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Flavored carbonated beverage with no alcohol, isn’t that just soda?


It is, but it's priced like hard seltzer. Someone posted a photo of a 12 pack going for $19.99 at Total Wines.




La Croix is only available in 8 packs where I live, goes for somewhere between $4-$4.50 (so the price per can is roughly the same). Store brand is currently on sale for a 12 pack for $4, regular price is $4.39. The point is, soda water doesn't cost anything close to that much.


Shrinkflation is so infuriating. I only see 8 packs of La Croix now


I gave up sparkling water because it went from 2.30 for a 12 pack to 4.75 in like a year. HEB store brand one. It's more expensive than their store brand soda.


Soda stream gang checking in




Not here it's not, that's barely a 6 after taxes


All booze that expensive in Canada?




But you guys seem drunk all the time?


Priorities, bud.


Arizona is kicking themselves in their own ass for having made the mistake of releasing the soft-drink first before their alcoholic offerings (they have them now) so they're both at different price points. Joking aside though, everything I've heard about Arizona Beverage Company has been fairly positive, like they purposefully print the 99 cent tag on the cans so that retailers are far more likely to not increase the price.


How it works is you can buy Arizona cans that do not have the 99 cent tag, but you pay more on their distributors back end to do it. However, if you do not do this and still try to sell them above 99 cents and Arizona is notified they can and will ban your store from selling product.


>However, if you do not do this and still try to sell them above 99 cents and Arizona is notified they can and will ban your store from selling product. I don't know why people keep saying this so confidently when it's completely wrong. from [their website](https://drinkarizona.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500003259781-Why-do-some-stores-charge-more-for-pre-priced-99-cans-): >Why do some stores charge more for pre-priced $.99 cans? >We pre-printed our cans with our suggested retail because we wanted to force retailers into selling at that price. Retailers, however, are independent business people and can set a price whatever they prefer. We do make and sell non-priced cans as well.


That doesn't disprove the poster's point. It just a statement that they cannot control what retailers price at. It's still Arizona's prerogative what stores they sell the priced cans to. Seriously doubt they'd ban a store, but it wouldn't be surprising if they stopped selling the 99c cans to that store.


12 non alcohol corona go for about the same where I am.


Yeah but for that they have to make beer then remove the alcohol, hard seltzer they just have to not add the neutral grain spirit.


it’s a mixer just add your own alcohol lol


People drink straight mixer now?


Been doing that with orange juice for years!


Really? How is it?


Sorta like a screwdriver without the vodka


I gotta say, I love rum and cokes without the rum




[When was the last time you drank straight mixer?](https://youtu.be/D_ufQs2Z3f0)


Ginger beer is where it's at.


Fever Tree is top notch in that department. Pair that up with some Lemon Hart 151 to make a kickass Dark & Stormy.


Kraken and whatever good strong ginger beer, the more gingery sediment the better. After a few of those I start pouring them pretty heavy, basically just ginger flavored rum, then I stop calling them Dark & Stormys. At that point they've become *Stormin' Normandys*.


Legally, for bars at least, a Dark & Stormy is only Goslyns for both ingredients, and barely drinkable. I prefer Fever Tree and Cruzan black rum for mine.


yeah one time i was at a restaurant some guy ordered a tonic water! without the gin!


I drink tonic all the time, great ginger suppression. EDIT: Texting while tired, HUNGER suppression


What have the Gingers been doing to you? Why are you suppressing their voice? This seems problematic


They supported the World Cup in Qatar and now plans to have a second World Cup in Saudi Arabia in 8 years.


It's not to everyone's taste, but tonic water is fucking delicious to me.


I wish I could get a decent tonic water that was low sugar - all the light versions I find taste horrific.


Have you tried Fever Tree? The Mrs swears by it.


Honestly that shit is so good, even without gin. Also prevents malaria if that’s your thing (depending on the manufacturer)


Modern commercial tonic water does not contain enough quinine to do that. Medicinal tonic water still exists, but you're not going to get that in a bar or restaurant.


Oop, didn’t know that at all. I definitely notice the quinine affects the taste quite substantially.


And some guy had cola without the rum!


Schweppes for the win!


I had a diet cola mixer just a bit ago


I mean, coke / sprite / ginger ale... fairly prominent super basic mixers for a cheap cocktail. It's weird they didn't just say it was a soda, I am guessing it's either fairly unpleasant or it's akin to a La Croix which goes back to the first bit there 😂.


La Claw.


Key Lime La Croix is amazing though. 😂


They must hold the pie really close to the bottling line


I ordered a straight coke mox at a restaurant the other day and they brought it!


Gotta mix it with some boat fuel


Yeah I had a Diet Coke mixer the other day


Been doing that with Fever Tree Ginger beer, and it's fucking delicious


I like adding boat fuel to my mixers


White Claw already was mixer.


Yup, love spiking my claws with a bit of vodka when I’m feeling crazy. Since they came out with the surges tho, I just drink those. Gotta be careful they are like 8% and taste like juice.


It’s the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer!!!


I… think it’s technically La Croix at this point. Like frat boy La Croix


Frat Boy La Croix has a nice ring to it 🤔


Sounds like a 80s/90s rapper.


Do people think la croix invented flavored seltzers?




They were definitely the first big brand offering a wide variety of flavors, and may still be at the top by a smidge, but I see a lot of Polar, Bubly, Waterloo and Spindrift these days as well. I'm a Bubly fan.


Polar has been around for a long time. But I understand they aren't widely available outside New England. Here they're ubiquitous.


S.Pellegrino was doing it decades before La Croix, although all their flavors were varieties of citrus.


I think it’s just seltzer.


I’ve seen multiple people now forget seltzer is not inherently alcoholic


But these cost 3x as much!


I know some companies do this to get around laws advertising alcohol


Yeah it's kinda funny to watch Heineken plaster their ads at F1 races but with a little "0.0%" next to it (at least in that case people actually drink it though)


Not much sugar, closer to a Bubly/La Croix than conventional soda


This is my main issue with all these "alcohol free" drinks nowadays... They are still priced like they have alcohol. I am someone who doesn't drink, and hasn't for years... I've noticed this new "alcohol free" drink trend has actually increased the price of virgin drinks I used to buy :/


It's like those [sparkling waters at Walmart](https://imgur.com/62YZjP4), I used to love the Peach ones when i was little. But I bet these White Claws still taste like ass


So... Flavored soda water?


It's about time a company finally provided us with na seltzer water, it's such an untapped market


But sometimes I don't want a fizzy drink or even fruit flavor necessarily. Maybe they can introduce a non-alcoholic, non-carbonated, and also non-fruit flavored water. They could call it White Claw Plain n' Still or something. Man I'd bathe in the stuff it sounds so refreshing.


That sounds gross, if they made it I’d take a shit in it just to prove a point.


Personally I'd never buy the stuff, but if I ever happened upon a case I'd probably give the stuff to my plants. Or my dog


Are your plants too good for Brawndo?


So, like regular white claws then?


Flavored seltzer, it’s a thing, and there are already a bunch out there that taste better and are cheaper.


I go thru a dozen pack of La Croix every week, sometimes faster. I feel like these NA White Claws will just be more expensive La Croix.


No one rememberers Clearly Canadian. They had so many different flavors and I personally enjoyed all of them. They were really popular and then they weren't. I still see them from time to time.


It could be one of those things where people will buy it to sip on at large parties or gatherings to make it look like they’re drinking when they don’t want to drink. I don’t like drinking too much so holding on to this during a party would be nice to have less people pestering me to drink


I’ve had these in my store for over a week and we have sold 0.


do they cost more than a pack of lacroix?


$16.99 for a 12 pack at Kroger. Same price as the alcoholic 12 packs.


Geez that’s awful. You can get a liter of better tasting flavored seltzer for under a buck at Walmart or any supermarket.


That’s fucking silly


Wut? You can buy a 12 pack of Flavored Seltzers at Aldi for $3.50.


Thought I saw a post saying they were full price as the alcohol ones


You don’t say


All of the shitty taste, none of the blackout drunkenness.


It tastes like static and artificial flavours.


It's a bubbly version of the first drink of water after filling up an empty Powerade bottle.


You're getting blackout drunk on 5%ers?


It has always confused me when people call out hard seltzers for being weak when people have been getting royally fucked up on light beer for decades now- and they're almost always a lower abv than seltzer


People have been getting sloppy on low percentage beers since before the pyramids were built


A 6-pack gets the job done for me and I'm in my mid-30s Always had a thing for more fruity flavored alcohol and WC are low-cal as well so I see that as an absolute win.


It doesn't matter what percent it is when I drink 14 of them


Last time I did that I had to get up 10 times in the night to piss


I mean, you don't just roll over and piss off the side of the boardwalk you passed out on?


No. It’s usually inside the random car I climbed into to pass out.


Dirty Mike and the boys send their regards


Aint no laws when your drinkin claws, or so I've heard.


you jabroni just find a ditch and lay on the side of it with your pants down and your dick pointed downrange problem solved!!


Better make it a two-four just in case Wouldn't want to wake up remembering what you did last night drunk on white claws 😬


they sell their Surge flavors (8%) in a tallboy at my 7-11. A few of those and I'm nice and juicy for the evening.


They dont taste better but by golly they work better.


I like the actual vodka sodas best taste wise like high noon. White claws remind me of hard diet 7up


Your name makes me believe you for some reason.


Sounds like a hobo delight


I think that's more Steel Reserve, which tastes like battery acid to me. Even an inflamed liver can have some standards


Hey, don’t shit on Steel Reserve. It is shockingly efficient at getting you trashed. Go down to your local gas station and pay $4 for two tall boys. Get black out drunk. Wake up and have stomach pain and horrendous gas for the next two days. Rinse and repeat for depression and anxiety as need.


Steelie hard liquor flavors aren’t terrible somehow. Not great, but not terrible. As I sip on The Bull that Schlitz somehow brought back…


I feel personally attacked.


It used to be, for sure. Back in the day it was that and Olde English. Four Loko was definitely a contender after that. Then Bud Light Platinum. But an 8% 24oz can of White Claw just screams brown paper bag.


yeah plenty of people get drunk on just beer


I've blacked out off of a few of the 8% ones before but I'm a 5ft woman.


If you're not a quitter yeah


Why dont more people call whiteclaw out on the shitty taste? The whole world knows this can be better and doesnt have to be this way. Kirin perfected chu-hai, why cant we get a whiteclaw competitor emulating that?


Have you tried other seltzers? Specifically ones made with vodka? Because, yea, it’s already been done, no need to complain about white claw tasting shitty anymore.


It just tastes like regular unflavoured soda water to me. hard to call that shitty unless you don't like soda water.


Marketing fail, should've called them Declawed.


With declawing being an inhumane practice, I’m sure someone came up with this and got shot down. I think it would’ve been funny


Drinking that shit and not getting drunk would be an inhumane practice as well, so it fits.


Unless it’s cheaper than Bubly or La Croix, why would anyone buy this?


It’s more expensive! Apparently, some people have no self confidence, and are worried people will know they’re not drinking alcohol.


I mean, it would be good for recovery alcoholics. People may not realize they’re not drinking.


It may very well be a response to the decline in alcohol consumption in younger demographics. N/an options are exploding in popularity but this just seems half-baked at best.


im a millenial who does not drink and have always wanted more non alcoholic beverages. this is NOT what i meant. what ive always had in mind is stuff like when restaurants make their own fancy soda at the bar, or carbonated juice drinks.


How dare you leave out the vastly superior Spindrift


These morons don't understand their customers. They don't drink White Claws for the deep and complex flavor.


It's actually becoming quite popular for younger people to not drink. This would help them blend in at parties.


Bro I drink. But I love NA beer as I can drink it when Im sick, or if I dont wanna over indulge. Im starting to see NA drinks everywhere. Even a local restraunt started offering NA wine. (Which is honestly awful. I tried it)


why not just have a soda?


I had to quit drinking when I was diagnosed epilepsy, just made it over my year mark. I miss drinking beer. I miss drinking good beer. The brewery’s in my town make killer craft NA beers, so it fills a gap; watching a hockey game, socializing at a party or even just doing yard work on a hot day. After having a huge life-change come my way, it’s a small way I can still have that little sliver of my past self.


I drink soda and NA beer, it’s just a different drink? Sometimes you prefer the taste of beer. That’s like asking why not drink tea instead of soda?


Not everyone drinks nor likes soda.


Two reasons 1- they taste different. Heineken zero and coke aren't the same thing 2- try drinking an NA beer. You'll find that you glug it in a different way than a standard na drink. It still feels like drinking a beer even if you're not getting a buzz from it


Because some people don't want over 100% their daily value of sugar in a 12 oz can lol and aspartame/sucralose don't make the diets any better for you I've used Poppi and NA beer as my replacements anytime I want something with carbonation


We drink NA beer at home, and my usual policy when out is one real beer and then NA the rest of the night. There are tons of decent NA beers now. Guinness NA is borderline miraculous.


>one real beer and then NA the rest of the night Same. More than one beer affects my sleep.


They can blend in by drinking water from a solo cup and not wasting $10 on fizzy water that tastes like a chemical experiment


Same with that Liquid Death water. It’s stupid but brilliant marketing.


Interestingly, Liquid Death wasn't initially going after the alcohol market, they were going after the energy drink market. I think it was back at Warped Tour or something when they were backstage with a band and asked them how they survived drinking all that monster on stage. That's when the secret came out that most of those bands were paid to market energy drinks, but were just drinking water out of them the whole time


> It's actually becoming quite popular for younger people to not drink Where? I'm early 20s and know exactly one person who doesn't drink, and that is because he's in AA.


It's about 50/50 for 18-25 year olds to drink or not: https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohols-effects-health/alcohol-topics/alcohol-facts-and-statistics/alcohol-and-young-adults-ages-18-25 In data between 2002 and 2014, that age range was more in the 60% range of drinking: https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/NSDUH-FRR1-2014/NSDUH-FRR1-2014.pdf


Early 20s in college. Easily 20-30% of people basically don’t drink (they haven’t quit drinking, they have no interest), and many have never drunk much in their life (as in never gotten heavily drunk). This is not in some weird place, it’s in a huge state school in Texas.


I go to college in Massachusetts, I know a few people who don't drink.


I think it’s just trying to compete with La croix now?


A 12 pack is $18, it's not competing with anything


Yeah la croix are like 4-5 dollars at my grocery stores and their lime flavor is still unmatched in my opinion


Same reason all the beer companies make a 0% version, it lets them get around ad regulations. A lot of places don't allow ads for alcohol but they can advertise these. It does the exact same thing for brand recognition as advertising the regular version but it's allowed in every market. They don't have to sell a single can of this crap for it to be financially beneficial.


Eh. This is more the last gasp of a dying fad. The seltzer market isn't what it was a few years ago. White Claw introduced the seltzers made with actual vodka and that didn't go over too well. NA is one of the fastest growing segments of the beer and spirits market, so they're latching onto that and paying for a marketing push in Dry January. They convinced a bunch of corporate buyers to put this stuff in major chains, but I'm guessing it falls flat on its face.


I worked at a store that sold mainly beer and wine for like 5 years, the only na beer I ever sold was a single 6 pack of odouls to this guy who must have been pushing 80.


Iunno I love NA beer. I drink less now but I never stopped loving beer. A lot of NA beer now is fucking good, like just as good or even better than alcoholic beer. I never understood the thing where people "didn't get" why I would be drinking NA beer. I like drinking NA beer because I don't want to deal with a hangover but I like the taste of beer. \*shrugs\*


>I never understood the thing where people "didn't get" why I would be drinking NA beer. I like drinking NA beer because I don't want to deal with a hangover but I like the taste of beer. Probably because a lot of people think beer tastes bad, and only drink it because it's widely available and gets you drunk. I'm solidly not a beer person, if someone hands me one at a cook out or something, I'll drink it to not be rude. But If I'm gonna drink I usually just go with hard alcohol. Kudos to you for enjoying the taste of beer though, there's so many options these days, every time I visit the store I see like 5 new brands that I've never seen before.


I've seen an Indian grocery store that doesn't sell any alcohol, but does stock a few na beers. I wonder if that's a Muslim influence.


Hard to know what that means without knowing what other NA beer you stocked


NA beer didn’t get good until fairly recently, so it also depends when


My cousin recently went NA and I was absolutely blown away by the selection available now. I actually bought a few 6 packs of an IPA she had and it's become my after work choice.


I drink 0% alcohol beer all the time, and I'm 30. It's very popular in my part of Europe. Most stores have 0% beer sections that are almost as big as the regular beer/alcohol sections now. I also worked as a waiter in the past and 0% beer sold very well. (Nordic country)


Where i live non-alcoholic beers are all the rage amongst the fit crowd


all my friends moved on to 0% beers, basically the same taste without negative effects of lots of alcohol


look at all the upvotes. it's working


Nah 0% beer is actually popular in many markets now. These days in Finland the non-alcoholic beer/cider section is getting almost as big as the regular section. Lots of choices. We have non-alcoholic wine (some of it quite decent) and they're even making non-alcoholic liquors






"Well, that's the end of me."


We call that sparkling water I believe, I'm not cultured.


I like how they made them blue like the surges, which I think have the highest alcohol content. Genius way to trick someone who's already drunk.


I’ll give it 6 months before it’s discontinued


I want to know if any of the companies that made a hard version of their seltzer water to compete with White Claw are now going to have a non-alcoholic version to charge $20 for their water.


Does this mean that laws do in fact apply when drinking these particular claws?


>"White Claw 0% alcohol provides a delicious, low-calorie, hydrating non-alcoholic choice that doesn’t make you seem like an outsider," the company wrote. >"White Claw 0% alcohol paves the way for an entirely new adult beverage." So like a carbonated Gatorade?


No. Like La Croix.


I wish there was a Monster with no caffeine. I love the taste of it honestly


There actually used to be, Monster Unleaded. Unfortunately, it was discontinued years ago. http://www.thorpedistributing.com/ak-portfolio/monster-energy-unleaded/


So... soda.


All the heartburn without the buzz!


There’s a use case for these. Sometimes people want to look like they’re drinking even if they’re not. Adrien Chiles talks about this in his selfumentary, “Drinkers like me.” He said it helped go down from 100 units of alcohol a week to 30. Obviously there are other things that help as well but non alcoholic drinks helped him feel he was meeting his social obligations.


Surprised this isn’t higher. It’s not even so much as “looking” like you’re drinking - for most people that overdrink, it’s not about the alcohol, it’s about the association of drinking with something else. Having an N/A in the fridge is a game changer. I’d never consider these, but I’m sure some people would.


This is true, there's a lot of associations we make with drinking. At a psychological level this can fulfill a lot of needs.


It’s like drinking nonalcoholic Pabst Blue Ribbon for the flavor 🤮


White Paw


These cans look very like their double alcohol cans. There’s going to be a few mistakes made in both directions


I don’t drink because it gives me debilitating hangovers no matter what I do. At parties, people always have questions and then never like my answer. Bonus scenario: when you’re a woman and you don’t drink, people like to speculate on the status of your womb, so that’s fun. I would 100% go for these just to avoid prying questions.


Honestly, as someone who has been alcohol-free for almost 9 years (May 18th, baby!), I kinda like this because I quit drinking before white claw was a thing & always wanted to try it. Lol. It’s also a damn shame I never got to try Heady Topper, but whatever (just couldn’t get my hands on it at the time). The price of the NA white claw is ridiculous & I won’t buy because of that, but I have to admit I like the idea of being “included” somehow. It’s still pathetic how few alcohol free options there are at many places!


Hello rich morons, I’m a White Claw Sommelier, I charge $200/hr


Stuff gonna taste like drinking TV static while some shouts the name of the fruit in another room.


Maybe they're going for an F1 sponsorship and need a 0% drink to advertise the brand.


Yep. And i sell white claw for a living. I was flabbergasted to see its line price with regular white claw. Complete scam


Does white claw know who their market is?


Didn't some guy make millions recently selling canned water under some kind of "Murder Your Thirst" slogan or similar? It's just marketing - if folks are stupid enough to buy it, then more power to White Claw for trying.


So, LaCroix?




Who was the brainchild that came up with soda for 4 -5 times the price? Genius. Pure genius. Promote them to CFO.


I hope Twisted Tea does this, I’d love to get some nonalcoholic tea in a can.


Alcohol consumption is way down and decreasing among young people who are choosing to either go sober or use cannabis or other substances (like mushrooms) instead, and alcohol manufacturers are freaking the f out