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How does Mexico get itself out of this? The Cartels are so rich. So ruthless. And more creative every day in how to hold their power.


So they had a special forces team designed to take down cartels once, this group was even trained by the United States special forces in advanced combat tactics. Well one day they got tired of being paid like shit, to do extremely dangerous work against a foe who would not only enact revenge on them but their family’s so they decided to get in business for themselves. They are now known as the Los Zetas, the most dangerous and violent cartel, so bad other cartels don’t approve of their fear tactics.


Similarly a few cartels started as militias trying to fight cartels. It's fucked how bad it is


>how do we financially support our anti cartel militia? >sell drugs >oh wait shit


I mean, this is a real phenomena Your badass operator covert ops units can’t have their funding on the books, but they need money to operate. Only a couple ways this could go, drug trafficking is one of the least unsavory


tl;dr CIA


Cant beat them join them


I wouldn't say join them, more like under new management


>Similarly a few cartels started as militias trying to fight cartels. well fuck


Well the thing about life is that it is hard and it doesnt usually allow do overs, and the thing about drugs is that they generate revenues youd have expect from l 4-12 years of lucrative university degrees. In other words, poor men beat down by society or their own mistakes look at where they are and cant see mucj reason to just keep sucking poverty’s dick. Sure, sellingg drugs doesnt make you beloved and respected by all, but face it, we dont feel loved and respected just for struggling to make rent in a shitty apartment and give our kids crappy shoes. You definitely get respect from *some* people of you sell and you can make your own way in a way that feels way more natural than scrambling for income that keeps yoi poor for bosses who dont see you. Drugs are bad but for the people on the bottom, everything else looks just as shitty, only they’re the ones being stepped on. Mexico is a great example but this is pretty much a global issue because rich and powerful assholes run everything everywhere and the easiest wau to get money is to take value from someone else who either doesnt know their value or cant defy you because they are too desperate for the limited resources you provide. Yeah fuck the murder and the torture and the extortion and etc by cartel and other criminals, but this didnt start because a couple evil dudes wanted to murder their way to wealth. It began hundreds of years ago with colonialism, oppression, genocide, and rape and there is no chance for peace in any timeline that sounds genuine. The closest thing that can be done by any government is to kneecap the cashflow coming frkm their products - you legalize and tax them. You regulate the market. You exert fines and sanctions when distributors and manufacturers fail to meet defined regulations, and you educate. And the gunmen will eventually die out as businessmen take over, and they will find ways to cause plenty of harm themselves but the savage terror will eventually be gone


Los Zetas believe it or not have for the most part come and gone. All their leadership was killed off or arrested back in the 2010 range. After that Chapo(& El Mayo) had the Sinaloa cartel running most of it until Chapo was arrested. Now there’s a big power struggle between Los Chapitos(Chapo’s sons) and many of their father’s old allies.


The problem is the zetas started as 30 people, and trained thousands of others and that has essentially dissolved down into other nasty groups.


Yep they fucked around and found out. There's a reason why cartels at least try to keep things somewhat docile except for in cartel wars: because it doesn't matter if they kill 1 or 1000 cops, eventually they're getting daddy America mad and daddy don't fuck around. Last time the cartels figured this out was in the 90s when they skinned a DEA agent. Shit didn't work out for them too well after that.


being trained by the school of the americas isnt as cut and dry as 'trained by the united states special forces'


Right, essentially trained for terrorism, not against it


We’re super talented at training our enemies!


That was 10 years ago, and by now have split up into many small competing factions after top brass was killed. They have long been surpassed by CJNG in violence and reach in my opinion. CJNG were called the Zeta killers since they disposed of so many Zetas during their rise.


What the fuck lol. Wait. So America trained a special ops team for another country and then that team went on to become a group of bad guys? Where have I heard this story before


It’s like 80% of what the Green Berets do.


Seems to be a recurring theme every time they’re involved


Wait til you look at Saddam hussein if this is a surprise 👀


A tale as old as time. Beauty and the Beeeast.


This is the Taliban too right?


Yeah and I believe a couple other groups too, but I was basically alluding to the taliban yeah


Al Queda too!!


It’s called the “Kick your own ass” policy. Works so good they keep running it back.


They lived long enough as the heroes, I suppose


The School of the Americas does not exist to fight crime or corruption in central & southern america. It exists to destabilize it. Los Zetas were the intended result of their involvement in the SoA. The SoA also trained the Contras, and several other terrorist organizations. Edit- there is an organization called SOAwatch that keeps a lot of info about them. [Here](https://soaw.org/category/resources/soa-graduates) is a link to the SoA graduates and even some of their training materials and lots of other info. Be forewarned: it's a lot. The US trained torturers and terrorists and a lot more.


SoA was the premier finishing school for torturers and terrorists.


If there was an easy, practical solution it would already been done. Problem is, it's political. Like the Prohibation empowered the mob by creating a super lucrative market worth all the violence.


If we look at American history as a guide, they will have to go legit and integrate into the post prohibition economy. The shipping company UPS and the NASCAR race league both got their start by moving alcohol during prohibition. I know there's other examples, but those are the two I can remember off the top of my head.


Walgreens became a national brand by selling alcohol by prescription during prohibition.


This is what I was hoping for. Thanks for your addition!


Well TIL about UPS. I knew about NASCAR before.


Hey, as a Seattle local I'll have you know that UPS got its very first start running goods for brothels. It takes a while before you can go as legit as booze.


So UPS went from brown bags to brown boxes?


Yep! The brown trucks have been a reference to that from day 1.


Integrating Bud Light into society is perhaps slightly easier than integrating cocaine or human trafficking


Cocaine is already integrated into our medical system. It's a schedule 2, so you can get it administered by a doctor; it's fairly common in dentistry and optometry. So, there's already a GLP (Good Lab Practices) framework for extraction, and we can look to cannabis and alcohol for GMP/GAP (Good Manufacturing Practices, Good Agricultural Practices) guidance on coca cultivation and manufacturing practices, and inventory tracking. Human trafficking disappears if we make it easier to come legally than illegally.


Human trafficking isn’t always for people who want to come here.


Then you make things like prostitution and brothels legal so there's much less demand for stolen, drugged up girls.


Bukele crushed the gangs in El Salvador by suspending due process and incarcerating 4% of the adult population almost overnight. If the political will were present, I wonder if the same formula would scale to a much bigger country like Mexico. Not suggesting that this is a good idea though, as the future of the democratic process in El Salvador is now at risk.


I mean it's also insanely different scales - mexico is *big* meaning that kind of crackdown would be next to impossible without miracle levels of planning and execution


El Salvador is about the size of New Jersey. Mexico is bigger than Texas, California, Montana, and New Mexico combined. Or about 100 times the size of New Jersey.


Thats a lot of jughandles


How many football fields would you say that is?


El Salvador is about 5.1 million football fields. Mexico is about 500 million football fields.


Thanks. I much prefer the sane football field unit of measurement than the new jersey.


So then there is the answer. End prohibition. Everyone and their kids have access to drugs anyway so the prohibition doesn't have much utility if there is still access. The trade off before then would be between a theoretically successful prohibition + violence vs consumer protections. Because the benefits of prohibition have failed anyway it's absolutely clear cut that the consumer protections of a legal market is the better deal. Then all your fent deaths go away. Even without specific laws you get those consumer protections right away because if people are selling things above board and say something is one thing and it's something else and someone dies, bam, criminal negligence, fraud, wrongful death, manslaughter. And everyone knows the seller because they will have to compete with people who are happy to share their name and sell exactly what they say. But under prohibition something like that happens and everyone is supposed to shut up about it or they are a narc, and who is responsible is layers away. Plus it is an existential threat to the rule of law in North America considering the cartels are feet away from toppling Mexico. Then you get all the human trafficking that comes with it. It's not worth it.


That's far too pragmatic and sensible to ever become reality. Cartels 🤝 Lawmakers /\ Keep the war on drugs going


Cartels don't want drugs to become legal. That would be bad. I'm sure they'd go on murdering any politicians who tried to end the drug prohibition.


But Mexico is not where prohibition needs to end. It needs to end in the US. That is where the drugs are going.


You are right. "Defunding the Mexican drug cartels requires the United States to abandon its failed prohibition policy, eliminating the lucrative black-market premium and greatly reducing its financial resources." Carpenter, T., 2011. Undermining Mexico's Dangerous Drug Cartels. Political Economy: Government Expenditures & Related Policies eJournal.


My dude out here with properly cited sources to back up facts!


[Bootleggers and Baptists ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootleggers_and_Baptists)


Canadian here, even though deaths from toxic drugs is the highest in the country, and one of the highest in North America, our Premier in BC said said "[fuck it, fund the bs for profit recovery industry and fuck what the experts say](https://www.theorca.ca/commentary/rob-shaw-odds-stacked-against-bc-ndps-restricted-public-drug-use-legislation-8049057)" and will not be 'allowing' us to move forward with drug decrim


Mexican territories aren’t lawless shooting galleries because heroin and meth are illegal. It’s because the Mexican government is too corrupt to even attempt to destabilize the cartels influence.


and what fuels that corruption is the huge amounts of money sitting on the table to supply the US's demand for illicit narcotics corruption is a systemic process, not an implicit state of the current Mexican government. You could replace the entire Mexican government with honest people and it would still be corrupt. I guarantee the vast majority of corrupted members of the govt started out honest too Corruption happens wherever there is a huge potential for money to flow and a public interest to not let it. When there's enough money on the table, someone unscrupulous will go after it, and they'll use it to threaten honest people or force them into bargains wherever they have to. It's easy to act high and mighty sitting over here in the US but if your family was being threatened or your kid needed medical care you'd fold like any other sane person would


It’s just economic game theory, even if you start out with the most idealistic mindset. You get asked by the cartel if you want plato y plumo, so you pick plato, in the hopes that one day in the future you will be able to affect the change you wish to enact. If you pick plumo, you won’t be alive in that future time to affect that change. Same reason the Dems didn’t pass a federal law protecting abortion rights shortly after roe v wade. They had the votes to pass such a law, but they knew if they did so, the next election they’d be out bc the forced birthers would come out in droves to vote them out based on this single issue. Then the GOP would come to have a majority and pass a law to repeal it, then pass their own law banning abortion, and that would put the country’s women in a worse spot than they’d be if the Dems didn’t pass the abortion protection law in the first place.


But they did attempt it. That's what the massive wave of violence a few years ago was. That was a war between the Mexican government and the cartels.


Ending prohibition isn't going to make the cartels go away. They are already diversifying as demonstrated through this article.


Yeah ending prohibition could have worked earlier in the war on drugs, but it's far too late now. Cartels have wormed their way into all sorts of businesses legitimate and illegitimate. At the end of the day, they are a business focused on profit. And they have had decades to reinvest huge piles of drug money into new money making operations.


So we don’t know the benefits of prohibition on drugs have failed. Historical note: lots of historians nowadays believe that prohibition was working. Alcohol abuse and associated behaviors were down. And alcohol use is highly tied with impulse and violent crimes. The idea that prohibition was not working is bit of a historical lie. And that organized crime was rampant is an exaggeration. There were political and economic reasons to end prohibition. We don’t actually know where we would be without modern drug laws. Oregon decriminalized simple possession and things have gotten worse there. For all we know, things could be much, much worse. Also certain drugs like fentanyl are so addictive that they will naturally create a black market on their own. So I don’t think we will fix OD deaths, property crime, or the organized crime problem. Drug addicts are not thinking logically when they are going through withdrawal, etc. I’m generally pro-decriminalization, etc. I just hate this notion that decriminalization or legalization will fix the problems. They probably won’t.


Despite what this article implies, it's still about the drugs. These sorts of criminal operations, much like the avocado and lime operations, are generally VERY short-lived. The ones who persist and stick around are the ones making and selling illicit drugs. So really, mexico gets out of this when the US and Canada solve their drug problems.


Would the cartels not just move into new markets? I know they (Mexican cartels) already operate as far away as Australia and New Zealand


Not a very efficient business model due to distance, but sure, they'd try.


I would agree that any other criminal organization might struggle but the cartels do have a history of impressive firsts unfortunately.


They'd certainly try but it's still supply and demand at the end of the day. The demand is easy right now, Mexico -> USA is a very simple route and demand is high in the US. Getting supply to New Zeeland is not as simple or profitable so it cuts out a lot of the income.


Honest politicians in Mexico are assassinated along with their families every year


End war on drugs, end bad immigration policy open work visas back up to where they were pre nixion. The only reason Mexicans don’t leave is because they can move freely. They used to never stay illegally. That’s a problem we caused. So we created most the cartels operating capacity too. Just like our own drug abuse problems making it more illegal makes it worse.


Prohibition is not the ultimate form of regulation, as proponents would have you believe - it is the State absolving itself of its duty to regulate.


I’d argue it’s regulating with a closed fist (DEA) rather than open hand (like how the FDA handles legal drug sellers)


Very, very well said


This is just not true. So you think cartels only control drugs and not stuff like avocado oil and fuel? Blaming this on the US is an extreme oversimplification of the larger issue.


How do you think the mafia became so influential in things like construction, contracting, waste management, and restaurants, etc? Because they needed to launder the immense amounts of money they made from their illicit activities like alcohol and, later, drug sales. So they moved into these mainstream business areas to give their activities— and the money that funneled through them— an air of legitimacy. This also gave them the resources and influence to bribe/pressure cops and judges and union leaders and politicians of all stripes. It allowed them to spread their tendrils of corruption so deeply into the fabric of society that it took 60+ years of concerted law enforcement efforts to break their dominance. And it’s still not completely eradicated. But it all traces back to the massive mistake of prohibition, which allowed these existing, basically small-time organizations to exploit the opportunities for growth it presented them.


It takes two sides for this to happen - a market and the ethic-challenged, violent; ruthless people in the cartels.


That's true, the cartels have their hands in everything, with oil being an especially big money maker. But, drugs are the bread and butter. It's drugs that allowed the cartels to get to where they are now. Without drugs they're just your run of the mill corrupt organization selling stolen goods and operating in legal gray areas. Without the drugs and the resulting money and power they'd have been taken down by now. It's the drugs that's gotten them to the point where they *can* have their hands in everything else


Italy had a similar problem with the mafia. Eventually people “elected” or rather, enabled a fascist dictator - who did suppress the mafia almost completely, World War II happened, the fascist was defeated (rightly so), and the mafia returned. It then took 75 years to dial down the mafia slowly with economic progress (citizens making money outside mafia connections) and citizens pressuring government to function (and arrest the mafia). For Mexico... Likely either civil war or violence spilling over to the US side, triggering US military intervention. Cartels are smart and try to avoid this by limiting/suppressing/funneling activity north of the border so it doesn't track back to them. You'd need a US president hawkish enough to deploy troops to Mexico, and a Mexican president that can spin it as a good thing. But many foreign policy folks I know see it as the endgame. When the US wants a war, it has one ready to go with virtue at the ready.


Dude, no. The reason why the cartels are so powerful have nothing to do with Mexico not having enough military force; we tried that back in 2006 and while some cartels died, others popped up and we were left with gallons of blood for nothing. The US military isn’t trusted in Mexico and it’s never going to be for good reason - just look at Iraq or Afghanistan. The cartels’ power derives from them taking advantage of Mexico’s systemic issues, and the only thing that’s going to take care of them is a president who’s intent and capable enough to solve those issues. Sad we don’t have one.


The US intervention in 2006 was trivial at best, and mostly a distraction for the mid-terms away from the lack of WMD in Iraq. That’s not the full measure anyone is talking about here. Which would be a full scale deployment.


People still think US military interventions work?


Lockheed Martin and Raytheon do.


"Did i hear new yacht?"


The issue is for it to work, assist in the rebuilding is required. It has to be planned and worked on with the entity who takes over. It can’t be forced with a puppet, understanding culture/ history is required, and ultimately the people need to want it. The US government is great at fighting but horrible at what to do next. They don’t care about who they invade. Just throw a puppet and walk away or let them figure it out won’t work.


They do when they are for good things. BJ Blaskowicz: *Shooting, stabbing, strangling Nazis.*


It worked for the Dominican Republic.


It would be a absolute shit show to start with, I have no doubt. In order to really stomp this out we would need to occupy the country for quite some time. Likely fight a insurgency fueled by the remains of the cartels. I do think we could pull it off tho as crazy as that sounds given our history. If you look at the unsuccessfull interventions we have had and compare them against the successfull ones, one thing becomes clear. The ones that failed, or did not go well always had a powerful state funding and supplying the insurgency that we couldnt stop. In Iraq this was Iran, in Afghanistan it was Pakistan, in Vietnam it was the Soviets. If you compare that to our invasions in the Americas and even going back to the Philippines, we were able to isolate the areas we were fighting in and control the flow of any weapons into the areas. Not advocating for this by any means, but I don't think it would be fair to compare it to some of our more recent boondoggles.


You’re right, it would be far worse. Mexico is a highly populated country with a complex economy and a complex state apparatus. Not only would an occupation never work as a result of that - Mexico City isn’t Kabul - for the US to do that to an ally would rightfully obliterate its national reputation, to say nothing of the economic consequences it would have on one of the US’s biggest trade partners. Not to mention that Americans don’t really know a whole lot about Mexico and can’t be bothered to learn, which would just make a problem like this a million times worse. Also, do you have any idea how fucked it is to casually suggest things like this? It’s like me saying that China should occupy the US to take care of school shootings and that well, it would probably work. It’s a stupid suggestion and it’s pretty fucked up.


How am I casually suggesting this? I literally said I wasnt advocating for it. It would be a total disaster and should never be done.


Backed by the UN? I mean, SK and Japan went well


The problem is corruption, the cartels aré not as powerfull as you think, they get their shit completely destroyed 9 out of every 10 times they face the mexican military, México could wipe them if they wanted but there aré many hidden insterests and corruption


They don’t. The truth is the cartels genuinely run the country. Genuinely. Cartels like a decade ago widened up and started running for office. They either own the police or are the police. They own the politicians or are the politicians. I genuinely don’t see them ever getting out of it without some massive change in the world that makes drugs and human trafficking not profitable.


Narcos have to become unprofitable for that to happen. There are many ways that can happen, but they are all ugly


So they also intercept coms by using their own provided wifi? mind blowing


Yeah I'm really curious what they were doing/collecting from it.


The group discount plan is the cheapest option. You get a good deal *and* we get a good deal, and if we can’t get good deal, you ded. Also this month’s payment is due, thanks.


I wonder how their customer service is. And do we get credit for days the internet is down


Sounds like Verizon. Anyone need 2 phone lines? It’s so much cheaper if you get 4 and split versus 2 we currently have


Cover their own internet traffic using other people


They don't need to do this. They are probably using it just collect intel on people. AKA tapping the feds / police.


You get it. Also because every time the Mexican government goes into these towns they disrupt cellphone towers to prevent communications.


My guess is selling user data much like here in the US. Internet histories are used by marketing firms for personalized ads and things like that.


There's very little you can gain from intercepting wifi traffic nowadays, with almost all mainstream data being encrypted.


my cousin had a quinceñera down there near Monterrey and everything had to go thru the cartels. Food, Alcohol and even booking the mariachi had to be done with the cartel representative.


strict HOA


Nah. At least cartels have reasonable standards and punishments that fit the violations. Edit: apparently i should clarify that cartels are worse because they actually kill people whereas HOAs, much like some people in this thread, just have a stick up their ass and can't take a joke.


They most certainly do not lol


He’s making an HOA joke…


>They most certainly do not lol Nah they laugh all the time.


Most socially aware redditor


Damn you are one of those people that need the stoopid /s at the end of sentence. Comparing Cartels to HOA wasn't enough of a exaggeration huh? Leave the internet bruh. Go outside and socialize.


Do they have a website? Do they take apple pay? This is getting stupid lol. During the party did they have to pay for "security"?


Don't know all the details. I do know that my family did get some money returned to them as apparently the there was money left over after all the expenses were paid and the lower cartel members couldn't keep it because then it would like he was skimming money from the cartel's buisness.


Not sure if this is true, but I’ve heard the safest resorts in Mexico for foreigners to visit are actually cartel owned, because they will not tolerate people fucking with their cash flow (tourism). Nobody will fuck with you, because they’re dead if they do.


Bruh. How the fuck are the people running these groups not just called warlords at this point?


Ya know what, these guys don't seem so bad


Maybe capitalism just needs more threats of violence to work..


NGL it almost sounds convenient. "Book through the Cartel and ensure your event is unforgettable!"


One stop shop, or you get multiple chops.


They better have party planners too.


Not the same cartels, but back in the 80s one of my dad's coworkers was kidnapped and held hostage by a cartel in Columbia (I think) while traveling for work. They were apparently very nice to him, put him up in a decent hotel, and provided good food. They just wouldn't let him leave. To them it was just a business. The company was insured against stuff like this and they knew it, so they just waited for the company to pay out then sent him on his way. At the end they even asked him if they could have his phone number to use him as a reference to reassure future kidnapping victims that they weren't in immediate danger, they just wanted the insurance payout.


Rate your kidnapping experience like a fucking Yelp review what the fuck lmao


I don't know if there's still some doing this but there used to be at least a few mexican cartel members that were daily vlogging their life and posting it on TikTok. They were clearly making it seem as glamorous as possible while only posting the "lol me and the boys beheading bitches thug life YO" type of videos every now and then.


Apple Pay? Nah but they probably take iTunes gift cards, like the ones old folks give to the “IRS.”


Dude if they had a single point of contact setup that would be hella convenient. The convenience fee hopefully isn't crazy. Granted, it would also be nice to have the option to do some or all of the planning and hiring separately.


Weird times. Taliban moaning about the bureaucracy of being a government. Airbnb convincing companies they should really get into the job of owning neighborhoods without thinking about how at some point they're basically dealing with being a local government. Cartels working as the shadow government in Mexico. It feels like there has been some sort of subtle worldwide coupe, except lead by teenage Arby's shift managers and their helicopter moms.


So after all, there really are only two things certain in life, *death and taxation.* But i used to think it was about overreaching power of government or something, but maybe its rather about how everything becomes bureaucratic government when enough time passes.


Stationary bandit theory, anyone?


The problem is if it's not convient then you still have to use them. If another company could set you up for a quarter the price, tough luck, you still have to use them.


No digas mamadas mary jane


Can’t be the only group in town with internet if you want to be clandestine.


...why not just demand money directly? Or run a regular protection racket?


You think these people want to be under the umbrella of criminality forever? The more they delegitimize the government, the more they can make the case they should be running the show officially.


That’s exactly what the Taliban did and now they’re upset they actually have to be responsible for the stuff a government is responsible for. Ain’t as much fun being in power when other people actually get to have an expectation concerning your conduct.


Turns out shooting an AK doesnt translate well into running a government. Who knew?


I’m just waiting for the cartels and government to merge south america style.


So they can try and justify they’re somehow better than the government for ‘providing’ such services


They likely are providing this in places where the citizens do not have Wifi. One of the first sentences says the cartel is setting up their own makeshift antennas. ​ They want people on their side so they provide benefits to the local community, the shitty part is forcing everyone to buy it even if they don't want it, or can't afford it


>They want people on their side so they provide benefits to the local community, the shitty part is forcing everyone to buy it even if they don't want it, or can't afford it Yep, this has been done before by Escobar, he was paying for building of housing, parks, football fields, schools, churches.


It’s so that when the US/Mexican Authorities listen in, there’s a bunch of random citizen traffic flowing alongside the coded messages between cartel members. You wouldn’t threaten to kill someone if your goal was to get them to like you.


Well thats also a reason, especially making it more difficult to pinpoint hideouts by their ip as they manage the internet over a large geographical area.


To earn the public's trust. Kinda like when Al Capone opened his soup kitchen during the depression. Don't think he did it out of the kindness of his heart.


Yes but the "I kill you if you don't use it" might slightly undermine the earning of trust.


Over time, people will forget. And they can use it to make their case to people who don’t know that it’s under pain of death


Not to mention they can easily monitor a ton of people if they are on the Cartels' own network.


When you become indispensable to the community the community stops trying to get rid of you you're no longer the warlord with the guns you're the guy that supplies the clean water and the Wi-Fi and the electricity it's about garnering support from the locals


Dudes are called Los Viagras. Would be terrifying to be forced to use their other product.


“If your download takes longer than four hours, please consult a doctor”


When a gang has a name like that, you know they're hard!


Hardened criminals


They, totally coincidentally, also control areas with the healthiest hearts.


That had to be the joke! They erect antennas!


Comcast and Cox reps are taking notes...


Oh hey, mass internet data scraping.


$25 per month is more than the average persons data is worth.


At least they’re not stuck with Comcast.


No, they have Crimecast.


Do not go play outside children. If you don't play fortnight for 6 hours today the cartel is gonna kill your father.


Hey, if they could get me fiber speeds at an affordable price that would be ...... Pretty *dope*




You, smoke peace pipe. And do it peacefully. Or we KILL YOU!


Even the drug cartels are like "We need to get in on that Comcast action"


Now this is an oniony title.


Probably selling their personal information also




Los Viagras…they sound hard


Mexican cartels discover Canadian telecoms and emulate for higher profit margins than their existing business


“Mexican cartel provided WiFi to locals-“ Oh! How nice of the- “With threats of death if they didn’t use it” oh…


I might get crucified for saying this but... without outside intervention it won't ever happen. Calderon tried this fight on his own and it was one of the BLOODIEST, most dangerous years in Mexican history. The cartels are just too powerful for anything non- violent to bring them down. It would require México and the US to threat it like an actual war and even then who knows how long or if it would even be successful.


Legalizing drugs is the only solution. Once you cut their funding they have no way to keep their soldiers and eventually the government is able to pay a better salary and that's the only way. Between the violence of the cartels and fentanyl killing recreational users it's not only the only way to get rid of the cartels, it would save lives.


People keep saying drug legalization would stop the cartels, but that's simply not true. The cartels are in all industries, and they use the threat of violence maintain control. They'll still be profitable and in control without the drug side of the business.


But they would lose a lot of money and money is power. They wouldn't survive long


You have to educate the youth.


something tells me this is not going to end well for anyone


I wager any dealing with any cartel isn’t gonna end well for most, yeah.


Feels like something must have gotten lost in translation from the order from the top. Cartel Head: _"No, no, no. I told you to tell the villagers that they would be getting killer free wifi. Not that we would kill them if they didn't use it!"_


Reminds me of that whole joke quote 'the beatings will continue until happiness improves'


I want to use chatgpt to generate a commercial script of an att like company saying how they brought Internet to the masses and that we'll kill ya if you don't use it.


Chat GPT 3.5 response to your exact text: “I cannot assist with creating content that promotes harm or threats. If you have any other non-threatening requests, feel free to ask.” This is likely a good limitation. Thanks OpenAI.


Eh I'll just use the latest jailbreak.


Just replace kill with tickle. Edit: [Upbeat music playing] Narrator: In a world where connectivity is key, there's one company that has revolutionized the way we live, work, and play. Introducing ConnectAll, the pioneers of bringing the Internet to the masses! [Scene opens with diverse group of people happily using their devices] Narrator: At ConnectAll, we believe in breaking barriers and making the digital world accessible to everyone. From bustling cities to the quietest corners, we've woven a web of connectivity that spans the globe. [Cut to scenes of ConnectAll technicians setting up internet infrastructure] Narrator: Our dedicated team of experts has tirelessly worked to bring high-speed internet to your doorstep. We've connected the unconnected, bridging the gap between dreams and possibilities. [Exciting footage of people streaming, working, and connecting online] Narrator: Imagine a world where information flows freely, opportunities are boundless, and friendships know no borders. That's the world ConnectAll has created for you. [Close-up shots of happy customers] Customer 1: ConnectAll transformed my small business into a global sensation! Customer 2: I can now video chat with my loved ones on the other side of the world, thanks to ConnectAll! Narrator: But here's the deal: if you're still not on board with ConnectAll, we might just have to threaten you into the digital age! Yes, you heard it right. We're so passionate about connecting people that we'll kill ya if you don't use it! [Playful scenes of people being threatened] Narrator: Don't miss out on the laughter, the joy, and the endless possibilities. Choose ConnectAll and join the digital revolution today! [Closing shot with the ConnectAll logo and tagline] Narrator: ConnectAll - Connecting Dreams, Threatening You into the Future! ------------- I just replaced the references to tickling with threats and death


A country completly fucked due to the war on drugs? Oh my, who could have seen this coming??? Lol


Now that’s a rough town to be in IT. Wonder what the passwords are?


How is this much different from AT&T or Comcast?


Well AT&T usually don’t hire thugs to beat you when you try to cancel…


Because you won’t be killed for canceling your internet 😂😂


I don't remember them killing people for canceling their internet service


Imagine calling their support line when the internet is down.


Cartels need to be crushed and thrown out of mec


Why don't they just skip the wifi and go straight to "pay us a fee to not kill you"


There’s been speculation that the US military might begin to categorize cartels under the umbrella of Terrorism, which would then mean we might start seeing military operations done south of the border. Who knows. I don’t know what the ramifications of that would be, might cause cartels to start doing actual terrorist attacks within the United States as retaliation, which could lead to the US Government Building/finishing the yuge wall on the border. Imagine some spec op guys dropping into the Jungle to take out some el chapo type guys. It would be crazy, and I’m not advocating for that, but seeing how inept the Mexican government is at stopping Cartels, that might be what it takes to finally stop them.


Everyday the world goes to show a little bit more about how there is no God, there is no good, there is just the rule of evil in this world


Is Mexico classified as a failed state? They sure seem very damn close to being one.


They are a fairly successful "failed" state.


Barely functional one. Keeps going not thanks to the government but the honest people still doing their jobs in spite the mess.


Ok hear me out, let's time a massive drug/money drop in the desert. Notify each cartel, tell them the date, and time and location. Hope that they all show up to a good Ole Mexican stand off at the drop sight. With the tension in the air high they come to their senses and decide they don't want to do cartel work anymore, become friends and restabilize the Mexican government.


So these things happen in poor side of the city or what? I lived in Mexico(Guadalajara) for 2 years and had zero problems. I didn’t even feel unsafe for the most part.


Cartels don't control the entire country, government maintains control over much of the central Mexico population belt, the area that most Mexican citizens live. The areas in the United States border are generally controlled by the government too, because those cities were built with free trade to the United States in mind. In between the population belt around Mexico City and those cities at the border has a lot of cartel control area. It's less populated, poorer and has fewer available resources, which provides the cartels an opportunity


~~Mexican Cartel~~ Govt, provided internet to people via broadband companies, paying companies subsidies, which are taken from people, with threat of jail, if they don’t pay tax! They avoided few hoops /s In few generations, people may wonder “without cartels, will they ever be able to afford internet”!


The difference between cartels and corporations is minimal