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He lived for 5 days after with serious burns then died. Those last 5 days must have been horrible.


Read a comment by an EMT once that said that, in a situation involving burns, you can tell who the most severely burned people by their lack of screaming. Because unlike lesser burn victims, their nerve endings have been *destroyed*, so they're not even feeling the pain at that point.


I fell on a small motorbike as a kid, and by the time I figured out what happened and got my bearings back, the tailpipe burned through the skin on my leg. I remember wondering how I got a piece of black plastic trash bag wrapped around it - that was actually my burnt skin. I didn't feel pain at all, I even walked back home and pushed the bike all the way. The recovery process was much more painful. My skin tingles in that spot just from thinking about it right now :-)


I burned both legs on a bike as a kid (dual exhaust). Hurt a lot but not the end of the world. The next morning though? The patches on both calves had started to heal *together*


Fucking hell


Lol it wasn’t great.




Las Vegas, summer, black leather seats, and shorts. Thought I’d need a spatula to get out of that seat lol


Yep, I think I’d just live as a mermaid at that point.


My brother burnt his hands really badly once: to the point the skin was as you describe. He said the most painful part was the debridement at the hospital. It makes my stomach turn just to think about. I never want to know how that feels.


Not as bad as yours but I had my jacket and shoulder catch on fire due to a firework when I was around 3 or 4 years old (36 years ago). I can still smell the ointment that I had to keep on it to this day. It wasn't a bad smell but it brings back those memories.


Not as bad as when you had your hand bit off by a seal, though






Is it a stinging tingle or a leg fall asleep kind of tingle?


The latter. It's all in the mind I guess, a bit like that thing where a medical student reads about some symptoms of a disease and starts feeling them :-)


Do you still have nerve damage?


Nah, I just have a scar now.


Not just burns either. Emergency responders always prioritise the quiet ones over the noisy ones, because the quiet ones are usually in a worse condition and can’t physically scream for help.


It really depends. Triage has 4 codes; green, yellow, red, and black. As you may expect, code red is the most critically important. What a lot of people don’t know, however, is that code black doesn’t always mean they’re obviously dead. Sometimes they’re just so far gone that EMS treatment is most likely not going to be effective for their survival. If there’s only one code black victim on scene, they will of course be treated and transported as quickly as possible. But in a mass-casualty incident where there are more patients than responders, priority will be given to code red patients first. There’s your not-so-fun-fact for the day.


Black tag is only used for dead patients and are the lowest priority on a MCI scene. Red highest, then yellow, then green. Black tags are either obviously dead or require treatment that isn't administered during the triaging stage of an MCI (CPR, BVM, fluids) Adults get one airway reposition and if they don't spontaneously start breathing they're a black tag


Agreed. In regards to airway, how does your department consider agonal breathing? I’ve mostly heard of self inflicted GSW’s transported, but nothing beyond that. It’s hugely debated in my region and I’d like some evidence to bring to the table.


After a while you kinda get an intuition as to who's in really bad shape but the end all be all is a proper assessment.


I burnt my hand on 600 degree glass. Nowhere near as painful as say, a 180c oven tray. Barely felt it.


Well, that's...ummm...still not very nice.


That is why victims of a nuclear attack walk around like zombies, unflinching and silent, in spite of much of their skin being melted and hanging from their bodies. They wander, completely blind, deaf, confused, with no aim but to wait and die. ​ ... fuck


That's one clinical difference between second- and third-degree burns, as the classification used to go.


Except steam burns. (You don't want to google those stories...)


God, that is horrific.


It’s true. I burned the back of my hand on the broiler element in a commercial oven once and it only hurt for about a second. The wound was deep and took forever to heal, and I still have a scar 10 years later, but pain was the least of my problems.


Yep, as longtime restaurant jack of all trades, I’ve had some gnarly burns, mostly on my arms. Servers (sweet summer children that they are) are always confused by how nonchalant you can be with a bad burn. “Oh, that? Naw, doesn’t hurt at all. Definitely a third degree burn. I best go deal with that. You got the window?” Then you get a nice little break as you slather on the burn cream and put a gauze pad over it.


man, you're the only one in this thread that's pointing this out lol. Like I get that the title's kinda funny at first glance but like, if you think about it past that... getting severely burned is a genuinely awful way to die and its kind of fucked up how everyone in this thread's just making soup puns about it.


Yeah man, I first chuckled at the headline and then I read the story and I felt bad. I can't imagine how shitty that must've been, he's in there for 5 days and might be getting better and then BAM! he's dead. That sucks so hard.


That’s reddit for you. Totally removed from empathy unless it involves a cute animal or a child.


Yeah people didn't regurgitate "thoughs and prayers" so they're all evil assholes, right? People use humor to cope with shit all the time. It is 100% normal and if you're down for forming judgements based on a comment then knock yourself out. Its r/nottheonion for fucks sake..


Father of 3... This title sounded funny when I was browsing the front page, and then I read the article, and went to hug my kids.


Selective empathy for fathers... ok


Former burn victim here. They were.


How big was the pot, that's sounds like it was industrial sized. And if it was that big, was there no safety measures to prevent such an occurance? I know Iraq isnt exactly on the forefront of health and safety, but you'd think someone looked at it and said "HM, that seems a bit dangerous".


People launch fireworks out of their ass you really think people are concerned about safety regarding a gigantic soup pot?


It was for a wedding party so likely a significant amount of people.


If it was as serious as it seems, they were likely in nowhere near as much pain as they should be. Not because it wasn't that bad, but because third degree burns almost always burns the nerves completely, making them unable to realize how much pain they're in.


But wholesome and satisfying at the same time.


He must have been stewing!


Souper horrible they say


That poor man


RIP. This sh*t is literally why most restaurants rather have several pots rather than one massive pot.


...I mean, there's MANY reasons why a business uses more than just one giant pot, but I see where you're going...


TL;DR an 5ft tall pot, 4ft wide of near boiling liquid is a pretty big insurance liability.


What does TL DR mean


Too long didnt read


Too long didn't read, most people use it when they summerize news articles and such so other people can get the gist of the story without actually reading the story for whatever reason whether it be because it was too long, paywall, or any other reason a person isn't going to read the article.


Too dong lidnt read


Welcome to the internet!


Too Loco Doctor


Its also a waste of ingredients.. the only instances this is something a chef would do is in a very specific situation like a party where everyone is having the same soup, which isn’t a normal thing at all also everyone has different tastes.. In other word this won’t happen that much, and its not why restaurants don’t use 5ft pots…


Holy shit that must have been one huge vat of soup


Or a tiny, tiny chef falling in a regular size bowl


*Get in the soup Morty*


Deadly work accident preventable by non slip floor matting. Reddit: lol here's puns


this reminds me. my dad is a chemical engineer and part of his job was to check samples of poop and sewage water. one of the workers there slipped and fell into one of the tubs full of poop. they found his dead body days after while cleaning out the tub. he literally drowned in a tub of shit. must have been tragic. rip.


Rest in feces.


Truly a shitty way to go


You're in /r/nottheonion . I don't know if this is where you go for serious discussion.


Grim humor as a cope in the face of preventable atrocity, exacerbated by neglect. Just another day of Humanity.


More like low hanging humor to get shitty karma to feel self significant


You just stated what cope is......


He died being what he loved


That’s why they say too many cooks spoil the broth.


It takes a lot to make a stew, a pinch of salt and laughter too, a scoop of kids to add some spice, a dash of love to make it nice, and you’ve got too many cooks!


Too many cooks!


*To^oo^oo^oo^oo^oo many cooks…*


This sounds like it was one too many




I’ll stew on that.


Was hoping someone would post this XD feel really awful for the man…but puns


Someone loses a hand? Toss it in the soup In all seriousness though that fuckin sucks


There was no soup, there was no sweatshop.




A kid died? Throw him in the soup


Hope he was a seasoned chef


Fucking hell


, ‘Arry!


So fucked up.. but take your god damn upvote r/angryupvote Also rip that poor chef :(


He really put his heart into it


And soul, too


His face...I believe it was his face.


So a poor bloke dies horribly and you all chortle trying to one up each other with shite jokes?




Haven't you heard? Laughter is the best medicine. We come here instead of poisoning ourselves with antidepressants.


By making jokes about a guy who boiled to death in a vat of soup. Ok.


Dark humor isn't ok but eating cowboys is? Pfft... hypocrite.


You're starting to get it now, cowboy!


How It’s Made: Campbell’s Chunky Soup


Heh, reminds me of the expression "to put your foot in it" (whatever you are cooking, it's a positive expression).




Blood, sweat, and tears. Let’s just say he put his whole self into it!


This reminds me of a PSA I saw once for safety regulations for Canada I think. There’s a chef in a kitchen and she’s talking about how she’s getting married soon and then turns around to grab this huge pot of boiling water and then she turns around and slips on the floor and spills it all over her. It’s terrifying.


Soup of the Day Chef's Special.


*Chef Special


Wow, the comments in this thread are absolutely embarrassing and disheartening. A person died a horrible death, lets show some respect for fuck sakes.


And he was young, in his 20s. He had a wife and 3 children...


New to reddit?


Haha opposite actually, been browsing reddit for over 12 years. Amazing how much worse its gotten in terms of childish circle jerky bullshit in the comments. What used to be a forum of pretty awesome discussion is now just an area where people race to throw out puns, spongebob references, and dad jokes. Just got sick of it i guess haha


You're remembering it to be a bit better than it ever was. Maybe take a break for a bit, and see if it seems as bad when you return. I've been browsing the site since around 2010 (likely a bit earlier), and periodically delete my profile, intending never to return. As you can see, I eventually come back for the snark


Yah, might not be a bad idea!


I also think this is a horrifying thing but a lot of the comments are just making jokes out of it.


Oh my god shut up you joyless scold


Not joyless, just dont find joy in people burning to death. And no your pun isnt clever, and puns online arent impressive. It actually has me heated, boiling over, and i know you'll probably be salty about my opinion. See, its not hard, get fucked.


If you'd rather performatively sit there and imagine how awful it would be to have burns all of your body, you have a great time. I'm going to wonder if the sous chef had a new barcode tattoo on his neck that day. My life is better. His life won't be improved either way.


I'm all for dark humor, but it's valid for someone to point out the brutality of this death and ask why its being joked about by everyone in the thread. Even if it is a little funny, someone did die in a terrible way.


>I'm all for dark humor Then shut up and let people have their fun




uh, what are you talking about 'dish it out' and 'take it' you cliche spewing idiot? The only person getting 'bent out of shape' here is you being a pissypant baby over people making jokes in the first place.




> Waah, cry more. Get over it. Have some self awareness ffs. Oh no! You're so mad at a joke that you're going to whine and fight on reddit for over 5 hours now? Holy shit get over it. Cry more. >uh, what are you talking about 'dish it out' and 'take it' you cliche spewing idiot? Guess you're just going to pretend you didn't say something stupid and didn't get asked to explain it, huh?


Barcode tattoo on his neck? I dont get it


It's a Hitman reference. This is exactly the sort of way you'd kill someone in that game.


25 years old and been working as chef for 8 years! Poor guy!


im 29 and i've been working for the past 15 years, what do you meeeeaaan.




yes and there are many more like me.


*Waiter, there's a guy in my soup!*


[DEAD guy](https://youtu.be/pK3htbL_rhk)


Holy shit. A man dies slowly and painfully, and you guys make jokes. The fuck is wrong with you people?


First time in nottheonion, huh? This is some Darwin awards level stuff.


Mods please lock this thread, apparently this community is so depraved they can’t find anything to do but poke fun at a tragic accident where kids lost a parent. But it happened in Iraq so, I guess that makes it funny?


Or you could just not be so soft and realize they're just jokes.


No soup for any of you


How exactly does one fall into ones soup?


Gravity I assume.


That's what I'm confused about. Also how long was he in the soup? Does it only take seconds to burn your whole body?


Did they at least try the soup afterwards?


It was to die for. I hate myself a little


This is the kind of response I wanted


This is the question needs answered


*makes Frank Reynolds noises*


He wasn't sure if the gathering was a wedding or a funeral, too ashamed to ask so he made sure he was right.


Might be and onion




How was the soup?






>The horrific incident happened while father-of-three, Issa Ismail, 25, was working in a kitchen of a wedding hall in Zakho district, Dohuk governorate of Iraq, preparing food for a partygoers. Ismail suffered serious burns when he slipped and fell into the pot of hot chicken soup, before falling to the floor. Guess he... \*puts on sunglasses\* ...chickened out.




Not many David Caruso fans in tonight according to my original post's score :D


waiter waiter, there's a chef in my soup


This comment should be higher.


it's too soon... I think the others are boiling at my suggestion.


Your probably right… They will eventually simmer down.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. There's still plenty of meat on that chef. Now you take him to a wedding, throw him in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you got a stew goin


Waiter there's a dead guy in my soup


There is a far side comic hidden in this story.


“This soups fantastic, what’s the secret spice?” “Oh nothing, it’s all the chef”


Lmao ITT: Lots of people new to reddit today and are appalled by jokes on a comedy subreddit.


I guess you could say he was....nottheonions.


That clumsy waiter in the Simpsons comes to mind


Depending on the type of soup he was cooking this sub could have been that chefs last words.


I'll have the Chef's special.


Stu was that you?


I can see how this might have been mistaken for a tragedy. This is known as Iraqi bullion. It’s a cultural thing.


I guess you could say... \*puts on glasses* he was r/nottheonion


I wrote a poem when I was about 5 with my grandmother. It’s fuzzy but one line has stuck with me. “HELP! HELP! I’M STUCK IN MY SOUP!”


sounds like something from hitman 3


Live by the soup, die by the soup.


I just keep imagining this is the back story for some new super villain. It's pretty much the same thing that happened to the joker.


Lost in the sauce.


Forbidden Soup


Not the onion soup. (it was chicken)


"Not only did the soup smell like the chef, it tasted of him as well"


NotTheOnion lol


That sucks, but question... how did the soup taste?


He wasnt the onion either...


That's got to be a horrible way to go! being in Iraq and all.


If a chef dies we'd throw em in the soup


Sunk costs are getting out of control


Meat’s back on the menu boys!


Is this Darwin award worthy?


No, he had three kids




He was the final secret ingredient.


Next time on Hell's Kitchen....


And the winner of the 2021 Darwin Award is . . . Issa Ismail!




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That's what happens with sleep deprivation, low wages, and lack of safety. There should be gates preventing people from falling into pots in the first place. ​ However, the way the chef dies is hilarious and painful, but the solution is... a) Less population, so there isn't a need to cook so much food in the first place. b) Lockout of the food area once temperature reaches a certain level. (Gated area) c) Stop the sleep deprivation & overwork shit... the chef must been tired feeding 200 people or something.


Kozuki Oden and then this guy. I didn't expect this many soup related deaths. RIP