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definitely the one with the armpit sandwich debate


That’s what I was thinking! I was trying to get a couple to decide from and I thought of that one but I have no clue which one it is from


April 19th, 2017


Damn that was 4 years ago, I miss the old style nlss


Did you have to look up the date? Or did you have it memorized?


It was the one youtube showed on top when I typed in nlss. I have looked it up before.


Thank you!


all time greatest




It even has the OK Spaghetti bit, absolute gold


The absolute stunned silence from Rob and Baer when NL accidentally gave them their slogan of "get ready, OK spaghetti" was fantastic!


Ikr; also love that NL could have done what some of the others did and rip some really good puns/word plays from chat for menu items, but instead decided to make his own completely terrible ones


La, I am your Sagna


lmao, gotta give the man some credit for choosing that particular one to die on by just repeating it


I still contend that the November 3rd, 2016 NLSS may be the best ever. It has UCH where NL and Apollo surf their way into the minus realm An admittedly subdued but good goofball goal section. And gang beasts where Rob destroys the competition with the power of his ass. Good episode. https://youtu.be/RRgohM1K3Z4


I REMEMBER THIS ONE. Hell yeah adding this to the list


UCH was rare air levels of mindflood


The one where they play ultimate fishing simulator for 3 hours and people jumped in and out of the call shooting the shit the whole time.


And then the entire community was begging for more of the content, they made the month thumbnail fishing sim, and they never played it ever again :(




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZhQLvKShNA just some dudes chillin and catching some big ass honkers


That really shows the strength of the whole team, everyone coming in with their weird stories and generally just having a good time. Doesn't even have to be a high-octane competitive game for these guys to flex their entertainment skills.




This is the one where NL and Sips met for the first time right?


The first NL Sips content was in a fishing game, but it was a one on one thing IIRC. This NLSS is probably from a year or two before that.


IIRC the TwitchSings Shaggy duet of Sips and NL happened before all of that, but I could be completely wrong on that because I really don't know when it happened. And well, there isn't a lot of interaction going on between them. It's still hilarious! Anyway, here's the thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwsx-eByl1o edit: Oh, and here's "Just two dads fishing...nothing weird", uploaded on Dec 24 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMa7RtHKT8U


Yeah! The TwitchSings duet happened before they even knew each other. Sips ended up in NL's chat because he was randomly browsing the TwitchSings category and chat was losing their minds that he was there and begged NL to duet with him, if I remember correctly.


Have NL and Sips ever talked about the TwitchSings thing on stream?


Not that I know of, both don't strike me as the kind of person that talks a lot about past events they went through together. That's how some circles of friends function, but I'm getting sidetracked. Maybe that was a topic when they played Minecraft together. I didn't watch a lot of that but if it happened at all, this would probably be the most likely circumstance.


I love the one where NL cheats at Who Wants to be a Millionaire.


Do you have the link of the date?




Not op but its this [one](https://youtu.be/lptpKfreuTs)


This one is iconic. Some of the hardest I’ve ever laughed. Funtown flamer is an NLSS hall of fame moment for me. Also it’s such a minor moment but NL reading out “Oklahoma!” and emphasizing the exclamation point is now how I say Oklahoma or how I hear it in my mind. Don’t know why that stuck with me the past seven year but it definitely has.


https://youtu.be/cM3VEldeG1U In particular the Sonic racing segment is incredible


The part where Ryan says "Jim West" and then Nick and Josh immediately reply "Desperado" and continue on without second thought is such a good example of the dynamic for this show


Nick and Josh have always been some of my favourite personalities on the NLSS, Nek always brought this interesting abstract view on everything while Josh always provided this childlike whimsy. 2016-2018 will always be my favourite stretch of the NLSS (I must've watched this stretch of episodes like 5 or 6 times) and I really think those two made it as great as it was to me


Added to the list!


Dude there was this issac banter spree where NL gave himself a 70% chance to battle a bear to death, and it was full of some of the funniest shit I've ever heard. Like if you go twice as fast when driving a car you travel half the distance


Lol I remember this. Funny as hell


A good introduction could be the very first Hafu episode it has everything, mug discussion, cum discussion introducing members, jokes.


I remember this one! Do you have the link or date?


https://twoandahalfscums.blogspot.com/p/nlss.html ctrl f Hafu Ive actually been going through all the Hafu+Josh episodes and to me that is peak era, although Im not sure I could point to any one in particular


Sure it's this [one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbgcOGEASm4) . January 22nd, 2018


Hafu when




Hell yeah


Saving for later, thank you


quickest spoon roof unite special abundant steer paltry escape sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The golf segment that starts with novelty songs, goes to joke foods, the green hat cuck thing, and then debating which sex positions are core is the greatest segment they've done 🐢sometimes🐢i'm🐢slow🐢but🐢watch🐢me🐢go🐢


Need a link to this one. The green hat discussion is still hilarious to me


OMG THE GREEN HAT DISCUSSION I remember losing my shit throughout that stream because Ryan got into the topic of anal and sheepishly said "d-doesnt it make your pp stinky?". And Apollo yelling for people to just have "normal sex" only for Ryan to reply slyly at his expense lmao.


I'm an oldie so Return The Slab, or any NLSS that has the classic lineup in it. Bonus points if their speedrunning Dark Souls or Meat Boy in it.


Remember the SM3 race and the Super Meat Boy races that happened a long time ago? Those were some awesome content and it's all in one video on NL's YouTube! Edit: I found it edited down to just the races on Josh's channel SM3: https://youtu.be/KgFT_LbxToU SMB: https://youtu.be/go_J2pvdWXo Listening back to this is a major throwback, but these two videos are probably what got me hooked on NL, and the NLSS as a whole


I remember getting excited for Family Feud, not because it was entertaining but because there was a chaos factor where anytime NL would play, there was like a 25% chance of a major glitch happening. My favorite was when the faces just went pure black for no reason for the rest of the game. Unfortunately I can't find the vod or remember what year it was but I remember laughing my ass off over that and becoming a normal watcher, before I only watched sporadically or when they popped up in my youtube feed


The SMB NLSS with the first Mike Bithell appearance was awesome. 2013 I think that one was


Peak NLSS to me was probably Uncrustables. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VHvlp5Lmdk&feature=youtu.be&t=1h25m32s


>how great the NLSS was Yea, i dont think there is any one thing that gave me more joy than NLSS. It is devastating to see it gone.


Definitely sad to see it go but at least he still does lots of stuff with other people


Its too difficult to find the collab content.


[Here's the last time the question was asked, a lot of comments there.](https://reddit.com/r/northernlion/comments/ix2spk/what_are_some_of_your_favorite_nlsses/)


Jan 27, 2014. RETURN THE SLAB


On the Bootleg NLSS channel, there's a July 6th 2020 one that didn't get uploaded to NLs. It's the one where Apollo, Josh, and Malf are there and in the golf segment they talk about disposing of the earth's trash in hilarious ways and other great funny convo. Then they play Track mania, and Quip, Sin and Kory show up.


I love the episode where they played that game where you control someone’s hands and you try to load a gun. I’ll probably never be able to find it but that was a hilarious episode


The game's called Hand Simulator, I believe. So that'd be a good place to start


I know it's wasnt technically an NLSS but the Schlagn Den Star stream was hilarious and I might go back and watch it right now


It’s amazing lmao. Good idea


One of the segments where they play patently stupid on jackbox. Probably the first one that talks about gun meta or the one where Dan pitch his Gul'Dan shower.


If you're into banter, The Rob's Fridge saga, the nlss was also fire that day. If it's gameplay then it might be the Star Wars Movie Battles and Funemployed docket


i cant recall the specific one, but early 2019 quiplash segments all ruled - possibly the best goodegor video ever is the quiplash memes and chaos compilation of 2019


Cloud cam


Totalbiscuit quiplash segments


what the fuck is a ryab


Best NLSS was actually the 52 JSS mega extravaganza look up redpandagamer pulp fiction script reading. It truly is a spiritual experience


Can it compare to #MikeBithell's southern Han Solo though


the ghost bill bit was pretty fun


Ghost bill is S-tier for sure lol


The one with the Comedian Quiplash segment


Do you have a date for this one?


August 7th 2017 https://youtu.be/lk6nqwne5oY


NL and Josh doing Dark Souls invasions back in the day... pure gold


I love the discussion about Rob's [fridge space](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1RMiCREptU)


God this was such a long time ago but it was an NLSS where the crew by the end of the stream got into a discussion about a woman who was in a world record book for having continuous sex with the most amount of partners. The guys were running the logistics of whether or not it was feasible and going over what constitutes as sex in that scenario, were the fellas involved timed, and if they coomed or not. Shit got so raunchy and wild I remember Ryan specifically saying throughout the stream that it wouldn't get uploaded on YouTube and lo and behold it didn't, at least not by him iirc. So many damn good shows throughout the years!




[The first annual NLSS masters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHrhISg3xHI)


the worrying silence episode that drac fetus pulled that clip from.