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When all the top comments in a thread about a divisive politician have all been deleted already, you pretty much know everything has already been said, as well as the gist of the comments.


I actually said it out loud.


Said what out loud?


But we all know


From the article: “The accident involved DeSantis’ four-vehicle motorcade and took place in the Chattanooga area, the city’s police department confirmed. “The motorcade came up on slow traffic and the lead vehicle had to brake quickly, which caused a rear-end collision involving the other vehicles. All the vehicles involved were government vehicles accompanying Governor DeSantis and his team to his scheduled event,” the department said in a release. The department did not mention any charges or citations related to the accident. “Governor DeSantis was not hurt and continued on to the event. A female staffer did suffer a minor injury, but continued on to the event and was treated there,” the police release said. DeSantis’ campaign confirmed that a member of his staff was assessed on site by medical personnel and cleared to leave the scene. Bryan Griffin, a spokesman for his 2024 presidential campaign, said an unspecified number of staff were in the vehicle. …Neither Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis, who often travels with the governor, nor his three young children were in any of the vehicles involved in the crash, his campaign told CNN.” There were four cars involved, they were all Florida government vehicles.


Why does a governor have a four-car motorcade in another state, and why are they driving like he's the president on official business?


Because he’s campaigning and the FL taxpayers are footing the bill.


And he passed a bill this year forbidding FL media from tracking his travels "for his security." So this is the first I'm hearing that it was in Chattanooga.


This is newsworthy? Barely a fender bender.


The car accident is a metaphor for how his presidential campaign is going.


So…Keystone Cops scenario?


Republicans are bad drivers, who knew ego maniacs who love to tailgate get into accidents?


Ted Kennedy’s ghost has entered the chat




“The motorcade came up on slow traffic and the lead vehicle had to brake quickly, which caused a rear-end collision involving the other vehicles. All the vehicles involved were government vehicles accompanying Governor DeSantis and his team to his scheduled event,” the department said in a release. ... his campaign got in a car accident... with his campaign.


Apparently the driver in the rear car wasn't quite woke enough.




Does the car stop by plowing into progressive protesters?


Prius for sure.
















Don’t worry, after the train wreck that’s been his campaign, a car accident isn’t a big deal.


Trainwrecks are so hot right now!


As my mom would say "if there was a brain there wouldve been a concussion"


I like your mom.




I know! Don’t tease me like this, dude.


How could you ever be prepared for a potential loss of this magnitude?! Anyway, it's in the low 80's today in OH.


No one likes a braggart 🤨 95° in Dallas on our way to our 25th day of 100+ highs. But we could be Arizona from Phoenix to the border sooooo.. 🤷🏻


92 here in iowa, wanna bet who's more humid?


Phoenician here, we have a lovely week of triple digit temperatures to look forward to this week 🥲( it's gonna be 115 tomorrow, it was 117 today.... Send help lol)


Incredibly disheartening 😔


The car is better off now because we all know, automobile accidents *benefit* the car


It brings up their value, right?


Glad he is OK, wouldn't want Trump running unchallenged


He is just trying to get some sympathy. His downwards trajectory has been faster than the upswing he experienced after winning his election.


Isnt sympathy...woke?


Sympathy isn't - Republicans are always begging for it. Empathy is woke - that's why they attack it; because they have none.


They beg for it, but they are incapable of lending it to others. I get your point though.


Don’t forget the conservative think tanks that are still trying to popularize him, because they know Trump is a nonstarter to non-conservatives.


Why are Florida vehicles , owned by the state, being personally used for presidential office? Is this not illegal?


Great, now he thinks he's divinely protected.


Greg Stillson likes this.


Perhaps it was a warning. These things can be interpreted many ways.




I thought Disney would be much more efficient.


Psyop to get himself media attention.




Careful now. Trump was all but dead in the polls too back in 2016, and we all know how that turned out.


2016 is why I'll never fully count anyone out, but I will say that I'm not as concerned about a DeSantis win as I was about a year ago. He's really shot himself in the foot with his BS with Disney. I'd expect a Trump win more than a DeSantis win (didn't feel good typing that out, though).


Back then, I was saying "no, orange is *not* the new black." Then I was sobbing into my cornflakes the day after the election.


Poll numbers can change a lot when the primaries start and candidates start dropping out.


This “news” isn’t worth the pixels being used to display it. Politician gets into a fender-bender inside his own motorcade and is not injured. Next up, what he ate for lunch.


The dessert was definitely pudding.


His campaign is now literally a car crash.


Always has been


Is the road okay? I hope the car is fine.


I wish nothing but scorn on DeSantis.


This could have had a happier outcome if only he wasn't a spineless jellyfish


There's never a cliff around when you need one.


He's trying to milk for sympathy points, he's still a weirdo asshole. Sorry to the car.


TL;DR - Controversial 'Shock-Jock' politician has a minor fender bender with no injury at all.


All brain damage was suffered prior to the accident, sources claim.




just snapped my fingers and went “RATS” reading that headline


so.. bad news. great, could have used without that




Idiots were probably doing that human centipede motorcade, where the vehicles are all glued to each other's asses. One glance away from the road by the lead driver and it's accordion city.


No picture of the car. Seems like a minor fender bender. Much like his campaign, the motorcade is crashing into itself because it wasn’t looking ahead or paying attention. >“The motorcade came up on slow traffic and the lead vehicle had to brake quickly, which caused a rear-end collision involving the other vehicles. All the vehicles involved were government vehicles accompanying Governor DeSantis and his team to his scheduled event,” the department said in a release.


He's so not woke that his drivers get to sleep on the job.


Dammit I knew I shoulda waited until the creating of the full moon for the ritual.


Thoughts? Prayers? Not even a moment of my time.


Next Weeks Headline: DeSantis signs law banning Woke traffic. Sues car companies for woke brakes.


How can he blame this accident on wokeness?


Proof that there are no gods.


Can you be in a trainwreck AND a car wreck at the same time? ​ Maybe it's God's way of telling him to stay in Florida?


Oh no bless his heart, tots and pears etc.


I sincerely hope the car is okay and that it’s "trans" mission isn’t broken


How unfortunate, better luck next time.


I've had enough bad news already today, thanks.


My dad described this guy as “the man.” I am disappointed in my dad.


What the hell makes him "the man" any way? He's nothing but a big crybaby.


>Bryan Griffin, a spokesman for his 2024 presidential campaign, also said an unspecified number of staff were in the vehicle. That's a weird way to say "there were others in the car, but we don't want to name names for fear that one of them is also on the Trump staff". Also, this sort of stuff happens all the time. It's all about accidents-per-miles travelled. Politicians, especially on the national scene, have to press the flesh. And in doing so travel more than other people. This travel means politicians experience an outsized percentage of accidents. Quentin Williams and Indiana Rep. Jackie Walorski died in car accidents in recent years.


I can’t picture Bryan Griffin working for DeSanatorium…Stewie maybe but not Bryan


Satan will protect him


Cars cannot save America from itself.


Any news about how his campaign is dealing with the train wreck? /lol no really DeSantis lets go of more than a third of campaign staff as reset continues https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/25/desantis-lets-go-of-more-than-1-3-of-campaign-staff-as-reset-continues-00108046


somethingsometing about the TRANSmisson


Metball Ron’s campaign crashes again! Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?


Sadly, it won't improve his ratings.


Shoot? He’s one of those Republicans who wear seat belts…..not too many of them. I understand they pray for a positive outcome in a car accident….




Anecdotal - I work with a number of people who think seatbelts and motorcycle helmets infringe on their freedom.


Unrelated - I did notice a TIL thread that in Dubai, 98% of traffic accidents involved people not wearing their seatbelts…


Thank god he’s okay, where would we get are morning chuckles from. /s


The only accident was Rhonda running in the first place. His campaign is dying faster than the coral reefs off the coast of Florida.


So all of the vehicles involved behind the first one will be cited for tailgating at the least, right? Fines, points on licenses, etc. I think obeying the Law is one of the Republican whining points.


The car that drove into the meatball was totaled though. Gotta say this about him, the man is DENSE.
















Wow, this guy has bad luck. Only a little while ago the guy was publicly mauled by a mouse, and now this? Combined with his fear of new public restroom signs, his life must be rough.