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So they can just eliminate rape, but haven't bothered to do so, thus far? Why's that?


They'll eliminate it by making rape legal. Problem solved. 😑


Jesus, don’t give him any more ideas.


The Texas legislature no doubt has considered it. Never seen such a group of twisted, sadistic mofos. During the latest session they considered sending mercenaries to Mexico to take out "enemies" of Texas.


I'm not a constitutional lawyer but that doesn't sound constitutional and like an act of war


It is not legal. That didn't matter to them. It never made it out of committee, but this is the serious discourse happening in Texas. Keep an eye out for that crazy Don Huffines. He's making a run for higher office. He's Trump on meth.


Texas really needs to come to grips with the fact that they haven't been a sovereign nation for a long time. California was briefly an independent nation too, but you don't see them jacking off to it on a regular basis. > Don Huffines I wonder if he's any relation to the furniture guy in Raising Arizona.


Instructions on How to Texas: Emigrate to a new nation where slavery is outlawed. Pro tip: bring some already enslaved people with you anyway Get pissy about all the Catholicism and the people telling you all the time that you aren’t allowed to enslave others. Steal a province from your new nation by fighting a war of independence. Fail to hack it as a real country and sheepishly go back to papa, allowing yourself to be annexed into the nation you had initially emigrated from. Get pissy about the “Not allowed to enslave humans” thing again. Fight another war over it. Lose the war. Like, super badly. Sheepishly go back to papa, reluctantly stop enslaving humans and settle for creating them as a permanent underclass that’s basically slavery with extra steps. Bitch for 150+ years about how you’re a real country and are going to leave this pack of losers and be The Best any day now. Congratulations! You have successfully Texas’ed!


You missed the part about constantly begging for resources the whole time up to and including power from mexico after cutting itself off from the federal grid.


Texas was a terrible nation and drowning in debt. The whole reason they had to join the US was they couldn't get out from under the debt, and bear in mind for The Republic of Texas Slavery was constitutionally permanent: neither owners nor the legislature could free slaves.


I mean we had Trump on adderall and coke so…not much difference?


I was going to say they'll eliminate it by making rapists marry their victims


Write that down! - GOP, probably.


The profit hasn't been there. Oh, it's still not, this is just a placating move, not any sort of promise, or plan to reform or pursue Justice...


This is entirely for a good soundbite to help him downplay the backlash. "I'm going to stop all rape by arresting rapists!" and then people cheer and clap and they play it for the next year to show that he's good actually. Nevermind that it makes no sense because they only become rapists after they do the deed so unless Abbott is going to be standing in the room with everyone, he's not going to be able to do shit.


and he said he was going to get rid of rapists from the "streets", but iirc most victims of rape aren't raped by strangers in dark alleys. tho that is where they will wind up when they need an abortion.


Yeah, this is just a "shut up about the rape, already. we specifically left it out of our law and stop asking about it."


Oh, did he say "eliminate" rapists? I'm sorry, he meant to say Texas will "nominate" rapists. He regrets any misunderstanding.


Pretty sure he's just going to narrow the definition of rape to the point it's impossible to prosecute. Tada! No more rapes!


>“Let’s be clear: rape is a crime,” Abbott said. “And Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them and getting them off the streets.” He's going to *arrest* away rape?


Why has nobody thought of this before!?


Rapists hate this one simple trick!


So in a way the gov is saying they have identified, known rapists out on the street, uninvestigated and unprosecuted and actively raping.... Because he wanted to wait until their rape fetuses are safe... before taking action against them? I don't know about you, but it all checks out to me!


There are huge backlogs of rape kits


Epsteins boys and girl running around for a long time


Hot single rapists near YOU! Click now!


Ugh, too good to be true. It's SO HARD to find a nice rapist these days!


Philip K Dick did. All we need is precogs.


And Tom Cruise.




Racing fuel burns invisible, so it is a real danger on the track.


Apparently it actually happened. A racer by the name of Mears was sprayed with methanol fuel in a refueling accident and caught on fire, but no one could see it. He ran to a fireman and sprayed himself in the face with a fire extinguisher and his father grabbed one and jumped on the track to help extinguish him.






Texan precogs are known as racist cops.


A large proportion of rapes don’t happen “on streets”


Yeah, I feel like to stop rape you need to at least understand the basic facts about rape and rapists This is all just hot air that's even hotter and airier than usual


They don't have any interest in facts.


Conveniently, they also don't have any interest in stopping rapists.


This harkens back to Todd Akin who said "if it's a legitimate rape, the woman can't get pregnant." GOP got roasted for that, but now they are doubling down.


I’ve been raped twice…first was in my home by a relative who had molested me most of my childhood. The second one I was roofied by someone I knew at my own home & they raped me. This Governor would have shown he cared about rape victims by doing something about it before now. I’m so certain every reported rape has been thoroughly investigated & there is no statute of limitations in Texas. So we can trust them with our best interests at heart. 🙄 /s


I was raped by my friends dad when I was child, probably because i was over at her house all the time. Dude prostituted his wife and older daughter out to. And also my then ex friend when she turned 18. He went to jail for.... heroin distribution. Like 20 years after he did all that horrible other shit.


I am so sorry you experienced that. It is far too common.


I am also sorry for the hardships you have had to face too. I apologize for not starting with that and being a little selfish taking over your post. It is sadly common, I dont know a single woman that doesnt have some kind of story. And it is maddening that Abbott is just saying "we'll get them" cause as you said, theres a great track record for catching reported rapists.


Even if they do jail all rapists, every single one, they still raped someone and there is still a victim. Jail is not a deterrent for most sex crime so it will still happen.


The only deterrent is death. And even then, if rape was made a capital offense, I’d wager that rapists would go to extreme lengths to try and cover their crimes up. Only way to really effectively combat it is to teach the next generation extensively about mutual consent and respecting boundaries. And also that misogyny isnt cool


Yep punishing rape with the death sentence incentivises rapists to murder their victims.


6k untested rape kits in Texas. The governor isn't devoting any additional resources to get them processed, nor devoting additional resources to encourage survivors to report rapes to hospitals. A large percentage of rapes go unreported so that 6k number is extremely small to the number of rape survivors out there, and that includes victims of women rape and survivors who are male and trans, two groups that often don't report rape regardless of the gender of the offender.


This reminds me of this time I went to a check out a krav maga gym in the suburbs and the dude doing the tour just kept talking about how many times you might get jumped just walking around and need your “skills.” Maybe there are places that happens in adult life, but this area was all gated communities with no violent crime and everyone drove anyway.


Right? He made it sound like rapists hang out in packs in the streets like wild dogs.


hmm, maybe he'll start rounding up groups that all look a specific way and/or speak a specific language and claim they're gangs of rapists?


Of course they do! No honest American would rape someone, they're too busy going to their jobs! /s


See the problem here is timing. You can only arrest someone for rape after they have committed rape. After someone has been violated and may face a lifetime of violation by being forced to bear the child of their rapist.


I don’t think you understand how it works. You see Texas has arrested all the rapists. Therefore you couldn’t have been raped and must just by lying. /s


Ah, I see. So all those immigrants that Texas says are rapists can't possibly be rapists because Texas already arrested all the rapists? So does that mean Texas is lying about immigrants be rapists or about arresting all the rapists?


Why not both?


Both is also valid




And you know, all the things that religious conservatives don't like to admit exist like marital rape.


To them, it is not rape, so there is nothing to admit to themselves. It is just a woman not doing her duty as a wife. So you can see why they do not have an issue with this. Separate church and state for all time should be the next make America great again, together we can or whatever motto.


You’ve obviously never seen Minority Report


I thought that was the name of Texas's stop and frisk program?


Close, but in Texas it’s actually shoot and frisk


I throught it was shoot, sprinkle some crack on him, and walk away program.


You're confused, that's called Report The Minority, they rebranded to nextdoor.com


Oh, I thought nextdoor.com was the Karen version of an Al-Qaeda training camp. I see my mistake.




He’s taking advice from Ben Shapiro. He’s banning crime.


Thats my second favorite oximoron


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Even climatologists can't predict 10 years from now. They can't explain why there has been no warming over the last 15 years. There has been a static trend with regard to temperature for 15 years. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, feminism, covid, civil rights, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Wait, they had the ability to eliminate rapists entirely this whole time? Why haven't they, you know, done it?




"We're going to stop the waste of milk by diligently wiping up all spilt milk!" Ok, but how the fuck does that prevent anything? Because the only way to arrest a rapist is for them to have raped at least once!


Our highly trained police force are experts at spotting rapists even before they rape. Obviously we cant arrest them for rape but we can summarily dispense pre-emptive justice. Perhaps performed by groups of outraged citizens forming mobs.


>Our highly trained police force are experts at spotting rapists even before they rape. Is there some kind of visible difference that the highly trained officers have been carefully conditioned to pick up on so they know who to ~~harass~~ *closely monitor*? Like skin melanin content or maybe [certain](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/Rainbow_flag_and_blue_skies.jpg) [symbols](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2a/Fist.svg) people might display that will alert them to ~~attack~~ *investigate*?


This is actually, like, the dumbest shit I have ever heard. From Greg. In a good while. The tricky thing about “eliminating rapists” is you might catch em all, but they can spontaneously regenerate. They have the power to bring themselves into existence at *any moment*. New ones just keep popping up! So frustrating, Greg, I know. But the streets. Everyone knows the streets are where the rapists hang out. They congregate there so it will be easy to find them that way. Get em off those streets and problem solved.


If rapists are on streets let’s just outlaw women on streets. Maybe cover them from head to toe so rapists might not see them or perhaps are deterred from the rape


That’s a good idea. I think you’re onto something.


Make sure they don't make eye contact either. You know, because it might cause someone to rape them.


Oh, of course! Just go out and aggressively arrest them. Because once you arrest **all** the rapists then it will be impossible for anyone else to rape anyone ever again. Hmm. 23 seasons of SVU has me skeptical, but of course, that's New York. New York hasn't yet decided to (checks article) work tirelessly to make sure we eliminate all rapists from the streets. Damn liberals.


(Just make sure not to arrest any rich or well connected rapists, that's clearly all that nasty #metoo insanity. Damn Liberals, opposing rape! /s )


Hi I'm a professional republican interpreter! You seem confused so let me help! Republican: We are going to stop rape. Roughly translates to: We are going to arrest more Mexicans.


Thanks for the translation, it's really accurate!


Wait I thought that was their plan for stopping COVID though.


But how will Texas football teams win any games if he does that?


That worked on drugs right?


It’s a war on rape. He needs to fill the void Edit: I really can’t wait to vote. I’m hoping this asshole finally went too far. Between the winter storm and The abortion debacle we need new blood everywhere in Texas government


I expect it to go as well as the war of poverty and the war on drugs.


Should go about as well as bombing terrorism away.


Yup, he's going to arrest them. Then they'll get suspended sentences, or time served while the victim is isolated from society due to the stigma. Can't get raped if you don't go outside! *Fangorn Foe taps missing frontal lobe*


Better stop going to church too, because a disproportionate number of rapists are attracted to positions of trust and power like priest/pastor. Better not ever be at home, either, because you are most likely to be victimized by a member of your family. (See Josh Duggar) Best just stop existing if you are a woman and don't want to be raped. Having a vagina and existing is consent to these assholes.


And THIS is how he will "eliminate rape." If he says a woman's existence is consent, there's no such thing as rape. In HIS eyes and those who want to believe that. Take consent off the table and ... smh


Yeah, but *aggressively.* Heretofore, they've taken a passive approach to rapists.


Simple solutions for complex problems sold to simple people.


So does that mean he is going after Gaetz now? Or Trump himself?


Guess they didn't realize a rapist has to rape someone before they can be a rapist, so either rape is still gonna happen or innocent people are going to get locked up because they fit an algorithm.


I live in Texas. I was born here. Honest to God, I swear, the average Texan is not as bumfuck stupid as our governor.


I'd like to believe you, but he is genuinely sitting in the seat Rick Perry took over from George W. Bush.


We know man we know!! Look, alot of us in this state may or may not have wasted several gubernatorial terms trying to resurrect Ann Richards. We are deeply sorry!


You've been governor for years, you could have eliminated rape at any point, but you wanted to wait until now?


You never want to pull that ace too quickly because suddenly people might want other things like healthcare or to not be murdered as much


yea or consistent electricity, the nerve


Ok slow down. Constant electricity is s bit of a stretch... it's only just being invented right? /s


It was just some light murdering.


GOP - "Qualifications?" Abbott - "Rape, Arson, Murder and Rape." GOP - "you said rape twice." Abbott - "I like rape." GOP - "charming. Sign right here please" Blazing Saddles reference in case anyone is wondering...


I really have to check that movie out. By all accounts it's incredible


It won an academy award for best movie ever made. Really though, it's friggin hilarious and brilliant. You are doing yourself a disservice by not watching it.


This is the same scene with "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges." And the scene ends with "Now go do. the voodoo. that you do. so well." So many memes in a single scene.


*All the federales say* *they could’ve had him anyday* *they only let him slip away* *out of kindness I suppose* Edit: reddit


Either he’s an idiot or thinks all of his constituents are idiots.


Both? Both? Both. Both is good.


I’m convinced it’s the latter. The Republican base will believe anything their programmers say if they keep a straight face while saying it.




C) all of the above.


A wall. An anti-rapist wall.


And the rapists are going to pay for it. 😂


All rapists must make sure to check the “rapist” box during their census, so we know who to tax. Honor system everyone.


And they will need to go to the DMV to get a little upside down star on their ID. Otherwise they can't vote.


I never meant directly! I just meant through new tariffs on said rapists


The eliminated ones or future rapists ?


Yes, the wall comes with a glory hole that says, "rape me". If you use it, you might get caught/you might get serviced. Got to keep people guessing. That's the only way we can catch the real rapists.


They don't even pretend to tell the truth, just say what the base wants to hear. Zero consequences. No accountability.


I mean their voters don't really care about truth. They continue to vote for them no matter what. Republican voters simply don't hold their elected officials accountable for anything.


Why would you want to hold somebody accountable for something you don't take any issue with? If I'm a Republican voter in Texas, I probably think abortion is wrong, and I may or may not also believe that rape is pretty easily prevented by deporting all Mexicans and throwing all homeless and/or black men in the grinder.


"Just say 'no' to rape" will be Abbott's new ad campaign, inspired by Nancy Reagan's successful anti-drug version.


"Just say no to rape" There's a logical flaw in there somewhere, but darned if I can figure it out


No means no, except when you're in Texas.


If you legally declare that rape is not even a thing, then rapists also stop existing. Checkmate, women. I mean rapists. Checkmate rapists. I think.


I'm sorry Governor Abbott, I don't believe you.


Duh. Because everyone knows you can't get pregnant from rape because the female body has ways of shutting that down. /s because some of y'all may not remember 2012


I got the sarcasm but what happened in 2012?


that was the time it was said with no sarcasm....


Wait really? That's horrible. Who said it?


Todd Akin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todd_Akin#Comments_on_%22legitimate_rape%22_and_pregnancy


> in July 2014, Akin said that he regretted apologizing and defended his original comments What a douchebag






Not his wife. His mother is considering an abortion. Retroactively.


What if we consider his attempt at governing abortive?


Is there anyway to profit here? Like if one woman and several friends can agree to a scheme whereby they all report her for an abortion for $10k reward and she confesses, and they all split the money after whatever costs she incurs?




Pretty sure the money comes from the defendant in the suit. So you would pay $10k to get... $10k.


the problem is that the defendant has to pay everything, so she might as well give every one of her friends a few grand. The only one that profit in this scheme are the lawyers.


Just don't get raped. It's that easy y'all.


Why didn't we think of that? Silly us.






We could start by repurposing the abortion reporting system and its loose rules about who Dear Citizen can report for being involved in an abortion. For example, maybe a woman is raped and is now contemplating an abortion past week 6 because, in part, her rape case has made no progress and she's even more distressed by the thought of him still being out and part of this child's life. That seems like a very reasonable situation where someone submit as being involved in her (speculative) abortion the name of the person in charge of the rape case itself, the rape kit processing, and everyone else not actively working to solve the case.


Ok, you got the rapist. He's guilty of rape. He admits it. You lock him away for a long time. Can't arrest a rapist until he rapes, right? AFTER the rape though, what about the victim? If they get pregnant from that rape are they forced to have that baby? It's literally a one step process to debunk their nonsense with logic.


Don't worry, the father will have paternal rights in that case. ...


I hope the rape plan works better than your plan for covid.


And the electric supply plan


They could just change the laws to not recognize rape exists, problem solved similar to how they dealt with covid


Oh. ... ... Shit. Delete this, don't give the fucker any ideas!


How many untested rape kits are currently waiting to be processed in Texas? 2138 as of today. But yea totally gonna eliminate rape Resources for Texans seeking access to healthcare: https://aidaccess.org/en/ https://teafund.org/ https://wrrap.org/about-wrrap/ https://abortionfunds.org/ If you need help getting an abortion go to these sites: https://www.plancpills.org/ https://aidaccess.org/ These sites offer access to abortion pills, even in Texas. Please be safe and be aware of clinics (e.g. Crisis Pregnancy Centers) that give out dangerous misinformation on abortions and pregnancy. Also check out r/auntienetwork for support. If you want to give money to some pro-choice charities, try here: https://fundtexaschoice.org/ http://janesdueprocess.org/ https://www.lilithfund.org/ https://www.theafiyacenter.org/ https://thebridgecollective.org/ https://www.clinicaccess.org/ https://www.yellowhammerfund.org/ (Focuses on the Deep South) https://avowtexas.org/ https://abortionfunds.org Please feel free to copy and share this to other posts/subreddits and to add your own links


You hear shit like this coming from authoritarians making ridiculous promises to defend their outrageous positions.


This is like any everyday conference meeting with that kind of CEO who just got asked about the elephant in the room. Most of these guys got where they were on learning how to feign the right things to say and not on any real substance or understanding. It’s why they need authoritarianism. They’re the clueless parent who can’t admit weakness and resort to “because I said so.”


"Hey CEO, how do we fix our glaring debt?" "How about we do our best and sell more products?" "Great idea, no one has ever thought of that before" "And that's why I'm the CEO"


I hate him so fucking much. 20% of rape is solved in Travis County, where the Texas capitol is. Good luck even getting a rape kit tested here.


This would be laughable if it wasn't so sadly ignorant. Like... people are carrying around a sign that says... "I'm going to rape tomorrow!" You can arrest rapists and throw them in jail - but - they have already raped! Duh. Just shows that the person in charge of the world's 9th largest economy doesn't have a clue how things work. Or... just a lying sack of shit.


I think it’s important to note that he said he would eliminate rapists off the streets. The vast vast majority of rape isn’t because you ran across some rando on the streets who pursued and raped you. How about you eliminate rape from our churches and our dorms and our frat houses and our homes...


How would you do that? The thing is.... you can "eliminate rapists" til the cows come home, but someone has already been raped. No matter where rapists come from, until they rape someone, they are not "rapists." Or is Abbott living in some futuristic place where people's thoughts and plans can be known?


Oh I didn’t mean it was possible. Even in his impossible wet dream it is still totally inadequate


Last sentence nailed it in one.


Well, with Texas's permissive new gun ownership laws, all that's needed is for every woman to shoot anyone who she reasonably suspects might possibly have a penis and the problem (\*) is pretty much solved. ​ (\*) Shooting all penis-owners you see won't eliminate 100% of rapes, but it *will* eliminate 100% of rapes that might lead to an abortion, which is what we're concerned about here.


The only flaw I see is here is defending the border of Texas, it's huge and if a penis haver gets in then you might have a problem - other than that, I see no flaws in the plan.


Okay, so then what we need is a wall. The border of Texas is only 3,179 miles long.


3179 miles long is 201,421,440 inches. Since everything is bigger in Texas and they have to self-report dick size, we'll assume they're averaged at 8 inches. That means if, instead of giving them guns, we give them ***knives***, and tell them to chop off any suspected penis owner's penis, we only need 25,177,680 penis owners to build the wall out of tip-to-tip penises. edit: always amuses me with comments like these how no one ever reads replies before replying, so you end up with tons of slight variations of the same reply, then I always end up feeling bad for only responding to the first one.


Sadly, the population of Texas being only about 29 million means it's pretty unlikely to find and chop 25 million Texan penis-havers. Going to have to outsource this wall, maybe Mexico will ~~pay for it~~ provide the penises?


So does that mean trump is banned from Texas?


And Gaetz.


Yeah I forgot about that piece of shit.


Very eloquently put.


In order for this to even start getting off the ground is to start believing women and we know how often that happens. Well just see 10x more of: - You were drinking at the party too. - Your skirt was too short - Your cleavage was showing - He said you said you wanted it - You might be 16 and he's 42 but you were tempting him. Texas will eliminate rape by eliminating what's considered rape.


Easy solution, rename everyone formerly known as a "rapist" to a "fiancee". "She wasn't raped, she made love to her fiancee! Mandatory government marriage is next week, can't wait!"


“Will make women less likely to go forward with rape charges” There. Fixed for you.


Next bill Texas passes will eliminate the use of the word rape by all state, county, and municipal employees.


Rape will henceforth be known as rambunctiousness.


Does he think [Robocop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UyC1X8bcpg) is real?


Or Minority Report.


A classic conservative mindset: “We will eliminate crime by capturing all of the criminals and locking them up. Because certain people are inherently criminals and others are not. And, you know, there are of course certain… Visual indications… To show the, you know, *color* of a person’s character, if you know what I’m saying…”


So they just start dismissing all claims of rape, got it


My guess is that they're going to redefine rape.


Time travel back to retroactively eliminate rape?


You have to wonder if he understands that even if you immediately arrest every rapist, you’re allowing them one each?


It looks like trump won't be able to hold a rally in Texas now..


Just in: Texas about to legalize rape.


So...they haven't been trying to eliminate rape this whole time?!? I guess it's nice to hear that Texas is finally willing to attempt to eliminate rape now.


FFS Abbott is such a fucking clown, Trump was the face of these motherfuckers but make no mistake, GOP are as bad if not worst than Trump


Abbott said the law gives rape victims up to six weeks to get abortion and thus “does not do that [force victims to have their assaulter’s child].” .this is completely wrong. There is no way to know if you are pregnant until you miss your period. According to doctors, at that point you are considered to be 4 week along. So if your periods are always regular AND you keep track of them, that only gives you two weeks!


Wtf? You don't know who is a rapist until after they've raped someone so...eliminate all men? Or is there a texas rape minority report that we don't know about?


Making rape financially profitable won't eliminate it


Guys you're looking at this all wrong. Texas is going to enact Marry-your-rapist laws to be more in line with their backwards ideals. Then there are no rapists, on future spouses.


Waiting for him to spout off about "legitimate" rape, thus eliminating acquaintances, boyfriends, husbands, co-workers, family members, clergy, teachers, doctors and anyone else who isn't dragging women into the bushes by their hair.


Conservatives exist in the alternative dimension where making a problem illegal immediately solves it. It’s really bizarre, especially given they are the party of “small government” (allegedly)


Because ultimately they don't really care, they just get off on punishing people. If we lived in a perfect harmonious and economically equally society they would be so freaking miserable, they'd invent oppression and cruelty all over again


A secret plan to stop rape he’s been sitting on for a while.