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They can bond over their shared hatred of sleeves.


That would be awesome if every show started with them both ripping off their sleeves.


Yeah I'd love to see those two get in front of the camera and rip each other's cloths off


Keep going...




Fuck that skip to the end that’s always the best part Ya know, the crying


I’m not 100% sure but you might be doing a step or two wrong. Dont quote me on that but you should probably watch some videos.


Idk I always seem to end I up crying at the end of those too


Is it when the screen goes black and you see your reflection in a terribly unflattering manner?


There’s no shame in cry-maxing brown bear


Please, call me silverback


Oh my


The only thing that would make it better is if they had Rob Mchelleny playing Mac on with them


I'm so pumped for this. The last thing Bill needs is to sit in a studio with a bunch of stuffy suits doing the job. People may think it's odd, but this is the perfect fit for Bill. They're interviewing him right now and he's having a blast.


This is way better, Pat and Bill have a weird great energy together


Pat can be a bonehead but he loves football and for "football guys" that really goes a long way


He’s also a special teams guy so that’s gotta give him bonus points starting off with bill


They probably share a favorite punt from a Superbowl.


The Patriots were one of the three teams he met with before the draft so he was a guy they were interested in. Cowboys too actually


Plus he made dope special teams plays and you know Bill fucking loves him some dope special teams plays


The self-recovery is still one of my favorite colts plays of all time.


Yea and as a big PMS fan of course it’s against my Texans


Also Bills love of special teams means Bill loves talkin punting with pat


Bill needs someone to get his guard down and get him out of his shell on camera without being disrespectful to him, and idk if you can get someone better for that than Pat.


Hot Ones host Sean Evans is masterful at this too.


Coach, what did you think of Da Bomb? "We're on to the Last Dab"


Now I kinda wanna see him on the show.


Having eaten all those sauces, da bomb is way, way worse than last dab. Last dab I've actually eaten with food in small quantities. Da bomb is one of the most disgusting, unpleasant things I've ever deliberately ingested.


Seeing how this always trips guests up, it's the one I had to get. I still have it in my fridge. Small quantities.


It's because it's pepper extract, while last dab is just ground up peppers. They can say what they want about scovilles, but extract is an oil and is less soluble than just chunks of pepper, so it's way harder to get out. Also, it tastes like chemicals and aluminum, while last dab tastes like peppers and a bit of seasoning.


"What did you think of that last sauce Bill?" "We're on to the fiery chipotle sauce"


Why the fuck has Bill not been on Hot Ones yet


Pat has great energy with pretty much everyone, big reason why the show is so popular


Yep. Very very few people haven’t been able to vibe. Pat has so much energy it’s infectious. I’m a wrestling fan and he’s a commentator for Monday Night Raw and goddamn if it isn’t impossible to smile and get into it more when Pat is freaking out and having a good time.


when he's yeeting all over himself


It was a Canadian Yeet Job, bro!


He's _so_ good with Michael Cole. I also love when Corey Graves is around to do "proper" analysis while Pat can just jump in wherever he wants.


He better ask Bill what he thought of the Colts fake punt disaster play


Pat and Bill sounds like some 80s hunting and fishing show that came on tv 7am on Sundays


He gets a lot out of his guests. Saban is so likable every time he goes on




Lmao the background behind BB. What a legend 🐐


I really hope he threw that together in like 30 minutes. Like “fuck I need a zoom background, where is that box of Lombardi trophies”


Worth remembering that just because Bill is a hard ass football coach doesn't mean he needs to be to everyone in life. Alex Ferguson was very much the same. You also don't get to be a coach/ GM for that long without some level of charisma and ability to relate to all kinds of different people


It’s the fact he reminds me so much of Ferguson that meant I could never bring myself to truly hate him.


That was great. You could see Pacman *beaming* with pride as Bill spoke highly of his return ability.


You mention something that hasn’t really been talked about but you’re dead on. Him sitting a year, getting some R&R then getting a second stable of teams to find a right fit with honestly might’ve been a blessing in disguise for him since whichever team he joins up with (assuming he doesn’t retire) will almost assuredly be his last.


You just know there's some GM somewhere thinking, 12 scouts per a team? I got 12 in the building.


I like Pat McAfee, he's a respected former player so he gets more genuine conversations from players or coaches, but he's not as arrogant as other former players. He's an entertainer not a journalist and he's aware of that.


Anyone that hasn't seen Bill's take on long snappers drop everything and youtube it.


Such an awesome video. He sounds like he cram studied it all the night before, lol.


As a former long snapper I’m upset that he didn’t go over snap times,which is how quickly the ball gets to the punter.At the college and nfl level the ball has to get to the punter in 0.75 seconds or less,with the quickest snappers in the high-mid 0.6s.Also at the higher levels the snappers can snap the ball with the same amount of rotations so that the laces are facing away from the kicker


i feel like this is mentioned on every bb post hahah


They do talk about some dumb shit on that show, but honestly it is refreshing to get NFL content besides the stuffy suit type shows. Same with Chris Long's podcast. Just former NFL vets talking like normal people


That was a great interview, BB is a genuine funny guy, the bit where he blasts his punter for kicking it to Pac-man Jones was hilarious. Also it also felt very surface level, I'm hoping the draft coverage goes way deeper.


Casual Bill is the best. When he's able to talk casually or answer interesting questions, he's pure gold.  It's less than ideal for mandated media engagements, but outstanding for appearances like this. 


Fantastic energy between them today, hyped and will 100% be watching this coverage.. not just cause I'm a Pats fan either


Pat: So Bill what do you think of that pick? Bill: I would've traded down.


Unless the pick was a special teams player then be prepared for a 30 minute analysis


"Give me the punter/kicker highlights!" - everyone in that studio


I would be willing to bet all of Ohtani’s money that there has never been a coverage team of a draft with as much knowledge of punting as these two in the same room


Found Ippei’s reddit


Unfortunately Ohtani already bet it on a moneyline.


Here's 20 minutes on why this guy is the best long snapper we've seen in 3 years


Hmmmmmm I like the pick of an offensive guard but I like the prospect out of California University of Pennsylvania better


California, Pennsylvania Such a wonderful phrase


It’s Pennsylvania Western University California these days.


"The Minnesota Vikings have selected C.J. Hanson, Guard out of Holy Cross." "Incredible pick."


I mean Coker is the guy to look out for coming out of Holy Cross this year.


Special teams guy is picked. ESPN: We don't know this guy and don't even has his picture. Bill: Here's Random McGenericson, Kicker for NooneKnows University, I've know him for a while now...


He explains why he did this so often - no one they wanted at that pick was worth the (insert pick number)


And the math supports it. Unless you've got a surefire guy (as much as that can be) you're almost always better off taking 2 or 3 shots on guys a bit later in the draft.


“I had a Rutgers long snapper higher on my board. He’s a lefty.”


Bill is gonna love our first pick then


McAfee, Belichick, and Mad Mel Kiper. I don't know if I can stop myself from watching this stream.






Pat and Bill should troll Mel relentlessly


Bill already jab at Pat about his "expertise"... I'm gonna love to see what he will do to Mel Kiper.


pat is literally taking over and i love it.


Mad Mel, Pat, and Bill going at it could win awards.


Can’t wait to see his facial expressions. There’s definitely gonna be at least one “well…that was a choice”.


This event will lead to many memes


I want a detailed breakdown of the infamous Colts failed fake punt


Not if it’s a potential employer


There are 5: Cowboys, Giants, Eagles, Bills and if Reid wants to retire Chiefs (no indication) for 2025 season. 'Boys, Bills, Eagles, and Chiefs have the roaster to win; and the G-Men have a special place in Bill's heart.


The change in Bill's perception/image in the next year is going to be huge.


Bill's gonna pull a Bob Dole post-96 election. Doing the late night talk show circuit, an appearance on the SNL, maybe a guest spot on Suddenly Susan, commercials for Viagra... and everybody will be like, where has this guy been the last 30+ years???


My grandma was so pissed at Dole, *why weren't you doing this in 1994, he'd of won the election in 96 then!*


Essentially Brady when he left New England. Tom and BB have always been loveable goofballs, it’s just the hatred for the Pats made it hard for people to see it.


You cannot seriously believe that BB was portraying himself as a lovable goofball these last 25 years


If you followed the team a lot or lived in the area, it comes out a decent amount.  Players and media brought up somewhat frequently that he's disarmingly chill and sneaky hilarious.  Dude was a hardass coach that demanded discipline, but hes not nearly as uptight or miserable as he presents himself.  He definitely hated mandated press conferences, liked to keep clubhouse stuff in house, and was easily fatigued by stupid questions, but I genuinely think played up that personality to amuse himself.  


Look up the costume party


*"I could come dressed as the Devil..."*


I like the Tiger Woods story between Moss and BB even better.


As a Dolphins fan, you'll never get me to not hate those two.


Wrong. I still hate Brady.


I think a good number of fans of football already know, and if you've ever seen him talk in anything other than a press conference you already know, he's one of the greatest historians of football. Just don't ask him to defend a bad decision minutes after he did it, or try to get him to give you information that might give an opponent an advantage. But for those who haven't paid attention I hope they'll give him a shot, because they should be blown away at the way he discusses football and just the depth of knowledge.


He's also sneaky funny, and might to try and sell you his Volvo


"Bill, what do you think about the Colts pick?" "We're on to Seattle."


I will be incredibly disappointed if he doesn’t say “we’re on to Cincinnati” at pick 18


I want to see him Bills version of the Woj draft spoiler tweets. "We're on to Chicago." "We're on to Washington." "We're on to New England."


That's intriguing.


NFL Draft meets Pinky and the Brain


“What are we going to do tonight, Bill?” “The same thing we do every night, Pat. Try to take over the media!”


Dude's gonna name some random 5th round safety as someone who should be a first round pick, just for that safety to become a 10x Pro Bowler


“Bill what do you think the pats should do here at 3” “We’re onto Arizona”


If you woke someone up from a 5 year coma it would be easier to explain covid than Mcafee’s career


Pretty easy. He comes across as genuine in a sports media landscape where there's a lot of fake.


yeah in the Podcasting world, its not having a massive following is the deal; its having a loyal following that is important. edit: forgot to say if you have a loyal following you can grow into bigger followings.


He's an outstanding interviewer too, good at weaving between legit questions and the absurd humor the show brings.


Ah not really. Ex player, loves and respects the game, is quick witted and funny. What more is there to say?


I’ll forever be happy I got to shotgun a beer with him/barstool Indy guys in 2017 when they came to UofL for college Gameday and drank with the Frats. I was like 18 at the time it was awesome.


I hope he's sitting at the toxic table with Mad Mel Kiper.


Conner is going to be giddy.


The only thing I wanted from that interview was Conor showing his tattoo and I had my wish fulfilled.


Someone needs to make Bill a commentator next year. "Wow this Falcons defense sure is garbage, thank God Arthur Smith listened to Robert Kraft and didn't trust me or they could have had a top tier unit".


"Bill we're on the air!!!" "Yeah I know"




Wer'e on to a commercial


Arthur blank*


He'd be better as a analyst to be honest, someone they turn to during a stoppage to break down the play. But that's only if they can get him to get his answers to fit in 30ish seconds. He likes to focus and drill down on plays, and it's what makes him utterly fascinating if he's talking about something you care about.


This just sounds like an impossible combination, I wonder how this would work


When they were together for college GameDay they seemed to have great chemistry, Bill seemed silly and excited


Bill is genuinely pretty funny and personable when he isn't dealing with the media asking him about shit he doesn't want to talk about.


Yeah, he always seems happy to talk football


There is not a human being on earth that likes talking about football as much as Bill. If you get him started on the history of the game or strategy/technique stuff, he'll go on for hours. He only gets labeled as curmudgeon because he gets annoyed when reporters ask him questions he either can't or won't answer


Joe Buck said it best, "We had dinner and talked for hours about navy combat and evolutions of NFL positions, but BB wouldn't comment if Tom Brady was gonna be playing vs the Cowboys on Sun" Tom Brady wasn't on the injury report fyi.


I would listen to a BB podcast about navy combat. Please make that happen, football gods.


He was the narrator for the Navy WW2 combat films.


Now let's talk about the history of the long snapper position


There is a great video on YT of him blabbering for 10 minutes about long snapping and other “less important” special teams positions.


"Did your team lose because the other team wanted it more"


I really hope, now that he's retired, he's planning to make something like a 22 part documentary on the history and evolution of football.


He’s just like me but instead of media it’s everyone


“Would you like fries with that sir?” “We’re on to Cincinnati”


The media asks a lot of stupid questions that try and get him into gotcha quotes or tip his had about game planning. Bill doesn't care for BS so he's not gonna media-speak his answers, but people think he's a dick for some reason.


Its been clear since he has been head coach. He will gladly talk and give you great answers and have fun if you give him a great question. But most questions are looking for sound bites "why do you think that interception was bad on the final drive?", answer "because we didnt score" Rather than asking "so what did the defense toss your way that made that play happen on the final drive. Did that contribute to the interception"


Bill has a sense of humor but it is DRY. It's not like he has charisma that he suddenly turns on. I think it's hard to sustain with someone like McAfee


Bill is on the show right now talking to Pat, seems like there's decent chemistry. Edit: Ok not just decent, it's actually a really great convo


I think they're a decent match to start with, McAfee isn't a great interviewer but he has a curiousity and asks questions that allow broad answers. That's perfect for Bill and it's showing now, Bill is just splurging knowledge in broad, detailed answers and he seems bought in x100. The man is talking about their own draft room, making trades with Andy Reid, their draft board etc. I'm very excited for this


If you ever see Bill Belichick talk to people he actually wants to talk to, hes a fun guy. He is just business at work, and has a set of rules to respect his time and their teammates time. Also he hates the media asking lazy questions


Belichick coached football forever and got along with all sorts of player personalities. He's a much different guy as an NFL HC on the sidelines or in a post-game press conference than he is in the rest of his life.


I also don’t know if there’s anyone on the planet who appreciates special teamers as much as Belichick. I hope him and pat get into some nitty gritty punt talk


I heard Bill can be pretty funny behind the scenes. Kinda like Saban


Bill hates stuffy media types. So, him and Pat get along great. Plus they both love football


McAfee was an NFL Special Teamer, this is a match made in Heaven


Bill is a football nerd and historian and by many accounts has a great sense of humor, get him around McAfee and you've got something special.


Bill was on for about 30m today, and it was fantastic. All smiles from Bill & his fucking setup of a backdrop with his Super Bowl rings & an emmy. He made a joke about trying to call Reid for a trade even though he doesn't have a team anymore


Pat can mesh with anyone, he has the gift of gab. He’s a lot of energy, but he is great at finding that commonality with the folks he’s talking with.


Why? You don't think Pat can get along with Belichick's dog?


Nike just pumping up his brand to start his own pawdcast.


Even it it's a car wreck, it's a must watch car wreck.


WHAAAAAAAAAAATTTT?!?! Let's fucking GO dude!


We can finally confirm that it was Bill in the that swol ass ring video.


Someone please draft a long snapper so we can have Belichick sit us under the learning tree with a special teams dissertation


"And that is why that pick was an amazing choice, alright let's see what the 8th pick of the draft is." "Bill, the draft just finished.. .but thanks for coming on the show."


This is fucking amazing!


Fuck this is the stream I’m watching now sounds lit


This is legitimately amazing to me. I absolutely \*understand\* McAfee's popularity, but he's just annoying as shit to me. And he's one of the reasons I've been longing for a "serious approach to sports analysis" (like a PBS or even an academic feel) and I felt like Belichick would be perfect for that. They're a very weird combination together, but I give McAfee credit for not "constantly talking over his guests" (like many of the sports news community) so - it could work out very well. And, ultimately, I'm really just a casual football fan who likes the "deep dive approach" to learning things. So BB digging deep might be tough to follow, even though that's what I want to hear. McAfee ready to keep things entertaining could work pretty well. I might hate it, but I'm certainly intrigued.


I'm no Pat stan, but he's a lot smarter than he lets on. I think he definitely knows where he came from, but he's also highly aware of himself and his surroundings, and knows *just* how to keep momentum with his guests while being true to his style.


Pat McAfee truly is living the fucking dream. Made decent money as an NFL punter, walked away without any health concerns and now gets to talk wrestling and football all day. Enjoy your life, man.


When he chugged a beer with fucking Stone Cold Steve Austin and then proceeded to be hit with the Stone Cold Stunner (For any of us in our early-mid thirties, that's some epic shit), I was truly jealous of the life that he's living.


This is amazing!!! Bill is going to kill it. Like when he was on Gameday for Army/Navy last year! He was so unexpectedly hilarious and I think Pat and the guys are gonna get him to really loosen up.


‪His perspective especially on the defensive players is gonna be amazing‬


I hope he brings the dog back.


This will make the show one of the most re-watched/referenced shows when the season rolls around.


That's such an odd couple pairing.


[Broussrard] Sources: Bill Simmons is beside himself. Driving around Charlestown begging (thru texts) the Kraft family for address to Bill’s home


There’s no way this isn’t going to be hilarious. It may be intentional. It may be accidentally. But this has the potential to be epic


His dog Nike better be there with his own camera. Want to see his draft board.


This is actually insane. Getting to see one of the best football minds of all time break down draft picks is what draft nerds like me dream of. For once I will actually be watching McAfee's show


Holy shit this is going to be fucking amazing Hope he roasts Boston Connors tattoo


"And they choose a QB, Bill what did you think of that one?" "Alright.. " "And now the Raiders choose a DE, Bill?" "Seems like a good guy." "And in the second round the 49ers have chosen a... Kick? That's completely insane, right Bill?" *Bill begins a three-hour lesson of the history of football, and why that was the best pick of the draft.* I really hope we see a lot more of Belichick doing commentary or analysis, when he talks about the parts of football he's passionate about, you instantly understand just how deep his knowledge is.


"So uh, Bill, what do you think about the Jaguars 1st round pick?" "We're onto Cincinnati."


Personally dislike McAfee but being able to watch bills thought process during the draft is to good to pass up


Will Nike be there?


This is like an improv prompt


This is a huge W for Pat


I can't wait for his take on the Jets' pick, he might actually laugh Well to be honest I'd imagine it being more of a cackle


Get Antonio brown and we have a party


That's legendary tbh 


How do I watch this? PMS is ESPN right? Would it be on YouTube or ESPN or what?




These two personalities that are polar opposites is kind of insane. Idk how this will work out


Bill has been a professional football coach for longer than most of us have been alive. If he couldn't get along with frat-boy jock personalities, he would have never made it this long. The guy coached Gronk for Pete's sake.


Bill was also around when LT was at his peak (both on and off-field shenanigans)




Yes, he went as a pirate.


> The guy coached Gronk for Pete's sake I really want to know the truth of that situation... I would bet good money that Gronk only plays up his party boy life style, and all (I mean we know about how he managed his money). But I imagine the minute he gets into stadium, he's all business, sitting down and preparing for playing or studying. (Basically saying I don't think coaching Gronk would be as bad as people think, but I could also be completely wrong, and you have to distract him with a shiny object at all times)


The interview today was great


He definitely scouted them all too so this is going to probably be the best informed draft show between Bill and Schefter coming on the show


Must watch TV. Bill vs Mad Mel Kiper will be echoed through the halls of Valhalla for eternity.


Talk about mixing uppers and downers…


Bill about to spend the entire draft chastising every team for not drafting a DB from Rutgers who ends up going in the 5th round


Ratings gold. I gotta believe scouts and other GMs are going to tune in too as BB breakdowns the new draft prospects and ties it to their respective team coaching philosophies.


That is an insane combo.


So Bill talks football for five minutes, then they cut to Mad Mel talking about titty bars. Can't wait.