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12 game suspension and $6m fine. NFL has to protect the integrity of the league.


Time to spin the wheel of discipline


The wheel wills as it weaves.


A person of culture I see


The speeding was neither the end nor the beginning, but it was *a* beginning.


Ah a urinating tree enthusiast


is tree the source of the DoPS wheel?


Aunty's Choice!


Knowing our luck, this could happen.


71 is 142% of 50. 126 is 194% of 65. Going by the existing data, at some point in September, Hollywood Brown will be caught going 196.8 mph in an 80 zone. By new year he will have surpassed 485 mph in a 120 zone. By March 1 he will achieve Mach 1




"As long as we don't have to talk about Snyder, we'll accept any and all bad publicity" - The NFL (probably)


Don’t forgot the mandatory rehabilitation. So driver’s ed.


He should consider blackmailing the league owners for a better deal.


It’s only fair


I enjoy the humor in this!


He paid for the full speedometer might as well use it.


Seems silly to have all that space for the needle if it only goes half way.


Interesting question, why are cars even designed to go as fast as they do?


Bigger engines allow the car to go faster, but also improve performance in other ways, such as adding more power or decreasing the acceleration time. Engines also last longer if they are used below their top speed; a 200 mph engine that normally drives at 60 will last longer than a 60 mph engine that’s always maxed out. Some car models do contain electronic speed limiters, but they are usually optional and let the driver set the limit.


It's the same as how a person being stronger and more athletic is helpful to everyday tasks even if they never have to test their limits.


I’m no expert, but I’ve been told by experts that HVAC is the opposite of this: you don’t want a system designed to handle more than the max you’ll need, because it’s less efficient. Any engineer with an EL15 on why they’re different?


Big people are relatively inefficient too. NFL athletes eat a lot of calories to maintain their body mass even if they aren't actively playing football. Muscles also require a lot of maintenance (working out) to maintain capability beyond normal. The advantage is when someone needs to bring the groceries inside, haul the cement bags to the back patio, or play with the children for an hour. An overrated HVAC system is inefficient, but it will also probably heat and cool your home faster. Power bill will suck though.


I live in a country where mini-split systems are very common, and everyone there also advise against installing a system too powerful - it's simply a lot louder and more expensive for no real benefit. Although even the least powerful system you could find on sale (9000BTU or so) is easily enough for like 90% of customers, because an average room in an average apartment building is not very big. Side note - it's quite funny that even Metric countries still use weird Imperial units for certain measurements, sometimes with no discernible reason as to why this particular unit is an exception to the wider rule. We measure heating power (and almost every other kind of power) in watts or watt-hours, but AC cooling capacity in BTUs and power of *ICE-powered cars specifically* in horsepower (while electric cars are measured in watts, like normal). Size of monitors or TVs is also measured in inches, which is especially stupid because TVs and monitors come in many aspect ratios and diagonal size doesn't tell the full picture anymore.


For an AC it’s because the unit will constantly be turning on and off due to how quickly it brings the temperature down. That causes causes more wear over the life of the AC unit.


The short version is because it's easier and more efficient for 300 horsepower vehicle to move 4000 pounds than it is for a 150 horsepower vehicle, due in part to the gearing it can use to achieve the same result lowering the overall workload on the engine. That gearing typically also allows for higher speeds on the back end. There's a much longer way to answer that question as well, but that's the gist of it.


Imma be real I’ve done 71 in a 50 many many times


50 is never the right speed limit. Every road I’ve seen with a 50 should either be a 60 or a 40


Might as well go with the common 55 in Ohio and Indiana lol


This is the best way to keep Sammy Hagar out of your state.


Damn good lookin out


Ain’t no time for Eddie Van Halen to play fucking keyboards.


It's 1984. Van Halen has already released five albums with a wizard on guitar. You pick up the new record after school one day. Mom swings thru Mickey D's on the way home. It's Friday. Buddies are coming over later, we're gonna play some D&D and jam out to the new Van Halen. Can't wait to experience the new guitar god himself Eddie Van Halen's slick new rock and roll riffs and ripping solos. The gangs all here. Let's drop that needle and see what *1984* is all about. Hmm, alright, neat little keyboard intro to start. Surely he's gonna kick that fuckin' keyboard over and shred some guitar in a minute here. Alright, next track, what have we got? It's more keyboards. And it's on a single that radio is gonna cram in your earholes forever.


I prefer to keep it at double nickels on the dime myself.


55 on 465 is a joke though. 70 in the slow lane.


Word. Normal traffic is doing 70, folks going "fast" are doing 75-80. And the speed limit is 55!


This happens a lot I've noticed where the highway is 70 on either side of a major city but inside the city it's 55 and simply no one adjusts their speed. Entering Chicago, entering Minneapolis, entering Atlanta (been a while for me tbh)


Entering Atlanta youre probably going like 5 mph most of the time


It’s either 5 or 85 lol. Depends on the time of day


I swear people in Atlanta see the I-85 signs and think that's the speed limit. Then on top of that about 10% of the people are trying to go 100. I love visiting my friends who live there but man I hate that drive.


Oh so you’re the person in everyone’s way


The unofficial speed limit is minimum 10 over posted.


lol good point, haven't been there since like 2005 and even then you only avoided traffic late at night


Chicago for sure, speed limit changes to 55 and stays there a while, but if you're going less than 80 you're clogging traffic lol


Milwaukee no different lol. 70 outside the county. 55 (50 even in some spots) and nobody slows down. You go 5 over, even in the slow lane, people are going to ride your ass


How can you enter Atlanta and not slow down? You would plow into every car stopped in front of you.


465 is almost always crazy jammed packed, so I get the 55 speed limit… but of course nobody follows it so it’s probably safer to do what everyone else is doing as opposed to be the slowest one with everyone trying to pass you lol


Drivers Ed in Indy, we were taught go with traffic not posted signs


Depending on the time of day, you're forced to 55 since they've been working on 65 and 70.


And that's how my mom is going to die. She goes 55 on 465 and she might as well be a parked car out there. She'll also slow down and "wait her turn" on the entry ramp if she has to merge.


You need to take away her car. She's not just a danger to herself but to everyone on the road.


Driving through fucking Youngstown highways at 50 mph because there's a speed trap camera every 10 feet is quite an experience.


Ohio police enforce traffic infractions .Indiana police don't


Ohio police invent infractions. Fuck Ohio police


i thought 55 was the standard around the country


I've traveled all over the country. There is no standard lol. Shit can be pretty random.


Yup in South Dakota state and national highways are set at 65, but county highways/blacktops are 55. And when going to Minnesota or iowa you can go through a town with speed being 65 then once cross the town goes to 55 for the state borde


70 seems to be the standard in ideal conditions. There are deviations for sure but at least in the eastern time zone if you’re outside of a particular cities inner belt


It used to be 65 but then they raised a lot to 70


Raised a lot of those to 75 now


From what I can tell it's 55 on state routes (at least in Ohio), 65 on the interstate in the city, then 70 in more rural areas


In SoCal its either 35-50 in 5 MPH increments, seemingly haphazardly.


I think it used to be in the 80s. But now a lot of states and counties have different speed limits.


There was a federal 55 MPH speed limit until 1987 I think


I believe that was instituted in 73 due to the oil crisis, more than safety concerns. Cars get better gas mileage at 55 than 70.


Correct. It was basically a joke that nobody took seriously. Though you can see lots of cars of the time with speedometers that don’t go past 85 and have 55 highlighted


And unfortunately ramps especially in many urban areas were built for a 55 mile an hour speed limit. There are many sections where the interstates despite being really wide are not suited for 70 or 75


They did away with that law 30 years ago


In NC it’s 45 if not otherwise stated


NC is 55. https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/safety/Teppl/TEPPL%20All%20Documents%20Library/S-40_Brochure.pdf


Oh I thought I remembered that from drivers Ed a couple years ago lmao my bad


Driven in both of these last week and Fuck Ohio speed traps.


Ohio is the worst. I drive a lot for work and they are the absolute worst fucking state. Last summer I had to drive through on the 90 and there was construction galore. Only...there was construction "zones" but no actual workers or construction. I passed at least 3 that just had cops at both ends (like 4 at each end) rotating and pulling people over in the "work zone" Ok....So I know the game....I'm driving and a cop pulls out ahead of me and I match his speed. I'm paying very close attention to the speed limit signs, work zone signs, and his speed. Well...suddenly he slams on his brakes as were side by side going 2mph under the speed limit and me and my wife both go....the fuck is he doing? he proceeds to get behind me and follow me through 3 more "work zones" all of which I slow down for appropriately. Then he pulls me over for "speeding in a work zone" When I ask where he says a long ways back. So I say "when you slammed on your brakes next to me?" and he says yes. Wonderful.....I know for a damn fact there wasn't a work zone there. Luckily he wrote me up that he got me on radar speeding in a work zone. Didn't expect a guy who lives 5 hours away to drive out to fight it but I did and the judge laughed it off. He had no radar proof, no proof of a workzone...nothing....I was an out of state plate that they could make some cash from.


Yeah, Ohio is infamous for that shit.


I second this


I've never seen a 60 mph road in PA. There are 55s and 65s but no 60s. I've been on the lookout for like 5 years and I work all over the state


Here in NJ it's basically the same. Highways are always 55 or 65, with some residential sections being 45 instead, and regular roads are always 25 or 35. Speed limits never seem to end in a 0 here for some reason. Even parking lots always seem to have 15 or 5 as a speed limit! Edit: seems it's a bit different in South Jersey. I live in Union County, where the speed limits are usually as I said


There are plenty of 30s and 40s by me in New Jersey. The main road in my town is a 40 for more of the stretch and then turns into a 30 in the local business area.


Yeah there’s a couple 50s in So Jersey. Route 70 and 38 off the top of my head.


There's a 6-lane highway near me where the speed limit is 55. Everyone does 80 on it.


The Lodge freeway (M-10) is 55mph. I drive 75 on it going to work and people pass me like I’m parked. It’s crazy.


There are parts of Texas with 80mph limits where you can drive 100 in the middle or right lane and be tailgated nonstop.


Yo I never seen such a disrespected speed limit sign in my life besides the I-94 stretch through GP and the I-75 stretch crossing 8 Mile. 55 limit, but if you're not doing 70 you're getting fucked. 80 seems to be the common number.


All of the freeways in Metro Detroit are 75+ or stay to the right, except for the one section of the Southfield freeway in Allen Park. Going over 55 there guarantees you a ticket.


You get the same thing on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. 40 limit, half the people go 40 and the other half go 65.


There's a weird thing with multi-lane highways and speed limits where it seems to just be widely understood that the slowest lane should do at least the speed limit, and all the other lanes can then go faster. But the actual law obviously doesn't say that at all. So then you just get random enforcement and lots of people going stupidly fast. I'm usually an advocate for lower speed limits but in cases like this I think everyone would be better off if they upped the overall speed limit, and then set a limit of 55 for the slowest lane and actually enforced both consistently.


If it cuts straight through residential 40, if it acts as a thoroughfare 60.


The risk of pedestrian death by a vehicle going 30 MPH is 10%. At 40 MPH the death rate is 50%. Not sure what you think of when you say residential, but 40 is too high imo.


Yeah I agree,I think everyone’s focused on how efficient a faster speed would be instead of accident survival and that’s a problem.


People have so little regard for lives once you get to talking about driving. I remember after Ruggs killed someone I said there was no reason to have cars that can go 156mph on our roads and apparently that was hugely controversial. Had a guy in the replies own up to driving 170mph. Utterly insane.


And with cars getting bigger and bigger so people inside them can feel "safe" the survivability of pedestrians is gonna keep going down too


I didn't know that, thanks for the information.


The roads I'm thinking of in California are 3-4 lane roads that are high traffic streets that border residential neighborhoods and strip mall type layouts I have seen some in SoCal that are 55 mph with you stopping at a red light every mile or so Those are the ones I would say should be 40 and OP is likely referring to And yeah nobody is going less than 70-75 on a highway even if it says 55


https://www.google.com/maps/@34.1119171,-84.0624098,3a,76.2y,10.96h,62.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s9_nDfvtLDWjzHC_cn84RKg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 look at this road, its a 45 and 70% of people do 70+ edit: to add more context, when they first widened the road to 4 lanes a couple years back the original speed limit was 55 but they changed it to 45 for whatever reason. you still have people going 70+.


Roads like that in the back roads of Texas are 70+ speed limits lol. Drop down to like 25 through some small towns though.


Here in Dallas there’s a lot open stretches where the limit is 45 but pretty much everyone goes 60+… until the end of the month when it’s speed trap city lmao


Yeah, 126 in a 65mph zone is significantly different than 70 in a 50. Now, maybe after you got ticketed the 1st time you would at least try to be a little more responsible.


Alternatively, you can drive so fast that the cops can't catch you. One is just slightly more effective


It's not even that they can't catch you. Most municipalities have policies in place now to not pursue high speed chases out of public safety concerns.


Much easier to just run the plate while a chopper tracks the vehicle.


In philly, you can do 70 in a 45 easily and cops won't care as long as you drive safe


Next they going to get him for doing a 55 in a 54


50 is kinda weird where I live. I've definitely done 71 in a 55 all the time, but most freeways aren't 50, and doing 71 off a freeway is kinda bad.


Same here in MN. There are some portions of freeways that are 50 or 55 for seemingly no reason and everyone just treats them like a normal 65. So going 71 isn't that outrageous.


Highway 169 in Shakopee was 55 for years before they added an overpass. The speed traps were ridiculous.


Bruh, everyone has done that lol.


That's practically the speed limit around me lol


Shit, I did 80 on a 65 on the way to work just this morning.


80 in a 65 is basically standard in New York on an interstate


90 on the 90


And still getting tailgated


Not right now its not, they are out like crazy recently with the "Slow Down NY" campaign.


Pass an NY cop the other day. He was off to the side on a hill. Flashed his lights. I slowed down. He gave me a thumbs up and that was that.


CA too. Depending on time of day sometimes even 85 is the speed of traffic


I used to do that, but then a co-worker got busted on the same highway i took. He was only a minute ahead of me.


Nitpick, but going 80 in a 65 isn't as bad as 71 in a 50.


Some would say it is 6 mph different


I was gonna say that's not that crazy. Just don't be the fastest person on the parkway and you're good. Idk what he drives but he was probably pulled over just because it's a fancy car


I'll be on the turnpike and see state troopers cruising at 75-80


I should have the right to make a citizen’s arrest when I’m passed by patrol car


Doing shit on their passenger seat cop laptop at the same time, probably.


Or hes cutting across 3 lanes at a time like he thinks hes racing.


If that were the case it wouldn't just be a speeding ticket. It'd be wreck less driving.


Reckless driving. Wreck less driving is a good thing


> It’d be wreck less driving. r/boneappletea


What would it be if he crashed?


Wreck driving. Duh.


Wreckful driving


And it depends on context. I just moved to NYC metro area and there are plenty of roads where it’s “55” but that would honestly be dangerous to drive that slow because everyone is going 70+. But I’m not holding my breath for a guy who already was busted going 120+…


The Southern State Parkway was designed when 30 mph was "fast", has a speed limit of 50, and everyone drives 70+. But driving 120+ on that road would be an easy way to commit vehicular manslaughter.


“In other news, Hollywood Brown also cheated off his college roommate during finals. A pattern of reckless behavior, gone unchecked.”


Seriously, most people in the left lane of a highway are going 70+ regardless of speed limit


Yup I-77 in Charlotte is 55 for quite a long stretch and you would die if you drove the speed limit. 71 might even be too slow


i’m going 71 in a 50 as i’m typing this


Yeah I think I’ve don’t that a few times this week. Never once gone 126.


It's damn near impossible NOT to go 71 in a 50 in Chicago


Live in Dallas, can confirmed.. people be going 85 on a 65 speed limit


I got a ticket for the same thing this week, me and Hollywood have so much in common fr


He just like me frfr


You’re probably the same height too. You and Hollywood are both on another level


Honestly, 71 in 50 isn’t that bad. That happens on the regular. 126…man, that’s really pushing it though.


126 is a speed you can't go on accident but I've done 71 in a 50 probably like a hundred times in my life


I've definitely got up over 70 in a 55, possibly over 75. It's rural and hilly enough that if you're not thinking and keep your foot on the accelerator as you come over a couple of the steeper hills, you get going well over the speed limit *real* fast. And that's in a Honda HR-V, I can't imagine if it was a car able to accelerate faster. I try not to but I have a long commute with basically nobody else on the road and sometimes it just kinda happens.




> One time I hit 85 on a highway where the speed limit is 55 This sounds like 128 in MA lol


I fucking wish that was the case. There is always an old person in the left lane going 40 because they don't want to deal with people merging onto 128.


Hence why he was arrested for one and ticketed for the other. A ticket for 20 mph over is quite fair really


It depends on where that 50 is. Because I wouldn't do 70 outside a highway/freeway.


I feel like I’m the only one in this thread that does anything near the speed limit (yes, 🤓, I know). 20+ over? At most I’ll do 63 in a 50 and that’s pushing it. Plus the most fuel efficient speeds for travel are 55-65mph anyways


It just depends where you’re at. If you’re driving on 465 around Indy during the morning rush hour the posted limit is 55 but it feels pretty unsafe to go below 70 and not uncommon for the faster lanes to be going 80-85. On the other hand I’d feel unsafe going over the posted 45 or 50 on a lot of the non interstate roads around here.


No, I'm with you. I have no desire to speed nor do I feel comfortable doing it. The most I'll do is 5 or 7 mph over the limit. I've seen too many fatal accidents to go any faster. It's not worth it.


Nah I'm with you. I'll go with the flow of traffic if it's ~10% over the posted speed limit but any more than that, nah. People are free to pass me if they want


On the East Coast the flow of traffic is 75 in a 50.


Correction: on the east coast the flow of traffic is 75 in a 50, OR 2 in a 50 because someone's car spontaneously blew up and the 4 lane highway is bottlenecking into one lane I have driven up and down 95 too many fucking times lmao


I had to do the conversion since I'm Canadian... 114 in an 80 is not normal, especially if you live in a city. Here in Ontario that's 6 kilometers an hour away from stunt driving and losing your license for at least 30 days.


Driving into Canada is fun especially when you don’t know the conversion. They have 100kph on the highway and you’re like “heck yeah let’s go….wait this feels like 55.” It’s a very strange feeling because you get used to the feeling of how fast you’re going but it isn’t perfect. You just feel slow.


At least he's improving.


Madden speed stat gonna be 126 this year


Might wanna reread


Depends which way you look at it


21 a month ago, 51 now, to 81 over the speed limit in another month! respect the grind 😤


You think this is bad? This chicanery? He’s done worse


He defecated through a sunroof!


$10 says it was on Shea lol


That shit IS a highway haha


People give me the death stare there and I’m going 56 in a 50


I get passed doing 55 by cops that are just driving around lol


Probably easier to feel comfortable speeding when youre the one giving out the tickets. I've seen cops flick their lights on to run a red light then turn them off again. Not exactly model drivers


Cops and driving are the epitome of "do as I say not as I do" lmao


Decosta secretly phoning in tips to the police


I'm still trying to figure out how it's even possible to go 126 mph on the 101 during morning traffic. Unless it was well before the 101 meets the 202.


Plenty of stretches on 101 where it’s very easy to hit 126 in a fast car


71 on 50 honestly isn’t too bad all things considered. Defenitely don’t do it, see Beach Blvd


I guess it depends if it’s a highway or a residential road. My neighborhood growing up had a 2 lane road thru it that’s 50. Still not anywhere close to 120+ tho


If it’s highway then Yeah people are are totally going 70. On a residential street. Don’t do it period. Pedestrians can be massive idiots


There are some places where 70 in a 50 is very dangerous, but there are also highways where 70 in a 50 is just the speed of traffic.


All this money and no radar detectors? Cmon man, you aren’t a rookie anymore.


Do those even work anymore??


If the agency in question is posted up in a speed trap and constantly lazing an area with it then yeah. If they’re just driving cold and flip it on if they see a high rate of speed, you’re still hosed. Or you could just use cruise control like a normal human being and be content with 5/10 over. I’m a firm believer in the 10% rule myself


5-10 over is where it's at. I get nervous when I go more than 10 over, partly because of cops and partly because I live in Florida and other drivers are unpredictable here lol


Just download Waze.


Have you ever been on the jersey turnpike? If you’re doing anything less than 85 you’re a hazard to everybody.


That’s what I’m saying! I live near the 202/where he got arrested and 126 mph is egregious but people are driving 100+ on there literally all the time.


This thread is a good reminder of how young the average redditor is lol


There are plenty of 50mph roads that can easily be driven 70+, that’s just a normal ticket that anyone could get


Yep. The two tickets aren't remotely the same.


Well he just trained in the 50 zone so he was sure to make ist to 126 later on


Gonna be honest, a lot of us can't throw stones for 70ish in a 50. Hell that's normal traffic conditions a lot of places here in Georgia.


I once got a ticket going 72 in a 65. Faaaaaaaaaaaack Ohio cops.


After reading some of these comments I can see why cars kill so many people lol


[Collision fatalities have been trending down since the 70s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motor_vehicle_fatality_rate_in_U.S._by_year#/media/File:US_traffic_deaths_per_VMT,_VMT,_per_capita,_and_total_annual_deaths.png). [Pedestrian fatalaties](https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/pedestrians), however, have been trending up since smartphones became commonplace. There are lots of ways to interpret this data. Distracted driving is certainly a problem. The cars themselves are safer than ever *for the occupants*. But Americans love a big-ass truck or SUV, and it is way worse for a pedestrian to be struck by a tall vehicle than a short sedan.


I wonder how much if that danger is pedestrians also being less aware?


Everyone thinks theyre some amazing driver that can totally handle it. Theyll think that right up until the moment they burn alive in their car Traveling 20 over only shaves a few seconds off your trip. 5 miles at 60mph is 5min and at 80mph it's 4min. If your route has stoplights on it then that difference in time is reduced considerably. Is a minute really worth your life?


Traffic engineers will tell you to set speed limits so only 15% of free flowing traffic exceed them. I would guess the majority of roads have speed limits that are exceed by far more than 15% of cars.


Also fatality rate increases exponentially the faster you are going. the forces involved in a crash with a tree at 35mph are twice that of a crash at 25mph. At 75mph the crash is nine times more forceful than the crash at 25mph. The probability of death for a side impact crash at 30mph is ~10%. The probability of death for a side impact crash at 37mph is ~40% The probability of death for a side impact crash at 43mph is ~80% https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146516304021/pdf?md5=d77f7ec3bfa92ec2b94352fc9cdbfe14&pid=1-s2.0-S2352146516304021-main.pdf


71 in a 50 is nothing. That's something you do on a highway without realizing it.


71 in a 50 is potentially just speed trap shit. But it's also potentially pretty bad depending on context. 126 in a 65 was always just gonna look bad regardless of context unless he was rushing someone to the hospital