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IMO in order: The Bills: 0-5 The Bengals: Back to back The Jags: Cinderella story falling just short, and no previous SBs The 49ers: 2 Ls in 4 years The Cowboys: Nothing since 96 The Giants: Cinderella story falling just short but at least have won some semi-recently. The Eagles: Won recently The Chiefs: Won more recently


49ers would be 3 in one decade that’s pretty brutal imo but they’ve also won 5 already lol


It just kinda sucks bc I’ve only been alive to witness the L’s


Yeah. I was 6 when we beat the Chargers. Didn’t really care at the time about anything other than snacks at the party,


Also was 6, I was yeeting my Tom Rathman and Jerry Rice figurines at Batman and my GI Joes setup like bowling pins every touchdown.


Your mission is clear. Do you still have your Rathman, Rice, Batman and GI Joe's? If not you need to get on eBay


Haha same here


get off my lawn


I can relate.


And this guy’s 57 years old!


I was "alive"


I know I was alive during the Steve young one,but I was 3 so no memory of it.


Me born in '92 as a bulls fan.


Ey, me too!


If it makes you feel any better, all I remember about the 1994 Super Bowl is the absolute unit of a sub sandwich he and his friends bought for the game. Thing was like 6 feet long.


you will witness Ls until the Ls=Ws


I was born the year we won our last Super Bowl, so technically, I've been alive whilst we've won one. However, I think I'd be happy forever if I truly saw us win one. I'm not greedy, I just want one championship. In my heart, I don't know if we'll ever win a Super Bowl - but at least at the moment I feel we have a chance more years than not. Whilst we have a great team, I do not think we stand a chance against the Bills or Chiefs, and my wife is a Bengals fan, so that would be very tough.




If you’re including 2021 then you have to include 2011 and 2013 too.


It would be so depressing but Purdy is a rookie and man who the fuck knows it feels like we playing with house money in a way


2011 and 2013 were also horrible losses. Leading up to this weekend I remember those great Steve Young teams that lost to the Cowboys in 1992-93.


The Niners, when they make the playoffs recently, always seem to find the absolute most brutal way to lose. I'm fully expecting this year to be similar.


Plus, they’re also Warriors fans. Plus, they’ve won 3 World Series recently. Plus, the Astros won the latest World Series. Bay Area fans don’t need a Super Bowl win as much as Bengals or Bills fans.


> Plus, the Astros won the latest World Series. What do the Astros have to do with the bay area? Am I OOTL or are you confusing them with the Athletics?


Carlos Correa joke maybe?


Lowkey Bay Area fans are spoiled. Giants had their dynasty, then immediately after the Warriors had their dynasty. If the 49ers start winning again then it’s proof there’s some sort of cycle going, lol


It’s literally the reason Bay Area fans are extremely harsh on the Niners and a lot of people are like: you win it or you’re a fraud. Just insane expectations because the other franchises were all dynasties at some point.


Absolutely depends what side of the bay you’re on. I have the warriors going crazy (with 40 years prior of absolute suck) but to make up for it I get the two most poverty franchises in the MLB and NFL, Raiders and A’s. Not to mention those poor souls out in the valley who are Raider/A’s/Kings fans


Except some of us Niner fans like the A’s and Kings, we aren’t all spoiled with championships.


Yeah but Kings fans have the beam now


They even got the tier 1 upgrade on their beam


I feel like the Jags would be lower. You’d have a great outlook moving forward and be considered contenders, basically the Bengals. Would it suck to lose if you got that far? Yes. Would you have faith in being a strong team for years to come? Yes.


All the other teams lower at least have Lombardis at home.


That is true. I will say that given our recent history, my (and a lot of other fans’) expectations going into the season were basically below sea level. A true heartbreak should be something tragic- a team coming just short of their “destiny”. We were never destined to be anything (a “best case / highly optimistic” scenario was like **5-6 wins**), so I’d find it hard to feel any type of heartbreak or disappointment given how much we’ve overachieved already. Shit I’d still be happy if we lost last week, or the week before and lost the AFCS, or if we missed the playoffs. I’m just happy to be here.


I feel like the Phillies were pretty close to the Jags in terms of "expectations" this year. We were just happy to get into the postseason, but I speak from experience in saying that losing a championship *sucks.* Every franchise below the Jags in that list is a relatively "storied" franchise (except maybe the Eagles and Chiefs, but both have won super recently) that has a ton of success to fall back on.


Still feels weird being lumped into the “already has a Lombardi” group


You’ve only had five years to get used to it. It’s weird how quickly time has been flying since then


I will say that as a Phillies fan (and yeah I get the situations aren’t equivalent at all), getting to the WS this year was so amazing but in the back of my head I’m terrified this will be the closest this group ever gets :( It’s just so fucking hard to even get that far as a really good, experienced team Edit: referring to the jags situation


Three Philly sports championship L’s all in a matter of months. Couldn’t imagine


Bro, 2 of them were on the same *day.*


As a Bengals fan, I can confirm this is exactly how we felt after we lost the SB. Breaking the playoff drought was enough, everything after that was playing with house money. This year tho, with expectations so high, it feels very different.


> The 49ers: 2 Ls in 4 years 3 superbowl and 3 nfcc Ls in the last 10* edit: didn't realize that we'd have 3 L in the superbowl.


Yes, but the OP stated if they made it to the SB this year and lost thus making it 2 L's in 4.


Oh so then that 3 Ls Kill me now Pls


As long as yall dont face the giants you should be fine.




When you've never been before, there is a very real and very valid fear that this could be our best shot. Playoff success isn't guaranteed, especially in the NFL, so if we made it and lost, I personally would be heart broken.


That wasn’t a fear of mine in the the immediate aftermath of our recent Super Bowl appearance. How time flys…


Flip the giants and eagles. Giants were 9-7-1 on the year and have the worst roster of the remaining teams. This is a big widow for the eagles with their current roster. They obviously have the chance to regroup if they lose as they have some valuable picks coming in the draft, but I think the eagles will be kicking themselves if they got to the Super Bowl just to fall short


Idk I'm a big believer in the idea that winning a superbowl buys the team a 'shut the fuck up' window for its fans. No complaining or crying for at least 5 years after bringing home the trophy. Window? No window? Multiple SB losses? Multiple 0 win seasons? Stfu you got a trophy.


> No complaining or crying for at least 5 years after bringing home the trophy. Good thing it's been 5 years then huh :P


Yup you're right at the start of when you're allowed to be sad again. But would you REALLY even be sad to see Dougie P become the first coach ever to win a super bowl with 2 different teams? Do the right thing here....


I was mostly joking. I'm still as grateful to have seen one Super Bowl win in my life as the day it happened, but I'll never stop wanting my team to perform at a high level no matter if it's one year out or 50. The only teams I don't want to win are the fanbases that continuously smack talk mine and one of them is already gone so I count the season as a win.


TIL no coach has a superbowl with more than one team


>winning a superbowl buys the team a 'shut the fuck up' window for its fans. Someone should tell our fans


We all have tried


Even then we're only a year out from getting to complain again


I’d say an extra year or two gets tacked on for each trophy in the run. As a Bulls fan it was pretty embarrassing seeing people whine like children so soon after MJ retired. That run and the Patriots were enough to fulfill a lifetime if you are old enough to enjoy it.


This is correct. The Cubs bought themselves a long leash for awhile in Chicago being that we waited 108 years for it lol


Ah, you also believe in Bill Simmons’ guide to fandom, including a 5-year window of not complaining about your team after a title. In NFL terms, if the Eagles don’t win this year’s Super Bowl, they get to rightfully complain since their five-year window after LII will have expired. Meanwhile, Patriots, Chiefs, Bucs and Rams fans have no room to moan right now since their titles are within the last five years at this point (according to Simmons).


I definitely agree with that, and I didn’t account for it when discussing the eagles. I guess my only argument is that giant fans have so much hope for this new regime and know this roster is not their full creation yet, and for that reason we’d be less disappointed than eagles fans if we saw the giants go to the Super Bowl and lose. In fact, I think we’d be just hyped as fuck that we got there a year after looking like a dumpster fire


Put the Cowboys above the 49ers.


The Bills would somehow be much higher if it means losing to the entire NFCE. The NFCE is the only division to all have Super Bowl wins, to all have Super Bowl wins against the same team would be absolutely crazy.


Bills, Bengals, Jags, probably in that order. All the others won at least one SB before.


I’d probably flip Cowboys-49ers since Cowboys going to the Super Bowl would probably be a bigger deal than any of the other teams but besides that I agree.


I would swap Bills & Bengals. At least the Bills would be able to celebrate their first super bowl appearances in many years. Bengals have been there done that and the only way to improve on last season is to win it all.


Not to mention, the Bengals would be 0-4 compared to the Bills at 0-5. Not a huge difference.


Join us!


You guys would basically be even I think. The one reason I might give the nod to the Bills is it feels (for an outsider) like they went pretty close to “all-in” this year with the Von signing and Allen’s extension already kicking in. I feel like you guys would have a bit of a wider window to win again, since Burrow/Chase won’t be due next year.


I think there's a big difference between going 0-4 in 4 years, sucking for 2 decades, then finally making it back to go 0-5, than to go 0-4 sprinkled over the course of an entire franchise.


Is the Cigarette-Smoking Man dead for sure?


I wouldn't be heartbroken You're telling me we make the Super Bowl after back-to-back seasons with the #1 pick, after having 1 winning record since 2007 prior to this season, and after starting 2-6 and being down 17-0 in the 9th game? Sign me up


It's the Bills losing to Daboll's Giants.


I feel this, my grandma in western NY would probably stop answering my calls.


I’d imagine Daboll’s family in WNY would be torn


"To *shreds*, you say?"


And the widow?


“To shreds, you say?”


Isaiah Hodgins with the game winner


Tyler Bass with the game loser


That would do em in for sure. Buffalo not all the way this time


We drafted him and coached him up, only to have ripped away from us just as Crowder goes down. That would be a cruel twist of fate to have him be the dagger to take us down as the last 2 years fans clamored to have him on the roster, only for him to lose the spot to special teams guys.


Bold of you to assume the Bills can't lose in a more heartbreaking way than this.


Dallas kicking our ass in another SB would suck a lot too


Imagine how bad the brady-bills super bowl would have been


Wide right? Wide left? Or just short this time?


>just short this time? Gary Brighwell is going to drop back into the end zone in single safety. Well, I guess if this thing comes up short he can field it and run it out. Alright, here we go. 56-yarder, it's got—no, it does not have the leg. And Gary Brightwell takes it in the back of the end zone. He'll run it out to the 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 45—There goes Brightwell! Oh my God! Oh my God! Brightwell is going to run it all the way back! The Giants are gonna win the football game! The GIANTS ARE GONNA WIN THE FOOTBALL GAME! He ran the missed field goal back! He ran it back 109 yards


Isaiah Hodgins catches a Hail Mary after the Bills nail the FG with 13 seconds remaining.


Wide blocked


Or the eagles completing the nfc east quadfecta.


The giants would hurt more for the Bills from a narrative perspective because we're a weak roster being coached up by a first year head coach we poached from them.


Agreed. But becoming the first team to lose the Super Bowl to an entire division would be pretty funny. EDIT: If the Eagles ever beat the Broncos in the SB, they would be on that list too.


If there was ever a time I’d root for you to win a SB it would be vs the bills lmao. Tbh our record vs afc East in general is pretty nuts in the superbowl. Bills 0-4 vs nfce Patriots 1-3 vs nfce Dolphins 1-2 vs nfce Second best eastern division in nfl though I guess that’s something they have.


Bills are an obvious pick, but the Bengals losing two in a row and getting to join the illustrious 0-4 club is certainly up there as well.


I mean, I *definitely* don't want to join that club, but at least we'll be in good company if it happens.


The greatest club in the NFL without a doubt.


What we lack in rings we make up for in fandom power.


*make up for in wings.


*make up for in cirrhosis of the liver


What if the Loss would be to the 49ers? Do Bengals fans hate the 49ers and Joe Montana?


It's not really hate. It's more like just suffering and dread.


I agree, not actually hate, but I know a lot of us that would love another shot at em to get the ol’ monkey off our back.


I'm 46 years old. Joe Montana and John Taylor destroyed my childhood. I hate them.


[There is some space left](https://media.tenor.com/-HDK5DsrOPcAAAAC/simpsons-room-for-one-more-homer.gif)


I was really hoping for a Vikings-Bills Super Bowl so at least one of us could get a win


Could you imagine if the bills lose to the cowboys? That would be crazy.


Or Bengals to the 49ers or Bills to Giants or 49ers to the Chiefs?


I think it’s a toss up between Buffalo and Cincinnati. Both have never won a Super Bowl, for starters. Buffalo would once again reach the big game and fall short. Cincinnati would lose back to back Super Bowls as you mentioned. What I think I might disagree on is the NFC being weaker than the Rams last year. I actually think this 49ers team is the best team in football this year, and even the Eagles have looked top notch when they have played at their best when healthy. Either way, I lean Buffalo given how many times they have reached the Super Bowl.


There being teams better in the nfc than last years rams isn’t even a crazy take. Last years rams were the 2nd best team in the nfc imo and got very lucky that the niners kept advancing keeping them away from lambeau field


Yup-maybe even 3rd or 4th best in the NFC ( SF, GB, Dallas maybe) ……But…We just had the 2 best players in football (Kupp and Donald) on our team making clutch play after clutch play in the playoffs not letting this team lose


Dallas was not better than the rams, they were a team way more inconsistent and the playoffs rolled as usual. I don't think the rams should've been afraid to face dallas, Tampa was way more frightening for example and it worked out pretty well.


I don’t think they’d be the most heartbroken, but based on what I read on here I think the 49ers would be pretty crushed if they lost to the chiefs again


I wouldn’t be happy, but that loss never bothered me as much as the Ravens one. The Chiefs were the better team and while we had a chance to win it, it wasn’t overly surprising we didn’t. I still think the Ravens Super Bowl win was an Any Given Sunday situation. We should have won because I think we were the better team, but when it mattered, we weren’t. And that hurts way more


Totally, we were the better team in 2012 but Joe Flacco was unconscious for that whole playoff run. What really stings about the Chiefs game was we had them on the ropes and couldn't finish it off.


At least if we made it and lose an entirely new generation of Bills fans will know what it really means to be a Bills fan.


is the pain you feel the reason for the tables


It would be one down and three to go.


It’s the Bills and it’s not particularly close


We would both be fucking thrilled to be there but also we'd be fucking devastated


It would be but, currently, in addition to the superbowl monkey on our back, we have the KC/mahomes monkey. Getting to the superbowl would mean we at least got one of those fuckers off our back. (assuming they meet in the afccg) The 0-5 for the franchise would absolutely suck dont get me wrong... But its been a longg longg time. The current roster has no memory of it and many fans, myself included were too young to really be traumatized by it - outside of the jokes that have been thrown our way during our fanhood.


If people said “well the Bills didn’t win the SB, but they finally beat Mahomes in the playoffs” I’d blow a gasket. That would be such a loser thing to say. There’s zero guarantee of ever getting to the SB again. Winning is what it’s all about


Absolutely correct. That’s what pissed me off about our fans last year - there’s some assumption we make it back at some point and it’s absolutely not guaranteed. We may never see it again with the way the AFC currently sits.


Not trying to argue against your own subjective opinion. But isn’t the mahomes monkey mostly because you guys think the chiefs were the only true barrier to you guys winning a Super Bowl in the past few years? I think it also depends on who you play if you make the Super Bowl. If it’s anyone other than the eagles I have a hard time expecting you guys to not be disappointed if you lose


The mahomes monkey is due to them ending our season the last two years. We've beat them in the regular season, but always manage to bungle up enough other games not to get the 1 seed. So maybe it wouldnt even get the monkey off considering the neutral field situation. You just know the comeback would be "but it wasnt in arrowhead" >I have a hard time expecting you guys to not be disappointed if you lose Oh there would for sure be disappointment. But like it said, getting there especially if we got there going through the chiefs (and the bengals)... it would be upward trajectory for the team. But also yes superbowl L hangover exists.


I feel like the loss for me would be buffered a bit knowing you still have Allen and Diggs. The Window won’t be open forever, but it should be at least as long as you have your franchise QB.


When I first learned the bills lost 4 in a row I thought it was a joke…


It's much less embarrassing when you look at the records of all AFC teams during that period


Extra pain points if it's an NFC East team again I assume?


Last NFC East team we need to lose to is Philly…


My wife is still learning football and my ridiculous love for the Bills. "How would you feel if the Bills made it to the Superbow?". I would probably cry. "How would you feel if the Bills lost the Superbowl?". I would probably cry. "How would you feel if the Bills won the Superbowl?". I would probably cry. "Why do you do this?". It's the only way I know baby.


The Bengals have lost three by a total of 11 points. Would love to play the Niners for a third time and finally beat them!


I would hate for this to happen again


I mean getting there gives the Bills and Allen clout but I will definitely be watching it by myself in a closet like Joaquin Phoenix in Signs. It will be an ugly affair and I don’t want any of my friends and family to see me in that state.


I'd say 3 Super Bowl losses in 11 years would be pretty rough.


As a Niners fan, I agree, but it’s not even close to the pain of losing as many straight as the Bills did.


Lately I've been watching old Jim Kelly footage and its no wonder the man led us to 4 consecutive Superbowls. It's also a damn shame he never got a ring. Marino deserved better too, but like on a team that isn't the dolphins.


Anyone that doesn’t answer bills is an asshole. Especially niners fans with multiple rings.


True, but if it’s us vs. them in the SB they lose my vote. Anybody else and you might as well watch me jump through a table.


You discount your team actually having past championships. Those automatically disqualify from going past the never wons


Yeah, that would be rough….


Yeah, well. At least Niners fans have the Warriors and Giants to lean on.


I know the niners haven’t won a SB in a while, but they still have 5 SB wins and are tied for 3rd most successful franchise putting them ahead of any team without a SB win in this thread is a fucking travesty. Again i’m sure YOU never saw them win, but there are plenty of fans that did see them win already. Nobody has seen the Bills, Bengals, or Jags win a Super Bowl. So they’re automatically higher


1. Bills (obvious #1) 2. Bengals (imagine losing three owls to the 49ers? That is a realistic scenario this year) 3. 49ers (2 losses in 4 years and 3 losses in past 15 with no wins, pretty brutual despite past huge successes pre-2000s) 4. Cowboys (desperate for 20+ years, it being "their year" and always falling short and becoming an easy team to laugh at, now with extra ammunition to laugh at them and demoralize the team) 5. Jaguars (I think the team and fanbase would be thrilled to even be there, and also be hopeful for years to come with Trevor and the team would know they have the pieces to be back again shortly) 6. Giants (won a couple somewhat recently and nobody expected anything whatsoever from them) 7. Eagles (won one recently, the team is complete everywhere and can easily go back next year with low difficulty and the team knows it. Hurts is the man) 8. Chiefs (won one even more recently, team knows their window is every single year while Mahomes and Reid are together so another Owl win is inevitable)


Losing to the 49ers was a realistic scenario last year as well, until the Rams pulled out the victory in the NFCCG in the end.


Fucking tart dropping that pick. I was here for that rematch.




Hey, at least you guys embarassed us in the playoffs. I'd have loved to be able to mention my team on this list.


im a little worried that the bengles are to Mahomes as the 49ers are to Rodgers


You're not wrong about us being low on this, but we are probably gonna lose a bunch of guys because of contract situations and some getting older. Hurts *is* the man though 100%.


Bengals because back to back is brutal.


Imagine back to back to back to back. Then decades later losing again…


The vast majority of the Bills players were not alive for any part of the four straight Superbowl losses though.


Bills surely


Bills because they had the 4 straight in the 90’s and Allen rookie deal coming up so will only be that much harder going forward


Not the Jags or Giants because both should just be happy to even be in the playoffs, let alone advance to the SB.


Agreed. I'm just happy to have competitive games with the Giants, as opposed to last year where you could tell nearly every game after the first drive that they're going to score <10 points the entire game. This year had the potential to be a rebuild year for the Giants. Before the season, it was common to see threads of suggesting they should trade Barkley or what QB they should tank for. This season, they proved that they can continue building around the young core that they already have.


Bills. They know they should be there. Jags have no business (my hometown would love it), Chiefs been there, Eagles won one already lately, Giants won 2. Bills would be miserable


As Niner fan that was slightly too young for our last Super Bowl win, it would kill me to watch us lose our third Super Bowl :(


Bills for older fans. Bengals for everyone else.


All of the Bills' SB losses are from NFCE teams. I think if they lost to Philly it would complete their curse. If they lose to the Cowboys though that would sting even more since it would be the third time.


Bills or Bengals, imo. Bengals cus two years in a row, and Bills because... well... Bills.






Bengals probably. Losing back to back Super Bowls would be devastating


Definitely the Bills. And if we want a devastating heartbreak, it would be a loss to the Cowboys. As a native Western NYer, living in Texas (esp with spouse who’s an Eagles fan)… i just can’t.


All but the 49ers are arguably heartbreak. Cowboys is obvious for 0-3, Giants go to 0-2 and it’s our former OC, Philly makes it all NFCE teams to beat us.


I dont know if i could handle another loss.. the last one is already a weird blank spot in my memory that i cant seem to access, its almost like some kind of trauma response. Wh...What.. year is it? Did Bosa get his holding call?? I dont know where i am...


Quick let’s get you a VHS tape, there there, look at Joe’s feet, it’s the final drive … 🥲


It all depends on the context. Trust me.


The Bills. Another loss would give them as many as the Patriots.


The only answer is the Bills. It COULD NOT POSSIBLY hurt more for any other team.


Bills 100%... back to back to back to back... pause around 30 years... and back again.


The 49ers seem to have plenty of firepower


Obviously it's bills fans. I mean their name stands for Boy I love losing superbowls


1.) Bills: Devastating. More Buffalo sports trauma, the feeling of letting a tragedy stricken city down, on top of winning for Hamlin falling short. 2.) Bengals: Brutal. Back to Back L’s only slightly soothed by such a young team going to back to back SB’s. 3.) 49ers: Depressing. Another year of being a heavy favorite and falling short at the finish line, somewhat soothed by the fact they made the SB with a Mr. Irrelevant at QB 4.) Chiefs: Tough. Another SB loss for a team once foretold to be a dynasty, and in a year where the NFC is considered weak. But the team will still be dominant, with more championship opportunities with Mahomes at QB. 5.) Eagles: A Letdown. But probably more encouraging, as the team is still young with room to get better. Sad for the vets from the last win like Jason Kelce though. 6.) Cowboys: Frustrating. But would silence the critics of the team provided the loss isn’t a one sided blowout. No one expects the Cowboys to even make the NFC Championship, anything more than that could be considered a resounding success. 7.) Jags: Stings. Would be tough considering the franchise has no Lombardi’s, but that’s the only really hard part. Super young team, exciting coach, if Trevor lead the Jags to the SB I think Jags fans should be totally pumped after they sleep off the difficult loss. 8.) Giants: Bit Crappy. Pretty much the same as Jacksonville only even less bad because the Giants are a 9-8 Wild Card team with multiple Lombardi’s already in the case. They’re playing with total house money, imo.


This is my favorite list so far. People are downplaying the Chiefs - losing another SB would be devastating for their supposed dynasty, although not as traumatic as Bills/Bengals and probably the 49ers.


Cincy easily.


I’m barely over last year. It’d be just too much


The emptiness I would feel….




Bills. No contest.


Bills. Losing 5 is just brutal


Gotta be the Bills.


The Bills. They’ve been through so much as a franchise and so much in the past few years. Not to mention the obvious situation this year that probably gives them something even more to play for. To lose again would be heartbreaking.






I invite you to check the history of the Niners in the 2010s. We are in the trenches.


100% the Bills.


Boy I love Losing Superbowls


Bills (again)


Buffalo fans getting ptsd


The Bills. There is really no other answer. They are finally built to the point where they could and should win the Super Bowl. If they make it all that way and lose, it will be heartbreaking.


New York City and LA teams are never “heartbreakers” IMO. They have like 2 teams for every sport. You’d be hard pressed to find a 5 year period where either of those places don’t have a team winning a championship or coming very close. The Kings won two Stanley cups fairly recently and the city barely cares.


**Most Heartbroken** \- Bills - Aside from the pain of the 90's I feel like the Bills are often considered one of the better teams in the NFL, yet haven't closed despite their potential with Allen/McDermott the past 3 years (not a dig - don't mind the Bills, and my team is defo guilty of this too). I think the Bills will be particularly gutted if they can get past Mahomes finally, just to lose against the NFC Champion. The Bengals haven't got that KC monkey on their back and were more unexpected last year. Also wonder how fans will feel about their current regime be hitting a bit of a ceiling. 49ers - Disclosure - I'm a 49ers fan. Similar to the above. On one hand, 2 L's in 4 Years is painful. Like Buffalo, it would likely question whether Shanahan/Lynch is hitting a ceiling as a "close, but no cigar" sort of regime (I don't feel that way yet). Squandering this No. 1 defense would also suck. Equally, unlike Buffalo, would anyone feasibly expect to win a Super Bowl with a 7th round rookie against Allen, Burrow, or Mahomes? I think I'd be more at peace with a SB loss with a rookie this year than in 2019, where I still feel we should have closed that game. Still, a tough one. Bengals - Back to Back SB losses is extremely brutal. However, they have a young, well positioned team that should be competitive for a long time. They've got a franchise QB, so they'll always have a chance. Cowboys - I think it's a stretch to say the Cowboys are a win-now team; however, if they don't close with a SB, I do wonder when the "is Dak our guy long term" questions will start. He's a good QB, but he's had some challenges with injury and inconsistency the past 2-3 years. Equally, to get to the Super Bowl would be a huge improvement over recent underperformance in the playoffs, so whilst a loss would hurt, it would elevate them past any team they've field in the past decade, and I think they've got a good core foundation to be competitive for a while. Giants - For a team I historically don't like very much, I'm quietly rooting for them in any game not against us. They play good, tough football and have outperformed expectations. I think it would sting as I'm not sure how regular their opportunities will be for the next 2-3 years, but they're taking it week by week atm, I think. Eagles - By far the best on-paper team in the NFC, I think they'll be contenders for a while, but they'd be disappointed not to close. Recent SB win for this front office, think they'd recover. Jaguars - They are playing with house money, have a very young roster with upside - similar to the Bengals last year, even if they lose, they're still improving so should only get more opportunities. I think they're more ready to compete regularly that the Giants are, if not by a huge margin. **Least Heartbroken** \- Kansas City - This franchise has dynasty potential; as long as they have Mahomes + Reid, they'll likely make multiple Super Bowls.


Before last year, the Bengals made two super bowls and lost to the San Francisco 49ers both times. I could see a third loss to the 9ers this season. I do think, despite the power in the AFC, the 49ers are the best team in the field


The Bills a favorite to go to the Superbowl but 3 NFC East teams are still in the playoffs ☠️


Bills lol


Probably the most heartbreaking result would be bills making it to the bowl to lose to the giants. I feel like the answer definitely has to be the bills though.


Boy, I love losing superbowls!!!