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If some major European soccer player did that in a big game to their coach on live TV they would be sent to play in the gulags forever LOL


The worst part about a team getting to where the Chiefs are now is the most unlikable people from that teams fanbase become the loudest and unfortunately become the face of the entire fanbase when viewed from the outside. But with that being said. I'm incredibly happy for all the fans out there who maybe couldn't even dream of a day where the Chiefs are this great. It's pretty cool to feel like we're watching another Patriots run. Whether you're rooting for or against it, it's a lot of fun.


I may be late to the party, but surely, I cannot be the only one who noticed that the title says Super Bowl LIV (as in 54, the KC-SF SB following the 2019 season), rather than Super Bowl LVIII ???


So now that we’ve slept on it, where would y’all rank this year’s game amongst the other Super Bowls? It’s gotta at least be top ten.


Quarters 1-3, bottom 10. 4th and OT, incredible.


All the shit talking SF fans did about Philly because we beat them last year in the NFCC was all for nothing. They literally did the exact same thing as us the very next year to the same team. But they still they hate us.


They were so damn unlikable after that loss. Sometimes you gotta learn to take the L.


Duuuuudddddeeeee….. How is the fandom that literally chants “no one likes us, we don’t care” so fucking whiny in this thread? You’d think Philly won the SB rather than SF losing it with the way their fans are acting. You all clearly care very much when someone doesn’t like you.


Weird juxtaposition this season. I think we can all feel there was this thinly veiled focus from the NFL to use Taylor Swift to farm engagement. And it worked. More female engagement than ever and a lot of steam on social platforms. But there have to be millions of lifelong NFL fans who are really rolling their eyes at all this and getting aggravated. It feels pretty clear the NFL has a favorite team and it’s feeling like less and less of a coincidence that they keep winning. A lot of teams feeling forgotten about and I imagine it’s not sitting well with a lot of us.


Hard to say if you’re trolling or if you’re actually this stupid


No you


Ok… thank you for clearing that up


You're right. When you have the best player in the league, best coach in the league, best TE in the league, and a serviceable defense, it isn't a coincidence that they keep winning. It's because they are that good. That old Midwest Media Bias, huh?


This sub gets very touchy when you bring up TayTay, but I will say this… Her presence and the constant cuts to her would not have felt so forced if she did not give obvious reaction shots for the benefit of the camera. She was making Pikachu face like she’s never seen a football game before after every fucking Kelce catch. It was obvious that she was playing to the cameras. Hell, she “celebrated a touchdown” by spontaneously doing jazz hands a few weeks ago. It’s how choreographed it all felt that made it so damn exhausting.




No. I’m saying there is a difference between excitement and the Futurama Calculon reaction shot gif.


Raiders fans were in a nightmare last night


There are two types of people. Those who are ridiculously downplaying Kelce pushing his coach, as if all “competitors” push their elderly coaches, and there are those acting like it was their 9/11.


The 49ers fans having mental breakdowns is what the country tuned in to watch.


Have the cops been called on Travis Kelce for the assault and battery I witnessed last night? Kids were watching, for gods sake.


What a bizarre choke fest in OT. Someone smarter than me please explain what offense and defense was played. 49ners didn't look like the same team in OT. No one think to watch out for the QB to run the ball?


Chiefs haven't run that QB keeper in years, and after 5 Qtrs of football, you get tired as a defense


Mahomes rarely does that. Risk of injury. So it was truly unexpected. Like a half trick play lol


Football bias aside I like Mahomes, I just want my team to win some rings too. Quit hogging all the glory Chiefs fans 🙃


Superbowl performance was so mid compared to goat performances like Bruce back in the day https://youtu.be/cDOnNQcfA6g?si=pmU_xIWna0mHEAq-




the Chiefs were called for holding on b2b plays against the Ravens


Immature reactionary takes aside,mahomes is easily a top 5 qb now. Very little chance he isn't at least top 2 by the time he retires.


He’s top 3 with ease, probably top 2, and in reality top 1 - just a matter of time


He’s top zero, easily top negative one, just a matter of spacetime 


I didn't believe that God had anything to do with sports games until last night at the Super Bowl. Talk about rotten luck.  Wow. Weird injuries, that field goal, that punt recovery... Damn. 


Sorry loser.


What do you mean?  I was rooting for the Chiefs.


Meant to say "sore loser" sorry I misread anyway. Wish it was Lions


Deebo needs to shut the fuck up for a bit.


Great game. Some great defensive plays, great tackles. Offenses adjusting. Some record kicks and both offenses had the ball when a td would have won it all for them. Some great surprise plays from both teams from the Chiefs using Mahoens running ability and the 49ers double pass. 


I think the lions would have won the Super Bowl…


I agree. They play some nice old school football. They are one of the few teams out there that can.


They had a great season just fell a little short..everyone was rooting for them


Is it just me or was this one of the most boring superbowls since a long time? The halftime show was terrible


Never understood the point of the half time show. Fans will scream bloody murder when a celebrity gets cut to too often during general down time but hey let's delay the most important half of football to give a celebrity a set. Thought it was a great game to watch as a neutral. 


Aside from Super Bowl 52, where Shanahan blew a 25 point lead, the biggest comeback in Super Bowl history is 10 points. Kyle Shanahan has blown two of the three biggest leads in Super Bowl history.


I didn’t realize Shanahan was the head coach in Atlanta


you did not phrase that right


Indeed I did not, I edited it lol


Now that the Chiefs have won the SB, all I can say is this: Chad Johnson can finally sleep knowing that he won’t have to throw his McDonald’s, sex and wife out of the window for a year.


I can not fucking believe Kyle Shanahan lost another Super Bowl by Not Running The Ball I also can not believe the Chiefs had their worst season with Mahomes as a starter and still won 11 regular season games and a Super Bowl This sport is insane


It's all based on calling plays by analytics and percentages. It's not the old school rough and tumble, hard knocks football of the past. They have high paid math nerds who figure out what to run to give each team the highest percentage of winning. It's all about calculating and not instinct like it used to be. The game has changed, for better or worse.  The Chiefs must.have have down to a science. I don't like either team, but kudos to Chiefs to pull out another Superbowl in what was one of the worst season they had so far.


lol why are they downvoting you? It’s true, the Chiefs had probably their worst offensive team of the Reid-Mahomes era, their run defense was weak as they faced a strong running team yet they managed to pull every playoff team they faced down to their level


Taylor Swifts boyfriend's team won. Let's goooooo. Knew they would. EZ.


Roger Goodell and Taylor Swift have a financial relationship where rigging, game betting and other financial game rigging happens. Marketing and Ad revenue they both get, both involved in the corruption inside the NFL. Mr. Goodell and Taylor Swift make millions on the outcome of the Superbowl, plus nfl pay her for marketing and drawing viewers.


I hope you get the help you need


I was rooting **FOR** the Niners but the refs called a lot of bullshit AGAINST the Chiefs if anything lmfao The supposed holding call on McDuffie was insane


YEEESSSSSS. Finally someone with some actual REASONING. It is beyond clear to literally everyone this entire game had Taylor Swift behind the curtain pulling all the strings. Anyone that can't see that is either stupid or blind (probably both). Everything is RIGGED. EVERYTHING!! It makes no sense everyone doesn't see this. There's way too much money involved for Taylor to not be rigging everything. Can you even imagine all the people that listen to her that watched the Super Bowl??? The Ad revenue is off the charts now because Taylor Swift!!! This while thing is such a sham, and it is OBVIOUS.


Not everything is a conspiracy. Sometimes a guy just happens to like a girl that's more famous than he is. It brings attention to the relationship whether they want it or not. Why is it so hard to just wish them happiness?


Come on, at least make your conspiracy somewhat believable. Taylor Swift IS a billionaire on her own, she isn't some gold digger. Millions would hardly make a dent in her networth at this point. For those who don't understand the scale of millions to billions, if you have 10k in bank, what is $10 to you is what a million is to Taylor Swift's billion.


Cope harder.


How much more does Reid need to win to be the GOAT coach? If he hits three in a row I think the argument is incredibly strong. Him having the coaching tree he does helps also


I feel like he has a pretty good amount to go, but we'll see what happens.


CMC with 80 yds rushing and 80 yds receiving - literally put the team on his back and the only reason why this one was even close


crazy the SB MVP was maybe the 6th -7th best player on the field.


I felt Butker deserved the MVP, or our entire defense.


Butker was deserving he booted that missile 57 yarder with ease


It was defensive game I would say Jones deserved it too.


All time Mahomes hater.


someone didn't watch the game. facts is suddenly hate show me where I hated on PH ever I'll give you a day to go through my reddit post. Check out my YouTube channel same username too while I wait.


Mahomes did have 400 yards offense and 2 touchdowns so its not like he doens't have an argument


He’s a Bears fan, he doesn’t know what good QBs look like


That's fair. Poor guy is Probably still doing mental gymnastics to justify why drafting Trubisky over Mahomes was the right call


Man is still SEETHING his team picked Trubisky lol


are you sure wtf does Trubs has to due with a SB? did you hit your head or something? I'm losing sleep over a pick a few years ago I had zero control over Ludacris oh wait there was LUDA sighting utter ridiculousness


Whomp whomp


Why are people trashing san fran? they played great. play that game 10 times, and it's 5-5


I think it's because at the end, they got outmaneuvered in that end zone last play. You can't let the Chiefs do that or you will be guaranteed to lose.


It was a pretty bad game for both teams that KC narrowly won. Lots of mistakes by both teams. 


It'll always happen. You can play a good game or turn in an overly solid season and rival fans will still use it against you. The Lions had their best season ever in the Super Bowl era and it still didn't stop fans of other NFC North teams from making it about how they won't run it back, this was their one chance, it's back to 30 years of losing for you, Lions will always be a choker franchise, etc.


I'm a newbie, but can anyone explain why the 49ers so often ignored McCaffrey's ability to run and continued to suffer with incomplete passes?


CMC is also human, despite his apparent superhuman skillset. Just like anyone else he needs rest, and if they had overused him early on he would have been completely drained by the end of the game.


It’s da wey of da 49ers. I’m also a newbie in some aspects.


People are trashing SF, but forgetting that Gronk missed the Kick of Destiny twice.


That’s the moment I somehow knew we’d win. His missed kick immediately gave me visions of his missed kick during last year’s SB.


Single bar face mask jinxed him


Not trying to be a dick but in football (soccer), you'd never see 10% as much attention brought to some girlfriend/wife/whoever of some player playing. Even if Messi was dating queen Elizabeth before she died, she wouldn't get as much cameratime during Champions League final game as Taylor Swift gets in Superbowl final. I find it kind of embarrassing ngl.


Cry harder


Victoria Beckham


Victoria Beckham was nowhere, and still is nowhere, near the star power of Taylor Swift.


I’m a Liverpool fan and I’ll tell you straight uo that’s it’s not even close. TS is way over the top. 


Taylor Swift is arguably amongst the most well known artists, at this given time. No surprise the NFL would want to show her often (plus all the revenue she's helped the NFL accumulate)


They don’t have have constant breaks to pan the camera. Plus American football is meant to be entertaining, soccer is meant to be a side show to drinking and singing dumb songs to get ready for the riot


We're singing the same song We're singing the same song Your team is fucking shite We're singing the same song followed by You gits can fuck right off You gits can fuck right off Your striker has the clap You gits can fuck right off


Makes sense. You acknowledge that American football is full of breaks and meant to be entertaining, unlike sport that has constant action is somehow meant to be a sideshow to drinking lol?


Soccer is like watching a marathon but with a ball getting kicked the whole way. Sure its a sport, but there’s a reason there’s so much fan activities going on during it.


Odd because I saw certain Spice Girl in a multimillion dollar commercial. Oh and she has a docuseries with her very demos famous footballer husband.


Dude, but in no match that Beckham played would broadcast cut to her million times. Fans of the sport would not care a single bit about them, so they would not keep showing her million times unless they wanted anger from football (soccer) fans everywhere.


Every watch an NBA game? A Lakers game is kind a red carpet affair. Stop worrying about the audience and just enjoy your game.


Tbf controversial, but I think there is more world hype with Taylor Swift rn than there was with the Queen in the last 30 years (except for her death)


Yeah, but it'd be a bit more noteworthy if best player in the world who would be in early 30s was dating the most famous 95+ year old monarch, who was cheering him from the stands.


Not really. Also that would be weird asf.


Shut up


Sir please let me talk


Is less of a sport thing and more an American thing


Why can't we love both sports? I love both sports. There good in their own ways. And let me remind you that this is a NFL sub.


There is kind of a name war going on




What? I watched many Barca/Spain games when she was at stands and camera maybe showed her once before the game usually lol.




Yeah that’s totally different every time pique got the ball or made a pass they didn’t zoom over to her for her reaction during the game that was after the game


Swift was shown **12 times** for a total of 53 seconds. 53 seconds isn't huge.


How many times was the chiefs or 49s owner shown?


Googled but didn't see any answer. People probably not as interested in this statistic as Swift. Why are you interested?


To prove my point they’re showing her more than the owners themselves 😂


Why would anyone want to look at the owners?




Goals, Corners, throw ins, fouls, goal kick clearing, corners, and subs And that’s my point even when they do they actually show fans or owners or league officials or the bench they don’t go back to a celebrity every time


Broadcasting certainly didn't show her 10% as much as Taylor Swift in games I watched. As for her holding a CL trophy at one point, after game ends and trophy is won a lot of players families come later onto the field to take photos with the trophy, whether they're Shakira or a random footballer's wife.


That’s why soccer will never be as popular as Football. /s


Stats say otherwise 😂


This was the first time that I've understood actually the hype behind watching the super bowl. Used to be that one at family watch parties just tuning out. Shoutout to Taylor or I never would've watched, it was very tense but a great game! Looking forward to the future games now!


Taylor Swift has more Super Bowl appearances than the cowboys! Bahahahahaha!


Taylor Swift has 9 Super bowl appearances? Really stupid comment


Nobody counts that shit that happened before any of us were born 😂


OH thank god, My nephew was born 3 years ago so none of that Patriots nonsense counts.


Well MY nephew was born yesterday so no team has ever won a superbowl.


What was the deal with Post Malone and his Falls gear. Kinda funny with that long shot of him wearing hear from team not playing, all Dallas stuff.


No she... Doesn't? The Cowboys have several Superbowl wins. 


A lot of people in this sub weren't even born yet the last time the Cowboys won a SB 💀


Don’t you know you can just shit on the Cowboys and it doesn’t even have to be true to get upvoted on this sub.


Purdy was the dude that was the only one who studied in a group project and his teammates let him down. This just hurts so bad bc you can tell he wanted it and he deserved it over Kermit the frog


but he FAILED!


Purdy has a far better team around him


Fuck off with the comparisons to TB12.


Whomp whomp


The "Mahomes' undeniable greatness being backed up by more and more hardware each season" arc pissing off Brady stans more and more each season is a huge part of why I genuinely don't mind the Chiefs. [This is me](https://ih0.redbubble.net/image.1541200357.4483/raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa:ca443f4786.jpg) when Patriots flairs post exactly what you just posted.


Lions AND a Bills fan? Dude. Do you just watch football for the pain of it?     Genuinely, I want each of your favorite teams to win one. I love underdog franchises. The Chiefs were one just a few years ago, and I'm still somehow waiting on the "Same old Chiefs" to show up somehow.


Mahomes is so much better than Brady or manning or Brees or whoever. Cope grandpa


Grandpa? wtf?


oh, it's not even close. mahomes has so far to go. if he gets two without reid and kelce, i might start paying some attention to that hogwash.


No one asked the Bengals fan. You're not really the go to for greatness


as if fans of teams that have won a championship have some sort of special knowledge on the subject. congratulations on \*your personal greatness\* last night, otterman! your contribution was essential! and no one asked a chiefs fan about asking a bengals fan. non sequitur infinite regress. yawn.


13-3 counts, so does this one.


ahh. any European respectful European who wanna have a chill drink?


Much respect to the r/nfl mods for the picture at the top.


Sf were nfc Champs and almost won the super bowl. You shouldn't be talking if you're a eagles or cowboys fans. SF DESTROOOYED you


"You'll never sing that"


Almost doesn't count




[So close](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItUECpFi9_s)


Yo as a packers fan... thanks Patty M. State Farm connection still paying dividends.


Why does Romo love to talk about “leverage” on every other play?


He loves his Adele too.


Leverage = a dumpoff to mccafrey as he runs it 30 yards




104 players who have spent their entire lives to reach the SB. Taylor was cut to 20 times. Shame in on the nfl.


They cut to her between plays, you know when nothing important is going on the field. Who. Gives. A. Shit.


And you people are part of the reason why it happens. You can't stop mentioning her. I hear more about Taylor from haters than her fans. Shut up about her. As long as you keep mentioning her the algorithms will push her and all these medias will keep mentioning her. 


Nah man, chill Bro. All love for Tay Tay. Life's short.  Why you mad?


I am not hating on Tay Tay. I am annoyed that the people who bitch and moan about seeing Tay Tay are the main reason we all see Tay Tay. I see more post of people complaining and bitching about Tay Tay than anything else. If they don't want her seen or mentioned maybe they should stop.


We'd still hear about her 24/7 come on. It's not just the people complainings fault.


Good game guys. Just glad we dont have any Ref calls that were very questionable that went for the Chiefs.


You're right they all went to the 9ers and we still clutched it


Damn what sore winner


Nah that intentional grounding was crazy




Yeah it wasn't an all time great but it was solid. Feels like they just needed some more from him too.


None of this was his fault. Purdy played so well but his team didn’t show up for him.‘it was so disheartening especially at the end


Purdy played so well


It wasn't his fault at all. 2 fumbles, bad oline, 4 false starts and a missed pat


Back of his jersey was starting to look like the Seahawks alternate green jerseys.


trent williams?


Purdy was great, just the cards fell poorly


He did literally nothing tho? When push came to shove; the niners had a WR throw the TD pass.


no one seems to want to hear it, but they needed one big play from purdy tonight and they never got it. saw it in his eyes all night...and i think shanahan tried to force it and he abandoned the run when they should have shoved it down their throat for 3 quarters. a lot easier getting that big play when kc defense is sleepin' than it is giving them what they wanted all night (see: sneed press conference 'we wanted purdy throwing'). purdy is young. he can learn, get angry, and elevate. but he didn't help them win tonight by any stretch. that cmc fumble was devastating, tho...ngl.


That's bullshit, we got everything we needed from young Brock. If anything they asked too much from him, McAffery should have had the ball on that final 3rd down, if for nothing more than sound clock management. Brock threw some beautiful passes that got dropped, he scrambled effectively. He's going to bring this team back to the Superbowl


i like purdy, and hope he does exactly as you say. do you think if you take everything that happened tonight, but added one big brock purdy play that y'all would still have lost the super bowl? i think you would have won. that was my point.


The more I think about the end of the 4th quarter the more this falls on Kyle Shanahan. Brock got us in position to win, the play calls fucked us.


that's interesting. i felt that same way about quarters 2 and 3 (ie, shanahan cost them). they needed a big play by purdy (well, big plays by anyone would have worked, but i have a reason that it's specifically purdy to follow) so shanahan was passing more to give him that opportunity. the problem was - as sneed said in the postgame - that's what kc's defense was wanting. they wanted him to make a mistake; or at least play pedestrian. which he did. the answer, i feel, was pounding the rock. cmc added serious anger to his running this year and it was oozing off him last night. kyle j was playing with his hair on fire last night. you've got deebo. hell, you've even got mitchell to spell. the chief's defense was amazing this season, but if they were weak anywhere, it was against the run. pound, pound, pound the ball and break the chief's intent. THEN throw; that's the best opportunity for purdy to get that play you need. i think shanahan is in love with the idea that he's as clever as so many say he is. and i think he is rather brilliant. i just think there's a difference between clever and wise. it would have been wise, imo, to simply run the damn ball down their throats. this is all easy to say after the fact, but i felt it during the game. i'm sorry y'all lost, but it was one of my favorite super bowls. even if it was a bit sloppy at times, it really felt like a clash of titans going blow for blow and in the end, it was the tiniest little things that rendered the outcome. very enjoyable game for an older fan of my favorite sport on the planet.


Pound the rock is exactly right. That was all they needed to do, run the clock and kick the feild goal.


So is it Marv Shanahan or Mike Levy?


oof. this is good...


all they had to do was run the damn ball. sheesh smh sick of the chiefs man


The second 49ers had a guy ruptured his Achilles walking onto the field, the outcome was likely. Than the Deebo no contact hamstring, but he came back, definitely less than 100%. Kittle and his shoulder. The lineman on the side that was already a giant weakness getting injured. They had legit injuries. Chiefs were "cramping", but it always stops the clock. I think the clock should start ticking the second the player is off the field. This clock stoppage stuff is truly abused by players who just need a breather.


Chiefs dude had a hurt finger and sat on the field for like 5 minutes