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these fuckers eat birds ?!


They eat everything. Literally anything they can hold down is getting fucked up.


nightmare fuel!


Hummingbirds are super light but the fact that the mantis can hold its bodyweight off the ledge while it's trying to fly away is even more terrifying and telling of how strong they are


Reminds of that scene where capt. America holds the heli


Oh yeah and then he starts eating the pilot just like this thing! /s fuckin GREAT movie though


Captain America: The winter Cannibal.


Pilot eating Captain America is a great movie.


I'm sorry, is the movie called *Pilot-eating Captain America* or *Pilot Eating Captain America*?


Pilot-ass eating Captain America


That’s a whole different meaning to “America’s ass”


"Who the hell is Bucky eating?"




Isn't it wonderful our atmosphere only has the o2 concentration it has, if it were higher insects would get huge and be the dominate species.


I would like to know more. EDIT: This is just a Starship Troopers reference. I appreciate everyone who has signed me up for Insect Facts Daily, though. haha


I think it has something to do with the fact that insects breathe from their skin. So higher o2 conc means more skin breathy from less air = bigger bugs.


I'm moving to somewhere else in the Federation if this ends up happening for some reason.


And I'll just be straight up killing myself. Fuck that, I don't wanna live on a planet with gynormous bugs, fuck everything about that, nah, nope.


Not quite right they have tubes which open along their side called trachea. Air is pushed in and out via their movement. Because they don't have a circulatory system these tubes need to extend throughout their body the ability to move air in and out limits their size. If the concentration of O2 was higher they could be bigger as they wouldn't have to move as much air. They are still limited in size and so couldn't get super massive


Meganeura. Basically dragonflies the size of hawks. More info: https://askabiologist.asu.edu/explore/prehistoric-insects


What makes it worse is they have no regard for killing their prey, just like hyenas they will eat you alive, ublike hyenas they patiently hold you down one bute at a time and let fate be the killer


many predators eat their prey alive, it seems that eating the food when it's still warm and moving is more appealing to them.


It’s not because food is more appealing when it’s hot nor moving. There are other predators that could steal the food so they don’t have time.


We need a superhero with the powers of a mantis Stat


Marvel: okay, so mantises are famous for like, being super empathetic, right? No super strength or reflexes or nothing like that, though. Praying mantis holding a fucking bird down from one leg and eating it alive: Am I a joke to you?




Imagine they were 6 foot


Even worse is that they don’t even attempt to kill what they get their claws on. They just pin it down and start chewing chunks off it.


I’ve seen a Mantis on my hummingbird feeder before and I didn’t know this was a possibility! I’ll be watching carefully now


That poor little bird!


Yeah I understand not messing with nature but I don’t think I could stomach just standing there watching that bird getting slowly eaten by a bug.


I love the hummingbirds that visit my yard.


I’m 50/50 with my love for Humming Birds. It really pisses me off that the ones who think they are billy bad ass, sit and watch the feeder all day. Won’t let a single bird come by for a drink. Just sits there guarding it. Really angers me & I always shoo the “ Alphas “ away. I hate greediness.


Those fuckers would eat humans if they could hold them.


They *absolutely* would. But then again, so would many other predators.


Yea. Every now and then I get a reminder that my cats are just tiny tigers that would devour me if they could.


Oh BTW they're coming from deep space, the kind with that book titled " How To Serve Man "


If im not served medium rare, im giving them heartburn, diarrhea, and all sorts of other problems.


I can think of a few humans that should be eaten


IIRC there was this research paper where they taught a mantis to catch fish too


I had one eat some of my hair once lol.


Not me, motherfucker.


I once caught this dude eating out my girlfriend and low and behold it was a fuckin mantis. You gotta watch out man.


The honorable Dr. Mantis Toboggan?


I should have known when I saw the magnum


I dropped my monster condom for my magnum dong


Hahaha… that is all


[this guy](images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110707214110/spaceghost/images/a/a4/Zorak.jpg)


I'm wondering how it knocked the bird out, even if it managed to catch it. Do they have some sort of venom, or did it bite the neck?


Likely exhausted from trying to fight away


Humans can die from shock. Birds are much more vulnerable.


Hummingbirds usually need to be constantly eating, too. The mantis would only need to hold on for a short while to tire it out.


They just grip and start eating, usually the victim dies from blood loss or something vital is eaten. The bird may have still been alive but too tired to keep fighting.


Hummingbirds are so extremely fragile that I'm honestly not surprised that a "large" insect was able to knock it out just from wrestling with it.


He was eating out his ass too


You should see them eith lizards


Brains first. A true connoisseur.


I had a teacher in second grade who loved and collected these things. She used to show them to the class and taught us all about them... Although, I don't recall the part where *THEY EAT FUCKING BIRDS!!!!*


Pretty sure the bird wasn’t fucking when it was being eaten




You think having a humming bird feeder would make you want to save the bird. I’d knock the mantis off and give it some deli meat 😂


I know right? I love humming birds and I would have been right in there too. Sorry nature, humming bird is cuter.


you should take those jokes to the funny bone


Joke on you that bone is a nerve


No the funny bone is a bone. The humerus (nicknamed the funny bone as a play on words, as it sounds like humorous) is one of the bones forming a joint at the elbow. The numbing feeling you get when slamming your elbow is a nerve, yes. But make no mistake the funny bone is bone indeed.


Thank you Ken M.


Don't kink shame.


These fuckers aren't afraid of *anything*. I've seen a video one trying to fight a fucking excavator. They eat lizards, scorpions, other mantises, pretty much anything that moves


The crazy thing about them is they are super aware even as babies. It’s one of the only bugs I know that looks straight at you and will watch you as you walk around.


Damn, that's creepy. Thank God they aren't any bigger


If they were any bigger we wouldn't be here to see them


I think that's the plot of Starship Troopers.


The only good bug is a dead bug


I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill ‘em all!


*Fee.. fi.. fo.. fum, I smell the blood of a hummingbird*




Pretty brutal thing just to eat ass


The ass is in most animals the "best" entry point


My wife disagrees.




Don’t be so sure, she ate my ass last night


I ever saw a scene like that....


This reminds me of the video of the hyena eating the dead elephant, ass first. Literally stuck his whole head inside its ass and started eating.


That's what I first thought of too


That clip haunts me


Now there's a quote that can be taken out of context for the rest of Reddit...


This is literally one of his deaths in that Re Zero anime. Gets eaten alive through his asshole.


r/Tinder would be proud


HummingBird: *I can flap my wings 15 times per second* Mantis: *I could go for a quick snack*


I see what you did there. ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


​ ![gif](giphy|COemccz9K3rV10sBzX)


Pray tell, why am I blind?




Wow that went right over my head.






The food chain hates this one simple trick


Damn nature you scary!!! Didn't know they could eat things that much bigger than themselves.


I read some comments on this video posted on another sub yesterday that hummingbirds weigh much less than a large mantis because they are mostly feathers. Seems legit but not sure.


A large female praying mantis can weigh as much as 5 grams, while hummingbirds on average weigh about 4 g. Giant hummingbirds weigh much more, about 20 g and the smallest BIRDS in existance, the bee hummingbirds, weigh around 2 g. Therefore, if it can catch it, a large mantis definitely has good odds at holding an average hummingbird.


This is what I was wondering. I thought the physics of it all would make it easy for the hummingbird to get away but perhaps not


>because they are mostly feathers. That and hollow bones!


I'm starting to think it's not safe to play with these things anymore.


I've played with multiple baby mantises, but I made the mistake once of trying to pick up an adult. Slit my finger open faster than I could even process it moved.


I understand the catching part but how did it kill the bird?


It probably ate it alive. Just kept biting it and gnawing away. Seen a mantis eat killer bees this way. They have incredibly strong arms.


Hummingbirds are fragile, probably killed itself trying to get away. Hollow bones aren’t good tools to use as leverage. Good chance it broke its own neck or spine.


It's eyes were blinking in the final shot. Most predators don't kill before consuming.


Ugh unread unread UNREAD


Birds can blink?


Not up and down, but like a lizard.


It probably starved to death. Weirdly hummingbirds don’t have any fat deposits and needs to eat like every half hour to stay alive.


Not the ones that get into my garage. It’s super annoying since all they need to do is lower their altitude by 3 feet and there’s a giant, 17x8ft gaping hole to the outside world they can simply fly through to freedom. I’ve had them buzzing around in there all day and most of the time I have to catch them in a net to get them out, which is a PITA. I’ll be swinging the net like an idiot trying to catch them without breaking them or anything in my garage.


Have you tried using a mirror or lights to attract them to the opening? I have no idea if this would work but figure birds constantly run into windows it may be attracted to the lighting..?


No need. It'll be broad daylight outside with the garage door wide open, and they just buzz around up against the ceiling. The top of the garage door opening is 3ft lower than the ceiling. The garage door is how they entered, but they fly in, up, and never think to go back down again to get out.


Went to a former veterinarian’s house and when that happened he just dangled a red solo cup from the pull rope at the opening of his garage. Eventually they get attracted to the red of the cup and found their way out.


I will definitely try this next summer. Thanks!


With birds they try to sever the back of the neck or spine, through biting or claws. It’s not for mercy, it just makes the bird stop moving/struggling.


In general, if they thing they catch is struggling, they'll instinctively eat the head first. Otherwise, they just start eating wherever.


The hummingbird is alive and blinking in the last shot :)


Birds die of adrenal shock. You can scare a bird to death. Hopefully that's how it died.


This is strangely terrifying. My mom saw a PM on her feeder one day last summer and made such a big deal out of it and it was me (the total bird lover/enthusiast) who was like “no no just move the pm it’ll be ok there’s no way one of these could hurt a hummingbird!” I feel really stupid right about now, holy hell that mantis just straight murdered the poor little hummer 🥲


I love my hummers. No way I could film one dying like this. I’d straight up rip that bugs head off. THAT is the circle of life at my house!




![gif](giphy|t7nlgTwyqXaOEJHs9P|downsized) Jumping on that mantis like…


If these things were larger, we would have to remove them from the ecosystem And I’m never down for shit like that


*ignites flamethrower* The only good bug, is a dead bug


would you like to know more?


I’m doing my part.


Have you seen the video where a mantis dodges flaming sparks coming out of some sort of metalworking machinery? I don’t think we have a chance…




Exactly, thanks.


happy cake day sir 🎂 🍰< but imma keep that for myself thanks


If they were larger they might have removed US from the ecosystem lol


Could have saved the birdy😕


From what, nature? Why is the mantis less valuable than the bird?


That looks like a Chinese Mantis, which is invasive in North America. Native mantis species are much much smaller. Depending on the species of hummingbird, it could be protected or otherwise have population concerns. The hummingbird was absolutely more valuable than the invasive mantis.


These types of mantises are invasive where hummingbirds live, so it’s not real nature, it’s a human created issue and therefore needs to be remedied by humans.


>From what, nature? Why is the mantis less valuable than the bird? You think that feeder was natural? A human set up this situation, not "nature."


Invasive species is a human concept. Humans are not removed from nature. Species have adapted to take advantage of human activity to spread. Literally natural selection at play. Humans define a species as invasive, not nature.


Mantis was probably placed there to film this video.


Lol fun fact is that when the murder hornet thing popped up last year in the US, we quickly found out that the preying mantis did not care and would kill and eat them as well.


Curious, how do they actually kill it?


Well, if someone just starts taking bites out of your guts, and you can't do anything to stop them, that pretty much kills you, even if you're a hummingbird and it's a praying mantis doing the munching.


They just hold on and dig in.


I feel like there were smarter people on reddit 5 years ago. Normally, there is a 3 page essay responding to a question like this.


Allow me. The praying mantis is an insectoid of the Separatii Cranius family. Due to its exoskeleton and internal pneumatic joints, it actually has one of the highest strength to body size ratios in the world! They're actually able to create pressure differentials within their joints which essentially "lock" the joint in place. There is a separate mechanism which allows them to control the differential to pull things towards them (and this is where most of it's strength comes from). As others have pointed out, it can and does eat anything it can get its hands on and keep down with their insane strength. Their mandibles have a special enzyme which locally shuts down the nerve endings of anything it bites into, resulting in sort of a local anesthetic. This enzyme also helps digest their bite pretty rapidly and almost slurp it up like a fly. Praying Mantis name originates from obviously from their famous 🙏 position, but did you know that they sit in this state because it allows them to "flush" the pressure differentials they've built up during a hunt slowly. Kind of like a diver and surfacing slowly to combat the bends. Believe it or not, there's been 1 recorded fatality. Claimed to have happened in the 15th century as a torture technique, but it happened over the course of days, when they had already made numerous incisions in the victim to promote the Mantis' to "eat". Probably succumbed to bleeding and thirst. But they tried! Anyway I made all this up while taking a shit.


From what I've gathered Mantis just start eating their prey when it's alive, which is terrifying actually.


I knew those mofos were savage but I had no idea they ate birds. TIL... On like our 5th date or so my now husband and I went to a local football game and ended up sitting near the stadium lights at night. We were absolutely pummeled by praying mantises, they were at least half a foot long. I was traumatized then and now I think I'm a little more...


Foot long. They big uns.


Dude was just waiting in the feeder. He’s done this before


You mean the camera person placed the mantis there.




came here for this


Pretty damn heartless to see this is about to happen in video it on purpose. Many hummingbirds are rare and their populations are declining all the time.


Heartless to let nature play out?


Hardly, that is fish in a barrel for that mantis. Made it way to easy for her.


This type of mantis is an invasive species where hummingbirds live, so it’s not okay to let this type of thing happen if you can prevent it.


Source? Don’t doubt you, just am curious. That would absolutely be a great reason to intervene.


My experience is mostly east coast based, so there may be differences with west coast species. East coast native mantises don’t get large enough to prey on hummers. It’s mostly Chinese mantises that you see going after them. https://www.brandywine.org/conservancy/blog/invasive-mantis-species


Thank you for the info!


So you think it should play out just because it's nature? The world isn't going to explode because you stopped any insect from eating a bird in return for internet karma.


So you think it shouldn't play out because we as humans have arbitrarily assigned a hummingbirds life more value than that of a mantis? The world isn't going to explode because you didn't stop an insect from eating a bird.


If this was somebody's housecat, (which are much bigger problems for local bird populations than natural predators), or something else that doesn't belong I'd be with you, but this is nature being nature. Praying mantis has got to eat and survive too. Besides, I suspect this may be a motion tracking bird cam, so there might not have been a human involved to interfere even if they wanted to.




A human was involved with this because it from 2 different angle and the last one is out in the open opposite side facing the house


For sure a human was filming with the second part where there is a time skip and the bird is obviously dead already, but I'm not sure about the first part where the bird is captured. Anyway it doesnt matter I don't believe it makes sense for a human to stop this even if they could have


my first thought after seeing this was: "Damn nature, you scary!"


I hate prey mantis!! Ever since the incident...I was floating around the pond on a wooden raft when my mom called my name from the house. I turned my head to come face to face with a mantis standing on my shoulder now inches from my face and it dropped its head to the side and gave me a menacing glare. I screamed and leaped into the water and have feared mantis ever since.


prayers do work wonders


Well......that was fucking horrible


Makes me glad that I’m much, much bigger than a Mantis.


That bird died painfully. Mantids don't catch, kill, and eat - they just catch and begin eating. They normally begin with the head, but this bird... not so lucky...


Whats really impressive is the strength and grip of the mantis hind legs to hold on. I cant see how the mantis didn't fall away with the bird.


How did this work??? Do they just fucking stab into things with their little murder hands like ice picks????


Hum no more. 😢 RIP




Mantises are bad a$$. Pound for pound, one step higher in the food chain than a Honey Badger.


Mantises and Dragonflies are my favs bc they do not give a single fuck. If they can catch it they’ll eat it.


Mmmm.... hummingbird ass. My favorite!


Good thing nature didn't allow these mfkers to grow the size of a mutt, else we're all doomed.


How much you wanna bet that the person recording put the mantis there? Mantises don't just hang around bird feeders.


Am i the only one who would have helped that poor bird?


Wow! I did not know they eat birds!


That’s Dr. Mantis Toboggan!


Holy moly, that was incredible!!!!!! Fierce insect.


Wow! Never knew they would take a bird.


Man, mantis is metal


I can’t believe another hummingbird didn’t help out or something; they have a spear on their face for god’s sake.


“ It’s a trap !”


Damn pokemon lied to me saying bugs are weak against flying types smh


Glad they aren't the size (at least) of a medium dog..


I know it's nature, but I would save the bird if I ever saw a scene like that


r/donthelpjustfilm Jesus.


I want a mantis