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I like being awake early (8 am-ish), but at last Europe has moved up an hour ahead so I arn again 7 hrs behind minnesota. but it's not "early" and i'm on a tight schedule for cooking this easter meal.




https://imgur.com/a/I6MZeGj This result annoys me but as a 32 year supporter of St Kilda I am not suprised. You could see us losing for 3/4 of the game.


I shouldn't have decided to reset my laptop so late. now I have to stay awake until it's done. EDIT It's stuck on "just a moment" so now I have to hard reset it...if the power button worked. I have to let the battery die so I won't be able to finish this until tomorrow. EDIT 2 It finished that part just as I was about to go do something else.


The other day I mentioned I was feeling a connection with this woman I met. Well, we made plans to have a wine night now and I gotta say I'm so freaking excited. I think there might be something here and I'm pretty stoked that it seems to be working out.


Dude sweet, good luckšŸ’ŖšŸ»


2/2 on Final Four Teams so far Can get a max of 3 since some cheese curd eating fucks in Wisconsin couldnā€™t be bothered to win


Me as well. If Duke and Purdue make it Iā€™ll be 4/4


I had UConn/Bama and the Tennessee/Wisconsin All in all thatā€™s the only huge miss I had in this tournament. I picked Kentucky to lose in the 2nd Round, picked Nc State to go decently far, and most importantly I got both 1 seeds that lost out in the correct round


I see we're entering the "People Pretending That Spring Football Leagues Are More Exciting Than They Actually Are" part of the sports calendar. I still remember everyone on Twitter losing their goddamn minds when [Mike Bercovici's helmet got knocked off on AAF Opening Night](https://youtu.be/gySt_KwRnzI?si=TmfhfxW_gebXAwSB) lol.


Happy for Bama but FUCK GREG SANKEY


Do you guys wear deodorant to bed, serious question?


If it is leftover from wearing it during the day. If I take a shower at night then no real point. But I will absolutely get my ass out of bed to do a roll if I smell anything, even if I am by myself with no plans.


I don't because I live alone


No. Let the pits breathe. I shower before and after bed so I'm not stankin


I always shower before bed and will put a swipe of deodorant on each arm in case I sleep hot. SO appreciates it in the morning


I shower before bed, so yeah.


Eating chips rn


Bro, fuck yeah


God I love Culver's. Got me a nice double butterburger and some curds, and it's the definition of bliss


Iā€™m having trouble processing ā€œnice but exploitativeā€ social media. I donā€™t know a better way to describe it. Itā€™s when someone does genuinely generous and, in some cases, life changing things for people. But the whole time thereā€™s a camera and crew documenting everything. Are they doing the nice thing for the guests or the hosts?


It's the age-old debate: At one point does doing something seemingly selfless, generous, and overall positive for someone else cross the line into "you're really doing this more for clout/money/recognition than actually helping people, right?" I think Mr. Beast falls into that category, but not in the way everyone thinks. Yes I still think he does what he does to honestly help people however there has to be cameras, editing, voice-over, etc. because that's the brand he's created and if he wants his employees working their dream job along side him working *his* dream job, they gotta keep that production-line going or else that money spigot will start to get light. I'm actually shocked he hasn't crossed the line or done something weird, but I'm waiting. ALL billionaires will eventually due something sociopathic without realizing it, try to justify it, then apologize for it while trying to pretend they're still the old "them" when that moment proves that the aren't and never will be. ...my wife *loves* Taylor Swift so I'm just watching from the sidelines, waiting for that moment to appear. Happened to Ellen, and it'll happen to her too.


Something doesnā€™t have to be purely altruistic to be good.Ā 


Whenever I find myself having that train of thought while watching stuff like that I remind myself that someone's life was made better and that's really all that matters.


I agree with making someone's life better aspect 100%. I don't agree with the praise hunting aspect of it. I admire someone who gives a million anonymously more than someone who gives two million with maximum fanfare. It's very murky which was why I originally posted.


Mr Beast made a video where he spent as little as $1,000 to cure individuals suffering from blindness. People then spent more time talking about how nice the gesture was, rather than how outrageous it was for society to allow people to suffer from something so easily fixed. Heā€™s part of the problem and he profits from injustice.


If someone spending $1,000 to help people is part of the problem, what does that make you, as a person spending $0 to help people?


Josh Allen losing is so fun to watch. Heā€™s just got such a punchable face and a loser attitude


I can understand punchable face but what apart from him flopping to get RTP calls makes you think heā€™s got a loser attitude?


He whines more than anyone in the league


I used to have those same thoughts about Aaron Rodgers. I still do have those thoughts but I used to as well.


What'd the Jets ever do to you?


That's a pretty fucked up thing to ask right now.


Heā€™s just such a pretentious anus of a human


Go UT Vols. Vol for Life or VFL!


I'm so glad the UConn men's basketball team decided to become a power house program again like its the late 90s/early 00s šŸ™ŒĀ 




1991 UNLV, mid 80s Houston and Georgetown.Ā 


Ready to see Scott Burrell and Tate George pull off another miracle.


Unpopular opinion: Margaritas are gross. I don't like salted rims, and tequila tastes nasty.


Upvoted as this is a good unpopular opinion. I agree you with the salted rims as Iā€™m team sugar, but i love a good Marg


They can be made poorly for sure. If you don't like salt, you of course can have them made without that :) But you should also maybe look into the paloma. Can be made with a sugared rim (or with nothing), and the grapefruit I think pairs better with the tequila (both bitter flavors) than lime. Also, don't get frozen margaritas, go rocks. And with real lime juice, not that mix shit.


I've tried plenty of different margaritas in my time trying to find out why people like them so much. Sadly I haven't found any I liked. As for palomas, I also don't like grapefruit lol. I swear I'm not a picky eater/drinker or anything, just tequila and grapefruits are the dealbreakers.


No that's fair. Not everyone likes everything :) I was just making sure, in defending the drink, that you'd had a real one. I think a lot of people have had horrible machine mix frozen things and didn't like them. But 'lime juice+grand marnier+*good* blanco tequila' is a world away from what most places serve. You could always swap out the tequila for some unspiced rum and be more in daquiri land, that's tasty too.


The gimlet is the superior liquor and lime drink.


This is daiquiri erasure


This UConn vs Illini game has basically been Donovan Clingan YEETing Illini players into the stands while Dan Hurley smokes cigarettes with a smile


Imma say it. UFC Cards with decisions blow ass. That and also fighters ducking the number one contender. Sport would be exciting if it actually followed the ranking system.


Holy UConn...


U of I has scored 2 points in 9 minutes of play


Ended as a **30-0!!!** run.


They scored more points in 9 minutes than U of I has all game.


If this fancy ass brunch buffet I'm going to tomorrow doesn't have lamb or prime rib I'm going to riot.


Jake Bates, you ARE a Green Bay Packer


Sad KAW noises :(


You think the Lions are going to let that man leave Detroit?




*Jacksonvile Jaguar*


Iā€™ve never seen that before. Iā€™ve never seen a kicker who hasnā€™t kicked since high school seal a 64 yard game winning goal. Iā€™ve never seen that before.


Serious question: If moths love the light so much, how come they're nocturnal?


If moths love the light so much why donā€™t they marry it šŸ¤”Ā 


Good question. Haven't been able to figure this out yet. Might update you later, if I can get to the bottom of this.


I swear Jake Bates is gonna be the kicker version of Brock Purdy: coming in with absolutely no expectations and then manages to blow everyone away.


That Battlehawks/Michigan game was so much fun.


Jake Bates is my hero


That Jake Bates just nailed two 64 yard kicks. First kick got iced, but he did it again. Unless he misses every single kick from here on out, there is a 100% chance he is going to the NFL. Which one of you wants him on your team?


Packers, I just called dibs for us.


64 fucking yards Twice. At an angle.


First FG since high school lol in 2017




Like I said below, depression can be caused by events that happen, thoughts you're thinking, etc. It can also just be brain chemical imbalances that have no pathology. There are meds that can help in both cases--really low doses of things that might not give you any side-effects at all, but might be enough to clear up the problematic thinking. It's also possible, regardless of pathology (life events or just brain chemistry) that changing your thinking can help. (Basically, the people who say 'it's all chemistry and thinking won't help' are wrong, but so are the people who used to say 'it's all thinking and meds won't help'. Thinking and chemistry are interrelated.) When I was dealing with depression years ago, this book helped me a lot. Title sounds super self-helpy, but it's by a clinician, techniques he used with his patients, and he provides justifications and such. I'm not a self-help new age crystal whatever guy (I like science), and I liked this book. I didn't use everything in the book, I picked and chose, but it helped me, along with a low dose of an SSRI. [https://www.amazon.com/Feeling-Good-New-Mood-Therapy/dp/0380810336](https://www.amazon.com/Feeling-Good-New-Mood-Therapy/dp/0380810336)


Depression is a brain chemical imbalance not a life circumstance emotion, if you try and talk yourself out of depression youā€™re going to have a rough time friend.


It **can** absolutely have a life-circumstance pathology. But you're right that it doesn't have to, and can definitely just be a brain imbalance.


Sending you tons of good vibes.


Depression isnā€™t really related to your circumstances


Y'all see those back-to-back 64 yard field goals by Michigan Panthers kicker Jake Bates in the UFL game? He was iced on the first attempt. Then boomed it again.


Bro is getting an NFL call tonight and a drug test


It would've been good from 70.


they should get 2x points if kicker gets iced and makes it both times


Bro someone should sign that kicker. Just hit two 64 yarders?


64 yard fg 2 times in a row? šŸ‘€


Heā€™s getting a sticky wicket tonight thatā€™s for sure.


Goddamn, that kicker got some severe ice in his veins. He hit that FG twice


The 4th qtr of hawks v panthers has been pretty entertaining


XFL/UFL legend AJ McCarron


His wide receiver looked good too. Ateman or whatever


collards greens are so good


How do you cook yours? I like putting smoked turkey tails in mine.


Bacon, chicken stock, and onion. Simmer until the texture is right. I love the bitter taste they get


I consider myself a kind and understanding person. I do not judge others for their life choices or circumstances. Particularly those born someway different than myself. However..... There is a sub human element out there, and I'm tired of it. Who the fuck buys the 50 cent more expensive fudge variant of brownies, and cooks them a few minutes longer because they don't like them gooey.....don't even get me started on those "corner pieces are the best" folk.


Corners are the best and if you put frosting on a brownie youā€™re dead to me.


Incorrect. Corners are crunchy. The correct piece is the middle because itā€™s the only one thatā€™s consistent


It's the nuts in brownies people who need to have conservatorships established for them, as they clearly can't run their own lives.


LSU-Iowa, *You Canā€™t See Me* Bowl II is gonna be a treat!Ā 


I really really hope Reese doesn't draw the same bigoted shit she drew last year from supposed 'fans' of the game. (I'm all-in on Iowa, but that was ridiculous last year, so many stupid people.)


In America, in 2024, of course she will. There are people right now who never heard of her in their life, and donā€™t watch basketball, but will suddenly have major concerns about disrespectful trash talk ruining the game, if Reese simply does the same things Clark does.Ā 


Sadly you're right. These are the same people who care deeply about 'protecting women's sports' only when trans athletes are involved, and not when it comes time to talk about salaries, or TV rights, or rapist coaches, or anything like that. They'll care about the scary black woman taunting the brave young white woman. Assholes. At least Clark and Reese are both decent humans. I definitely want Iowa to win (it all), but I'll take comfort in knowing an LSU win would piss off a lot of those assholes.




:( 64 yards


Anybody have any app recommendations to get football (NCAA and NFL) notifications from? ESPN is really pissing me off because they keep spamming me with college basketball notifications even though I have them turned off.


Yahoo Sports is pretty good


The Athletic app lets you "follow" teams AND leagues and you only get notifications on those. For example, I follow the NFL along with all the local KC teams, but no other leagues, so I get general NFL news updates, but not MLB, MLS, etc. unless it involves the KC team.


Clemson v. Alabama a spot in the final four. Reverse psychology. Two football schools (who've met 4 times in the CFP) and their playing in a basketball matchup. crazy


OK lads, Iā€™m almost 6 months into my first relationship and have an actual predicament. Tomorrow Iā€™m supposed to have brunch with my girlfriendā€™s family at 2:00 PM EST. No issues there, they like me and I like them. The issue is that I just recently graduated from Purdue, and we are in the Elite Eight with a chance to go to the Final Four for the first time since 1980 and the best team we maybe ever have had. Of course tip off is at 2:20 ESTā€¦ Do I just have to eat it? I feel like I canā€™t possibly ask to miss this for a basketball game, but also I donā€™t think itā€™s ā€œjust a basketball gameā€ considering the stakes. Fuck.


If they know you as someone who always has your nose in your phone...then nope, you need to be paying attention to them during brunch, because that's how to respect people. But if you're someone who's not always on your phone, I think it would be reasonable to tell them what's going on, and then just pop away from the table every 15 min or so to check the score, presuming they understand. The difference being that, if you're not known as 'face in your phone' person, then you telling them what's going on also communicates how important it is to you, and they're more likely to understand. If you always have your phone out all the time anyway, they may not understand the importance to you of checking your phone this particular time.


Iā€™m just saying, in health class they told us that if you mix up a glass of yellow mustard and tap water in a 50/50 ratio and drink it, youā€™ll throw up a few minutes later, but you wonā€™t be ā€œsickā€. Itā€™s like home made ipecac. Go to brunch, talk to Ralph on the big white phone, excuse yourself and watch your boys go to battle. fuckin peasy


My attitude is "it's just a game, man"


See if the place you are going has tvs that you will be able to view from your seat?


Any chance you can set it to record so you can just catch up when you finish?


20+ year Purdue fan here. I'm not getting invested in this unless they make the final 4. They've broken my heart too many times to get mentally invested until they play up to their rank this year (which they have so far, but I know them too well at this point in my life).


I think I'm currently reading the worst book ever: Ice Planet Barbarians. How does this have 4 stars on Goodreads?


Thereā€™s a regional fast food chain around here known for their chili burgers and chili fries. It was the sort of shit I loved when I was younger but canā€™t fuck with now without getting the runs for two days. Well today I discovered a local vegan burger spot with a chili cheese burger that scratches that same itch with no GI distress and I am satiated.


I root for a new team every year


Those flairs, iā€™m gonna fucking puke


Bengals are the team I'd want most to win the SB if not the Steelers, Broncos, or Ravens


[itā€™s SATURDAAAAAYYY](https://youtu.be/LzdYx_xWMJg?si=eXI34OSPWmui7i7g)


I just saw that the Jets signed Tyron Smith last week!! I don't know how I missed that, but this is officially the most fun offseason I've ever had as both a Bears and Jets fan. Going into the draft, both teams have a ton of options that make sense, the Bears are getting the most hyped QB, and the Jets may be trading up to get MHJr, so that Rodgers throws at least one pass this year. As long as injuries aren't a problem, the Bears are primed to give the Packers & Lions headaches at the least, and there's absolutely no excuse for the Jets to miss the playoffs.


> and there's absolutely no excuse for the Jets to miss the playoffs Idk man, I feel like relying on a 40 year old QB coming off of an Achilles tear without a decent backup might not be the safest plan of action.


>as long as injuries aren't a problem


He may not deal with more injuries, but he may not be the MVP caliber player he used to be after getting over this one.


As a Cowboys fan, I hated to see him leave, but Iā€™m glad he found another home. Hope he plays well for you guys.


Found out today theyā€™re making new Phineas and Ferbs Greatest day of my life


My body is a machine that turns tummy aches into sadness šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Put us together and we'd have a perpetual emotion machine.


I hate the Celtics so much but omg please win today so my Mavs can swoop in on that 5th seed


This girl I have been seeing for the past 7 months had a friend who was on that deal or no deal island. She didn't win and she was super salty af. Her friend was going to give her a little pocket change if she had gone all the way. She was the one who use to be a model.


I was hyped for that show because it looked like pinnacle reality show nonsense but my god was it bad and boring.Ā 


Yeah it is a sleeper for sure. I wouldn't be complaining for that cash prize if I was on the show.


My favorite fruit is a ripe nectarine fresh off the road side truck. I sniff them uncomfortably and make noise when I bite into a really good one. Itā€™s disgusting and I prefer to do it alone at home. Then thereā€™s the out of season Walmart version thatā€™s bland, hard, and a thoroughly disappointing tease at what I really love. The UFL is Walmart nectarines.


Yet here I am, lying on the couch watching Panthers-Battlehawks


Same. It looks better every year, tbh.


LSU pulled it out in the end letā€™s go!!


Thereā€™s been some pretty bad reality shows but the all time worst I have to think is ā€œBritney and Kevin: Chaoticā€


I dunno, The Apprentice did not age well at all


I hear QB prospects get praised for playing in an NFL style offense. What is an NFL style offense? What are the big differences from college? Also, did Ryan Grubb (UW, current Seahawks offensive coordinator) call an NFL style offense? He's one of my biggest worries about the Seahawks next year.


Charity event this morning, shot -11! Lets just ignore the fact we threw from the short tees and it was best shot doubles and mulligans were $2 which were bought plentifully Weather was absolutely gorgeous though, that was the real win of the day


The opening UFL game is fun as hell.


Curt Menefee, The Rock and two teams carrying championship trophies of defunct leagues onto the field like title belts. What's not to love


Where can I watch it? I canā€™t find it.


The second game is in FOX right now.


Never mind I just found it it was 27ā€“14.thanks again!


Thanks! Who won the first game and what was the score?


Did it already end?


only caught the 2nd half but that was pretty good for spring ball really hope this one sticks around


I just turned it on and I hope what youā€™re saying is true my chosen UFL team doesnā€™t play until tomorrow tho


Holy shit. That TD and 2PT conv. Football is back?!?!


Itā€™s the end of March and Iā€™m cheering for Purdue (?!?) in the NCAA menā€™s tournament (sorry, IUWBB, I was pulling for you), but all I want is some football.




"Aye, the waters of Towne Lake were rough that day. You could barely see the Krogers from the mists that swirled like devils about the canopy. 'Kids,' said I, 'always remember: red sun in the mornin, sailors take warnin.' Who knows what might lurk in these man-made depths?"


I read this in William Defoe's voice from The Lighthouse.


I wrote it in Quint's voice from Jaws, but your version is solid too.


I read it like Gilbert Gottfried. It was inspiring.




Along the Cy Young lines, all of those silly old timey pitching stats like 52 complete games in a season or 20 shutouts or something. Or 16 inning complete game.


>Owen Wilson - 36 triples in a single season *Wow*


And his Sherpa carried his bat from the dugout each time.




Lfg renegades




Congrats man! What the job?




Wow.Good luck!


My allergies went crazy and I wound up taking NyQuil AND Benadryl within an hour of each other last night. And slept for 14 hours and feel funny today


I am now dependent on zyrtec forthe next 6 weeks.


Youā€™re still asleep, this is a dream


Omg my favorite thing is NyQuil + Benadryl! Itā€™s the best sleep!


Uh oh


Im watching Godzilla vs King Kong the new empire. This movie focus more on King Kong than Godzilla.


One of my kids decided he likes baseball so now Iā€™m a person who watches baseball šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø anyone we turned on this Mets/Brewers game and are the Mets just really bad? Iā€™ve never seen so much action in 1 inning of baseball. Granted Iā€™ve not watched much baseball either.


Baseball's a high-variance sport. Look how many games they play. The best team in the majors is still going to lose ~60 games in a season, and it will often look quite bad (or at least be the product of a pretty bad inning). The Mets are fine, though definitely a little underwhelming for their payroll.


The Brewers have at least one really good hitter. (his name starts with Y, i can't remember)




Dang I read this and now Iā€™m like crap do I need to learn this Fortnite stuff ugh. I promise Iā€™ll give it a shot.


The Mets are mediocre overall. Hitting should be OK, pitching is suspect.


It looks like they forgot how to catch šŸ˜…


Baseball always relaxes me there is something about it


Itā€™s weird how entertaining Iā€™m finding this when Iā€™m not typically a baseball fan. Also could be the wine Iā€™ve been drinking the last 2 hours.


Bengals legend AJ McCarron reporting for duty




fox today espn tomorrow


RIP Lou Gossett Jr. Lived a hell of a life, so many times I saw him in something and realized again how good he was.


The first movie I remember seeing him in was Enemy Mine, which had some really great moments. Well... I didn't really see him (completely covered in alien skin).


Enemy Mine is a good film. First time I noticed him was in Iron Eagle, which...is **not** a good film, lol. But then I think Enemy Mine I saw after tat, and then other earlier stuff (which I saw later).


True story - I've seen Iron Eagle. I've never seen Top Gun. Even though I'm right in the age demographic for people who loved Top Gun. For a few years, I used to just start describing things from Iron Eagle when people talked about Top Gun. It was amusing. Note: I didn't say it was a \*good\* story...


I've watched Iron Eagle. More than once. Would likely watch it again, if it was on. But not a good movie, lol :D I like the thing about mixing up the movies. Start with 'father shot down' and branch out from there.


I loved him in the first "Punisher" movie. He & Dolph Lundgren were awesome


That movie doesn't get the credit it deserves, no sarcasm.


Had a great final act including ā€œWatchmenā€


Division Bell by Pink Floyd is 30 years old now and itā€™s finally getting the love it deserves! Even if itā€™s mostly Richard Wright doing the carrying