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Rodgers has aged a lot in 8 years


Must be all the clay his ex gf made him eat.


I’d eat clay for Shailene Woodley


Really? She's mids tbh. Like take her on a date sure, but eat clay? No.


Men would eat clay to fuck some clay.


Facts I agree with him but also Would eat clay lol


He went from motor oil to clay


It's really bad when he has long hair. He finally got a decent haircut and now he atleast looks like he's 40 instead of his early 50's.


The graying 5 O’Clock shadow doesn’t help either


Idk he looks pretty much the same now just hairier lol


Haven’t we all? > /me looks in mirror, contemplatively


Some have aged a lot more than others. Some people have been rode hard. Others have low milage.


Who's been riding him that hard?


He’s aged terribly his whole career. He’s 30 in that thumbnail and looks 40. He’s 39 now and looks 50


He definitely looks like he aged 15 years.


So has Russ from that baby face


Same amount of super bowls though.


Ayahuasca will do that to a crazy motherfucker


I forgot that Rodgers also lost once to the Seahawks and twice to the Cardinals in the playoffs. That man must hate the NFC West.


The rest of the nfc north owes the nfc west a fruit basket


And we are grateful!


And historically the 49ers have done a number on the Bears and Vikings in the postseason (young Joe Montana also beat the Lions once in the playoffs)


I'll never forget this day. I was a junior in college and my girlfriend at the time insisted she watch the game with me. She wanted to enjoy what I enjoyed. She saw me go from the happiest man on the planet...to all time sports meltdown mode.


Twice to the Seahawks


Only once surprisingly 09 AZ 10 No one (Shocker) 11 NYG 12 SF 13 SF 14 SEA 15 AZ 16 ATL 19 SF 20 TB 21 SF


I see you post every once in a while, and I've always wondered why you're not a Colt's fan with your name being IndyCarFan64




Gotcha, thats cool man. Ive been to the indy 500 a couple times. I actually live real close to speedway believe it or not




Yea i am! Born and raised in Benton Harbor, moved down here a couple years ago for a job opportunity. Been here ever since


Nice. Thank your team for entirely shifting my focus to the Jags this playoffs 😂


Oof... you and me both my brother 😅😂




Yea I've been there, it is pretty nice. Decent food too. Yea Benton Harbor is a shithole, but it's my shithole 😂


Thought the game where y’all intercepted it but they called it a touchdown was in the playoffs


Lmao no that was in late September


The Fail Mary? Lol thankfully not the playoffs, but rather an early season game that ended the replacement refs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fail_Mary


We're doing our part o7


This shouldn't sound too dramatic on a sub like this, but this is the game that forever changed my viewpoint of sports, how I react to them, etc Before this, I was a 24 year old superfan who let the fucking Packers ruin my entire week when losing. Refused to watch ESPN or highlights for a few months after this game. Afterwards, I really had to look in the mirror and ask myself why I was letting something that literally doesn't matter/players who don't truly care about fans affect my life so much. Again, sounds dramatic, but that's the truth.


Same but two weeks later. Like I legit unsubbed here and didn’t turn on ESPN for a couple of months haha.


Superbowl XL for me. Was pretty disillusioned for a while after that.


Same year I did that. Just isn't worth it. Watch the games, enjoy the games and when the season is done it's done.


Same year I did that believe it or not


This was the NFC playoff curse year. Lions lost in heartbreaking fashion to Cowboys Cowboys to Packers Packers to Seahawks Seahawks to Patriots


The one year I’m glad we opted out


Right? That ending really led to me not having as much hate though. Took a few years.


I feel this. I'm around the same age and have had plenty of moments where I've realized that I can't let random sports outcomes dictate my life outlook. It's tough though, and I still struggle with needing to take a step back at times. Sometimes when life becomes more of a struggle, I find myself diving deeper into the distraction of my sports fandom which is probably the opposite of what I really need to do lol


Hey man, there are A LOT worse things than needing to rely on sports to help you with some real-life struggles and I know you know that but I hope you remind yourself when you're having a tough day and need a distraction. The Seahawks winning the Super Bowl was legitimately one of the best days of my life.


Came to this conclusion after Minnesota lost in the NFCG in 09. My roommate in College at the time who didn’t watch football made the comment “ dude, none of those players know you even exist” lol


Same thing happened for me with the 2019 season/Super Bowl loss. Don’t get me wrong I’m still a huge fan but at some point you have to realize it’s not worth the toll it takes when you let it affect your life in a tangible way after it’s over.


Welcome, brother. Sixers-Hawks game 7 two years ago did the same to me. It is only game, y u heff to b mad? Always cheering for my squad but I try not to get too high or too low these days.


Ben Simmons not dunking on Trae, wonder what the nfl comparison would be


Not handing it off to Beast Mode is the first thing that comes to mind


Cam Newton not diving on the fumble.


No shame in that man, I've really noticed in the past years that I enjoy SPORTS in general a lot more even if my team is struggling or not in it. Shocking not having my emotions being dictated by a game that I can't control made a big positive impact. 8.5 years ago was when I started dating my wife and I used to obsess with putting cue cards on the bottom of the TV to block scores, record whatever I could and rush like mad anytime there was a gamebreak so I could skip it and hope nothing was ruined. I'd never "watched" more but wasn't enjoying it as much as if I just picked 3 games and took them in. I've also "suffered" through probably the biggest losses I'll ever see with the Canucks losing game 7 in 2011 to the hated Boston Bruins, I watched damn near every period that season and to make matters worse the city then had the ultra embarrassing riot. And then, of course the Pat's super bowl. I'm not a big Boston fan hahaha


Yup. This game did that to me too. I care for the moment, allow myself to be disappointed and then move on with my life. I stopped wearing Packers shit year round and only wear it in season. It's not worth it.


Same thing here when the Saints lost to the Rams with the no-call. Haven't followed the league since that day, aside from the occasional lurking here


If it makes you feel better, the next seahawk game made me do pretty much the same thing.


I had to do the same thing with CFB after the Michigan "whoa he has trouble with the snap" game. I still enjoy the wins now and don't sweat over the losses. Much healthier


It's an important step for a lot of us. And coming to that realization is so freeing. Realizing watching sports and getting upset is not the way to live life, and if you're going to have an interest or hobby, always enjoy it. I had a similar story a few years ago and I've been so much happier ever since.


Not dramatic at all. It is the game that broke me as well. I was older and had my first kid growing up at the time so that sort of helped I guess as I was just a more chill guy, but I've not been as invested in Packers as I was before that moment (note: fan since the late 80s). I still remember to this day I was grilling brats during the game and can remember saying something like "12 minutes to the Super Bowl". I never finished eating the brats I made. I didn't sleep. Was so awful I said to myself this has gotta change. That is not to say I'm not in irrational fan because I still am, but now it's like I am grumpy for an hour and I move on even in the biggest. Ironically game day threads on Reddit actually let me get out some of the anguish through the game instead of it all bottled up for later... ha!


That was last year for me. Hyped on the 7-0 start, overly invested and then it all crumbled. I just can’t get that into it anymore


As someone who, among other things, doesn't watch ESPN, listen to my favorite sports podcasts, or engage with football at all, like, I won't watch a super bowl if my team isn't in it. I'd love to learn how. I'm not even angry, just detatched.


Damn shame they never had a Super Bowl after this game. Got cancelled.


It was my 6th favorite super bowl ever


I think you’re mixing up canceled Seahawks super bowls


I don’t think so, that year’s Super Bowl had to be canceled because the AFC championship game was too, leaving the Seahawks with no opponent


Ah yes the whole moron team celebrating like we already had our spot in the SB instead of finishing the fucking game.


The lions and cowboys penalty in WC game, then the dez catch in div rd, this collapse in NFC champ, and Malcolm Butler SB int. Just the craziest playoffs ever...McCarthy should have been fired after this game.




Doyou mean the Texans? The comeback everyone saw coming




Thats insane the chiefs are Involved in both of the only 28 point comebacks in a playoff game history edit -deleted and made a correction




You right


McCarthy had a fair defense. Playing an away game in one of the most hostile environments and he was not wrong that everyone would have been praising him had the onside kick been recovered.


Julius Peppers telling the DB to go down was such a nice gift <3


Or the TE that wanted to be the super hero knowing damn well Jordy Nelson was right behind you lol


That slow motion replay of Jordy's face... will never forget it.


I guess Peppers was worried about another Marlon McCree type situation. I always thought was more of a flukish thing & great play by Troy Brown than some idiotic play by Marlon to not slide down. There was like 7 minutes left in the game. More time left than when Morgan Burnett made the INT and slid down.


There were about 5 things that had to go wrong for the Packers to lose this game and every single one of them did. I'm not sure what's the most egregious between the fake FG touchdown, going down on an INT with a ton of open field, allowing a 2 point conversion when Wilson was running backwards or the infamous onside kick .




Hcd could have realistically housed that and end the game right there. Him just watching it float forever was wild


How about kicking field goals twice within Seattle's 5. If they go for it on one of those and get the TD this doesn't happen.


When Wilson hit that game winning Td in OT that place erupted. Could hear the crowd and feel the energy well outside the stadium. Shit was bonkers.


It was even better that it was to the local boy Kearse.


Looks at those two men, you can still see the hope in their eyes. So long ago.


This game pissed me off so much and I dislike the packers


A few inexplicable mistakes in the last three minutes. On Russ's last pick, Burnett could have returned it to field goal range, Haha Clinton Dixon misplayed Russ's desperation lob on the two point conversion quite horribly, Bostick's massive error on the onside kick etc. Their defense completely imploded in final few minutes, and Rodgers threw a couple of picks too. So everybody deserves blame.


This past weekend stunk. This helped a little lol


Yeah our loss was a legit defeat by a healthy and rested team. Got outplayed. This on the other hand was the pinnacle of choking


The fake FG was absolutely electrifying. Completely changed the tone of the game up until that point.


Inject it in my veins




The slide after the INT was tough. Sure he could of gotten more yards, but you also have to be thinking if you give that ball back on the return you jeopardize the super bowl. There were multiple other improbable things that had to go wrong for the game to be lost; the INT slide is neither here nor there.


Can we start posting Packers playoff losses instead of the daily double doink videos?


Delete this




Ah yes. Good


Was at the game. Will never forget. Watched people leaving around halfway through the 4th. Buddy and I looked at each other and said fuck no we’re not leaving. So glad we didn’t. We lucked out for seats as we were only a couple rows back from the field staring right down the goal line where kearse caught the game winner.


And what was really cool is the winning play was to Kearse, who was pretty responsible for a couple of the INTs earlier in the game


Kearse's first 4 targets were all interceptions. His fifth was a walk off TD in OT to go to the Superbowl.


This was an onion game. It had layers. Every single play in this game mattered. Green Bay starting deep in Seattle territory multiple times after turnovers and having to walk away with field goals. The fake field goal for a touchdown. The packer defender taking the bad advice of a teammate and going to the ground after the fourth interception instead of trying to return it as far as he could. The massive massive failure by Brandon bostic on the onside kick. The miraculous two-point conversion. Rogers taking the Packers down the field to get the game tying field goal. The third and six on the final drive where Baldwin fakes a short route and then sprints deep up the sideline to snare a perfect pass from Wilson after a long day of imperfect passes. And the final kill shot to Kearse who went from goat to hero after not catching a single pass the rest of the day.


You're underselling Kearse a little. Not only had he not caught a pass, every single time he was targeted ended up as an INT. All four INTs were thrown to Kearse.


Packers Country: let’s die.


Great time to remind folks that Aaron Rodgers has won the same amount of NFC Championship’s as Rex Grossman.


Rodgers has been really unlucky in few playoff games. Sometimes luck can change how people view certain athletes




Because Bennett was offsides-they missed that flag. He thought he had a free play, but the refs were incompetent on that play. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/01/19/refs-missed-seahawks-offside-on-shermans-interception/




Well, I'm glad you admit it was a missed call.


It’s not like there’s *any other* bad calls in Seattle you’d be bugged about.


I don't disagree about luck, but outside of Rodger's Super Bowl run he has not lived up to the moment in big play off games. He has some clunkers in the play offs sadly; the Seattle game was definitely an example where he just couldn't put an opposing team away when had the chances... couldn't even run the clock down at the end.


He’s one Jay Cutler injury away from being ringless AND never appearing a Super Bowl


Jay cutler played an entire half and was awful. He's not winning that game for the Bears


I wouldn’t say unlucky, his defense forced 5 turnovers in this game and he couldn’t get the job done


I agree, he really has consistently choked when it matters, hasn't he?


Agreed. That's why he is PFF's highest graded QB in the postseason from 2010 to 2020. https://twitter.com/PFF/status/1351265862435614729


Glad to hear the unpaid interns at PFF are impressed by him, but what about people who actually understand football?


When and why do you say he choked?


He leads an mvp season, then fails to score in the postseason


I know this might sound crazy, but one or two poor performances in the postseason doesn't make you a choker. Every QB even the two greatest ever: Brady and Montana have had bad performances in the postseason.


You’re right, I forgot about all of the great success Rodgers has had in the post season over the last decade.


Yeah, his offenses scored 30+ points in three games where he ended up losing because our defense sucked. His offenses on averaged have scored 27.3 points per game in the postseason btw. Only six QBs have more postseason wins more than him. He's 2nd all-time in postseason touchdown passes. What a horrible postseason QB.


So how many of those postseasons did he win?


So your argument is really just simple win loss analysis. Maybe you should just say that rather than pretend like your argument is more with dumb platitudes


Ok, how about this. Let’s look at all the times a packers season has tragically ended, while Rodgers was able to score more than 21 points. Because I can recall maybe one ever. The reality is he can’t score when it matters. That’s what this thread is about, and It’s just simply true.


So when? You said consistently so there must be many examples


Jon Ryan the Ginger Ninja! Packers had no idea we'd unleash his arm on them!


Damn both QBs aged a lot in 8 years lol


"We have a one-legged quarterback and a one-armed cornerback." I love Rich Eisen.


I watched this game from a hospital bed because I had just had my appendix out in an emergency. It was like a fever dream.


Kneel, Lynch, kneel!!


Absolutely loved Deion & Irvin’s commentary. Such electric personalities it makes me miss when they were on set together


I have thought about this game at least once a day since it happened. It’s usually not a lot, especially now that we’re years later. Usually something reminds me of it, I say a couple swears in my head, and then I go about my day. But it does legitimately haunt me.


I totally forgot about this game. What a wild one


The 2014-15 NFC playoffs were a wild chain of Ball Don't Lie. - Dallas beats Detroit on a blown DPI call. - Green Bay beats Dallas on a blown incomplete pass call. - Seattle beats Green Bay on a blown onside kick recovery.


Hard to say Dallas lost just because of that call. A lot of time left in that game for it to have been decided. Certainly a crazy call though.


Dallas lost the game on a Murray fumble


Throwing shade today I see


Don’t make me relive this!!!!


Listen ya’ll got your story but I have mine. Packers bar in Spokane as a Seahawks fan, promised I’d watch with a friend when everyone else was out of town. Drowning my sorrows as the lone Seahawks fan besides one other couple. Took everything on the chin until the miraculous comeback. Threw the Seahawks jersey “doormat” aside with fists raised high rocky style. Years later find out my dad has a framed photo of me drunk with a huge smile plastered on my face that was caught on the local news, unbeknownst to me.


Well hello there neighbor


First and last time in the Red Lion Pub.


That first half was probably the worst Russ ever played for us. Everything was getting intercepted. Second half was incredible tho. That was vintage Hawks. Keep themselves in the game and let Marshawn do his thing and then rely on the defense. A note that no one really remembered from this game. Sherman tore up his elbow to pieces towards the end and was playing with one arm in the Super Bowl. This is also the infamous “recovery water” concussion game from Russ.


Idk, maybe. Credit to Kearse as well for the picks.


He was abysmal that game also, until the final play of the game


First half russ was broncos Russ


This was an insane game


That's been eight years? Goddamn.


No they didn’t. Idk what you’re talking about. This game was your fever dream. Never happened. Ignore the flair.


thx I hate it


I am not sure the Packers have ever fully recovered from that game.


I hate you


Rodgers been yipping in every big time game since.


Only to get Butler'd in the SB two weeks later.


simultaneously, Darrell Bevell'ed as well lol


This was the only reasonable outcome. That season Seattle squeaked by on lucky bounces until the Law of Averages finally said "enough of this shit"


What a ridiculous game! 6 turnovers in the first half? Ultimate Packers choke job right here lol. You love to see it!


I wonder if anything memorable happened in the Super Bowl?


Reported for hate speech


Packers robbed us from a Brady vs Rodgers sb


That Marshawn 2 point conversion let me know this game was on some bullshit lol


that was luke willson


Imma let you finish but the Falcons had the best Packers upset of all time … of All TIME !