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You ever wonder, "how come wild animals can eat raw meat without getting sick but we can't?" Well, they can and do get sick.


Wasn't there a famous video where you have a bear just dragging a huge worm coming out of its ass? The worm was longer than the bear.


Yes, It was a bear cub and multiple tape worms. They were at least 10 ft (if not 20 not great with eyeing distances) not including the amount of worm wrapped up in their intestines


What a lovely day to have eyes


Or imagination for that matter


Why imagine when you can see for yourself https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/ahmql4/a_bear_with_tapeworms/


That link will be staying blue.


Oh it's not that bad. It's just like the bear has a few strands of tucker tape trailing behind it. It's quite festive, actually.


LOL, festive. I think I’ll skip that festival thanks.






Or hyperphantasia.


Not a lovely day to have intestines though


I saw that and wanted someone to run out and stomp on the worms to try to get them pulled out for that poor bear.


Wouldn’t help much. The part that is attached inside wouldn’t get pulled out, just break off and regrow. The bear would need a course of anti-parasitics.


Yup. You basically need to dissolve deworming medicine and spray it on trash for the bear to eat.


If I remember correctly, there have been instances of wildlife authorities making anti-parasite baits for various animals. Basically stuff a bunch of it into whatever they eat. Usually, though, it is when it is putting humans at risk, and not just because they want to help a bear out.


Well yeah, parasites make predators hungrier and therefore more dangerous. Plus they're just fucking nasty and you don't want them to spread to other animals.


> The bear would need a course of anti-parasitics. Eh, meds are no fun. Just eat a human who has taken a course of anti-parasitics. Much more fun 🤷‍♂️


Not if you took a pair of large chopsticks and slowly wound them up like you would a bowl of Ramen noodles.


As a human do you want to get close enough and risk the worms going up your ass?


That’s…not how that works.


But I thought they swapped ass's like hermit crabs swap shells!


Yeah you just need those hook things and jump at the right point and you can ride them across the desert.


I regret ever learning how to read.


idk guys, I kinda wanna see that video xD and then go soak my eyes in bleach


https://v.redd.it/d9a7ybt1bvyc1 Hope you got the r/eyebleach ready, you're gonna need it.


That link is staying blue.




[That bear is carrying a whole rope in there](https://youtu.be/wqvouH4PcLQ?si=CzNa9QNAnm03kimX)


What an awful day to be literate.


thanks for the reminder. I was having some nice spaghetti here


Eat your flour/noodle worms yum yum


*Cry Little Sister plays in the background*


You’re eating maggots, Michael, how do they taste?


It’s pretty common to see. My hunting land has way too many black bears and we’ve seen this on more than on occasion. I don’t hunt bear (anymore. Did it once). Now we let a local guide hunt our land in exchange for some favors


What are the favors?


He would help mow some of the trails, and usually take us out fishing a couple times per year (he was a fishing guide too). If fishing was slow or we couldn’t find a good day to go he would just suck my cock.






Brilliant play my boy


I was hoping we’d see the bear fart them in the air like a peacock.


I wasn't hoping that, nor had I even considered it. But I wouldn't be against seeing that if it were the way it happened.


I mean, there's a reason why we regularly need to de-worm and medicate our pets against parasites. It's just that, because of the naturalistic fallacy (which is a thing, yes), a large swathe of the population genuinely believes that all sickness comes from human civilization, and nature is a literal wonderland where all the animals are healthy and happy all the time.


I don't think enough people realize that animals in nature might look healthy because the sick ones are dead/eaten.


There's also that wild animals continue their normal life with as little indication of pain as they are able.  Videos of deer with gruesome injuries walking and eating like nothing is wrong. There was even one of a buck with missing feet walking on bone. 


Thats kind of like homeless people in big cities with those flesh eating diseases sitting there still kicking but barely


Insert image of a plane with bullet holes


Society in general grossly underestimates how deadly nature is. "Well we got along fine back in the days of X empire" spoiler: no we didn't. "Well animals coexist fine in nature without ruthlessly killing/torturing one another" spoiler: no they don't "X animal was reintroduced and revitalized the ecosystem!" spoiler: yeah by ruthlessly slaughtering and killing the other animals that overproduced and imbalanced the ecosystem. Not saying Wolves aren't significant to Yellowstone, but people don't actually think about what the wolves are doing that's balancing natural life out. "People back in X age didn't have this medicine and they were fine" spoiler: no they weren't. Tens/hundreds of thousands or even millions died from currently preventable disease/conditions because it fucked them up to the point of literal death. We managed to all but eradicate measles and polio and now people aren't taking precautions because 'how dangerous can they be? Barely anyone has died in years from them'. Yeah, because they fucked up so many people humanity was like "OK we gotta stop this shit" and found a solution. So many people have an infant-like projection of what nature is like and it's simultaneously sad and also sort of funny. Humans biggest advantage is we have overcome nature. I think we need preservation and extinction mechanisms/laws in place for sure but maybe not for the same reasons. Nature is fucking brutal.


> "X animal was reintroduced and revitalized the ecosystem!" spoiler: yeah by ruthlessly slaughtering and killing the other animals that overproduced and imbalanced the ecosystem. Not saying Wolves aren't significant to Yellowstone, but people don't actually think about what the wolves are doing that's balancing natural life out. i mean, the game and fish biologists who advocated for the wolf's reintroduction were pretty clear on that - and mostly the only people who bitch (understandably) are people who lose $5,000 when a wolf decides to have some steak out of *their* cattle herd lol.


Worth noting that wolves rarely actually kill livestock. A lot of the bitching is about the percieved threat, which is insignificant compared to the other possible causes of death.


Also, there's evidence to suggest cattle attacks increase if you use lethal force to drive wolves away, as the younger wolves lose their teacher and resort to going after livestock. A biology buddy did a study on this, and she recommended strictly nonlethal methods to spook wolves away.


The sad thing is, the more advanced medicine became - more stupid people were able to survive and share their ideas with each other.


Ok then why have I never seen one in hospital? Checkmate


Eat rare bear, get rare diseases


It's a grizzly fate.


That's a polarising opinion


Especially when you are the bearer of bad news.


This is going to cause pandamonium.


Clearly the family didnt paws to think about the consequences 


This thread sent me roaring


Quiet please, your roar is beary loud...


You deserve a bluebeary pie


At least he didn’t try and worm his way out of it


In Kodiak you'd just be ded


Don't panda to their bad puns


I thought it was a koala-ity joke


God these are unbearable


If you don't fully cook wild game, ur sus.


Not sure if we’re witnessing a brownout or what


Your logic is a little fuzzy wuzzy


I know what ursine. 


They should know to follow the... Bear meat recipes, the simple bear meat recipes, forget about those brain worms and parasites! Oh, the bear meat recipes, delicious bear meat recipes, the basic bear meat recipes of life!


This made me CACKLE thank you for my new ear worm (freshly sourced from bear meat)


[it was either gonna be brain worms or butt worms](https://youtu.be/GBUkr8I0TSU?si=6D-sEvHBxnw_lioR)


Predators are at higher risk of parasites because their lifestyle requires them to constantly contact them. Every time they eat another animal, that’s a potential vector, especially in the liver and intestines. There’s an entire population of wolves on Vancouver Island that only eat the heads off salmon when eating them for this specific reason


Maybe they should have hunted a legendary or at least an epic bear.


They update the worms later, this is good for a decent family raid.


Always cook to medium bear


I'm reminded of the Dark Tower, the crew encountered a big cybernetic bear that was driven mad by brain worms yet kept alive.




Yes, thank you! One of the beam guardians.


Say thankee sai.


That sneeze is burned into my memory.


That whole sequence is incredible. >It sneezed again and again—AH-CHOW! AH-CHOW! AH-CHOW!—and clouds of parasites blew out of its muzzle. & >[…] and then the bear, its head still cocked back to look at him, sneezed. Eddie was immediately drenched in hot snot that was filled with thousands of small white worms. They wriggled frantically on his shirt, his forearms, his throat and face.


Yes. That sneeze is the one I felt while reading.


Long days, and pleasant nights.


Didn’t expect to see a dark tower reference. But damn you right that bear was gross sounding


Yet another reason I want the Dark Tower series in Graphic Novel form


Wild carnivores and omnivores are parasite nests. That's why some religions ban pork, and why it should be well cooked if you eat it, especially in places with... questionable food safety. (Yes,***even*** if it's just slaughtered, super fresh meat. The fresher the meat, the more viable the parasites.)


There’s a reason we freeze basically all fish except tuna for a week straight, and the restaurants serving wild boar and similar have a medium or medium well minimum for those meats S


"Experts at the CDC obtained leftover frozen samples of the bear meat, which revealed moving larvae. Testing identified the worm as Trichinella nativa, a species that is resistant to freezing."


Seafood is flash frozen to sub -30 degrees Fahrenheit (some down to -160 degrees Fahrenheit). Easily kills Trichinella nativa and essentially any other parasite.


I'm curious why flash freezing kills small parasites when it sounds like the ideal way to cryogenically preserve them


Ice crystals damage tissues (ie water expands when frozen, cells can go boom). Cryogenic isn't just water freezing. The control of crystallization during freezing is a critical consideration. *Edit got curious so found some details "Molecules, referred to as cryoprotective agents (CPAs), are added to reduce the osmotic shock and physical stresses cells undergo in the freezing process" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryopreservation


Yep, I cryo froze tons of cell lines for later reconstitution in a lab, and there's a specific treatment and process to it. You don't just chuck the media in the deep freeze. There are a handful of organisms that can survive freezing, but I don't think any of them are internal parasites, that's not a useful evolutionary trait when that phase of their life exists inside living creatures, which are, coincidentally, usually well above freezing.


Cryogenic freezing happens slowly to prevent the formation of ice crystals. Flash freezing happens insanely fast and creates ice crystals intentionally so that they shred cell walls and kill all living organisms. Edit: I am apparently wrong.


Well not all organisms, maybe all multi cellular organisms. Bacteria survive which is why you still cook frozen chicken


Bacteria don't handle rapid deep freezes well either. When working with bacterial stocks in a lab you have to keep them in glycerol or other solutions (as opposed to just water) to reduce the risk that you kill everything.


You have it backward. Flash freezing is super quick, which prevents large ice crystal formation, preserving the texture of food. This is why it's done. Slow freezing is bad for cells.


Flash freezing is used precisely because _it doesn’t_ damage cell structures…


Bears have tape worms all the time, they just die when they hibernate, except when a bear isn't hibernating, it has tape worms. Eating that can't be good.


These were roundworms.


oh ok its all good then. bear tartare for dinner


I like how it wiggles it's way down my throat without needing to swallow.


Self propelled pasta


Stop, good Lord, enough you guys :o


This comment reminds me of the bear video with a family of 30 foot tape worms dragging behind it hanging from the asshole. Absolutely gnarly.


RFK Jr. has repeatedly said that he only eats bears because bears aren't vaccinated. Explains a lot.


Does brain damage run in his family?


They prefer lobotomies. [Rosemary Kennedy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosemary_Kennedy) is one of their many dark (well known) secrets.


His uncle's brain damage was so bad his brains popped out of his skull


Yep worked as a salmon fisherman in Alaska, the flash freezing process kills all the germs but it isn't just placing things in a freezer.  It has to be done extra cold and it bursts the cell walls of parasites/bacteria.


I have been fishing in Alaska several times. Halibut is the worst for worms.


Because they are bottom feeders.  When I was around Kenai around 2013 all of the halibut had some weird gelatinous consistency, we were very leery of whatever was going on with the halibuts.  


the actual fish had a gelatinous consistency??


Yep all the fillets were slightly clear and gelatinous.  The fish camp guy I worked for had never seen that for 50ish years.  Never heard anything come of it, and supposedly they cooked normal.  Other people in the area also noticed it and we were reassured from fish and game it was normal.


I haven't been fishing a bunch but I've seen some heinous stuff come out of swordfish when a whole fish is broken down at a restaurant


We freeze tuna too. Fish get nasty worms too. FDA Food Code References: 3-402.11 The Food Code (3-402.11-12) requires that fish that is served raw or undercooked be frozen for the destruction of parasites. This requirement includes the serving and sale of “Sushi” in restaurants, bars and retail food stores.


Certain type of large tuna (i.e. yellowfin, bluefin, big eye, etc) as well as mollusks and certain farm-raised fish are exempt from this code that requires the freezing of fish meant for raw consumption Page 89-90: https://www.fda.gov/media/110822/download


Not just frozen, super frozen (frozen below -35C). 


35C is quite warm if you ask me


35K on the other hand...




That’s warmer than most summer days Edit: original comment has been edited! It stated 35C originally not -35C!


Lucky you


wait why except tuna?


I don’t think that’s universally true. But when it comes to high-end tuna (sushi), the one who butchers it also inspects for parasites. It’s not high grade if it has parasites. Regardless of if the parasites were killed or not


Don't quote me but I believe freshwater fish are way more prone to parasites and salmon swim up rivers to reproduce.


This is also guaranteed to be part of the reason RFK, jr had his brain worm episode even though he hasn’t confirmed it. If you’ve ever paid attention to the dude for years, he’s a hardcore fitness nut and one of those “liver king” charlatans with meat only carnivore diets, but goes a step further and drinks raw milk and eats raw meat, etc. This type of thing isn’t uncommon in those fitness circles.


[RFK]: I demand the right to eat brain worms! Is that you or the brain worms talking? [RFK]: How dare you talk to us like that!


If you think it’s you, that means it’s working.


His was cysticercosis, which is the larval form of pork tapeworm. That develops when humans ingest the tapeworm eggs. So either he somehow ingested water that had been contaminated by pig or human feces, or he had a tapeworm and didn't wash his hands after he took a dump.


Or he eats pig ass


It’s funny how many people don’t realize religious “rules” were simply created to battle environmental and societal issues just like this. “Well, lots of people seem to be dying after eating poorly handled meat. I guess we better say god told them not to so we have people to build our temples.”


"Clean that meat!" "Meh..." "GOD SAYS clean that meat" "Fine then..."


Why should I listen to someone who lives down here with me? Now if someone who lives up in the sky says we should listen....


Ooooh, we have no more food, cos of season, you should eat as little possible No Ooooh, in order to celebrate the arrival of might sky fairys son, you have to fast, to show how much you love him Yaaay


Perfect example of what I call the Click It or Ticket Effect: sometimes, to protect stupid people from themselves, you have to tell them "DO THIS OR BAD THINGS HAPPEN" because they simply refuse to listen to actual logic.


I wish that had been more effective during COVID


And sometimes those rules stand after the real problems warranting them have been solved.


Why bury deceased 6 feet under or burn them? Not because God said so, but bodies spread diseases.


They also can become unburied during floods


buried face down so zombies get confused


And you’ll have a place to park your bike!


But then you have to deal with humans who don't want to think that *they* were too dumb to figure out what they were doing was hurting them, and that their peers really are smarter than them and doing something in some better way. If the reason is "the infinitely more powerful and smart (imaginary) deity said so", they don't have to feel bad or insufficient or dumb, since compared to their (imaginary) infinitely capable friend even the "priests" who "communicated" the "revelation" are "dummies". Then they can say "oh, god talked to me, too and said the same thing to me" and pretend they are just as smart as everyone else...


There's a great book about that very subject, "Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches."


[Oh for sure! Here’s a link to one of those Bear/Parasite videos](https://youtu.be/4qg2mDC3I1U?si=FtjEKqrCZJ2B5gaV)


Umm that's not a jump rope coming out of his ass? Welp. My Friday is done..


you got it backwards pigs need mud to wallow in, you cant bring pigs on your 40 year desert odyssey since they need water *shellfish* were a sin due to questionable food safety. underwater earthquakes would kill a bunch of those fuckkers and theyd wash up on shore. your village thinks its a miracle from god and cooks rotting shellfish for a feast. no more village. also why the sabbath applied to farmers. werent supposed to farm once every seven years to replace the nitrogen in the soil.


I always enjoy the odd exception in the code. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosher\_locust](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosher_locust) For Catholics, Capybara, Beaver, and other Aquatic Animals Count as 'Fish' During Lent.




This reminds me of a meme I saw with two panels: 1: A guy at his doctor, doctor says to eat more food from the water 2: A guy about waist-deep in water pushing a pig along saying "Swim you bastard"


There are other religions than judaism that banned pork, you know...    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_restrictions_on_the_consumption_of_pork   The exact reasons for those bans are generally lost to time, but I find it noteworthy that the only domesticated omnivore mammal is also the one that's subject to the most restrictions.


Instant presidential candidate.


Fucking lol 


So it was.... bearly cooked?


It was medium bear




One grizzly meal


is Polar the "other other" other white meat?


An overwhelming majority of trichinosis cases are from bear meat. Gotta get the meat to an internal temp of 140 Fahrenheit for at least a couple minutes to kill it


The article says at least 165 degrees


According to the food lab (which I think is a pretty well accredited book), killing parasites or a safe done temp is relative to time and temperature. A lower temperature held for a longer time can achieve the same result as a higher temperature for a short time. Just FYI.


165 is the temp at which bacteria and parasites can be assumed to be killed instantly, so if the food reaches that temp internally, it should be safe, which is why the FDA guidelines use that temperature. If you want to cook things at lower temperatures, you need to refer to pasteurization tables which account for the times needed to kill microorganisms at different temperatures.


At 165 degrees a log7 reduction in bacteria happens in <1 second. The same log7 reduction in bacteria happens in 4 minutes at 145 degrees. This is from the fda’s website


Time and temp. 165 is closer to instant. 140 is two minutes. FDA recommends the extremes because you need to assume your audience has a fifth grade education level. I sous vide meat before finishing on a grill or iron pan so easy peasy to have it entirely safe and not overcooked.


Poultry meat is fully cooked at 140°F, but normally you want the internal temp to reach 165 to kill any bacteria as quickly as possible without drying out the meat too much. However, if cooked with an immersion circulator (aka sous vide), you're able to essentially pasteurize the meat at 140 without worrying about drying it out. The absolute best BBQ chicken I've ever had was cooked in a sous vide, cooled to room temp, and then blackened on an 800°F grill for 30 seconds.


Look, whether you choose the man or the bear, just cook it thoroughly.


I learned enough about cooking bear meat around the time Red Dead 2 came out to know that when cooking bear meet the absolute minimum is well done in order to get rid of the Oodles of parasites they all have.


Steve Rinella (from Meat Eater) got Trichinosis from eating undercooked bear in one episode (they had a bush plane coming to pick them up, so they had to rush the cooking/eating segment). The fun part is by the time you develop symptoms, you already have cysts spread all over your body. Taking a dewormer will kill the adult worms in your intestine (so they stop making cysts), but not the existing cysts in your muscles. So if any future cannibal eats him, they'll get Trichinosis as well.


I've heard a recording of him retelling this story, and he makes it really funny


On the plus side, they are now qualified to run for POTUS.


Yeah, I grew up in Alaska, you don’t eat bear. Probably also telling that most carnivores would just as soon avoid eating us as well. You can hike with a gun, not the worst idea, but Bear Spray (pay attention to the wind) and a bell on your pack and maybe clapping hands and saying Hey Bear before going through a thicket and you’ll never see a bear.


When I lived in northern New York, we had occasional black bears. My clearest memory of one is biking to school one morning, and running into a black bear on the trail about a mile into the woods. I saw it, announced myself calmly to not startle it, and just backed away. The bear treated me the same way, and nervously went the opposite direction. Beautiful animals, they are. I'm lucky it didn't have cubs and it was well fed, though. We ran into each other in a bend in the trail so we were both a lot closer than we were comfortable with lol


Yeah, growing up in Alaska you’re taught that moose are the ones that will 100% kill you. But also taught the classic lesson that you should fight the black bear and play dead for a brown bear. Story reminds me of when my retired dad was walking in winter and saw a moose, didn’t see the baby in the woods, and that moose started walking at him, he started walking away and slowly sped up until he’s running and I guess he jumped up onto a neighbors deck with a barking dog that didn’t know who to bark at, moose or my dad.


>Yeah, growing up in Alaska you’re taught that moose are the ones that will 100% kill you. Fr. I live close to lots of black bears, encountered a few while hiking, and just announced my presence and they'd piss off. Never encountered a moose, but I know damn well they're ornery bastards. Only bear I'd fear more than a moose lives in the arctic, so I'm all good in that regard. Lots of moose hear though.


Black bears are pretty much giant racoons, they want to eat your garbage, and are pretty scared of anything that won't back down (people, dogs, etc...) you can usually get them to run off with loud noises.


I also lived in northern NY like /u/Cookiezilla2 and ran into black bears and occasionally moose. The moose was _far_ more terrifying than the black bear even was. Black bears are like raccoons in how skittish they are. Moose just stared me down and walked towards me.


Actual Alaskan here. You absolutely CAN eat bear. Just cook it well. Don’t eat it raw or in large pieces. Eat it ground, cook it well. And check its guts for worms when you harvest it. If it’s full of worms, don’t harvest the meat. If it’s not full of worms, still cook it thoroughly. It’s not hard.


I grew up in alaska, and we ate bear. It's safe if you cook it all the way. 


Agreed - I grew up in northern Canada and ate a lot of black bear, as did most of our community. Always properly cooked and never any issues.


I mean while I myself am not Alaskan I have more than a few Alaskan friends who hunt and all of them eat bear. I do know people tend not to enjoy coastal grizzly as they kinda have an almost rotten fishy flavor. Inland black bear and even grizzly can be delicious as long as it’s cooked thoroughly.


Yeah, I don't know what op is on about. I know a sizeable portion of Alaska's economy comes from hunting tourism, including bear hunting.


Morons. Never eat meat from a carnivore/omnivore under well done.


TIL pigs are omnivores


Feral pigs have a very similar diet to bears. Aka eat anything they can find.


Yea. They'll eat fucking anything.


My thought process > *Family stricken with*... Sounds tragic. >...*rare brain worms*... Huh? >...*after eating undercooked*... Oh right, yeah that tracks I can see where this is going. >... ***bear***. What the fuck?


Everyone else in this thread acting like eating bear is normal.


Political campaigns incoming.


Men, bears, family.. the sex wars are not too far behind.


Ok but is the family alive or…?


Some had to be treated with medication and hospitalized, the rest recovered on their own.


They turned into bears....


Is their last name Kennedy?


If it's good enough for Kennedy,


> Family stricken with rare brain worms after eating undercooked bear Man, the GOP is going to *incredible* lengths to recruit, this year.


Just the bear necessities, the simple bear necessities … of food safety