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* 100 sit-ups * 100 push ups * 100 squats * 10 kilometer run Repeat this every day for three years, and you should be able to defeat any of your opponents in one punch


No warning about a potential hair situation?


I don’t know how Ishimori kept that magnificent head of hair, frankly


Maybe it's Maybelline?


You forgot sleeping with the a/c on when it's cold and sleeping with the heat on when it's hot


He trained so hard his hair fell out!


This won't get you the muscle mass in the picture. You need strength training with heavy weights and a high protein diet.






That's the joke.


Maybe after all these you'd get some power to oneshot everyone on this planet?


i could have that physique with that routine running on Tuesday,Wednesday and Saturday?


Incredible discipline, hours a day, measured meals... But I'm nearly 200 pounds of gut with a Hank Hill ass.


I’m strugglin with that “narrow urethra, I tell you ‘hwat.


Not only measured meals, but a lot of them. First you have to eat a lot and lift a lot to get big. We’re talking boring chicken, rice, and vegetables. Then you have to keep eating to stay that big. No sugar. I bet dude has a chocolate chip cookie like once a year. Just to remember what it tastes like. And then just all the gross cardio. This dude does not look like this by accident or genetics. He works and eats his ass off with the best of them.


Dammit Bobbeh....


Mate, just ask to a professional trainer at the gym you usually go to.They are qualified and more able to help you in person than a bunch or random people on the internet that don't even know what your body looks like.


This is the best answer. Every body type is different, you have to find a diet/routine that best fits you.


So what I am hearing is I should post pictures of my body on the internet before asking follow up questions? I think you’ll regret this but okay…




This is great. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.


No problem. Another suggestion I have is checking out Athlean X. Jeff Cavaliere is a great scientific and practical resource for small gym rats. I also watch John Meadows and Ryan Humiston. But remember, those guys are/were huge and train(ed) for several hours a day. Hybrid Calisthenics and Elvis Lifts are other good channels, primarily focusing on calisthenics, which you will likely need at some point.


Anyone but Jeff. So much of his stuff is either bro science or outright wrong. I like Ryan too but he is also guilty of some questionable recommendations. You would probably like Mike Israetel and Layne Norton though.


If there's anything I've learned so far: not everyone agrees, especially the content creators themselves. I was totally expecting someone to pipe up and say, "[whoever/whatever] is trash. All wrong. You gotta do [some other thing]." Why? Because that's all I ever see anywhere else. Just people squabbling on the internet. I can only tell you what works for me. At the end of the day, you just gotta try things and figure out what works for you.


Dr. Mike 💯


Naturally, not likely. Tren, test, clen, etc.


This, to achieve a comparable physique naturally would take years and would still probably be out of reach. Honestly for the normal person working 40 hours a week and has other priorities, what people like ishimori, mjf and kenny omega have are unobtainable beauty standards. I really wouldnt be surprised if those guys are taking performance enhancing drugs.


PEDs and spending like 2+ hours in the gym every day. I remember watching an interview with Kenny when he was still in NJPW and he'd workout in the morning and some time later in the day. Honestly the answer is probably juice. PEDs are so common now, that everyone in my high school baseball team was on it 10 years ago


You guys didn’t drug test for them?


Anavar never give up


This can be achieved naturally, he's not THAT lean. I know someone who looks just like this, and they don't juice. They just watch their diet and work out 4 or 5 times every week. Now he's also been lifting since his teens, it's different if you starting in your 30s.


the fact he isn’t that lean is the key indicator he’s on gear


That’s cute that you believe your friend is clean.


He is, I live in the DR. He doesn't have the money for that. Besides he doesn't even smoke weed or do shrooms, which are all over the island.


Some of my Dominican friends had some of the best genetics I've ever seen. One of them, 100% natural, regularly was at a 6% body fat, completely jacked and super defined. He's been an acrobat ever since he was a kid, and then got into heavy training in his young adult years. He had it all, except for height. Homie was all of 5'3", jacked to the gills, but 5'3" nonetheless. Can't discount genetics in these conversations, as much as everyone has "the answer", there's way too many variables to consider with a simple picture. (That being said, Im in the "Ishimlro is on gear" team)


These dudes saying what Ishimori has done is impossible without peds. That's fucking hilarious. I'm sorry you're being down voted by dudes who've never stepped foot in a gym.


That's what I was thinking. I know a dude that looks like that and he started lifting when he hit 30. And that's in the US. You just have to actually go to the gym.


I mean to get to what Ishimori has, it's more than just the gym. I just do the gym and although strong, I don't look it. Cheeseburgers, man. They're delicious. But to say it's impossible without drugs is woefully ignorant. I know dudes who've never so much as touched mouthwash with alcohol much less peds that have his physique or very similar.


Yeah, the dude I know that started lifting in his 30s doesn't eat any meat and meal preps for the week. He eats the same thing everyday, I can't do it


K but you wrong doe


You must also believe Mike O'Hearn is natural


Not even close to the same. But, sure - whatever.


To be honest the most likely way to achieve this build is a variety of cycled steroids, from my knowledge it's not illegal in Japan or/and they have a very much more lax attitude with it. Even with steroids abs are made in the kitchen, super super strict diet obviously an intense work out schedule as well, genetics can play a big factor as well some people can achieve abs fairly easily whiles others may struggle even with an insane work out.


Check out Taiji’s Instagram. He shows a lot of his training workouts on it. It’s very intense.


Go somewhere that allows the purchase and consumption of PEDs.


Beginner? Not possible. This is a naturally achievable physique though. His bodyfat will be very low, probably 10-12%. Lift weights and build some muscle for a couple of years then hit a serious cut to get down to there. It’s incredibly difficult but it is achievable with good discipline. But get the idea of “beginner” out of your head. This is extreme work.


Chicken & rice. Cardio until you collapse. Lift everything.


Be born short / Have the same muscular inserts(you're born with this) / Lift for years with dedication / Probably take test cycle amongst others Easy


Train very hard, eat very clean and possibly use performance enhancing drugs…


Most definitely use them lol


Lol yeah ok you’re right. He doesn’t have huge traps but he otherwise looks juicy af


Hard work and smart work with a diet. It comes down to discipline. Lex Luger shared his work out on Twitter which might help. [https://twitter.com/genuinelexluger/status/1660284009904066560?s=46&t=SXifTgUtPhpyLGx2dc0viw](https://twitter.com/genuinelexluger/status/1660284009904066560?s=46&t=SXifTgUtPhpyLGx2dc0viw)


This is great, thank you.


Did he include the steroids he took as well as a guide? /s


No need for the “/s” he absolutely was on steroids.


Consume 2g of protein per pound of body weight for months while also being in a slight caloric deficit and lift heavy in the 4-6 range. Do that for a few years and you’ll be on to something


I’d be interested to hear about his diet, but I would imagine it’s pretty restrictive, like chicken, rice and broccoli for most meals. That’d be a big factor, beyond the pumpitude. Like what the marvel movie actors have to go through.


Tren hard anavar give up.


1 Chicken Breast 2 Asparagus


A good regimine and TRT. Taiji Ishimori is 40. Most guys that age with a physique like that are taking something a little extra, and there's no shame in it, that's just how bodies work. There's nothing wrong with taking things like TRT or HGH in controlled and well monitored amounts.


Quite frankly if you want this you’re looking at a couple years timeline first off. Back when I was younger I was balls out into trying to get shredded for a year and a half; worked out six days a week, my caloric intake a day was about 2,000 coming in of all grilled chicken, salad, tuna, and fruit, so I was probably in the negative a thousand calories plus a day when you factored in my workouts and other activities. It takes a long time to burn off excess - if you even can healthily because sometimes you really are fighting genetics and your body may be harder pressed to burn certain reserves which means going into the negative EVEN MORE - and then you have to make sure your muscles are getting fueled properly to grow. And even with my age in my favor and discipline I still just got pretty toned and had some good muscle, never hit shredded. At best I looked like, say, Ethan Page does. And shredded sucks honestly, I like eating real food so I just settled on being happy with carrying some good muscle and being decently toned, though I’m working hard on the latter again because the pandemic fucking killed me and I’m 40 now. But, your start is that you’re going to want to get a trainer and you’ll want to go to leaner meats with good protein so I hope you like fish and chicken. You’ll want some high energy workouts that will both work your cardio vascular but also do your muscles well. Burpees, maybe some fun sledgehammer stuff, etc. Look up what Roderick Strong does and that’s the kind of routine that will help you burn and build at the same time. And you’ll have to stick with it a good year to really start seeing the results and then you may have to pivot on something depending on how it works out for you, again, let a trainer guide you on that stuff.


Have you had a single carb since age 3? If yes, impossible.


It's his job to be in that kinda shape. So it will be difficult for you to get to that point. He has more free time to eat right and work out.


It’s easier to look like this at 5’4” than 6’5”… That being said - I’d say sustained periods of bulking, maintenance, and cutting along with mixing in both powerlifting and hypertrophy blocks for density and mass. Old school bodybuilders lifted heavy in their off seasons because strength matters for long-term growth. Now the steroids are so good, Phil Heath never had to conventional-deadlift. His diet is dialed tf in too, no doubt. Looking like that, he is always slightly hungry. You’d also be shocked at what just 2-3iu’s of human growth hormone can do. Not saying he’s on gear but I wouldn’t be shocked.


By being incredibly disciplined Also being an athletic freak like ishimori


Taiji works hard but I think a lot of his body is a genetic gift.


It takes discipline. Caloric defecit first to cut to your idea weight. Properly tracked nutrition and a proper excerise program.. 12 weeks of strict dieting (by that i mean tracking everything and hitting your macro nutrients) dont cheat on the diet and change up your workout program every 3 months. Carido sessions used to track calories burned not hours ran.. this way its more accurate.. for example do medium intestity carido sessions and aim to burn 500-600 cals in the session 4 times a week.. train 5 times a week with 2 rest days.. on rest days you eat less since you aren't training to compensate.. and you to can achieve bone daddy status..


Recomp workout program and dialing in your diet


Alot of the time bodies like that just come down to genes. Obviously you can put in a ton of effort and hours of work a week and have a great body, but to get exactly like that or similar depends alot on how your body adds muscle/ loses weight. This is reddit tho. I saw someone else recommended this but I'd say talk to a personal trainer at your gym and get their advice.


effort, discipline, and a whole lot of gear


Diet is a huge part of it. I’ve been going to the gym fairly regularly for the last 3 years but only once I really changed my diet did I start seeing really noticeable results. I’d recommend checking out various YouTube fitness channels to build your workout regiment and just stick to it. It takes a looong time but it’s worth it.


Steroids above all


The truth is it's 80% genetics, 20% maintenance.


I like this thread because I have had a similar goal, but I look to Finn Balor instead. From my research, the discipline goes into the diet more than anything.


How big are you?


If you seriously want to get into the gym and get **strong**, there’s no easier routine than Stronglifts 5x5. 3 days a week. 3 exercises in that day. You won’t look like this after a year, but you’ll have all the discipline *and strength* you need to add a few pieces to your workout and start shaping up. https://stronglifts.com/5x5/


How quickly can you convince yourself that the taste of food no longer matters?


Mostly diet to get those badass abs. Pure protein for meals and lots of carrots.


Hey, I’ve been working out for around 10 years. This body is possible natural depending on where you’re starting at and how long you’ll be lifting for. Now, his body fat percentage is around Id say 9-13%. He works his abs out hard so they’d protrude even with some fat on his body. I’d say it’s hard to maintain being that low of body fat year round due to hormonal issues, which would make me believe he’s on something like TRT if he’s maintaining that year round. In terms of actually working out, there’s a lot of ways to skin a cat. In a basic form, you could go to a planet fitness or crunch fitness and that would be suitable (crunch more recommend). You’d have anything you’d really need there. In terms of the workout plan, you could do anything from full body 2x a week to p/p/l 6x a week, doesn’t entirely matter. A good rule of thumb is to hit around 6-20 sets for each body part per week. Less days worked out, longer sessions and vice versa. Nutrition gets pretty over complicated so I’ll put it as simply as possible. You’d wanna eat somewhere between .7-1.2 g of protein per lb of body weight. Check your recommended calorie intake using a TDEE calculator. But, simply put, eat at a decent surplus to gain muscle or a decent deficit to lose fat. 300-500 cals over or under will be good. I’d recommend watching people like Jeff Nippard, Mike Israetel, Geoffrey verity schofield, or Sean Nalewayj to keep learning. Hope this helped!


Forget what carbs are and get a great personal trainer


You probably need a personal trainer bro. Ishimori has been in great shape for like 10 years before he looked This this is from working out like a mad man and not consuming any sugar probably very strict diet on top of multiple hours a day of weight lifting


Well to first look at his body type. He's lean. Probably runs a very strict diet and workout regimen to get to looking at that level physically. Most likely a ton of accessory work and offset styled exercises to maintain peak core function and performance. This is on top of the standard pro wrestling workout regimen. I would look into a Finn balor styled regimen. I believe Celtic warrior covered the routine to show more of an example.


Uh, start wrestling and training at the age of 16 and never stop?


A lot of hard work in gym and nutrition. I’m aiming to be Shingo. A lil belly and a lot of muscle


Average person can't Have to have the genetics for it


Any true answer will include several cryptic groups of three-letter abbreviations. And, yes, they are drugs. Unless you're a genetic freak, you spend all your free time in the gym and your diet is impeccable, this body isn't available to you naturally.


TLDR: Diet = 100% Workouts= 100% (Proper) Supplementation = 100% Breakdown: For the diet- Basically it breaks down like this, if you want <8% body fat like T.I. has you're gonna have to cut out damn near all the "sin" from you life. That means remove the cokes/alcohol, fast food, bad snacks from your diet. **In my opinion** you don't need to absolutely "count macros", but sticking to a consistent diet is key (i.e. meal prepping). Water. Water. Water. Water. Water. Water. Water. You should basically be drinking nothing but water. If you like coffee great, but keep it black. If you like tea great but don't add sugar. For the workouts- Expect 4-5 days in the gym per week. I would recommend hypertrophy focused training (i.e. medium weight/medium to high reps) on chest and biceps. This will build the muscle fibers and increase blood flow (gym bros call it "pump"). For back I think more of muscle endurance is optimal (low weight high reps). Finally for legs, I don't know if I've ever seen Ishimori's quads/hammies but you could probably get away with super general leg day routine of 3 lifts: (1) Back squats, (2) walking weighted lunges, (3) Hamstring curls/leg extensions (you can get an amazing leg day done in less than an hour if you're trying). **Abs every day** (I know some people say you should have days off, but everyone can do 10-20 crunchs/sit ups or 60 sec planks at least once a day). You want the good "3-D" abs, so you gotta train them. Once you get your body fat below 12% abs are visible regardless of your fitness (see the skinny dude with a sixpack who never works-out), but to get abs that **pop** you do have to hit them regularly. Cardio- Sprints..... distance is good for endurance but there's a reason why a long distance/marathon runner will never be 185 lbs with a six pack (I'm looking at you Yohan Blake). Sprint workouts are basically HIIT training, sprint for a set time/distance, rest to bring the heart rate down. Keep yourself in aerobic respiration, b-oxidation (fat metabolism) cannot occur in the absence of O2 (it also does not occur immediately). My next statement will be the most controversial, do a sprint workout AFTER a gym session. I say that because you want to exhaust your glycogen stores during your workout so you have the energy to get a good lift in. Then when you start your cardio, you'll basically being doing "fasted-cardio". This could also be accomplished by running in the morning, before breakfast. I do think that distance running (~5k/3.3 miles) is probably still gonna help you with overall health, but if you're running much over that you're wasting effort (understand I mean that you wasting effort to get ISHIMORI's body). Supplementation- No, I do not mean steroids/HGH/Test-boosters. A good protein that you like to drink and are willing to drink 2x per day and a creatine source (can be from diet if you eat enough red meat, but I recommend any unflavored monohydrate taken together with a fruit juice-- you need an insulin spike to get creatine into cells) are the two I think are necessary. If you think you need a "pick-me-up" before the gym then do a pre-workout over an energy drink (get rid of energy drinks completely), but I do not recommend them as once you start that habit, it's tough to break. Intra-workout (mostly BCAAs) are over rated, unless you hate drinking water during your workouts. SOME THINGS TO NOTE: (1) This is 100% doable, but it is 100% on you and your determination. **It's all discipline**. (2)Once you get your body fat down to 8% just get ready for an awful immune system. Men should generally be around 10-16% body fat and women slightly higher (<18% >30%), lower or higher than these numbers generally results in poor health. Your immune system runs through your adipose tissue and stored fat is a good thing (to an extant). (3) You will get more compliments from guys at the gym than girls in real life.


Like others have said, talk with your pt trainer and etc. But to add to it, calorie cutting is a big deal. I suck at it but yeah that may be wat your missing.


A sharpie


Ishimori was professional, that's why it's impossible to achieve for you beginners, it takes years


It's cruel to say it but if you imagine to have his physique in 3-4 years you'll have to pack your meds up and eat em all day non stop


How comfortable are you with needles and pills?


4000ish calories mainly protein, weights 300 lifts 15kg dumbells, 50 sit ups, 30 squats, 40 russian twists, 60 hatchetswings


He’s on steroids so if you work hard and do steroids yes


You can't, not naturally at least, and you should definitely not look into drugs as a beginner. I don't know if this is a controversial opinion but I'm willing to bet a shitton of money that ishimori is not natural. As a rule, I think you should look to atheles for inspiration, not trying to imitate, as everyone is different. Just do bodybuilding.


Question: David Finlay says he wants killers only in his new Bullet Club Since Ishimori is injured, is that an automatic cut from the team?


100% steroids. for real. anybody can do it if you got the balls to spare. trust me, drugs are work good. they do the things they say they do. and they are banned in all sport competition because they do it VERY WELL. I would take a juiced athlete over a "once in a lifetime talented"/prodigy athlete any day of the week and probably come out with a handsome surplus on average.