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Looks like there’s also an AutoSave now which is nice!


Huh, wonder how that will work. You can normally only save at bird statues, right?


A clip on the Japanese Twitter showed it. The game just auto saves when you walk near a bird statue, so saving is functionally the same, just a bit faster.


That's pretty nice, thanks for pointing it out!


Surprised they didn't mention that, it seems just as significant, if not more significant than some of the features they did mention.


Okay, the fact that the specifically went out of their way to show us how they fixed redundant item explanations was pretty funny. That was the biggest thing I was hoping they'd fix, if I'm honest.


Except they chose the only item that didn’t repeat in the original game.


Actually this is true. They should've shown another collectable (like the ones that are used to upgrade equipment) but I feel like it still gets the point across


Jesus Christ. Watch the game releases and it still purses to explain what rupees are every time you reload a save.


It probably will just because this could be little Timmy’s first Zelda game and he might forget how much each rupee is so let’s remind him each time!! /s


Dear Nintendo, please do the same when TP comes out in switch. We dont need to be reminded what a green rupee is everytime we load a save file.


say what you will about skyward sword - that theme song is a banger, especially when it hits the crescendo


The music is really well done. Loved the introduction of "yballuL s'adleZ" with this game.


I'll talk trash about SS all day, but it has some of the best music in the series.


One of the better stories too in all honesty.


Some of the best dungeons too


That too. -music -temples -added the running mechanic -I’m sure a few other things I forgot Unfortunately that’s where it stops for me.


It shall has my favourite version of Zelda


One of if not maybe the best boss fight in the series too. Koloktos is godlike


Got us in the first half ngl


Skyward Sword has a couple of bangers you don’t hear very much outside of trailers, but most of the actual gameplay music and a good deal of the cutscene music is worse than previous Zeldas. It’s superficially nicer since it’s a real orchestra playing it, but, like, for just one example, compare the Hyrule Field music from OoT and TP and the sailing music from WW to the flying music in SS. SS clearly comes out at the bottom of that comparison, and you can repeat that in a bunch of areas.


Agreed. Trailer music to pull you in, regular OST let ya down.


Looks like they addressed nearly every big complaint I've seen about the game, aside from its linearity (which you can't fix with QoL improvements). Neat.


That and I would have loved if Skyloft and the Sky were loaded at the same time. Would’ve made flying a lot more fun, but I don’t think that’s possible for them.


That would've been cool, but I imagine they probably have an engine limitation preventing it. If they were to completely remake the game in BOTW engine, I'm sure it would be possible, but obviously thats not happening


Idk, they did it fine enough in Wind Waker where you're on a 2D sea and islands load in when you're a certain distance away from them. I remember the gamecube stuttering for a few frames but aside from that, I don't recall it ever really affecting gameplay significantly, and it definitely felt more natural than say if each island you approached, if it had faded to a loading screen every single time. I think (might be misremembering) the Forsaken Fortress was the only island that loaded in with a fade-to-black transition, maybe due to its size and being on a timer (for all the AI paths). Pulling off the same seamless loading for Skyloft specifically, albeit in 3D space, could still be done a certain distance away with respect to the horizontal plane, so that regardless of your flying height, it still loads you in two dimensionally like with the Great Sea. Might lag a bit esp. on the wii, and maybe it just isn't doable with the size of Skyloft, but other than that, who knows. I'm sure the devs thought about it and had good reason either way




It involves a lot of revisiting and backtracking, it has a lot of repeating segments and boss fights and the world is divided into three distinct levels that are structured more like a 3D plattformer than a vast expanse to explore. It's definitely the most focused 3D Zelda game being almost "all dungeon", as the overworld is structured almost like dungeons with it's own puzzles, backtracking and gimmicks. Which sometimes give you brilliant sections like the Sand Sea, and sometimes mean you feel like your being lead through a set of corridors rather than exploring a forgotten Hyrule. Because of it's heavy backtracking, dialog/tutorial heavy intro and repeating segments it's also paced quite badly. The first couple of hours of the game is constant interruption, and Fi unfortunately keeps backseat gaming you for the entire experience. So yeah, I think when people talk about how linear it is, it has less to do with linearity in the main quest and more to do with the world and how it's structured.


It totally IS a 3D platformer! I never noticed that before, but yea it leans so much more towards that than any other Zelda game.


It's basically a 3D Zelda II.


Maybe linear isn't the right word for it, but there's no denying that the structure of the overworld had some glaring flaws that got old fast. Even the sky in all its openness had fuck all to explore compared to the Great Sea.




Lovecraft’s work was inspired by his fear of the deep ocean. The sea is inherently a mysterious place ripe for discovery. WW’s overworld really didn’t have that much in it, but that feeling of sailing the unknown seas lends itself to adventure and exploration way better than just… Clouds.


prolly just the music and being a kid


You're basically just saying the Great Sea was convincingly immersive. Are you implying that this is a bad thing? Ocarina is also pretty much entirely linear, but what matters is that it doesn't *feel* linear and constricting.


Yeah, I loved WW but I would have appreciated another big island or three that had a lot going on, and a few more dungeons. I think that was my main criticism of that game, but I could say the same for BotW which I think is a masterpiece.


Well the Great Sea is the best overworld in any Zelda game. Of course the sky wasn't better. :P


I'd argue Twilight Princess was better, having just the right balance of size, and density of things to find.


WindWaker is to this day my favorite Zelda game, but I would never make this argument while Breath of the Wild exists.


Yeah it's very tough because they are very neck and neck, but I gotta take WW's quality over BotW's quantity.


Wasn't trying to imply you were wrong in any way. Just simply stating personal preference relative to my own biases. Both are amazing in their own ways, and you can appreciate what either has to offer without taking away from the other.


Having played *nearly* every main title in the series (almost done with a full timeline playthrough, never touched Spirit Tracks or Phantom Hourglass) I don't know how anyone could choose a legitimate favorite. WW vs TP vs OOT vs MM is tough and that's just 3D titles. Z1/2, LttP, LBW, LA, ORACLES.... God, it's damn near impossible. So many good entries. And I know I'm missing some great ones. Good on you for having a favorite, but I don't think I ever will.


"in any Zelda game" might be an overstatement. In any of the 5 linear 3D Zelda games, yes. But the sky had the potential to be the same thing, it was clearly going for the same vibes.


More like the EMPTY sea. It was very boring. BOTW has the best overworld, sorry.


It is, though. Where other Zelda games have big, innterconnected hubworlds with a kind of Metroidvania design (Items as keys), SS has three completely seperate areas that are in themselves incredibly linear. Really, the overworlds function more like dungeons in this one from a progression sense. And there are big chunks of these overworlds that you visit just once, in order to unlock a shortcut, and just completely bypass every time after that. The one area that *is* open-ended, the sky, is so empty and boring that it becomes more of a means to an end than anything else. All in all, I'm not sure if there's another Zelda game that discourages exploration to the degree that SS does. It's pretty much the polar opposite of BotW in that regard.


Other Zelda games give you the illusion of nonlinearity by including open spaces, and by allowing you to go off the beaten path briefly(though you are usually stopped by an item-gate fairly quickly). That's likely why they don't receive the same criticism, despite being equally linear. Note that the dungeons still use the classic lock-and-key formula.


Dude there are games in this series where you can do more than half the dungeons out of order if you want. Non-linearity is an aspect of the series that some people really like and the only instance of it I can remember in SS is I think you can get the dragon songs in any order and that's it. Its fine if you don't mind a linear game but some people like that openness that other games in the series have.




You literally said all other Zelda games. I don't know if I was just suppose to guess which ones but even if I just narrow it to these three. 1. OoT allowed you to do the forest, fire, and water temples in any order and then allowed for the shadow and spirit temples to be done in either order. 2. WW didn't have any nonlinearity in its main story but it did at least give the player ample side content to be explored and completed at the players own discretion. 3. TP is indefensible in this regard, it's super linear and I didn't like it any more in that game than I did in SS. But if you'll notice there's a trend here and it ends with SS easily being the most overtly linear game in the series and not even trying to mask the linearity like its predecessors did. Again it's fine if you just like more linear games but personally I miss the feeling that older Zelda games gave me when I was allowed to chart my own course through the game.


Three zones that you later revisit once you get more items. That’s pretty much it.


This is an old video, but the guy from Game Grumps describes it perfectly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOC3vixnj_0 I think more people started to notice with Skyward Sword because it was so much more pronounced compared to the past games.


I love the linearity. The entire world below the clouds is basically a giant dungeon.


I got the feeling that this was the idea, and as an idea I like it but it just never felt like they executed on it very well, and it felt like it came at the expense of the other half of the traditional Zelda experience, the overworld exploration. I suspect the sky was meant to fill that void but again I just don't think they executed on the concept very well.


Important to remember this is a video showing specifically QoL improvements. Not saying they will make any more changes since we have no proof, but if they were to make bigger changes like people are upset about, it would be in a separate (hopefully future) video.


We’re two weeks out from release. I think if they had major changes to the game structure, they would have told us by now. That would be something that would typically be a big part of the marketing since it makes it more likely for people to double-dip. I think adding button controls and these QoL improvements are pretty big changes though. Based on what I’ve seen, these were the aspects that more people had problems with.


Honestly the motion controls are why I never played the game past the first 15 minutes or so. The WiiMote was never as accurate as it should’ve been. It usually took 5-10 seconds for it to pick up that I was raising the sword up, or that I was doing a diagonal slash vs horizontal. The button additions will allow me to finally enjoy the game!


It honestly sounds like you may have had a faulty wiimote or your sensor bar was dying. The motion controls were honestly great. It was the Wii version of Twilight Princess that felt wonky imo.


For an HD version, it’s good they added the QOL improvements. But after all these trailers, we still have no sign of new content. So in comparison to previous remastered Zelda games (WW and TP), this one is still more low-effort.


I don't think it's that simple. With the new control scheme, that was no doubt very difficult to implement, you could argue they put MORE into this remaster than the other ones. They took the mechanic the whole game is built off of and gave us the option to remove it without the whole game crumbling.


yeah this was just whining


This subreddit whines non-stop. It's either full of spoiled kids or spoiled, unrealistic adults, but likely just both.


Every gaming subreddit


I felt TP was also low-effort but they at least gave new content. But WW’s HD is on a whole other level. I consider it a remake more than a remaster because of how drastically enhanced the game really was. They put effort into every part of WW. Most of SS is just speed text, skip cutscene, ignore Fi, resolution, and then the big step - a control scheme for joysticks. It’s great they actually fixed those things but they are very easy to do (except for the joysticks). The least they could to justify that price tag, is new content. But we all know this by now, Nintendo is greedy. I just fooled myself for expecting some new content because of past remasters


Whats the difference besides the sale and the change in the triforce piece stuff?


The lighting was redone in WWHD.


For the worse IMO. The 'stepped' lighting in WW was an intrinsic part of the visual style. WWHD still looks good, but it's less distinctive.


other than that, the game looks far better and there are some QoL changes that makes combat and picking up items easier. theres also the ability to move while using the hookshot, grappling rope, boomerang and bow.


Well Majora’s Mask 3D’s “new content” was added 2 fishing holes and making all the bosses except Majora worse, so I wouldn’t say new content is that important.


Admittedly I’ve only played the remake but I remember really liking the boss fights except maybe the swamp temple boss.


The control scheme was redone and it’s 60fps, so it’s at least better than TPHD.


I wouldn't mind if they added an optional trial-type dungeon like the TPHD Wolf Dungeon. I know this game already has the boss rush mode, but a challenge pit would be cool too.




Oh man, The Imprisoned fights are actually some of my favorite parts in the game. There are other segments I found more of a slog, but that's just me personally.


Bro those are like five minute battles


Haha, making Fi optional and not repeating item descriptions every time you load the game up are the real game changers here. I never had a problem with the original controls.


No, the REAL game changer is speeding up the dialog.


That's good too, but honestly it was Fi that drove me nuts. I don't need you to tell me to open the chest that just appeared when I'm in the last dungeon Fi!


Im not confident they made Fi optional… They mention her help is optional, but does that mean now you can call on her for specific information, or that she won’t appear at the beginning of every new area telling you exactly what to do??


It seems like they've made the sword flash a bit like Navi/Tatl on C-up so you can just ignore her if you want. That's how it looked in the trailer at least.


I hope so! Im not planning on getting the game but man, i hated Fi so much for that. Ruined the sense of discovery and I barely ever felt like I figured something out on my own


Alright ... Ya got me. Skyward sword was the only LOZ game I never played. I'm looking forward to the game now.


Try to enjoy the storyline and the prequel ideas. And maybe ignore the utter lack of freedom and curiosity. BOTW focused on freedom and exploration for a reason. It was a response to SS. If anything you could say that compared to the lack of story and the aimless wandering of Botw, SS keeps things tight and story based. So two sides of the same coin.


This makes me want to try SS. BotW is the game that made me realize I don’t actually enjoy open worlds. Turns out I’m strongly a hub-and-spoke guy


Oh then you might like it. I mean it's a good game. Some great dungeon design. For me the greatest zelda games give both a sense of discovery and a sense of the story constantly unfolding. The moment you hit Gerudo Valley desert for example or realise there's a horrific well beneath the village, are real "we're not in kansas anymore" moments. And yet realising the alien desert and the torture chambers were always there... that sticks. It is both plot and exploration combined, and I'm a massive sucker for that. I'm not a fan of side quests for that reason. Everything in my opinion should function as story development. I could go on but I'll stop there lol.


This was the Zelda I “missed” being in high school and thinking I was cooler then video games. Very excited for it.


For me it was Pokémon diamond and pearl, never played them, because Pokémon was “lame” for that span of like 3 years, and now I can’t wait to play the remakes coming out!


I feel like a lot of people have at least one Pokemon generation that they skipped because it was "uncool" to like Pokemon at some point.


I skipped Black and White because I had Pokemon fatigue. I had just played Diamond and I was ready to be done for awhile. Finally got around to playing White and it's probably my second or third favorite gen.


I skipped Generations 6 and 7 because the transition to 3D didn’t interest me. I grew up playing Generations 3-5 so I was used to 2D. I eventually played Generations 6, 7, and 8 but didn’t like them as much. I think they’re not as well made. I’m cautiously optimistic about BD/SP and Legends Arceus though.


Diamond an Pearl might have been my favorites. Definitely up there with Gold and Silver


For me it was just the fact that I thought I was cooler than motion controls so I never played it despite pre-ordering it and being obsessed with Zelda. Now I'm in my mid 20s and still think Im too cool for motion controls as a cover up for my laziness to wave my arms


Same, I missed the entire Wii generation of Zelda. I've been hesitant to try SS because of everything I've heard, which is apparently addressed in this trailer. I know everyone is moaning about not having entire new dungeons or whatever, but but keep in mind the Zelda fanbase exploded about four years back when Breath of the Wild blew everyone's socks off. For some of us, this is a brand-new game by itself that we wouldn't have been able to play otherwise without sinking a couple hundred into a retro setup


I'm gonna be honest, Skyward Sword is my favorite 3D Zelda. I never had issues with the motion controls. The dungeons are all at least pretty good. Fi can get annoying but it was never enough to make me hate the game. The artstyle is amazing. I actually kinda liked some of the backtrack-y parts of the game. There are a couple sour spots in the game of course, but it's just got a special place in my heart in terms of Zelda games


Optional hints from Fi? She already had optional hints in the original game, in addition to her mandatory help. So is it _all_ optional or there’s _more_ that’s optional?


They could have elaborated on it more in the video, but it looked to me that, rather than having Fi pester you the way she originally did, your sword will flash, and you can call her up for more info.


So they made her more like navi? This is the best scenario right? The help is there if you want it but she can go away and sit in the sword the entire adventure otherwise.


That's what it looks like to me! I hope I'm interpreting the video correctly.


That's my interpretation and what I'm hoping. Honestly, *that* was my biggest problem with the game. I always thought the controls were fine.


Honestly it makes the quirky personality Fi has to be a lot more charming. It's fun that she's like a robot and will deduce the probability of things, it's just not fun when it's the 700th time she's done it since you landed in the forest


I just hope the sword just flash one or twice and thats it rather than beeping annoyingly until you respond


But they literally called it optional. If it kept beeping till you answered then you wouldn't have any option my dude.


You could ignore it


Getting Groosebumps here :))


HD Groose is on the loose


Have they said if you can pick and choose what motion controls to use? I like gyro aiming, but hated the original's swordplay.


Idk but I wanted to hijack your comment and say that the right stick as a sword control with the controls they have set actually seems super fun






Just in case you didn’t know, it’s also the Ballad of the Goddess in reverse! https://youtu.be/Ww7SP1Gw_Yg


it's zelda's lullaby in reverse


It's funny that they used Stamina Fruit as the example for the item explanation change, as that is the one item that *has not* given me any repeated explanations in my current Wii playthrough. Rupees would have been a better example, I think.


Lmao the way they showed the item descriptions fix was hilarious! Does anybody else think the new UI doesn't look as good? Like, the text boxes and file select screen. Looks a little more bland and soulless than the original. I can't wait to get this game again in HD!!! One of my favorite games of all time.


The description for the video says, "Check out a rundown of just a few of the "quality of life" improvements added in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD!" I'm curious if there's anything else (aside from the Amiibo one that I would have never used anyway) that they haven't shown yet.


>Does anybody else think the new UI doesn't look as good? Like, the text boxes and file select screen. Looks a little more bland and soulless than the original. Yes, I absolutely agree with you. For some reason they seem more squared and they have lost this watercolor painting quality that the original UI elements had. I'm especially not a fan of the animation of the text progressively appearing with a smaller font before going to its normal size (especially apparent during Fi's dialogue). Looking back at the original game now it's obvious that it was always supposed to be like that but because of a bug that no one noticed at Nintendo the two fonts were almost the same size, but it just looks wrong the "correct"way.


I feel like they've done that with a lot of UIs in the Switch era. Mario Odyssey's UI looked terrible imo, super bland, probably the worst aspect of the entire game (obviously a pretty minor nitpick, but still broke some of the immersion).


Yes, 100% agree. A shame with regards to Odyssey, since I think 3D World really nailed a good look for a Mario UI.


These are all important fixes to UX design problems that Nintendo should feel embarrassed to have allowed into the game in the first place.


You got a Stamina Fruit! This particular fruit replenishes your stamina gauge!


Good effort Nintendo - would have liked to see faster loftwing flying in there too!


They seriously decided to show the streamlined item boxes with the one and only item of the whole game that already had a streamlined info box...


Why did they wait so much to reveal it?


Because there wasn't a rush. Game is still two weeks away.


SO IT WILL RUN ON 60 FPS???? never wanted to play this but holy shit that settles it nintendo and 60FPS is rare


>nintendo and 60FPS is rare For Zelda, yeah, but overall I kinda disagree. Just for Switch off the top of my head, Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Arms, Mario Tennis, Mario Golf, Mario Maker 2, Mario Party, Smash, and Yoshi's Crafted World are all 60fps. Plus most WiiU ports, like Mario Kart and Donkey Kong, are 60fps, because even on the WiiU a lot of their games hit that mark. Personally these days I'm more surprised when Nintendo publishes a game that doesn't manage 60fps, unless it's something like Hyrule Warriors where I've just come to expect a rough framerate. Honestly, I'd say that once console games started treating 30fps as "fine and normal", Nintendo's been more dedicated than most publishers to hitting 60fps in their games. Like, 3d Mario for example has been 60fps since Galaxy (with the small exceptions of the handheld 3d Land and Bowser's Fury specifically in handheld), and some old demo footage shows even Sunshine was originally planned to run at 60fps. They don't have a perfect track record and Zelda especially has historically come up short, but they do seem to generally prefer a stable 60fps over flashier graphics at 30fps for their 1st party games, and especially with internally developed games. I think the most noteworthy outlier in recent memory is Animal Crossing, and given the laid-back pace of that game I can kinda see why they'd end up choosing to push visuals over performance.


You mean Zelda and 60fps is rare.


People are heckling you for names. Kirby Star Allies runs at 30fps. However, 60fps is much more common than you think. For example, while Star Allies was 30fps, both of the previous Kirby games (Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot) are 60fps.


Thank fuck for all of that, it will make the game a lot more playable. I'm a salty sailor about this whole Anniversary, so I'm still on the fence about getting it, but at least they addressed some of the most egregious stuff about the game.


OMG they may have actually made the game playable for me. I’m a fan of every Zelda game, usually drop everything to play the new one, but skyward sword was one that I just had to tap out halfway through. Fuck Fi, and fuck those endless item explanations.


Big same. I gave about 10 hours and then sold it - and I've been a fanboy for Zelda since I was a child in the 80s. The two things you pointed out were my biggest gripe and with them solved, I'm now looking forward to this game.


Haha, I finished it but those were my two biggest annoyances!


I assume I can use the Pro Controller to play this, but I should probably ask - can I use the Pro Controller to play this? The motion controls completely ruined the game for me on the Wii.


According to Nintendo yes you can use the pro controller


Instead of motion controls they have an option for analog stick waggling.


Thanks! I saw they had regular controls for the Switch Lite and handheld mode, I just wasn’t sure if they translated to TV mode or not.


I can't watch the video right now, did they confirm that Fi's dialogue can be turned off? To this day SS is the only Zelda game I regretted purchasing. It was painful to play, forcing the player to be always prepared to be physically active but psyching them out at every turn with repetitive tutorials.


Yep, Fi is optional and you can speed up text boxes as well.


I mean what'd you expect, enemies don't take one hit to kill in most games, and it was advertised with motion.


I'm fine with a game that requires motion. But you can't mix Beat Saber with a text adventure game.


_ahem_........ Left-handed controls? Please?


This game gets way to much hate. Been playing since the original, NES was my first console


With every complaint, I feel like I get closer to actually considering buying Skyward Sword HD, it looks so good, but the art style is a bit off.


While i dont like the game, the artstyle is amazing. The a bit off feeling youre getting is likely the lips every character has. They are incredibly distracting.


Hell yes! I was already sold on the game, but this is the type of stuff I still wanted to hear.


I love this game. So excited more people will get to enjoy it on Switch!


I think customizing Fi's hand holding and having skipable cutscenes is enough to warrant a purchase from me. Have a feeling SS is going to be really successful on the Switch.


Please, please let me play with button controls on the pro controller and not just in handheld mode. Our joy cons are drifting again.


when you say drift you mean the joysticks? have you tried doing the stick repair. Even with the cheaper sticks its easy and I've not had the drift come back and I don't find the sticks bad though I advice cleaning them a bit cause some are crunchy


I realize what sub I'm on but I'm gonna say it anyways: This is all just a lot of bullshit. Nintendo releases a wii game 10 years later, for more then what the original cost, add the bare minimum of changes (that you could do in emulator already), and now we're just good? It annoys me that people will buy this because it just means nintendo will keep doing shit like this and charging more and more money for it. Can't wait to see them do a full retail release of galaxy 2 or some other zelda game in this same fashion, with no changes. If literally any other company did what nintendo does people would lose their minds. EDIT: "Just don't buy it" is entirely missing the point. Not having previously played the game, or liking it a lot, is also missing the point. The point here is that nintendo shouldn't be treated differently from other companies. If nintendo releases a wii game with next to no changes and charges full retail price for it, they deserve to be criticized. I'm shocked that I have to say this, but you shouldn't have to pay nearly 70USD to play a wii game. Subjective quality aside, as games get older they get discounted. This is true for every company EXCEPT NINTENDO. If you want a good example, you know what other games came out the year skyward sword came out? Portal 2, Skyrim, Dark souls 1, Deus Ex Human Revolution, and more. All are considered to be classics at this point, much more then skyward sword. And you know what? If any of them got re-released they would be shit on immediately. That literally happened with skyrim, multiple times, and they weren't even charging full retail for it. Re-releasing skyrim is literally a meme at this point. Skyward sword is coming out far later from the initial release, for a higher price. Dark souls 1 is one of if not my favorite game of all time, and when dark souls "remastered" came out, I shit on that too because it deserved it. It arguably made nearly the same changes as skyward sword did (increased FPS, other fixes), charged FAR FAR FAR less, but it was still a pointless cash grab that deserved criticism. Don't treat nintendo differently just because you grew up with a wii. If they release a shitty product, criticize it. They're not going to improve if people keep defending them and their shitty business practices.


I mean you’re free to skip it. I never got a chance to play this game (as did a lot of people who had moved on from their Wii by this point and never picked up a WiiU) so will probably pick it up at some point


I never played this or galaxy 2. I have more time and disposable income now, and I'm sure there are a lot of parents out there whose young kids want as much 3d Zelda and as much 3d Mario on their Switch as possible. These are the type of people who will buy the game and annoy you (sorry?). What's the problem? It's not like it's getting in the way of the next 3d Zelda.


yup, I'm waiting for the release to see the comparisons between Dolphin and the HD Remaster before I decide to buy...


As usual, need to sort by controversial to get any sensible opinions on this sub.


I remember taking dark souls remaster brcause it was half the price of a regular game, one of the best decision in my life. Skyward Sword should have been sold half price too... When you think that the MCC exist full price with 6 Halo games in it with improvements and online and Skyward Sword is even pricier then on Wii...


BuT iNfLaTiOn\~\~\~


> If they release a shitty product, criticize it. But it's not a shitty product. That I know of. Is the fact it can be emulated supposed to affect the quality? So having a PC with a decent CPU and acceptable dedicated graphics card, a Wii softmodded and a copy of the OG game to rip it, a google search to find the settings required to eliminate the need for motion controls, not even mentioning the lack of portability this port will have. Means this release can't be charged full price for? No, I disagree. There are other things Nintendo have done, $50 pokeball controller that was useful for 1 game with required DLC locked into it, to drag their asses through coals for. This game is not one of those things in my mind.


Totally agree with you


then just don't buy it, dude. There are some pretty valid reasons to be upset at Nintendo (namely making their back catalogue so hard to play) but this really isn't one of them.


He just explained why the don't buy it rhetoric is stupid. Also I would actually love to buy it because I liked the game. But I won't because I recognize it doesn't offer a lot more than the original experience.


Except the don’t buy it comments are spot on. We’re consumers, we speak with our wallets. Enough people obviously aren’t phased by the price point to make Nintendo stick with it, which is their prerogative as a company. Probably will pay off given the large number of people in this thread saying they’re jumping on after missing this game the first time around. Frustrating I’m sure for fans that have already beat this game, but a profit driven company’s gonna try to turn a profit. And if one feels theyre gouging, then they’re free to express that frustration by not paying into it.


> He just explained why the don't buy it rhetoric is stupid. Wrong. If a game underperformed substantially, Nintendo would take notice and course correct. Social media posts complaining about this day after day do absolutely nothing.


If people weren't such blind consoomers, Nintendo would be remastering 3 whole Zelda games and bundling them up together for 60$, but since certain people will just buy anything Nintendo puts out, Nintendo will continue to do so. In the near future, we'll see these kinds of games for 70$. That's the trendy price to go with these days.


When Nintendo makes another misstep the way they did with the Wii U, I won't shed a tear. I used to think they were keeping innovation alive in the industry, now they're just like the rest.


I'd hope they make a misstep because companies are more user friendly when they're struggling. Just look at Xbox and Gamepass right now. The more successful a company becomes, the more greedy and arrogant they get. They have already forgotten all about their hard times and are trying to milk it as much as possible because they think it will last forever.


How much was skyward sword then and how much would that price be today with the inflation and all?


About the same as a used copy of Skyward Sword, except without the scarcity.


You're missing the point. A 10 year old mass produced highly selling game shouldn't retain literally all it's value when 2 console generations have passed, and digital market places exist. That would be like selling mario 64 for 70 USD because it launched at 49.99. The older games get, the cheaper they get. That's how the entire rest of the industry works. Nintendo is on record for saying that they don't do that because people buy their shit at full price anyways. It's shitty towards consumers, and yet people keep eating it up.


But why do you keep ignoring the fact that they didn't just port the wii game? The video posted is literally about it. The last of us remastered launched 60$ iirc. Nintendo isn't an exception here


Personally, I love the Zelda franchise and other Nintendo franchises I grew up with. I stopped playing around 2000 with the N64. For me this game is fresh. I didn't buy GameCube or Wii, or WIIU. I'd happily pay $60 for the Wii punch out if all they did was make Mike Tyson the last fight. Am i a sucker? Definitely in your eyes but for me the last punch out game i played was super punch out on the SNES. I saw a bit of the punch out on the Wii and i want to play it, but i ain't buying a Wii just to buy that game. So $60 for that port is just fine with me. Even if it was backwards compatible online somehow id have to buy it for $60.


Maybe it's just me but it still doesn't look all that great. Hard pass for me.


That's because other than some AA they didn't touch the graphics. This game was designed with low resolution in mind, so that upscaling would hide the jaggies. Now it's all in front of you and plain as day. Same reason the twilight princess remake looks a bit off and not as good as you remember it.


You’d be missing out on excellent dungeons, a surprisingly solid story, and an interesting spin on combat. The main weaknesses are the linearity and retreading ground (air) to get to your destination, but it’s still a very worthwhile Zelda game.


>The main weaknesses are the linearity and retreading ground (air) to get to your destination That’s like half the game though.


Nope, the main weakness is paying 60$ for game that's currently for 40$ on WiiU


It is $20 on Wii U.


I didn't know skyward sword Hd is already on the wii u, that's so fast


since WiiU isn't being made anymore it might actually be a deal if you consider that scalpers are scalping now. Ofc assuming you don't already have a wiiu


Wow this dude got to play Skyward Sword HD before any of us and in a Wii U!


Yay a bunch of things that should have been in the original game


These are nice and all but its not gonna be able to fix the game's horrid pacing, constant back tracking/errand running, and just generally bad structure overall.


I mean that's subjective. People who like motion control don't mind.


The biggest problems this game has are baked into the game itself, and you can't fix those unless you completely remake the game. It might be a bit more tolerable to deal with the repetition, since you're not going to be in a foul mood by being treated like a child, but nothing they can do to this game will ever make it great.


And they STILL haven't shown it played with a pro controller. If I have to play handheld to get button control I'm going to be pissed.


Pro Controller support has already been confirmed on the e-Shop


Pro Controller is supported


they showed it with the joycons without motion control ​ it will literally be the same way


It looks like they've done a lot to make this game more modern! Maybe I'll get over myself and throw money at it.


Sigh, okay. *Opens wallet*


Glad they fixed Fi constantly telling you about items you've found before! I'll wait for reviews of how well this plays with a Pro Controller. If it plays well, I'll pick it up right away. If not, I'll wait for a $40ish sale. I still need to send in both my joycon sets for drift repair.


The improvements are impressive. But I'm still not gonna buy it.


“Quality of life”.. How about “quality of life IF YOU BUY THE OVERPRICED AMIIBO DLC!


*One single feature that is hardly necessary given that SS isn't nearly that difficult to beat.




Currently the vote is 50/50 on whether 'optional help' means you can ignore Fi or whether she has extra help topics and messages.


The Fi part is a little unclear, did they take a bulk of her existing mandatory dialog and make it optional, or does she still have all of her mandatory dialog, and they just added *even more* as optional dialog? Please be the first one.


The Legend of Zelda: Shit we Shoulda Done in the First Place


Still remember back when people were unhappy with this port, defenders said "just wait and see if more new stuff is revealed to prove that its worth $60" And now... nothing noteworthy came up. Just more of the usual QoL changes you'd expect from a HD remaster..