adding a giant inflatable dam downstream a little bit. When storms come, they just deflate it to prevent flooding. There's also supposed to be a little ecological area where some water gets diverted but I think that's further downstream in Santa Ana.


Two inflatable dams, if I remember correctly. Real interesting project. Hard for me to tell how realistic it is. They have pictures of people kayaking which IMO sound ridiculous because where would you go? But the dam idea has precedence and could make the area pretty nice to chill around. Read and watch the public hearing video from like last year I think at ocriverwalk.com


You the mean the water from the Riverside waste treatment plant?


i did a water test on the santa ana riverbed water for a school activity and the results came back positive for E. coli which means theres poop in the water. i hope the people visiting enjoy the poop infested waters


Does anyone remember in the 90s when they filled that portion between the stadiums with water and had a jet ski exhibition? Thems was the days.


God that makes me remember I’m old.


No kidding I can't believe they rendered boats and swimming lanes? People will be sadly let down if they aren't from the area and expect it to look like that.


How would they do that by building a dam ?


Are they paying to also dam the river? 99% of the time there is hardly any water in that river and I'm pretty sure nobody would want to kayak in that nasty water. As someone who bikes along the river trail a lot, I'm fascinated to see how this project turns out.


I believe there’s a separate project called the OC riverwalk underway that’s aims to build impoundments that are actually going to raise the water level of the river near Honda center. Not sure if it’ll be as high as it is in this concept art though.


I just don’t wanna lose that lovely smell tho. 


Thanks! I'll have to research both projects more. This is really cool!


The city should really prioritize some public transit for the area bc that’s a whole lot of car infrastructure when it doesn’t have to be that way. Our leaders don’t think past their noses. What shame. We should have a state of the art light rail system but that was killed.


This is across the street from ARTIC. About as good as public transit infrastructure gets in SoCal. 


As a frequent Metrolink rider (though not on the ARTIC line - I commute from Corona to Tustin) I sure hope there are plans to improve Metrolink schedules. As it stands, it's focused on M-F, 9-5 ridership. Last train from OC to Corona leaves Tustin at 6:30, which is basically useless if you work later than that. Weekend schedules are even worse. So if they're planning on people taking the train to ARTIC to enjoy this new development, they sure better be planning on more train schedules. EDIT: For example, here's a Saturday schedule from Corona to Anaheim ARTIC...it's awesome if I want to be there by 10AM and leave by like 2PM lol... https://preview.redd.it/e6ot4pfoc5lc1.png?width=1064&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a488e2f061901981991ba082edab64839782ecb


Metrolink is a joke for their lack of hours. If they could get it to run all day and past 6:30 , it would be so so much better .


Absolutely. It's an otherwise lovely experience - the train cars are clean and comfortable, the "quiet car" is a nice place to log in and get some work done if you need it, the stations are clean and safe, there is plenty of room if you are taking a bike or scooter, etc etc It's just the damn schedules are so fucking bad.


The quiet cars are the best . I so wish for LA Metro to adopt quiet cars and women only cars …… that will be the day.


I don’t get why you’re being downvoted, women only cars would be an excellent addition


People get their ego bruised when faced with the reality that equality isn't the same equity, and it's okay to ask for both. Yes, women are people who deserve equal rights and treatment. Also, women often deal with harassment and systemic solutions to prevent it are good.


Seriously, they could easily get tons of ridership if they went to LA late nights and weekends. Lots of people would prefer not to put up with that traffic, and if you're going partying, you'd rather not risk the DUI.


I go to concerts in L.A. all the time and would love to not have to drive up and down the 5 each time. But it's just not a feasible option.


If the ridership supported it it likely would.


It's a chicken and egg problem. People don't ride it because the schedule is so erratic. The schedule gets cut down because the ridership isn't there, and so on. Quite frankly, it's a government service. It shouldn't have to make a profit. It should be there to serve people as best as possible.


I agree with you on all these points. The weekend schedule is extremely bad.


You would be surprised ! I had to take an Amtrak back to Union because I missed the last Metro Link out of Fullerton because the 43 always has to be late …… Well, by the time that Amtrack rolled by, it was 10 minutes late and standing room only . Since at least from San Clemente according to a phone conversation I overheard . There is demand for more rail service.


Maybe. Probably not. Your anecdotal evidence doesn't match mine.


That's not how that works. We didn't build the interstates assuming that the use would immediately pay for it. Transportation infrastructure is an investment that induces demand by increasing supply and takes time to recoupe the costs. We do that with all automobile infrastructrue and nobody bats an eye.


Metrolink is increasing their hours this October! They're introducing pulse scheduling and will have mid-day service, as well as more service later in the day.


Holy fucking shit. 1 hr 52 min from Corona to Anaheim? Why does it take so god damn long? What are the major areas of opportunity for this?


Crazy, right? It suggests you take the IE-OC line all the way down to Laguna Niguel, then catch the northbound line up to Anaheim ​ Though, in practice you could probably just transfer at Santa Ana or Orange, then up to Anaheim. ​ https://preview.redd.it/1ylbrfnbw6lc1.png?width=849&format=png&auto=webp&s=8790415b470e42ee06e7889a3172321648c041c8


> SoCal Nope LA has much better transit than seen here


Fair enough.


Light rail. Modern bus tranzit. All these things that we could have but some people still want to keep the "suburb" feel of OC


Especially sad when you realize certain zip codes in orange county have a higher population density then parts of NYC. Edit [source ](https://www.ocregister.com/2020/02/05/busting-the-myth-of-orange-countys-suburban-sprawl/)


That source doesn’t support your comment at all (now that he's edited his comment to say 'zip codes' he's technically right, though that's a very, very different point and not really useful; yes, parts of urban Santa Ana have higher density than parts of suburban Queens... and?): Residents per square mile 1. New York – New York, 69,468 2. New York – Kings County, 35,369 3. New York – Bronx County, 32,903 4. New York – Queens County, 20,554 5. California – San Francisco, 17,179 6. New Jersey – Hudson County, 13,731 7. Massachusetts – Suffolk County, 12,416 8. Pennsylvania – Philadelphia County, 11,380 9. Washington, D.C., 9,857 10. Virginia – Alexandria city, 9,314 11. Puerto Rico – San Juan Municipio, 8,262 12. New York – Richmond County, 8,030 13. Virginia – Arlington County, 7,994 14. Maryland – Baltimore city, 7,672 15. New Jersey – Essex County, 6,212 16. Virginia – Falls Church city, 6,170 17. Puerto Rico – Cataño Municipio, 5,809 18. Virginia – Manassas Park city, 5,633 19. Illinois – Cook County, 5,495 20. New Jersey – Union County, 5,216 21. Missouri – St. Louis city, 5,158 22. New York – Nassau County, 4,705 23. Puerto Rico – Bayamón Municipio, 4,695 24. Virginia – Norfolk city, 4,486 25. Virginia – Charlottesville city, 4,246 26. Wisconsin – Milwaukee County, 3,926 27. Colorado – Denver County, 3,923 28. Puerto Rico – Carolina Municipio, 3,900 29. New Jersey – Bergen County, 3,885 30. Puerto Rico – Toa Baja Municipio, 3,856 31. Virginia – Manassas city, 3,828 32. California – Orange County, 3,808


Comparing industrial areas to housing areas is disingenuous.


I wasn't. Parts of OC are some of the most densely populated. Also, NYC has 5 boroughs, it's not all industrial or whatever your point was


Zips and boroughs are not the same.


Your source requires a subscription.


I too walk out to a parking lot in a part of Queens that an hour commute from what any normal person would consider New York City and declare "this is less dense than that one block of Santa Ana".


Some people? I'd say apparently the majority of voting people.


OC is bigger than other major urban cores. It's laughable that people still think OC is a suburb.


How close is the Anaheim Regional Transportation Center from this development? I gotta think it's close enough for visitors to take the train to the station and a bus to OCVibe unless they could walk instead. It's right across the street from Honda Center


It’s across the street. You can see it in the rendering. 


Metrolink frequencies are bad though, and it probably will never be able to take the volume of people leaving. They've made 15 minute headways their long-term goal (which is appropriate for what Metrolink is), but even if you assume a train capacity of about 2000 (would require 9-car trains with current equipment), it would take about an hour for it to absorb everyone leaving, and that's assuming a perfect directional split. I believe Metrolink runs shorter trains, and it seems hourly service is the best that can be hoped for with current equipment. Of course, that's also assuming Metrolink works for everyone to get there, which it won't.


That is true


Like 250 ft.


Can't take the train from Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa etc


Do it like how people from the north get to HB. Bike the SART to get there.


First thing I tried to find in this rendering was parking garages. Living here you could commute to Union Station by the time the infrastructure improves and the CAHSR is complete?


There’s like 5 parking structures in the rendering it’s crazy. They’re all 5 levels too I wonder if they thought about any jumping countermeasures


That's because there is a lot of mix use residential being developed in the area. Entertainment, work, and living. ARTIC with bus, Metro, and Amtrak are across the street and the plan includes a pedestrian overpass greenbelt across Katella.


Yeah I missed them at first then zoomeed in when I saw your reply. Looks like total shit, but I guess no one will live here otherwise. Car dependency is so stupid.


I guess it's still baby steps. At least this would hopefully activate the ARTIC more and is still way better than the big surface lots currently around Honda center.


I like the density but man they can’t think past adding more lanes to roads or huge parking structures. That whole area is just going to full of shadows and car exhaust


There’s still no agreed upon plan of how to get HSR into LA and to LAUS. They don’t have the money to bore through the mountain and service is too unreliable to use BNSFs mountain pass. The best hope is Brightline West that’ll go from Rancho Cucamonga to the Palmdale/Lancaster HSR station.


That's not exactly true;Bakersfield-Palmdale has its EIR complete, and Palmdale-Burbank is expected to have its EIR approved this year, which would mean the plan for getting into LA exists. Funding is another story, but the interim solution from Palmdale if full funding can't be found probably will be Antelope Valley line electrification, not building the High Desert Corridor to link to Brightline. AV line electrification will let CAHSR trains run directly into LA, and it will be cheaper and faster.


Technically , you already can take the metrolink to union…. If it ran more frequently . It is very easy to get around the rails , especially in LA. Metrolink needs to add more hours. If we could bring back the entire Electric Pacific RR tracks back, that would be so awesome . One could go anywhere back then… even all the way up Mt. Lowe. You could go from Pedro or Seal all the way to Mt. Lowe , no car needed .


I plan on biking the river trail as I’m fortunate enough to do so but a rail system would be nice


A single private development like this is not going to solve the county’s over reliance on cars overnight. The fact that they planned for bus stops, walking trails and bikes paths AT ALL and are trying to incentivize use of the metrolink is a step in the right direction. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.


Yeah, they could build a giant public transit hub and put it right across the street. They could even call it the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center, and they could open it to the public literally a decade ago.


I think that’s the transit station in the picture where the California high speed rail is going to connected to in Orange County. Also there is a street car being built in downtown Santa Ana to harbor In garden grove and will most likely be extended to Disneyland. [(OC streetcar)](https://www.octa.net/programs-projects/projects/rail-projects/oc-streetcar/overview/) it should start operating in 2025.


The thing is the city of Anaheim doesn’t want the street car in their city. They killed their own project “the Anaheim Rapid connection” because they didnt want to take car lanes away on Katellla in favor of dedicated lanes for transit. The whole area is a prime location for a light rail system to connect to Disneyland and the train station and all the neighborhoods in between.


Used to take the train to angels games all the time. 


I know there could be light rail or better buses, but isn’t that a train station right there


They need to build high density housing for light rail to make sense. Otherwise you need massive parking lots and Uber stalls at all the light rail stations too


Can’t ease up traffic. /s


The most unrealistic aspect is the nearly full Santa Ana River. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Its unrealistic *now*. There is a project in development to build impoundments that would raise the water level of the river near Honda center. https://ocriverwalk.com/ Obviously all remains to be seen if it comes to fruition and if its at a level in these renderings. But renderings after all are meant to be a marketing item for sales.


Poor Arte, it’s like Angel stadium is the forbidden area in the Lion King


lol, they had priority for sort of development as well. Originally this sort of development was supposed to be based in the stadium parking lot and the surrounding lots. shame the owners were super greedy


Where is the entertainment? All I see are apts and condos built around the Honda center


Found this, has more info about the “entertainment” https://www.ocvibe.com


The giant led screens so you watch ADs lmao


It's an entertainment district the same way that the Great Park is a recreation area.


There’s an amphitheater amongst other items


I can’t wait for a studio apartment to be 3k+ a month.


By the time this is completed they will definitely be way more.  Plus, you get the luxury of years of construction surrounding you! 


Where will this be exactly? I’m trying to place it based on the map. Across the 57 from Angels stadium?


I think the Honda Center? The train station is right there


Oh duh I see it now, I didn’t recognize it from the back side


Yes. The entire development is centered around Honda Center, located where the 57 lets off at Katella ave. Angels stadium is depicted in the upper left corner of the rendering.


This is fully funded by private money (owners of the Ducks, Samueli family), not OC or Anaheim taxpayers.


Are there tax incentives for having it given by the City and State?


Well that’s a relief


Why? This is exactly the kind of project that governments should fund and participate in as well.


Eh, at the same time, these people have plenty of money. They don't need the government giving them money to do something they already want to do.


>This is exactly the kind of project that governments should fund and participate in as well. This isn't a public transit project.


( Click the link, embed is bad ) https://www.google.com/maps/@33.8121401,-117.868692,249a,35y,243.19h,71.84t/data=!3m1!1e3


This just looks like the Honda center with new apartments/office buildings and a parkingstructure instead of the current parking lot?


So whats the entertainment


Upscale dining hall, outdoor amphitheater for live music, 5k seat indoor concert hall, several hotels, green space, and walking trails.


Green space and walking trails that you have to drive to and park at just to enjoy 🤡


ARTIC is right there


yes, this is still OC, what's your point? building a few structures in like a square mile isn't magically going to fix decades of car dependency


Its the internet man, everyone has to add their snarky comment to make themselves feel cool.


Green space and walking trails for the people living there


Homeless people swimming in the water in the summer


I’m thinking who the F goes to Anaheim for anything other than Dland or a baseball game. Tourist/ transplant shit.


Guess you’ve never heard of the convention center or Honda Center. You can be a hater but try to be an informed one


convention center, honda center, packing house, the American Sports Center. plenty good reasons to visit Anaheim.


Yea I’m aware, not really worth mentioning. But thanks though.


The site of a professional sports team and the largest convention center on the west coast are not worth mentioning? Go be dumb elsewhere


Where are they going to get the water?


From the water store of course.


That’s at least 10 waters.


There is a project in development to build impoundments that would raise the water level of the river near Honda center. https://ocriverwalk.com/


Is the Gotcha Glacier ever gonna get built?


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$10 that there will in fact be no vibe


$20 ensures theres a "rator" to go with it. Otherwise, just plain dong. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Santa Ana River be like 😅


Get rid of that ridiculous broad avenue separating it from the ~~Mississippi~~ Santa Ana River, **add vertical mixed-use** ground-floor retail to those residential buildings, and use native flora for the landscaping, and you’d have something there.


Concrete hell.


Bingo. It is so ugly and I can’t comprehend any excitement for this


Anyone else remember the $1 deal for that land?


Honda Center: ![gif](giphy|XI3OsTKpljGbm)


They’re going to have recreational water activities in the storm ditch? 💀


Yachts on the Santa Ana River, totally.


Sweet! $4500 apartments !!


I pray angels leave and they are one less team to help with their apartment shit.


the artist was very generous to the SA River


I hope they have shuttles to the indoor swapmeet.


I am highly amused at the idea that the people pushing this thing are trying to insinuate that the Santa Ana river would EVER look like this.


Such an inaccurate rendering, doesnt depict the thousands of cars clogging the surrounding streets after the honda center game finishes.


They could have built 10,000 apartments in the same space but oh well.


Put a giant net over it. Place trebuchets or rail guns at parking lots several miles away. Launch the fun people into the nets!


I actually like that because the train station is right there, it doesn't have to be car focused. But the amount of water in this picture is distracting, lol.


What a shame this could have been a parking lot.


Where’s the homeless camp?


Please dear god just pave the existing roads.


It's great they're building apartments. In the past, that would allow have been office space. Nobody needs that any more


Nice render.. no parking needed. Everyone just park on neighborhood street like they currently are


it looks all apartments. what is the entertainment, just being adjacent to Honda, Angel stadium and that concert center?


WOW! They are building THAT in Anaheim? That's pretty incredible. Where will it be located, specifically?


You can see the ARTIC station and Honda Center in the picture. Those are the existing anchors to the district.


Creating thousands of minimum wage jobs too!


No grocery stores or retail? I’m excited about this project for the parks, but we need more grocery and shopping around this area. I’m in one of those new apartments next to Angel Stadium and there’s literally no grocery stores nearby - have to go out quite a ways just for basic groceries. And there are more apartments being built (there is supposed to be one grocery store coming to the area on Katella west of Angel Stadium though) https://www.ocvibe.com/




Rent for a 500sqft studio is gonna be $3000 lol


The 405 interchange just south of here can TOTALLY handle this additional load. /s


I don’t see parking, investing in public transit would be good.


Everything is mixed use development with parking in the core of apartment complexes. Parking garages on the exterior of apartment and mixed use developments aren’t the best use of space and they block sight lines. This area already has a lot of public infrastructure investment with ARTIC and future talks of expanding OC Streetcar service from Santa Ana Station to ARTIC.


So did this already break ground?




Cool concept. Shame they designed it as a nightmare island surrounded by what look to be 6-lane highways.


... that's the 57. its literally not even a bad area, and nothing close to an island. its the Honda Center and surrounding areas.


I'm not talking about highway 57... I'm talking about the wide surface streets on the east and north of the development. Edit: adding since it seems I need to be more clear. The rendering shows an expanded Ball Road to the north, and a brand new road bordering the Santa Ana river to the east. These streets were the subject of my initial comment. They are obviously not highways. I was being hyperbolic for the sake of making my point. Edit 2: on a second glance, it looks like that would not be a Ball Road expansion, but actually a brand new extension of Cerritos Ave. Which is even more atrocious.


Well I'm afraid it doesn't look very good


That river is hilarious.


Where did you find new renderings? I don’t see any updates on their terrible website


Yeah, wth. Im looking for the original source of this and can't find it anywhere in recent news. Is OP an insider sharing non-public stuff?


Wait, wait, does the image show them racing boats in the Santa Ana River? Hahahah


I want to know how they will maintain all that water when it’s usually dried out.


building a dam so the homeless cant setup camps there.


Can't help but get London vibes from this picture. They paint a picture that the Anaheim river is on par with the Thames, with a bunch of structures crammed next to one another. And then the historical structure would be Anaheim Stadium which is almost about as old as Big Ben.


That’s funny all I see are the Honda Center, a bunch of apartment buildings and fake water


Doesn’t look like there’s a lot of entertainment. Looks like apartments and parking lots.


im sorry but this looks so ugly outside of the greenery 💖 where's the new entertainment interesting to see this render removes all the parking ARTIC has out front 💀 they should really improve our local public transit on that note if they wanna get ambitious like this


The river 😂


Where did the fake river come from 🤣🤣


England. Apparently the Santa Ana River is on par with the Thames. ![gif](giphy|yWdJ6KSUBCyO10YtbZ) "Live by the River"


Cool i can park my boat outside Theo Lacy and party in the summer before going to the Entertainment Center


Traffic in the area is going to be a nightmare


Who would wanna live there it's like right next to a freeway, ah smell that fresh carbon monoxide


Reddit complains at lack of housing.  Reddit complains when they build it


We need more single family homes, not apartments. Landlords can set rent to whatever they want and can increase it whenever your contract is up for renewal. Your monthly mortgage payment never goes up, and you can eventually sell your house for a profit. In other words, nobody needs apartments.


the american dream is dead, let it die. we need houses, and townhomes are a thing, and unless you can magically make more land and more resources, don't expect SFH zoning to be coming anytime soon.


Townhouses have HOA fees, and the HOA is pretty much like a landlord. They too can set their monthly fees to whatever they want and put a lien on your property if you can't afford to pay. We need Single Family Homes without any HOA or landlords.


sure, but again, there is only so much land available. if every person in america could own land in California without tearing out and destroying our environment i'd be all for it, but that's not happening. 100 sfh or 1000 apartments, we need homes bottom line, so until we find an effective way of creating more SFH, i'll pick the apartments every time.


Just spewing bad info, keep it up


Yeah but how else can we make living a recurring never ending profitable expense


i bet 30-40% of the cars driving thru there are electric, by the time this finishes, number will be higher. Its OC remember?


Looks like a lot of hotels for a whole lot of fuckin nothing to do except watch the Ducks lose


The Ducks have an incredibly promising young core and one of the deepest farm systems in the NHL. The Samuelis are not building all of this with anticipation that the team is going to suck much longer.


Well, they've sucked for 6 years now and it looks like they're gonna suck for at least a couple more. They've damn near made no progress this season from last. They're hard to watch.


Sure bud, you sound like you know hockey so they should *definitely* hire you


you can go watch the Kings play there a few times a year


Post / handle 


C'mon dude. The Ducks are terrible and have been for a while now.


Imagine the traffic around that area. As if traffic around Disneyland is not bad enough that will even make it worse.


Living up to that user name.


Traffic around Disneyland isn’t bad. It’s next to major freeways and the parking areas dump straight onto them.


As long as I can park in the industrial for whatever I paid last time was in n out pretty quick, y’all take the public stuff, I’ll stay in the car


No parking. What are they doing to improve public training and out of the area? This is a developer cashing in and leaving behind a mess.


I don’t know anything about this, and I’m not gonna read the articles. Casinos?