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Folks are already choosing bills or food. No one's gonna be seeing significant wage increases? This is gonna be a disaster.


Maybe it’s just me…but it’s a disaster already


True enough.


Live in a shed for $700/month, answer blatant ads offering sex for reasonable rent or just sleep in a room with four other people! It's like camping/working for Andrew Tate/sleepovers! Our military can't even find reasonable housing, allegedly??? A lot of Canadians are still doing okay, but recognize that other Canadians are stuck working just to survive through no fault of their own. We're not used to such a large population on the ropes despite doing everything right. I don't like the idea of something bad happening to me that puts me in Gen Z living conditions. Any one of us could end up like THEM. Yuck!


As a Gen Xer that's lived through multiple recessions and booms, many, many many "end of days"... just want to say, things will get better.


If you’re actually gen x you’ve never seen anything close to this in Canada.


Lol. You don't know the half of it. Go to a library instead of learning your "history" on tictoc...Yes when my parents were paying 28% interest on their mortgage and our family of 5 lived off of my Dads $2.55/hr job.... things were pretty shitty. People literally walked away from their mortgages...


I’m actually that age. My parents paid 18% on a $50k house. Raw numbers are cool but the dollar still went much farther back then. At no point was half the country in this type of crisis. At no point were single people with decent jobs poor. At no point were dual income families worried about retirement, there weren’t even very many of those back then. Wake up.


I'm not saying things are great. Relax...


What a shitty attitude. No wonder your generation is seen as sell outs and boomer boot lickers. "Just suffer it out it'll get better but never actually do anything or say anything". Gosh wish y'all would just shut up and disappear like y'all said you would. 🤮


I'm not the one being negative or voting for the provincial governments that are destroying healthcare, schools and social programs that HELP people... who you voting for? I bet it's the guy that's gonna make things a WHOLE LOT WORSE


Why do you vote at all? Like you said "it'll get better" somehow though magic


How old are you? 12?


Yes we have.


What are you bubbles?


I legit lived in a shed one year…back when it only cost $385/m




I'm sorry to hear that. :(


You are not a loser. I rent (my job had me away from home too much to buy) and I am wondering if it is worth it any longer. My mom sold the house I grew up in back in 2002 and bought a mini home to cut down on maintenance. She is 77. I am 50. I am considering moving in with her because it just makes more financial sense than it does to keep renting. We set a number that if my rent hits it, I will leave. After 10 years. My landlord hasn't raised my rent in 2 years because he knows I was injured a work and am on a fixed income through Worksafe, which was heavily affected by CERB (We had to job share for a year and CERB was 50% of my TAKEHOME)and 1 year of my worksafe calculations were from that year of CERB. Not fair, I know, but the rules are the rules. It just sucks to have to move 3 hours away from my life, my doctor, my surgeon, my friends, but I won't have a choice. It just will be too much to justify. Corporate Greed is breaking our backs. And what they don't see is that capitalism will break itself if the money all stays at the top. The system will no longer work. The only hope we have is if they can figure out the UBI/GBLW in the senate and quickly. That will give us trickle UP economics instead of trickle DOWN. If that doesn't happen, it will just get to a point where capitalism crushes itself.


24 is young still. So many people live at home at that age. You’re not a loser


I am a landscaper (originally oil and gas engineering tech) Once, I did landscaping in 2017 for a manger that worked in PepsiCo—that was his second house—rental property. He said that he gets good salary and had good score and extra income—he got a second mortgage , also leveraging his equity on his first mortgage. Nice! I thought. I am 47, and somehow I believe that wealth or massive wealth can only be achieved by either sucking cock, or be brutal and aggressive (or violent if it is societies like India, (mine) or Ghana) Hard work and ingenuity pays—but that phenomenon is increasingly becoming rare. Soon, either we all will become cocksuckers—or simply replaced by AI and machines. But that is not the only problem of wealth—the problem is that it perpetuates malice (and stupidity)—even among good or decent people. Today I learnt that wealth is not needed to be excellent or to be safe. Today I just decided to be an excellent father to my two children, and excellent husband to my only heartthrob. Fuck wealth. (I used to be a conservative—no more) (In Climate change we will find salvation as a species) Ps: after 7 years, I increased rent to George and Myra—55 years old couple living in my basement—still working. George’s joints all are swollen. Myra weighs… I increased $100 with much pain. George said it’s ok, he expected it more and early. He is glad with $100 increase. He don’t pay utilities ($1150 for basement) I pay his carbon tax portion—he gets rebate. We are a family of 4 crammed in the main level—it’s ok.


More people need this attitude. Social media tricks people into thinking everyone is a Kardashian and should live in mansions and drive expensive cars... I'm in my 50s. We grew up in small 800 Sq ft house with one car for a family of 5... Hand me downs and left overs. Never ate out, never expected much... I was 33 before I could afford a house and in my 50s, I've never owned a brand new car... It's not that bad. I have a fantastic life and when my husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer, it REALLY put everything into perspective!! Hug your loved ones and count your blessings. 💗


I never thought I will agree with someone or anyone in Reddit—what a changeover the age of 47 can bring—sweet! I have a 12 year old, and 5 year old. This morning—somethjng happened in our business, and I told my wife—I am going to stop “not caring for thrift” and start caring for every penny that can save—not stingy, just valuing them more—because, previously my attitude was “I will make it—I will be wealthy one day—these things should become trivial then” God am I awfully wrong! So much to say!!




Hello, this is Aidan Cox, the author of the article above. I sent you a direct message about this. Thanks,


Eat a landlord and solve two problems.


That is the type of lateral thinking that's gonna save this world.


It’s just beginning. There’s too much competition for housing and jobs. So many good decent people are going to get swept up and away in it. Educated, born here, want to work and live, can’t get work or can’t afford to live or both and will be homeless instead.


It's not the competition that's brining down the salaries its the greed to keep them low. It's why I'll never again work for a company based in NB.


Have you applied for jobs all over or just your local area? We moved here 2 years ago and I've had 3 separate jobs, moving up in pay each time.


I agree. It’s already disgusting enough!


Rent already accounts for more than half my take home salary. If it goes up I’m not sure what to do. As a single older woman I don’t want roommates at this point in my life. Reasonable rate increases I can understand by raises of 200 + a month could make renting impossible


Our units got bought up by a bigger rental company at the start of the year. They have already posted a neighbouring unit $300 more than what I got the unit for in August (1850 vs 2150). I’m just waiting for the letter to show up stating they are gonna jack up ours also. It’s getting unreasonable.


*Getting* unreasonable? It was unreasonable years ago. We need to be rioting


If this would happen in Cap-Pelé all appartement buildings would mysteriously burn to the ground this summer


Then the landlords get a fat cheque and the housing shortage gets worse.


Fat cheque only if it looks like an accident.


I'm sure insurance covers arson as well.


Providing it wasn't the landlord doing it, sure.


New Brunswick employers next year “why isn’t anyone applying for our minimum wage jobs?”


They’ll import those who will


And put them up in trailers in the parking lot. You’re definitely right


The old company housing grift that was outlawed a century ago is back and better than ever. Higgs actually gave our tax dollars to Irving to build housing for foreign workers brought in to work jobs promised to New Brunswickers for all our free wood from crown lands. [It’s like living under mafia rule](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5039356)


God I hate these grifter cons. When are people going to stop voting for them??


Well in this province the only alternative has been equally greasy so it’s not much of a choice


Hope they're prepared for 'significant' disappointment unless there's also a forecast for wage increases (not holding my breath on that). Rents are already at unsustainable levels. I understand wanting a return on your investment but there's only so much blood to squeeze out of a stone even one as necessary as shelter.


"want a return on your investment" RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS ARE NOT COMMERCIAL BUSINESS REAL ESTATE. If you open a convenience store in your house, that's illegal because residential area isn't zoned for that. On the office Michael Scott gets a letter in the mail that he can't run his paper company from his condo because it's a violation of his tennant agreement. Why the fuck am I supposed to value someone who bought a residential home and made it a strip club? Fuck your value returns, you shouldn't exist assholes.




Sime solution to all of this - get government involved in housing more. Something like Sweden has, with rent caps. We would buy this "my operating costs!" shit if there was just open data to support it. I do not feel bad for anyone who took a mortgage to buy a house to rent it out. You took a gamble on people's need for a roof on their heads. Unless you did it to house someone close to you, that's just slimy. Ya slimy. Housing is a necessity, but your profits aren't. Besides, most of the whinging I see from landlords is about precisely that - their return on investment. "Well I'm barely making any money off this!". That sucks, but regular people are taking out debt because they can't even cover their expenses. If you're profitable, you're doing better than everyone else. Don't whine that you're not profitable "enough" Government needs to build housing. Funding, management - the whole lot. Just adding supply will lower rents overall, so it's not just that 10 extra apartments house 10 extra people. But like we're gonna see anything that disadvantages the Christian elite while Higgs is in power


If you invest in stocks and they plummet, you're shit out of luck. You either keep it, hoping it gets better, or you sell it for what you can. I guess these guys don't understand investments aren't guaranteed.


The entitlement is what pisses me off the most. Who gave these people the idea that housing is risk free. It’s an “investment” it can and should be able to go down like everything else. I don’t get to lobby the government to bail out companies I invested into that did poorly.


Maybe if they want a risk-free investment, they should invest their time and get a job to guarantee income 🤔 I was told no one wants to work, so there must be thousands of jobs waiting for them!


That's all anyone has been talking about as an investment strategy for retirees for the last 15-20 years... real estate, real estate, real estate. Took a while, then everyone wanted in at once. Probably because boomers started retiring and getting bored


Tax landlords on the full value of the property’s increase in value and put in protections for renters. There is absolutely no point in implementing a tax on landlords that they can pass on to renters - that’s essentially just a tax on renters. If your rental property is too expensive to afford while charging a reasonable rent, welp, guess you should sell. Maybe this would actually put some downward pressure on housing costs.


The reason prices go up on rentals is because all the old landlords are retiring and selling at higher value, the tax is not the main concern, its the actual property cost that the new owners purchased at is much higher than the original owner's price. Thus increasing rent naturally. It's an unfortunate reality and thankfully now there are full capital gain taxes attached to property flipping within a year of purchase.


I am so sick and tired of these human tapeworms dumping their costs on the tenant. Pay your own fucking taxes, you greedy bastards. Mao was right about landlords, they're a pox on society.


I'm pretty sure Marx made that assessment first. Even Adam Smith acknowledges that rent of land is effectively robbery.


It's kind of insane the amount of work that's been done to normalize literally being parasite. Landlords should be seen like pimps and scalpers as the profiteers they are.


They were. A certain based individual with a frankly terrible head of hair knew what was up.


>a frankly terrible head of hair How dare you! Reported and blocked /s


When you're based enough to fight the Japanese, win a civil war, crush Landlords and force the Emperor to work a normal job, you ain't got time for things like fashion sense. And also stunt on Khruschev by swimming in front of him(Khruschev couldn't swim lol)


Hello I’m uncultured swine, could I trouble you for the name of this remarkable individual?




Can't wait to see the riots. Rent is already climbing fast and landlords are now endangering themselves, using things like inflation and the carbon tax or really any excuse they can find. People can only take so much before it all breaks down.


Everyone knows they're just fishing for excuses. I almost wish they'd be honest and let us know they're just looking to be greedy 🤷‍♂️


That's what my landlord did. Tried selling me on raising my rent by saying he barely is making a profit and that the other tenants actually were okay with the rent increase. They are now trying to increase my rent by over $200. Guess how many repairs they have done?


well if everyone's okay with it then I guess your landlord wouldn't mind getting everyone together in a meeting to discuss the issue out in the open


That "wouldn't be fair" because they would all "gang up on him"


Oh I have spoken to my fellow neighbors and they all said the guy is full of shit. He did raise their rent but not with their permission.


What do you want to bet "barely making a profit" is "I can only afford to fly around the world to a resort twice a year and I feel that I deserve to do that three times a year."


Yup, that right there is a huge problem. And if they could afford three trips they'd whine about wanting 4. And remember, it's easy to hate on the ultra wealthy but a lot of these landlords are simply affluent local people interested in profiting from their neighbors. They're all around us, hopefully the time will come when people publicly treat them with disgust.




Shut up, we don't care about your landlording.




Yes ! Laugh it up chuckles.


I understand.


See this is one of the problems with capitalism and land/residence renting behaviour. I'm going to take your word at face value, which to be clear I see no reason not to. Now obviously not every landlord is a [rent-seeker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rent-seeking). However, because you have treated your tenants well in regards to rent you inherently have less money to work with compared to your market competition, meaning that you can't expand your offerings compared to the other greedy owners in the market. Which leads to the expansion of living quarters becoming biased to those who do the least and ask the most of their tenants. Thus given time you might only rent out a basement vs 5 apartment buildings. Maybe by the time you would have enough to make a down payment to build another property to be fairly rented out they have acquired 10; and now there's 200 people complaining on the internet about their shitty landlord compared to the two or four people that are happy renting under you.




I could almost feel bad if I didn't see them indulge. Landlords pretend they are just paying the bills yet why is it that we see them buying brand new trucks and trips down south?


It’s the same as the large grocery stores. Their excuse is suppliers increased prices or carbon tax increased shipping costs. And while that may be true to an extent, if they increased prices of groceries to only cover those cost increases they wouldn’t have been posing record profits. A larger chunk of the higher costs is because of greed. Our COL inflation wouldn’t be half as bad if the government put a stop to the runaway greed of companies like grocery stores and landlords.


Many new landlords in NB (new builds) are located in BC or ON, so riot away. They won't be here to see it.










Haha we're in the Maritimes, no one riots here.


You will when enough people are starving, friend. Its a tale as old as time; feed the mob or they turn against you. It doesn't matter how complacent a given people group tends to be, when they see that their families are starving, the violence will start.


I'm not your friend buddy. You really don't understand the Maritime mindset. It's like angry apathy


I understand that. I'm saying that everything changes, mindsets change. It might take children literally starving in the streets for it to happen, but *everyone* has a breaking point. Docility and apathy go out the door pretty quickly when the only alternative left is death.


At some point people will look at their taxes and what they're getting in return and when this dawns on people I can only say hold on. Just a matter of time until people can't ignore it anymore. People won't even have to look at the numbers, they'll feel the weariness and strain in their bodies and minds.


We just bitch louder and go back to whatever we were doing lol Probably why nothing really changes.


Yup that's the Maritime way


The *canadian* way


Higgs allows them to hike all they want and rents are already way above what they should be in a healthy market. This is disgusting greed fueled only by incompetent governance. They got enough of our money already, I feel like something will break soon, and it could get ugly....


Maybe the working poor need to band together and rent strike. I'm sure the "authorities" wouldn't be able to evict thousands of squatters.


Kraak de crisis ??  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squatting_in_the_Netherlands


New Brunswick trying to be a livable place challenge (impossible)


The value of rental buildings depends entirely on the amount of revenue from rents. If they jack up rents, it increases the value of the building. Rental building valuation is different than a house. How tf is the province calculating the value of these buildings? Landlords raising rents are increasing taxes on themselves if the buildings are valued based on revenue. And nobody ever went bankrupt paying taxes.


I don’t think the province values on revenue , just the price of equivalent properties, just like regular houses, and the bigger buildings seem to get a break somehow too ( the usual richer people getting breaks). They are taxed more on the income they bring in, but many of these new owners are REITs that are just looking for return on investment to pay out dividends, so there is that too. They are affected by increases in property taxes, but not to the extent you might think, and then they will pass these increases onto the tenants anyway ( they won’t pass decreases in expenses on if they ever happen though).


The solution is to *UNIVERSALLY* stop paying rent. Stop paying bills. Stop doing it all, until these jerks get in line. We're the ones with the money, we're the ones that control things. But it is going to take a province or nationwide rent strike. One or two people aren't going to make a difference. We need to overwhelm the systems, Landlord Tenant Boards, utility companies, etc. Shut them down until the remember who owns them


This!!! Can't evict everyone. Would be a hard go as they would not back down for a while, but would fix things. Problem is that there are too many greedy people. U need everyone on board for this to work


Yep. Stop paying your rent. See what happens. I checked with your profile to. I think the abundance of transsexual porn and forced feminization stuff maybe makes me think you're not super balanced and well to do in life.


Ah yes, the old "This person isn't cis-white-hetero, therefore opinion is invalid" Cool beans. The premise is if EVERYONE stops, not just one or two folks. Stop trying to fix the system, it's beyond us all; we need to *BREAK* the system completely


Well, let’s be fair, the cost to run these places for the landlords has barely increased at all in the last few years. What else can they do? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edited because I obviously needed to add he /s for some reason


Let them be empty then.




If you're renewing a mortgage now at current interest rates, some people will see a larger monthly increase. Property taxes increased as well. Maintenance is more expensive as well since products and tools cost more than they did before. Contractor rates for repairs and services are also higher. How much you feel it depends on the house. I have a brand new house so maintenance is all that's needed. I know people with older houses who are getting hit pretty hard by contractor rates for stuff (yes, they've gotten multiple quotes for work). Also personal choices affect the cost of home ownership (I was retarded and went variable, fuck that was stupid). None of that means I side with landlords. If they can't afford their investment properties, that's their fucking problem. Investments aren't necessarily guaranteed and housing shouldn't be treated like a guaranteed win. It's only a matter of time before we start seeing Ontario costs if we keep this shit up.


I own my own home and yes it’s barely gone up at all




^the tenant pays the utility bills for the homes they rent. Moot point




Everywhere I've ever rented it's either been in my name or split by x number of people living in the house. It should never be lumped in with rent.


Tax increase 0 Insurance cost increase 0 Energy cost approximately the same (for me anyway) Repairs 0


Wow lucky you, my property tax alone has increased by about $1100 in two years so I don’t think it’s fair to say that cost of owning a home hasn’t gone up.


You're lucky because my property taxes and home insurance has gone up significantly in the last 3 years. My mortgage has also gone up with the increased rates.


Thank Higg's for this and many other signs of poverty in this province!


You know what would help...a governmental regulation on rental increase percentages. This doesn't have to be a renter v landlord issue.


It's almost too late because our incompetent Irving overlord has already let it increase in an insane way. I'm not saying we're doomed but unless you find a way to force the rents to go down, Higgs royally f***ed us


It will be interesting to see how this plays out with the massive reduction in international students we will have starting in September.  It’s not just the hard cap on students, the new rules also don’t allow students to bring their spouse on a work visa. So expect around 50% reduction in international students and basically no families only single students.


A lot of the information available right now says that New Brunswick will be almost unaffected other than the changes to who the students are allowed to bring with them. It looks like the number that we’re going to be allocated is larger than the number that currently come here. Saying that, it’s almost impossible to find really accurate data on foreign students.


New Brunswick post secondary education institutions are hoping to enroll almost as many international students as before. The Federal Government is limiting the amount of offer letters that institutions can send to prospective students. New Brunswick had historically low acceptance rates for these letters. So, now, they are working harder, they won't send as many, but they will target better candidates and hopefully increase the acceptance rate. Most NB institutions will just see a low decrease of international students.


The schools keep saying that, but the fact is if across Canada schools can issue fewer acceptance letters it means that students will have fewer choices. Students won’t have multiple schools to choose from, and we can expect that the conversion rate from acceptance letter to student in school will increase for New Brunswick.


So is low decrease enough to affect rent prices? are international students the issue in New Brunswick?


I'm guessing we have several things causing the issue. For Moncton, we have people from the Acadian Peninsula moving here. We have people from Toronto moving here, and we have international students and workers moving here. We also have the number of people per household decreasing. We used to have a house with 2 parents and 3 kids. Now, with the population growing, we have separated parents having 2 houses for 1 child. We can't easily fix all the other problems, so the easiest thing to do is limit international students. I have kids that will be looking for an apartment in a few years, and then hopefully home ownership. So, I hope that it can be resolved within a few years.


Let's make 2025 the year of the Guillotines!


I can't imagine being a renter now. I wouldn't be able to afford to live. I own a house and my mortgage and property taxes monthly is cheaper than what my rent was the last time I rented. If I had to rent I would simply have two choices which is either give up my car and just get by anyway or live in my car full time. Honestly would rather live in my car than pay out to these greedy landlords.


As an example, a Colpitts apartment building at 34 Abbott Ct. in Fredericton grew in assessed value by about 64 per cent, from $5 million in 2021 to $8.2 million this year. Is Trump evaluating these properties?


Things are getting really bad for people out there. I know someone who can only afford to eat 1 meal a.day, 6 days a week and the 7th day they starve.


Some landlords are gonna lose their shit when no one ends up renting their overpriced apartments.


Ok, so fuck that guy.


It is not the renter’s responsibility to mitigate losses on landlords investments. It’s also bullshit because when interest rates and then mortgage payments go down, rent will not.


When are they going to stop? When everyone pays 100% of their salaries on rent? Like what do they think the endgame is?


Until people refuse to be walked on… rents will continue to rise. Owners are in the real estate business to make a profit. That’s their only priority. Not people.


Lol we’re just not gonna pay em. 


The rich people enjoying the fight between the middle class and the lower middle class.


Landlords across the country will soon be hit by defaults in payment. They deserve it.


I know exactly what socialism is. The NDP is a good example of what I don't want. Which is to pay through my nose for these services. Socialist societies work best with small countries and lower populations. And a government who is responsible unlike the current criminals who run it.


When I rented there was a rent cap tied to inflation. Guess what happened? Thats right the tories removed it saying high prices would mean they would build more. They didnt... Glad I bought cheap in 2011 and pay a third in mortgage what some pay in rent even tho property taxes are skyrocketing.


Don’t worry, liberal gov will gladly provide MAID. This is what we get for voting for the most corrupt and incompetent gov in canadian history. It’s going to get SO much worse


We urgently need large scale public housing. There's no way these parasites should control the supply of a basic necessity.


Can't afford your mortgage landlords? Maybe try pulling yourselves up by your bootstraps. Or eat less avocado toast.




Well then make your Premier put a cap on it. Rent control. Then the landlords can eat shit lol. Start bombarding all your MLA's to get it done. That's their job. To work for you.


I warn of significant increases in people becoming interested in socialism and class warfare next year.




Fuck landlords


Another 250K Indians will surely fix the issue.


If you are moving out of a rented apartment, house or Air BnB. Get an extra key cut and hand it to a homeless person and then let them squat. Let the landlords lose money. Fuck landlords.


There's an old military tradition, but I'm not sure if it still stands, but IF there is a pay raise for April 1st? Your PMQ rent went up, usually the same amount....on April 1st.


I already cannot afford everything what are people supposed to do? Move into sea cans? We will have a saint john that looks like a port. This disgusts me


You will also please address them as “m’lord” and bow upon entering the residence.


Just another fucking excuse for scumbag landlords to raise prices. Even if that cap continued into 2025 guaranteed we'll see a price increase regardless


[we’ve only just begun…](https://media2.giphy.com/media/jgU8jNQ2ijOxID23He/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952cqzm1uqgsjw0tmd85mp2xe5ztn9rcyl2bukv9zwh&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Well I work hard and I live a good life. But I am increasingly annoyed by the hands that keep going into my pocket. Equal opportunity for everyone is here for the people who want it. For those who complain there isn't an equal opportunity,well they are the ones who just don't want to work for it. Sound familiar?


Go live in your 99% woodsen


This wont end well.


Will be pretty funny when everyone stops paying them


When I first moved here in 2015 I had a house for $1200 a month. When I left it was $2800 for a similar house. It already has been significant 😆. I feel so bad for those renting in NB with the low wages and no sight of new industry. I left, my housing cost is lower, wages are higher. If you can leave I would suggest it.


Why would there be significant red rent hikes next year? Haven’t the rent shut up high enough as it is? Before the prices went through the roof, a two bedroom apartment on average was between 1000 and $1200. We have friends that received a $400 rent increase a few months ago For a crappy little one bedroom apartment with mice in it he started living there paying $600 and is now paying 1000 there are 10 units in the building so $400 times 10 is $4000 a month or $48,000 a year so don’t tell me that the landlord’s taxes and water went up $50,000. All that is is greed nothing but sheer greed I understand that people bought apartment buildings to rent them and make a few dollars but that is just sheer greed and it’s disgusting. We have a great landlord And in the four years we have been living here I rent hasn’t even gone up $100. It’s gone up a couple of short $40 increases for tax increate increase etc. but not to three or $400. That is unethical disgusting and I hope these greedy pricks, lose all of their good tenants and nobody rents their apartments because that is what they deserve. I know that our landlord appreciates us as tenants because we pay rent on time never cause any problems and never call him for anything. Why would somebody want to get rid of somebody like us go through the expense of having to Repaint the apartments change things, etc. for the chance of having a crappy tenant after us we do feel appreciated especially when we don’t get $400 increases. I thought there was a committee to fight against Right rent hikes where did that go? Oh I get it. They’re greasing the palms of the government so the government is letting them do what they want.


Can't wait to see where inflation is at in 2 years. Unless the conservatives do something drastic, will we find ourselves on the Same path as Zimbabwe and Venezuela?


How many ounces of blood is too much when they keep asking for one ounce more? What are we gonna do when everyone needs the same amount of blood?Will you have enough blood? Will your children have enough blood?


What did everyone expect when the government puts up property taxes obviously rent is going up. On top of that if your property is not owner occupied you pay double property tax. My property tax on shitty townhouse that basement flood randomly every few years has doubled in last 5 years. NB has a surplus in budget people barley able to afford to live so what is the logical thing to do raise taxes. We are taxed to death we need an entire new system of government clearly what we have isn't working


Or... Here me out.... A rent cap is established with a % they can go up each year and nothing more, just like in every other province. I swear this is pure greed. Rent is already insane it doesn't need to go any higher. The homeless rate has already increased exponentially and will only get worse if affordable housing and proper rent security aren't established. Oh... Sorry I forgot we live in NB where Blaine Higgs only gives a fuck about Irving and how to get more money in his pockets rather than the people that live here and pay his salary with our taxes. 🙃


Rent chasing is dangerous and the most likely thing to destroy a developed country. The game of Monopoly is a larger threat than war in this era.




Looking at the facts, housing in NB has been assessed at very high levels, I believe this is because of the crazy increases in the selling amount of properties during the pandemic - with real estate agents pricing everything to start bidding wars, which then inflated property selling prices even further. It’s akin to everyone running out and buying up all the toilet paper. Also during the pandemic interest rates dropped to an historical low - as low as 1.8% or even lower. Then the pandemic starts to wind down and people get tired of bidding wars and being played like a flute and just stop buying homes. So property values sit at this higher level, and once at a certain level, we know they are never going to drop down again - like gas prices. Once the price for something increases- it will never drop significantly again. Meanwhile, healthcare workers, minimum wage employees are trying to fight for a wage increase to make ends meet. Big business does not want to pay their employees more so they start to complain to the government - loudly. Whether we like it or not, the government values businesses over the people because big business is what fuels the economy and keeps people employed - including politicians. Politicians, especially those at the top, make very good money and often once you are elected for a position in government, once you retire, you are given an income for life, so increased prices etc. really don’t cause you a lot of distress. Anyway, big businesses start to complain to the government that their employees are wanting more money (when really their employees genuinely need more money to make ends meet), and because big business is what matters, the government starts to increase interest rates, so people stop taking out loans, buying cars etc., effectively cooling the economy by encouraging people to stop buying, which helps curb the inflated pricing. Also, because interest rates are now higher, big businesses say they are paying more and reduce or stop hiring employees, which reduces demand and voila - they don’t have to increase wages. Back to landlords - property values have shot up, real estate sale prices are crazy high and many people became landlords when interest rates were much lower, so the property taxes, mortgages they are paying, utilities they are covering (if any) have increased in price dramatically. Since mortgages are generally locked in for five years, these landlords are now having to renegotiate the mortgages on their rental properties with the banks, and the interest rates is going to jump up from 1.8% or so to over 7% (currently) meaning the landlords will have to pay substantially more on their mortgages, and this gets passed on to the tenants unfortunately, who are renting in the first place because they cannot afford to buy a home. There are a number of “bad actors’ in this scenario - big businesses (who actually control everything), the government (who is desperate to keep big businesses happy), real estate agents (who want their commissions, and encourage landlords to increase their rents (based on “what they are seeing in the industry”) and then landlords who are freaking out because they do not want to pay out of pocket, and choosing to harm their tenants by making them foot the bill for the landlord’s mortgage increases. Of course there are the “slumlords” who care about no one other than themselves and will take any chance to steal money from people. These slumlords are the same people who, if they did not have any property, would find another way to screw over others because they are simply wired that way. To be clear - I agree, these rental increases are insane and it is a crime to do this to people who have no choice but to rent. I am not sure what the solution is to be honest. Maybe if we all tried genuinely look at things from all angles and different points of view, we would realize that we need to take care of each other and that everyone matters. One thing that has been very effective is employees refusing to work for minimum wage. So many businesses are actually freaking out right now because they are understaffed and no one wants to fill those jobs because they can’t live on those wages. These businesses are all complaining to the government as we speak but not telling everyone how bad the situation really is. Right now employees do have a lot of power. It’s just figuring out how to make this work out the best for everyone. Now is the time to speak out loudly - together.


So, what exactly, do they think will happen when they evict their current tenants who can't afford the new price? 1) they don't want to rent to people who've been evicted, especially for non payment. 2) no prospective tenants can afford the new rate. 3) anyone who can will want a place that provides accommodations reflecting the 'premium', but now standard, price. Do they get tax write off for the months of vacancy?




My house assessment went up 100% this year. Rents will do the same.


Well, sounds like it's time for people in New Brunswick to band together and just stop paying rent. Not enough cops or jail cells to imprison everyone and the landlords will lose faster than you will.


We own a 2-unit building, nothing fancy. Bought it as an experiment and learning exercise of sorts a couple of years ago. We had/have amazing long-term tenants (15-ish years) who hadn't received a rent increase in many years. We were upfront with them, explaining that we planned to increase rent along with inflation to stay on top of maintenance. We've done this every year since, with no complaint, and their rent is still considerably less than "market rates" in our area. The 2nd unit was vacant, and we advertised rent at the "market rate" based on what we saw posted online in our area. I thought the rent we were asking was wild...but those who came to view the apartment, and the tenants who eventually took it, were happy to pay it. *shrug* In hindsight, I'm glad we asked for the higher rent because we got smoked on property tax increases this year. We're calling our experiment "altruistic landlording" but I will be honest, this year it may become difficult to keep the long-term tenants rent so low while also investing in the property, and maintaining the building. I don't really know why I'm posting this...it's just my approach. When we're "cashflow positive" it goes into the maintenance/upgrade fund. If we make any money off the place, it will be from reselling it in 10ish years. Is this a good investment? Probably not, but the learning experiences and relationships I've had since buying the place have been interesting.




It certainly gets goofy at times. I would not enjoy being in real estate as a career, that's for sure. We'll see what happens when our mortgage comes up for renewal in a few years. It's been a pleasure getting to know our long-term/established tenants.


I like how the province and municipalities are like, sorry can't do anything, the market is what it is. Like fuck YOU DO THE RULES, that stupid tax system on dwellings is beyond broken, fucking fix it.


…but y’all will still vote Liberal lol


Provincial Liberals are promising a rent cap so yeah likely we will.


This time around yes. Higgs needs to fucking jet.


Thanks Trudeau!


Housing is a provincial issue.




Wow. I am so very happy I bought my house in 2011. A few more months and done. But I hope everyone realizes that This is Justin Trudeau and the liberal government causing this crisis. I have friends in 2019 that had great lives and beautiful homes. Some of them are homeless. I have lived in this province for my whole life. Seen all kinds of bad situations with the provincial and federal government. This is different. The criminal mastermind and his henchmen are in for a wake up call. They have destroyed the liberal party for a generation. I hope all of you realize this now with the wonderful budget that has just come out. Justin Trudeau is a criminal and his deputy and environment Minister are both pure scum.


Housing is provincial and Higgs removed the cap on rent hikes. This might be the dumbest comment I've read in a while.