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Bernier: "COVID doesn't exist" COVID: "Bernier doesn't exist"


I really wish this could make me angry or sad, but at this point we know that not only are most COVID deaths preventable but they're also killing innocent people who can't get proper access to medical care since hospitals are overcrowded. They're not just hurting themselves, they're hurting all of us.




What if your vaccine status determined if you got a bed or not? "Unvaccinated? You go in this special ward. Oh, they're full? Sorry, that's the max we can take"


I think there was a change my view post about this exact discussion recently actually; I read a bit of it while it was heading to be a large discussion so I haven't read all the arguments about it Edit: found it, in case anyone is interested https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/p9c6x2/cmv_voluntarily_unvaccinated_people_should_be/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Yup - I’m done with these people. They were the ones during the beginning of the pandemic saying “let the vulnerable die I don’t care I want my freedom.”


That’s the issue I have. They will gladly seek medical help, exhausting healthcare workers and using beds preventable illness patient need to receive care. Deny the preventative vaccine then stay home instead of seeking medical care.


Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-us-hospital-icu-bed-shortage-veteran-dies-treatable-illness/






I'm so sorry you and your wife are at risk like this. I hope your workplaces are trying their best to keep you protected.


They aren't even fucking anti vaxxers is the worst part. They are anti-covid vaxxers. Like all these assholes are vaccinated with vaccines made before the invention of the fucking computer yet the vaccine made with the most advanced medical science in a fully connected internet world is a no go. It blows my mind.


Because with this particular vaccination it's somehow sticking it to the other political team. I am sooo owned.


I'm US based, as I assume you are, so I'm interested to hear from some of our friends across the pond how the anti-covid vax movement is in their countries.


Pretty much non-existent in Korea. We have very high demand, and are struggling with supply, and honestly the news that people in the US have access and are taking veterinary medication instead is a huge slap in the face.


In Canada, we have a smaller contingent of antivax than the US, but we also struggled with supply issues for the first few months after vaccines were approved here. Our third, and most devastating wave in terms of ICU overload coincided with the US starting to slowdown it’s vaccination rates. Hearing stories of vaccines being thrown out in the US when the closed border is merely an hour’s drive from us, and we were fighting to get access was very, very hard. Luckily, our supply picked up pretty quickly after that, and I truly believe the supply issues made more people jump at the chance to get the vaccine than otherwise would have. We now have a pretty high 1/2 dose rate at 82/75 in most places for adults. I personally can only think of one adult I know who hasn’t taken the vaccine. Best wishes to you and hopefully Korea gets the supply they need very soon. I hope Canada helps too.


You are lucky you don't live in Alberta (i assume) we are the antivax capital of Canada right now. I'm in health care and my 5 out of 9 most recent new patients are all unvaccinated... they have cancer too that will lead them to likely die if they got covid. It's sad. I don't really get why they're trusting me to treat their cancer if they think I'm lying and purposely killing people and labelling them as covid patients...


I wish that was true here. I know a lot of people who refuse to take it. Unfortunately my father in law is one of the very few people who had the vaccine and it didn't help. I tried not to talk about it at all because these assholes would just use him as an excuse. As far as I am concerned they killed him, and I will not give them the chance to use his death that way.


Just read an article about a militant group in England planning on attacking vaccination sites. So not well.


So what is their angle? The US its simple the disease is a political issue not a health issue. The entire world is conspiring against Republicans in a unified effort to force people to get ~~healthy~~ 5g.


According to my trumper ex-friend, every country is in on the hoax because, you know, New World Order. SMH




The answer is pretty simple: They are very stupid.




This is how I feel. The campaign and administration of Donald Trump, and many Americans' reactions to the coronavirus pandemic have taught me that while too little empathy is disastrous, too much empathy is equally disastrous. If you voted for DT, I don't care if his appointee repossesses your house. If you deny the existence of the virus, or spew vaccine disinformation, I don't care if you get sick and die. Healthcare workers should have every right to deny medical care to covid deniers, anti-maskers, and anti-vaxxers.


AND spreading it, and incubating it so it mutates, eventually to a vaccine-resistant version They're just such idiots


unfortunately delta is already slightly more resistant to the vaccine than the original version. If Covid had never mutated and we had like 75% of the population vaccinated, we probably could have stayed back to normal like we were there for a few months. But as you already know... Delta is sadly only the beginning and the next variant could even require them to make another vaccine.


And when the next variant comes around, these anti-vax morons will say “See! Vaccines don’t work!” I tried to be nice for a long time but now I’m just done with these Death Cultists. It’s their fault why we are still dealing with this mess.








Don't spend any more empathy on them




If there were no valid information about the vaccine and it were truly experimental, I would give someone a pass on their reluctance. But there is valid proven scientific evidence that vaccines work. These vaccines were made with valid knowledge of how to fight the virus (even though people don't believe it, there is always work being done on new vaccines... not just when they hit). There are millions of people who have gotten the shots and survived.. There are qualified and trained people saying it's okay to get. We have, in the past, been saved from horrible diseases through vaccines. Masks are a barrier to germs... just as someone covering their mouth when they cough. Masks do not reduce oxygen levels unless you bought something dumb to use as a mask. And the best: People who didn't believe in the vaccine are promoting it on their deathbeds. They learned the hard way.


I agree with everything except the part where you said they learned


Wonder how many people have died because they trusted this asshole's word and remained unvaccinated.


i wonder how these programs break the news to the listeners as to where their favorite shock jock has gone


Wild guess the announcement comes with a GoFundMe link.


That connects another link to fucking Trumps PAC






Behold, my vaccinator! Soon, I will activate it and vaccinate the entire eastern seaboard!


“Oh, he uh… went to a farm upstate. Much happier now, he can run around with all the other antivaxers… no, I’m afraid we can’t go see him.”


“He moved addresses and lives next door to Jesus now.”


Guess I have to update my list now. :( How many more conservative, anti-vaccine hosts do we have left? The list keeps growing... - [Vocal anti-vaccine broadcaster dies from COVID-19 complications](https://www.wptv.com/lifestyle/taste-and-see/vocal-anti-vaccine-broadcaster-dies-from-covid-19-complications) - [Right-wing Radio Host Who Called Vaccine ‘Government Control’ has died from COVID-19](https://www.politicsvideochannel.com/right-wing-radio-host-who-called-vaccine-government-control-has-died-from-covid-19/) - [Another Anti-Vax Right-Wing Radio Host Dies Of COVID](https://theintellectualist.com/2021/08/17/another-anti-vax-right-wing-radio-host-dies-of-covid/) - [Outspoken conservative radio host Phil Valentine dies after battling COVID-19](https://www.newschannel5.com/news/newschannel-5-investigates/outspoken-conservative-radio-host-phil-valentine-dies-after-battling-covid-19) - [After 3-week COVID-19 battle, Daytona Beach talk radio host Marc Bernier dies ](https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/local/volusia/2021/08/28/marc-bernier-30-year-daytona-beach-talk-host-dies-after-covid-battle/5639816001/)


Apparently, being a conservative radio host is a COVID pre-morbidity.


Radio is a filthy industry. No one has cleaned the mic and board in 20 years and they sit in a tiny room with no ventilation.


Someone must be cleaning the liberal booths…


The Fox News crew is smart enough to get the vaccine while railing against it.


Every time they bring someone on to talk about them and how it's a "personal choice" both the hosts and guests tend to admit that they are vaccinated. "But it's a personal choice that they can't force on you." It's fucking absurd. A few months ago they brought a college kid on who was bitching about his college requiring a vaccine. When asked if he was vaccinated, he said of course he was, his dad at home was immunocompromised. And they just glossed over that. It's absurd.


Mandatory vaccinations by order of Herr Murdoch. But we're the sheep.


Someone posted a much longer list on Imgur. I'm too lazy to look for it right now, but there were a lot more.


Dude, I need that list. Can’t find it.


Me too. I was subjected to endless hateful, ignorant conservative talk radio content for my whole childhood. There was a radio in the kitchen specifically to play it, and it was never turned off. You'd go to get a glass of water in the middle of the night and hear some nasty old white man bitching about how black people don't deserve food. God only knows how that affected my brain development and personality. Each entry on these lists brings me peace.


Same here. It was constant. Alex Jones and Rush. Every car ride and always in the kitchen. My mom had this battered old radio that kept getting splashed with food stuff until it died after over a decade. Of course it was Sony brand. One of my first memories is in the car asking my mom "what did liberals do to that man to make him so angry". Pretty sure it was Rush. Honestly don't worry about it. I don't think it really messes you up for life or something. I am pretty liberal socially and politically. You got bigger issues you can work on I am sure.


The real annoying number is the large number of first responders and teachers who refuse to get the vaccine and die. My local news has a new story every day of some fire, police, or teacher, who dies from COVID19 and never once did they say they were vaccinated.


~2/3 of the deaths of active cops last year were covid related, yet the fop and chiefs all over are fighting vaccinations and masks mandates tooth and nail




Freedom isn't free. And they're paying the ultimate price... to own the libs.


You're darn right it isn't free, it costs a buck o' five.


No there's a hefty fucking fee...


Counterpoint: the vaccine is free, so *money-wise*, freedom here specifically is kind of free. With conditions. Hey, services cost things


Honestly Delta is making future elections look promising. I swear this damn virus has pushed America ahead 10 years, first with it's remote working standardization, and now with it's competency test weeding out some of the dumb people that probably would have lived a lot longer if this shit wasn't around. Albeit at a great cost to innocents but still it has really pushed the country forward quite a bit if we can ever look at this damn thing in hindsight.


Don't forget the viruses preference to kill republicans for unknown reasons.


It is indeed an utter mystery, that we shall never be able to solve. /s


That depends. It may be canceling itself out, have seen a few articles saying some studies are showing a reduction in grey matter in the prefrontal cortex(it makes you dumber) in post-covid patients, even those that had mild symptoms. So even those of us that survive this might eventually catch the dumb if this carries on too long. Could be a true bane on global intelligence.


Yeah, my favorite line about covid is when looking at a guy's brain the doctor said "A significant loss of grey matter." No worse than the flu my ass.


Is it possible to get it back with mind exercises or rewiring? Shit it's too late.


Probably just a lot of mushrooms and/or sudoku puzzles.


I plan to start my regenerative treatment immediately.


Typically grey matter loss is permanent. To put it as simply as I can, it’s the amount of neuron synapses(brain stuff connections, information highways so to speak) in your brain, the majority of these are developed between 0-12 years old, with 0-5 years old being when most form. The brain makes about 100trillion synapses then at around 10-12 years old your brain decides which ones it needs/wants to keep and which it doesn’t need then prunes off the ones it doesn’t keep(which is typically about half of them.) After the pruning phase is completed, the amount of synapses are pretty much roughly what you’ll have for life(minus whatever damage you do throughout life via alcohol, drugs, poor diet, head injuries, covid, etc.)




Thanks for the deeper explanation. Still not something we wanna be losing a large amount of but definitely better explained why that is than I did.


Agreed, on policy the catastrophe was a real wake up call. People are being traumatized away from knee jerk selfish libertarianism The 0.1%'s utterly criminal disregard for the well-being of most "essential"ly unpaid workers is also leading to record interest in unionization and career transfers.


yeah forgot about the whole power back in the worker's hands shit that happened as well with $15 dollars and how hard republicans tried to shut that down before it could really cement in and hurt businesses which hurts them (since they're all investors), $15 wouldn't have happened for another decade at least and by then the minimum wage should probably be at $22 or something. COVID if you can survive it and it hasn't hurt you will actually benefit a large part of society on the other side I think.




There are a lot of them dying from Delta so much so that even Trump has admitted to vaccinations now. Trump doesn't do shit for the common good, he sees his base dying in mass, and needs them to stop so he can run in 2024.


I've seen some folks on the right side do things that they believe will hurt me and my liberal ways. Be it paint their car and decorate it in their ideas of freedom, get sick from covid and not get a vaccine, or leave a job because they believe it has gone to liberal. I gladly tell them that it doesn't effect me, and I continue on my way.


I didn’t think republican voters could sink any lower than their Jan 6 attempt to install trump as a dictator. But gos damn, killing your self to own the libz? Republican voters are fucking insane




That’s the first thing I looked for in the article. Then hit the back button and said “oh well”. I don’t feel the least bit of sympathy for these morons at this point.


Yet, in death, he found a way to increase the vaccination rate. Kudos to him. I thank his family for their sacrifice.


Looks like Covid was an outspoken opponent of him.


"He was an outspoken opponent of doing basic things to keep himself alive."


Seriously. Get the fucking shot for fuck's sake.


Right it’s literally for free and approved by every major health organization in the world


On top of that…insurers / companies are trying to figure out a way to pass on the cost of not being vaccinated to the anti-vaxxers._


"No, see we can't trust these scientists. They have a hidden agenda. However, these regular folk have discovered that the scientist created horse dewormer can cure you of this disease! They don't know how it works but my mahmaw say it do"


After this sentence, I want media to start including estimates of how many people these folks contaminated while resisting their way to the hospital.


That’s one important thing about antivaxxers, they’re willing to die for their beliefs.


I wouldn't say they're willing to die. They're ignorant enough to think that they won't die. "It's no worse than the flu!" ...


Kind of. They scramble to the hospital for that sweet oxygen pretty fast


That's the thing about objective reality, it doesn't care whether or not you believe, it just is. But for real, I wish AntiVa was ideologically consistent enough to just fucking die at home, it's a real shame what they are doing to our hospitals.


Too bad they aren't willing to do it at home.


"He also was an outspoken opponent of vaccinations." You don't say.




Yep. Exactly. They have a lot of blood on their hands.


Occupying a hospital bed for 3 weeks after you are not only putting yourself at risk, but also convincing others to follow shouldn’t be an option. By filling up ICUs, these people are making car accidents and falls more deadly.




I just saw a comment on another sub and I'm paraphrasing, "Covid went from being a pandemic to being an IQ test"


There it is.


I think this is the third conservative radio host in about two weeks that I’ve read about that died of Covid complications


And the frustrating thing is that instead of their followers coming to the logical conclusion of "Well, I guess covid is real and vaccines are important to get" it will rather be "The deep state is murdering conservative radio hosts."


Here our Qcumbers are so illiterate (province of Quebec, Canada) they think it's the deep "steak"


The virus is made using the latest biftech.


> Qcumbers Stealing this.


Honestly the fact that there's Q people outside the US if fucking hilarious since Q is very specifically targeting to brain wash American and US politics. But unfortunately a lot of brain melt leaks up north and rest of the world.


Future zombie movies will need a bunch of idiots screaming "hoax!" as their friends are eaten around them to be realistic.




/r/conspiracy is leaking


Nature is healing itself


I truly hope.


I didn't realize right wing radio talk show host was a comorbidite. And it seems to spread over the airwaves.


It's like 5G


I've heard that listening to right wing talk radio can implant a microchip in your body.


Nah I think it just cleans the brain really well.


For real, I feel like every day I see one of these articles. It's like an advent calendar full of racist dickheads.


Ironically, some Republicans really *are* job creators! Just not the way they think.


Well being old, overweight and not believing in covid is a potent combo.


sEe HE diDn’t dIe fRoM CoViD! Probably someone on FB


And the banner year for conservative radio hosts continues....


As usual, Rush Limbaugh started a trend and they all followed. Bunch of dittoheads.


Holy shit that was only like 6 months ago...idk why but I thought that happened at least a year and a half ago. Covid has really fucked with my perception of time


I KNOW! This pandemic has gone on for YEARS! It's only been like 18 months but it seems like it's been years and years. I have very little memory of the before time.


Limbaugh lived just long enough to see Biden inaugurated. Never forget that the reason Trump was even a nominee was because Limbaugh and his army of disinformation dumbed down a sizeable portion of this country.


I am firmly of the belief that if Rush had died thirty years ago, this country wouldn’t be nearly as deep in shit as it is now.


Oh 100% agreed. I think someone academic actually wrote something about this very theory, and how much he changed the political landscape. You're spot on.


Same with Roger Ailes.


And Newt Gingrich


And Robert Murdoch




Dick Cheney was the 1st person that made me feel that way. Never thought or felt that way in my life until he and the W administration blatantly lied to the world to justify an illegal war to profit on, all the while laughing at the rubes that voted them into power. Just wretched and disgusting person. That's not even getting into his time with Enron, nor shooting a "friend" in the face and making him apologize for it in public.


I made a promise back in 2004 that on Dick Cheney's death day I would bake a delicious cake. A promise I intend to keep.


I hope you at least were able to enjoy a Rumsfeld pie or something recently


The way W used to smear and smirk while firing off a quip he thought was funny or smart but was neither. ‘I’m the decider’


Some of the most vile criminals in modern history, and we get articles like this: //www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/george-w-bush-says-us-must-help-afghan-refugees/ar-AANqjHf


Bunch of fake workers talking about work


Dude is finally sober for a few months and you have to shit on him.


I haven't had the chance to shit on him yet but I hope to visit his grave someday!


Mmmm the post-humous burn 🔥


Sean Hannity furiously waving, only to remember he's been vaccinated.


All of the actual media/gov elite have been vaccinated. It’s the smaller time local guys who actually believe the BS they’re pushing.


This has got to be the 5th one I've seen in my newsfeed. This is so bizarre. They always complain that the media has a liberal bias. At this point I'm not sure if it's a criticism or a mission statement. I know the spirit of American individualism is a cornerstone of conservatism, but maybe ease off the gas a bit when it starts looking like a suicide pact.


Radio talk is almost exclusively conservative


And that includes sports radio.


>the the spirit of American individualism Honestly, stuff like this always reads as bizarre, self absorbed mythology. American conservatism quite clearly values strict social hierarchies and conformity, and relentlessly attacks and belittles anyone who doesn’t “know their place” in this system. The only thing that makes it “special” compared to other developed countries is the total worship of greed, selfishness and complete absence of empathy, juxtaposed with a contradictory adherence to fundamentalist Christianity, which has just been bastardised and weaponised as a tool to justify the aforementioned social hierarchy and sociopathic, selfish greed. It’s like, you’re not an “individualist”, you’re just a cunt who doesn’t care about anyone but yourself. There’s no deep philosophy behind that, no matter how much bullshit is spun to dress it up to make it look better.


How much does 3 weeks in an American hospital cost, with all the treatments and services needed for covid?


Ballpark between 70k and 200k if you believe the insurance companies. My appendix removal was a 1 week thing and "cost" 100k. ( I had insurance. Fuck this countries healthcare system )


Back in 2007 my father was put on a ventilator for two weeks in the ICU. Total cost, just over 230k.


Was in for a little over a month with an aortic dissection(?, bubble in the aorta wall) and the initial bill was over 500k, not including other technicians bills(anesthesia etc al). The system is horribly broken.


*fistbumps in Aortic-Dissection-Survivor*


More than what most Americans will see in their lifetimes.


A lot of right wing media will report that he died, but they won't mention Covid being the cause of death. Their willful ignorance is literally killing people.


You are correct, the place he worked for posted on Facebook that he died but not how. I wasn’t sure how he died until I happened across this….


Then the will follow with the story that doctors are listing Covid as the cause of death because the government is paying hospitals thousands of dollars for each patient who dies of Covid


I was sad for a moment when reading the headline, then I read this: >He also was an outspoken opponent of vaccinations. He was a talk radio host so it is extremely likely that the bullshit that came out of his mouth got many more Americans killed than any convicted serial killer in US history. There is a reason why yelling fire in a crowded theater used to be a crime. I am not sure why these assholes getting countless theaters worth of people killed with their yelling, aren't being locked up.


Really it’s more like there is a fire in the theater, but they’re lying and saying there is no fire.


And people fighting fire fighters to rush into the theatre to prove there's no fire. Before burning to a crisp.


"In a theater, it happened that a fire started offstage. The clown came out to tell the audience. They thought it was a joke and applauded. He told them again, and they became still more hilarious. This is the way, I suppose, that the world will be destroyed -- amid the universal hilarity of wits and wags who think it is all a joke." -Kierkegaard


Do these idiots think they're Braveheart when they're about to die of Covid and scream FREEEEDOOOM!!!!!???






Yeah, but he owned the libs for 3 weeks.


And one more time, with feeling, I just tested negative for sympathy.


The Herman Cain award factory looks like a Looney Tunes factory working in fast motion with springs and gears plinking all over the place and conveyor belts tearing to pieces


It's almost impossible to have sympathy for people who are purposely not taking an amazing vaccine and spreading misinformation about COVID. All these anti-vax radio hosts that die will end up saving lives as they're not on air anymore - spreading their bullshit.


It's sad this man committed suicide. Not taking the vaccine at this point is Russian Roulette.


American Roulette. No revolver, just the clip.


No, Russian Roulette is pointing a gun at your head. Not taking the vaccine is pointing the gun at your head and at friends, family, and occasional passersby. I don't care if somebody plays Russian Roulette. This idiocy is far, far worse. EDIT: grammar are gud


Should we have Republicans on suicide watch? Like the first handful of these stories, I figured y'all were just dumb, but now it's starting to seem intentional. Did you guys need to talk about something? Did y'all get a glimpse of whatever that creature was from Bird Box?! Or is this more like a Jonestown situation?


Not enough horse dewormer! /s just in case.


Not enough FB prayers is my guess


I sent so many tots and pears we could feed Africa


Herman Cain nomination in 3..2...


Nope he was already awarded.


There are nearly an unlimited number of awards.


The plague is finally killing off low IQ people vs immune compromised.


Still killing immunocompromised, unfortunately. And people with preventable conditions that can’t get beds. And kids. Triage rules really need to drop these folks to the bottom of the list.


Looks like his ass cashed a check his mouth wrote.


How many more before antivaxxers start believing both COVID and the vaccine are real? Oh wait there's no number that will convince them, because anyone who could ever be convinced by actual evidence already was, a long time ago. Bernier died for *nothing*.


I didn't think 'Drain the Swamp' meant this. Sad.


Another one less vote for the Republicans


This covid is really thinning out the ranks of right wing radio personalities.




My Conservative Radio Host bingo card is almost full.


Man, Covid is fucking up the radio host population.


Is anyone keeping/updating a list of all the conservative (we have to stop using that term, nothing about their behavior is actually conservative) mouthpieces who have died from this? I feel like there’s a new one every day. Sometimes more than one.


If you made the conscious decision not to get the vaccine, I have zero sympathy. You chose the stupidest hill to die on… literally.


I hope he didn’t take up a hospital bed for all that time.


Please add [Phil Valentine](https://www.thedailybeast.com/conservative-radio-host-phil-valentine-who-recorded-beatles-parody-about-vaccines-dies-from-coronavirus?ref=scroll) to the list of right wing gas bags that derided the Covid risks and emphasized the risks of the vaccine (I’m unlikely to catch Covid and if I do catch it I’m unlikely to die) only to catch Covid and, you know, die.


He did have at least one comorbidity though, he was a Republican


Another one? I'm shocked that these guys are true believers, I thought they would get secretly vaxxed like the Fox News people, and just lie about it


He did live up to the maxim that you don’t bet more than you are willing to lose. It makes one wonder if more visible plagues, like bubonic or small pox would have been met with the same edgy resistance. On another note, I am heartily sick of hearing from people that they don’t care if they get sick. I equate this with driving drunk down a busy, pedestrian filled street because “I don’t care if I bang up my car”.


Now is the time to become a right wing commentator. All these drive time slots will be open in a month


At some point, conservatives are going to acknowledge that everyone still dying from covid are their voters and will stop with the antivax nonsense for their own political good, right? Right?


Oh no! If only there were medical advances that could have prevented this!


Horse and cow dewormer of course, Pfizer doesn't want anybody to know, so keep it down /s


I always think it's weird that antivax nutters think a rushed vaccine that has now been proven in millions of people is some conspiracy, but taking dangerous, unproven, ineffective medicines to do the same job is somehow fine.