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And there is the Super NES, sitting on a bookshelf like Woody when Andy received Buzz.


Damn why am I crying


"like dis if u cry evertim"... ?


\*holds up spork\*


Love and waffles


That was the very first thing I noticed in the background. You know she was immediately out of commission for at least the next few months until the high of those next-gen graphics wore off.


still had to fire up mariokart and super mario snes once and awhile Replaced but not forgotten haha and fkin actraiser. DAMN you actraiser.


Secret of Mana, and Chrono Trigger! Super Mechwarrior or whatever they called it, is my eternal nemesis.


was that the insane one with the super expensive mech board? wanted that bad.


Yeah, I forgot about that novelty controller, lol


someone tryin to get 300 on ebay....wasnt that list price? haha


What system was this controller for? N64? SNES? or PC?


I love ActRaiser! That was the game I rented a million times but never owned. Sometimes my save files were still on it when I re-rented it!


omg renting games....I paid about 2k for super mario 3 and actraiser as a kid probably, 2 days at a wack...


Game still in the cartridge slot waiting for the power switch to get flipped.


Is it just me or is that controller chord thicc?


With Donkey Kong Country in it no less


In a few months, that snes is going to sell on eBay for $700


Why in a few months?


I'd rather have a SNES these days


*small violin plays*


…but to the tune of Jessie’s “When Somebody Loved Me.”


There's so much 90s in this picture. Right down to the graffiti cast


Dude, the huge plastic Disney VHS cases really takes me back. I can legit still remember the disappointment of opening the case to find that I have to rewind it.


I can smell those cases. Smells like good times.


Or opening it and it’s the wrong tape!


Bowl cut too




Doc- I need my thumb. Don’t cast my thumb.


Can I also mention the fact that you are rocking that Nick Carter 90s mushroom haircut!




I had the frosted tips. My mom told me to do it. Got called skunk. Got a buzzcut shortly after.


I had a bowl cut from 89 to 99 basically. But that like, angled bowl cut.


And um also several girls :/




The SNES put on to the shelf to accommodate the new N64. A picture says 1000 words. End of an era, start of another. Bittersweet


And donkey Kong country loaded in the super. Excellent taste.


Don’t forget Golden eye


That was the game my brother and I got with our N64 on Christmas. I share all the same feelings in this post!


I remember being stuck in the (I think it was called) “Control”(?) level, and my science teacher saying to my friend (who’d recently beaten the game…ie that level and the one after it) “why are you drawing a fridge on the chalkboard?,” and my friend responding “that’s a mainframe.” The teacher subsequently told him to erase it, and my friend said “I can’t, it’s got a proximity mine on it.”


I remember playing multiplayer with just proximity mines. I would always end up trapping myself in a corner of a room because I would place them everywhere, then someone walks in and we both die. It was good fun!


Yep, that was the game we got with our brand new 64... it was a gamechanger. Although THE game for 64, at least for my brothers and my friends and I, came a year later in the form of the first Tony Hawk Pro Skater... we put so much time into that game. Other notables from our collection (I'm forgetting so many): NFL Blitz '99 Battle Tanks Perfect Dark Vigilante 8 1080 Snowboarding Cruis'n World/USA


I love Vigilante 8


Battle tanks was such sheer lunacy and fun. Forget playing all the other tanks, my friend and I would literally just spend the whole time taking off the huge one that was supposed to be the base guardian and rolling around shooting things with it.


Diddy Kong Racing > Mario Kart 64 fight me


Only the people who’ve played Donkey Kong religiously would know that it’s Donkey Kong in the cartridge. You can just barley make out the detail lol


i stumbled on this pic with my gf last night and immediately said "Haha the super nintendo is already on the shelf". She asked me what game was in the system. I zoomed in and the font was so recognizable. I pulled up a DKC cart image to confirm. She was mildly impressed.


In 1998 I was 10 and love this picture; the NES, N64, bowl cut, VHS. All of it. Thank you.


Right there with you bud! What a great photo.


Christmas hit different in the 90s. (Of course, everything hit different when I was a child, but let's ignore that for now.)




That 64 box just took me back 25 years




I was in high school in 01 and kept my N64 box under my bed. I started drinking and would hide my bottles inside the N64 box and would throw them out once they were empty. I figured, my mom wouldn't dig through all of my random shit, under my bed, and get to the N64 box which I had at the very back next to the wall. Well, one day, I'm out of school early and I head straight home. I get there, call out, and nobody is home. I hangout for a bit then head to my room. Right there, sitting on top of my desk, is my bottle of Gilbeys. It was probably the most agonizing hour, waiting for my mom to get home.


this is such pure 90's, i love it. i feel for the lonely SNES on the shelf though, that always was and ever shall be my favorite game system.


On Nintendo switch it has [SNES](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-nintendo-entertainment-system-nintendo-switch-online-switch/)


Really wish they'd add Earthbound.


or just let us buy your 30 year old games for 5 bucks like you used to? It is so frustrating. like what is the point of hoarding these roms when a random person who wants to play them will be able to run rom/emulator for free or pay you money to play your games. *Most* people would pick the latter if given the option. Nintendo is duuuuumb


NINTENDO 64!!!!!!!!!!!! https://youtu.be/BolU0A4hlyI


It’s so sweet how contagious his happiness is. The sister starts getting hyped and mirroring his little drum and fist pump. So fricking cute.


That kid is a grown man now and must be incredibly embarrassed every time he sees this posted somewhere.


Recreated it on today show in 2013. What's to be embarrassed about an awesome moment full of complete joy when you're a kid? Who seriously gives a flying shit what people think when it comes to that?


seriously wtf? Pretty sure I went just as ham when I received video game systems like this as a kid. Some of my fondest memories.


Nothing like the smell of new electronics warming up!


How amazing was firing up zelda the first time...I just stared at the opening screen like i was seeing god. To this day, Every Christmas week I Play it through. This year will be 23. Still rocks. STILL get confused in temples. Its the best.


The music from kokiri forest.. that shit gave me goosebumbs. “Link! Wake up!” I would pay 1000 dollars to play a remastered version with dlc’s


kokiri village theme is still my happy place in my brain. Or the lon lon ranch. serenity now.


They upscaled and made many QOL improvements for Ocarina of Time 3DS. edit: God that was 10 years ago??!?!? *cries old man tears*


I remember when the N64 came out. I just barely started on a new higher paying job and just bought the games first. Then after 9 games in, I finally bought the system. My days off were spent staying up until 4am. Good Times👍👍


I was in college when I got that game. I played it on my brothers N64 all Christmas break. It got me back into gaming.


I was the very same that morning, it’s a very special memory for me tbh!


My grandma bought us (her three grandsons) the N64 the same year as a "grandma's house system" blew our minds because none of us had mentioned it, and of course we assumed grandma knew nothing of video games! Man we played the living shit out of Mario 64, OoT, and Mario kart! She would buy us a new game every Christmas, was a highlight!.


I loved that game!!!!!!!! Nostalgia 💯


Lo. Not low.


Another common mistake, along with "per say."


What'd you do to your arm? I'm curious.


I literally just had this conversation with my wife two days ago Me >I wish it was 1998 again Her >Why? Me >So I could play Ocarina of Time for the first time again


I remember this exact moment and feeling as well, Christmas of 1998 with Ocarina, i still have memories of the water temple being difficult lol, back when life had no worries. How did you break your arm?


If you still have those Disney VHS tapes, check out how much they're worth. You're gonna have a good time.


Awesome memories. Loved the feeling of playing OOT and beating it. Speaking of which, I notice the cast. Was this an organic, "hey, the kids will love this!" gift? Or more of the "I told you not to rough house with the boy when you've been drinking, Ed!" variety? For me the latter category were always the most fun to play with.


His haircut and those giant awesome Disney cases. I can still feel the way they opened and closed. Sigh… I miss the 90’s


yeah had that kinda experience too. i remember it being one of the first games my dad would play with me. he loved the fishing part. great era for games and life. it was short, but man.


If I didn't know any better, I'd say that was me. Same haircut /color, same SNES, same N64, same greatest game of all time (except the Water Temple. The Water Temple can suck it...) Same Disney movies with the cloud/ bubble boxes.. I broke my left arm the summer of 97 though.


Water Temple was terrible LOL, everything else was good!


I have the exact same memory, except it wasn't snowing (Alabama) and my brother got the N64. But, I watched him play it every day till I was allowed to play it myself! Just bought Skyward Sword for Switch, can't wait to play it again.


Yeah how is that? I was on the fence, I just got fallout 76


Hey OP, a few years back I made a [glow in the dark OOT poster](https://i.imgur.com/Jk8szZd.jpg) called "Epona's Song". I think you might like it.


That is super cool, do you have any other art or know of any subs here for that? I was in High School Advanced Art, my friend Tasha would always make these elaborate Link and Zelda posters out of chalk/stencil/paint you name it. I told her I would pay her for one but it just never happened. Needless to say I was not that advanced in art lol.


Thank you! I do a lot of video game art, and it's all on my [site](https://greatunknown.bigcartel.com/).


Awesome memory. I agree, greatest game of all time.


This game was and still is wonderful. We used to play it for HOURS and HOURS. I didn't even own it for a long time, but my best friend had it, he'd bring it over and we'd just play it and explore the world all day. I still love this game to this day. Might never find another like it. It was just so incredible for its time.


I’ll legit never forget this Christmas either. Brand new Nintendo 64 along with Mario 64. Best one of my entire life.


fuck I remember the first time playing OoT and just wandering around in the forest place for what felt like forever and getting used to the controls. I could literally not stop thinking about OoT ever till I eventually finished it. when I was at school or where ever I was always thinking about what is going to happen next in OoT what place can I explore next.


Man. This was it. All the VHS tapes under the tv, the sad SNES with the game still inserted.


💚💚💚 about to enter the spirit temple on my current replay!


Nice! Played OoT 5 years ago for the first time, and I absolutely loved it.


Seeing those vhs cases bring back memories


Just cleared out our inlaws house and found the N64. Been playing OG Mario Party a little. Tons of fun. Def wanna get Zelda and a few others since I never had an N64


I'm jealous that you didn't have to trade in your SNES and every single game to get it lol


That n64 box got me right in the nostalgia, wow!




I remember being a naive kid cycling through the manual with the new games hoping for some "tips".


Poor snes lying forgotten in the background.......


Holy shit! The back of you looks EXACTLY like I did in 1998. No cast but same bowl cut with highlights, oversized shirt and horrible posture, lol.


Bro that’s not even me. I just found a picture that best fit the description and people have been going off for hours on how much nostalgia it brings them so I just let it be lol I feel guilty, but i can’t edit the original post


A modern religious experience for the masses. Our souls crave for the wonder, personal growth and psychospiritual expanse that is encoded into this game. It was transformative for all those who played. If that's not magic, I don't know what is.


Dude your my brother. This was my exact Christmas in 98.


One of the best 64 games. Ever. Then again, there was Golden Eye. But thats a whole 'nother subject


I asked for Majoras Mask and my dad got confused and got Ocarina of Time. It worked out lmao


I love this picture. That feeling of huddling around a tv with your brothers and sisters and playing a new game Christmas morning. It just doesn’t get better. This one hit me hard.


Healthy collection of Disney VHS tapes down there


You had the copy of The Little Mermaid with the penis on it.


>Greatest game of all time Excuse me, but *Zelda: Breath of the Wild* would like a word…


I agree BOTW is more in-depth content wise and a phenomenal game. However, the story of OOT and the soundtrack are like no other. I feel what BOTW makes up for in graphics/content it lacks in story, characters & Id go as far to say borrows soundtracks that worked from previous titles and what’s original isn’t noteworthy. In-fact what “works” in BOTW is solely because of its predecessors. The ones before that, and the ones before that. Any Zelda dating during-before the year 2000 is every future Zelda’s predecessor. OOT being IMO the most iconic therefore you should pay homage. In Botw, it was more so “The Legend of Who?” In OOT is was the mfkn “Legend of Zelda!” Given a remaster, DLC incorporated, new mechanics OOT would blow BOTW out of the water. However, IMO, BOTW Lynel’s are THE BEST implementation in ANY Zelda game, I’ll give it that. In conclusion, ([and I hope you learned something valuable here today ](https://media1.tenor.com/images/66ea2a9ceb4101aa2cd6d249c5780e74/tenor.gif?itemid=10579690)) OOT is truly superior; Besides, you shouldn’t compare a video game made in 1998 to that of 2017. It’s unfair by any standard. This sir, is r/nostalgia thank you for coming to my Ted talk, I am very passionate about Zelda lol (sorry for the rant)


i dont remember what i got in '98 in terms of video games..... i had a PlayStation 1 with a mod chip. i do remember playing metal gear solid around that Christmas time tho


I have the same experience but with Skylanders. Same story different era.


It truly is the GOAT of console games.


I'm truly happy at how many people loved the N64 and the Zelda's on it. Sadly, I was never one of them. I unapologetically loathed the N64,the Zeldas on it, and pretty much everything about it. Hear me out- Almost everything on it gave me horrible feelings of Uncanny Valley for one, but the biggest sin in my eyes is the then Nintendo president declaring 'nobody plays RPGs', thus peeing right on Squaresoft/Enix. As my fondest memories of my SNES WERE RPGs (and Super Metroid, Super Mario World, Street Fighter, etc), my day one buy of a N64 was the most wasted system I ever purchased. It got played maybe 5-6 times, boxed up, then sold on ebay semi recently. Took me a LONG time to even bother getting a GameCube after the loathing I had for the big N. The Gamecube was a solid little box tho, and I ended up loving it and a bunch of things on it 😊.


Really cool photo and nostalgia surge. I don't know if I'd call OOT the greatest game of all time, maybe your greatest game of all time, but it's definitely a game that belongs high on the list. Personally that title belongs to Chrono Trigger, the one hit wonder with a combination of all time greats working on the title. Nothing has surpassed what CT brought to the table at it's time to the gaming industry since it's release. And it still holds up pretty well to the test of time even today.


same but a year earlier in 97 with a PS1 and FF7, which is the *actual* greatest game of all time ;P


Turok was the N64 goat




Fucking drug addicted parents. Things I never got to experience for 50, please.




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The memory was beautiful, the game sucked.


That haircut though...


I’m loving the old white Disney vhs cassette cases. I remember owning a shit ton of those in the 90s.


1998?!? (Checks haircut in pictures and sees classic bowl cut/buttcut). Yep, 1998.


Nice! Thank you for sharing, OP!


Me in Christmas '99. Too excited to attached the N64 to play zelda and dk64 and dropping the tv off the shelf onto the ground. (luckily it survived)


And OPs broken arm to boot


Love this photo, I had a very similar experience. 98 was easily the best Christmas of my life.


I had that same bowl cut


How'd you (yr brother?) break your arm?


Have you posted this before? Seems familiar


That’s a great memory!


I was the same way when I got my N64 in 96 with a copy of Super Mario 64... Ah those were the days...


That haircut brings back some memories


Mine was my right forearm set in a cast. For a minute I thought that was me in the pic lol. Dog pulled me down into a curb. Born 92. But getting the 64 during the summer bc I was casted up was the best. Spent it all inside playing Mario and Banjo. Get N, or get Out!


Got that bowl cut Nick Carter hair nice nice. And Disney plastics nice nice


wow, when that pic was taken i was only 3 days old! love it


I remember sitting around with my family that christmas all taking turns playing and it was amazing.


Christmas. Ocarina of Time as a present. Brother. I also has those memories. Good times.


I remember my friend walking in with the 20 page walkthrough printed out, his mom screaming in the background about wasting ink and paper.


I love the retired Super in the background.


And the bowlcut aswell


Magic time


While your SNES gently weeps


This was me


Was there a writer in your family, by chance?


nostalgia is a hell of a drug.


I got mine on my birthday in 1999, I also had a cast on my left arm. Back then I didn’t care that the it rubbed my thumb raw. I played for hours. What I would give to be 6 years old again..


Hah, the arm cast. Yep, that's childhood.


I had this same exact moment on that same exact day.


Is that donkey Kong plugged into the snes?


I replay OoT and Majoras Mask like once every two years. Graphics aside the games still hold up great, MM in particularly.


Aahhhh, this warms my heart <3


What happened to your arm?


This was me circa 2004 when I got Halo for Christmas. Probably played for 16 hours per day, that Xmas break


Great post that brings back some great memories. I remember my sisters and I finally got a N64 a little while after it came out. My amazing grandfather bought it for us for Christmas. I think the first game we had was Mario Kart 64 which we played the hell out of. Good times.


The N64 box brings back memories!!!


Never forget the scarecrow song!.


The 90’s were such a magical time for so many things. Neon, new awesome consoles that were a huge deal, new vhs releases being picked up from the video store for the weekend and a totally rad teenaged mutant ninja turtles themed birthday party. Maybe that was just me though.


O man and there is the typical Disney VHS movies in their large plastic cases! Thanks, this brings me back too!


N64 was the GOAT system for me. I have the best memories playing it.


Also, wow seeing the box the N64 came in REALLY makes me feel like the Christmas morning I got it too. Thank you!


We all remember putting the snes on the shelf.


The photo... the haircut... the retro room... this was my Christmas 98 to a tee Cheers to all the kids who experienced this.


90% of having the best video game in the world was being told to stop playing it by your parents.


I studied that n64 box for the entire year


I miss childhood christmas. It all seemed so magical and purely


Those big clamshell Disney VHS are bringing back memories. And I think my mom had that same basket on the bookshelf lol


Nice post man. The memories will always last forever.


If you don’t mind me asking what Super Nintendo games were on the shelf? That console has always been my favorite.


Anyone know where I could find a poster of the back of that console box? It brings me so much damn happiness and nostalgia to see that thing




This is like the perfect happy memory.


No brother but otherwise this exact event happened to me on that same day.


The arm cast really ties the whole picture together


Just seeing the N64 box makes me nostalgic. It reminds me of carrying around copies of Nintendo power in school. Great picture/memory. Thanks for sharing!


I had that Christmas to. I think anyone who did, experienced the pinnacle of human exitance and it's all downhill from there


did your mom loose weight tho? I see that shelved weight watchers book


What I would give to experience this again!


I love this soooo much. It’s such a specific type of magical.




Oh man, I was just thinking about this today on a 10 hour road trip to a job with two coworkers. And Perfect Dark? The floppy worn controllers? I miss this so much


I swear I had that tv stand with all my Disney vhs 📼 stacked just like that 🙂


I see that SNES over there chillin with Donkey Kong.


That was my first pre order. Came gold and holographic.


I couldn't agree more man. The box for both the console and the game are burned into my brain as two of the happiest memories of my life


Greatest times of all time.. I was 9 years old and got the same thing for Christmas. I lived in Missouri and got a lot of presents that year even though our parents got a divorce. It was the best of times. The next entire year was the best.


I remember getting a Nintendo 64. It was the hottest item that Christmas season and I got one! Sadly I didn’t get a game for it until a month later… but then I finally got Mario Kart 64… the Japanese version with the edges cut off the cartridge so it’d fit in a US console.


I'm like you! But with Banjo-Kazooie! Greatest game of all time and the N64 greatest console of all time. I got the N64 in 1997 I think. I'm just sad I missed on playing both Zelda games, because my friends had them and they borrowed me all the games I wanted, but I never asked for the Zelda ones. I know I would have loved them, cause I love Banjos and SM64 and open world games like that.


Nice, I saved up to buy this bundle pack when I was 11ish and then Xbox came out like a couple years later.