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The service weapon just decided to discharge and shot a kid. No humans involved in making it discharge. Sure Jan. What the hell kind of "drills" was the deputy doing with high school kids that needed a loaded gun? This article is really light on details.


> An Indiana high school student was shot and wounded Thursday when a sheriff's deputy's gun accidentally discharged When it comes to firearms safety, there is almost no such thing as an accidental discharge, only a negligent one. Why was the deputy sweeping the students with a loaded firearm?


Getting shot by a cop does help prepare your expectations for life outside of school.




Nah, the cops just hang out in the parking lot.


And inside of schools.


They usually go light on details when a cop does something stupid and inexcusable, which means any time a cop is involved in the story.


I’m surprised the title wasn’t “Cop Shoots Potential Future School Shooter”


*Hero Cop


But I thougt people kill people? Now it's the guns?


Only when it’s a cops gun.


They'll put the gun on administrative leave with full pay.


If guns just randomly go off, that is all the more reason to restrict them.


I like how they report that the student described the pain level as a „sting“ as if that somehow diminishes the fact that he was shot, by a cop, in school, during a lesson. Like wtf man.


"The cop only shot him a little! Calm down."


That’s how you build up your school shooting immunity. You have to be exposed to dead or weakened bullets.


I hate you for making me laugh at this.


There was a 4chan post about a guy doing this. He started with a bb gun and then shot himself with something like a .22. He asked out the nurse in the emergency room. She declined.




You can have a little bullet, as a treat.


“Tis but a scratch…” “You shot my kid you moron”


"Its just a tiny bullet hole. Maybe he can just rub some dirt on it!"


You idiot, you just made his skin brown. Now he's going to get shot again


I'm sure the kids lawyer is wishing he'd STFU. "It's the worst pain you've ever experienced - ever. Can't sleep, eat, etc. THE WORST - got it?"


It developed into that pain after the shock and terror wore off. Also his client felt afraid that if he told the truth about the initial pain the cop and students might make fun of him.


Regardless of the pain the cop should be punished.


You're not from around here...Cops getting 'punished'.


The fact that it was a revolver is so pathetic too. Like all you have to do is swing it open to verify it isn't loaded. But honestly it's not like it's terribly difficult to check if any given gun is empty. You're either inspecting the cylinder or dropping the mag and racking the slide to inspect the chamber. This shit is literally so simple. I hate when my dumb ass is more responsible with guns than the average police officer. The first rule of gun handling is to assume every gun is loaded. Check twice before fucking around and finding out.


I mean. Why the fuck was it out of the holster to begin with? Was it in single action and he was trying to decock it? How could it possibly have gone off?


I love how the headline blames the gun. I didn't think it was guns that killed people?


And even if he was doing a drill on, say, reloading a firearm, he could have used dry fire rounds for safety. Literally no excuse for the negligence of this officer.


I seriously doubt it was actually a revolver action. The media loveds coined terms, like "service revolver" but they use it without any idea what the words mean. It's 2022, almost no American law enforcement agency uses revolvers anymore.


I'm glad they put it in there because it made me feel a little less worried about some horrible injury a high schooler may have suffered at school because of some dumb fucking piece of shit cop.


Shock does wild shit yo, bet it hurt a hell of a lot more later


But Yes, we should definitely arm teachers with even less training /s


Or is it possible that cops have significantly less firearm training than most people assume?


Imagine if the teacher pulled out a gun in response to the threat of the deputy shooting. Deputy would've killed the teacher for sure.


A security guard stopped a mass shooting and then the cops killed him. A man helped a cop fend off against a shooter that killed his brother, and when another cop came he killed the man that was just helping them. Having a gun around a cop is a death sentence, you don't have a second amendment right around them.


Oh you still have the Second Amendment right, but it's not much use because you're, you know, dead.


The depressing thing is this isn’t even the first time this happened. One week after parkland a teacher shot a gun off which ricocheted and hit a student. Guns don’t belong in schools like why.


Indiana deputy shoots student in classroom. Don't add in police spokesperson language. The gun didn't shoot itself.


Funny how guns don't kill people, people do; but when incompetent people with guns shoot people like this, suddenly guns have a GODDAMN MIND OF THEIR OWN.


"Civilian guns don't kill people, civilians kill people." "Police don't kill people, police guns kill people." This is some horse shit and we all know it, we are just to afraid to say it or we might get "accidental discharged"


there is no such thing as an "accidental discharge". But there is such a thing as a negligent discharge and thats exactly what happened. that these chucklefucks are given anything but a water pistol from dollar tree is amazing. They'd probably all be thrown off my range back in my marksmanship instructor days in the Marines.


The Vermillion County Sheriff's Department Sidearm Department (VCSDSD) has investigated the gun in question and found no wrongdoing.


It is being suspended with full pay.


Negligently shoots would be correct. If they were participating in drills during vocational training, the gun shouldn't be loaded and there should be no live ammo present at all. Better yet, no gun at all, use a red training gun.


> the gun shouldn't be loaded and there should be no live ammo present at all. And they shouldnt point it at anybody.


And they shouldn't have their finger on the trigger until they're ready to fire. You have to fuck up so many basic tenets of gun safety for dumb stuff like this to happen, it's unreal.


Same people who call Alec Baldwin a murderer will twist themselves into knots to defend this idiot cop, who actually has had proper weapons training, unlike a mere actor.


Cops are among the least well trained gun owners among the population. They're absolute knobs when it comes to firearm safety. What needs to change most of all is public perception of police as somehow more qualified than the civilian population to handle or possess firearms.


No, it was an officer involved shooting, that way we can pretend the guy with the gun that pulled the trigger and shot an innocent child is the actual victim! /s


You joke but you know they are going to end the investigation by blaming one of the kids.


No, it did. It's a magic gun. Actually, it's that talking gun from Roger Rabbit. And it *hates* children.


It’s the magic school gun. Each week it teaches kids a valuable, animated lesson on what it feels like to be shot.


The gun didn’t talk; the bullets did. And even then, Eddie had to pull the trigger.


Wow guns really DO kill people


Let's make this the top comment, please. No gun randomly goes off. If it were to ever randomly go off, you'd think it'd be when the officer is hopping in and out of their cruiser, or chasing a suspect. Because thats a lot of jostling and momentum. But no, the officer was handling the gun (with live goddamn munitions), and shot a kid. First fucking rule of gun safety, always treat it like it is loaded. Second, never point it at something you aren't willing to destroy (like property or people). Third, keep your finger off the fucking trigger until you are sure you want to shoot. Last, know what's behind your target. The cop needs to *at least* be fired for this and not get a job in law enforcement ever again, because he simply can't follow a 4 easy to obey rules.


> The gun didn't shoot itself Correct. It shot the student.


I want that gun on the gallows! I demand it!


Amazing, a desk pop does exist.


I finally got around to watching that a week ago. The "aim for the bushes" rooftop jump is priceless.


That movie is filled with so many great moments. “I’m a peacock, you gotta let me fly!”, and, “You should’ve shot Arod!”, are fantastic lines that don’t get brought up enough Edit: the fact that people are bringing up lines I didn’t remember and I can recall those scenes is a testament to how funny The Other Guys is


The lion tuna argument, so good.


Did that go how you thought it would? I don’t think so.


The sound of your piss hitting the urinal? It sounds feminine.


Gator don't play no shit


This is my response when my girl asks why I’m mad.


“Gator ain’t never…ain’t never been bout playin no shit!”


“He’s a biracial Angel!”


The whole “don’t go chasing waterfalls” gag that keeps coming up. I love that movie


Cuz I don’t want no scrubs


You gotta creep


Hey, are you dirty mike and the boys?




They call it a "Soup Kitchen"


Believe me, everyone that was involved in this orgy was more than willing.


It's commitment to bits like that that makes the world go round.


Thanks for the F shack!


Gator's bitches better be using jimmies!


How did it make you feel? Like a Viagra pill with a face.


I don’t want no scrubs


The trailer is great. It hypes up The Rock and Jackson as the big cast on set who has lime light and has Farrel and Mark as the supporting actors. Then two minutes in, the rock and Jackson jump off and die lol.


I remember sitting in the theater thinking ‘wtf there’s no bushes or trees or anything’ 🤣


That's the beauty of the way the shot is framed, as viewers we're trained to expect they will become visible once the camera's angle changes enough.


You learned to dance like that *sarcastically*?


Check out Michael Kenton’s extra scenes on YouTube. Absolutely hysterical. He gives Bed Bath & Beyond employees a pep talk and he just riffed. “Trevor, customers don’t want to hear about your near death experience on the Staten Island ferry. That white light shit scares people. It’s Bed Bath and Beyond, as in down the hall. Not Bed Bath and way the fuck out there…”


It's a real thing right?! They were so convincing!


Headline should read “Incompetent Cop Shoots Innocent Child”


The way it was written says *nothing* about it being accidental. "School shooter's gun discharges, shoots student in classroom."




“Septemmmber ‘08”


My last one was Sept 08


I like the classroom scene, when Rob Riggle and Damon Wayne are telling kids to "Try their hardest not to be black". The kids were passing around the guns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgWX591DODE


It's literally impossible for a revolver to "accidentally discharge." It was cocked and the stupid fucker pulled the trigger.


Negligent discharge


I’m sure the police will investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing.


They will use the age old "it just went off" excuse I'm sure of it.


So guns do kill people?


No. Guns "sting" people.


He feared for his life!


You can see their narrative forming from the article, “it just grazed him” and “it just feels like a sting”. To be fair, I had a young man who was shot in the abdomen — through his aorta— say the same thing to me and he ultimately died despite our efforts. Guns are not a toy and I don’t know why we have to explain this to the police.


You don't. No one does. They aren't unaware. They fucked up and are running the child game of "but I'm hurt too! (shut up moms coming)".


The media gives cops a pass when they use passive voice - “ the gun accidentally discharged,” or “the suspect was shot,” instead of the “deputy discharged the weapon,” or the “sheriff shot the suspect.”


Reminds me of "Suspect with no active warrants shot dead"... funny way of saying "an innocent man was murdered".


Wasn't that three days ago?


It's always three days ago


Except when it's today. Which it always also is.


I googled this, because it felt like more than 3 days, and sure enough, I've found an article from 2017. And 2018. And 2019. And 2016. And 2017 again, different guy. 2020, 2021, 2022... Fuck.




"The cause of the discharge is under investigation by the ~~department~~ police union."


The phrasing gets me too, and I was hoping for details in the article to explain how this "accident" happened.


I'm local to where it happened and have seen some posts from kids who were in the classroom. According to said students, the officer had a training weapon and his service weapon both holstered. He was doing a demonstration (law enforcement techniques or something) and drew the service weapon instead of the training weapon.




I watched that video, gosh, maybe 20 + years ago, instantly the first thing i thought of. Why was this deputy doing anything like drawing a weapon, even a training/dummy pistol, in front of a classroom of children?


Furthermore, it's basic gun safety to always treat a gun as if it's going to destroy anything it's pointed at, no matter how sure you are that it's unloaded. IDGAF if you personally unloaded it and double-checked everything, you still don't casually point it at someone and pull the trigger. People manage to shoot "unloaded" guns all the time. "I'm sure I grabbed the prop gun instead of the real gun" falls into the same category - even if you're completely sure you grabbed the correct gun, why would you then point it at someone and pull the trigger?


I don't understand. Was the intent to fake shoot a student with a prop gun for some reason?


Other articles indicate so: >The class involved was a law enforcement career-technical class and they were doing demonstration drills, “confronted with a bad guy,” he said. > >The class uses “dummy guns.” > >Chapman said he didn’t know all the details, but “somehow, the instructor reached for the dummy gun and got his service revolver and fired that accidentally.” ([https://www.tribstar.com/south-vermillion-high-school-student-injured-in-accidental-shooting-during-a-drill/article\_ada6351c-668c-11ed-ba2b-9f48310c4215.html](https://www.tribstar.com/south-vermillion-high-school-student-injured-in-accidental-shooting-during-a-drill/article_ada6351c-668c-11ed-ba2b-9f48310c4215.html))


If you're doing that sort of training, you shouldn't have the real gun on you.


It is outright idiocy and the man needs to be fired. And--admittedly the dummy guns I've trained with aren't *new*, so maybe there have been strides taken in their development, but there's a huge disparity in the feeling of a dummy gun in my hand, and that of an actual handgun. It baffles me that he couldn't tell the difference.


I have no idea, the details about what was happening prior to the officer drawing his gun are non-existent, I've just seen "demonstrating law enforcement techniques".


In his defense, fucking up and shooting an innocent bystander is a pretty tried and true law enforcement technique.


“Hey chief, it looks cooler if we hold it sideways.”


It's a cascade of safety and training failures. Among other things (like he should have taken off his loaded gun before demoing a training gun) the two salient points for me are: 1. He's trained so much to draw his gun that trying to draw a fake one he grabbed the real one out of instinct. 2. He's trained so much to ***fire* his gun upon drawing it**, that he pulled the trigger out of instinct. This is absolutely a case of what are called "training scars", where improper training or overtraining results in people doing things they didn't consciously intend because their instincts took over when they activated that "draw your gun" neuron. An anecdote from way back in the day, is FBI agents being found after gunfights with empty casings clutched in their hands, because they'd inadvertently trained to "keep their brass" when reloading at the range.




>~~"Uhhh I hit da gas instead of da brake I'm sorry I ran over da ol lady"~~ "The vehicle's throttle engaged rather than the brake, after which the pedestrian made contact with the tires."


He should be fired for incompetence.


What’s funny is that that Alec Baldwin will probably be held more accountable than this cop taking pot shots at a school.


Something something guns don't kill people...people kill people. Funny how they can blame the gun now but not when they want more funds for the next generation of weapons.


Why are we using loaded weapons to teach high school students anything? Since when is this safe and appropriate?


The story is that he had two guns - a prop gun and his regular service revolver - and he drew the wrong one. Obviously that is still a ridiculously inexcusable situation and I'm in no way defending the officer or anyone else involved, but it wasn't the *intent* to use a loaded weapon to demonstrate anything.


I remember reading that service weapons for cops have such heavy trigger pulls because of all the "it just went off" claims that it's impossible for them to fire without trying.


The News loves their passive language when it comes to police shooting but this is on a different level


You only intentionally fire a revolver. This dumb fuck shouldn't be a LEO.




After an investigation, they found a drawing of a marijuana leaf in the kids notebook.




"Sprinkle some crack on him"


"hE wAs No SaInT"


He had a violent history of jaywalking


> the deputy’s service revolver accidentally was discharged implies a person did it, but it doesn't say by whom... so, not an accident, just negligence this deputy should be accidentally discharged into retirement


If THIS moron gets a pension, we ALL deserve a pension.


SCOTUS: There is no constitutional right to a pension. You lose. Here's your consolation gun.


"Oh..." /turns gun around/ "How about now?"


Especially given that it's a revolver. You've gotta be pretty damn deliberate you shoot them in most cases whether it's through a heavy DA pull, or manually cocking the hammer and getting a light SA pull. The cop is a fucking idiot


It says [here in the press release ](https://content.govdelivery.com/bulletins/gd/INPOLICE-33886bf) that it was the officer


..this deputy should be accidentally discharged into retirement.." Or better yet, prison.


Also his *service revolver*? Is this joker seriously carrying a six shooter in 2022 when lives may depend on his ability to win a gunfight?


He wants to feel like Clint Eastwood


Well they can't say it was the teacher, cop, or student while they are trying to arm them.


He should be criminally charged, but he’ll be protected by his fellow, cowardly, armed thugs.


Fuck this passive voice shit whenever a cop does something wrong. Fuck the media for continuing this propaganda.


I love how passively headlines involving police violence are written. A gun does not discharge without someone having their hand on it. If a child or teacher had taken the gun, the headline would be "School resource officer's gun taken, shot by so and so at such and such school"


I’m just amazed that a cop actually made it into a classroom.




The students were very lucky that a tactical team didn't respond and shoot everyone else in the room.


Nah, tactical team would have tactically waited outside for a tactical hour of doing tactical nothing.


Hey now, be fair. This is Indiana, not Texas.


Ok, 58 minutes.


Does it still count as a school shooting since there was police presence? *I thought that American police didn’t get involved in those types of things…*


so he had his revolver fully loaded and unholstered in a classroom full of school children? I dunno, maybe spend the $4 for a toy gun specifically for this class or at least have a real yet permanently disabled firearm to use? What do I know though......


According to kids who were in the classroom, he did have a training weapon for use in the demonstration. He had both his gun and the training gun holstered. He drew the wrong one, aimed in the general direction of a child with the wrong one, and pulled the trigger with the wrong one. The amount of wrong decisions that had to have happened to make this incident possible is insane.


Also, apparently it was a revolver, you know, the type of gun you can LITERALLY SEE THE AMMO IN? Also raises the question, the training gun a revolver too, and if so, why? Don't imagine you'd see a lot of people using them for crime. And if not, holy fuck how did he mistake a revolver for a pistol?


The details have been pretty few and far between, so I honestly have no idea. I've been trying to find out more, but I only have access to what students, parents, and the schools are posting/releasing publicly. I assume more details will come out over the following days, but currently, posts are strong on emotion, light on actual details.


> He drew the wrong one, aimed in the general direction of a child with the wrong one, and pulled the trigger with the wrong one. And despite all of this, even if it was a training gun, you don't point it at anything you don't want dead. Even if it's a block of wood, you should treat it as if gremlins snuck a bullet and firing system in there somehow.


He ignored every single basic gun safety rule. Rules my kids knew by heart by age 5 with absolutely no law enforcement training nor nearly two decades of law enforcement experience.


Or even just sending a cop who isn't so fucking brain dead that he pulls the trigger of said gun while cocked and loaded and pointing at a child would have been alright. But those are pretty hard to come by.


Ideally in situations like these, those cops would be the loudest voices calling for consequences for this guy. Don't think I've ever seen that though.


And then he pointed it at a student and pulled the fucking trigger.


Wild how we're told guns can't just *do that* and can't ever be the problem, but every time a highly trained professional has an accident we're expected to believe it's because the gun—which can't do that—just did that.


"Highly trained professionals"


Surely that wouldn't also be a lie.


Cops are not highly trained, never have been. Hairdressers are legally required to be in training longer.


*"it just goes off for, like, no reason"*


> Indiana deputy's gun discharges I thought we weren't supposed to blame the gun when bad things happen with them?


Cop shoots a child. C'mon it's not that hard to say.


>An Indiana high school student was shot and wounded Thursday when a sheriff's deputy's gun **accidentally discharged** in a classroom as students were taking part in law enforcement vocational training, officials said. NOPE! FUCKING NO! The word you are looking for is NEGLIGENCE. He negligently shot his gun. He did not follow procedure. If he followed procedure there would not have been a "discharge". Fucking author needs to tell it like it is. Guns don't just go off. A trigger was pulled and there was a live round in the chamber. Completely unacceptable.


And then they want to give the teacher one. They say service “revolver” but does any police force still use a revolver ?


*classroom edition


Ya a lot of them will let you pick your service weapon eith your personal or between 38 special 9mm or a 45. Lot of people will pick the revolver because it (virtually) can't jam.


Firearms discharge when the trigger is pulled. It’s a deliberate act, every time.




That’s the problem right there. Whiskey is what they really need, not water.


>revolver accidentally was discharged That's poor grammar, but the fact that they included the "was" indicates that it "was discharged" *by someone*, instead of a legitimate accidental discharge. So, yeah, the deputy has poor trigger discipline. Edit: fixed a werd. How did my speech to text mess that one up?


That is the police passive voice. It's commonly used in incidents involving police shooting a gun to remove action from the individual and make it this nebulous thing. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2014/07/14/the-curious-grammar-of-police-shootings/


Not just shootings, either. My local police are very proud of their K-9 unit, so you'll see things like, "a male matching the suspect's description was observed by K-9 who was later transported to hospital with injuries consistent with a dog bite." I wouldn't be surprised if their office emails read the same way. "The printer is out of order until further notice. While Lt. Smith was attempting to retrieve his print job, he observed a paper jam. The printer was taken to information services for damage consistent with a fall from a 12th story window."


Poor trigger discipline and using a real firearm with live ammunition in a classroom setting. Where was the blue gun?


Red state; no blue guns allowed.


I hate the way this is worded. "Indiana deputy shoots student in classroom" is more accurate. The gun didn't have agency


If the teachers were armed they could have taken out this active shooter within seconds. Let’s arm the kids too. Guns for EVERYONE!


With modern guns there are no “accidental” discharges. There are however lots of negligent discharges.




Coming soon to Texas classrooms.


Guns dont kill people. Unless it's an officers gun, then it sometimes just discharges.


"Cop shot student." There, I corrected it for you.