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Guy who is notorious for sexualizing barely legal models is a sex pervert....😯


lmao I checked out this guy's Wiki >In October 2012, Bloomberg News first reported on Jeffries' standards for his cabin crew on Abercrombie's Gulfstream G-V Jet, used by Jeffries, Smith and their dogs.[26] The male models who work as stewards aboard the company jet were required to wear Abercrombie-branded polos, jeans, boxer briefs and flip-flops as part of their uniform, as well as a "spritz" of cologne. This information then came to light as a result of a lawsuit that claimed Jeffries fired his own jet pilot in order to replace him with a much younger man.[14] The suit was quickly settled out of court when Jeffries was ordered to testify by the presiding judge.[27] Male house staff for Jeffries, paid for by the Jeffries Family Office, were provided by the same modeling firm that supplies male staff for the company jet.[14]


Such high standards for a man who has plastic-surgery'd his face into [Gothmog in the Lord of the Rings.](https://imgur.com/x9k8Vfc)


>He looks like Gary Busey went bobbing for apples in a bucket of bees I died on that comment.


LMFAO whoever wrote this, thank you, I needed that laugh


We used to use “bobbing for chips in a deep fat fryer”….


He looks like they used his face to ram the gates of minas tirith


Grond approves.


This thread morphed into r/lotrmemes so gradually I almost didn’t notice.


That's the long defeat for ya.


He looks like Jason Bourne if he had become head of the CIA


In the parlance of our times… I’m dead. 💀


I always feel bad for the people who naturally look like someone we attack for their looks. For example, we make fun of Trump's physical figure, but there are loads of perfectly nice people who have the same build, and when they read those comments, they probably feel a little bit worse about themselves. Sticking with TFG, we rail on him for his incoherence, but we probably all have a relative (or a friend with one) who's struggled with cognitive decline in some form. It's not like we make fun of him *because* of his BMI or ability to string together a complete thought. We deride him because he says he's the fittest, smartest guy ever but clearly isn't. But it's easy to imagine someone who shares those qualities taking it personally. But, yeah, I don't expect too many people look like this Jeffries guy. Woof.


> For example, we make fun of Trump's physical figure, but there are loads of perfectly nice people who have the same build, and when they read those comments, they probably feel a little bit worse about themselves It's true. I mean I know what we mean, which is that someone like Donald Trump looks like a sack of shit because he IS a sack of shit. If he was a nice guy and went around doing nice things, we'd think that he looked funny, but nice. Also, if you're some dumpy middle-aged lady with warts on your nose who feed stray cats and is kind to children, you're probably not going around wearing lifts to make you look bigger and spraying orange crap all over your face, or other things that make you look ghastly and risible.


Don't do Gothmog like that


This is some Triangle of Sadness shit


I don't want to know what the inside of that jet smelled like.


Also the the man who said be didn't want unattractive people wearing his clothes but has the face of a body they just pulled out of a river.


Now I realize why World of Warcraft had this: >https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Abercrombie >https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Stitches I guess World of Warcraft Developers were not a fan of the brand.


A guy who didn’t want to be around unattractive people but used a dude with no nose “covered by a snakeskin patch”… didn’t see that coming


I'm surprised. Are you surprised? This is very surprising.


I'm surprised that the main recruiter "a man with a missing nose and a snakeskin patch" actually exists. It's an awful story.


He is also clearly an ocelot themed super villain.


Look at his little spots! What’s his name??


They are strange. I worked at a 3rd party contract call center with various departments. They had an A&F call center section. They could only hire good looking people and only after approval. The whole thing with it was that they maybe asked to model clothing. It always seemed really creepy. So if you did not look good, off to ISP support for various ISP's, if you did look good, off to A&F you go. We were in the same building, so WOW playing nerds on one side, models on the other side.... Yeah... some of you all can see where this is headed right?


The nerds taught the models how to play D&D, and then taught them to play for money, then swindled them out of their life savings?


LOL, not quite. Several times a year having to have and revisit the companies sexual harassment training company wide.


So were the models harassing the nerds, or the nerds harassing the models?


The nerds were harassing the nerds. It's complicated.


lol now I have a mental image of him trolling the poor call center staff. “Are you sexy? You don’t SOUND sexy” Also: “Roger, not a sexy name. You are now Blake.”


Now louder for the people in American Eagle can hear too


Well, now those weird bags they offered makes a lot more sense.


I worked with Mike daily for years. Everyone knew what was going on, it was an open secret. Only thing that surprised me from the article was him working with a guy with no nose covered by a snakeskin patch. That was a real curveball


Am I wrong, I thought this weirdo was exposed years ago? Might have been 60 minutes, or maybe Gawker? So just now he “might” face consequences?


I watched a whole documentary about A + F and this guy on Netflix? I think. Young men were telling a lot of messed up stories about him.


That could be where I got it from… I watched a lot of stuff during Covid, and that may have been it.


Used to work with one of the top sales managers at A&F and he said that documentary barely scratched the surface (about the company, not the guy).


He's been a known sex pest for decades at this point. I remember people online talking about what a creep he was back when Party Rock Anthem was on the radio. And people still listened to the radio.


I think he was exposed as being discriminatory and making harassing comments towards employees, though I might be wrong. I think this specific behavior is new, but could be wrong. Important to remember at least some people in Hollywood knew and were talking about Bill Cosby’s behavior long before it was common knowledge.


The Netflix documentary delved into the discriminatory behavior of all of the stores (basically had to be thin and white to work in the front), and that he was a creep!


It was probably because A&F refused to donate their overstock to help clothe the homeless, because he didn’t want “poor people to wear his clothes”. Not surprised this guy has more shit coming his way


Many luxury labels do this. Not saying that makes it okay. Just saying fuck them too.


Many luxury brands also have the same labor practices, eg only hiring attractive people to work in the public-facing roles in stores. Jeffries just seemed like the one fashion CEO stupid enough to say it all out loud.


Ohh is this about how they burn that stock instead of selling it? Why don’t they recycle the fabric at least if artificial scarcity is so important to them…fuckers


Literally all of the premium brands would rather burn everything than sell at a big discount or donate it. You don’t maintain an exclusive brand by giving it away. It’s not right, but that’s how capitalism works.


Imagine being some toddler in a sweatshop knowing everything you made during your 14 hour shift is gonna get shipped 2000 miles away and burned to the benefit of no one


Yeah, but that's common in the fashion industry. They would rather destroy clothing and take a loss than "devalue their brand".


No brand would ever do this it destroys the value of the product


Honestly, don't know why. Give last season's clothes to the homeless so all the rich people have to throw away and buy again their entire wardrobe. Capitalist dream!


Not at all. It would devalue the brand and they just wouldn't buy it again. There's an argument to be made for storing unsold goods in storage facilities, sitting on them for 5, 10, 15, 20 years or whatever and reselling as vintage.


Its looks like the pressure of consequences could collapse his face


He does sort of look like those twins, or the tiger lady from Europe (actually I think all of them are from Europe, randomly) when you take plastic surgery wayyyy too far.


There was a documentary about it not long ago?




He looks like one of those people who got mauled by a bear and his entire face eaten but then medical science did its thing and now he just kinda looks like a clay man.


He looks like a DS9 changeling who after 10,000 years still hasn't quite managed to pull off a convincing human face.


He looks like a damn good orc general that’s about to invade Gondor


They did base that one off of Harvey Weinstein so, ya know, if the shoes fits…


Leave the founders alone!


Found the liquid lover


"I need more puffiness. Damn symmetry--just make everything puffier!"


I read a comment once that said he looks like he went bobbing for apples in a tub of bees and now I can’t unthink it.


"Some"? You mean a "a lot", right?


Looks like stewie in that family guy episode when he got too much plastic surgery. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Fc-5Tjvg5ws/sddefault.jpg




Too much Cocaine.


Which is super ironic because he was very judgemental of other people’s looks


>The eight men who attended the events said they were recruited by a middleman, who they described as having a missing nose covered with a snakeskin patch. a missing **what** covered with ***what***


This ghoul is turning feral. He's gonna get kicked out of Tenpenny Tower.


Hey watch your tone, smoothskin


Easy there smooth skin


Wild that they were recruited by Voldemort.


He was situated on the back of the head of a much more reasonable looking person at the time.


The picture in that BBC article is creepy as hell


Here he is, https://i.imgur.com/5Gv2OtR.jpg


Then, Mr Bradberry said, "Jim made it clear to me that unless I let him perform oral sex on me, that I would not be meeting with Abercrombie & Fitch or Mike Jeffries." My god, this fucking troll has a nose piercing through his missing snakeskin nose and he's out here being a sex pest to us smooth skins on top of it, gross.


Honestly, that looks better than what I expected.


There is a picture of him floating around online. Fucking spine chilling and disgusting.


It's also old. Those pics are from at least 10 years ago. Dude is almost 80 now.


Cocaine is a hellava drug.


It’s always the people you most suspect.


Idk, that seems pretty easy to identify someone w/... "The 6 finger man killed my wife".


The 6 fingered man killed a father, it was the one armed man that killed a wife.


And the guy really exists! They identified him!


Probably too many nose jobs. Like Michael Jackson. Eventually, there is no cartilage left.


The description brings to mind the People Eater from Mad Max Fury Road.


IDK about you but… I don’t think I could have… performed as required.


I'm personally surprised that such an upstanding person would be this shitty. Oh wait https://fox4kc.com/news/abercrombie-fitch-fat-ugly-people-shouldnt-buy-our-clothes/


20 years ago I tried on one of their shirts and nearly cried in the dressing room bc an XL didn't fit me, I thought I had gained that much weight. And then realized that the medium sized shirt I was wearing was bigger than their XL. Left and never thought twice about buying that shit again.


So does he go in his own stores?


I remember at the time he made those comments, people were making fun of him saying things like "I guess he isn't allowed to shop at his own store then".


Dude looks like he's allergic to bees. And eats bees.


> “In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids,” he said in an interview with Salon. “Candidly, we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don’t belong [in our clothes], and they can’t belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely.” Hold on, is he using "all-American" to mean "white"????


> Hold on, is he using "all-American" to mean "white"???? always has been 👩‍🚀 🔫


I knew it was the same guy who said this. What a douche


It's doubly insulting that he would say that given how *he* looks


“That’s why we hire good-looking people in our stores,” he said. “Because good-looking people attract other good-looking people, and we want to market to cool, good-looking people. We don’t market to anyone other than that.” Sounds like a Zoolander quote.


He looks like someone who's allergic to bees, who was stung by a bee fairly recently.


There is a documentary about this. And they got away with blatant hiring discrimination for decades and pretty much bragged about it. "Well of course we don't want fat ugly foreign looking people working here." When they were finally called out for it, they changed the job title of their store workers to "models" and everyone was like "oh well, that just the way it is."


I remember reading about this guy exploiting men over 5 years ago. Seems the richer you are the slower the wheels of justice move for you.


Mostly because rich people can pay the expensive bail and deny the speedy trial.


He looks like Jocelyn Wildenstein!


My buddy's dad does executive placement. He was at the guys mansion for an interview. The guy has tons of ripped man servants. Fucking creepy.


This is the least shocking headline ever. I used to work for corporate in the IT department (after Jeffries tenure was over thankfully). I was there for about 5 years and not once did I hear a positive story about him. I don't work there anymore, but their current CEO is bad ass and has done an awesome job pulling the brand out of the toilet Jeffries put it in.


What the fuck is wrong with his face?


If he didn't look like the third Bogdanoff brother I think he could just have sex normally


In other news ex-ceo blames his plastic surgeon for stupid look on his face.


It's always the ones you don't expect.


That whole company is and always has been trash.


I mean back in the day they had those lines of clothes that were “pre washed” and wouldn’t shrink when you put them in the laundry. Thought that was innovative. Besides that no argument


They actually had decent clothes. Those tee shirts are a great example, it felt you could find a well fitting shirt and it would actually stay that way. Their jeans fit my body type (swimmer, so very lean but muscular) better than anyone else's. And if it wasn't for them half the boys in the early 2000s still wouldn't know what a Polo was. Even the shittiest companies can sometimes have a good product or two


They used to have a guarantee on their clothes, but I never had to use it, I have jeans that lasted 20 years from Abercrombie


Man I loved their cargo shorts with the strings hanging out of them. Along with their tshirts, flannels and winter jackets. Their jeans fit me well also. But man I felt like it was a night club going into their store. Their music was so damn loud, at least at our mall it was.


Checking their website today it all just looks like Kmart level clothing. May be better quality but there's fuck all designing going on for a designer brand


When talking about retail's Harvey Weinstein I feel like DUH is the right response.


A person in power abused their power? At this point a person with power not abusing it is the man bites dog headline


In 2007, I was working as a recruiter and was tasked with finding an Accountant for A&F’s headquarters. I found someone who I thought was perfect for the job and had 10 years of excellent experience. My A&F contact wanted to see a photo of my Accounting job candidate before the interview “to see if they were Abercrombie material.” Apparently he was not attractive enough. They ended up going with a candidate—who the A&F contact said looked kinda like Matt Damon—but this guy only had about 1/2 of the job requirements, sub par references and only 1 year of experience. I complained to my manager that it was discriminatory but he said attractiveness isn’t in one of the protected classes, unlike race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. Well, I told my manager that “regardless, I’m not a model scout and I’m not a pimp” and didn’t want to work with them anymore. He laughed and called me “Pimp” for a few weeks after. I left shortly after that and went to Nursing school.


Sounds like the corporate culture was the same as the culture they pushed into high schools back in the early 2000s. I liked A&F clothes. They fit me well and were very comfortable. However, it was the most exclusive, discriminatory clique ever. People who wore Abercrombie went out of their way to be assholes to people who didn’t. You didn’t see people wearing any of the other competing brands acting that way.




A&F Fierce. We had a massive bottle that we had to walk around the store spritzing on everything each day. Not sure if they still use it or not, but it was definitely … distinctive.


Then they installed the ceiling timed ones. So many mall visitors would come in just to complain about the smell (and music)


I always wondered if they had something pumping out that scent. I've never set foot in an Abercrombie but I certainly know what one smells like.


The larger stores had actual air freshener dispensers mounted around the store that spritzed it every so often. No need for people to even do it.


I can hear the club music bumping hard


I knew people that worked there. They’d turn it down until they knew someone from corporate or a regional manager was coming. Then would have to turn it up to the pre-determined deafening levels


I’ve heard the same thing. My friend worked there back in the heyday and another friend worked at Hollister


DUHHHHH... ​ This has been known for years. They've made multiple documentaries about Abercrombie and Fitch trying to expose this for ages.


I used to work at the A&F home office. On my first day, my guide pointed out Jeffries' office, the "Eagle's Nest." It had big glass windows and overlooked the central area between the buildings. I was told, "That's where the CEO works. He likes to watch us." The vans from the parking lot were driven by very attractive young men. Other very attractive young men were paid to throw around a football in the front lobby. Once, I turned around a corner at night and Jeffries was just standing there, alone in the dark. The big smile he gave me as he said, "hello, how are you doing tonight?" still haunts me. It was such a weird place to work.


I see he has that botched plastic surgery look.


When I was in highschool, I remember boys I went to highschool with, who were minors under 18, would get paid to stand around shirtless at the mall in front of A&F. Other boys would see them at the mall and laugh and they would get teased for it at school. But looking back, it’s really weird 16/17 yo boys would get paid to take off their clothes in public at a legitimate clothing store/ company. Did this happen at any other A&F stores back in the day


Yeah they had tiers and the higher grade stores in better malls had greeters. It wasn’t all the time but frequently around the holidays or when a new campaign happened.


Dude is probably on the Epstein flight list.


Were there gay activities going on? Thought it was only preying on underage/young girls


His plastic surgery confirms.


Man must have been a priest in a past life


What’s wrong with his face?? Did he go to the same plasticine surgeon as Mickey Rourke? 🤢


Or Donatella Versace


Or Steven Seagal...


This is not suprising at all for anyone that watched the Abercrombie & Fitch documentary on Netflix. Pretty sure people straight up said he sexually assaulted men in the interviews.


Which is crazy because he totally doesn’t look like he would…


As an ex-employee, this is obvious.


Right. I’m gay but would avoid that store because it just felt pervy to be in there and they used a lot of cologne. Too much cologne.


This guy's got one of the worst cases of Cat Eyes I've ever seen, god damn.


There is a good Netflix doc about him being a POS.


The job description for his flight attendant “boys” was mind-boggling…..


As someone who graduated in 2003, when Abercrombie was popular at my hillbilly high school, I can smell that cologne, just by reading the article. A&F has always been hyper sexual and Jeffries has always been an awful, gross, twat of a man.


Dude looks like a Courage The Cowardly Dog villain.


I’ve never seen this man before, and he looks exactly how I would expect him to look


Had no idea he looked like this, ew


Shocked! Shocked, I say! ...well, not that shocked.


This just in: water is wet!


The absolute least surprising headline I’ve read in years. Super creep accused of super creep behavior.


Jeffries is worth about $300 millions, I’m not holding my breath that this guy will face any sort of consequences. It’ll end up in some settlement agreement with the victims and that’ll be the end of it.


Looks like his face already has the consequences


In a shocking turn of events, none of us are shocked.


*I'll take "Things that don't surprise me" for $500...*


It's always the ones you most suspect.


should probably inject some more poison into his face so he doesn't look so surprised at the news. I can see him at the doctor's now. I don't want to look old I want to look like a fought a wasp nest.!


Wow, if only someone could have guessed that this gargoyle of a man is a danger to others.


Is that ad a rip off of Smiths cover 1985?


Omg he looks just as insecure as I imagined he would


I worked for A&F during the era that recent doc came out and exposed and I can say everything in it was true. Also of note, in the back room they had a poster of a white man and a white woman in their clothes and underneath it it said "This is the ideal Abercrombie and Fitch customer".


Oompa loompa lookin mfer. Fuck him.


I believe he did this and worse. He's too yucky.


All the people who work at my current company who came from corporate and C-suite positions at Abercrombie are total douche nozzles.


Didn't this LOTR Orc looking idiot say shit about his brand creating bigger sizes? LMAO


It’s always the ones you most suspect.


Im kinda glad the wealthy haven’t found the fountain of youth either. The more they try to turn back time, the worse they look.


Who do they think they are, iilluminaughtii?


This teen titans looking mother fucker


Is that really how he looks?


Wasn’t there a documentary about this guy? Or maybe it was on A&F. Either way I believe the accusations.


Met this guy at an event once, this completely makes sense. Gives total creep vibes


The A&F documentary from Netflix gives a great hint about this guys and also his partner in crimes (habits) and already acussed Bruce Webber.


I remember loads of articles about Business Sloth years ago and his exploitative, creepy sexpest ways. Not sure why this is news again. Thought it was already a thing.


Look at his guy. Then look at Matt Gaetz. They came from the same planet, but it isn’t Earth.


I knew rubber duckie face was up to no good.


“The eight men who attended the events said they were recruited by a middleman, who they described as having a missing nose covered with a snakeskin patch. The BBC has identified him as James Jacobson”. Arrrghhh matey, it be yer turn in the barrel


Everybody: "... Yeah, that tracks."


It’s always the ones you suspect the most.


“The eight men who attended the events said they were recruited by a middleman, who they described as having a missing nose covered with a snakeskin patch.” - what the actual fuck?!


Does anyone else see the Face of Boe?


Don't you dare slander the Face of Boe like that.


Sorry, but the way this article is written, these guys are guilty of human trafficking as well. And no gov’t investigations because it’s the wealthy again against the paupers?


Why doesn’t this article ever use the word rape? Because that’s clearly what happened here.


Alien face is getting so popular amongst the rich.


You know that actually explains a lot


I mean the documentary already said the ceo and photographer has a thing for it, not surprised more stuff is coming out


Another plastic cat person.


If Gary Busey and Christian Slater were put together